IPoE commands

    - subscriber-mgmt
        - local-user-db local-user-db-name [create]
        - no local-user-db local-user-db-name
            - description description-string
            - no description
            - ipoe
                - host host-name [create]
                - no host host-name
                    - address gi-address [scope scope]
                    - address ip-address
                    - address pool pool-name [secondary-pool sec-pool-name] [delimiter delimiter]
                    - address use-pool-from-client [delimiter delimiter]
                    - no address
                    - gi-address ip-address 
                    - no gi-address 
                    - host-identification
                        - circuit-id string ascii-string
                        - circuit-id hex hex-string
                        - no circuit-id
                        - encap-tag-range start-tag start-tag end-tag end-tag
                        - no encap-tag-range
                        - mac ieee-address
                        - no mac
                        - option60 hex-string
                        - no option60
                        - remote-id hex hex-string
                        - remote-id string ascii-string
                        - no remote-id
                        - sap-id sap-id
                        - no sap-id
                        - service-id service-id
                        - no service-id
                        - string string
                        - no string
                        - system-id system-id
                        - no system-id
                        - shutdown
                        - no shutdown
                    - options
                        - custom-option option-number address [ip-address...(up to 4 max)]
                        - custom-option option-number hex hex-string
                        - custom-option option-number string ascii-string
                        - no custom-option option-number
                        - default-router ip-address [ip-address (up to 4 max)]
                        - no default-router
                        - dns-server ip-address [ip-address...(up to 4 max)]
                        - no dns-server
                        - domain-name domain-name
                        - no domain-name
                        - lease-rebind-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
                        - no lease-rebind-time
                        - lease-renew-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
                        - no lease-renew-time
                        - lease-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
                        - no lease-time
                        - subnet-mask ip-address
                        - no subnet-mask
                - mask type ipoe-match-type {[prefix-string prefix-string | prefix-length prefix-length] [suffix-string suffix-string | suffix-length suffix-length]}
                - no mask type ipoe-match-type
                - match-list ipoe-match-type-1 [ipoe-match-type-2 (up to 4 max)]
                - no match-list
                - shutdown
                - no shutdown