Assigning and enabling policies to Epipe and VPLS SAPs

Within Epipe and VPLS services, SAPs can be configured with an IP DSCP or dot1p classification policy per SAP. This applies to SAPs configured on an access port and on a hybrid port. Using the enable-table-classification command means the SAP uses table-based policies along with the meters defined in the SAP ingress policy. CAM-based resources from the SAP ingress policy are ignored.

The enable-table-classification command enables the use of IP DSCP or dot1p tables per SAP ingress to assign an FC and profile. Using table-based classification means ignoring CAM classification in the service ingress policy, using only meters from service ingress policy, and using the IP DSCP classification policy or dot1p classification policy that is configured in the SAP ingress policy. The default FC is assigned per SAP.

The num-qos-classifiers command allocates meters from the IFP, with resources taken from the ingress-internal-tcam resource pool toward qos-sap-ingress.

The dscp-classification command configures which classification policy is used to match IP packets and to map an IP DSCP value to an FC and profile.

The dot1p-classification command configures which classification policy is used to match IP packets and to map a dot1p value to an FC and profile.

The table-classification-criteria command provides an option for all traffic to use either dot1p classification, or DSCP classification, or both IP DSCP and Dot1p classification, or assign default-fc (none option) to all traffic. The default-fc command configures the FC assigned to all untagged packets. All untagged packets are mapped to the profile ‟out”.

MAC, IPv4, and IPv6 criteria do not need to be defined because DSCP or dot1p classification is being used.

The CLI syntax below shows how to enable table classification for an Epipe and a VPLS service.

configure> service> epipe> sap> ingress>
    configure> service> vpls> sap> ingress>
        [no] qos policy-id [enable-table-classification] 

The following is a sample SAP ingress QoS policy 1000 configured with DSCP classification policy 101 and default-fc ‟be”. It is followed by a sample Epipe ingress SAP configured to use SAP ingress policy 1000 with table-based classification enabled.

configure> qos> sap-ingress 1000 create
        num-qos-classifiers 16 
            fc af
                meter 1
                unknown-meter 2
                multicast-meter 3
                broadcast-meter 4
            dscp-classification 101 
            table-classification-criteria both-dscp-dot1p
            default-fc be
configure> service> epipe> sap> 
            qos 1000 [enable-table-classification]