5.9. Configuring System Management with CLI

This section provides information about configuring system management features with the CLI.

5.9.1. System Management Saving Configurations

When configuration changes are made, the modified configuration must be saved so the changes are not lost when the system is rebooted. The system uses the configuration and image files, as well as other operational parameters necessary for system initialization, according to the locations specified in the BOF parameters. See Boot Options for more information about boot option files.

Configuration files are saved by executing implicit or explicit command syntax.

  1. An explicit save writes the configuration to the location specified in the save command syntax using the file-url option.
  2. An implicit save writes the configuration to the file specified in the primary configuration location.
    If the file-url option is not specified in the save command syntax, the system attempts to save the current configuration to the current BOF primary configuration source. If the primary configuration source (path and/or filename) has changed since the last boot, the new configuration source is used.

Use the detail option of the save command to save both default and non-default configuration parameters.

The index option ensures that the system preserves system indexes when a save command is executed, regardless of the persistent status in the BOF. During a subsequent boot, the index file is read along with the configuration file. As a result, a number of system indexes are preserved between reboots, including the interface index, LSP IDs, and path IDs. This reduces resynchronizations of the network management system (NMS) with the affected network element.

If the save attempt fails at the destination, an error occurs and is logged. The system does not try to save the file to the secondary or tertiary configuration sources unless the path and filename are explicitly named with the save command.

5.9.2. Basic System Configuration

This section provides information about configuring system parameters and provides configuration examples of common configuration tasks. The minimal system parameters that should be configured are the following:

The following example shows a basic system configuration.

A:ALA-12>config>system# info
echo "System Configuration "
        name "ALA-12"
        coordinates "Unknown"
                community "private" rwa version both
                no shutdown
            zone GMT

5.9.3. Common Configuration Tasks

This section provides a brief overview of the tasks that must be performed to configure system parameters and provides the CLI commands. System Information

This section covers the basic system information parameters to configure the physical location of the router, contact information, location information for the router (for example, an address, floor or room number), global positioning system (GPS) coordinates, and system name.

Use the CLI syntax displayed in this section to configure the following system components: System Information Parameters

This section describes the system information parameters.

General system parameters include: Name

Use the name command to configure a name for the device. The name is used in the prompt string. Only one system name can be configured. If multiple system names are configured, the last one encountered overwrites the previous entry.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure the system name.

CLI Syntax:
name system-name

The following example shows the command usage to configure the system name.

config>system# name ALA-12

The following is a sample configuration output for the system name.

sysName@domain>config>system# info
echo "System Configuration "
        name "ALA-12"
. . .
sysName@domain>config>system# Contact

Use the contact command to specify the name of a system administrator, IT staff member, or other administrative entity.

Use the following syntax to specify the contact name.

CLI Syntax:
contact contact-name

The following example shows the command usage to specify the contact name.

config>system# contact “Fred Information Technology” Location

Use the location command to specify the system location of the device. For example, enter the city, building address, floor, or room number where the router is located.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure the location.

CLI Syntax:
location location

The following example shows the command usage to configure the location.

config>system# location “Bldg.1-floor 2-Room 201” CLLI Code

The Common Language Location Code (CLLI code) is an 11-character standardized geographic identifier that is used to uniquely identify the geographic location of a router.

Use the following CLI command syntax to define the CLLI code.

CLI Syntax:
clli-code clli-code

The following example shows the command usage to define the CLLI code.

config>system# clli-code abcdefg1234 Coordinates

Use the optional coordinates command to specify the GPS location of the device. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure the location.

CLI Syntax:
coordinates coordinates

The following example shows the command usage to configure the location.

config>system# coordinates "N 45 58 23, W 34 56 12"

The following is a sample configuration output of the general system commands.

sysName@domain>config>system# info
echo "System Configuration "
name "ALA-12"
        contact "Fred Information Technology"
        location "Bldg.1-floor 2-Room 201"
        clli-code "abcdefg1234"
        coordinates "N 45 58 23, W 34 56 12"
. . .
A:ALA-12>config>system# System Time Elements

The system clock maintains time according to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Configure information time zone and summer time (daylight savings time) parameters to correctly display time according to the local time zone.

Time elements include: Zone

The zone command sets the time zone and/or time zone offset for the device. The 7210 SAS supports system-defined and user-defined time zones. Table 33 describes system-defined time zones.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure the time zone.

CLI Syntax:
zone std-zone-name|non-std-zone-name [hh [:mm]]

The following example shows the command usage to configure the time zone.

config>system>time# zone GMT

The following is a sample zone output.

A:ALA-12>config>system>time# info
                no shutdown
zone UTC 
Table 33:  System-defined Time Zones  


Time Zone Name

UTC Offset



Greenwich Mean Time



Western Europe Time



Western Europe Summer Time

UTC +1 hour


Central Europe Time

UTC +1 hour


Central Europe Summer Time

UTC +2 hours


Eastern Europe Time

UTC +2 hours


Eastern Europe Summer Time

UTC +3 hours


Moscow Time

UTC +3 hours


Moscow Summer Time

UTC +4 hours

US and Canada:


Atlantic Standard Time

UTC -4 hours


Atlantic Daylight Time

UTC -3 hours


Eastern Standard Time

UTC -5 hours


Eastern Daylight Saving Time

UTC -4 hours


Central Standard Time

UTC -6 hours


Central Daylight Saving Time

UTC -5 hours


Mountain Standard Time

UTC -7 hours


Mountain Daylight Saving Time

UTC -6 hours


Pacific Standard Time

UTC -8 hours


Pacific Daylight Saving Time

UTC -7 hours


Hawaiian Standard Time

UTC -10 hours


Alaska Standard Time

UTC -9 hours


Alaska Standard Daylight Saving Time

UTC -8 hours

Australia and New Zealand:


Western Standard Time (e.g., Perth)

UTC +8 hours


Central Standard Time (e.g., Darwin)

UTC +9.5 hours


Eastern Standard/Summer Time (e.g., Canberra)

UTC +10 hours


New Zealand Standard Time

UTC +12 hours


New Zealand Daylight Saving Time

UTC +13 hours Summer Time Conditions

The config>system>time>dst-zone context configures the start and end dates and offset for summer time or daylight savings time to override system defaults or for user-defined time zones.

