Services using MPLS-TP PWs

The show>service command should be updated to display MPLS-TP-specific information such as the PW path ID and control channel status signaling parameters.


The following is a sample output:

*A:mlstp-dutA# show service id 1 all
Service Detailed Information
Service Id        : 1                   Vpn Id            : 0
Service Type      : Epipe
Name              : (Not Specified)
Description       : (Not Specified)
Customer Id       : 1                   Creation Origin   : manual
Last Status Change: 12/03/2012 15:26:20
Last Mgmt Change  : 12/03/2012 15:24:57
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up
MTU               : 1514
Vc Switching      : False
SAP Count         : 1                   SDP Bind Count    : 1
Per Svc Hashing   : Disabled
Force QTag Fwd    : Disabled
ETH-CFM service specifics
Tunnel Faults     : ignore
Service Destination Points(SDPs)
 Sdp Id 32:1  -(
Description     : (Not Specified)
SDP Id             : 32:1                     Type              : Spoke
Spoke Descr     : (Not Specified)
VC Type            : Ether                    VC Tag            : n/a
Admin Path MTU     : 0                        Oper Path MTU     : 9186
Delivery           : MPLS
Far End            :
Tunnel Far End     : n/a                      LSP Types         : MPLSTP
Hash Label         : Disabled                 Hash Lbl Sig Cap  : Disabled
Oper Hash Label    : Disabled
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled
Ingress Label      : 16416                    Egress Label      : 16416
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
Admin ControlWord  : Preferred                Oper ControlWord  : True
Admin BW(Kbps)     : 0                        Oper BW(Kbps)     : 0
Last Status Change : 12/03/2012 15:26:20      Signaling         : None
Last Mgmt Change   : 12/03/2012 15:24:57      Force Vlan-Vc     : Disabled
Endpoint           : N/A                      Precedence        : 4
PW Status Sig      : Enabled
Class Fwding State : Down
Flags              : None
Local Pw Bits      : None
Peer Pw Bits       : None
Peer Fault Ip      : None
Peer Vccv CV Bits  : None
Peer Vccv CC Bits  : None
Application Profile: None
Standby Sig Slave  : False
Block On Peer Fault: False
Ingress Qos Policy : (none)                   Egress Qos Policy : (none)
Ingress FP QGrp    : (none)                   Egress Port QGrp  : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst   : (none)                   Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Statistics            :
I. Fwd. Pkts.      : 272969957                I. Dro. Pkts.     : 0
E. Fwd. Pkts.      : 273017433                E. Fwd. Octets    : 16381033352
Control Channel Status
PW Status          : enabled                  Refresh Timer     : 66 secs
Peer Status Expire : false                    Clear On Timeout  : true
SDP-BIND PW Path Information
AGI                : 1:1
SAII Type2         : 42:
TAII Type2         : 42:
RSVP/Static LSPs
Associated LSP List :
Lsp Name           : lsp-32
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up

*A:mlstp-dutA# show service id [1..4] all | match "Control Channel" pre-
lines 1 post-lines 5
Control Channel Status
PW Status          : enabled                  Refresh Timer     : 66 secs
Peer Status Expire : false                    Clear On Timeout  : true
Control Channel Status
PW Status          : enabled                  Refresh Timer     : 66 secs
Peer Status Expire : false                    Clear On Timeout  : true
Control Channel Status
PW Status          : enabled                  Refresh Timer     : 66 secs
Peer Status Expire : false                    Clear On Timeout  : true
Control Channel Status
PW Status          : enabled                  Refresh Timer     : 66 secs
Peer Status Expire : false                    Clear On Timeout  : true
*A:mlstp-dutA#  show service id [1..4] all | match SDP-BIND pre-lines 1 post-lines 5
SDP-BIND PW Path Information
AGI                : 1:1
SAII Type2         : 42:
TAII Type2         : 42:
SDP-BIND PW Path Information
AGI                : 1:2
SAII Type2         : 42:
TAII Type2         : 42:
SDP-BIND PW Path Information
AGI                : 1:3
SAII Type2         : 42:
TAII Type2         : 42:
SDP-BIND PW Path Information
AGI                : 1:4
SAII Type2         : 42:
TAII Type2         : 42: