Configuring a VPRN interface

Interface names associate an IP address to the interface, and then associate the IP interface with a physical port. The logical interface can associate attributes like an IP address, port, Link Aggregation Group (LAG) or the system.

There are no default interfaces.

Note that you can configure a VPRN interface as a loopback interface by issuing the loopback command instead of the sap sap-id command. The loopback flag cannot be set on an interface where a SAP is already defined and a SAP cannot be defined on a loopback interface.

When using mtrace/mstat in a Layer 3 VPN context then the configuration for the VPRN should have a loopback address configured which has the same address as the core instance's system address (BGP next-hop).

Refer to OSPF configuration commands (IPv4 only) for CLI commands and syntax.

The following is a sample VPRN interface configuration output.

*A:7210 SAS>config>service>vprn>if# info detail
                no description
                no address
                no mac
                arp-timeout 14400
                no allow-directed-broadcasts
                    redirects 100 10
                    unreachables 100 10
                    ttl-expired 100 10
                no arp-populate
                    no description
                        no emulated-server
                        no lease-time
                    no option
                    no server
                    no trusted
                    no lease-populate
                    no gi-address
                    no relay-plain-bootp
                    no use-arp
                no authentication-policy
                no ip-mtu
                no host-connectivity-verify
                no delayed-enable
                no bfd
                    no peer-ip-address
                    no dns
                no proxy-arp-policy
                no local-proxy-arp
                no remote-proxy-arp
                no shutdown
*A:7210 SAS>config>service>vprn>if#