Creating an Epipe service

Use the following syntax to create an Epipe service.

    epipe service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id] 
    description description-string
    no shutdown

For 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12 devices:

    epipe service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id][vc-switching] [svc-sap-type {any | qinq-inner-tag-preserve}] 
    description description-string
    no shutdown

Example: Epipe configuration

The following example shows Epipe configuration output.

A:ALA-1>config>service# info
epipe 1 customer 1 vpn 1 vc-switching create
            description "Default epipe description for service id 1"
            spoke-sdp 1:1 vc-type vlan create
                description "Description for Sdp Bind 1 for Svc ID 1"
A:ALA-1>config>service# info