Global commands for 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C

    - service
        - vpls service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [m-vpls] [svc-sap-type {any | dot1q-range}] [r-vpls]
        - no vpls service-id
            - bgp
                - pw-template-binding policy-id [split-horizon-group group-name] [import-rt {ext-community...(up to 5 max)}]
                - no pw-template-binding policy-id
                - route-target {ext-community | {[export ext-community] [import ext-community]}}
                - no route-target
                - vsi-export policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
                - no vsi-export
                - vsi-import policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
                - no vsi-import
            - [no] bgp-ad
                - [no] shutdown
                - vpls-id vpls-id
                - vsi-id
                    - prefix low-order-vsi-id
                    - no prefix
            - description description-string
            - no description
            - [no] disable-aging 
            - [no] disable-learning 
            - [no] discard-unknown 
            - endpoint endpoint-name [create]
            - no endpoint
                - block-on-mesh-failure
                - [no] block-on-mesh-failure
                - description description-string
                - no description
                - [no] ignore-standby-signaling
                - [no] mac-pinning
                - max-nbr-mac-addr table-size
                - no max-nbr-mac-addr
                - revert-time revert-time | infinite
                - no revert-time
            - [no] fdb-table-high-wmark high-water-mark
            - [no] fdb-table-low-wmark low-water-mark
            - fdb-table-size table-size 
            - no fdb-table-size [table-size]
            - local-age aging-timer 
            - no local-age
            - [no] mac-move
                - move-frequency frequency
                - no move-frequency
                - retry-timeout timeout
                - no retry-timeout
                - [no] shutdown
            - [no] propagate-mac-flush
            - remote-age aging-timer
            - no remote-age
            - [no] send-flush-on-failure
            - service-mtu octets 
            - no service-mtu
            - no service-name
            - [no] shutdown
            - split-horizon-group group-name [create] 
            - description description-string
            - no description