VPLS MAC diagnostics


VPLS MAC diagnostics commands are supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.



cpe-ping service service-id destination ip-address source ip-address [ttl vc-label-ttl] [return-control] [source-mac ieee-address] [fc fc-name] [interval interval] [count send-count]





Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command determines the IP connectivity to a CPE within a specified VPLS service.


service service-id

Specifies the service ID of the service to diagnose or manage.


service-id: 1 to 2147483647

destination ip-address

Specifies the IP address to be used as the destination for performing an OAM ping operations.

source ip-address

Specifies an unused IP address in the same network that is associated with the VPLS.

ttl vc-label-ttl

Specifies the TTL value in the VC label for the OAM MAC request, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 255




Specifies the MAC OAM reply to a data plane MAC OAM request be sent using the control plane instead of the data plane.


MAC OAM reply sent using the data plane.

source-mac ieee-address

Specifies the source MAC address that is sent to the CPE. If not specified or set to 0, the MAC address configured for the CPM is used.


Specifies the forwarding class of the MPLS echo request encapsulation.


be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc



interval interval

Specifies the interval parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.

If the interval is set to 1 second where the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.


1 to 10



count send-count

The number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.


1 to 100





mac-populate service-id mac ieee-address [flood] [age seconds] [force] [target-sap sap-id]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command populates the FIB with an OAM-type MAC entry indicating the node is the egress node for the MAC address and optionally floods the OAM MAC association throughout the service. The mac-populate command installs an OAM MAC into the service FIB indicating the device is the egress node for a particular MAC address. The MAC address can be bound to a particular SAP (the target-sap) or can be associated with the control plane in that any data destined for the MAC address is forwarded to the control plane (cpm). As a result, if the service on the node has neither a FIB nor an egress SAP, it is not allowed to initiate a mac-populate.

The MAC address that is populated in the FIBs in the provider network is specific a type OAM, so that it can be treated distinctly from regular dynamically learned or statically configured MACs. Note that OAM MAC addresses are operational MAC addresses and are not saved in the device configuration. An exec file can be used to define OAM MACs after system initialization.

The force option in mac-populate forces the MAC in the table to be type OAM in the case it already exists as a dynamic, static or an OAM induced learned MAC with some other type binding.

An OAM-type MAC cannot be overwritten by dynamic learning and allows customer packets with the MAC to either ingress or egress the network while still using the OAM MAC entry.

The flood option causes each upstream node to learn the MAC (that is, populate the local FIB with an OAM MAC entry) and to flood the request along the data plane using the flooding domain.The flooded mac-populate request can be sent via the data plane or the control plane. The send-control option specifies the request be sent using the control plane. If send-control is not specified, the request is sent using the data plane. An age can be provided to age a particular OAM MAC using a specific interval. By default, OAM MAC addresses are not aged and can be removed with a mac-purge or with an FDB clear operation.

When split horizon group (SHG) is configured, the flooding domain depends on which SHG the packet originates from. The target-sap sap-id value dictates the originating SHG information.


service service-id

Specifies the Service ID of the service to diagnose or manage.


1 to 2147483647

destination ieee-address

Specifies the MAC address to be populated.


Sends the OAM MAC populate to all upstream nodes.


MAC populate only the local FIB.

age seconds

Specifies the age for the OAM MAC, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 65535


The OAM MAC does not age.


Converts the MAC to an OAM MAC even if it currently another type of MAC.


Do not overwrite type.

target-sap sap-id

Specifies the local target SAP bound to a service on which to associate the OAM MAC. By default, the OAM MAC is associated with the control place, that is, it is associated with the CPU on the router.

When the target-sap sap-id value is not specified the MAC is bound to the CPM. The originating SHG is 0 (zero). When the target-sap sap-id value is specified, the originating SHG is the SHG of the target-sap.


Associate OAM MAC with the control plane (CPU).



mac-purge service-id target ieee-address [flood] [register]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document.


This command removes an OAM-type MAC entry from the FIB and optionally floods the OAM MAC removal throughout the service. A mac-purge can be sent via the forwarding path or via the control plane. When sending the MAC purge using the data plane, the TTL in the VC label is set to 1. When sending the MAC purge using the control plane, the packet is sent directly to the system IP address of the next hop.

A MAC address is purged only if it is marked as OAM. A mac-purge request is an HVPLS OAM packet, with the following fields. The Reply Flags is set to 0 (since no reply is expected), the Reply Mode and Reserved fields are set to 0. The Ethernet header has source set to the (system) MAC address, the destination set to the broadcast MAC address. There is a VPN TLV in the FEC Stack TLV to identify the service domain.

If the register option is provided, the R bit in the Address Delete flags is turned on.

The flood option causes each upstream node to be sent the OAM MAC delete request and to flood the request along the data plane using the flooding domain. The flooded mac-purge request can be sent via the data plane or the control plane. The send-control option specifies the request be sent using the control plane. If send-control is not specified, the request is sent using the data plane.

The register option reserves the MAC for OAM testing where it is no longer an active MAC in the FIB for forwarding, but it is retained in the FIB as a registered OAM MAC. Registering an OAM MAC prevents relearns for the MAC based on customer packets. Relearning a registered MAC can only be done through a mac-populate request. The originating SHG is always 0 (zero).


service service-id

Specifies the service ID of the service to diagnose or manage.


1 to 2147483647

target ieee-address

Specifies the MAC address to be purged.


Sends the OAM MAC purge to all upstream nodes.


MAC purge only the local FIB.


Reserve the MAC for OAM testing.


Do not register OAM MAC.



mac-ping service service-id destination dst-ieee-address [source src-ieee-address] [fc fc-name] [size octets] [ttl vc-label-ttl] [count send-count] [return-control] [interval interval] [timeout timeout]





Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document.


