ES and DF election procedures

In all-active multi-homing, the non-DF keeps the SAP up, although it removes it from the default flooding list. In the single-active multi-homing implementation, the non-DF brings the SAP operationally down. For more information, see ES discovery and DF election procedures.

The following show command output is an example status of the single-active ESI-7413 in the non-DF.

*A:Dut-B# show service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment name "eslag1" 
Service Ethernet Segment
Name                    : eslag1
Admin State             : Enabled            Oper State         : Up
ESI                     : 00:bc:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
Multi-homing            : singleActiveNoEsi* Oper Multi-homing  : singleActive*
Lag Id                  : 1                  
ES Activation Timer     : 3 secs (default)   
Exp/Imp Route-Target    : target:bc:01:00:00:00:00
Svc Carving             : auto               
ES SHG Label            : N/A                
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-D# /show service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment name "eslag1" evi 1 
EVI DF and Candidate List
EVI           SvcId         Actv Timer Rem      DF  DF Last Change
1             1             0                   no  03/13/2000 11:43:16
DF Candidates                           Time Added
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                               03/13/2000 12:00:30                               03/13/2000 11:43:16
Number of entries: 2