Mixing statically configured and auto-discovered pseudowires in a VPLS service

The services implementation allows for manually provisioned and auto-discovered pseudowire (SDP bindings) to coexist in the same VPLS instance (for example, both FEC128 and FEC 129 are supported). This allows for gradual introduction of auto discovery into an existing VPLS deployment.

As FEC 128 and 129 represent different addressing schemes, it is important to make sure that only one is used at any point in time between the same two VPLS instances. Otherwise, both pseudowires may become active causing a loop that may adversely impact the correct functioning of the service. Nokia recommends that the FEC128 pseudowire be disabled as soon as the FEC129 addressing scheme is introduced in a portion of the network. Alternatively, RSTP may be used during the migration as a safety mechanism to provide additional protection against operational errors.