Show commands

    - service
        - egress-label start-label [end-label]
        - ingress-label start-label [[end-label]
        - id service-id
            - all
            - base
            - dhcp
                - statistics [sap sap-id] [interface interface-name]
                - summary [interface interface-name | saps]
            - sap [sap-id [detail]]
            - sdp [sdp-id | far-end ip-address] [detail]
        - labels
        - sap-using [sap sap-id]
        - sap-using interface [ip-address | ip-int-name]
        - sap-using [ingress | egress] filter filter-id
        - sap-using [ingress | qos-policy qos-policy-id
        - sdp-using [sdp-id | far-end ip-address] [detail | keep-alive-history]
        - sdp-using [sdp-id[:vc-id] 
        - service-using [vprn] [sdp sdp-id] [customer customer-id]
    - router [vprn-service-id]
        - aggregate [family] [active]
        - arp [ip-int-name | ip-address[/mask] | macieee-mac address | summary] [local | dynamic | static | managed]
        - bgp
            - auth-keychain [keychain]
            - damping [ip-prefix[/prefix-length]] [decayed | history | suppressed] [detail] [ipv4]
            - damping [ip-prefix[/prefix-length]] [decayed | history | suppressed] [detail] vpn-ipv4
            - group [name] [detail] inter-as-label
            - neighbor [ip-address [detail]
            - neighbor [as-number [detail]
            - neighbor [ip-address [[family family] filter1] [filter3]]
            - neighbor [as-number [[family family] filter2]]
            - next-hop [family] [ip-address [detail]]
            - paths
            - routes [family family] [prefix [detail | longer]]
            - routes [family family] [prefix [hunt | brief]]
            - routes [family family] [community comm-id]
            - routes [family family] [aspath-regex reg-ex1]
            - routes [family] [ipv6-prefix[/prefix-length] [detail | longer] | [hunt [brief]]]
            - summary [all]
        - interface [{[ip-address | ip-int-name] [detail]} | summary [family family] [neighbor ip-address]
        - mvpn
        - mvpn-list [type type] [auto-discovery auto-discovery] [signalling signalling] [group group] 
        - route-table [family][ip-address[/prefix-length] [longer | exact]] | [protocol protocol-name] | [summary] 
        - sgt-qos               (See Note) 
            - application 
            - dscp-map 
        - static-arp [ip-address | ip-int-name | mac ieee-mac-address]
        - static-route [ip-prefix /mask] | [preference preference] | [next-hop ip-address | tag tag] [detail]
        - tunnel-table [ip-address[/mask] [protocol protocol | sdp sdp-id]
        - tunnel-table [summary]

For descriptions of the show router sgt-qos commands, refer to the 7210 SAS-Mxp, R6, R12, S, Sx, T Quality of Service Guide, ‟Network QoS Policy Command Reference, Show Commands (for 7210 SAS-Mxp)”.