This command administratively disables the entity. When disabled, an entity does not change, reset, or remove any configuration settings or statistics.
The operational state of the entity is disabled as well as the operational state of any entities contained within. Many objects must be shut down before they can be deleted.
The no form of this command places the entity into an administratively enabled state.
no shutdown
This command creates a text description stored in the configuration file for a configuration context.
The description command associates a text string with a configuration context to help identify the content in the configuration file.
The no form of this command removes the string from the configuration.
n/a — no description is associated with the configuration context
This command enables the context to configure system-wide ATM parameters.
This command indicates the location ID for ATM OAM.
Refer to the 7705 SAR Quality of Service Guide, “ATM QoS Traffic Descriptor Profiles”, for information on ATM QoS policies and the 7705 SAR Services Guide, “VLL Services” for information on ATM-related service parameters.
no atm-location-id
Invalid values include a location ID where the first octet is: 00, FF, 6A
Acceptable location-ids include values where the first octet is: 01, 03
Other values are not accepted.
Use this command to configure a URL for a CLI script to execute following a failure of a boot-up configuration. The command specifies a URL for the CLI scripts to be run following the completion of the boot-up configuration. A URL must be specified or no action is taken.
The commands are persistent between router (re)boots and are included in the configuration saves (admin>save).
Also refer to the related command exec.
no boot-bad-exec
Use this command to configure a URL for a CLI script to execute following the success of a boot-up configuration.
Also refer to the related command exec.
no boot-good-exec
This command creates a Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) code string for the 7705 SAR. A CLLI code is an 11-character standardized geographic identifier that uniquely identifies geographic locations and certain functional categories of equipment unique to the telecommunications industry.
No CLLI validity checks other than truncating or padding the string to 11 characters are performed.
Only one CLLI code can be configured. If multiple CLLI codes are configured, the last one entered overwrites the previous entry.
The no form of the command removes the CLLI code.
n/a — no CLLI codes are configured
This command configures the maximum number of backup versions maintained for configuration files and BOF.
For example, if the config-backup count is set to 5 and the configuration file is called xyz.cfg, the file xyz.cfg is saved with a .1 extension when the save command is executed. Each subsequent config-backup command increments the numeric extension until the maximum count is reached.
Each persistent index file is updated at the same time as the associated configuration file. When the index file is updated, then the save is performed to xyz.cfg and the index file is created as xyz.ndx. Synchronization between the active and standby CSM is performed for all configurations and their associated persistent index files.
The no form of the command returns the configuration to the default value.
This command creates a text string that identifies the contact name for the device.
Only one contact can be configured. If multiple contacts are configured, the last one entered will overwrite the previous entry.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
n/a — no contact name is configured
This command creates a text string that identifies the system coordinates for the device location. For example, the command coordinates “37.390 -122.0550” is read as latitude 37.390 north and longitude 122.0550 west.
Only one set of coordinates can be configured. If multiple coordinates are configured, the last one entered overwrites the previous entry.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
n/a — no coordinates are configured
This command enters the context to issue forwarding path commands.
This command enters the context to configure forwarding path options.
This command enters the context to enable or disable VPLS scalability with the shutdown command.
VPLS scalability is only supported on the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and the 7705 SAR-18. VPLS scalability cannot be enabled if any of the following are configured in the system:
VPLS high-scale limits are supported on access and network links on the following cards:
By default, VPLS scalability is disabled and the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 7705 SAR-18 support only 64 VPLS instances. You can enable up to 255 VPLS instances by issuing the no shutdown command under this context.
After the no shutdown command is issued, the Admin state for vpls-high-scale is enabled but the Oper state remains disabled and you cannot create more than 64 VPLS instances. You must issue an admin save command and reboot the node for the configuration change to take effect.
To disable VPLS scalability, you must lower the number of VPLS services to 64 or fewer before issuing the shutdown command under this context. The VPLS service ID numbers are not relevant, as long as the maximum number of services is 64. You must issue an admin save command and reboot the node for the configuration change to take effect.
This command configures a static system identifier for the 7705 SAR. The system identifier can be used to uniquely identify the 7705 SAR in the network instead of the system IP address, as a system IP address can change dynamically using DHCP when the 7705 SAR is acting as a DHCP client and the DHCP server-facing interface is unnumbered. To prevent management systems (for example, the NSP NFM-P) from rediscovering a node based on a system IP address that has been changed via DHCP, and thus losing historical data attributed to a specific system IP address, a static system identifier should be configured.
The system identifier takes the form of an IPv4 address. This address is not advertised in IGP or BGP and is used solely as a node identifier.
The no form of the command deletes the system identifier.
no identifier
This command enables the context to configure load balancing parameters.
This command configures system-wide Layer 4 load balancing. The configuration at the system level can enable or disable load balancing across all IP interfaces. When enabled, Layer 4 source and destination port fields of incoming TCP/UDP packets are included in the hashing calculation to randomly determine the distribution of packets.Adding the Layer 4 source and destination port fields to the hashing algorithm generates a higher degree of randomness and a more even distribution of packets across the available ECMP paths or LAG ports.
no l4-load-balancing
This command configures system-wide LSR load balancing. Hashing can be enabled on the IP header at an LSR to send labeled packets over multiple equal-cost paths in an LDP LSP and/or over multiple links of a LAG group in all types of LSPs.
The bottom-of-stack option determines the significance of the bottom-of-stack label (VC label) based on which label stack profile option is specified.
When LSR load balancing is enabled, the default configuration for the hashing algorithm is label-only (lbl-only) hashing, and the default configuration for the bottom-of-stack hashing treatment is profile-1.
The use-ingress-port option, when enabled, specifies that the ingress port will be used by the hashing algorithm at the LSR. This option should be enabled for ingress LAG ports because packets with the same label stack can arrive on all ports of a LAG interface. In this case, using the ingress port in the hashing algorithm will result in better egress load balancing, especially for pseudowires.
The option should be disabled for LDP ECMP so that the ingress port is not used by the hashing algorithm. For ingress LDP ECMP, if the ingress port is used by the hashing algorithm, the hash distribution could be biased, especially for pseudowires.
LSR load-balancing configuration on an interface overrides the system-wide LSR load-balancing settings for the interface.
no lsr-load-balancing
lbl-only | hashing is done on the MPLS label stack, up to a maximum of 10 labels |
lbl-ip | hashing is done on the MPLS label stack and the IPv4 source and destination IP address if an IPv4 header is present after the MPLS labels |
lbl-ip-l4-teid | hashing is done on the MPLS label stack, the IPv4 source and destination IP address (if present), then on the Layer 4 source and destination UDP or TCP port fields (if present) and the TEID in the GTP header (if present) |
profile-1 | favors better load balancing for pseudowires when the VC label distribution is contiguous |
profile-2 | similar to profile-1 where the VC labels are contiguous, but provides an alternate distribution |
profile-3 | all labels have equal influence in hash key generation |
This command enables the use of the system IP address in the hash algorithm to add a per-system variable. This can help to guard against cases where multiple routers, in series, will end up hashing traffic to the same ECMP or LAG path. The algorithm based on the system IP address is included by default.
This command creates a text string that identifies the system location for the device.
Only one location can be configured. If multiple locations are configured, the last one entered overwrites the previous entry.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
n/a — no system location is configured
This command creates a system name string for the device.
For example, system-name parameter ALU-1 for the name command configures the device name as ALU-1.
Only one system name can be configured. If multiple system names are configured, the last one encountered overwrites the previous entry.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
The default system name is set to the chassis serial number which is read from the backplane EEPROM.
This command suppresses power feed monitoring and alarms on the secondary input power feed of a chassis when that power feed is not in use. Use this command when monitoring and raising alarms on the unused power input is not required. Suppressing monitoring and alarms on an unused input power feed results in the following:
Power feed monitoring and alarming is enabled by default.
This command enables the context to configure monitoring thresholds.
This command enables capacity monitoring of the compact flash specified in this command. The severity level is Alarm. Both a rising and falling threshold can be specified.
The no form of this command removes the configured compact flash threshold alarm.
After a rising threshold crossing event is generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value falls below this threshold and reaches less than or equal to the falling-threshold value.
The threshold values represent units of 512 bytes.
After a falling threshold crossing event is generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value rises above this threshold and reaches greater than or equal to the rising-threshold value.
The threshold values represent units of 512 bytes.
If the first sample is greater than or equal to the rising threshold value and startup-alarm is equal to rising or either, a single rising threshold crossing event is generated.
If the first sample is less than or equal to the falling threshold value and startup-alarm is equal to falling or either, a single falling threshold crossing event is generated.
This command enables capacity monitoring of the compact flash specified in this command. The severity level is Warning. Both a rising and falling threshold can be specified.
The no form of this command removes the configured compact flash threshold warning.
After a rising threshold crossing event is generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value falls below this threshold and reaches less than or equal to the falling-threshold value.
The threshold values represent units of 512 bytes.
After a falling threshold crossing event is generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value rises above this threshold and reaches greater than or equal to the rising-threshold value.
The threshold values represent units of 512 bytes.
If the first sample is greater than or equal to the rising threshold value and startup-alarm is equal to rising or either, a single rising threshold crossing event is generated.
If the first sample is less than or equal to the falling threshold value and startup-alarm is equal to falling or either, a single falling threshold crossing event is generated.
The memory thresholds are based on monitoring the TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB sgiMemoryUsed object. This object contains the amount of memory currently used by the system. The severity level is Alarm.
The absolute sample type method is used.
The no form of this command removes the configured memory threshold alarm.
After a rising threshold crossing event is generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value falls below this threshold and reaches less than or equal to the falling-threshold value.
The threshold values are in bytes.
After a falling threshold crossing event is generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value rises above this threshold and reaches greater than or equal to the rising-threshold value.
The threshold values are in bytes.
If the first sample is greater than or equal to the rising threshold value and startup-alarm is equal to rising or either, a single rising threshold crossing event is generated.
