Resource usage for service meters

The number of meters used for a SAP ingress policy that is configured to use the service-meter pool is equal to the number of unique meters mapped to different FCs in the fc-meter-map policy that is associated with the SAP ingress policy.

The fc-meter-map defines the association between the meters and the FC-to-meter. Meter resources are allocated only to meters that have an associated FC. For example, if 10 meters are created in the fc-meter-map, and only 5 meters are associated with an FC, the system allocates only 5 meters per SAP (and not 10 meters) and rounds off the number of meters to the nearest power of 2, which results in eight (8) meters to be allocated. Meters that are not associated with an FC are ignored for resource allocation. The number of counters allocated is equal to twice the number of meters per SAP.
