Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document.
Commands in this context configure the Service Assurance Agent (SAA) tests.
test name [owner test-owner]
no test name
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command provides the test parameters for the named test. Subsequent to the creation of the test instance the test can be started in the OAM context.
A test can only be modified while it is shut down.
The no form of this command removes the test from the configuration. To remove a test it cannot be active at the time.
Specifies the SAA test name to be created or edited.
Specifies the owner of an SAA operation up to 32 characters.
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
no accounting-policy
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command associates an accounting policy to the SAA test. The accounting policy must already be defined before it can be associated else an error message is generated.
When a test terminates, a notification trap is issued.
The no form of this command removes the accounting policy association.
Specifies the accounting policy-id as configured in the config>log>accounting-policy context.
[no] continuous
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies whether the SAA test is continuous. When the test is configured as continuous, it cannot be started or stopped by using the saa command.
The no form of this command disables the continuous running of the test. Use the shutdown command to disable the test.
description description-string
no description
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command creates a text description stored in the configuration file for a configuration context.
The description command associates a text string with a configuration context to help identify the content in the configuration file.
The no form of this command removes the string from the configuration.
Specifies the description character string. Allowed values are any string up to 80 characters composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, and so on), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
jitter-event rising-threshold threshold [falling-threshold threshold] [direction]
no jitter-event
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies that at the termination of an SAA test probe, the calculated jitter value is evaluated against the configured rising and falling jitter thresholds. SAA threshold events are generated as required.
When the threshold (rising/falling) is crossed, it is disabled from generating additional events until the opposite threshold is crossed. If a falling-threshold is not supplied, the rising threshold is re-enabled when it falls below the threshold after the initial crossing that generate the event.
The configuration of jitter event thresholds is optional.
Specifies a rising threshold jitter value in milliseconds. When the test run is completed, the calculated jitter value is compared to the configured jitter rising threshold. If the test run jitter value is greater than the configured rising threshold value, an SAA threshold event is generated. The SAA threshold event is tmnxOamSaaThreshold, logger application OAM, event #2101.
Specifies a falling threshold jitter value in milliseconds. When the test run is completed, the calculated jitter value is compared to the configured jitter falling threshold. If the test run jitter value is greater than the configured falling threshold value, an SAA threshold event is generated. The SAA threshold event is tmnxOamSaaThreshold, logger application OAM, event #2101.
Specifies the direction for OAM ping responses received for an OAM ping test run.
latency-event rising-threshold threshold [falling-threshold threshold] [direction]
no latency-event
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies that at the termination of an SAA test probe, the calculated latency event value is evaluated against the configured rising and falling latency event thresholds. SAA threshold events are generated as required.
When the threshold (rising/falling) is crossed, it is disabled from generating additional events until the opposite threshold is crossed. If a falling-threshold is not supplied, the rising threshold is re-enabled when it falls below the threshold after the initial crossing that generate the event.
The configuration of latency event thresholds is optional.
Specifies a rising threshold latency value in milliseconds. When the test run is completed, the calculated latency value is compared to the configured latency rising threshold. If the test run latency value is greater than the configured rising threshold value, an SAA threshold event is generated. The SAA threshold event is tmnxOamSaaThreshold, logger application OAM, event #2101.
Specifies a falling threshold latency value in milliseconds. When the test run is completed, the calculated latency value is compared to the configured latency falling threshold. If the test run latency value is greater than the configured falling threshold value, an SAA threshold event is generated. The SAA threshold event is tmnxOamSaaThreshold, logger application OAM, event #2101.
Specifies the direction for OAM ping responses received for an OAM ping test run.
loss-event rising-threshold threshold [falling-threshold threshold] [direction]
no loss-event
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies that at the termination of an SAA testrun, the calculated loss event value is evaluated against the configured rising and falling loss event thresholds. SAA threshold events are generated as required.
The configuration of loss event thresholds is optional.
Specifies a rising threshold loss event value in packets. When the test run is completed, the calculated loss event value is compared to the configured loss event rising threshold. If the test run loss event value is greater than the configured rising threshold value, an SAA threshold event is generated. The SAA threshold event is tmnxOamSaaThreshold, logger application OAM, event #2101.
Specifies a falling threshold loss event value in packets. When the test run is completed, the calculated loss event value is compared to the configured loss event falling threshold. If the test run loss event value is greater than the configured falling threshold value, an SAA threshold event is generated. The SAA threshold event is tmnxOamSaaThreshold, logger application OAM, event #2101.
