Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
Commands in this context configure ETH-CFM parameters.
mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [direction {up | down}]
no mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command configures the ETH-CFM maintenance endpoint (MEP).
Specifies the maintenance association end point identifier.
Specifies the maintenance domain (MD) index value.
Specifies the MA index value.
Specifies the direction in which the MEP faces on the bridge port. Direction is not supported when a MEP is created directly under the vpls>eth-cfm context (vMEP).
[no] ais-enable
config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>eth-cfm>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command enables the generation and the reception of AIS messages.
client-meg-level [[level [level ...]]
no client-meg-level
config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>eth-cfm>mep>ais-enable (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep>ais-enable (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command configures the client maintenance entity group (MEG) levels to use for AIS message generation. Up to 7 levels can be provisioned, with the restriction that the client MEG level must be higher than the local MEG level.
Specifies the client MEG level.
interval {1 | 60}
no interval
config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>eth-cfm>mep>ais-enable (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep>ais-enable (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command specifies the transmission interval of AIS messages.
Specifies the transmission interval of AIS messages, in seconds.
priority priority-value
no priority
config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>eth-cfm>mep>ais-enable (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep>ais-enable (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command specifies the priority of AIS messages originated by the node.
Specifies the priority value of the AIS messages originated by the node.
[no] ccm-enable
config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command enables the generation of CCM messages.
The no form of this command disables the generation of CCM messages.
ccm-ltm-priority priority
no ccm-ltm-priority
config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C) config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command specifies the priority value for CCMs and LTMs transmitted by the MEP.
By default, the highest priority on the bridge port is configured.
The no form of this command removes the priority value from the configuration.
Specifies the priority of CCM and LTM messages.
[no] eth-test-enable
config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
For ETH-test to work, operators need to configure ETH-test parameters on both sender and receiver nodes. The ETH-test can then be performed using the following OAM commands:
oam eth-cfm eth-test mac-address mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [priority priority] [data-length data-length]
A check is performed for both the provisioning and test to ensure the MEP is an Y.1731 MEP (MEP provisioned with domain format none, association format icc-based). If not, the operation fails. An error message in the CLI and SNMP indicates the problem.
test-pattern {all-zeros | all-ones} [crc-enable]
no test-pattern
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command configures the test pattern for eth-test frames.
The no form of this command removes the values from the configuration.
Keyword that specifies to use all zeros in the test pattern.
Keyword that specifies to use all ones in the test pattern.
Keyword that generates a CRC checksum.
bit-error-threshold bit-errors
no bit-error-threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command configures the threshold value of bit errors.
Specifies the threshold value in bits.
fault-propagation-enable {use-if-tlv | suspend-ccm}
no fault-propagation-enable
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command configures the fault propagation for the MEP.
Keyword that specifies to use the interface TLV.
Keyword that specifies to suspend the continuity check messages.
mac-address mac-address
no mac-address
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command specifies the MAC address of the MEP.
The no form of this command reverts the MAC address of the MEP back to that of the port (if the MEP is on a SAP) or the bridge (if the MEP is on a spoke).
Specifies the MAC address of the MEP.
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>eth-cfm>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command specifies the lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate a fault alarm.
Values: |
allDef |
DefRDICCM, DefMACstatus, DefRemoteCCM, DefErrorCCM, and DefXconCCM |
macRemErrXcon |
Only DefMACstatus, DefRemoteCCM, DefErrorCCM, and DefXconCCM |
remErrXcon |
Only DefRemoteCCM, DefErrorCCM, and DefXconCCM |
errXcon |
Only DefErrorCCM and DefXconCCM |
xcon |
Only DefXconCCM; or |
noXcon |
No defects DefXcon or lower are to be reported |
mac-address mac-address
no mac-address
config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>eth-cfm>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command specifies the MAC address of the MEP.
The no form of this command reverts the MAC address of the MEP back to that of the port (if the MEP is on a SAP) or the bridge (if the MEP is on a spoke).
Specifies the MAC address of the MEP.
one-way-delay-threshold seconds
config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep (only supported on 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C)
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command enables or disables eth-test functionality on MEP.
Specifies the one way delay threshold, in seconds.
mip [mac mac-address] [primary-vlan-enable vlan-id]
mip default-mac [primary-vlan-enable vlan-id]
no mip [primary-vlan-enable vlan-id]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command allows Maintenance Intermediate Points (MIPs) to be created if mhf-creation for the MA is configured using the default option.
For more information about the ETH-CFM matrix support for different platforms, see the 7210 SAS-D, Dxp, K 2F1C2T, K 2F6C4T, K 3SFP+ 8C OAM and Diagnostics Guide.
The no form of this command deletes the MIP.
Specifies the MAC address of the MIP.
Keyword that is useful if the user needs to change the MAC back to the default MAC without having to delete the MIP and reconfiguring.
Specifies a method for linking the MEP with the primary VLAN configured under the bridge-identifier for the MA. MEPs can not be changed from or to primary VLAN functions. This must be configured as part of the creation step and can only be changed by deleting the MEP and recreating it. Primary VLANs are supported only under Ethernet SAPs.
This parameter is supported only with UP MEP on 7210 SAS-D with a dot1q range SAP.