VLL SDP commands are supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode. Any exceptions are noted explicitly.
spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] [no-endpoint] [create]
spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] endpoint endpoint-name
no spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command binds a service to an existing Service Distribution Point (SDP).
The SDP has an operational state that determines the operational state of the SDP within the service. For example, if the SDP is administratively or operationally down, the SDP for the service is down.
The SDP must already exist in the config>service>sdp context to associate an SDP with an Epipe or VPL service. If the sdp-id is not already configured, an error message is generated. If the sdp-id does exist, a binding between the specific sdp-id and the service is created.
SDPs must be explicitly associated and bound to a service to allow far-end 7210 SAS devices to participate in the service.
The no form of this command removes the SDP binding from the service; the SDP configuration is not affected. When the binding is removed, no packets are forwarded to the far-end router.
no sdp-id is bound to a service
At most, only one sdp-id can be bound to an Epipe service. Since an Epipe is a point-to-point service, it can have, at most, two end points. The two end points can be one SAP and one SDP or two SAPs. VC-switching VLLs are an exception. If the VLL is a ‟vc-switching” VLL, the two endpoints must both be SDPs.
Specifies the SDP identifier.
Specifies the virtual circuit identifier.
Keyword to remove the association of a spoke-SDP with an explicit endpoint name.
Specifies the name of the service endpoint.
Keyword to create spoke-SDP.
[no] control-word
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command provides the option to add a control word as part of the packet encapsulation for pseudowire types for which the control word is optional. These are Ethernet pseudowires (Epipe).
The configuration for the two directions of the pseudowire must match because the control word negotiation procedures described in Section 6.2 of RFC 4447 are not supported. The C-bit in the pseudowire FEC sent in the label mapping message is set to 1 when the control word is enabled. Otherwise, it is set to 0.
The service only comes up if the same C-bit value is signaled in both directions. If a spoke-SDP is configured to use the control word but the node receives a label mapping message with a C-bit clear, the node releases the label with the an ‟Illegal C-bit” status code as per Section 6.1 of RFC 4447. As soon as the user also enabled the control the remote peer, the remote peer withdraws its original label and sends a label mapping with the C-bit set to 1 and the VLL service is up in both nodes.
[no] control-channel-status
7210 SAS-T
This command enables the configuration of static pseudowire status signaling on a spoke-SDP for which signaling for its SDP is set to OFF.
A control-channel-status no shutdown is allowed only if all of the following is true:
The system is using network chassis mode D
SDP signaling is off
The control-word is enabled (control-word by default is disabled)
The service type is epipe, apipe, vpls, or IES/VPRN
Mate SDP signaling is off (in vc-switched services)
pw-path-id is configured for this spoke
The no form of this command removes control channel status signaling form a spoke-SDP. It can only be removed if control channel status is shutdown.
no control-channel-status
[no] acknowledgment
7210 SAS-T
This command enables the acknowledgment of control channel status messages. By default, no acknowledgment packets are sent.
refresh-timer value
no refresh-timer
7210 SAS-T
This command configures the refresh timer for control channel status signaling packets. By default, no refresh packets are sent.
no refresh-timer
Specifies the refresh timer value.
request-timer request-timer request-timer-secs retry-timer retry-timer-secs timeout-multiplier multiplier
7210 SAS-T
This command configures the control channel status request mechanism. When it is configured, control channel status request procedures are used. These augment the procedures for control channel status messaging from RFC 6478. This command is mutually exclusive with a non-zero refresh-timer value.
Specifies the interval at which pseudowire status messages, including a reliable delivery TLV, with the ‟request” bit set, are sent.
Specifies the timeout interval if no response to a pseudowire status request is received. This parameter must be configured. A value of zero (0) disables retries.
Specifies the optional timeout multiplier for the retry timer. If a requesting node does not receive a valid response to a pseudowire status request within this multiplier value times the retry timer value, it assumes the pseudowire is down.
precedence [precedence-value | primary]
no precedence
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command specifies the precedence of the SDP binding when there are multiple SDP bindings attached to one service endpoint. The value of zero can only be assigned to one SDP bind making it the primary SDP bind. When an SDP binding goes down, the next highest precedence SDP binding begins to forward traffic.
The no form of this command returns the precedence value to the default.
Specifies the spoke-SDP precedence.
Specifies to make this the primary spoke-SDP.
[no] pw-path-id
7210 SAS-T
This command configures an MPLS-TP Pseudowire Path Identifier for a spoke-SDP. All elements of the PW path ID must be configured to enable a spoke-SDP with a PW path ID.
For an IES or VPRN spoke-SDP, the pw-path-id is only valid for Ethernet spoke-SDPs.