Specifies the direction for OAM ping responses received for an OAM ping test run.
probe-history [auto | drop | keep]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command defines history probe behavior. Defaults are associated with various configured parameters within the SAA test. Auto (keep) is used for test with probe counts of 100 or less, and intervals of 1 second and above. Auto (drop) only maintains summary information for tests marked as continuous with file functions, probe counts in excess of 100 and intervals of less than 1 second. SAA tests that are not continuous with a write to file defaults to Auto (keep). The operator is free to change the default behaviors for each type. Each test that maintains per probe history consumes more system memory. When per probe entries are required, the probe history is available at the completion of the test.
Specifies an auto selector that determines the storage of the history information.
Specifies to store summarized min/max/ave data; not per probe information for test runs. This may be configured for all tests in an effort to conserve memory.
Specifies to store per probe information for tests. This consumes significantly more memory than summary information and should only be used if necessary.
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
Commands in this context configure trap generation for the SAA test.
[no] probe-fail-enable
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command enables the generation of an SNMP trap when probe-fail-threshold consecutive probes fail during the execution of the SAA ping test. This command is not applicable to SAA trace route tests.
The no form of this command disables the generation of an SNMP trap.
[no] probe-fail-threshold threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command enables the generation of an SNMP trap when the probe-fail-threshold consecutive probes fail during the execution of the SAA ping test. This command is not applicable to SAA trace route tests. This command has no effect when probe-fail-enable is disabled.
The no form of this command returns the threshold value to the default.
[no] test-completion-enable
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command enables the generation of a trap when an SAA test completes.
The no form of this command disables the trap generation.
[no] test-fail-enable
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command enables the generation of a trap when a test fails. In the case of a ping test, the test is considered failed (for the purpose of trap generation) if the number of failed probes is at least the value of the test-fail-threshold parameter.
The no form of this command disables the trap generation.
[no] test-fail-threshold threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command configures the threshold for trap generation on test failure.
This command has no effect when test-fail-enable is disabled. This command is not applicable to SAA trace route tests.
The no form of this command returns the threshold value to the default.
no type
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command provides the test type for the named test. Only a single test type can be configured.
A test can only be modified while the test is in shutdown mode
When a test type has been configured, the command can be modified by re-entering the command, and the test type must be the same as the previously entered test type.
To change the test type, the old command must be removed using the config>saa>test>no type command.
cpe-ping service service-id destination ip-address source ip-address [ttl vc-label-ttl] [return-control] [source-mac ieee-address] [fc fc-name] [interval interval] [send-count send-count] [send-control]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode
This command determines the IP connectivity to a CPE within a specified VPLS service.
Specifies the service ID of the service to diagnose or manage.
Specifies the IP address to be used as the destination for performing an OAM ping operations.
Specifies an unused IP address in the same network that is associated with the VPLS.
Specifies the TTL value in the VC label for the OAM MAC request, expressed as a decimal integer.
Specifies the MAC OAM reply to a data plane MAC OAM request be sent using the control plane instead of the data plane.
Specifies the source MAC address that is sent to the CPE. If not specified or set to 0, the MAC address configured for the CPMCFM is used.
Specifies the forwarding class of the MPLS echo request encapsulation.
Specifies the interval parameter, in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to 1 second where the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.
Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.
Specifies the MAC OAM request to be sent using the control plane instead of the data plane.
dns target-addr dns-name name-server ip-address [source ip-address] [send-count send-count] [timeout timeout] [interval interval] [record-type {ipv4-a-record | ipv6-aaaa-record}]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command configures a DNS name resolution test.
Specifies the IP host address to be used as the destination for performing an OAM ping operation.
Specifies the DNS name to be resolved to an IP address.
Specifies the server connected to a network that resolves network names into network addresses.
Specifies the IP address to be used as the source for performing an OAM ping operation.
Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The send-count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.
Specifies the timeout parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded.
Specifies the interval parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to 1 second, and the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.
Specifies a record type.
eth-cfm-linktrace mac-address mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [ttl ttlvalue]
[fc {fc-name} ] [send-count send-count] [timeout timeout] [interval interval] [record-type {ipv4-a-record|ipv6-aaaa-record}]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command configures a CFM linktrace test in SAA.
Specifies a unicast destination MAC address.
Specifies the target MAC address.
Specifies the MD index.
Specifies the MA index.
Specifies the maximum number of hops traversed in the linktrace.
The fc parameter is used to indicate the forwarding class of the CFM Linktrace request messages.
The actual forwarding class encoding is controlled by the network egress mappings.
Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.
Specifies the timeout parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded. The timeout value must be less than the interval.
Specifies the interval parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to ‟1” second, and the timeout value is set to ‟10” seconds, the maximum time between message requests is ‟10” seconds and the minimum is ‟1” second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request. The timeout value must be less than the interval.
Specifies a record type.
eth-cfm-loopback mac-address mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [size datasize] [fc {fc-name} ] [count send-count ][timeout timeout] [interval interval]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command configures an Ethernet CFM loopback test in SAA.
Specifies a unicast destination MAC address.