When configured, the time is adjusted by adding the configured offset when summer time starts and subtracting the configured offset when summer time ends.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure summer time conditions.

CLI Syntax:
dst-zone zone-name
end {end-week} {end-day} {end-month} [hours-minutes]
offset offset
start {start-week} {start-day} {start-month} [hours-minutes]

The following example shows the command usage to configure summer time conditions.

config>system# time
config>system>time# dst-zone pt
config>system>time>dst-zone# start second sunday april 02:00
end first sunday october 02:00
config>system>time>dst-zone# offset 0

If the time zone configured is listed in Table 33, then the starting and ending parameters and offset do not need to be configured with this command unless there is a need to override the system defaults. The command will return an error if the start and ending dates and times are not available either in Table 33 or entered as optional parameters in this command.

The following is a sample output for the configured parameters.

A:ALA-48>config>system>time>dst-zone# info 
                start second sunday april 02:00
                end first sunday october 02:00
                offset 0
A:ALA-48>config>system>time>dst-zone# offset 0 NTP

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is defined in RFC 1305, Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Specification, Implementation and Analysis. It enables participating network nodes to keep time more accurately and maintain time in a synchronized manner between all participating network nodes. Authentication-check

The authentication-check command provides the option to skip the rejection of NTP PDUs that do not match the authentication key or authentication type requirements. The default behavior when authentication is configured is to reject all NTP PDUs that have a mismatch in either the authentication key ID, type, or key.

When authentication-check is configured, NTP PDUs are authenticated on receipt. However, mismatches cause a counter to be incremented, one counter for the key ID, one for the type, and one for key value mismatches.

Use the following CLI syntax to authenticate NTP PDUs on receipt.

CLI Syntax:

The following example shows the command usage to authenticate NTP PDUs on receipt.

config>system>time>ntp# authentication-check
config>system>time>ntp# no shutdown Authentication-key

The authentication-key command configures an authentication key ID, key type, and key used to authenticate NTP PDUs sent to and received from other network elements participating in the NTP protocol. For authentication to work, the authentication key ID, authentication type, and authentication key values must match.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure an authentication key ID, key type, and key.

CLI Syntax:
authentication-key key-id {key key} [hash | hash2] type {des|message-digest}

The following example shows the command usage to configure an authentication key ID, key type, and key.

config>system>time>ntp# authentication-key 1 key A type des
config>system>time>ntp# no shutdown

The following sample configuration shows NTP disabled with the authentication-key parameter enabled.

A:sim1>config>system>time>ntp# info
                authentication-key 1 key "OAwgNUlbzgI" hash2 type des 
A:sim1>config>system>time>ntp# Broadcast

The broadcast command is used to transmit broadcast packets on a specific subnet.

Use the following CLI syntax to transmit broadcast packets.

CLI Syntax:
broadcast [router router-name] {interface
ip-int-name> [key-id key-id] [version version]
[ttl ttl]

The following example shows the command usage to transmit broadcast packets.

config>system>time>ntp# broadcast interface int11 version 4
ttl 127
config>system>time>ntp# no shutdown

The following sample configuration of the system>time context shows NTP enabled with the broadcast command configured.

A:sim1>config>system>time# info detail
                no shutdown
                broadcast interface int11 version 4 ttl 127

The following sample configuration shows NTP enabled in the config context with the broadcast command configured. At this level, the NTP broadcast commands are displayed at the end of the output after the router interfaces are shown.

A:sim1>config info
echo "System Time NTP Configuration"
                broadcast interface toboth
A:sim1>config Broadcastclient

The broadcastclient command enables listening to NTP broadcast messages on the specified interface.

Use the following CLI syntax to enable listening to NTP broadcast messages.

CLI Syntax:
broadcastclient [router router-name] {interface ip-int-name} [authenticate]

The following example shows the command usage to enable listening to NTP broadcast messages.

config>system>time>ntp# broadcastclient interface int11
config>system>time>ntp# no shutdown

The following is a sample configuration of NTP enabled with the broadcastclient parameter enabled.

A:ALA-12>config>system>time# info
                broadcastclient interface int11
                no shutdown
            dst-zone PT
                start second sunday april 02:00
                end first sunday october 02:00
                offset 0
            zone UTC
A:ALA-12>config>system>time# NTP-server

This command configures the node to assume the role of an NTP server. Unless the server command is used, this node will function as an NTP client only and will not distribute the time to downstream network elements. If an authentication key ID is specified in this command, the NTP server requires client packets to be authenticated.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure the node to function as an NTP client.

CLI Syntax:
ntp-server [transmit key-id]

The following example shows the command usage to configure the node to function as an NTP client.

config>system>time>ntp# ntp-server transmit 1
config>system>time>ntp# no shutdown

The following is a sample configuration output of NTP enabled with the ntp-server command configured.