If the first sample is less than or equal to the falling threshold value and startup-alarm is equal to falling or either, a single falling threshold crossing event is generated.
The memory thresholds are based on monitoring the TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB sgiMemoryUsed object. This object contains the amount of memory currently used by the system. The severity level is Warning.
The absolute sample type method is used.
The no form of this command removes the configured compact flash threshold warning.
After a rising threshold crossing event is generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value falls below this threshold and reaches less than or equal to the falling-threshold value.
The threshold values are in bytes.
After a falling threshold crossing event is generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value rises above this threshold and reaches greater than or equal to the rising-threshold value.
The threshold values are in bytes.
If the first sample is greater than or equal to the rising threshold value and startup-alarm is equal to rising or either, a single rising threshold crossing event is generated.
If the first sample is less than or equal to the falling threshold value and startup-alarm is equal to falling or either, a single falling threshold crossing event is generated.
This command enables the context to configure generic RMON alarms and events.
Generic RMON alarms can be created on any SNMP object-ID that is valid for RMON monitoring (for example, an integer-based datatype).
The configuration of an event controls the generation and notification of threshold crossing events configured with the alarm command.
The alarm command configures an entry in the RMON-MIB alarm table. The alarm command controls the monitoring and triggering of threshold crossing events. In order for notification or logging of a threshold crossing event to occur, there must be at least one associated rmon>event configured.
The agent periodically takes statistical sample values from the MIB variable specified for monitoring and compares them to thresholds that have been configured with the alarm command. The alarm command configures the MIB variable to be monitored, the polling period (interval), sampling type (absolute or delta value), and rising and falling threshold parameters. If a sample has crossed a threshold value, the associated event is generated.
Use the no form of this command to remove an rmon-alarm-id from the configuration.
The oid-string has a maximum length of 255 characters.
If the first sample is greater than or equal to the rising threshold value and startup-alarm is equal to rising or either, a single rising threshold crossing event is generated.
If the first sample is less than or equal to the falling threshold value and startup-alarm is equal to falling or either, a single falling threshold crossing event is generated.
If there is no corresponding event configured for the specified rmon-event-id, then no association exists and no action is taken.
If the rmon-event-id has a value of zero (0), no associated event exists.
If an rmon-event-id is configured, the CLI requires a rising-threshold to also be configured.
After a rising threshold crossing event is generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value falls below this threshold and reaches less than or equal to the falling-threshold value.
If there is no corresponding event configured for the specified rmon-event-id, then no association exists and no action is taken.
If the rmon-event-id has a value of zero (0), no associated event exists.
If an rmon-event-id is configured, the CLI requires a falling-threshold to also be configured.
After a falling threshold crossing event is generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value rises above this threshold and reaches greater than or equal to the rising-threshold value.
This command configures an entry in the RMON-MIB event table. The command controls the generation and notification of threshold crossing events configured with the alarm command. When a threshold crossing event is triggered, the rmon>event configuration optionally specifies if an entry in the RMON-MIB log table should be created to record the occurrence of the event. It may also specify that an SNMP notification (trap) should be generated for the event. The RMON-MIB defines two notifications for threshold crossing events: Rising Alarm and Falling Alarm.
Creating an event entry in the RMON-MIB log table does not create a corresponding entry in the TiMOS event logs. However, when the event-type is set to trap, the generation of a Rising Alarm or Falling Alarm notification creates an entry in the TiMOS event logs and that is distributed to whatever TiMOS log destinations are configured: CONSOLE, session, memory, file, syslog, or SNMP trap destination.
The TiMOS logger message includes a rising or falling threshold crossing event indicator, the sample type (absolute or delta), the sampled value, the threshold value, the rmon-alarm-id, the associated rmon-event-id, and the sampled SNMP object identifier.
Use the no form of this command to remove an rmon-event-id from the configuration.
This command enables the context to configure persistence parameters on the system.
The persistence feature allows lease information on DHCP servers to be kept across reboots. This information can include data such as the IP address, MAC binding information, and lease length information.
This command configures DHCP server persistence parameters.
This command instructs the system where to write the file. The name of the file is dhcp-serv.001. On boot-up, the system scans the file systems looking for dhcp-serv.001. If the system finds the file, it loads it.
The no form of this command returns the system to the default.
no location
This command sets the local system time.
The time entered should be accurate for the time zone configured for the system. The system will convert the local time to UTC before saving to the system clock, which is always set to UTC. This command does not take into account any daylight saving offset if defined.
This command enables the context to configure the system time zone and time synchronization parameters.
This command configures the start and end dates and offset for summer time or daylight savings time to override system defaults or for user defined time zones.
When configured, the time is adjusted by adding the configured offset when summer time starts and subtracting the configured offset when summer time ends.
If the time zone configured is listed in Table 25, then the starting and ending parameters and offset do not need to be configured with this command unless it is necessary to override the system defaults. The command returns an error if the start and ending dates and times are not available either in Table 25 or entered as optional parameters in this command.
Up to five summer time zones may be configured; for example, for five successive years or for five different time zones. Configuring a sixth entry will return an error message. If no summer (daylight savings) time is supplied, it is assumed no summer time adjustment is required.
The no form of the command removes a configured summer (daylight savings) time entry.
n/a — no summer time is configured
This command configures the end of summer time settings.
This command specifies the number of minutes that will be added to the time when summer time takes effect. The same number of minutes will be subtracted from the time when the summer time ends.
This command configures start of summer time settings.
This command enables the context to create or modify gnss parameters for time.
This command specifies a GNSS receiver port as a synchronous timing source. The specific GNSS receiver port is identified by port-id and has an assigned priority-value.
no port
This command enables the context to configure Network Time Protocol (NTP) and its operation. This protocol defines a method to accurately distribute and maintain time for network elements. Furthermore, this capability allows for the synchronization of clocks between the various network elements. The no form of the command stops the execution of NTP and removes its configuration.
This command provides the option to skip the rejection of NTP PDUs that do not match the authentication key ID, type, or key values.
When authentication is configured, NTP PDUs received on an interface or the management port are authenticated on receipt and rejected if there is a mismatch in the authentication key ID, type, or key value.
When authentication-check is enabled, NTP PDUs are authenticated on receipt and rejected if there is a mismatch in the authentication key ID, type, or key value. Any mismatches cause a counter to be incremented: one counter for type, one for key ID, and one for key value mismatches. These counters are visible in the show>system>ntp command output.
The no form of this command allows mismatched packets to be accepted (overriding authentication); however, the counters are maintained.
This command sets the authentication key ID, type, and key value used to authenticate NTP PDUs sent to or received from other network elements participating in the NTP protocol. For authentication to work, the authentication key ID, type, and key value must match.
Configuring the authentication-key with a key-id value that matches an existing key will override the existing entry.
Recipients of the NTP packets must have the same authentication key ID, type, and key value in order to use the data transmitted by this node.
The no form of the command removes the authentication key.
This command configures the node to transmit NTP broadcast packets on the specified interface. Because broadcast messages can easily be spoofed, authentication is strongly recommended.
Broadcast server capability can also be enabled on an interface within a VPRN context. Refer to the 7705 SAR Services Guide, “VPRN NTP Commands”, for information.
The no form of this command removes the interface from the configuration.
This command configures an interface to receive NTP broadcast packets on a particular subnet. Because broadcast messages can easily be spoofed, authentication is strongly recommended. If broadcastclient is not configured, received NTP broadcast traffic will be ignored. Use the show>system>ntp command to view the state of the configuration.
When the authenticate parameter is specified, the received authentication key-id must have been configured with the authentication-key command, and the key ID type and key value must also match.
The no form of this command removes the interface from the configuration.
This command enables more accurate timestamping for in-band NTP packets. When enabled, timestamping is performed on an adapter card by the network processor as packets ingress and egress the router. This reduces packet delay variability.
The mda-timestamp command can only be set if NTP is shut down and the NTP servers are not associated with an authentication key. The command is only supported on Ethernet-based adapter cards. Enabling this command does not change the behavior of NTP over the Management port.
The no form of this command returns the system to its default behavior of having NTP packets timestamped by the CSM.
no mda-timestamp
This command configures the node to transmit NTP multicast packets on the Management port. Because multicast messages can easily be spoofed, authentication is strongly recommended.
The no form of this command disables transmission of multicast packets on the Management port.
This command configures the node to receive NTP multicast messages on the Management port. If multicastclient is not configured, received NTP multicast traffic will be ignored. Use the show>system>ntp command to view the state of the configuration.
When the authenticate parameter is specified, the received authentication key-id must have been configured with the authentication-key command, and the key ID type and key value must also match.
The no form of this command disables the receipt of multicast messages on the Management port.
This command configures the node to assume the role of an NTP server. Unless the ntp-server command is used, the node will function as an NTP client only and will not distribute time to downstream network elements.
no ntp-server
This command configures symmetric active mode for an NTP peer. It is recommended that only known time servers be configured as peers and that authentication be enabled.
Successful authentication requires that both peers have the same authentication key ID, type, and key values.The key ID identifies the configured authentication key and authentication type used by this node to transmit NTP packets to an NTP peer. When an NTP packet is received by a peer, if the authentication key ID, type, and key values do not match, the packet will be rejected and an event or trap will be generated.
When configuring more than one peer, one remote system can be configured as the preferred peer. If a second peer is configured as preferred, the new entry overrides the old entry.
The no form of the command removes the specified peer.
This command specifies the source that is to be used as an NTP server. The source can be specified with an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or the system-time keyword.
The NTP clock in the 7705 SAR can recover time from a local PTP or GNSS source. This is achieved by configuring the PTP clock or GNSS receiver as the internal system time. The internal system time can then be identified as the preferred source of NTP timing into the network with the system-time and prefer parameters. After PTP or GNSS has established a UTC traceable time, it will always be the source for time into NTP even if the system time goes into time holdover for any reason. When the internal PTP clock or GNSS is identified as the server for NTP, NTP will promote the internal NTP server (the 7705 SAR) to Stratum-1 level, which may affect the NTP network topology.
