Simplified overview of RED

The following is a simplified overview of how a RED slope determines shared buffer availability on a packet basis:

The following figure shows how a RED slope is a graph with an X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axis. The X-axis plots the percentage of shared buffer average utilization, ranging from 0 to 100 %. The Y-axis plots the probability of packet discard marked as 0 to 1. The actual slope can be defined as four sections in (X, Y) points.

Figure: RED slope characteristics

The following describes the sections shown in the preceding figure:

Plotting any value of shared buffer average utilization results in a value for packet discard probability from 0 to 1. Changing the values for start-avg, max-avg, and max-prob allows the adaptation of the RED slope to the needs of the different queues (for example, access port queues) using the shared portion of the buffer pool, including disabling the RED slope.