Network queue policies in access-uplink mode

In access-uplink mode of operation, network queue policies are applied at egress of access-uplink ports for 7210 SAS-T devices operating in access-uplink mode. The system allocates 8 (eight) queues for the network port and FCs are mapped to the 8 (eight) queues. All policies uses 8 (eight) queues, like the default network queue policy.

The following queue characteristics can be configured on a per-FC basis:

Network queue policies are identified with a unique policy name, which conforms to the standard 7210 SAS alphanumeric naming conventions. The system default network queue policy is named ‟default” and cannot be edited or deleted. CBS values cannot be provisioned. The following table lists the default network queue policy definition in access-uplink mode.

Table: Default network queue policy definition (for 7210 SAS-T configured in access-uplink mode)
Forwarding class Queue Definition

Network-Control (nc)

Queue 8

  • PIR = 100%

  • CIR = 10%

  • CBS = 7%

High-1 (h1)

Queue 7

  • PIR = 100%

  • CIR = 10%

  • CBS = 7%

Expedited (ef)

Queue 6

  • PIR = 100%

  • CIR = 100%

  • CBS = 21%

High-2 (h2)

Queue 5

  • PIR = 100%

  • CIR = 100%

  • CBS = 21%

Low-1 (l1)

Queue 4

  • PIR = 100%

  • CIR = 25%

  • CBS = 7%

Assured (af)

Queue 3

  • PIR = 100%

  • CIR = 25%

  • CBS = 21%

Low-2 (l2)

Queue 2

  • PIR = 100%

  • CIR = 25%

  • CBS = 7%

Best-Effort (be)

Queue 1

  • PIR = 100%

  • CIR = 0%

  • CBS = 7%