Up to five NTP servers can be configured. When configuring more than one server, one remote system can be configured as the preferred server. If a second server is configured as preferred, the new entry overrides the old entry.
The no form of this command removes the specified NTP server from the configuration.
This command enables the context to create or modify ptp parameters for time.
This command specifies the PTP (Precision Time Protocol) source as an option for recovered time for the 1pps (1 pulse per second) port. The specific PTP clock is identified by clock-id and has an assigned priority-value.
no clock
This command enables the context to edit the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP).
SNTP can be configured in either broadcast or unicast client mode. SNTP is a compact, client-only version of the NTP. SNTP can only receive the time from SNTP/NTP servers. It cannot be used to provide time services to other systems.
The system clock is automatically adjusted at system initialization time or when the protocol first starts up.
When the time differential between the SNTP/NTP server and the system is more than 2.5 seconds, the time on the system is gradually adjusted.
SNTP is created in an administratively enabled state (no shutdown).
The no form of the command removes the SNTP instance and configuration. SNTP does not need to be administratively disabled when removing the SNTP instance and configuration.
no sntp
This command enables listening to SNTP/NTP broadcast messages on interfaces with broadcast client enabled at global device level.
When this global parameter is configured, then the ntp-broadcast parameter must be configured on selected interfaces on which NTP broadcasts are transmitted.
SNTP must be shut down prior to changing either to or from broadcast mode.
The no form of the command disables broadcast client mode.
no broadcast-client
This command creates an SNTP server for unicast client mode.
This command enables the context to create or modify tod-1pps connector parameters.
This command specifies the format for the Time of Day message that is transmitted out the time of day (ToD) or ToD/PPS Out port on the following:
On the 7705 SAR-H, the Time of Day message output is only available when the router is configured with an active IP PTP slave clock or boundary clock. For all other routers, the Time of Day message output is available when the router is configured with an active IP PTP slave clock or boundary clock or when Time of Day is recovered from an Ethernet PTP clock or integrated GNSS.
no message-type
This command specifies whether the 1pps output is enabled. When disabled, neither the 1pps nor the RS-422 serial port is available.
no output
This command sets the time zone and/or time zone offset for the device.
The 7705 SAR supports system-defined and user-defined time zones. The system-defined time zones are listed in Table 25.
For user-defined time zones, the zone and the UTC offset must be specified.
The no form of the command reverts to the default of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If the time zone in use was a user-defined time zone, the time zone will be deleted. If a dst-zone command has been configured that references the zone, the summer commands must be deleted before the zone can be reset to UTC.
zone utc - the time zone is set for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
For system-defined time zones, a different offset cannot be specified. If a new time zone is needed with a different offset, the user must create a new time zone. Some system-defined time zones have implicit summer time settings that causes the switchover to summer time to occur automatically; in this case, configuring the dst-zone parameter is not required.
A user-defined time zone name is case-sensitive and can be up to 5 characters in length.
This command enables the context to configure periodic and date- and time-based scheduling.
CRON can be used, for example, to schedule Service Assurance Agent (SAA) functions. CRON functions include the ability to specify scripts that need to be run and when they will be scheduled. Reboots, peer turn-ups, and SAA tests can be scheduled with CRON, as well as OAM events such as connectivity checks or troubleshooting runs.
This command configures a schedule name and optional schedule owner.
no schedule
This command configures the number of times a CRON periodic schedule is run. For example, if the interval is set to 600 and the count is set to 4, the schedule runs 4 times at 600-second intervals.
no count
This command specifies on which days of the month the schedule will execute. Multiple days of the month can be specified. If multiple days are configured, each of them will trigger the schedule. If a day-of-month is configured without configuring month, hour, and minute, the schedule will not execute.
Using the weekday command as well as the day-of-month command may cause the schedule to run twice in a week. For example, if today is Monday, January 1, and month is set to January, weekday is set to Tuesday, and day-of-month is set to the 5th day of the month, the schedule will run on Tuesday (January 2) and on Friday (January 5).
The no form of this command removes the specified day-of-month or all day-of-month configurations.
no day-of-month
Integer values must map to a valid day for the specified month. For example, February 30 is not a valid date.
This command is used concurrently with schedule type calendar or periodic. If the schedule is configured as calendar, the end-time determines on which date the schedule will end. If the schedule is configured as periodic, the end-time determines at which interval the schedule will end.
If no end-time is specified, the schedule runs indefinitely.
no end-time
This command specifies at which hour the schedule will execute. Multiple hours can be specified. If multiple hours are configured, each of them will trigger the schedule. If an hour is configured without configuring month, weekday or day-of-month, and minute, the schedule will not execute.
The no form of this command removes the specified hour or all configured hours.
no hour
This command specifies the interval between each periodic schedule run.
no interval
This command specifies at which minute the schedule will execute. Multiple minutes can be specified. If multiple minutes are configured, each of them will trigger the schedule. If a minute is configured without configuring month, weekday or day-of-month, and hour, the schedule will not execute.
The no form of this command removes the specified minute or all configured minutes.
no minute
This command specifies on which month the schedule will execute. Multiple months can be specified. If multiple months are configured, each of them will trigger the schedule. If a month is configured without configuring weekday or day-of-month, hour, and minute, the schedule will not execute.
The no form of this command removes the specified month or all configured months.
no month
This command specifies the script policy associated with the script to be run by the CRON schedule. The script policy must have already been created in the config>system>script-control context.
no script-policy
This command configures how the schedule will run (periodically, on a specified date or dates, or one time only).
This command specifies on which days of the week the schedule will execute. Multiple days of the week can be specified. If multiple days are configured, each of them will trigger the schedule. If a weekday is configured without configuring month, hour, and minute, the schedule will not execute.
Using the weekday command as well as the day-of-month command may cause the schedule to run twice in a week. For example, if today is Monday, January 1, and month is set to January, weekday is set to Tuesday, and day-of-month is set to the 5th day of the month, the schedule will run on Tuesday (January 2) and on Friday (January 5).
The no form of this command removes the specified weekday or all configured weekdays.
no weekday
This command enables the context to configure CLI script parameters.
This command assigns a name and optional owner to a script text file that contains a list of CLI commands to be executed. The owner is an arbitrary string; it is not associated with an actual CLI user.
Multiple owners can be associated with a script name, and each script name/owner combination is unique.
The scripts are not authorized against the owner but can be configured to execute under a particular user context in order for authorization to be performed. Refer to the 7705 SAR System Management Guide, “CLI Script Authorization Commands”, for information.
The no form of the command deletes the script name.
no script
This command specifies the location of the script text file, either on the local compact flash or on a remote FTP server.
The no form of the command removes the location.
no location
This command configures a script policy. The script policy is assigned a name and optional owner. The owner is an arbitrary string; it is not associated with an actual CLI user.
Multiple owners can be associated with a script policy, and each script policy name/owner combination is unique.
A script policy cannot be shut down while a running history exists for that policy. The script policy must be shut down before the script file location can be changed.
no script-policy
This command configures the maximum length of time to keep the run history status entry from a script run.
expire-time 3600
This command configures the maximum length of time that a script may run.
lifetime 3600
This command specifies the maximum number of script run history status entries to keep.
The system maintains the script run history table, which has a maximum size of 255 entries. Entries are removed from this table when the max-completed or expire-time thresholds are crossed. If the table reaches the maximum value, no further scripts are run until older run history entries expire (due to the expire-time setting), or entries are manually cleared.
max-completed 1
This command specifies the location where the system stores the results of the script run, either on a local compact flash or on an FTP server.
When a script is run, the results are stored in the specified location, and a date and time suffix is added to the filename in the format yyyymmdd-hhmmss.μμμμμμ.out. The microseconds are padded to 6 characters with leading zeros.
The no form of the command removes the file location from the configuration. Scripts will not execute if there is no results file location defined.
no results
This command associates the script defined under the config>system>script-control context with this script policy.
The no form of the command removes the script from the script policy.
no script
This command creates or edits the context to create or modify timing reference parameters.
not enabled (The ref-order must be specified in order for this command to be enabled.)
This command is required to discard changes that have been made to the synchronous interface timing configuration during a session.
This command is required in order to enter the mode to create or edit the system synchronous interface timing configuration.
This command enables the context to configure parameters for BITS timing on the 7705 SAR-18. The BITS input and output ports can be configured for T1/E1 or 2 MHz G.703 signals.
This command enables the context to configure BITS input timing ports parameters on the 7705 SAR-18.
This command specifies the signal type for the BITS input and output ports. If you configure the signal type as ds1, the system automatically defaults to esf. If you configure the signal type as e1, the system automatically defaults to pcm30crc.
The no form of the command reverts to the default configuration.
ds1 esf
This command enables the context to configure BITS output port parameters on the 7705 SAR-18.
This command configures the line length, in feet, between the network element and the central clock (BITS/SSU).
This command is only applicable when the interface-type is DS1.
This command configures the source of the BITS output ports in the 7705 SAR-18.
By default the source is configured as internal-clock, which provides a filtered signal from the output of the node’s central clock. The central clock output is usually used when no BITS/SASE device is present. When an external BITS/SASE clock is present, it is often desirable to provide an unfiltered clock reference to it by configuring line-ref. When the line-ref parameter is configured, the recovered clock from ref1 or ref2 (based on configuration of the ref-order and ql-selection commands) is transmitted directly out the BITS output port without filtering.
This command configures a static quality level value. This value overrides any dynamic quality level value received by the Synchronization Status Messaging (SSM) process.
no ql-override (for external timing references, ql-override stu is equivalent to no ql-override)
This command configures which Sa-bit to use for conveying Synchronization Status Messaging (SSM) information when the interface type is E1.
This command is required in order to save the changes made to the system synchronous interface timing configuration.
