The oper-group functionality is used to detect faults on uplink ports or LAGs and propagate them to all interested access ports regardless of their encapsulation. On the 7210 SAS, ports or LAGs can be associated with oper-groups. Perform the following procedure to configure the use of the oper-group functionality for fault detection on a port or LAG and monitor-oper-group to track the oper-group status and propagate the fault based on the operational state of the oper-group:
Create an oper-group (for example, ‟uplink-to-7210”).
Configure an uplink port or LAG to track its operational state (for example, 1/1/20) and associate it with the oper-group created in1 (that is, uplink-to-7210).
Configure dot1q access ports for which the operational state must be driven by the operational state of the uplink port or LAG (for example, 1/1/1 and 1/1/5) as the monitor-oper-group.
To detect a fault on the uplink port or LAG and change the operational state, use either the LoS or EFM OAM feature.
When the operational state of the uplink port or LAG changes from up to down, the state of all access ports configured to monitor the group changes to down. Similarly, a change in state from down to up changes the operational state of the access port to up. When the operational state of the access port is brought down, the laser of the port is also shut down. The hold-timers command is supported to avoid the flapping of links.