ETH-CFM statistics


This feature is supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode.

A number of statistics are available to view the current processing requirements for CFM. Any packet that is counted against the CFM resource is included in the statistics counters. The counters do not include sub-second CCM and ETH-CFM PDUs generated by non-ETH-CFM functions (which include OAM-PM and SAA) or filtered by a security configuration.

SAA and OAM-PM use standard CFM PDUs. The reception of these packets is included in the receive statistics. However, SAA and OAM-PM launch their own test packets and do not consume ETH-CFM transmission resources.

Per-system and per-MEP statistics are included with a per-OpCode breakdown. These statistics help operators determine the busiest active MEPs on the system and provide a breakdown of per-OpCode processing at the system and MEP level.

Use the show eth-cfm statistics command to view the statistics at the system level. Use the show eth-cfm mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index statistics command to view the per-MEP statistics. Use the clear eth-cfm mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index statistics command to clear statistics. The clear command clears the statistics for only the specified function. For example, clearing the system statistics does not clear the individual MEP statistics because each MEP maintains its own unique counters.

All known OpCodes are listed in the transmit and receive columns. Different versions for the same OpCode are not displayed. This does not imply that the network element supports all functions listed in the table. Unknown OpCodes are dropped.

Use the tools dump eth-cfm top-active-meps command to display the top ten active MEPs in the system. This command provides a nearly real-time view of the busiest active MEPS by displaying the active (not shutdown) MEPs and inactive (shutdown) MEPs in the system. ETH-CFM MEPs that are shutdown continue to consume CPM resources because the main task is syncing the PDUs. The counts begin from the last time that the command was issued using the clear option.

tools dump eth-cfm top-active-meps
Calculating most active MEPs in both direction without clear ...

MEP                  Rx Stats     Tx Stats     Total Stats
-------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------
12/4/28              3504497      296649       3801146
14/1/28              171544       85775        257319
14/2/28              150942       79990        230932

tools dump eth-cfm top-active-meps clear
Calculating most active MEPs in both direction with clear ...

MEP                  Rx Stats     Tx Stats     Total Stats
-------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------
12/4/28              3504582      296656       3801238
14/1/28              171558       85782        257340
14/2/28              150949       79997        230946

tools dump eth-cfm top-active-meps clear
Calculating most active MEPs in both direction with clear ...

MEP                  Rx Stats     Tx Stats     Total Stats
-------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------
12/4/28              28           2            30
14/1/28              5            2            7
14/2/28              3            2            5