Entering numerical ranges

The 7210 SAS CLI allows the use of a single numerical range as an argument in the command line. A range in a CLI command is limited to positive integers and is denoted with two numbers enclosed in square brackets with two periods (‟..”) between the numbers:


where x and y are positive integers and y-x is less than 1000.

For example, it is possible to shut down ports 1 through 10 in Slot 1 on MDA 1. A port is denoted with slot/mda/port, where slot is the slot number, mda is the MDA number and, port is the port number. To shut down ports 1 through 10 on Slot 1 and MDA 1, the command is entered as follows:

configure port 1/1/[1..10] shutdown

<Ctrl-C> can be used to abort the execution of a range command.

The following table describes CLI range use limitations.

Table: CLI range use limitations



Only a single range can be specified.

It is not possible to shut down ports 1 through 10 on MDA 1 and MDA 2, as the command would look like

configure port 1/[1..2]/[1..10]

and requires two ranges in the command, [1..2] for the MDA and [1..10] for the port number.

Ranges within quotation marks are interpreted literally.

In the CLI, enclosing a string in quotation marks (‟string”) causes the string to be treated literally and as a single parameter. For example, several commands in the CLI allow the configuration of a descriptive string. If the string is more than one word and includes spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. A range that is enclosed in quotes is also treated literally. For example,

configure router interface "A[1..10]" no shutdown

creates a single router interface with the name ‟A[1..10]”. However, a command such as:

configure router interface A[1..10] no shutdown

creates 10 interfaces with names A1, A2 .. A10.

The range cannot cause a change in contexts.

Commands should be formed in such a way that there is no context change upon command completion. For example,

configure port 1/1/[1..10]

attempts to change ten different contexts. When a range is specified in the CLI, the commands are executed in a loop. On the first loop execution, the command changes contexts, but the new context is no longer valid for the second iteration of the range loop. A ‟Bad Command” error is reported and the command aborts.

Command completion may cease to work when entering a range.

After entering a range in a CLI command, command and key completion, which occurs by pressing the <Tab> or spacebar, may cease to work. If the command line entered is correct and unambiguous, the command works correctly; otherwise, an error is returned.