A:sim1>config>system>time>ntp# info
        no shutdown
A:sim1>config>system>time>ntp# Peer

Configuration of an NTP peer configures symmetric active mode for the configured peer. Although any system can be configured to peer with any other NTP node, Nokia recommends to configure authentication and to configure known time servers as their peers. Use the no form of the command to remove the configured peer.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure symmetric active mode.

CLI Syntax:
peer ip-address [version version] [key-id key-id]

The following example shows the command usage to configure symmetric active mode.

config>system>time>ntp# peer key-id 1
config>system>time>ntp# no shutdown

The following is a sample configuration output of NTP enabled with the peer command configured.

A:sim1>config>system>time>ntp# info
            no shutdown
            peer key-id 1 
A:sim1>config>system>time>ntp# Server

The server command is used when the node operates in client mode with the NTP server specified in the address field. Use the no form of this command to remove the server with the specified address from the configuration. Up to five NTP servers can be configured.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure the node to operate in client mode.

CLI Syntax:
server {ip-address |ptp} [key-id key-id] [version version] [prefer]

The following example shows the command usage to configure the node to operate in client mode.

config>system>time>ntp# server key-id 1
config>system>time>ntp# no shutdown

The following is a sample configuration output of NTP enabled with the server command configured.

A:7210SAS>config>system>time>ntp# info 
                server ptp prefer
                broadcast interface "a1"
                no shutdown
A:7210SAS>config>system>time>ntp# SNTP

SNTP is a compact, client-only version of the NTP. SNTP can only receive the time from SNTP/NTP servers; it cannot be used to provide time services to other systems. SNTP can be configured in either broadcast or unicast client mode.

SNTP time elements include:

Use the following CLI syntax to configure the SNTP.

CLI Syntax:
server-address ip-address [version version-number] [normal|preferred] [interval seconds]
no shutdown Broadcast-client

The broadcast-client command enables listening at the global device level to SNTP broadcast messages on interfaces with broadcast client enabled.

Use the following CLI syntax to enable listening to SNTP broadcast messages.

CLI Syntax:

The following example shows the command usage to enable listening to SNTP broadcast messages:

config>system>time>sntp# broadcast-client
config>system>time>sntp# no shutdown

The following is a sample configuration output of SNTP enabled with the broadcast-client command enabled.

A:ALA-12>config>system>time# info
                no shutdown
            dst-zone PT
                start second sunday april 02:00
                end first sunday october 02:00
                offset 0
            zone GMT
A:ALA-12>config>system>time# Server-address

The server-address command configures an SNTP server for SNTP unicast client mode.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure an SNTP server for unicast client mode.

CLI Syntax:
server-address ip-address version version-number] [normal|preferred] [interval seconds]

The following example shows the command usage to configure an SNTP server for unicast client mode.

config>system>time# server-address version
1 preferred interval 100

The following is a sample configuration output of SNTP enabled with the server-address command configured.

A:ALA-12>config>system>time# info
                server-address version 1 preferred interval 100
                no shutdown
            dst-zone PT start-date 2006/04/04 12:00 end-date 2006/10/25 12:00
            zone GMT
A:ALA-12>config>system>time# CRON

The cron command supports the Service Assurance Agent (SAA) functions and the ability to schedule turning on and off policies to meet “Time of Day” requirements. CRON functionality includes the ability to specify the commands that need to be run, when they will be scheduled, including one-time only functionality (oneshot), interval and calendar functions, as well as where to store the output of the results. In addition, CRON can specify the relationship between input, output, and schedule. Scheduled reboots, peer turn ups, service assurance agent tests and more can all be scheduled with CRON, as well as OAM events, such as connectivity checks, or troubleshooting runs.

CRON elements include: Schedule

The schedule command configures the type of schedule to run, including one-time only (oneshot), periodic, or calendar-based runs. All runs are determined by month, day of month or weekday, hour, minute, and interval (seconds). If end-time and interval are both configured, whichever condition is reached first is applied.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure the type of schedule to run.

CLI Syntax:
schedule schedule-name [owner schedule-owner]
count number
day-of-month {day-number [..day-number]|all}
description description-string
end-time [date|day-name] time
hour {hour-number [..hour-number] | all}
interval seconds
minute {minute-number [..minute-number]|all}
month {month-number [..month-number]|month-name [..month-name]|all}
no shutdown
type {periodic|calendar|oneshot}
weekday {weekday-number [..weekday-number]|day-name [..day-name]|all}

The following example shows the command usage to configure the type of schedule to run.

config>system>cron# schedule test2
config>system>cron>sched# day-of-month 17
config>system>cron>sched# end-time 2007/07/17 12:00
config>system>cron>sched# minute 0 15 30 45
config>system>cron>sched# weekday friday
config>system>cron>sched# shut

The following is a sample configuration output that schedules a script named “test2” to run every 15 minutes on the 17th of each month and every Friday until noon on July 17, 2007.

*A:SR-3>config>system>cron# info 
        schedule "test2"
            day-of-month 17           
            minute 0 15 30 45
            weekday friday 
            end-time 2007/07/17 12:00
*A:SR-3>config>system>cron# Script

The script command opens a new nodal context, which contains information about a script.

Use the following CLI syntax to create a nodal context.

CLI Syntax:
script script-name [owner script-owner]
description description-string
location file-url

The following example shows the command usage to create a nodal context called “test”.

config>system>cron# script test

The following is a sample configuration output that names a script “test”.

A:sim1>config>system>cron# info
        script "test"
            location ""
            no shutdown 
A:sim1>config>system>cron# Time Range

ACLs and QoS policy configurations may be enhanced to support time-based matching. CRON configuration includes time matching with the 'schedule' subcommand. Schedules are based on events; time-range defines an end-time that is used as a match criteria.

