Service ingress QoS policies

Service ingress QoS policies define ingress service FC queues or meters and map traffic flows to FC on access SAP-ingress. A SAP can be configured on both access ports and hybrid ports. The service ingress QoS policy support for SAPs is the same for access ports and hybrid ports.


Not all 7210 SAS platforms support queues and meters on service ingress. The support varies across different platforms. See to subsequent chapters and sections for more information.

On 7210 SAS platforms, when a service ingress QoS policy is created, it always has one queue defined that cannot be deleted. The queue is used to queue all the traffic, both the unicast traffic and the multipoint traffic. These queues exist within the definition of the policy. The queues only get instantiated in hardware when the policy is applied to a SAP. Multipoint queues are instantiated only if the SAP-ingress policy defines a multipoint queue. By default, software does not allocate any multipoint queues.

In the simplest service ingress QoS policy, all traffic is handled as a single flow and mapped to a single queue, including all flooded traffic.

The required elements to define a service ingress QoS policy are the following:

Optional service ingress QoS policy elements for 7210 SAS platforms include the following:

Each meter or queue can have unique meter or queue parameters to allow individual shaping or rate limiting of the flow mapped to the FC. The following figure shows service traffic being classified into three different FCs.

Figure: Traffic queuing model for FCs