The pw-path-id is only configurable if all of the following is true:
The system is using network chassis mode D
SDP signaling is off
Control-word is enabled (control-word is disabled by default)
The service type is epipe, vpls, or IES/VPRN interface
Mate SDP signaling is off for vc-switched services
The no form of this command deletes the PW path ID.
no pw-path-id
agi agi
no agi
7210 SAS-T
This command configures the attachment group identifier for an MPLS-TP PW.
Specifies the attachment group identifier.
saii-type2 global-id:node-id:ac-id
no saii-type2
7210 SAS-T
This command configures the source individual attachment identifier (SAII) for an MPLS-TP spoke-SDP. If this is configured on a spoke-SDP for which vc-switching is also configured, that is, if it is at an S-PE, the values must match those of the taii-type2 of the mate spoke-SDP.
Specifies the global ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke-SDP.
Specifies the node ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke-SDP.
Specifies the attachment circuit ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke-SDP. If this node is the source of the PW, the AC ID must be set to a locally unique value.
taii-type2 global-id:node-id:ac-id
no taii-type2
7210 SAS-T
This command configures the source individual attachment identifier (SAII) for an MPLS-TP spoke-SDP. If this is configured on a spoke-SDP for which vc-switching is also configured (it is at an S-PE), the values must match those of the taii-type2 of the mate spoke-SDP.
Specifies the global ID at the target PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke-SDP.
Specifies the node ID at the target PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke-SDP.
Specifies the attachment circuit ID at the target PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke-SDP. If this node is the source of the PW, the AC ID must be set to a locally unique value.
[no] pw-status-signaling
7210 SAS-T
This command enables pseudowire status signaling for this spoke-SDP binding.
The no form of this command disables the status signaling.
[no] vc-label vc-label
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command configures the egress VC label.
A VC egress value that indicates a specific connection.
[no] vc-label vc-label
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command configures the ingress VC label.
Specifies a VC ingress label value for a connection.
vlan-vc-tag 0..4094
no vlan-vc-tag [0..4094]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command specifies an explicit dot1q value used when encapsulating to the SDP far end. When signaling is enabled between the near and far end, the configured dot1q tag can be overridden by a received TLV specifying the dot1q value expected by the far end. This signaled value must be stored as the remote signaled dot1q value for the binding. The provisioned local dot1q tag must be stored as the administrative dot1q value for the binding.
When the dot1q tag is not defined, the default value of zero is stored as the administrative dot1q value. Setting the value to zero is equivalent to not specifying the value.
The no form of this command disables the command.
no vlan-vc-tag
Specifies a valid VLAN identifier to bind an 802.1Q VLAN tag ID.
spoke-sdp-fec spoke-sdp-fec-id [fec fec-type] [aii-type aii-type] [create]
spoke-sdp-fec spoke-sdp-fec-id no-endpoint
spoke-sdp-fec spoke-sdp-fec-id [fec fec-type] [aii-type aii-type] [create] endpoint name [icb]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command binds a service to an existing SDP, using a dynamic MS-PW.
A spoke-SDP is treated like the equivalent of a traditional bridge ‟port” where flooded traffic received on the spoke-SDP is replicated on all other ‟ports” (other spoke and mesh SDPs or SAPs) and not transmitted on the port it was received.
The SDP has an operational state which determines the operational state of the SDP within the service. For example, if the SDP is administratively or operationally down, the SDP for the service is down.
When using dynamic MS-PWs, the particular SDP to bind to is automatically selected based on the Target Attachment Individual Identifier (TAII) and the path to use, specified under spoke-SDP FEC. The selected SDP terminates on the first hop S-PE of the MS-PW. Therefore, an SDP must already be defined in the config>service>sdp context that reaches the first hop 7210 of the MS-PW. The 7210 associates an SDP with a service. If an SDP is not already configured, an error message is generated. If the sdp-id does exists, a binding between that sdp-id and the service is created.
It differs from the spoke-sdp command in that the spoke-sdp command creates a spoke-SDP binding that uses a PW with the PW ID FEC. However, the spoke-sdp-fec command enables PWs with other FEC types to be used. In Release 9.0, only the Generalized ID FEC (FEC129) may be specified using this command.
The no form of this command removes the SDP binding from the service. The SDP configuration is not affected; only the binding of the SDP to a service. When removed, no packets are forwarded to the far-end router.
Specifies an unsigned integer value of the spoke-SDP.
Specifies an unsigned integer value for the type of the FEC used by the MS-PW.
Specifies an unsigned integer value for the Attachment Individual Identifier (AII) type used to identify the MS-PW endpoints.