This command enables the context to configure parameters for external timing via the port on the CSM. This can be used to reference external synchronization signals.
This command enables the context to configure parameters for external input timing interface via the port on the CSM.
This command configures the impedance of the external input timing port. The command is only applicable to the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2, 7705 SAR-H, and 7705 SAR-M.
This command configures the interface type of the external timing port.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
2048 kHz-G703
This command enables the context to configure parameters for external output timing interface via the port on the CSM.
This command enables SSM encoding as a means of timing reference selection.
no ql-selection
The synchronous equipment timing subsystem can lock to three different timing reference inputs, those specified in the ref1, ref2, external, and bits command configuration. This command organizes the priority order of the timing references.
If a reference source is disabled, then the clock from the next reference source as defined by ref-order is used. If the reference sources are disabled, then clocking is derived from a local oscillator.
If a sync-if-timing reference is linked to a source port that is operationally down, the port will no longer be qualified as a valid reference.
For unfiltered BITS output (T4), all reference sources are valid options, except the BITS input, which is excluded to avoid a timing loop. Because the same priority order is used for the SETG output (T0), the BITS input option must be set as the first (highest-priority) reference option.
The no form of the command resets the reference order to the default values.
external, ref1 ref2
This command enables the context to configure parameters for the first timing reference.
This command enables the context to configure parameters for the second timing reference.
This command configures the source port for timing reference ref1 or ref2.
The timing reference can either be timing extracted from the receive port (line-timed) or packetized data of a TDM PW (adaptive). If the adaptive option is not selected, the system uses line timing mode. If the line timing is from a port that becomes unavailable or the link goes down, then the reference sources are re-evaluated according to the reference order configured by the ref-order command.
Line timing is supported on T1/E1 ports of the 7705 SAR-M and 7705 SAR-A and on the T1/E1 ports of the 7705 SAR-H 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module.
Line timing is also supported in the form of synchronous Ethernet on all RJ-45 and optical SFP Ethernet ports on the 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-W, 7705 SAR-Wx, 7705 SAR-X, and 7705 SAR-Ax. The 7705 SAR-A supports line timing on its synchronous Ethernet-capable ports (1 to 8) when they are fixed RJ-45 or optical SFP.
In addition, line timing is supported on the following modules:
On the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 or 7705 SAR-18, line timing is supported on:
Adaptive timing is supported on the T1/E1 ports on the 7705 SAR-X, 7705 SAR-M, and 7705 SAR-A. On the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 7705 SAR-18, adaptive timing is supported on the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card and the 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card configured with one or more TDM PWs. Adaptive timing is also supported on the T1/E1 ports of the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module.
![]() | Note: The PW terminated on channel group 1 will be used to extract the ACR timing. |
Synchronous Ethernet ports can supply a timing reference on the 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-W, 7705 SAR-Wx, and 7705 SAR-X. Two T1/E1 ports can supply a timing reference on the 7705 SAR-X and on the 7705 SAR-M and 7705 SAR-A (variants with T1/E1 ports).
On the 7705 SAR-H and 7705 SAR-Hc, all RJ-45 Ethernet ports and SFP ports support synchronous Ethernet and can supply a timing reference to be used as a source of node synchronization. When the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module is installed in the 7705 SAR-H, a single T1/E1 port on the module can supply a timing reference.
When the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module or 6-port SAR-M Ethernet module is installed in the 7705 SAR-M, the ports on the module can supply a timing reference.
The 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 7705 SAR-18 can receive one or two timing references depending on the port and card type supplying the reference. A timing reference can come from:
The no form of this command deletes the source port from the reference. An example of when the no form would be used is if the user wants to change the reference to a source IP interface in order to enable PTP. In this case, the user would first delete the PTP using the no source-port command, then configure the source IP interface using the source-ptp-clock command.
This command configures the reference source clock using the clock ID configured by the PTP clock command.
no source-ptp-clock
This command allows the clock to revert to a higher-priority reference if the current reference goes offline or becomes unstable. With revertive switching enabled, the highest-priority valid timing reference will be used. If a reference with a higher priority becomes valid, a reference switchover to that reference will be initiated. If a failure on the current reference occurs, the next highest reference takes over. With non-revertive switching, the active reference will always remain selected while it is valid, even if a higher-priority reference becomes available. If this reference becomes invalid, a reference switchover to a valid reference with the highest priority will be initiated. When the failed reference becomes operational, it is eligible for selection.
no revert
Refer to the 7705 SAR Interface Configuration Guide, “7705 SAR Interfaces”, for LLDP Ethernet port commands.
This command enables the context to configure system-wide Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) parameters.
This command configures the interval between LLDPDU transmissions by the LLDP agent during a fast transmission period.
The fast transmission period begins when a new neighbor is detected. During the fast transmission period, LLDPDUs are transmitted at shorter intervals than the standard tx-interval to ensure that more than one LLDPDU is sent to the new neighbor. The first transmission occurs as soon as the new neighbor is detected. The length of the fast transmission period is determined by the number of LLDPDU transmissions (configured by the message-fast-tx-init command) and the interval between them.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
This command configures the number of LLDPDUs to send during a fast transmission period.
The fast transmission period begins when a new neighbor is detected. During the fast transmission period, LLDPDUs are transmitted at shorter intervals than the standard tx-interval to ensure that more than one LLDPDU is sent to the new neighbor. The first transmission occurs as soon as the new neighbor is detected. The length of the fast transmission period is determined by the number of LLDPDU transmissions and the interval between them (configured by the message-fast-tx command).
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
This command configures the minimum time between change notifications. A change notification is a trap message sent to SNMP whenever a change occurs in the database of LLDP information.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
This command configures the time before reinitializing LLDP on a port.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
This command configures the maximum number of consecutive LLDPDUs that can be transmitted at any time.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
This command configures the multiplier of the transmit interval defined by the tx-interval command.
The transmit interval time multiplied by the tx-hold-multiplier is the TTL value in the LLDPDU. The TTL value determines the amount of time the receiving device retains LLDP packet information in local information databases before discarding it.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
This command configures the LLDP transmit interval time.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
This command enables the context to create or modify PTP timing parameters.
This command creates a PTP clock, which can be set to a master, slave, boundary, or transparent clock using the clock-type command. The clock-id can be a numeric value (1 to 16) or it can be the keyword csm.
Use the numeric value for PTP clocks that transmit and receive PTP messages using IPv4 or IPv6 encapsulation. On the 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-W, 7705 SAR-Wx, and 7705 SAR-X, only one PTP instance can be master, slave, or boundary.
Use the csm keyword when the PTP clock transmits and receives PTP messages using Ethernet encapsulation. Ethernet-encapsulated PTP messages are processed on the CSM module or CSM functional block.
The no form of the command deletes a PTP clock when the clock-id is set to a numeric value. The CSM PTP clock cannot be removed.
This command configures an alternate profile to be used for PTP messaging. An alternate profile can be used at the edge of a network to provide PTP time or frequency distribution outward to external PTP clocks.
The alternate profile name cannot be “primary” because that is reserved for the primary profile.
The alternate profile cannot be removed if any PTP ports or peers are enabled and using it; the ports or peers must first be shut down.
The no form of the command removes the alternate profile configuration.
This command defines the PTP device domain as an integer for the alternate profile. A domain consists of one device or multiple PTP devices communicating with each other as defined by the protocol. A PTP domain defines the scope of PTP message communication, state, operations, datasets, and timescale. A domain is configured because it is possible that a deployment could require two PTP instances within a single network element to be programmed with different domain values.
The domain value cannot be changed if any PTP ports or peers are enabled and using the alternate profile.
The no form of this command returns the configuration to the default value. The default value varies depending on the configuration of the profile command.
0 when the alternate profile is configured as iec-61850-9-3-2016
254 when the alternate profile is configured as c37dot238-2017
This command sets the time inaccuracy value, representing the total time inaccuracy from the grand master clock to the parent clock. This value is added to the mandatory IEEE_C37_238 TLV.
This command is applicable only when the alternate profile is configured as c37dot238-2017.
The no form of this command returns the configuration to the default value.
This command configures the Announce message interval used for multicast messages in the alternate profile.
For multicast messages on PTP Ethernet ports, this command configures the message interval used for Announce messages transmitted by the local node.
This value has no impact on the interval between executions of the BMCA within the node; that interval is controlled by the log-anno-interval value defined for the primary profile.
The no form of this command returns the configuration to the default value.
0 (1 packet/s)
This command defines the specification rules to be used by the PTP alternate profile. The profile cannot be changed if there are any PTP ports or peers enabled and using the alternate profile; the ports or peers must first be shut down.
The no form of this command removes the profile configuration from the alternate profile.
no profile
This command defines the number of Announce timeouts that need to occur on a PTP slave port or boundary clock port in slave mode before communication messages with a master clock are deemed lost and the master clock is considered not available. One timeout in this context is equal to the Announce interval in seconds, calculated using the logarithm 2^log-anno-interval.
The no form of this command returns the configuration to the default value.
This command configures the adapter card slot that performs the IEEE 1588v2 clock recovery. On the 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-W, and 7705 SAR-Wx, this slot is always 1/1. On the 7705 SAR-X, this slot is always either 1/2 or 1/3.
This command is only available when the clock-id parameter value is 1 to 16.
The no form of this command clears the clock recovery adapter card.
This command configures the type of clock. The no form of the command returns the configuration to the default (ordinary slave). The clock type can only be changed when PTP is shut down.
To enable transparent clock processing at the node level, configure a PTP clock with the transparent-e2e clock type. The transparent-e2e clock type is only available for a PTP clock that transmits and receives PTP messages using IPv4 encapsulation.
ordinary slave
This command defines the PTP device domain as an integer. A domain consists of one device or multiple PTP devices communicating with each other as defined by the protocol. A PTP domain defines the scope of PTP message communication, state, operations, datasets, and timescale. A domain is configured because it is possible that a deployment could require two PTP instances within a single network element to be programmed with different domain values.