Time range elements include: Create

Use this command to enable the time-range context.

Use the following syntax to create a time range.

CLI Syntax:
time-range name create

The following example shows the command usage to create a time-range called "test1".

config>system>cron# time-range test1 create
config>system>cron>time-range$ Absolute

The absolute command configures a start and end time that will not repeat.

Use the following syntax to configure a time range that will not repeat.

CLI Syntax:
absolute absolute-time end absolute-time

The following example shows the command usage to configure a non-repetitive time range.

config>system>cron>time-range$ absolute start 2006/05/05,11:00 end

The following is a sample configuration output of an absolute time range beginning on May 5, 2006 at 11:00 and ending May 6, 2006 at 11:01.

A:sim1>config>system>cron>time-range# show cron time-range detail
Cron time-range details
Name        : test1
Triggers    : 0
Status      : Inactive
Absolute    : start 2006/05/05,11:00 end 2006/05/06,11:01
A:sim1>config>system>cron>time-range# Daily

The daily command configures the start and end of a periodic schedule for every day of the week (Sunday through Saturday).

Use the following syntax to configure a time range that is repeated daily.

CLI Syntax:
daily start time-of-day end time-of-day

The following example shows the command usage to create a time range that is repeated daily.

config>system>cron>time-range$ daily start 11:00 end 12:00

The following is a sample configuration output of a daily time range beginning at 11:00 and ending at 12:00.

A:sim1>config>system>cron>time-range# show cron time-range detail      
Cron time-range details
Name        : 1
Triggers    : 0
Status      : Inactive
Periodic    : daily   Start 11:00 End 12:00
A:sim1>config>system>cron>time-range# Weekdays

The weekdays command configures the start and end of a periodic schedule for weekdays (Monday through Friday).

Use the following syntax to configure a time range that is repeated on weekdays.

CLI Syntax:
weekdays start time-of-day end time-of-day

The following example shows the command usage to create a time range that is repeated on weekdays.

config>system>cron>time-range$ weekdays start 11:00 end 12:00

The following is a sample configuration output of a time range beginning at 11:00 and ending at 12:00. This schedule runs all weekdays during this time period.

A:sim1>config>system>cron>time-range# show cron time-range detail   
Cron time-range details
Name        : 1
Triggers    : 0
Status      : Inactive
Periodic    : weekdays Start 11:00 End 12:00
A:sim1>config>system>cron>time-range# Weekend

The weekend command configures the start and end of a periodic schedule for weekends (Saturday and Sunday). The resolution must be at least one minute apart, for example, start at 11:00 and end at 11:01. A start time and end time of 11:00 is invalid.

Use the following syntax to configure a time range that is repeated on weekends.

CLI Syntax:
weekend start time-of-day end time-of-day

The following example shows the command usage to create a time range that is repeated on weekends.

config>system>cron>time-range$ weekend start 11:00 end 12:00

The following is a sample configuration output of a weekend time range beginning at 11:00am and ending at 12:00pm, both Saturday and Sunday.

To specify 11:00am to 12:00pm on Saturday or Sunday only, use the absolute parameter for one day, or the weekly parameter for every Saturday or Sunday accordingly. In addition, see the schedule parameter to schedule oneshot or periodic events in the config>system>cron context.

A:sim1>config>system>cron>time-range# show cron time-range detail  
Cron time-range details
Name        : 1
Triggers    : 0
Status      : Inactive
Periodic    : weekend Start 11:00 End 12:00 Weekly

The weekly command configures the start and end of a periodic schedule for the same day every week, for example, every Friday. The start and end dates must be the same. The resolution must be at least one minute apart, for example, start at 11:00 and end at 11:01. A start time and end time of 11:00 is invalid.

Use the following syntax to create a time range that is repeated weekly.

CLI Syntax:
weekly start time-in-week end time-in-week

The following example shows the command usage to create a time range that is repeated weekly.

config>system>cron>time-range$ start fri,01:01 end fri,01:02

The following is a sample configuration output of a weekly time range beginning on Friday at 1:01am ending Friday at 1:02am.

A:sim1>config>system>cron>time-range$ info
        weekly start fri,01:01 end fri,01:02
A:sim1>config>system>cron>time-range$ Time of Day

Time of Day (TOD) suites are useful when configuring many types of time-based policies or when a large number of subscribers or SAPs require the same type of TOD changes. The TOD suite may be configured while using specific ingress or egress ACLs or QoS policies, and is an enhancement of the ingress and egress CLI trees. SAPs
  1. If a TOD suite is assigned to a SAP; statistics collection are not collected for that SAP.
  2. When an item is configured both on the SAP level and in the TOD suite assigned to the SAP, the TOD suite defined value takes precedence.
  3. A policy or filter assignment configured directly on a SAP has a lower priority than any assignment in a TOD suite. Therefore, it is possible that a new direct configuration has no immediate effect. If the configuration is made by CLI, a warning is given. Egress

This command is an enhancement for specific egress policies. Use this command to create time range based associations of previously created filter lists, QoS and scheduler policies. Multiple policies may be included and each must be assigned a different priority; in case time ranges overlap, the priority will be used to determine the prevailing policy. Only a single reference to a policy may be included without a time range. Filters

In a TOD suite, filters that have entries with time ranges may not be selected. Similarly, filter entries with a time range may not be created while a TOD suite refers to that filter. QoS policies and filters referred to by a TOD suite must have the scope “template” (default).

