2.10. Configuring MPLS and RSVP with CLI

This section provides information to configure MPLS and RSVP using the command line interface.

2.11. MPLS Configuration Overview

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) enables routers to forward traffic based on a simple label embedded into the packet header. A router examines the label to determine the next hop for the packet, saving time for router address lookups to the next node when forwarding packets. MPLS is not enabled by default and must be explicitly enabled.

2.11.1. LSPs

To configure MPLS-signaled label-switched paths (LSPs), an LSP must run from an ingress router to an egress router. Configure only the ingress router and configure LSPs to allow the software to make the forwarding decisions or statically configure some or all routers in the path. The LSP is set up by Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), through RSVP signaling messages. The 7210 SAS automatically manages label values. Labels that are automatically assigned have values ranging from 1,024 through 1,048,575 (see Label Values).

A static LSP is a manually set up LSP where the next-hop IP address and the outgoing label are explicitly specified.

2.11.2. Paths

To configure signaled LSPs, you must first create one or more named paths on the ingress router. For each path, the transit routers (hops) in the path are specified.

2.11.3. Router Interface

At least one router interface and one system interface must be defined in the config>router>interface context in order to configure MPLS on an interface.

2.11.4. Choosing the Signaling Protocol

If only static label switched paths are used in your configurations, then you must manually define the paths through the MPLS network. Label mappings and actions configured at each hop must be specified. You do not need to enable RSVP if you are configuring static LSPs.

If dynamic LSP signaling is implemented in your network, then RSVP must be specified. Enable signaling protocols only on the links where the functionality is required.

In order to implement MPLS, the following entities must be enabled:

  1. MPLS must be enabled on all routers that are part of an LSP.
  2. RSVP must be enabled on the same routers.

When MPLS is enabled and either RSVP is also enabled, MPLS uses RSVP to set up the configured LSPs. For example, when you configure an LSP with both MPLS and RSVP running, RSVP initiates a session for the LSP. RSVP uses the local router as the RSVP session sender and the LSP destination as the RSVP session receiver. When the RSVP session is created, the LSP is set up on the path created by the session. If the session is not successfully created, RSVP notifies MPLS, MPLS can then either initiate backup paths or retry the initial path.

2.12. Basic MPLS Configuration

This section provides information to configure MPLS and provides configuration examples of common configuration tasks. To enable MPLS on the 7210 SAS, you must configure at least one MPLS interface. The other MPLS configuration parameters are optional. The following is an example of an MPLS configuration.

The admin-group is configured in the config>router>if-attribute context and associated with the MPLS interface in the config>router>mpls>interface context.

ALA-1>config>router>if-attr# info
admin-group "green" value 15
admin-group "yellow" value 20
admin-group "red" value 25
A:ALA-1>config>router>mpls# info
echo "IP Configuration"
            admin-group "green" 15
            admin-group "yellow" 20
            admin-group "red" 25
            interface "system"
            interface "StaticLabelPop"
                admin-group "green"
                label-map 50
                    no shutdown
            interface "StaticLabelPop"
                label-map 35
                    swap 36 nexthop
                    no shutdown
            path "secondary-path"
                no shutdown
            path "to-NYC"
                hop 1  strict
                no shutdown
            lsp "lsp-to-eastcoast"
                fast-reroute one-to-one
                primary "to-NYC"
                secondary "secondary-path"
                no shutdown
            static-lsp "StaticLabelPush"
                push 60 nexthop
                no shutdown
            no shutdown

2.13. Common Configuration Tasks

This section provides a brief overview of the tasks to configure MPLS and provides the CLI commands.

The following protocols must be enabled on each participating router.

  1. MPLS
  2. RSVP (for RSVP-signaled MPLS only)
  3. LDP

In order for MPLS to run, you must configure at least one MPLS interface in the config>router>mpls context.

  1. An interface must be created in the config>router>interface context before it can be applied to MPLS.
  2. In the config>router>mpls context, configure path parameters for configuring LSP parameters. A path specifies some or all hops from ingress to egress. A path can be used by multiple LSPs.
  3. When an LSP is created, the egress router must be specified in the to command and at least one primary or secondary path must be specified. All other statements under the LSP hierarchy are optional.

2.13.1. Configuring Global MPLS Parameters

Admin groups signify link colors, such as red, yellow, or green. MPLS interfaces advertise the link colors that they support. CSPF uses the information when paths are computed for constraint-based LSPs. CSPF must be enabled in order for admin groups to be relevant.

Use the following syntax to configure MPLS admin-group parameters.

CLI Syntax:
admin-group group-name value group-value
resignal-timer minutes

The following is a sample admin group configuration output.

