id service-id
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command debugs commands for a specific service.
The ID that uniquely identifies a service.
[no] sap sap-id
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command enables debugging for a particular SAP.
Specifies the SAP ID.
[no] event-type {arp | config-change | oper-status-change}
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command enables a particular debugging event type.
The no form of this command disables the event type debugging.
Displays ARP events. This parameter is not supported for use with VLL services.
Debugs configuration change events.
Debugs service operational status changes.
The following output is an example of event type debugging information.
Sample outputA:bksim180# debug service id 1000 sap 1/7/1 event-type arp
DEBUG OUTPUT show on CLI is as follows:
3 2008/11/17 18:13:24.35 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base Service 1000 SAP 1/7/
1 "Service 1000 SAP 1/7/1:
RX: ARP_REQUEST (0x0001)
hwType : 0x0001
prType : 0x0800
hwLength : 0x06
prLength : 0x04
srcMac : 8c:c7:01:07:00:03
destMac : 00:00:00:00:00:00
srcIp :
destIp :
4 2008/11/17 18:13:24.35 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base Service 1000 SAP 1/7/
1 "Service 1000 SAP 1/7/1:
hwType : 0x0001
prType : 0x0800
hwLength : 0x06
prLength : 0x04
srcMac : 00:03:0a:0a:0a:0a
destMac : 8c:c7:01:07:00:03
srcIp :
destIp :
[no] sdp sdp-id:vc-id
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode
This command enables debugging for a particular SDP.
Specifies the SDP ID.