The no form of this command returns the configuration to the default value. The default value varies depending on the configuration of the profile command.
0 when the profile is configured as ieee1588-2008, itu-telecom-freq, or iec-61850-9-3-2016
24 when the profile is configured as g8275dot1-2014
44 when the profile is configured as g8275dot2-2016
254 when the profile is configured as c37dot238-2017
This command allows a slave clock to connect to the master clock without the master being aware of it. Once connected, the master clock or boundary clock assigns the slave a PTP port and/or peer ID dynamically.
This command is only available when the clock-id parameter value is 1 to 16.
Dynamic peers are not stored in the configuration file. If a master clock with dynamic peers goes down and comes back up, the slave clocks renegotiate to it and are reassigned resources on the master clock or boundary clock.
The no form of this command disables dynamic peers. In this case, the user must manually program any slave peer clocks into the master clock or boundary clock in order for those clocks to accept those slaves.
no dynamic-peers
This command specifies the administrative frequency source to use for a given PTP clock. This selection influences the operational frequency source selected by the system for the given PTP clock. If PTP is only used for time of day and the node SSU is being synchronized through a better frequency source externally (for example, through the external timing input port) or through line timing (for example, through a synchronous Ethernet or T1/E1 port), SSU may be configured as the frequency source for the PTP clock. This option allows PTP to use the SSU frequency where available.
This command is only available when the clock-id parameter value is 1 to 16.
The no form of the command returns the configuration to the default setting.
This command configures the local priority used to choose between PTP masters in the best master clock algorithm (BMCA). If the PTP profile is set to ieee1588-2008 or itu-telecom-freq, this parameter is ignored. The priority of the port or local clock can only be configured if the PTP profile is set to g8275dot1-2014 or g8275dot2-2016. The value of the highest priority is 1 and the value of the lowest priority is 255.
The no form of this command returns the configuration to the default value.
This command configures the Announce message interval used for unicast and multicast messages.
For unicast messages, this command defines the Announce message interval that is requested during unicast negotiation to any peer. This controls the Announce message rate sent from remote peers to the local node. It does not affect the Announce message rate that may be sent from the local node to remote peers. Remote peers may request an Announce message rate anywhere within the acceptable grant range.
For multicast messages on PTP Ethernet ports, this command configures the message interval used for Announce messages transmitted by the local node.
This value also defines the interval between executions of the BMCA within the node. In order to minimize BMCA-driven reconfigurations, the IEEE Std 1588-2008 recommends that the Announce message interval be consistent across the entire IEEE 1588 network. The Announce message interval cannot be changed unless PTP is shut down.
The log-anno-interval is calculated using the binary logarithm of the value of the interval in seconds before message reception. For example, for an Announce message interval of 8 packets/s (one packet every 0.125 seconds), set this field to log(base2) (0.125) = –3.
The no form of this command returns the configuration to the default value. The default value varies depending on the configuration of the profile command.
1 (1 packet every 2 s) when the profile is configured as ieee1588-2008
1 (1 packet every 2 s) when the profile is configured as itu-telecom-freq for a clock-id of 1 to 16 (this profile does not apply when the clock-id is csm)
–3 (8 packets/s) when the profile is configured as g8275dot1-2014 or g8275dot2-2016 (this profile does not apply when the clock-id is csm)
0 (1 packet/s) when the profile is configured as iec-61850-9-3-2016 or c37dot238-2017 and the clock-id is csm (these profiles do not apply when the clock-id is 1 to 16)
This command determines whether to use SDH or SONET values for encoding synchronous status messages. This command only applies to synchronous Ethernet ports and is not configurable on SONET/SDH ports. This command is only available when the clock-id parameter is defined as csm.
This command configures PTP over Ethernet on the physical port, so that PTP messages are sent and received over the port using Ethernet encapsulation. There are two reserved multicast addresses allocated for PTP messages (see Annex F of IEEE Std 1588- 2008 and the address command). Either address can be configured for the PTP messages sent through this port.The adapter card, module, or fixed platform containing the specified port cannot be deprovisioned while the port is configured for PTP. A port configured for dot1q or qinq encapsulation can be configured as the physical port for PTP over Ethernet. The encapsulation type and the Ethernet port type cannot be changed when PTP Ethernet multicast operation is configured on the port.
This command is only available when the clock-id parameter is defined as csm.
This command configures the MAC address to be used as the multicast destination MAC address for transmitted PTP messages. The IEEE Std 1588-2008 Annex F defines the two reserved addresses for PTP messages as:
The system will accept PTP messages received using either destination MAC address, regardless of the address configured by this command.
The no form of this command returns the address to the default value.
This command configures the minimum interval between multicast Delay_Req or PDelay messages for PTP with Ethernet encapsulation. This parameter is applied on a per-port basis and does not apply to peers. PTP slave ports use this interval unless the parent port indicates a longer interval. PTP master ports advertise this interval to external slave ports as the minimum acceptable interval for Delay_Req or PDelay messages from those slave ports. The 7705 SAR supports the IEEE 1588 requirement that a port in slave mode check the logMessageInterval field of received multicast Delay_Resp or PDelay messages. If the value of the logMessageInterval field for those messages is greater than the value configured locally to generate Delay_Req or PDelay messages, the slave port must use the longer interval for generating Delay_Req or PDelay messages.
The log-delay-interval is calculated using the binary logarithm of the value of the interval in seconds.
The log-delay-interval is only applicable when the clock-id is csm. For PTP with IP encapsulation (clock-id is 1 to 16), the value configured for the log-sync-interval is also used as the interval for Delay_Req or PDelay messages.
The no form of this command returns the configuration to the default value. The default value varies depending on the configuration of the profile command.
–6 when the profile is configured as ieee1588-2008
–4 when the profile is configured as g8275dot1-2014
0 when the profile is configured as iec-61850-9-3-2016 or c37dot238-2017
This command configures the interval between transmission of synchronization packets for a PTP port in a master state. For PTP with IP encapsulation (clock-id is 1 to 16), this value is also used as the interval for Delay_Req messages for this clock.
The no form of this command returns the configuration to the default value. The default value varies depending on the configuration of the profile command.
–6 when the profile is configured as ieee1588-2008
–6 when the profile is configured as itu-telecom-freq for a clock-id of 1 to 16 (this profile does not apply when the clock-id is csm)
–4 when the profile is configured as g8275dot1-2014 or g8275dot2-2016 (this profile does not apply when the clock-id is csm)
0 when the profile is configured as iec-61850-9-3-2016 or c37dot238-2017 and the clock-id is csm (these profiles do not apply when the clock-id is 1 to 16)
This command prevents the local port from ever entering the slave state. This ensures that the 7705 SAR never draws synchronization from an attached external device.
This command only applies when the profile command is set to g8275dot1-2014 or g8275dot2-2016.
If the clock-type command is set to ordinary slave, the master-only value is set to false and cannot be changed. Similarly, if the clock-type command is set to ordinary master, the master-only value is set to true and cannot be changed.
true (when the PTP clock-type is set to boundary)
This command assigns the profile to be used for communications with the port or peer.
If primary profile is specified, the PTP port uses the profile configured by the profile command in the config>system>ptp>clock context. If an alternate profile name is specified, the PTP port uses the alternate profile configured by the profile command in the config>system>ptp>clock>alternate-profile context. The alternate profile must already be created.
This command overrides the system-generated value for the PTP clock’s time inaccuracy with a specified value. The clock’s time inaccuracy value is added to the total time inaccuracy value in IEEE_C37_238 TLVs sent to downstream clocks in Announce messages. If there is no time inaccuracy override configured, the system uses 50 ns as the default for boundary clocks.
This command is applicable only for boundary clocks and only when the profile is configured as c37dot238-2017.
The no form of this command removes the time inaccuracy override value.
no time-inaccuracy-override
This command configures the first priority value of the local clock. This value is used by the BMCA to determine which clock should provide timing for the network. It is also used as the advertised value in Announce messages and as the local clock value in data set comparisons.
When the profile command is set to g8275dot1-2014 or g8275dot2-2016, the priority1 value is set to the default value of 128 and cannot be changed.
The no form of the command returns the configuration to the default value.
This command configures the second priority value of the local clock. This value is used by the BMCA to determine which clock should provide timing for the network. It is also used as the advertised value in Announce messages and as the local clock value in data set comparisons.
When the profile command is set to g8275dot1-2014 or g8275dot2-2016 and the clock-type is configured as ordinary slave, the priority2 value is set to the default value of 255 and cannot be changed.
The no form of the command returns the configuration to the default value.
128, when the clock type is configured as ordinary master or boundary
255, when the clock type is configured as ordinary slave
This command defines the specification rules to be used by PTP. Configuring the profile changes the BMCA and SSM/QL mappings to match the settings in the specification. The profile can only be changed when PTP is shut down. Changing the profile changes the domain to the default value of the new profile.
The no form of the command returns the configuration to the default setting.
This command configures an IEEE 1588v2 logical port in the system. It also enables the context to configure parameters for IEEE 1588v2. PTP ports are created when the clock type is set with the clock-type command.
This command is only available when the clock-id parameter value is 1 to 16.
When the clock type is set to ordinary slave, one port with 2 peers is created. When the clock type is set to ordinary master, one port with 50 peers is created. When the clock type is set to boundary clock, 50 ports each with 1 peer are created.
![]() | Note: When the clock type is set to transparent, PTP is associated with all ports on the 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-W, 7705 SAR-Wx, or 7705 SAR-X, rather than on individual ports, because transparent clock is a system-wide setting. |
This command enables the context to configure parameters associated with remote PTP peers such as grand master clocks.
For ordinary slave clocks, 2 peers are automatically created. For ordinary master clocks, 50 peers are automatically created. For boundary clocks, 1 peer per PTP port is automatically created.
