Ingress profile assignment

Queues can operate in two modes – profile mode and non-profile mode.

On the 7210 SAS-K 2F1C2T, SAP-ingress queues and access uplink port ingress queues operate in either profile mode or non-profile mode.

On the 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C, SAP-ingress queues, network port and hybrid port ingress queues, and access uplink port ingress queues operate in either profile mode or non-profile mode.

In profile mode, the profile defined in the policy is used to determine the WRED slope to use for ingress queuing, with ‟profile in” packets using high-slope and ‟profile out” packets using low-slope. The ingress queue shaper does not change the profile value assigned to a packet that has a user assigned profile value. That is, if a user assigns a profile value of green and the packet exceeds the CIR rate of the shaper, it is not changed to yellow. Similarly, packets assigned yellow are not changed by the shaper. The color assigned by the user is also subsequently used at the egress queuing point to determine the slope to use.

In non-profile mode, the profile is not specified by the user (and the node maps it to a value of ‟undefined”. The low WRED slope is used at the ingress queuing point, as all packets received are considered to be the same as ‟profile out”. The packet is then assigned the profile by the ingress queue shaper. It is assigned ‟in” profile value if it is within the CIR and assigned ‟out” profile value if it exceeds the CIR. It is dropped if it exceeds the PIR rate of ingress queue shaper (except for packets which are assigned a profile value of ‟undefined” on ingress and where the shaper assigns the profile based on CIR/PIR rate). The profile assigned by the ingress queue shaper is also subsequently used at the egress queuing point to determine the slope to use.

The user is provided with different options to assign the profile to the packet (for example, DEI based). It is always assigned on ingress of the packet into the node. When the profile is assigned at the ingress, it is used at subsequent queuing points in the system. That is, subsequent modules and queuing points in the system do not change the profile assigned to the packet on ingress. The profile assigned at ingress is also used to subsequently assign different marking/remarking values to in-profile and out-of-profile packets, if this meets user needs.