This procedure is supported on all 7210 SAS platforms, except the 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12, and all platforms configured in the satellite mode of operation.
Perform this procedure to boot a 7210 SAS device from the network without using the auto-init mode.
See the corresponding 7210 SAS chassis installation guide for information about equipment required to setup the device.
The front panel ports (referred to as uplinkA and uplinkB in the sample output used in this procedure) are used to boot the device from the network.
Nokia recommends that the TiMOS image should be stored on the internal flash so that it is available for use in the case where booting the system from the flash is required later on subsequent reboot.
Perform the following steps to boot from the network in the manual mode using uplink ports.
Nokia SASDxp 7210 Boot ROM. Copyright 2000-2020 Nokia.
All rights reserved. All use is subject to applicable license agreements.
Build: X-20.3.B1-1 on Wed Feb 12 15:29:18 IST 2020 by sasbuild
Version: 0x8
SASDxp-DC Board
Shmoo tuning data in flash is valid, load it
DDR Tuning Complete.
Copying code from FLASH to RAM....
Board CPLD Version: 0x0e
Reboot Reason: 0x05
Boot rom version is v8
>>> RAM: Testing DDR Passed!
Board Serial Number is 'NS1917T0023'
DDR Tuning Complete.
Tuning values already saved. Skip saving to flash.
Memory Test Passed!
Jumping to vxrom at 0x61400000 now..................
Searching for boot.tim on local drives:
Attempting to load file cf1:/boot.tim
Version L-20.3.B1-1, Wed Feb 12 15:30:14 IST 2020 by sasbuild in /home/sasbuild/
text:(12972416-->39659312) + data:(4504352-->20039220)
Starting at 0x6f000000...
Total Memory: 2GB Chassis Type: 0xa Card Type: 0x4e
TiMOS-L-20.3.B1-1 boot/ARMiproc Nokia SAS-Dxp 6T4F2SFP+ 7210 Copyright (c) 2000-
2020 Nokia.
All rights reserved. All use subject to applicable license agreements.
Built on Wed Feb 12 15:30:14 IST 2020 by sasbuild in /home/sasbuild/20.3B1/panos/m
Time from clock is SUN MAR 15 05:09:48 2020 UTC
Switching serial output to sync mode... done
Looking for cf1:/bof.cfg ... OK, reading
Contents of Boot Options File on cf1:
#uplinkA Port Settings:
uplinkA-port 1/1/11
no uplinkA-autoneg
uplinkA-duplex full
uplinkA-speed 10000
uplinkA-address 0
uplinkA-vlan 0
#uplinkB Port Settings:
uplinkB-port 1/1/12
no uplinkB-autoneg
uplinkB-duplex full
uplinkB-speed 10000
uplinkB-address 0
uplinkB-vlan 0
#System Settings:
wait 3
persist off
console-speed 115200
uplink-mode access-uplink
no console-disabled
Hit a key within 1 second to change boot parameters...
Enter password to edit the Boot Options File
Or CTRL-D to exit the prompt
Waiting for 30 seconds to enter password
You must supply some required Boot Options. At any prompt, you can type:
"restart" - restart the query mode.
"reboot" - reboot.
"exit" - boot with with existing values.
"diag" - enter the diag shell.
"reset" - reset the bof and reboot.
Press ENTER to begin, or 'flash' to enter firmware update...
Software Location
You must enter the URL of the TiMOS software.
The location can be on a Compact Flash device,
or on the network.
Here are some examples
or Type 'auto' to retrieve BOF configuration through DHCP.
Software Image URL:
Configuration File Location
You must enter the location of configuration
file to be used by TiMOS. The file can be on
a Compact Flash device, or on the network.
Here are some examples
Config File URL:
Boot Interface Management
You specified a network location for either the
software or the configuration file. You need to
configure either eth-mgmt or uplinkA or uplinkB ports.
You will be asked to configure the port number, IP(v6) address,
static routes, and VLAN Id in case of uplink ports.
