Show and monitor commands

show oam-pm bin-group
Configured Lower Bounds for Delay Measurement (DMM) Tests, in microseconds
Group Description                    Admin Bin     FD(us)    FDR(us)   IFDV(us)
1     OAM PM default bin group (not*    Up   0          0          0          0
                                             1       5000       5000       5000
                                             2      10000          -          -
2                                       Up   0          0          0          0
                                             1       1000       5000        100
                                             2       2000          -        200
                                             3       3000          -        300
                                             4       4000          -        400
                                             5       5000          -        500
                                             6       6000          -        600
                                             7       7000          -        700
                                             8       8000          -        800
                                             9      10000          -       1000
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.

show oam-pm bin-group 2
Configured Lower Bounds for Delay Measurement (DMM) Tests, in microseconds
Group Description                    Admin Bin     FD(us)    FDR(us)   IFDV(us)
2                                       Up   0          0          0          0
                                             1       1000       5000        100
                                             2       2000          -        200
                                             3       3000          -        300
                                             4       4000          -        400
                                             5       5000          -        500
                                             6       6000          -        600
                                             7       7000          -        700
                                             8       8000          -        800
                                             9      10000          -       1000

show oam-pm bin-group-using
OAM Performance Monitoring Bin Group Configuration for Sessions
Bin Group       Admin   Session                            Session State
2               Up      eth-pm-service-4                             Act

show oam-pm bin-group-using bin-group 2
OAM Performance Monitoring Bin Group Configuration for Sessions
Bin Group       Admin   Session                            Session State
2               Up      eth-pm-service-4                             Act

show oam-pm sessions test-family ethernet
OAM Performance Monitoring Session Summary for the Ethernet Test Family
Session                          State   Bin Group   Sess Type   Test Types
eth-pm-service-4                   Act           2   proactive      DMM SLM

show oam-pm session "eth-pm-service-4" all
Basic Session Configuration
Session Name      : eth-pm-service-4
Description       : (Not Specified)
Test Family       : ethernet            Session Type       : proactive
Bin Group         : 2

Ethernet Configuration
Source MEP        : 28                  Priority           : 0
Source Domain     : 12                  Dest MAC Address   : 00:00:00:00:00:30
Source Assoc'n    : 4

DMM Test Configuration and Status
Test ID           : 10004               Admin State        : Up
Oper State        : Up                  Data TLV Size      : 1000 octets
On-Demand Duration: Not Applicable      On-Demand Remaining: Not Applicable
Interval          : 1000 ms

SLM Test Configuration and Status
Test ID           : 10004               Admin State        : Up
Oper State        : Up                  Data TLV Size      : 1000 octets
On-Demand Duration: Not Applicable      On-Demand Remaining: Not Applicable
Interval          : 100 ms
CHLI Threshold    : 4 HLIs              Frames Per Delta-T : 10 SLM frames
Consec Delta-Ts   : 10                  FLR Threshold      : 50%

15-mins Measurement Interval Configuration
Duration          : 15-mins             Intervals Stored   : 32
Boundary Type     : clock-aligned       Clock Offset       : 0 seconds
Accounting Policy : none

Configured Lower Bounds for Delay Measurement (DMM) Tests, in microseconds
Group Description                    Admin Bin     FD(us)    FDR(us)   IFDV(us)
2                                       Up   0          0          0          0
                                             1       1000       5000        100
                                             2       2000          -        200
                                             3       3000          -        300
                                             4       4000          -        400
                                             5       5000          -        500
                                             6       6000          -        600
                                             7       7000          -        700
                                             8       8000          -        800
                                             9      10000          -       1000

show oam-pm statistics session "eth-pm-service-4" dmm meas-interval 15-
mins interval-number 2 all
Start (UTC)       : 2014/02/01 10:00:00          Status          : completed
Elapsed (seconds) : 900                          Suspect         : no
Frames Sent       : 900                          Frames Received : 900

Bin Type     Direction     Minimum (us)   Maximum (us)   Average (us)
FD           Forward                  0           8330            712
FD           Backward               143          11710           2605
FD           Round Trip            1118          14902           3111
FDR          Forward                  0           8330            712
FDR          Backward               143          11710           2605
FDR          Round Trip               0          13784           1990
IFDV         Forward                  0           8330            431
IFDV         Backward                 1          10436            800
IFDV         Round Trip               2          13542           1051

