There is a set of configurable objects that are provisioned (added to the <running> datastore) automatically by SR OS; for example, log-id 99.
Some of these SPC objects can be deleted or removed by a user (deletable system provisioned configuration (SPC) objects):
In CLI, the SPC objects are removed by specifying the keyword no, which is then visible in an info command or in a saved configuration (admin save); for example, no log-id 99.
The deletable SPC objects can be removed or recreated using NETCONF <edit-config> requests, but they are not visible in a <get-config> response if they are:
set to their default values, including all child leaves and objects
removed or deleted
The deletable SPC objects are visible in a <get-config> response if a child leaf or object is changed from the default value; for example, changing log-99 to time-format local.
The list of deletable SPC objects is as follows:
Config system security profile default
Config system security profile default entry 10-100
Config system security profile administrative
Config system security profile administrative entry 10-112
Config system security user "admin"
Config system security user console member "default"
Config system security snmp access group xyz (a set of access groups)
Config system security ssh client-cipher-list protocol-version 1 cipher 200-210
Config system security ssh client-cipher-list protocol-version 2 cipher 190-235
Config system security ssh server-cipher-list protocol-version 1 cipher 200-205
Config system security ssh server-cipher-list protocol-version 2 cipher 190-235
Config log filter 1001
Config log filter 1001 entry 10
Config log log-id 99 & 100
Some SPC objects cannot be deleted (non-deletable SPC objects):
Although they cannot be deleted, some of these non-deletable objects contain modifiable leaves.
The non-deletable SPC objects are not visible in a <get-config> response when the SPC objects are set to their default values, including all child leaves and objects.
The non-deletable SPC objects are visible in a <get-config> response if a child leaf or object is changed from the default value; for example, setting the card-type.
The list of non-deletable SPC objects is as follows:
Config system security user-template {tacplus_default|radius_default}
Config system security snmp view iso …
Config system security snmp view li-view …
Config system security snmp view mgmt-view …
Config system security snmp view vprn-view …
Config system security snmp view no-security-view …Config log event-control …
Config filter log 101
Config qos … various default policies can’t be deleted
Config qos queue-group-templates … these can’t be deleted
Config card <x>
Config router network-domains network-domain ‟default”
Config oam-pm bin-group 1
Config call-trace trace-profile ‟default”
Some non-deletable SPC objects are visible in a <get-config> request, even if they are set to default values:
Config system security cpu-protection policy 254 and 255
Config router interface ‟system"
Config service customer 1