VPLS service and SAP IGMP snooping and MVR commands

    - service
        - vpls service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id] [m-vpls] [svc-sap-type {null-star | dot1q-preserve | any}] [b-vpls | i-vpls | r-vpls] [b-vid vid] 
            - igmp-snooping
                - mvr 
                    - description description-string
                    - no description
                    - group-policy policy-name
                    - no group-policy
                    - no shutdown
                    - shutdown
                - query-interval interval 
                - no query-interval
                - no query-src-ip
                - query-src-ip ip-address
                - no report-src-ip
                - report-src-ip ip-address
                - robust-count count
                - no robust-count
                - no shutdown
                - shutdown
            - sap sap-id [split-horizon-group group-name] [g8032-shg-enable] [eth-ring ring-index] [create]
            - no sap sap-id 
                - igmp-snooping
                    - [no] disable-router-alert-check
                    - [no] fast-leave
                    - import policy-name
                    - no import
                    - last-member-query-interval interval
                    - no last-member-query-interval
                    - max-num-groups max-num-groups
                    - no max-num-groups
                    - max-num-sources max-num-sources 
                    - no max-num-sources 
                    - [no] mrouter-port
                    - mvr 
                        - from-vpls service-id
                        - no from-vpls
                        - to-sap sap-id
                        - no to-sap
                    - query-interval seconds 
                    - no query-interval
                    - query-response-interval interval 
                    - no query-response-interval
                    - robust-count count
                    - no robust-count
                    - [no] send-queries
                    - static
                    - [no] group group-address
                            - [no] source ip-address 
                            - [no] starg
                    - version version
                    - no version
            - mfib-table-high-wmark high-water-mark
            - no mfib-table-high-wmark
            - mfib-table-low-wmark low-water-mark
            - no mfib-table-low-wmark
            - mfib-table-size table-size
            - no mfib-table-size