Contents of factory-shipped 7210 SAS systems

The following table lists the contents that are shipped with the system on each 7210 SAS platform.

Table: Contents shipped with the system on 7210 SAS

7210 SAS platforms

System contents

boot.tim File

Golden bootstrap image


TiMOS image

7210 SAS-D

7210 SAS-Dxp1

7210 SAS-K 2F1C2T1

7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T1

7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C1

1 No images are shipped on cf1:\. The user must purchase a software license to obtain an image on the SD card. The SD card can be inserted into the SD card slot on the chassis to boot up the node. The software is shipped with the boot.tim, starter BOF, and TiMOS image.