epipe service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [svc-sap-type {null-star|dot1q|dot1q-preserve}] [customer-vid vlan-id]
epipe service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [svc-sap-type {null-star|dot1q-preserve|any|dot1q-range}] [customer-vid vlan-id]
epipe service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [svc-sap-type {any|dot1q-range}]
epipe service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [svc-sap-type {null-star|dot1q|dot1q-preserve|any|dot1q-range|qinq-inner-tag-preserve}]
epipe [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id] [svc-sap-type {null-star | dot1q | dot1q-preserve | any | dot1q-range | qinq-inner-tag-preserve}] [customer-vid vlan-id] [uplink-type {l2 | mpls}]
no epipe service-id
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command configures an Epipe service instance. This command is used to configure a point-to-point Epipe service. An Epipe connects two endpoints, defined as Service Access Points (SAPs). In a local service, the SAPs may be defined in one 7210 SAS node and in distributed service the SAPs may be defined on two different 7210 SAS nodes.
7210 SAS-D, 7210 SAS-Dxp, and 7210 SAS-K 2F1C2T platforms only support local SAP to SAP service.
7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C platforms support both local and distributed service.
No MAC learning or filtering is provided on an Epipe.
When a service is created, the customer keyword and customer-id must be specified and associate the service with a customer. The customer-id must already exist, having been created using the customer command in the service context. When a service has been created with a customer association, it is not possible to edit the customer association. The service must be deleted and recreated with a new customer association.
When a service is created, the use of the customer customer-id is optional for navigating into the service configuration context. Attempting to edit a service with the incorrect customer-id specified results in an error.
By default, no Epipe services exist until they are explicitly created with this command.
The tables in the following links list the allowed SAPs for a particular value of svc-sap-type on different 7210 platforms:
The no form of this command deletes the Epipe service instance with the specified service-id. The service cannot be deleted until the service has been shut down.
Specifies the unique service identification number or string identifying the service in the service domain. This ID must be unique to this service and may not be used for any other service of any type. The service-id must be the same number used for every 7210 SAS on which this service is defined.
Specifies the customer ID number to be associated with the service. This parameter is required on service creation and optional for service editing or deletion.
epipe customer
Keyword that specifies the type of access SAPs and access-uplink SAPs allowed in the service.
Defines the dot1q VLAN ID to be specified while creating the local dot1q SAP for svc-sap-type dot1q-preserve. Applicable only for Access-uplink mode.
Keyword used to create the service instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled or disabled in the environment>create context.
[no] endpoint endpoint-name
7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C
This command configures a service endpoint.
Specifies an endpoint name.
active-hold-delay active-hold-delay
no active-hold-delay
7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C
This command specifies that the node will delay sending the change in the T-LDP status bits for the VLL endpoint when the MC-LAG transitions the LAG subgroup that hosts the SAP for this VLL endpoint from active to standby or when any object in the endpoint. For example, SAP, ICB, or regular spoke-SDP, transitions from up to down operational state.
A value of zero (default) means that when the MC-LAG transitions the LAG subgroup that hosts the SAP for this VLL endpoint from active to standby, the node immediately sends new T-LDP status bits indicating the new value of standby over the spoke-SDPs that are on the mate-endpoint of the VLL. The same applies when any object in the endpoint changes an operational state from up to down.
There is no delay applied to the VLL endpoint status bit advertisement when the MC-LAG transitions the LAG subgroup that hosts the SAP from "standby" to "active", or when any object in the endpoint transitions to an operationally up state.
Specifies the active hold delay in 100s of milliseconds.
revert-time [revert-time | infinite]
no revert-time
7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C
This command configures the time to wait before reverting back to the primary spoke-SDP defined on this service endpoint, after having failed over to a backup spoke-SDP.
Specify the time, in seconds, to wait before reverting to the primary SDP.
Keyword that causes the endpoint to be non-revertive.
[no] standby-signaling-master
7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C
When this command is enabled, the pseudowire standby bit (value 0x00000020) is sent to T-LDP peer for each spoke-SDP of the endpoint that is selected as a standby.
no standby-signaling-master
service-mtu octets
no service-mtu
7210 SAS-K 2F1C2T, 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T, 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C
This command configures the service payload Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU), in bytes, for the service. This MTU value overrides the service-type default MTU. The service-mtu defines the payload capabilities of the service. It is used by the system to validate the SAP and SDP binding operational state within the service.
The service MTU and a SAP service delineation encapsulation overhead (that is, 4 bytes for a dot1q tag) is used to derive the required MTU of the physical port or channel on which the SAP was created. If the required payload is larger than the port or channel MTU, the SAP is placed in an inoperative state. If the required MTU is equal to or less than the port or channel MTU, the SAP is able to transition to the operative state.
In the event that a service MTU, port or channel MTU, or path MTU is dynamically or administratively modified, all associated SAP and SDP binding operational states are automatically reevaluated.
The no form of this command reverts to the default service-mtu value for the indicated service type.
epipe: 1514
The following table displays MTU values for specific VC types.
VC-type |
Example service MTU |
Advertised MTU |
Ethernet |
1514 |
1500 |
Ethernet (with preserved Dot1q) |
1518 |
1504 |
1514 |
1500 |
VPLS (with preserved Dot1q) |
1518 |
1504 |
VLAN (Dot1p transparent to MTU value) |
1514 |
1500 |
VLAN (QinQ with preserved bottom Qtag) |
1518 |
1504 |
Specifies the size of the MTU in octets, expressed as a decimal integer.
service-name service-name
no service-name
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command configures an optional service name that adds a name identifier to a specific service to then use that service name in configuration references as well as display and use service names in show commands throughout the system. This helps the service provider or administrator to identify and manage services.
All services are required to assign a service ID to initially create a service. However, either the service ID or the service name can be used to identify and reference a specific service when it is initially created.
Specifies a unique service name, up to 64 characters, to identify the service. Service names may not begin with an integer (0-9).