19. Remark policies

This section provides information to configure remark policies using the command line interface. This section is applicable to only 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE, and 7210 SAS-T devices in network mode.

19.1. Overview

The remark policies are used to configure the marking behavior for the system at the egress of access SAP access port, network ports, hybrid ports, and network IP interfaces on network ports or hybrid ports (for support available on different 7210 SAS platforms refer to Table 77 and Table 78). These policies allow the user to define the forwarding class to egress marking values and allow them to use the available hardware resources efficiently. Based on the packet encapsulation used, the remark policy allows the user to define and associate appropriate policies to service egress, and network QoS policies. The 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE, and 7210 SAS-T support the use of the following types of remark policies for different QoS policies:

  1. dot1p
    This policy is used for service egress, access port egress, and network QoS (port type policies).
  2. dscp
    This policy is used for access port egress marking and network QoS policies of the port type.
  3. lsp-exp
    This policy is used for network QoS policies of the ip-interface type.
  4. dot1p-dscp
    This policy is used for access port egress marking and network QoS policies of the port type.
  5. dot1p-lsp-exp-shared
    This policy is used for access port egress, access port egress marking, and network QoS policies of the ip-interface type.

The type of the remark policy identifies the bits marked in the packet header. Each of these remark policy types can be associated with only appropriate QoS policies and service entities as listed in Table 77 and Table 78.

Table 77:  Summary of remark policy and attachment points for 7210 SAS-T, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE (network mode) 

Remark policy type

Qos policy

Attachment point

Packet header bits marked


access-Egress policy

Access port

  1. Dot1p bits in L2 Ethernet header for service packets sent out of all access SAPs configured on access ports.

network policy (type port)

Network Port and Hybrid Port

  1. Dot1p bits in the L2 Ethernet header for IP packets sent out of network port and hybrid port.


access-egress policy

Access port

  1. IP DSCP bits in the IP header for service packets sent out of access SAPs configured on access ports.

network policy (type port)

Network Port and Hybrid Port

  1. IP DSCP bits in the IP header for IP packets sent out of network port and hybrid port.
    NOTE: For the IP traffic sent out of L2 SAPs on hybrid ports, the DSCP bits are not marked.


network policy (type ip-interface)

Network IP interface

  1. EXP bits in the MPLS header for MPLS packets sent out of IP inter-face configured on network port and hybrid port.


access-egress policy

Access port

  1. Dot1p bits in L2 Ethernet header for service packets sent out of access SAPs configured on access ports.

network policy (type IP-interface)

Network IP interface

  1. EXP bits in the MPLS header for MPLS packets sent out of IP interface configured on network port and hybrid port.
  2. Dot1p bits in the L2 Ethernet header for MPLS packets sent out of network and hybrid port.


access-egress policy

Access port

  1. Dot1p bits in L2 Ethernet header and IP DSCP bits in the IP header for service packets sent out of access SAPs configured on access ports.

network policy (type port)

Network Port and Hybrid Port

  1. Dot1p bits in the L2 Ethernet header for IP packets and IP DSCP bits in the IP header for IP packets sent out of network port and hybrid port. NOTE: For the IP traffic sent out of L2 SAPs on hybrid ports, the DSCP bits are not marked.
Table 78:  Summary of remark policy and attachment points for 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12 

Remark policy type

Qos policy

Attachment point

Packet header bits marked


SAP-egress policy

Service/SAP egress

Dot1p bits in the L2 Ethernet header for service packets sent out of a SAP egress

Access-egress policy

Access port

Dot1p bits in L2 Ethernet header for service packets sent out of all access SAPs configured on access ports 1

Network policy (port type)

Network port and hybrid port

Dot1p bits in the L2 Ethernet header for IP packets sent out of network port and hybrid port


Access egress policy

Access port

IP DSCP bits in the IP header for service packets sent out of access SAPs configured on access ports 1

Network policy (port type)

Network port and hybrid port

IP DSCP bits in the IP header for IP packets sent out of network port and hybrid port 1


Network policy (IP-interface type)

Network IP interface

EXP bits in the MPLS header for

MPLS packets sent out of IP interface configured on network port and hybrid port


Access egress policy

Access port

Dot1p bits in L2 Ethernet header for service packets sent out of access SAPs configured on access ports 1

Network policy (IP-interface type or port type)