Frame Delay (FD) Bin Counts
Bin      Lower Bound       Forward      Backward    Round Trip
0               0 us           624            53             0
1            1000 us           229           266           135
2            2000 us            29           290           367
3            3000 us             4           195           246
4            4000 us             7            71            94
5            5000 us             5            12            28
6            6000 us             1             7            17
7            7000 us             0             1             5
8            8000 us             1             4             3
9           10000 us             0             1             5

Frame Delay Range (FDR) Bin Counts
Bin      Lower Bound       Forward      Backward    Round Trip
0               0 us           893           875           873
1            5000 us             7            25            27

Inter-Frame Delay Variation (IFDV) Bin Counts
Bin      Lower Bound       Forward      Backward    Round Trip
0               0 us           411           162            96
1             100 us           113           115           108
2             200 us            67            84            67
3             300 us            56            67            65
4             400 us            36            46            53
5             500 us            25            59            54
6             600 us            25            27            38
7             700 us            29            34            22
8             800 us            41            47            72
9            1000 us            97           259           325

show oam-pm statistics session "eth-pm-service-4" slm meas-interval 15-
mins interval-number 2
Start (UTC)       : 2014/02/01 10:00:00          Status          : completed
Elapsed (seconds) : 900                          Suspect         : no
Frames Sent       : 9000                         Frames Received : 9000

                    Frames Sent       Frames Received
Forward                    9000                  9000
Backward                   9000                  9000

Frame Loss Ratios
             Minimum    Maximum    Average
Forward       0.000%     0.000%     0.000%
Backward      0.000%     0.000%     0.000%

Availability Counters (Und = Undetermined)
           Available   Und-Avail Unavailable Und-Unavail        HLI       CHLI
Forward          900           0           0           0          0          0
Backward         900           0           0           0          0          0

show oam-pm statistics session "eth-pm-service-4" dmm meas-interval raw
Start (UTC)       : 2014/02/01 09:43:58          Status          : in-progress
Elapsed (seconds) : 2011                         Suspect         : yes
Frames Sent       : 2011                         Frames Received : 2011

Bin Type     Direction     Minimum (us)   Maximum (us)   Average (us)
FD           Forward                  0          11670            632
FD           Backward                 0          11710           2354
FD           Round Trip            1118          14902           2704
FDR          Forward                  0          11670            611
FDR          Backward                 0          11710           2353
FDR          Round Trip               0          13784           1543
IFDV         Forward                  0          10027            410
IFDV         Backward                 0          10436            784
IFDV         Round Trip               0          13542           1070

Frame Delay (FD) Bin Counts
Bin      Lower Bound       Forward      Backward    Round Trip
0               0 us          1465           252             0
1            1000 us           454           628           657
2            2000 us            62           593           713
3            3000 us             8           375           402
4            4000 us            11           114           153
5            5000 us             7            26            41
6            6000 us             2            10            20
7            7000 us             0             2             8
8            8000 us             1            10            11
9           10000 us             1             1             6

Frame Delay Range (FDR) Bin Counts
Bin      Lower Bound       Forward      Backward    Round Trip
0               0 us          2001          1963          1971
1            5000 us            11            49            41

Inter-Frame Delay Variation (IFDV) Bin Counts
Bin      Lower Bound       Forward      Backward    Round Trip
0               0 us           954           429           197
1             100 us           196           246           197
2             200 us           138           168           145
3             300 us           115           172           154
4             400 us            89            96           136
5             500 us            63            91           108
6             600 us            64            53            89
7             700 us            61            55            63
8             800 us           112            82           151
9            1000 us           219           619           771

show oam-pm statistics session "eth-pm-service-4" slm meas-interval raw
Start (UTC)       : 2014/02/01 09:44:03          Status          : in-progress
Elapsed (seconds) : 2047                         Suspect         : yes
Frames Sent       : 20470                        Frames Received : 20469

                    Frames Sent       Frames Received
Forward                   20329                 20329
Backward                  20329                 20329

Frame Loss Ratios
             Minimum    Maximum    Average
Forward       0.000%     0.000%     0.000%
Backward      0.000%     0.000%     0.000%

Availability Counters (Und = Undetermined)
           Available   Und-Avail Unavailable Und-Unavail        HLI       CHLI
Forward         2033           0           0           0          0          0
Backward        2033           0           0           0          0          0

The monitor command can be used to automatically update the statistics for the raw measurement interval.