Use the following syntax to configure TOD-suite egress parameters.

CLI Syntax:
tod-suite tod-suite-name create
filter ip ip-filter-id [time-range time-range-name]
[priority priority]
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id [time-range time-range-name]
[priority priority]
filter mac mac-filter-id [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]

The following example shows the command usage to configure TOD-suite egress parameters.

config>system>cron>tod-suite$ egress filter ip 100

The following is a sample configuration outpur of an egress IP filter association with filter ID 100.

sim1>config>filter# ip-filter 100 create
A:sim1>config>filter>ip-filter$ entry 10 create
A:sim1>config>system>cron>tod-suite# egress filter ip 100
A:sim1>config>system>cron>tod-suite# info detail
            no description
                filter ip 100 
A:sim1>config>system>cron>tod-suite# Ingress

This command is an enhancement for specific ingress policies including filter lists and QoS policies. Use this command to create time range based associations of previously created filter lists and QoS policies. Multiple policies may be included and each must be assigned a different priority; in case time ranges overlap, the priority will be used to determine the prevailing policy. Only a single reference to a policy may be included without a time range. To configure a daily time range across midnight, use a combination of two entries. An entry that starts at hour zero will take over from an entry that ends at hour 24.

Use the following syntax to configure time range based associations.

CLI Syntax:
tod-suite tod-suite-name create
filter ip ip-filter-id [time-range time-range-name]
[priority priority]
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id [time-range time-range-name]
filter mac mac-filter-id [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]
qos policy-id [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]

The following example shows the command usage to configure an IP filter association.

config>system>cron>tod-suite$ ingress filter ip 100

The following is a sample configuration output of an ingress IP filter association with filter ID 100.

sim1>config>filter# ip-filter 100 create
A:sim1>config>filter>ip-filter$ entry 10 create
A:sim1>config>system>cron>tod-suite# ingress filter ip 100
A:sim1>config>system>cron>tod-suite# info detail
            no description
                filter ip 100 

The following example shows the command usage to configure an association with a SAP ingress QoS policy.

config>system>cron>tod-suite$ ingress qos 101

The following is a sample configuration output of an association with a SAP ingress QoS policy.

A:sim1>config>qos# sap-egress 101 create
A:sim1>config>system>cron>tod-suite# ingress qos 101 
A:sim1>config>system>cron>tod-suite# info detail
            no description
                qos 101 
A:sim1>config>system>cron>tod-suite# Configuring Backup Copies

The config-backup command allows you to specify the maximum number of backup versions of the configuration and index files kept in the primary location.

For example, assume the config-backup count is set to 5 and the configuration file is named xyz.cfg. When a save command is issued, the xyz.cfg file is saved with a .1 extension. Each subsequent config-backup command increments the numeric extension until the maximum count is reached. The oldest file (5) is deleted as more recent files are saved.








Each persistent index file is updated at the same time as the associated configuration file. When the index file is updated, the save is performed to xyz .cfg and the index file is created as xyz.ndx. Synchronization between the active and standby is performed for all configurations and their associated persistent index files.

Use the following CLI syntax to specify the maximum number of backup versions of the configuration and index files kept in the primary location.

CLI Syntax:
config-backup <count>

The following example shows the command usage to set the maximum number of backup versions of the configuration and index files kept in the primary location to 7.

config>system# config-backup 7

The following is a sample configuration output for the config-backup command.

A:ALA-12>config>system>time# info
echo "System Configuration"
        name "ALA-12"
        contact "Fred Information Technology"
        location "Bldg.1-floor 2-Room 201"
        clli-code "abcdefg1234"
        coordinates "N 45 58 23, W 34 56 12"
        config-backup 7

5.9.4. System Administration Parameters

This section describes the CLI syntax to configure the following system administration parameters. Validating the Golden Bootstrap Image

The admin>check-golden-bootstrap command validates the current golden bootstrap image and displays its version.

Use the following syntax to validate the current golden boot strap image.

CLI Syntax:

The following example shows the command usage to validate the current bootstrap image.

admin# check-golden-bootstrap

The following is a sample output.

version TiMOS-L-0.0.I312
Golden Bootstrap Image validation successful Updating the Golden Bootstrap Image

The admin>update-golden-bootstrap command validates the input file and updates the golden bootstrap image with the contents of this file.

Use the following syntax to update the golden boot strap image.

CLI Syntax:
update-golden-bootstrap [file-url]

The following example shows the command usage to update the bootstrap image.

admin# update-golden-bootstrap boot.tim

The following is a sample output.

Updating Golden Bootstrap Image from "boot.tim"
This operation must not be interrupted
Updating Golden Bootstrap image .... Completed. Disconnect

The disconnect command immediately disconnects a user from a console, Telnet, FTP, or SSH session.


Configuration modifications are saved to the primary image file.

Use the following syntax to disconnect a user from a session.

CLI Syntax:
disconnect [address ip-address |username user-name | {console|telnet|ftp|ssh}]

The following example shows the command usage to disconnect a user from a session.

admin# disconnect

The following is a sample output of the disconnect command.

ALA-1>admin# disconnect
ALA-1>admin# Logged out by the administrator
Connection to host lost.
C:\> Set-time

Use the set-time command to set the system date and time. The time entered should be accurate for the time zone configured for the system. The system will convert the local time to UTC before saving to the system clock, which is always set to UTC. If SNTP or NTP is enabled (no shutdown), this command cannot be used. The set-time command does not take into account any daylight saving offset, if defined.

Use the following syntax to set the system date and time.