Specifies the target MAC address.
Specifies the MD index.
Specifies the MA index.
The packet size in bytes, expressed as a decimal integer.
Specifies the fc parameter used to indicate the forwarding class of the CFM Loopback request messages.
The actual forwarding class encoding is controlled by the network egress mappings.
Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.
Specifies the timeout parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded. The timeout value must be less than the interval.
Specifies the interval parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to ‟1” second, and the timeout value is set to ‟10” seconds, the maximum time between message requests is ‟10” seconds and the minimum is ‟1” second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request. The timeout value must be less than the interval.
eth-cfm-two-way-delay mac-address mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [fc {fc-name} ] [send-count send-count] [timeout timeout] [interval interval]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command configures an Ethernet CFM two-way delay test in SAA.
Specifies a unicast destination MAC address.
Specifies the target MAC address.
Specifies the MD index.
Specifies the MA index.
Specifies the maximum number of hops traversed in the linktrace.
Specifies the fc parameter used to indicate the forwarding class of the CFM two-delay request messages.
The actual forwarding class encoding is controlled by the network egress mappings.
Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.
Specifies the timeout parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded. The timeout value must be less than the interval.
Specifies the interval parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to ‟1” second, and the timeout value is set to ‟10” seconds, the maximum time between message requests is ‟10” seconds and the minimum is ‟1” second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request. The timeout value must be less than the interval.
eth-cfm-two-way-delay mac-address mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [fc fc-name] [send-count send-count] [size data-size] [timeout timeout] [interval interval]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command configures an Ethernet CFM two-way SLM test in SAA.
Specifies a unicast destination MAC address.
Specifies the target MAC address.
Specifies the MD index.
Specifies the MA index.
Specifies the fc parameter used to indicate the forwarding class of the CFM SLM request messages. The actual forwarding class encoding is controlled by the network egress mappings.
Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.
Specifies the size of the data portion of the data TLV. If 0 is specified no data TLV is added to the packet.
Specifies the timeout parameter, in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded. The timeout value must be less than the interval.
Specifies the interval parameter, in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent. If the interval is set to 1 second, and the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request. The timeout value must be less than the interval.
icmp-ping [ip-address | dns-name] [rapid | detail] [ttl time-to-live] [tos type-of-service] [size bytes] [pattern pattern] [source ip-address | dns-name] [interval seconds] [{next-hop ip-address} | {interface interface-name} | bypass-routing] [count requests] [do-not-fragment] [router router-instance | service-name service-name] [timeout timeout]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command configures an ICMP ping test.
Specifies the far-end IP address to which to send the svc-ping request message in dotted decimal notation.
Specifies the DNS name of the far-end device to which to send the svc-ping request message, expressed as a character string up to 63 characters maximum.
Specifies that packets are generated as fast as possible instead of the default 1 per second.
Specifies the display of detailed information.
Specifies the TTL value for the IP packet, expressed as a decimal integer.
Specifies the service type.
Specifies the request packet size in bytes, expressed as a decimal integer.
Specifies the date portion in a ping packet are filled with the pattern value specified. If not specified, position info is filled instead.
Specifies the IP address to be used.
Overrides the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to 1 second, and the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.
Specifies the next hop IP address for which to only display static routes.
Specifies the name used to refer to the interface. The name must already exist in the config>router>interface context.
Specifies whether to send the ping request to a host on a directly attached network bypassing the routing table.
Specifies the number of times to perform an OAM ping probe operation. Each OAM echo message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent.
Sets the DF (Do Not Fragment) bit in the ICMP ping packet.
Specifies the router name or service ID.
Specifies the service name as an integer.
Overrides the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded.
icmp-trace [ip-address | dns-name] [ttl time-to-live] [wait milli-seconds] [tos type-of-service] [source ip-address] [tos type-of-service] [router router-instance | service-name service-name]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command configures an ICMP traceroute test.
Specifies the far-end IP address to which to send the svc-ping request message in dotted-decimal notation.
Specifies the DNS name of the far-end device to which to send the svc-ping request message, expressed as a character string to 63 characters maximum.
Specifies the TTL value for the MPLS label, expressed as a decimal integer.
Specifies the time, in milliseconds, to wait for a response to a probe, expressed as a decimal integer.
Specifies the service type.
Specifies the IP address to be used.
Specifies the router name or service ID.
mac-ping service service-id destination dst-ieee-address [source src-ieee-address] [fc fc-name] [size octets] [ttl vc-label-ttl] [send-count send-count] [send-control] [return-control] [interval interval] [timeout timeout]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode
This command determines the existence of an egress SAP binding of a specific MAC within a VPLS service.
A mac-ping packet can be sent via the control plane or the data plane. The send-control option specifies the request be sent using the control plane. If send-control is not specified, the request is sent using the data plane.