This command tests for the existence of an egress SAP binding of a specific MAC within a VPLS service.

A mac-ping packet can be sent through the control plane or the data plane. The send-control option specifies the request be sent using the control plane. If send-control is not specified, the request is sent using the data plane.

A mac-ping is forwarded along the flooding domain if no MAC address bindings exist. If MAC address bindings exist, the packet is forwarded along those paths, provided they are active. A response is generated only when there is an egress SAP binding for that MAC address or if the MAC address is a ‟local” OAM MAC address associated with the device’s control plan.

A mac-ping reply can be sent using the data plane or the control plane. The return-control option specifies the reply be sent using the control plane. If return-control is not specified, the request is sent using the data plane.

A mac-ping with data plane reply can only be initiated on nodes that can have an egress MAC address binding. A node without a FIB and without any SAPs cannot have an egress MAC address binding, so it is not a node where replies in the data plane are trapped and sent up to the control plane.

A control plane request is responded to through a control plane reply only.

By default, MAC OAM requests are sent with the system or chassis MAC address as the source MAC. The source option allows overriding of the default source MAC for the request with a specific MAC address.

When a source ieee-address value is specified and the source MAC address is locally registered within a split horizon group (SHG), this SHG membership is used as if the packet originated from this SHG. In all other cases, SHG 0 (zero) is used. Note that if the mac-trace is originated from a non-zero SHG, such packets do not go out to the same SHG.

If EMG is enabled, mac-ping returns only the first SAP in each chain.


service service-id

Specifies the service ID of the service to diagnose or manage.


1 to 2147483647

destination ieee-address

Specifies the destination MAC address for the OAM MAC request.

size octets

Specifies the MAC OAM request packet size in octets, expressed as a decimal integer. The request payload is padded to the specified size with a 6 byte PAD header and a byte payload of 0xAA as necessary. If the octet size specified is less than the minimum packet, the minimum sized packet necessary to send the request is used.


1 to 9198


No OAM packet padding.

ttl vc-label-ttl

Specifies the TTL value in the VC label for the OAM MAC request, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 255




Specifies the MAC OAM reply to a data plane MAC OAM request be sent using the control plane instead of the data plane.


MAC OAM reply sent using the data plane.

source src-ieee-address

Specifies the source MAC address from which the OAM MAC request originates. By default, the system MAC address for the chassis is used.


Any unicast MAC value.


The system MAC address.

fc fc-name

Specifies the fc parameter used to test the forwarding class of the MPLS echo request packets. The actual forwarding class encoding is controlled by the network egress LSP-EXP mappings.


be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc

interval interval

Specifies the interval parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.

If the interval is set to 1 second where the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.


1 to 10



count send-count

Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either timeout or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.


1 to 100



timeout timeout

Specifies the timeout parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded.


1 to 10





mac-trace service service-id destination ieee-address [fc fc-name] [size octets] [min-ttl vc-label-ttl] [max-ttl vc-label-ttl] [return-control] [source ieee-address] [send-count send-count] [interval interval] [timeout timeout]





Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command displays the hop-by-hop path for a destination MAC address within a VPLS.

The MAC traceroute operation is modeled after the IP traceroute utility which uses ICMP echo request and reply packets with increasing TTL values to determine the hop-by-hop route to a destination IP. The MAC traceroute command uses Nokia OAM packets with increasing TTL values to determine the hop-by-hop route to a destination MAC.

In a MAC traceroute, the originating device creates a MAC ping echo request packet for the MAC to be tested with increasing values of the TTL. The echo request packet is sent through the control plane or data plane and awaits a TTL exceeded response or the echo reply packet from the device with the destination MAC. The devices that reply to the echo request packets with the TTL exceeded and the echo reply are displayed.

When a source ieee-address value is specified and the source MAC address is locally registered within a split horizon group (SHG), this SHG membership is used as if the packet originated from this SHG. In all other cases, SHG 0 (zero) is used. Note that if the mac-ping is originated from a non-zero SHG, such packets do not go out to the same SHG.

If EMG is enabled, mac-trace returns only the first SAP in each chain.


service service-id

Specifies the Service ID of the service to diagnose or manage.


1 to 2147483647

destination ieee-address

Specifies the destination MAC address to be traced.

size octets

Specifies the MAC OAM request packet size in octets, expressed as a decimal integer. The request payload is padded to the specified size with a 6 byte PAD header and a byte payload of 0xAA as necessary. If the octet size specified is less than the minimum packet, the minimum sized packet necessary to send the request is used.


1 to 9198


No OAM packet padding.

fc fc-name

Specifies the fc parameter used to test the forwarding class of the MPLS echo request packets. The actual forwarding class encoding is controlled by the network egress LSP-EXP mappings.


be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc

min-ttl vc-label-ttl

The minimum TTL value in the VC label for the MAC trace test, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 255



max-ttl vc-label-ttl

Specifies the maximum TTL value in the VC label for the MAC trace test, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 255




Specifies the MAC OAM reply to a data plane MAC OAM request be sent using the control plane instead of the data plane.


MAC OAM reply sent using the data plane.

source ieee-address

Specifies the source MAC address from which the OAM MAC request originates. By default, the system MAC address for the chassis is used.


Any unicast MAC value.


The system MAC address.

send-count send-count

Specifies the number of MAC OAM requests sent for a particular TTL value, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 10



interval interval

Specifies the interval parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.

If the interval is set to 1 second, and the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.


1 to 10



timeout timeout

Specifies the timeout parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message timeout, the requesting router assumes that the message response has not been received. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded.


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