Configuration guidelines for use of decommission commands on 7210 SAS-T devices

The configure system resource-profile decommission entry CLI command allows the user to configure the list of ports to be decommissioned and the list of ports that need more buffers. The system does not allocate any packet buffers to the ports which are decommissioned. For more information, see the CLI command description for details on the functionality provided by the command.

Packet buffers are added to the MBS pool of the port (the MBS pool is shared by the 8 (eight) queues on the port) and the CBS portion of the queues are not modified.

The user can modify the list of ports or update to the list of ports specified with the decommission command (and also entry command) when the node is up.

The software maintains two lists of entries, one is the current list of ports and another which has been modified by the user and takes effect only after the next reboot. These lists can be displayed using the show command. The configuration file always stores the list of entries as configured by the user, so that when rebooted the modified entries and new entries (if any) takes effect.

A port must be in administrative down (shutdown) state before it is in a decommission entry. An attempt to configure a port which is administratively up (no shutdown) state results in an error. The administrative state or the operational state of the port is not affected by configuring the port in a decommission entry.

The decommissioned port cannot be used in any service configuration or as a loopback port. An attempt to do so results in an error.

The decommissioned port must not be configured with BOF parameter, ‛no-service-ports’.

Buffer allocation to a port should is possible for access ports, network ports or hybrid ports. In other words, irrespective of port mode, it is possible to assign more buffer resources to the port.

The user needs to ensure that enough buffers are available for the internal loopback ports or front-panel ports assigned for loopback. It is not recommended to take away buffers allocated to these ports and assign it to other ports. This may cause unintended behavior of the system. The system software does not check for this, but expects users to ensure this through proper configuration.

During system boot up, while executing the commands in the configuration file software checks if the no-service-ports are configured under the decommission entries. If there is match, software throws an error and stops execution of further commands in the configuration file. When this happens, user needs to correct the configuration file or the BOF file, to either remove the ports from the decommission entries or not configure them as no-service-ports in the BOF, save the BOF file or the configuration file based on where the change was made and reboot the node.

On the 7210 SAS-T, the decommission command takes affect only if the per port MBS pool is in use, that is, the user needs to configure the configure system resource-profile qos mbs-pool port CLI command, before using the decommission port feature.


The following configuration sample shows the ports to be decommissioned and the ports that need more buffers.

A:7210SAS>config>system>res-prof>decom# info detail
entry 15 port 1/2/1,1/2/2 to 1/1/2
entry 23 port 1/1/5 to 1/1/3

See the 7210  SAS-Mxp, R6, R12, S, Sx, T Basic System Configuration Guide for more information about the decommission commands.