A mac-ping is forwarded along the flooding domain if no MAC address bindings exist. If MAC address bindings exist, the packet is forwarded along those paths, provided they are active. A response is generated only when there is an egress SAP binding for that MAC address or if the MAC address is a ‟local” OAM MAC address associated with the device’s control plan.
A mac-ping reply can be sent using the data plane or the control plane. The return-control option specifies the reply be sent using the control plane. If return-control is not specified, the request is sent using the data plane.
A mac-ping with data plane reply can only be initiated on nodes that can have an egress MAC address binding. A node without a FIB and without any SAPs cannot have an egress MAC address binding, so it is not a node where replies in the data plane are trapped and sent up to the control plane.
A control plane request is responded to via a control plane reply only.
By default, MAC OAM requests are sent with the system or chassis MAC address as the source MAC. The source option allows overriding of the default source MAC for the request with a specific MAC address.
When a source ieee-address value is specified and the source MAC address is locally registered within a split horizon group (SHG), this SHG membership is used as if the packet originated from this SHG. In all other cases, SHG 0 (zero) is used. Note that if the mac-trace is originated from a non-zero SHG, such packets do not go out to the same SHG.
If EMG is enabled, mac-ping returns only the first SAP in each chain.
Specifies the service ID of the service to diagnose or manage.
Specifies the destination MAC address for the OAM MAC request.
Specifies the MAC OAM request packet size in octets, expressed as a decimal integer. The request payload is padded to the specified size with a 6 byte PAD header and a byte payload of 0xAA as necessary. If the octet size specified is less than the minimum packet, the minimum sized packet necessary to send the request is used.
Specifies the TTL value in the VC label for the OAM MAC request, expressed as a decimal integer.
Specifies the MAC OAM request be sent using the control plane instead of the data plane.
Specifies the MAC OAM reply to a data plane MAC OAM request be sent using the control plane instead of the data plane.
Specifies the source MAC address from which the OAM MAC request originates. By default, the system MAC address for the chassis is used.
Specifies the fc parameter used to test the forwarding class of the MPLS echo request packets. The actual forwarding class encoding is controlled by the network egress LSP-EXP mappings.
Specifies the interval parameter, in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to 1 second where the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.
Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.
Specifies the timeout parameter, in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded.
oam mac-ping service 1 destination 00:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb
Seq Node-id Path RTT
[Send request Seq. 1, Size 126]
1 In-Band 960ms
sdp-ping orig-sdp-id [resp-sdp resp-sdp-id] [fc fc-name [profile {in | out}]] [timeout seconds] [interval seconds] [size octets] [send-count send-count] [interval <interval>]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode
This command tests SDPs for unidirectional or round trip connectivity and performs SDP MTU Path tests.
The sdp-ping command accepts an originating SDP-ID and an optional responding SDP-ID. The size, number of requests sent, message time-out and message send interval can be specified. All sdp-ping requests and replies are sent with PLP OAM-Label encapsulation, as a service-id is not specified.
For round trip connectivity testing, the resp-sdp keyword must be specified. If resp-sdp is not specified, a unidirectional SDP test is performed.
To terminate an sdp-ping in progress, use the CLI break sequence <Ctrl-C>.
An sdp-ping response message indicates the result of the sdp-ping message request. When multiple response messages apply to a single SDP echo request/reply sequence, the response message with the highest precedence is displayed. The following table displays the response messages sorted by precedence.
Result of request | Displayed response message | Precedence |
Request timeout without reply |
Request Timeout |
1 |
Request not sent because of non-existent orig-sdp-id |
Orig-SDP Non-Existent |
2 |
Request not sent because of administratively down orig-sdp-id |
Orig-SDP Admin-Down |
3 |
Request not sent because of operationally down orig-sdp-id |
Orig-SDP Oper-Down |
4 |
Request terminated by user before reply or timeout |
Request Terminated |
5 |
Reply received, invalid origination-id |
Far End: Originator-ID Invalid |
6 |
Reply received, invalid responder-id |
Far End: Responder-ID Error |
7 |
Reply received, non-existent resp-sdp-id |
Far End: Resp-SDP Non-Existent |
8 |
Reply received, invalid resp-sdp-id |
Far End: Resp-SDP Invalid |
9 |
Reply received, resp-sdp-id down (admin or oper) |
Far-end: Resp-SDP Down |
10 |
Reply received, No Error |
Success |
11 |
A single response sdp-ping test provides detailed test results.
Upon request timeout, message response, request termination, or request error the following local and remote information is displayed. Local and remote information is dependent upon SDP-ID existence and reception of reply.
