OSPF configuration commands

    - service
        - vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
        - no vprn service-id
            - [no] ospf
                - [no] area area-id
                    - area-range ip-prefix/mask [advertise | not-advertise]
                    - no area-range ip-prefix/mask
                    - [no] blackhole-aggregate
                    - [no] interface ip-int-name [secondary]
                        - [no] advertise-subnet
                        - authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
                        - no authentication-key
                        - authentication-type {password | message-digest}
                        - no authentication-type
                        - bfd-enable [remain-down-on-failure]
                        - no bfd-enable
                        - dead-interval seconds
                        - no dead-interval
                        - hello-interval seconds
                        - no hello-interval
                        - interface-type {broadcast | point-to-point}
                        - no interface-type
                        - message-digest-key key-id md5 [key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
                        - no message-digest-key key-id
                        - metric metric
                        - no metric
                        - mtu bytes
                        - no mtu
                        - [no] passive
                        - priority number
                        - no priority
                        - retransmit-interval seconds
                        - no retransmit-interval
                        - [no] shutdown
                        - transit-delay seconds
                        - no transit-delay
                    - [no] nssa
                        - area-range ip-prefix/mask [advertise | not-advertise]
                        - no area-range ip-prefix/mask
                        - originate-default-route [type-7]
                        - no originate-default-route 
                        - [no] redistribute-external
                        - [no] summaries
                    - [no] sham-link ip-int-name ip-address
                        - authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
                        - no authentication-key
                        - authentication-type {password | message-digest}
                        - no authentication-type
                        - dead-interval seconds
                        - no dead-interval
                        - hello-interval seconds
                        - no hello-interval
                        - message-digest-key key-id md5 [key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
                        - no message-digest-key key-id
                        - metric metric
                        - no metric
                        - retransmit-interval seconds
                        - no retransmit-interval
                        - [no] shutdown
                        - transit-delay seconds
                        - no transit-delay
                    - [no] stub
                        - default-metric metric
                        - no default-metric
                        - [no] summaries
                    - [no] virtual-link router-id transit-area area-id
                        - authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
                        - no authentication-key
                        - authentication-type {password | message-digest}
                        - no authentication-type
                        - dead-interval seconds
                        - no dead-interval
                        - hello-interval seconds
                        - no hello-interval
                        - message-digest-key key-id md5 [key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
                        - no message-digest-key key-id
                        - retransmit-interval seconds
                        - no retransmit-interval
                        - [no] shutdown
                        - transit-delay seconds
                        - no transit-delay
                    - [no] compatible-rfc1583 router-id transit-area area-id
                        - authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
                        - no authentication-key
                        - authentication-type {password | message-digest}
                        - no authentication-type
                        - dead-interval seconds
                        - no dead-interval
                        - hello-interval seconds
                        - no hello-interval
                        - message-digest-key key-id md5 [key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
                        - no message-digest-key key-id
                        - retransmit-interval seconds
                        - no retransmit-interval
                        - [no] shutdown
                        - transit-delay seconds
                        - no transit-delay
                - [no] compatible-rfc1583
                - export policy-name [ policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
                - no export
                - external-db-overflow limit seconds
                - no external-db-overflow
                - external-preference preference
                - no external-preference
                - [no] graceful-restart
                    - [no] helper-disable
                - [no] ignore-dn-bit 
                - overload [timeout seconds]
                - no overload
                - [no] overload-include-stub
                - overload-on-boot [timeout seconds]
                - no overload-on-boot
                - preference preference
                - no preference
                - reference-bandwidth bandwidth-in-kbps
                - no reference-bandwidth
                - router-id ip-address
                - no router-id
                - [no] shutdown
                - [no] super-backbone
                - [no] suppress-dn-bit
                - timers
                    - [no] lsa-arrival lsa-arrival-time
                    - [no] lsa-generate max-lsa-wait [lsa-initial-wait [lsa-second-wait]]
                    - [no] spf-wait max-spf-wait [spf-initial-wait [spf-second-wait]] 
                - vpn-domain id {0005 | 0105 | 0205 | 8005}
                - no vpn-domain
                - vpn-tag vpn-tag
                - no vpn-tag 
            - export policy-name [ policy-name ... (up to 5 max)]
            - no export
            - external-db-overflow limit seconds
            - no external-db-overflow
            - external-preference preference
            - no external-preference
            - [no] graceful-restart
                - [no] helper-disable
            - import policy-name [policy-name ... (up to 15 max)]
            - no import policy-name
            - overload [timeout seconds]
            - no overload
            - [no] overload-include-stub
            - overload-on-boot [timeout seconds]
            - no overload-on-boot
            - preference preference
            - no preference
            - reference-bandwidth bandwidth-in-kbps
            - reference-bandwidth [tbps Tera-bps] [gbps Giga-bps] [mbps Mega-bps] [kbps Kilo-bps]
            - no reference-bandwidth
            - router-id ip-address
            - no router-id
            - [no] shutdown
            - timers
                - [no] lsa-arrival lsa-arrival-time
                - [no] lsa-generate max-lsa-wait [lsa-initial-wait [lsa-second-wait]]
                - [no] spf-wait max-spf-wait [spf-initial-wait [spf-second-wait]]