Use this command to configure the parameters for a script, including the maximum amount of time to keep the results from a script run, the maximum amount of time a script may run, the maximum number of script runs to store and the location to store the results.
Use the following CLI syntax to configure the parameters for a script.
action action-name [owner action-owner]
expire-time {seconds|forever}
lifetime {seconds|forever}
max-completed unsigned
results file-url
script script-name [owner script-owner]
config>system>cron# action test
config>system>cron>action# results
config>system>cron>action# no shut
The following sample output shows a script named ‟test” receiving an action to store its results in a file called ‟test-results”.
A:sim1>config>system>cron# info
script "test"
location ""
no shutdown
action "test"
results ""
no shutdown
A:sim1>config>cron# script