Field | Description | Values |
Request Result |
The result of the sdp-ping request message. |
Sent - Request Timeout |
Sent - Request Terminated |
Sent - Reply Received |
Not Sent - Non-Existent Local SDP-ID |
Not Sent - Local SDP-ID Down |
Originating SDP-ID |
The originating SDP-ID specified by orig-sdp. |
orig-sdp-id |
Originating SDP-ID Administrative State |
The local administrative state of the originating SDP-ID. If the SDP-ID has been shutdown, Admin-Down is displayed. If the originating SDP-ID is in the no shutdown state, Admin-Up is displayed. If the orig-sdp-id does not exist, Non-Existent is displayed. |
Admin-Up |
Admin-Down |
Non-Existent |
Originating SDP-ID Operating State |
The local operational state of the originating SDP-ID. If orig-sdp-id does not exist, N/A is displayed. |
Oper-Up |
Oper-Down |
N/A |
Originating SDP-ID Path MTU |
The local path-mtu for orig-sdp-id. If orig-sdp-id does not exist locally, N/A is displayed. |
orig-path-mtu |
N/A |
Responding SDP-ID |
The SDP-ID requested as the far-end path to respond to the sdp-ping request. If resp-sdp is not specified, the responding router does not use an SDP-ID as the return path and N/A is displayed. |
resp-sdp-id |
N/A |
Responding SDP-ID Path Used |
Displays whether the responding 7210 SAS used the responding sdp-id to respond to the sdp-ping request. If resp-sdp-id is a valid, operational SDP-ID, it must be used for the SDP echo reply message. If the far-end uses the responding sdp-id as the return path, Yes is displayed. If the far-end does not use the responding sdp-id as the return path, No is displayed. If resp-sdp is not specified, N/A is displayed. |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Responding SDP-ID Administrative State |
The administrative state of the responding sdp-id. When resp-sdp-id is administratively down, Admin-Down is displayed. When resp-sdp-id is administratively up, Admin-Up is displayed. When resp-sdp-id exists on the far-end 7210 SAS but is not valid for the originating router, Invalid is displayed. When resp-sdp-id does not exist on the far-end router, Non-Existent is displayed. When resp-sdp is not specified, N/A is displayed. |
Admin-Down |
Admin-Up |
Invalid |
Non-Existent |
N/A |
Responding SDP-ID Operational State |
The operational state of the far-end sdp-id associated with the return path for service-id. When a return path is operationally down, Oper-Down is displayed. If the return sdp-id is operationally up, Oper-Up is displayed. If the responding sdp-id is non-existent, N/A is displayed. |
Oper-Up |
Oper-Down |
N/A |
Responding SDP-ID Path MTU |
The remote path-mtu for resp-sdp-id. If resp-sdp-id does not exist remotely, N/A is displayed |
resp-path-mtu |
N/A |
Local Service IP Address |
The local system IP address used to terminate remotely configured sdp-ids (as the sdp-id far-end address). If an IP address has not been configured to be the system IP address, N/A is displayed. |
system-ip-addr |
N/A |
Local Service IP Interface Name |
The name of the local system IP interface. If the local system IP interface has not been created, N/A is displayed. |
system-interface-name |
N/A |
Local Service IP Interface State |
The state of the local system IP interface. If the local system IP interface has not been created, Non-Existent is displayed. |
Up |
Down |
Non-Existent |
Expected Far End Address |
The expected IP address for the remote system IP interface. This must be the far-end address configured for the orig-sdp-id. |
orig-sdp-far-end-addr |
dest-ip-addr |
N/A |
Actual Far End Address |
The returned remote IP address. If a response is not received, the displayed value is N/A. If the far-end service IP interface is down or non-existent, a message reply is not expected. |
resp-ip-addr |
N/A |
Responders Expected Far End Address |
The expected source of the originators sdp-id from the perspective of the remote terminating the sdp-id. If the far-end cannot detect the expected source of the ingress sdp-id, N/A is displayed. |
resp-rec-tunnel-far-end-addr |
N/A |
Round Trip Time |
The round trip time between SDP echo request and the SDP echo reply. If the request is not sent, times out or is terminated, N/A is displayed. |
delta-request-reply |
N/A |
When the connectivity test count is greater than one (1), a single line is displayed per SDP echo request send attempt.
The request number is a sequential number starting with 1 and ending with the last request sent, incrementing by one (1) for each request. This should not be confused with the message-id contained in each request and reply message.
A response message indicates the result of the message request. Following the response message is the round trip time value. If any reply is received, the round trip time is displayed.
After the last reply has been received or response timed out, a total is displayed for all messages sent and all replies received. A maximum, minimum and average round trip time is also displayed. Error response and timed out requests do not apply toward the average round trip time.
