
7210 SAS supports the standard DOS wildcard characters. The asterisk (*) can represent zero or more characters in a string of characters, and the question mark (?) can represent any one character.

A:ALA-1>file cf1:\ # copy test*.cfg siliconvalley
	1 file(s) copied.
	A:ALA-1>file cf1:\ # cd siliconvalley
	A:ALA-1>file cf1:\siliconvalley\ # dir
	 Volume in drive cf1 on slot A has no label.
	Directory of cf1:\siliconvalley\
	05/10/2006 11:32p      <DIR>          .
	05/10/2006 11:14p      <DIR>          ..
	05/10/2006 11:32p                7597 testfile.cfg
		 1 File(s)                   7597 bytes.
		 2 Dir(s)                 1082368 bytes free.
	A:ALA-1>file cf1:\siliconvalley\ #