CLI Syntax:
set-time date time

The following example shows the command usage to set the system date and time.

admin# set-time 2007/02/06 04:10:00

The following is a sample output of the set-time command.

ALA-2# admin set-time 2007/02/06 04:10:00
ALA-2# show time
Thu Feb 2 04:10:04 GMT 2007
ALA-2# Display-config

The display-config command displays the running configuration of the system.

Use the following syntax to display the running configuration of the system.

CLI Syntax:
display-config [detail] [index]

The following example shows the command usage to display the detailed running configuration of the system.

admin# display-config detail

The following is a portion of the sample configuration output of the display-config detail command.

A:ALA-12>admin# display-config detail
echo "System Configuration"
        name "ALA-12"
        contact "Fred Information Technology"
        location "Bldg.1-floor 2-Room 201"
        clli-code "abcdefg1234"
        coordinates "N 45 58 23, W 34 56 12"
        config-backup 7
        boot-good-exec "ftp://test:test@192.168.xx.xxx/./1xx.cfg.A"
        boot-bad-exec "ftp://test:test@192.168.xx.xxx/./1xx.cfg.1"
        lacp-system-priority 1
        no synchronize
            engineID "0000197f000000000467ff00"
            packet-size 1500
            general-port 161
                inbound-max-sessions 3
                inbound-max-sessions 5
                outbound-max-sessions 2
            idle-timeout 1440
            pre-login-message "Property of Service Routing Inc.Unauthorized 
access prohibited."
            motd text “Notice to all users: Software upgrade scheduled 3/2 1:00 AM"
                default-action permit
                entry 1
                    no description
... Tech-support


This command should only be used with explicit authorization and direction from the Nokia Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Save

The save command saves the running configuration to a configuration file. If the debug-save parameter is specified, debug configurations are saved in the configuration file; otherwise, the debug configurations are not saved between reboots.

Use the following syntax to save the running configuration and debug configurations to a configuration file.

CLI Syntax:
save [file-url] [detail] [index]
debug-save [file-url]

The following example shows the command usage to save the running configuration and the debug configurations to a configuration file.

admin# save ftp://test:test@192.168.x.xx/./1.cfg
admin# debug-save debugsave.txt

The following is a sample output of the save command.

A:ALA-1>admin# save ftp://test:test@192.168.x.xx/./1x.cfg
Writing file to ftp://test:test@192.168.x.xx/./1x.cfg
Saving configuration ...Completed.
ALA-1>admin# debug-save ftp://test:test@192.168.x.xx/./debugsave.txt
Writing file to ftp://julie:julie@192.168.x.xx/./debugsave.txt
Saving debug configuration .....Completed.
A:ALA-1>admin# Reboot

The reboot command reboots the router, including redundant cards in redundant systems. If the now option is not specified, you are prompted to confirm the reboot operation.

Use the following syntax to reboot the router.

CLI Syntax:
reboot [auto-init][now]

The following example shows the command usage to reboot the router.

admin# reboot now

The following is a sample output of the reboot command.

A:ALA-1>admin# reboot now
Are you sure you want to reboot (y/n)? y
Using preloaded VxWorks boot loader.

When an admin reboot auto-init command is issued, the system resets the existing BOF and reboots. The system startup process after the admin reboot auto-init command is executed is the same as the first-time system boot described in System Initialization.


After the BOF is reset, the system may not boot up with the last saved system configuration unless the new BOF also uses the same configuration file. If you require the system to boot up with the last saved system configuration, Nokia recommends that you should run the admin>save file-url command to save the current system configuration and modify the BOF to use this configuration.

Use the following CLI to reset the BOF and reboot.

CLI Syntax:
admin# reboot auto-init [now]

The following is a sample output of the admin reboot auto-init command.

Example: *A:ALA-1# admin reboot auto-init 
WARNING: Configuration and/or Boot options may have changed since the last save.
Are you sure you want to reset the bof and reboot (y/n)? Y 
Nokia 7210 Boot ROM. Copyright 2016 Nokia.
All rights reserved. All use is subject to applicable license agreements. Post-Boot Configuration Extension Files

Two post-boot configuration extension files are supported and are triggered when either a successful or failed boot configuration file is processed. The commands specify URLs for the CLI scripts that are run following the completion of the boot-up configuration. A URL must be specified or no action is taken. The commands are persistent between router reboots and are included in the configuration saves (admin save).

Use the following syntax to specify the CLI scripts that are tun following the completion of the boot-up configuration.

CLI Syntax:
boot-bad-exec file-url
boot-good-exec file-url

The following example shows the command usage to specify the CLI scripts that are tun following the completion of the boot-up configuration.

config>system# boot-bad-exec ftp://test:test@192.168.xx.xxx/./
config>system# boot-good-exec ftp://test:test@192.168.xx.xxx/./

The following is a sample command output.

*A:ALA# configure system 
*A:ALA>config>system# info 
echo "System Configuration"
        name "ALA"
        boot-good-exec "cf1:\good.cfg"
        boot-bad-exec "cf1:\bad.cfg"
            idle-timeout disable
            pre-login-message "ala-1" name
                authentication-key 1 key "SV3BxZCsIvI" hash type message-digest 
                peer key-id 1 
                no shutdown
                server-address preferred 
                no shutdown           
            zone UTC 
echo "System Security Configuration"
            hash-control read-version all write-version 1 
                community "private" rwa version both
                community "public" r version both
                application ftp
                application snmptrap
                application ping
                application dns
*A:ALA>config>system# Show Command Output and Console Messages

The show system information command displays the current value of the bad and good exec URLs and indicates whether a post-boot configuration extension file was executed when the system was booted. If an extension file was executed, the show system information command also indicates if it completed successfully.

