Example 3: VPLS service using unicast, broadcast, multicast, and unknown-unicast with additional FCs

In this example, the sap-ingress policy in Example 2 is changed to define additional meters (shown below) and applied to a SAP configured in a VPLS service.

*A:dut-a# configure qos sap-ingress 24 
*A:dut-a>config>qos>sap-ingress# info 
            description "sap-Ingress-Policy-24"
            num-qos-classifiers 18
            meter 1 create
                mode trtcm2 
                rate cir 5000 pir 7000
                mbs 200 kbits
                cbs 100 kbits
            meter 9 create
                mode trtcm2 
                rate cir 3000 pir 5000
                mbs 200 kbits
                cbs 100 kbits
            meter 10 create
                mode trtcm2 
                rate cir 4000 pir 6000
                mbs 200 kbits
                cbs 100 kbits
            meter 11 multipoint create
                mode trtcm2 
                rate cir 2000 pir 5000
                mbs 200 kbits
                cbs 100 kbits
            meter 12 create
                mode trtcm2 
                rate cir 3500 pir 6000
                mbs 200 kbits
                cbs 100 kbits
            meter 13 create
                mode trtcm2 
                rate cir 5000 pir 7000
                mbs 200 kbits
                cbs 100 kbits
            meter 14 create           
                mode trtcm2 
                rate cir 5000 pir 6000
                mbs 200 kbits
                cbs 100 kbits
            meter 15 create
                mode trtcm2 
                rate cir 4000 pir 5000
                mbs 200 kbits
                cbs 100 kbits
            meter 20 multipoint create 
                mode trtcm2 
                rate cir 0 pir 5
                mbs 50 kbits
                cbs 50 kbits
            meter 21 multipoint create
                mode trtcm2 
                rate cir 0 pir 10
                mbs 100 kbits
                cbs 100 kbits
            meter 22 multipoint create
                mode trtcm2 
                rate cir 0 pir 50
                mbs 100 kbits
                cbs 100 kbits
            fc "af" create
                meter 11
            broadcast-meter 22
            fc "be" create
                meter 9
            fc "ef" create
                meter 14
            broadcast-meter 22
            fc "h1" create
                meter 15
            broadcast-meter 22
            fc "h2" create
                meter 13
            broadcast-meter 22
            fc "l1" create
                meter 12
            broadcast-meter 22
                unknown-unicast 21
            fc "l2" create
                meter 10
            broadcast-meter 20
            fc "nc" create
                meter 1
            dscp-classification 23

For the VPLS service, four traffic types are identified (unicast and BUM). Because multicast meter "11" is defined, BUM traffic types for all FCs will use meter "11" (since the user has not configured an explicit multicast-meter for the FC). Hence, the number of classification entries required is determined as shown below:

FC (nc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (h1) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (ef) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (h2) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (l1) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, one for unknown-unicast & one for multicast) FC (af) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast and unknown-unicast) FC (l2) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast and unknown-unicast) FC (be) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (default-fc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM, since default-dscp-fc is configured to be FC 'be' in the dscp-classification policy)

TC = 1*2 (FC-nc) + 1*3 (FC-h1) + 1*3 (FC-ef) + 1*3 (FC-h2) + 1*4 (FC-l1) + 1*3 (FC-af) + 1*3 (FC-l2) + 1*2 (FC-be) + 1*2 (default-fc) = 25

TP = Total meters used is 11.

Hence, in this example, num-qos-classifiers is calculated to be maximum (25, (11*2)) = 25, but is set to 26 after rounding off to the next highest even number.

If the same policy is attached to an IES or an VPRN service with multicast enabled, then the number of resources required would be 18 (that is, num-qos-classifiers needs to be set to 18). This is because for IES and VPRN only unicast and multicast traffic types are supported; broadcast and unknown-unicast traffic types are not supported and do not consume any resources. The calculation is as shown below:

FC (nc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (h1) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (ef) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (h2) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (l1) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (af) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (l2) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (be) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (default-fc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM, since default-dscp-fc is configured to be FC 'be' in the dscp-classification policy)

TC = 1*2 (FC-nc) + 1*2 (FC-h1) + 1*2 (FC-ef) + 1*2 (FC-h2) + 1*2 (FC-l1) + 1*2 (FC-af) + 1*2 (FC-l2) + 1*2 (FC-be) + 1*2 (default-fc) = 18

TP = Total meters used is 8 (meter 20, meter 21, and meter 22 are not used because they are associated with broadcast and unknown-unicast traffic types, which are not supported for IES and VPRN).

Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers is set to (maximum (18, (8*2)) = 18.