Basic CLI commands

The console control commands are the commands that are used for navigating within the CLI and displaying information about the console session. Most of these commands are implemented as global commands. They can be entered at any level in the CLI hierarchy with the exception of the password command, which must be entered at the ROOT level. The console control commands are described in the following table.

Table: Console control commands




Aborts the pending command.


Terminates the pending command line and returns to the ROOT context.


Navigates the user to the parent context.


Clears statistics for a specified entity or clears and resets the entity.


Echos the text that is typed in. Primary use is to display messages to the screen within an exec file.


Executes the contents of a text file as if they were CLI commands entered at the console.


Returns the user to the previous higher context.

exit all

Returns the user to the ROOT context.



Displays help in the CLI.


Displays a list of the most recently entered commands.


Displays the running configuration for a configuration context.


Terminates the CLI session.


Provides OAM test suite options. See the OAM section of the 7210 SAS-Mxp, R6, R12, S, Sx, T OAM and Diagnostics Guide.


Changes the user CLI login password. The password can only be changed at the ROOT level.


Verifies the reachability of a remote host.


Displays the present or previous working context of the CLI session.


Causes the console session to pause operation (sleep) for one second or for the specified number of seconds. Primary use is to introduce a pause within the execution of an exec file.


Opens a secure shell connection to a host.


Telnet to a host.


Determines the route to a destination address.


Displays a list of all commands at the current level and all sublevels.


Sends a console message to a specific user or to all users with active console sessions.

The list of all system global commands is displayed by entering help globals in the CLI. For example:

A:ALU-7210>config>service# help globals
      back            - Go back a level in the command tree
      echo            - Echo the text that is typed in
      enable-admin    - Enable the user to become a system administrator
      exec            - Execute a file - use -echo to show the commands and
                        prompts on the screen
      exit            - Exit to intermediate mode - use option all to exit to
                        root prompt
      help            - Display help
      history         - Show command history
      info            - Display configuration for the present node
      logout          - Log off this system
      oam             + OAM Test Suite
      ping            - Verify the reachability of a remote host
      pwc             - Show the present working context
      sleep           - Sleep for specified number of seconds
      ssh             - SSH to a host
      telnet          - Telnet to a host
      traceroute      - Determine the route to a destination address
      tree            - Display command tree structure from the context of
      write           - Write text to another user

The following table describes command syntax symbols.

Table: Command syntax symbols




A vertical line indicates that one of the parameters within the brackets or braces is required.

tcp-ack {true|false}

[ ]

Brackets indicate optional parameters.

redirects [number seconds]

< >

Angle brackets indicate that you must enter text based on the parameter inside the brackets.

interface <interface-name>

{ }

Braces indicate that one of the parameters must be selected.

default-action {drop|forward}

[{ }]

Braces within square brackets indicates that you must choose one of the optional parameters.

sdp sdp-id [ {gre | mpls} ] vpls service-id [svc-sap-type {null-star | dot1q | dot1q-preserve}]


Commands in bold indicate commands and keywords.


Commands in italics indicate command options.