When executing a post-boot configuration extension file, status messages are output to the console screen before the “Login” prompt.

The following is sample output of a failed boot-up configuration that caused a boot-bad-exec file containing another error to be executed.

Attempting to exec configuration file:
’ftp://test:test@192.168.xx.xxx/./12.cfg’ ...
System Configuration
Log Configuration
MAJOR: CLI #1009 An error occurred while processing a CLI command -
File ftp://test:test@192.168.xx.xxx/./12.cfg, Line 195: Command "log" failed.
CRITICAL: CLI #1002 An error occurred while processing the configuration file.
The system configuration is missing or incomplete.
MAJOR: CLI #1008 The SNMP daemon is disabled.
If desired, enable SNMP with the ’config>system>snmp no shutdown’ command.
Attempting to exec configuration failure extension file:
’ftp://test:test@192.168.xx.xxx/./fail.cfg’ ...
Config fail extension
Enabling SNMP daemon
MAJOR: CLI #1009 An error occurred while processing a CLI command -
File ftp://test:test@192.168.xx.xxx/./fail.cfg, Line 5: Command "abc log" failed.
TiMOS-B-x.0.Rx both/hops NOKIA Copyright (c) 2016 Nokia.
All rights reserved. All use subject to applicable license agreements.
Built on Thu Nov 20 19:19:11 PST 2016 by builder in /rel5x.0/b1/Rx/panos/main

5.9.5. System Timing

When synchronous Ethernet is enabled, the operator can select an Ethernet port as a candidate for timing reference. The timing information recovered from this port is used to time the system. CLI Command Syntax for 7210 SAS Platforms

This section describes the CLI command syntax to enable synchronous Ethernet on specific 7210 SAS platforms. CLI Syntax for 7210 SAS-D

The following is a sample CLI configuration for the 7210 SAS-D.

*A:sas-d>config>system>sync-if-timing# info detail
            no ql-selection
            ref-order ref1 ref2
                no source-port
                no ql-override
                no source-port
                no ql-override
                no ql-override
            no revert
*A:sas-d>config>system>sync-if-timing# CLI Syntax for 7210 SAS-K 2F1C2T, 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T, and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C

The following is a sample CLI configuration for the 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T, 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C, and 7210 SAS-K 2F1C2T.

A:Dut-A>config>system>sync-if-timing# info detail
            no ql-selection
            ref-order ref1 ref2 ptp
                no source-port
                no ql-override
                no source-port
                no ql-override
                no ql-override
            no revert
A:Dut-A>config>system>sync-if-timing# Entering Edit Mode

To enter edit mode and edit timing references, enter the begin keyword at the config>system>sync-if-timing# prompt.

Use the following CLI syntax to enter edit mode.

CLI Syntax:

The following is a sample error message that is displayed if you try to modify sync-if-timing parameters without entering the begin keyword.

ort 2/1/1
MINOR: CLI The sync-if-timing must be in edit mode by calling begin before any 
changes can be made.
MINOR: CLI Unable to set source port for ref1 to 2/1/1.

Use commit to save or abort to discard the changes made in a session. Configuring Timing References

On the 7210 SAS-D, ref1 must be configured to use one of ports 1/1/1 to 1/1/4 and ref2 must be configured to use either port 1/1/5 or 1/1/6. The software enforces this check. Ports 1/1/7 to 1/1/10 can be configured as either ref1 or ref2.

There is no port restriction on the 7210 SAS-Dxp, 7210 SAS-K 2F1C2T, 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T, or 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C; any port can be configured for ref1 or ref2.

The following is a sample configuration of timing reference parameters.


config>system# sync-if-timing
config>system>sync-if-timing# begin
config>system>sync-if-timing# ref1
config>system>sync-if-timing>ref1# source-port 1/1/1
config>system>sync-if-timing>ref1# no shutdown
config>system>sync-if-timing>ref1# exit
config>system>sync-if-timing# ref2
config>system>sync-if-timing>ref2# source-port 1/1/2
config>system>sync-if-timing>ref2# no shutdown
config>system>sync-if-timing>ref2# exit

The following displays the timing reference parameters.

*7210-SAS>config>system>sync-if-timing#info detail
ref-order ref1 ref2
source-port 1/1/1
no shutdown
source-port 1/1/2
no shutdown
no revert
---------------------------------------------- Using the revert Command

The revert command allows the clock to revert to a higher-priority reference if the current reference goes offline or becomes unstable.

If revertive switching is enabled, the highest-priority valid timing reference is used. If a reference with a higher priority becomes valid, a switchover to that reference is initiated. If a failure on the current reference occurs, the next highest reference takes over.

If non-revertive switching is enabled, the active reference always remains selected while its valid, even if a higher priority reference becomes available. If the active reference becomes invalid, a reference switchover to a valid reference with the highest priority is initiated. The failed reference is eligible for selection once it becomes operational.

CLI Syntax:
revert Other Editing Commands

Other editing commands are:

  1. commit: saves changes made to the timing references during a session. Modifications are not persistent across system boots unless this command is entered.
  2. abort: discards changes that have been made to the timing references during a session.

Use the following syntax to abort or commit changes made to a timing reference.

CLI Syntax:
commit Forcing a Specific Reference

You can force the system synchronous timing output to use a specific reference.


The debug sync-if-timing force-reference command should only be used to test and debug problems. After the system timing reference input has been forced, it will not revert to another reference unless explicitly reconfigured, if the forced reference fails, or if the received QL code is QL-DNU/DUS and QL selection is enabled.