The no form of the command removes the IP address from the PTP peer.
This command configures a remote PTP peer address and enables the context to configure parameters for the remote PTP peer.
Up to two remote PTP peers may be configured on a PTP port.
The no form of the command removes the IP address from the PTP peer.
ip-address: | a.b.c.d |
ipv6-address: | x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces) x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d x: [0 to FFFF]H d: [0 to 255]D |
This command specifies whether the slave clock is to initiate a unicast request to the master clock or wait for Announce and Synchronization messages from the master clock.
The no form of this command disables unicast-negotiate. In this case, the user must specify the slave clock information when configuring the 7705 SAR master node in order for communication between the slave clock and master clock to take place.
This command defines the IP interface that provides the IEEE 1588 packets to the clock recovery mechanism on the adapter card or port. The interface must be PTP-enabled.
This command only applies when the clock-id parameter value is 1 to 16.
If the ip-int-name refers to a loopback or system address, the remote peer can send packets toward any network IP interface. If the ip-int-name refers to an interface that is associated with a physical port or VLAN, the remote peer must send packets to ingress on that particular IP interface.
This command enables or disables the transmission of Announce messages to downstream clocks if the PTP network has not yet stabilized. In some cases, it may be important for a downstream boundary clock or slave clock to know whether the PTP network has stabilized or is still “synchronization uncertain”.
To indicate the synchronization certainty state, the synchronizationUncertain flag in the Announce message is set to TRUE if the clock is in a “synchronization uncertain” state and is set to FALSE if the clock is in a “synchronization certain” state.
However, because the synchronizationUncertain flag is newly agreed upon in standards, most base station slave clocks do not look at this bit. Therefore, in order to ensure that the downstream clocks are aware of the state of the network, the PTP clock may be configured to transmit Announce and Sync messages only if the clock is in a “synchronization certain” state. This is done using the no form of this command.
This command determines whether the PTP clock will generate event messages based on system time.
The use-node-time command allows a router with a PTP master or boundary clock to distribute ToD/phase from the system time referenced from GNSS or another configured PTP clock. Note that a router with a single PTP clock configured as a boundary clock with multiple peers does not require use-node-time to enable ToD/phase distribution capability. For a 7705 SAR with an active GNSS receiver port, PTP boundary clocks in use-node-time mode will function similar to a grand master clock with GNSS traceability.
This command only applies to master or boundary clocks when:
no use-node-time
use-node-time when the profile for the master clock is configured as g8275dot1-2014
This command enables the context to configure administrative system commands. Only authorized users can execute the commands in the admin context.
This command saves existing debug configuration. Debug configurations are not preserved in configuration saves.
This command disconnects a user from a console, Telnet, FTP, SSH, SFTP, or MPT craft terminal (MCT) session.
If any of the console, Telnet, FTP, SSH, or MCT options are specified, then only the respective sessions are affected. The ssh keyword disconnects users connected to the node via SSH or SFTP.
If no console, Telnet, FTP, SSH, or MCT options are specified, then all sessions from the IP address or from the specified user are disconnected.
Any task that the user is executing is terminated. FTP files accessed by the user will not be removed. A major severity security log event is created, specifying what was terminated and by whom.
n/a — no disconnect options are configured
This command displays the system’s running configuration.
By default, only non-default settings are displayed.
Specifying the detail option displays all default and non-default configuration parameters.
This command reboots the router including redundant CSMs or upgrades the boot ROMs.
If no options are specified, the user is prompted to confirm the reboot operation. For example:
If the now option is specified, no boot confirmation messages appear.
When the upgrade keyword is specified, a chassis flag is set for the Boot Loader (boot.ldr) and on the subsequent boot of the 7705 SAR on the chassis, any firmware images on CSMs requiring upgrading will be upgraded automatically.
If a 7705 SAR is rebooted with the “admin reboot” command (without the “upgrade” keyword), the firmware images are left intact.
Any CSMs that are installed in the chassis will be upgraded automatically. For example, if a card is inserted with down revision firmware as a result of a card hot swap with the latest OS version running, the firmware on the card will be automatically upgraded before the card is brought online.
If the card firmware is upgraded automatically, a CHASSIS “cardUpgraded” (event 2032) log event is generated. The corresponding SNMP trap for this log event is “tmnxEqCardFirmwareUpgraded”.
During any firmware upgrade, automatic or manual, it is imperative that during the upgrade procedure:
Any of the above conditions may render cards inoperable requiring a return of the card for resolution.
The time required to upgrade the firmware on the cards in the chassis depends on the number of cards to be upgraded. On system reboot, the firmware upgrades can take from approximately 3 minutes (for a minimally loaded 7705 SAR) to 8 minutes (for a fully loaded 7705 SAR chassis), after which the configuration file will be loaded. The progress of the firmware upgrades can be monitored at the console. Inserting a single card requiring a firmware upgrade in a running system generally takes less than 2 minutes before the card becomes operationally up.
This command saves the running configuration to a configuration file. For example:
By default, the running configuration is saved to the primary configuration file.
This command enables the shell and kernel commands.
![]() | Note: This command should only be used with authorized direction from the Nokia Technical Assistance Center (TAC). |
This command creates a system core dump.
If the file-url is omitted, and a ts-location has previously been defined, the tech-support file will get an automatic 7705 SAR generated filename based on the system name, date, and time, and the file will be saved to the directory indicated by the configured ts-location.
The format of the auto-generated filename is ts-xxxxx.yyyymmdd.hhmmUTC.dat, where:
![]() | Note: This command should only be used with authorized direction from the Nokia Technical Assistance Center (TAC). |
This command specifies a location for the auto-generated filename that is created if the file-url parameter is not used in the tech-support command. The file is automatically assigned a name and saved to the configured location only if this ts-location command has first been configured; otherwise, the file-url parameter must be configured in the tech-support command to provide this information.The directory specified for the ts-location is not automatically created by the 7705 SAR; it must already exist.
This command upgrades the boot loader file on the system. The command checks that the new boot.ldr is a valid image and that it is at least a minimum supported variant for the hardware platform on which it is being loaded. Once this has been verified, the command overwrites the boot.ldr file that is stored on the system.
Nokia recommends that the boot loader file on all 7705 SAR platforms be upgraded using this command. This command is mandatory on all 7705 SAR platforms that do not have a removable compact flash drive and is part of a mechanism that protects the boot loader file from accidental overwrites on these platforms.
![]() | Warning: The file upgrade command takes several minutes to complete. Do not reset or power down the system, or insert or remove cards or modules, while the upgrade is in progress, as this could render the system inoperable. |
Refer to the latest 7705 SAR Software Release Notes, “Standard Software Upgrade Procedure” section, for complete instructions.
This command enters the context to allow the user to perform redundancy operations.
This command forces a switchover to the standby CSM card. The primary CSM reloads its software image and becomes the secondary CSM.
This command specifies the location and name of the CLI script file executed following a redundancy switchover from the previously active CSM card. A switchover can happen because of a fatal failure or by manual action.
The CLI script file can contain commands for environment settings, debug settings, and other commands not maintained by the configuration redundancy.
When the file-url parameter is not specified, no CLI script file is executed.
This command performs a synchronization of the standby CSM’s images and/or config files to the active CSM. Either the boot-env or config parameter must be specified.
In the admin>redundancy context, this command performs a manually triggered standby CSM synchronization.
In the config>redundancy context, this command performs an automatically triggered standby CSM synchronization.
When the standby CSM takes over operation following a failure or reset of the active CSM, it is important to ensure that the active and standby CSMs have identical operational parameters. This includes the saved configuration and CSM images.
The active CSM ensures that the active configuration is maintained on the standby CSM. However, to ensure smooth operation under all circumstances, runtime images and system initialization configurations must also be automatically synchronized between the active and standby CSM.
If synchronization fails, alarms and log messages that indicate the type of error that caused the failure of the synchronization operation are generated. When the error condition ceases to exist, the alarm is cleared.
Only files stored on the router are synchronized. If a configuration file or image is stored in a location other than on a local compact flash, the file is not synchronized (for example, storing a configuration file on an FTP server).
n/a for admin — redundancy context
enabled for config — redundancy context
This command automatically synchronizes the certificate/CRL/key when importing the certificate or generating the key. If a new compact flash card is inserted into the backup CSM, the system will synchronize the whole cf3:/system-pki directory from the active CSM.
This command enables the context to configure multi-chassis parameters.
This command configures a multi-chassis redundancy peer.
This command configures the authentication key used between this node and the multi-chassis peer. The authentication key can be any combination of letters or numbers.
This command configures a text description and associates it with a configuration context to help identify the content in a configuration file.
The no form of the command removes the string from the configuration.
This command enables the context to configure parameters on the multi-chassis link (MCL), which enables the multi-chassis firewall function.
The no form of this command administratively disables multi-chassis firewall. The no mc-firewall command can only be issued when multi-chassis firewall is shut down.
This command configures a boot timer interval for the MCL. This command applies when either router reboots. It specifies how long the multi-chassis firewall protocol attempts to establish a connection between the peers before assuming a failure of the remote peer. This is different from the keepalive mechanism that is used once the peer-to-peer communication has been established. If the boot timer interval expires before a connection between the two peers is established, both multi-chassis firewall peers will return to standalone firewall operation.
The no form of this command resets the interval to the default value.
300 s
This command enables the context to configure encryption and/or authentication algorithms to secure the multi-chassis firewall link. The no form of the command disables encryption.
no encryption
This command identifies the active security association (SA) to be used for encrypting packets on the multi-chassis firewall link. On egress, only the active outbound SA is used to encrypt packets. On ingress, both SAs can be used to decrypt the arriving packets; this mechanism is used for rolling over the encryption and authentication keys.
The no form of the command resets the parameter to its default value.
no active-outbound-sa
This command configures the authentication algorithm for the MCL.
The no form of the command resets the parameter to its default value.
This command configures the encryption algorithm for the MCL.
