R-VPLS supported functionality and restrictions for both access-uplink and network modes are listed as follows. The following items are applicable to both the modes, unless specified explicitly:
Static ARP cannot be configured with an IES IP interface that is associated with an R-VPLS, though static MAC can be configured in an R-VPLS service.
In access-uplink mode, only static routes are supported. No dynamic routing protocols are supported.
In network mode, both static routing and dynamic routing protocols are supported.
Whenever a VPLS FIB entry is removed either due to user action, aging or mac-move, the corresponding ARP entry whose MAC address matches that of the MAC in the FIB is removed from the ARP cache.
In access-uplink mode, R-VPLS is supported only in the base routing instance. Only IPv4 addressing support is available for IES interfaces associated with an R-VPLS service.
In network mode, R-VPLS is supported in both the base routing instance (IES) and VPRN services. IPv4 addressing support is available for IES and VPRN IP interfaces associated with an R-VPLS service.
In access-uplink mode, IPv6 addressing support is not available for IES interfaces associated with an R-VPLS service.
In network mode, only on the 7210 SAS-Mxp, IPv6 addressing support is available for IES and VPRN interfaces associated with an R-VPLS service.
In both network mode and access-uplink mode, multiple SAPs configured on the same port cannot be part of the same R-VPLS service. That is, a single service can only be configured with a single SAP on a specific port.
Service MTU configuration is not supported in the R-VPLS service.
In network mode, in any service (that is, svc-sap-type set to any), null sap accepts only untagged packets. Received tagged packets are dropped.
In network mode, MPLS protocols (for example, RSVP and LDP) cannot be enabled on an R-VPLS IP interface.
In network mode, MPLS-TP cannot use an R-VPLS IP interface.
In network mode, R-VPLS SAPs can be configured on an MC-LAG LAG.
Service-based SHGs are not supported in an R-VPLS service.
Spoke SDPs and mesh SDPs cannot be configured in an R-VPLS service.