Existing uplinkA port settings are:
uplinkA-port 1/1/11
no uplinkA-autoneg
uplinkA-duplex full
uplinkA-speed 10000
uplinkA-address 0
uplinkA-address 0
uplinkA-vlan 0
uplinkA port is configured for Boot Interface Management,
Press ENTER to proceed with existing port settings
Or "disable" to disable the port for Boot Interface Management
Or "edit" to change the port settings:
Existing uplinkA port for Boot Interface Management is port 1/1/11.
Press ENTER to keep it.
Enter the new uplinkA port number for Boot Interface Management:
Enter uplinkA speed and duplex settings:
Auto-Negotiation is currently disabled.
Press ENTER to proceed with existing setting or 'auto' to enable auto-negotiation.
Auto-negotiation will be enabled on uplinkA port.
You need to configure the VLAN Id for this port
VLAN Id can be between 0 to 4094. To send out
packets with out any VLAN tags, type "null".
Existing VLAN Id for uplinkA port is VLAN Id 0.
Press ENTER to keep it.
Enter the new VLAN Id for uplinkA port:
The following console output is displayed.
Using port 1/1/1 as uplinkA port for Boot Interface Management
You need to assign an IP address for this port.
The IP address should be entered in standard
dotted-decimal form with a network length.
Or type "0" to obtain IP address and static route
through DHCP. Existing IP address and static routes
will be deleted.
Enter uplinkA IP Address (Type 0 if none desired):
You specified network locations which might require
static routes to reach. You will be asked to
enter static routes until all the locations become
Static routes should be entered in the following format:
prefix/mask next-hop ip-address
example: next-hop
Would you like to add a static route? (yes/no)
Enter route:
Existing uplinkB port settings are:
uplinkB-port 1/1/12
no uplinkB-autoneg
uplinkB-duplex full
uplinkB-speed 10000
uplinkB-address 0
uplinkB-address 0
uplinkB-vlan 0
uplinkB port is configured for Boot Interface Management,
Press ENTER to proceed with existing port settings
Or "disable" to disable the port for Boot Interface Management
Or "edit" to change the port settings:
Current configuration enables use of console (setting is "no console-disabled")
Press ENTER to proceed with existing setting or 'disable' to disable console access
New Settings
primary-image ftp://*:*@
primary-config ftp://*:*@
#uplinkA Port Settings:
uplinkA-port 1/1/1
uplinkA-duplex full
uplinkA-speed 1000
uplinkA-vlan null
uplinkA-route next-hop
#uplinkB Port Settings:
uplinkB-port 1/1/12
no uplinkB-autoneg
uplinkB-duplex full
uplinkB-speed 10000
uplinkB-address 0
uplinkB-vlan 0
#System Settings:
wait 3
persist off
console-speed 115200
uplink-mode access-uplink
no console-disabled
Do you want to overwrite cf1:/bof.cfg with the new settings? (yes/no):
Successfully saved the new settings in cf1:/bof.cfg
Configuring Network with uplinkA Port Setting.....
Primary config file location: ftp://*:*@
Initializing uplinkA port using IP addr
Port 1/1/1-->Mode:Fix-Cu, Speed:100, Duplex:Full Autoneg: On, Link:Up.
Initial DNS resolving preference is ipv4-only
Downloading 'ftp://*:*@'...OK
Sap Index file location: ftp://*:*@
Downloading 'ftp://*:*@'...OK
Primary image location: ftp://*:*@
Port 1/1/1-->Mode:Fix-Cu, Speed:100, Duplex:Full Autoneg: On, Link:Up.
Initial DNS resolving preference is ipv4-only
Loading image ftp://*:*@
Version B-20.3.B1-1, Wed Feb 12 15:32:56 IST 2020 by sasbuild in /home/sasbuild/
text:(41388544-->175510640) + data:(6606080-->43372008)
Executing TiMOS image at 0x60100000
All rights reserved. All use subject to applicable license agreements.
Built on Wed Apr 20 22:44:35 IST 2011 by builder in /builder/3.0B5/R4/panos/main
The Sys LED is green when the device has successfully completed the boot process and is running normally.