The no form of the command resets the parameter to its default value.
This command creates a security association index for encryption of the MCL. The command is also used to enter the authentication and encryption key values for the security association, or to delete the security association. A security association contains the keys needed to encrypt and authenticate the link and is identified using an SPI. There can be two security association indexes under encryption. These two indexes can be used for rolling over the keys.
The no form of the command deletes the SPI.
no security-association spi
This command specifies the number of keepalive intervals that the local router will wait for packets from the multi-chassis firewall peer before assuming that the remote router has failed. If the configured number of intervals is reached before the local router receives packets from the peer, both routers will return to standalone firewall operation.
The no form of this command resets the number of intervals to the default value.
This command sets the interval at which keepalive messages are exchanged between the two routers participating in a multi-chassis firewall. These keepalive messages are used to determine whether the remote router has failed.
The no form of the command resets the interval to its default value.
10 (1 s)
This command configures the system priority for the routers participating in a multi-chassis firewall. The router configured with the lowest value becomes the master. If system priority is the same for both routers, the router with the lowest system ID (chassis MAC address) becomes the master.
The no form of this command resets the system priority to the default value.
This command enables the context to configure multi-chassis LAG parameters.
The no form of this command administratively disables multi-chassis LAG. The no mc-lag command can only be issued only when MC-LAG is shut down.
This command sets the number of keep alive intervals the standby 7705 SAR will wait for packets from the active node before assuming a redundant neighbor node failure. This delay in switchover operation is required to accommodate different factors influencing node failure detection rate, such as IGP convergence or high availability switchover times, and to prevent the standby node from take over prematurely.
The no form of the command sets this parameter to its default value.
This command sets the interval at which keepalive messages are exchanged between two systems participating in an MC-LAG. These keepalive messages are used to determine remote-node failure.
The no form of the command sets the interval to its default value.
10 (1s)
This command defines a LAG that is forming a redundant pair for MC-LAG with a LAG configured on the given peer. The same LAG group can be defined only in the scope of one peer.
The same lacp-key, system-id, and system-priority must be configured on both nodes of the redundant pair in order for MC-LAG to become operational. If there is a mismatch, MC-LAG remains operationally down.
This command specifies the source address used to communicate with the multi-chassis peer.
![]() | Note: The following command outputs are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration. |
This command displays UDP and TCP connection information.
If no command line options are specified, a summary of the TCP and UDP connections displays.
The following output is an example of UDP and TCP connection information, and Table 37 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Proto | The socket protocol, either TCP or UDP |
RecvQ | The number of input packets received by the protocol |
TxmtQ | The number of output packets sent by the application |
Local Address | The local address of the socket. The socket port is separated by a period. |
Remote Address | The remote address of the socket. The socket port is separated by a period. |
State | Listen — the protocol state is in the listen mode |
Established — the protocol state is established | |
MSS | The TCP maximum segment size |
vRtrID | The virtual router identifier: vRtrID 0 — listens for connections in all routing instances, including the base and management VRFs vRtrID 1 — base routing instance vRtrID 4095 — management routing instance |
This command displays CPU usage per task over a sample period.
The following output is an example of system CPU information, and Table 38 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
CPU Utilization | The total amount of CPU time |
Name | The process or protocol name |
CPU Time (uSec) | The CPU time that each process or protocol has used in the specified sample time |
CPU Usage | The sum of CPU usage of all the processes and protocols |
Capacity Usage | Displays the level at which the specified service is being utilized. When this number reaches 100%, this part of the system is busied out. There may be extra CPU cycles still left for other processes, but this service is running at capacity. This column does not reflect the true CPU utilization value; that data is available in the CPU Usage column. This column shows the busiest task in each group, where “busiest” is defined as either actually running or blocked attempting to acquire a lock. |
This command enters the show CRON context.
This command displays CRON schedule parameters.
The following output is an example of CRON schedule information, and Table 39 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Schedule | The name of the schedule |
Schedule owner | The name of the schedule owner |
Description | The description of the schedule |
Administrative status | Enabled — administrative status is enabled |
Disabled — administrative status is disabled | |
Operational status | Enabled — operational status is enabled |
Disabled — operational status is disabled | |
Script Policy | The name of the script policy |
Script Policy Owner | The name of the script policy owner |
Script | The name of the script |
Script Owner | The name of the script owner |
Script source location | The location of the scheduled script |
Script results location | The location where the script results are sent |
Schedule type | Periodic — displays a schedule that runs at a given interval |
Calendar — displays a schedule that runs based on a calendar | |
Oneshot — displays a schedule that ran one time only | |
Interval | The interval between runs of an event |
Repeat count | The number of times that the interval (periodic) schedule is run |
Next scheduled run | The time for the next scheduled run |
End time | The interval at which the schedule will end (periodic) or the date on which the schedule will end (calendar) |
Weekday | The configured weekday |
Month | The configured month |
Day of month | The configured day of month |
Hour | The configured hour |
Minute | The configured minute |
Number of schedule runs | The number of scheduled sessions |
Last schedule run | The last scheduled session |
Number of schedule failures | The number of scheduled sessions that failed to execute |
Last schedule failure | The last scheduled session that failed to execute |
Last failure time | The system time of the last failure |
This command displays system-wide DHCPv6 configuration information.
The following output is an example of DHCPv6 configuration information, and Table 40 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Status | The system-wide status of DHCPv6 functionality |
This command displays information about forwarding path options.
This command is only supported on the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and the 7705 SAR-18.
The following output is an example of forwarding path information, and Table 41 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Option | The name of the forwarding path option |
Admin State | The administrative status of the forwarding path option |
Oper State | The operational status of the forwarding path option |
Reboot Required | Indicates whether a system reboot is required for the forwarding path option to become operational |
This command displays general system information including basic system, SNMP server, last boot and DNS client information.
The following output is an example of general system information, and Table 42 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
System Name | The configured system name |
System Type | The 7705 SAR chassis model |
Chassis Topology | The chassis setup – always Standalone |
System Version | The version of the installed software load |
Crypto Module Version | The cryptographic module in the release |
System Contact | A text string that describes the system contact information |
System Location | A text string that describes the system location |
System Coordinates | A text string that describes the system coordinates |
System Active Slot | The active CSM slot |
System Up Time | The time since the last boot |
SNMP Port | The port number used by this node to receive SNMP request messages and to send replies |
SNMP Engine ID | The SNMP engine ID to uniquely identify the SNMPv3 node |
SNMP Engine Boots | The number of times that the SNMP engine has booted |
SNMP Max Message Size: | The maximum SNMP packet size generated by this node |
SNMP Admin State | Enabled — SNMP is administratively enabled and running |
Disabled — SNMP is administratively shut down and not running | |
SNMP Oper State | Enabled — SNMP is operationally enabled |
Disabled — SNMP is operationally disabled | |
SNMP Index Boot Status | Persistent — system indexes are saved between reboots |
Not Persistent — system indexes are not saved between reboots | |
Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP Admin | The administrative state of the Telnet, Telnet IPv6, SSH, and FTP sessions |
Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP Oper | The operational state of the Telnet, Telnet IPv6, SSH, and FTP sessions |
BOF Source | The location of the BOF |
Image Source | Primary — Indicates that the directory location for runtime image file was loaded from the primary source |
Secondary — Indicates that the directory location for runtime image file was loaded from the secondary source | |
Tertiary — Indicates that the directory location for runtime image file was loaded from the tertiary source | |
Config Source | Primary — Indicates that the directory location for configuration file was loaded from the primary source |
Secondary — Indicates that the directory location for configuration file was loaded from the secondary source | |
Tertiary — Indicates that the directory location for configuration file was loaded from the tertiary source | |
Last Booted Config File | The URL and filename of the last loaded configuration file |
Last Boot Cfg Version | The date and time of the last boot |
Last Boot Config Header | The header information such as image version, date built, date generated |
Last Boot Index Version | The version of the persistence index file read when this CSM card was last rebooted |
Last Boot Index Header | The header of the persistence index file read when this CSM card was last rebooted |
Last Saved Config | The location and filename of the last saved configuration file |
Time Last Saved | The date and time of the last time configuration file was saved |
Changes Since Last Save | Yes — There are unsaved configuration file changes |
No — There are no unsaved configuration file changes | |
User Last Modified | The user name of the user who last modified the configuration file |
Time Last Modified | The date and time of the last modification |
Max Cfg/BOF Backup Rev | The maximum number of backup revisions maintained for a configuration file. This value also applies to the number of revisions maintained for the BOF file. |
Cfg-OK Script | URL — the location and name of the CLI script file executed following successful completion of the boot-up configuration file execution |
N/A — no CLI script file is executed | |
Cfg-OK Script Status | Successful/Failed — the results from the execution of the CLI script file specified in the Cfg-OK Script location |
Not used — no CLI script file was executed | |
Cfg-Fail Script | URL — the location and name of the CLI script file executed following a failed boot-up configuration file execution |
Not used — no CLI script file was executed | |
Cfg-Fail Script Status | Successful/Failed — the results from the execution of the CLI script file specified in the Cfg-Fail Script location |
Not used — no CLI script file was executed | |
Microwave S/W Package | N/A |
Management IP Addr | The management IP address and mask |
Primary DNS Server | The IP address of the primary DNS server |
Secondary DNS Server | The IP address of the secondary DNS server |
Tertiary DNS Server | The IP address of the tertiary DNS server |
DNS Domain | The DNS domain name of the node |
DNS Resolve Preference | N/A |
BOF Static Routes | To — the static route destination |
Next Hop — the next hop IP address used to reach the destination | |
Metric — displays the priority of this static route versus other static routes | |
None — no static routes are configured | |
ATM Location ID | For ATM OAM loopbacks — the address of the network device referenced in the loopback request |
ATM OAM Retry Up | N/A |
Atm OAM Retry Down | N/A |
ATM OAM Loopback Period | N/A |
ICMP Vendor Enhancement | Enabled — inserts one-way timestamp in outbound SAA ICMP ping packets |
Disabled — one-way timestamping is not performed on outbound SAA ICMP ping packets | |
Eth QinQ untagged SAP | True: QinQ untagged SAPs are enabled |
False: QinQ untagged SAPs are disabled |
This command displays neighbor information for all configured ports without having to specify each individual port ID.