When the debug sync-if-timing force-reference command is run, the current system synchronous timing output is immediately referenced from the specified reference input. The reference must be qualified.

Debug configurations are not saved between reboots.

Use the following syntax to reference the current system synchronous timing output from the specifies reference input.

CLI Syntax:
force-reference {ref1 | ref2}

The following example shows the command usage to reference the current system synchronous timing output from the specifies reference input.

debug>sync-if-timing# force-reference

5.9.6. Configuring System Monitoring Thresholds

This section describes how to configure system monitoring thresholds. Creating Events

The event command controls the generation and notification of threshold crossing events configured with the alarm command. When a threshold crossing event is triggered, the rmon event configuration optionally specifies whether an entry in the RMON-MIB log table will be created to record the occurrence of the event. It can also specify whether an SNMP notification (trap) will be generated for the event. There are two notifications for threshold crossing events: a rising alarm and a falling alarm.ping-address.

Creating an event entry in the RMON-MIB log table does not create a corresponding entry in the 7210 SAS event logs. However, when the event is set to trap, the generation of a rising alarm or falling alarm, a notification creates an entry in the event logs and is distributed to the configured log destinations, including: console, session, memory, file, syslog, or SNMP trap destination. The logger message includes a rising or falling threshold crossing event indicator, the sample type (absolute or delta), the sampled value, the threshold value, the rmon-alarm-id, the associated rmon-event-id, and the sampled SNMP object identifier.

The alarm command configures an entry in the RMON-MIB alarm table. The alarm command controls the monitoring and triggering of threshold crossing events. To trigger the notification or logging of a threshold crossing event, at least one associated rmon event must be configured.

The agent periodically takes statistical sample values from the MIB variable specified for monitoring and compares them to thresholds that have been configured with the alarm command. The alarm command configures the MIB variable to be monitored, the polling period (interval), sampling type (absolute or delta value), and rising and falling threshold parameters. If a sample has crossed a threshold value, the associated event is generated.

Preconfigured CLI threshold commands are available. Preconfigured commands hide some of the complexities of configuring RMON alarm and event commands and perform the same function. In particular, the preconfigured commands do not require the user to know the SNMP object identifier to be sampled. The preconfigured threshold configurations include memory warnings, alarms, and compact flash usage warnings and alarms.

To create events, use the following sample CLI configuration.

config>system>thresholds# cflash-cap-warn cf1-B: rising-threshold 2000000 falling-threshold 1999900 interval 240 trap startup-alarm either
config>system>thresholds# memory-use-alarm rising-threshold 50000000 falling-threshold 45999999 interval 500 both startup-alarm either
config>system>thresh# rmon
config>system>thresh>rmon# event 5 both description "alarm testing" owner "Timos CLI"

The following is a sample command output.

A:ALA-49>config>system>thresholds# info
                event 5 description "alarm testing" owner "Timos CLI"
            cflash-cap-warn cf1-B: rising-threshold 2000000 falling-threshold 
1999900 interval 240 trap
            memory-use-alarm rising-threshold 50000000 falling-threshold 
45999999 interval 500
A:ALA-49>config>system>thresholds# Configuring an Alarm Input

The 7210 SAS-D, 7210 SAS-Dxp, 7210 SAS-K 2F1C2T, 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T, and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C do not support alarm contact inputs; instead, they provide an option to configure the console port as an alarm input pin. A single alarm input pin can be enabled for use with the console port, allowing operators to monitor external events and alert the operator.

You can configure generation of events when alarm input pins transition between the open and close states. For each generated event, you can specify the following:

  1. action associated with each state transition
  2. severity associated with each state transition
  3. log message associated with each state transition

The RXD and TXD pins of the console input is used to provide a single alarm input pin functionality. The RXD and TXD pins of the console port is used by software to detect external events. The operating system detects an open or closed circuit, triggers an alarm, and logs it when an event is detected.

By default, the console port does not provide alarm input pin functionality. The CLI command configure>system>console>use-console-alarm-input is used to enable the use of console port as an alarm input pin. After this command is executed, the console port can no longer be used as a console port, and the system generates a log message to convey this restriction. Additionally, the user must configure the alarm-contact-input parameters for the console by using the CLI command config> system>alarm-contact-input console-1.


The user must enable a Telnet session with the node before enabling the console as an alarm input. Once the alarm input functionality is enabled, the user can configure the alarm-contact-input no shutdown using the Telnet session.

5.9.7. Configuring System Resource Profile

The following output displays system resource profile defaults:

*A:Dut-A>config>system>res-prof# info detail
                no qos-sap-ingress-resource
                acl-sap-ingress 1
                    no mac-ipv4-ipv6-128-match-enable
                acl-sap-egress 2
                    no mac-ipv4-ipv6-128-match-enable
                no eth-cfm-primary-vlan-enable

5.9.8. Configuring LLDP

Use the following syntax to configure LLDP.

CLI Syntax:
tx-interval <interval>
tx-hold-multiplier <multiplier>
reinit-delay <time>
notification-interval <time>
tx-credit-max <count>
message-fast-tx <time>
message-fast-init <count>

The following is a sample LLDP port configuration.

*A:7210-SAS>config>port>ethernet>lldp# info
       dest-mac nearest-bridge
              admin-status tx-rx
              tx-tlvs port-desc sys-cap
              tx-mgmt-address system

The following is a sample global system LLDP configuration.

A:7210-SAS>config>system>lldp# info
        tx-interval 10
        tx-hold-multiplier 2
        reinit-delay 5
        notification-interval 10