Specifies the SDP-ID to be used by sdp-ping, expressed as a decimal integer. The far-end address of the specified SDP-ID is the expected responder-id within each reply received. The specified SDP-ID defines the encapsulation of the SDP tunnel encapsulation used to reach the far end. This can be IP or MPLS. If orig-sdp-id is invalid or administratively down or unavailable for some reason, the SDP Echo Request message is not sent and an appropriate error message is displayed (when the interval timer expires, sdp-ping attempts to send the next request if required).
Specifies the return SDP-ID to be used by the far-end 7210 SAS for the message reply for round trip SDP connectivity testing. If resp-sdp-id does not exist on the far-end 7210 SAS, terminates on another 7210 SAS different from the originating 7210 SAS, or another issue prevents the far-end router from using resp-sdp-id, the SDP echo reply is sent using generic IP OAM encapsulation. The received forwarding class (as mapped on the ingress network interface for the far end) defines the forwarding class encapsulation for the reply message.
Specifies the fc parameter used to indicate the forwarding class of the SDP encapsulation. The actual forwarding class encoding is controlled by the network egress DSCP or LSP-EXP mappings.
The DSCP or LSP-EXP mappings on the receive network interface controls the mapping back to the internal forwarding class used by the far-end 7210 SAS that receives the message request. The egress mappings of the egress network interface on the far-end 7210 SAS controls the forwarding class markings on the return reply message.
The DSCP or LSP-EXP mappings on the receive network interface controls the mapping of the message reply back at the originating 7210 SAS. This is displayed in the response message output upon receipt of the message reply.
Specifies the timeout parameter, in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. A ‛request timeout’ message is displayed by the CLI for each message request sent that expires. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded.
Specifies the interval parameter, in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to 1 second, and the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.
Specifies the size parameter in octets, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default message size for the sdp-ping request. Changing the message size is a method of checking the ability of an SDP to support a path-mtu. The size of the message does not include the SDP encapsulation, VC-Label (if applied) or any DLC headers or trailers.
When the OAM message request is encapsulated in an IP/ SDP, the IP ‛DF’ (Do Not Fragment) bit is set. If any segment of the path between the sender and receiver cannot handle the message size, the message is discarded. MPLS LSPs are not expected to fragment the message either, as the message contained in the LSP is not an IP packet.
Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.
The following output is an example of Multiple Response Round Trip Connectivity Test.
Multiple response round trip connectivity test sample output*A:DUT-A# oam sdp-ping 101 resp-sdp 102
Err SDP-ID Info Local Remote
SDP-ID: 101 102
Administrative State: Up Up
Operative State: Up Up
Path MTU: 9186 N/A
Response SDP Used: Yes
IP Interface State: Up
Actual IP Address:
Expected Peer IP:
Forwarding Class be be
Profile Out Out
Request Result: Sent - Reply Received
RTT: 10(ms)
*A:DUT-A# oam sdp-ping 101 resp-sdp 102 count 10
Request Response RTT
1 Success 10ms
2 Success 0ms
3 Success 0ms
4 Success 0ms
5 Success 0ms
6 Success 0ms
7 Success 0ms
8 Success 0ms
9 Success 0ms
10 Success 0ms
Sent: 10 Received: 10
Min: 0ms Max: 10ms Avg: 1ms
vccv-ping sdp-id:vc-id [src-ip-address ip-addr dst-ip-address ip-addr pw-id pw-id][reply-mode {ip-routed|control-channel}] [fc fc-name] [size octets] [send-count send-count] [timeout timeout] [interval interval] [ttl vc-label-ttl]
vccv-ping saii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id taii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id [reply-mode ip-routed | control-channel] [src-ip-address ip-addr dst-ip-address ip-addr]
vccv-ping spoke-sdp-fec spoke-sdp-fec-id [reply-mode ip-routed | control-channel] [saii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id taii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id] [src-ip-address ip-addr dst-ip-address ip-addr]
options common to all vccv-ping cases: [count send-count] [fc fc-name [profile in | out]] [interval interval] [size octets] [timeout timeout] [ttl vc-label-ttl]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures a Virtual Circuit Connectivity Verification (VCCV) ping test. A vccv-ping test checks connectivity of a VLL inband. It checks to verify that the destination (target) PE is the egress for the Layer 2 FEC. It provides for a cross-check between the data plane and the control plane. It is inband which means that the vccv-ping message is sent using the same encapsulation and along the same path as user packets in that VLL. The vccv-ping test is the equivalent of the lsp-ping test for a VLL service. The vccv-ping reuses an lsp-ping message format and can be used to test a VLL configured over an MPLS.
Note that VCCV ping can be initiated on TPE or SPE. If initiated on the SPE, the reply-mode parameter must be used with the ip-routed value The ping from the TPE can have either values or can be omitted, in which case the default value is used.
If a VCCV ping is initiated from TPE to neighboring a SPE (one segment only) it is sufficient to only use the sdpid:vcid parameter. However, if the ping is across two or more segments, at least the sdpId:vcId, src-ip-address ip-addr, dst-ip-address ip-addr, ttl vc-label-ttland pw-id pw-id parameters are used where:
The src-ip-address is system IP address of the router preceding the destination router.
