Centralized CPU protection

The CPU protection mechanism protects the CPU from a DoS attack by limiting the amount of ingress port traffic destined for the CPM to be processed by its CPU. On the 7210 SAS, a set of dedicated policers are used to limit the amount of traffic to the software-defined rate (the rate is not user-configurable) before the packets are queued to the CPU queues. A strict policy scheduler schedules packets from the CPU queues. A CPU queue traffic shaper, configured to a predefined rate by software, is used to limit the amount of traffic for a protocol or group of protocols using the CPU queue.

In most cases, access interfaces and network uplinks do not share the policers and CPU queues used to manage the amount of traffic sent to the CPM. Access interfaces (typically used to deliver customer services) use a dedicated set of policers and CPU queues; a separate set is used for network facing ports (that is, network ports, hybrid ports, and access-uplink ports). The policer rate and CPU queue rates used for CPU protection are not user-configurable.