ALA-1>config>router>if-attr# info
admin-group "green" value 15 
admin-group "yellow" value 20 
admin-group "red" value 25 
A:ALA-1>config>router>mpls# info
            resignal-timer 500

2.13.2. Configuring an MPLS Interface

Configure the label-map parameters if the interface is used in a static LSP. Use the following syntax to configure an MPLS interface on a router.

CLI Syntax:
no shutdown
admin-group group-name [group-name...(up to 32 max)]
no shutdown
srlg-group group-name [group-name...(up to 5 max)]
te-metric value

The following is a sample interface configuration output.

A:ALA-1>config>router>mpls# info
            interface "to-104"
                admin-group "green"
                admin-group "red"
                admin-group "yellow"
                label-map 35
                    swap 36 nexthop
                    no shutdown
            no shutdown

2.13.3. Configuring MPLS Paths

Configure an LSP path to use in MPLS. When configuring an LSP, the IP address of the hops that the LSP should traverse on its way to the egress router must be specified. The intermediate hops must be configured as either strict or loose meaning that the LSP must take either a direct path from the previous hop router to this router (strict) or can traverse through other routers (loose).

Use the following syntax to configure a path.

CLI Syntax:
config>router> mpls
path path-name
hop hop-index ip-address {strict|loose}
no shutdown

The following is a sample path configuration output.

A:ALA-1>config>router>mpls# info
            interface "system"
            path "secondary-path"
                hop 1  strict
                hop 2 strict
                hop 3 strict
                no shutdown
            path "to-NYC"
                hop 1 strict
                hop 2  strict
                hop 3  loose

2.13.4. Configuring an MPLS LSP

Configure an LSP path for MPLS. When configuring an LSP, you must specify the IP address of the egress router in the to statement. Specify the primary path to be used. Secondary paths can be explicitly configured or signaled upon the failure of the primary path. All other statements are optional.

The following is a sample MPLS LSP configuration output.

A:ALA-1>config>router>mplp# info
            lsp "lsp-to-eastcoast"
                rsvp-resv-style ff
                include "red"
                exclude "green"
                fast-reroute one-to-one
                primary "to-NYC"
                    hop-limit 10
                secondary "secondary-path"
                    bandwidth 50000
                no shutdown
            no shutdown
A:ALA-1>config>router>mpls# Configuring a Static LSP

An LSP can be explicitly (statically) configured. Static LSPs are configured on every node along the path. The label’s forwarding information includes the address of the next hop router.

Use the following syntax to configure a static LSP.

CLI Syntax:
static-lsp lsp-name
to ip-address
push out-label nexthop ip-addr
no shutdown

The following is a sample static LSP configuration output.

A:ALA-1>config>router>mpls# info
            static-lsp "static-LSP"
                push 60 nexthop
                no shutdown

2.13.5. Configuring Manual Bypass Tunnels

Consider the network setup in Figure 28 that shows nodes A through F.

Figure 28:  Manual Bypass Tunnels 

The user first configures the option to disable the dynamic bypass tunnels.

Listed below are the steps to configure the manual bypass tunnels:

  1. Configure the option to disable the dynamic bypass tunnels on the 7210 SAS node B (if required). The CLI for this configuration is: config>router>mpls>dynamic-bypass [disable | enable] The dynamic bypass tunnels are enabled by default.
  2. Configure an LSP on node B, such as B-E-F-C which is used only as bypass. The user specifies each hop in the path, for example, the bypass LSP has a strict path.

Including the bypass-only keyword disables the following options under the LSP configuration:

  1. bandwidth
  2. fast-reroute
  3. secondary

The following LSP configuration options are allowed:

  1. adaptive
  2. adspec
  3. cspf
  4. exclude
  5. hop-limit
  6. include
  7. metric

The following is a sample bypass tunnel configuration output.

A:7210 SAS>config>router>mpls>path# info
       path "BEFC"
               hop 10 strict
               hop 20 strict
               hop 30 strict
               no shutdown
       lsp "bypass-BC"
               primary "BEFC"
               no shutdown
A:7210 SAS >config>router>mpls>path#
  1. Configure an LSP from A to D and indicate fast-reroute bypass protection, select the facility as “FRR method”. (config>router>mpls>lsp>fast-reroute facility). Observe if the following criteria apply:
    1. If the LSP passes through B
    2. A bypass is requested
    3. The next hop is C
    4. A manually configured bypass-only tunnel exists from B to C (excluding link B to C)

Result: Node B uses the manually configured bypass-only tunnel from B to C.