The pwid is actually the VC ID of the last pseudowire segment.
The vc-label-ttl must have a value equal or higher than the number of pseudowire segments.
Note that VCCV ping is a multi-segment pseudowire. For a single-hop pseudowire, only the peer VCCV CC bit of the control word is advertised when the control word is enabled on the pseudowire. VCCV ping on multi-segment pseudowires require that the control word be enabled in all segments of the VLL.
If the control word is not enabled on spoke SDP it does not signal peer VCCV CC bits to the far end, consequently VCCV ping cannot be successfully initiated on that specific spoke SDP.
Specifies the VC ID of the pseudowire being tested. The VC ID needs to exist on the local router and the far-end peer needs to indicate that it supports VCCV to allow the user to send vccv-ping message.
Specifies the spoke-sdp-fec-id if a FEC 129 PW is being tested. The spoke-sdp-fec-id must exist on the local router and the far-end peer needs to indicate that it supports VCCV to allow the user to send vccv-ping messages.
spoke-sdp-fec is mutually exclusive with the sdp-id:vc-id parameter.
Specifies the source IP address.
Specifies the encapsulation format to use for the VCCV ping echo request and echo reply packet.
Specifies the source attachment individual identifier (SAII) if a FEC129 AII Type 2 pseudowire is being tested.
The saii-type2 parameter is mutually exclusive with the sdp-id:vc-id parameter.
Syntax: |
global-id — The global ID of this T-PE node. |
Values: |
1 to 4294967295 |
prefix — The prefix on this T-PE node that the spoke-SDP is associated with. |
ac-id — An unsigned integer representing a locally unique identifier for the spoke-SDP. |
Values: |
1 to 4294967295 |
Specifies the target attachment individual identifier (TAII) if a FEC129 AII Type 2 pseudowire is being tested. The taii-type2 parameter is mutually exclusive with sdp-id:vc-id.
Syntax: |
global-id – The global ID of the far end T-PE node of the FEC129 pseudowire. |
Values: |
1 to 4294967295 |
prefix — The prefix on far end. T-PE node that the pseudowire being tested is associated with. |
Values: |
ipv4-formatted address: a.b.c.d |
ac-id — An unsigned integer representing a locally unique identifier for the pseudowire being tested at the far end T-PE. |
Values: |
1 to 4294967295 |
Specifies the destination IP address.
Specifies the pseudowire ID to be used for performing a vccv-ping operation. The pseudowire ID is a non-zero 32-bit connection ID required by the FEC 128, as defined in RFC 4379, Detecting Multi-Protocol Label Switched (MPLS) Data Plane Failures.
Specifies to the far-end how to send the reply message.The option control-channel indicates a reply mode in-band using vccv control channel.
Specifies the fc parameter used to indicate the forwarding class of the MPLS echo request packets. The actual forwarding class encoding is controlled by the network egress LSP-EXP mappings.
The LSP-EXP mappings on the receive network interface controls the mapping back to the internal forwarding class used by the far-end 7210 SAS that receives the message request. The egress mappings of the egress network interface on the far-end router controls the forwarding class markings on the return reply message. The LSP-EXP mappings on the receive network interface controls the mapping of the message reply back at the originating SR.
Specifies the timeout parameter, in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. A ‛request timeout’ message is displayed by the CLI for each message request sent that expires. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded.
Specifies the interval parameter, in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to 1 second, and the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.
Specifies the VCCV ping echo request packet size, in octets, expressed as a decimal integer. The request payload is padded with zeros to the specified size.
Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.
Specifies the time-to-live value for the vc-label of the echo request message. The outer label TTL is still set to the default of 255 regardless of this value.
vccv-trace sdp-id:vc-id [fc fc-name [profile {in | out}]] [size octets] [reply-mode ip-routed | control-channel] [probe-count probe-count] [timeout timeout] [interval interval] [min-ttl min-vc-label-ttl] [max-ttl max-vc-label-ttl] [max-fail no-response-count] [detail]
vccv-trace saii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id taii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id [reply-mode ip-routed | control-channel]
vccv-trace spoke-sdp-fec spoke-sdp-fec-id [reply-mode ip-routed | control-channel] [saii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id taii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id]
options common to all vccv-trace cases: [detail] [fc fc-name [profile in | out]] [interval interval-value] [max-fail no-response-count] [max-ttl max-vc-label-ttl] [min-ttl min-vc-label-ttl] [probe-count probe-count] [size octets] [timeout timeout-value]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document.