Network IP interface or network port

EXP bits in the MPLS header for MPLS packets sent out of IP interface configured on network port and hybrid port

Dot1p bits in the L2 Ethernet header for MPLS packets sent out of network port and hybrid port

SAP egress policy

Service/SAP egress

Dot1p bits in the L2 Ethernet header for service packets sent out of a SAP egress


Access egress policy

Access port

Dot1p bits in L2 Ethernet header and IP DSCP bits in the IP header for service packets sent out of access SAPs configured on access ports 1

Network policy (port type)

Network port and hybrid port

Dot1p bits in the L2 Ethernet header for MPLS and IP packets and IP DSCP bits in the IP header for IP packets sent out of network port and hybrid port 1


  1. For the IP traffic sent out of L2 SAPs on hybrid ports, the DSCP bits are not marked.

19.1.1. Configuration guidelines

  1. For access port and access SAP marking functionality (SAP-based and port-based), the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12 support SAP-based egress marking and port-based egress marking on only access ports when using access SAP-based egress queuing. Users have an option to use either SAP-based marking or port-based marking. In SAP-based marking, the remark policy defined in the SAP egress policy associated with each SAP is used to mark the packets egressing out of the SAP, if marking is enabled. In port-based marking, the remark policy defined in the access-egress policy associated with the access port determines the marking values to use for all the SAPs defined on that port. See Access egress QoS policies for 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12 for more information.
  2. The 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12 support only access port-based marking when port-based egress queues are configured. See Access egress QoS policies for 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12 for more information.
  3. If DSCP remarking or both dot1p and DSCP remarking is specified, the DSCP field for traffic sent out of SAPs configured in a Layer 2 services are not marked.

19.1.2. Basic configurations

A basic remark policy must confirm to the following.

  1. Each remark policy must have a unique policy ID.
  2. The remark policy type must be specified.
  3. The forwarding class to egress marking values must be specified. Creating a remark policy

To create a new remark policy, define the following:

  1. A remark policy name and type is optional and by default it is 'dot1p'.
  2. Provide a brief description of the policy features.
  3. Specify the forwarding class to egress marking values.

Use the following syntax to configure a remark policy.

CLI Syntax:
A:7210-T>config>qos# remark 122 remark-type dscp create

The following is a sample remark policy configuration output.

*A:7210SAS>config>qos>remark# info detail
            description "Default Remarking Policy for dot1P and DSCP"
                fc af
                    dscp-in-profile af11
                    dscp-out-profile af12
                    no lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no de-mark
                    no dot1p
                    dot1p-in-profile 3
                    dot1p-out-profile 2
                fc be
                    dscp-in-profile be
                    dscp-out-profile be
                    no lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no de-mark
                    no dot1p
                    dot1p-in-profile 0
                    dot1p-out-profile 0
                fc ef
                    dscp-in-profile ef
                    dscp-out-profile ef
                    no lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no de-mark
                    no dot1p
                    dot1p-in-profile 5
                    dot1p-out-profile 5
                fc h1
                    dscp-in-profile nc1
                    dscp-out-profile nc1
                    no lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no de-mark
                    no dot1p
                    dot1p-in-profile 6
                    dot1p-out-profile 6
                fc h2
                    dscp-in-profile af41
                    dscp-out-profile af41
                    no lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no de-mark
                    no dot1p
                    dot1p-in-profile 4
                    dot1p-out-profile 4
                fc l1
                    dscp-in-profile af21
                    dscp-out-profile af22
                    no lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no de-mark
                    no dot1p
                    dot1p-in-profile 3
                    dot1p-out-profile 2
                fc l2
                    dscp-in-profile cs1
                    dscp-out-profile cs1
                    no lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no de-mark
                    no dot1p
                    dot1p-in-profile 1
                    dot1p-out-profile 1
                fc nc
                    dscp-in-profile nc2
                    dscp-out-profile nc2
                    no lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-in-profile
                    no dot1p-lsp-exp-out-profile
                    no de-mark
                    no dot1p
                    dot1p-in-profile 7
                    dot1p-out-profile 7
*A:7210SAS>config>qos>remark# Editing QoS policies

Existing policies and entries can be edited through the CLI or NMS. The changes are applied immediately to all services where the policy is applicable.

To prevent configuration errors perform the following:

  1. Copy the policy to a work area.
  2. Edit the policy.
  3. Over write the original policies.