MPLS-TP protection

These should show the protection configuration for a specific tunnel, which path in a tunnel is currently working and which is protect, and whether the working or protect is currently active.



A sample output is as follows:

*A:mlstp-dutA#  show router mpls tp-lsp protection
MPLS-TP LSP Protection Information
Legend: W-Working, P-Protect,
LSP Name                      Admin Oper  Path    Ingr/Egr      Act. Rx PDU
                              State State   State Label         Path Tx PDU
lsp-32                        Up    Up    W Down      32/32     No   SF (1,1)
                                          P Up      2080/2080   Yes  SF (1,1)
lsp-33                        Up    Up    W Down      33/33     No   SF (1,1)
                                          P Up      2082/2082   Yes  SF (1,1)
lsp-34                        Up    Up    W Down      34/34     No   SF (1,1)
                                          P Up      2084/2084   Yes  SF (1,1)
lsp-35                        Up    Up    W Down      35/35     No   SF (1,1)
                                          P Up      2086/2086   Yes  SF (1,1)
lsp-36                        Up    Up    W Down      36/36     No   SF (1,1)
                                          P Up      2088/2088   Yes  SF (1,1)
lsp-37                        Up    Up    W Down      37/37     No   SF (1,1)
                                          P Up      2090/2090   Yes  SF (1,1)
lsp-38                        Up    Up    W Down      38/38     No   SF (1,1)
                                          P Up      2092/2092   Yes  SF (1,1)
lsp-39                        Up    Up    W Down      39/39     No   SF (1,1)
                                          P Up      2094/2094   Yes  SF (1,1)
lsp-40                        Up    Up    W Down      40/40     No   SF (1,1)
                                          P Up      2096/2096   Yes  SF (1,1)
lsp-41                        Up    Up    W Down      41/41     No   SF (1,1)
                                          P Up      2098/2098   Yes  SF (1,1)
No. of MPLS-TP LSPs: 10