This command configures a Virtual Circuit Connectivity Verification (VCCV) automated trace test. The automated VCCV-trace can trace the entire path of a PW with a single command issued at the T-PE or at an S-PE. This is equivalent to LSP-trace and is an iterative process by which the source T-PE or S-PE node sends successive VCCV-ping messages with incrementing the TTL value, starting from TTL=1.
In each iteration, the T-PE builds the MPLS echo request message in a way similar to vccv-ping. The first message with TTL=1 has the next-hop S-PE T-LDP session source address in the Remote PE Addressí field in the PW FEC TLV. Each S-PE which terminates and processes the message includes in the MPLS echo reply message the FEC 128 TLV corresponding the PW segment to its downstream node. The source T-PE or S-PE node can build the next echo reply message with TTL=2 to test the next-next hop for the MS-PW. It copies the FEC TLV it received in the echo reply message into the new echo request message. The process is terminated when the reply is from the egress T-PE or when a timeout occurs.
The user can specify to display the result of the VCCV-trace for a fewer number of PW segments of the end-to-end MS-PW path. In this case, the min-ttl and max-ttl parameters are configured accordingly. However, the T-PE/S-PE node still probes all hops up to min-ttl to correctly build the FEC of the desired subset of segments.
Specifies the VC ID of the pseudowire being tested. The VC ID needs to exist on the local 7210 SAS and the far-end peer needs to indicate that it supports VCCV to allow the user to send vccv-ping message.
Specifies the reply-mode parameter to indicate to the far-end how to send the reply message. The option control-channel indicates a reply mode in-band using the VCCV control channel.
Note that when a VCCV trace message is originated from an S-PE node, the user should use the IPv4 reply mode because the replying node does not know how to set the TTL to reach the sending S-PE node. If the user attempts this, a warning is issued to use the ipv4 reply mode.
Specifies the encapsulation format to use for the VCCV ping echo request and echo reply packet.
Specifies the spoke-sdp-fec-id if a FEC 129 PW is being tested. The spoke-sdp-fec-id must exist on the local router and the far-end peer needs to indicate that it supports VCCV to allow the user to send vccv-ping messages.
spoke-sdp-fec is mutually exclusive with the sdp-id:vc-id parameter.
Specifies the source attachment individual identifier (SAII) if a FEC129 AII Type 2 pseudowire is being tested.
The saii-type2 parameter is mutually exclusive with the sdp-id:vc-id parameter.
Syntax: |
global-id — The global ID of this 7210 T-PE node. |
Values: |
1 to 4294967295 |
prefix — The prefix on this 7210 T-PE node that the spoke-SDP is associated with. |
ac-id — An unsigned integer representing a locally unique identifier for the spoke-SDP. |
Values: |
1 to 4294967295 |
Specifies the target attachment individual identifier (TAII) if a FEC129 AII Type 2 pseudowire is being tested. The taii-type2 parameter is mutually exclusive with sdp-id:vc-id.
Syntax: |
global-id – The global ID of the far end T-PE of the FEC129 pseudowire. |
Values: |
1 to 4294967295 |
prefix — The prefix on far end T-PE that the pseudowire being tested is associated with. |
Values: |
ipv4-formatted address: a.b.c.d |
ac-id — An unsigned integer representing a locally unique identifier for the pseudowire being tested at the far end T-PE. |
Values: |
1 to 4294967295 |
Specifies the fc and profile parameters used to indicate the forwarding class of the VCCV trace echo request packets. The actual forwarding class encoding is controlled by the network egress LSP-EXP mappings.
The LSP-EXP mappings on the receive network interface controls the mapping back to the internal forwarding class used by the far-end router that receives the message request. The egress mappings of the egress network interface on the far-end router controls the forwarding class markings on the return reply message. The LSP-EXP mappings on the receive network interface controls the mapping of the message reply back at the originating router.
Specifies the forwarding class of the VCCV trace echo request encapsulation.
Specifies the profile state of the VCCV trace echo request encapsulation.
Specifies the VCCV ping echo request packet size in octets, expressed as a decimal integer. The request payload is padded with zeros to the specified size.
Specifies the number of VCCV trace echo request messages to send per TTL value.
Specifies the timeout parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. A request timeout message is displayed by the CLI for each message request sent that expires. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded.
The interval parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to 1 second, and the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.
Specifies the TTL value for the VC label of the echo request message for the first hop of the MS-PW for which the results are to be displayed. This is expressed as a decimal integer. Note that the outer label TTL is still set to the default of 255 regardless of the value of the VC label.
Specifies the TTL value for the VC label of the echo request message for the last hop of the MS-PW for which the results are to be displayed. This is expressed as a decimal integer. Note that the outer label TTL is still set to the default of 255 regardless of the value of the VC label.
Specifies the maximum number of consecutive VCCV trace echo requests, expressed as a decimal integer that do not receive a reply before the trace operation fails for a specific TTL value.