Alarm Indication Signal (ETH-AIS Y.1731)

Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) provides an Y.1731 capable MEP the ability to signal a fault condition in the reverse direction of the MEP, out the passive side. When a fault condition is detected the MEP will generate AIS packets at the configured client levels and at the specified AIS interval until the condition is cleared. Currently a MEP configured to generate AIS must do so at a level higher than its own. The MEP configured on the service receiving the AIS packets is required to have the active side facing the receipt of the AIS packet and must be at the same level the AIS, The absence of an AIS packet for 3.5 times the AIS interval set by the sending node will clear the condition on the receiving MEP.

It is important to note that AIS generation is not supported to an explicitly configured endpoint. An explicitly configured endpoint is an object that contains multiple individual endpoints, as in PW redundancy.