Specifies the name of the service endpoint.
Adds or removes a spoke-SDP association.
Configures the spoke-SDP as an inter-chassis backup SDP binding.
[no] auto-config
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command enables single-sided automatic endpoint configuration of the spoke-SDP. The 7210 SAS acts as the passive T-PE for signaling this MS-PW.
Automatic Endpoint Configuration allows the configuration of a spoke-SDP endpoint without specifying the TAII associated with that spoke-SDP. It allows a single-sided provisioning model where an incoming label mapping message with a TAII that matches the SAII of that spoke-SDP to be automatically bound to that endpoint. In this mode, the far end T-PE actively initiates MS-PW signaling and sends the initial label mapping message using T-LDP, while the 7210 T-PE for which auto-config is specified, acts as the passive T-PE.
The auto-config command is blocked in CLI if signaling active has been enabled for this spoke-SDP. It it is only applicable to spoke-SDPs configured under the Epipe, IES and VPRN interface context.
The no form of this command means that the 7210 T-PE either acts as the active T-PE (if signaling active is configured) or automatically determines which 7210 initiates MS-PW signaling based on the prefix values configured in the SAII and TAII of the spoke-SDP. If the SAII has the greater prefix value, the 7210 initiates MS-PW signaling without waiting for a label mapping message from the far end. However, if the TAII has the greater value prefix, then the 7210 assumes that the far end T-PE initiates MS-PW signaling and waits for that label mapping message before responding with a T-LDP label mapping message for the MS-PW in the reverse direction.
no auto-config
path name
no path
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command specifies the explicit path, containing a list of S-PE hops, that should be used for this spoke-SDP. The path-name should correspond to the name of an explicit path configured in the config>service>pw-routing context.
If no path is configured, each next-hop of the MS-PW used by the spoke-SDP is chosen locally at each T-PE and S-PE.
no path
The name of the explicit path to be used, as configured under config>service>pw-routing.
precedence precedence-value
precedence primary
no precedence
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command specifies the precedence of the SDP binding when there are multiple SDP bindings attached to one service endpoint. The value of zero can only be assigned to one SDP bind making it the primary SDP bind. When an SDP binding goes down, the next highest precedence SDP binding begins to forward traffic.
The no form of this command returns the precedence value to the default.
Specifies the spoke-SDP precedence.
Specifies to make this the primary spoke-SDP.
pw-template-bind policy-id
no pw-template-bind
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command binds the parameters included in a specific PW Template to a spoke-SDP.
The no form of this command removes the values from the configuration.
Specifies the existing policy ID.
retry-count retry-count
no retry-count
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This optional command specifies the number of attempts software should make to reestablish the spoke-SDP after it has failed. After each successful attempt, the counter is reset to zero.
When the specified number is reached, no more attempts are made and the spoke-SDP is put into the shutdown state.
Use the no shutdown command to bring up the path after the retry limit is exceeded.
The no form of this command reverts the parameter to the default value.
Specifies the maximum number of retries before putting the spoke-SDP into the shutdown state.
retry-timer retry-timer
no retry-timer
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command specifies a retry-timer for the spoke-SDP. This is a configurable exponential back-off timer that determines the interval between retries to reestablish a spoke-SDP if it fails and a label withdraw message is received with the status code ‟AII unreachable”.
The no form of this command reverts the timer to its default value.
Specifies the initial retry-timer value in seconds.
saii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id
no saii-type2
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command configures the source attachment individual identifier for the spoke-SDP. This is only applicable to FEC129 AII type 2.
Specifies the global ID of this 7210 T-PE. This value must correspond to one of the global_id values configured for a local-prefix under config>service>pw-routing>local-prefix context.
Specifies the prefix on this 7210 T-PE that the spoke-SDP SDP is associated with. This value must correspond to one of the prefixes configured under config>service>pw-routing>local-prefix context.
Specifies an unsigned integer representing a locally unique identifier for the spoke-SDP.
taii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id
no taii-type2
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
This command configures the target attachment individual identifier for the spoke-SDP. This is only applicable to FEC129 AII type 2.
This command is blocked in CLI if this end of the spoke-SDP is configured for single-sided auto configuration (using the auto-config command).
Specifies the Global ID of this 7210 T-PE. This value must correspond to one of the global_id values configured for a local-prefix under config>service>pw-routing>local-prefix context.
Specifies the prefix on this 7210 T-PE that the spoke-SDP is associated with. This value must correspond to one of the prefixes configured under config>service>pw-routing>local-prefix context.
Specifies an unsigned integer representing a locally unique identifier for the spoke-SDP.