2.14. Configuring RSVP Parameters

RSVP is used to set up LSPs. RSVP must be enabled on the router interfaces that are participating in signaled LSPs. The keep-multiplier and refresh-time default values can be modified in the RSVP context.

Initially, interfaces are configured in the config>router>mpls>interface context. Only these existing (MPLS) interfaces are available to modify in the config>router> rsvp context. Interfaces cannot be directly added in the RSVP context.

The following is a sample RSVP configuration output.

A:ALA-1>config>router>rsvp# info
interface "system"
             no shutdown
          interface to-104
             hello-interval 4000
             no shutdown
          no shutdown

2.14.1. Configuring RSVP Message Pacing Parameters

RSVP message pacing maintains a count of the messages that were dropped because the output queue for the egress interface was full.

Use the following syntax to configure RSVP parameters.

CLI Syntax:
no shutdown
period milli-seconds
max-burst number

The following is a sample RSVP message pacing configuration output.

A:ALA-1>config>router>rsvp# info
            keep-multiplier 5
            refresh-time 60
                period 400
                max-burst 400
            interface "system"
                no shutdown
            interface to-104
                hello-interval 4000
                no shutdown
            no shutdown

2.14.2. Configuring Graceful Shutdown

Enable TE graceful shutdown on the maintenance interface using the config>router>rsvp>interface>graceful-shutdown command.

Disable graceful shutdown by executing the no form of the command at the RSVP interface level or at the RSVP level. This restores the user-configured TE parameters of the maintenance links, and the 7210 SAS maintenance node floods them.

2.15. MPLS Configuration Management Tasks

This section describes the MPLS configuration management tasks.

2.15.1. Modifying MPLS Parameters


You must shut down MPLS entities in order to modify parameters. Re-enable (no shutdown) the entity for the change to take effect.

2.15.2. Modifying an MPLS LSP

Some MPLS LSP parameters such as primary and secondary, must be shut down before they can be edited or deleted from the configuration.

The following is a sample MPLS LSP configuration output.

A:ALA-1>>config>router>mpls>lsp# info
                rsvp-resv-style ff
                include "red"
                exclude "green"
                fast-reroute one-to-one
                primary "to-NYC"
                    hop-limit 50
                secondary "secondary-path"

2.15.3. Modifying MPLS Path Parameters

In order to modify path parameters, the config>router>mpls>path context must be shut down first.

The following is a sample path configuration output.

A:ALA-1>config>router>mpls# info
echo "MPLS"
            path "secondary-path"
                hop 1  strict
                hop 2  strict
                hop 3  strict
                no shutdown
            path "to-NYC"
                hop 1  strict
                hop 2  strict
                no shutdown

2.15.4. Modifying MPLS Static LSP Parameters

In order to modify static LSP parameters, the config>router>mpls>path context must be shut down first.

The following is a sample static LSP configuration output.

A:ALA-1>config>router>mpls# info
            static-lsp "static-LSP"
                push 102704 nexthop
                no shutdown
            no shutdown

2.15.5. Deleting an MPLS Interface

In order to delete an interface from the MPLS configuration, the interface must be shut down first.

Use the following syntax to delete an interface from the MPLS configuration.

CLI Syntax:
[no] interface ip-int-name
A:ALA-1>config>router>mpls# info
admin-group "green" 15
            admin-group "red" 25
            admin-group "yellow" 20
            interface "system"
            no shutdown

2.16. RSVP Configuration Management Tasks

This section describes the RSVP configuration management tasks.

2.16.1. Modifying RSVP Parameters

Only interfaces configured in the MPLS context can be modified in the RSVP context.

The no rsvp command deletes this RSVP protocol instance and removes all configuration parameters for this RSVP instance. The shutdown command suspends the execution and maintains the existing configuration.

The following example displays a modified RSVP configuration example:

A:ALA-1>config>router>rsvp# info
            keep-multiplier 5
            refresh-time 60
                period 400
                max-burst 400
            interface "system"
            interface "test1"
                hello-interval 5000
            no shutdown

2.16.2. Modifying RSVP Message Pacing Parameters

RSVP message pacing maintains a count of the messages that were dropped because the output queue for the egress interface was full.

The following is a sample modified RSVP message pacing configuration output.

A:ALA-1>config>router>rsvp# info
            keep-multiplier 5
            refresh-time 60
                period 200
                max-burst 200
            interface "system"
            interface "to-104"
            no shutdown

2.16.3. Deleting an Interface from RSVP

Interfaces cannot be deleted directly from the RSVP configuration. An interface must have been configured in the MPLS context and then the RSVP context. The interface must first be deleted from the MPLS context. This removes the association from RSVP.

See Deleting an MPLS Interface for information on deleting an MPLS interface.