Determining the number of policers/meters per policy (TP)

Determine the number of policers or meters to use (TP). A maximum of 32 meters per policy are available. The number of policers/meters is determined by the number of meters associated with FCs in the SAP-ingress QoS policy.

Use the values of TC and TP to determine the required number of QoS resources (TQ).

Only those meters associated with FCs are considered for the number of meters. Note that only ‟FCs in use” are considered.

Total QoS resources required (TQ) = max [(TC), (2 * TP))

The resulting number is rounded up to the next multiple of ‟2” greater than TQ obtained above. For example, if TC = 5 and TP = 2, then max (5, (2 * 2)) is 5, and TQ is rounded up to 6.

The user configures TQ value using num-qos-classifiers command.

For more information and examples about resource calculation, see the following sections: