DCP policer resource management

CAM and meter resources from the CPU protection pool are allocated for the DCP policer by using the configure>system>resource-profile>ingress-internal-tcam>cpu-protection command. Resources from this pool (also called a slice) are also used to identify protocol packets that need to be rate-limited and have used a policer or meter to the configured rate before being queued to the CPU queues. Two CAM entries with a single policer is used for every protocol configured in the DCP policy. The 7210 SAS does not support sharing of a policer among protocols. All protocols configured to use a policer are allocated an independent instance of the policer and are policed to the configured rate. See the 7210  SAS-Mxp, R6, R12, S, Sx, T Basic System Configuration Guide for information about resource allocation using the cpu-protection CLI command.