VPLS SAP QoS and filter commands (for 7210 SAS-T, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone and standalone-VC), and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE)

    - service
        - vpls service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id] [m-vpls] [svc-sap-type {null-star | dot1q-preserve | any}] [b-vpls | i-vpls | r-vpls] [b-vid vid]
        - vpls service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id] [m-vpls] [svc-sap-type {null-star | dot1q-preserve | dot1q-range | any}] [customer-vid vlan-id]
        - no vpls service-id
            - sap sap-id [create] [g8032-shg-enable] [eth-ring ring-index] [split-horizon-group group-name] 
            - sap sap-id [g8032-shg-enable] [eth-ring ring-index] [create]
            - no sap sap-id 
                - egress 
                    - aggregate-meter-rate rate-in-kbps [burst burst-in-kbits] [enable-stats]
                    - no aggregate-meter-rate
                    - filter ip ip-filter-id
                    - filter ipv6 ipv6 -filter-id 
                    - filter mac mac-filter-id
                    - no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6 -filter-id] [mac mac-filter-id]
                - ingress 
                    - aggregate-meter-rate rate-in-kbps [burst burst-in-kbits] 
                    - no aggregate-meter-rate
                    - filter ip ip-filter-id
                    - filter [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id] 
                    - filter mac mac-filter-id
                    - no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id] [mac mac-filter-id]
                    - qos policy-id
                    - no qos