The following output is an example of LLDP neighbor information, and Table 43 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Lcl Port | The physical port ID of the local port in slot/mda/port format |
Scope | The scope of LLDP supported: NB (nearest bridge), NTPMR (nearest non-two-port MAC relay bridge), or NC (nearest customer bridge) |
Remote Chassis ID | The MAC address of the chassis containing the Ethernet port that sent the LLDPDU |
Index | The LLDP remote peer index |
Remote Port | The physical port ID of the remote port in slot/mda/port format and a port description (based on ifDescr from RFC 2863 - IF MIB) If a port-description TLV is received, displays the ifDescr object for the interface – a text string containing information about the interface If a port-description TLV is not received or the value is null, displays the ifindex for the interface (* indicates that the output has been truncated) |
Remote Sys Name | The name of the remote chassis |
This command displays the system load-balancing settings.
The following output is an example of system load-balancing algorithm information, and Table 44 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
System-wide Load Balancing Algorithms | |
L4 Load Balancing | The configured setting for l4-load-balancing |
LSR Load Balancing | The configured settings for lsr-load-balancing, including:
System IP Load Balancing | Specifies whether the system IP address is used in the load-balancing calculation |
This command displays system memory status.
The following output is an example of system memory information, and Table 45 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Name | The name of the system or process |
Max Allowed | Integer — the maximum allocated memory size |
No Limit — no size limit | |
Current Size | The current size of the memory pool |
Max So Far | The largest amount of memory pool used |
In Use | The current amount of the memory pool currently in use |
Current Total Size | The sum of the Current Size column |
Total In Use | The sum of the In Use column |
Available Memory | The amount of available memory |
This command displays NTP protocol configuration and state information.
The following output is an example of NTP information, and Table 46 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
NTP Status | |
Configured | Indicates whether NTP is enabled: yes or no |
Stratum | The stratum level of this node |
Admin Status | Indicates the administrative state: up or down |
Oper Status | Indicates the operational status: up or down |
Server Enabled | Indicates whether the NTP server is enabled on this node: yes or no |
Server Authenticate | Indicates whether NTP server authentication is required: yes or no |
Clock Source | The IP address of the node acting as the clock source |
Auth Check | Indicates whether an authentication check is required: yes or no |
MDA Timestamp | Indicates whether MDA timestamping is enabled for NTP: yes or no |
Current Date & Time | The current date and time |
Auth Errors | Number of authentication errors |
Auth Errors Ignored | Number of authentication errors ignored |
Auth Key Id Errors | Number of authentication key identification errors |
Auth Key Type Errors | Number of authentication key type errors |
NTP Configured Broadcast/Multicast Interfaces | |
vRouter | The router instance containing the interface |
Interface | The interface configured in NTP |
Address | The address used for transmitted messages |
Type | The interface type:
Auth | Indicates whether authentication is in use |
Poll | The current poll interval used on the interface |
NTP Active Associations | |
State | The state of the peers acting as time servers:
Remote | The IP address of the remote NTP server or peer with which this local host is exchanging NTP packets |
Reference ID | When the Stratum level is between 0 and 15, this field shows the IP address of the remote NTP server or peer with which the local server or peer is exchanging NTP packets. For reference clocks, this field shows the identification assigned to the clock, such as “.GPS.” For an NTP server or peer, if the client has not yet synchronized to a server/peer, the status cannot be determined and the following codes are displayed: ACST — the association belongs to a unicast server AUTH — server authentication failed. Please wait while the association is restarted. AUTO — autokey sequence failed. Please wait while the association is restarted. BCST — the association belongs to a broadcast server CRPT — cryptographic authentication or identification failed. The details should be in the system log file or the cryptostats statistics file, if configured. No further messages will be sent to the server. DENY — access denied by remote server. No further messages will be sent to the server. DROP — lost peer in symmetric mode. Please wait while the association is restarted. RSTR — access denied due to local policy. No further messages will be sent to the server. INIT — the association has not yet synchronized for the first time INIT — the system clock has not yet synchronized for the first time STEP — a step change in system time has occurred, but the system clock has not yet resynchronized |
St | The Stratum level of this node |
Type | The peer type:
A | Authentication |
Poll | Polling interval in seconds |
Reach | Yes — the NTP peer or server has been reached at least once in the last eight polls |
No — the NTP peer or server has not been reached at least once in the last eight polls | |
Offset (ms) | The difference between the local and remote UTC time, in milliseconds |
NTP Clients | |
vRouter | The router instance containing the interface |
Address | The address used for the transmitted messages |
Time last Request Rx | The time at which the last request was received from the client |
This command shows a summary of the PoE status of each PoE capable port in the system.
The following output is an example of PoE status information, and Table 47 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
PoE Maximum Power Budget | The maximum PoE power budget available for the system |
PoE Power Committed | The total PoE power that has been configured on all POE or PoE+ ports on the system |
PoE Power Available | The amount of PoE power available to be configured on additional PoE or PoE+ ports on the system |
PoE Power In Use | The total PoE power currently being used by all PoE or PoE+ configured ports on the system |
PoE Mode | Indicates whether the port is using standard PoE or PoE+ If the PoE function is turned off, the mode is Disabled |
PoE Detection | Indicates the detection state of the PoE port |
Maximum Power | The maximum PoE power available on the port |
Power in Use | The amount of PoE power currently being used on the port |
This command displays general PTP information and PTP timestamp information.
The following outputs are examples of PTP information:
Label | Description |
Clk Idx | The clock identifier, either 1 to 16 or csm |
Source IP | The IP address of the source interface |
Clock-type | The clock type: ordin/slave, ordin/master, boundary, transparent |
MDA | The adapter card slot that performs the IEEE 1588v2 clock recovery |
Admin State | up – the local PTP clock is administratively enabled down – the local PTP clock is administratively disabled |
PTP Clock Id | A unique 64-bit number assigned to the clock |
Node Ref | Timing reference: ref1 or ref2; applicable if the clock is a source of synchronization timing for the node |
Time-Ref-Priority | The priority value of the clock, used to determine which clock provides timing for the network |
Label | Description |
Phys Port | The physical port identifier |
In/Out | The direction of the packet counts |
Sync Pkt | The number of ingress or egress synchronization packets |
Delay Req Pkt | The number of ingress or egress delay request packets |
Follow-Up Pkt | The number of egress follow-up packets |
This command displays PTP clock information.
The following outputs are examples of PTP clock information:
Label | Description |
Local Clock | |
Clock Type | The local PTP clock type, one of: ordinary master, ordinary slave, boundary, or transparent-e2e |
PTP Profile | The PTP profile: ieee-1588, itu-telecom-freq, g8275dot1-2014, g8275dot2-2016, iec-61850-9-3-2016, or c37dot238-2017 |
Domain | The PTP device domain |
Network Type | Indicates whether SONET or SDH values are being used for encoding synchronous status messages |
Admin State | up – the local PTP clock is administratively enabled |
down – the local clock is administratively shut down and not running | |
Oper State | Up – the local clock is operationally enabled and running |
Down – the local clock is operationally disabled and not running | |
Announce Interval | The message interval used for Announce messages |
Announce Rx Timeout | The number of Announce timeouts that need to occur on a PTP slave port or boundary clock port in slave mode before communication messages with a master clock are deemed lost and the master clock is considered not available |
Clock Id | A unique 64-bit number assigned to the clock |
Clock Class | The local clock class |
Clock Accuracy | The local clock accuracy designation |
Clock Variance | The local clock variance |
Clock Priority1 | The first priority value of the local clock, used by the Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA) to determine which clock should provide timing for the network |
Clock Priority2 | The second priority value of the local clock. This value is used by the BMCA to determine which clock should provide timing for the network. |
PTP Port State | The PTP port state, one of: disabled, listening, slave, master, passive, or faulty |
Last Changed | The time the PTP port state last changed |
PTP Recovery State | The clock recovery state, one of: disabled, initial, acquiring, phase-tracking, or locked |
Frequency Offset | The frequency offset of the PTP clock in parts per billion |
Time Information | |
Timescale | The PTP timescale flag sent in the 1588 Announce message |
Current Time | The last date and time recovered by the PTP time recovery algorithm |
Frequency Traceable | The frequency-traceable flag sent in the 1588 Announce message |
Time Source | The time-source parameter sent in the 1588 Announce message |
Label | Description |
IEEE 1588/PTP Packet Statistics | |
PTP Packets | The total number of input or output PTP packets |
Announce | The number of input or output Announce packets |
Sync | The number of input or output synchronization packets |
Follow Up | The number of input or output follow-up packets |
Delay Request | The number of input or output delay request packets |
Delay Response | The number of input or output delay response packets |
Peer Delay Request | The number of input or output peer delay request packets |
Peer Delay Response | The number of input or output peer delay response packets |
Peer Delay Response Follow Up | The number of input or output peer delay response follow-up packets |
Signaling | The number of input or output signaling packets |
Other | The number of other input or output packets |
Discards | The total number of discarded packets |
Bad PTP domain | The number of input or output packets discarded with bad PTP domain |
Alternate Master | The number of input or output packets discarded with alternate master |
Out of Sequence | The number of input or output packets discarded as out of sequence |
Other | The number of other input or output discarded packets |
TLVs | The TLVs sent and received |
IEEE C37.238 | The number of IEEE C37.238 TLVs This field is visible but the rate is not displayed to the operator. |
Alternate Time Offset Indicator (ATOI) | The number of ATOI TLVs This field is visible but the rate is not displayed to the operator. |
Discard (Unknown or Error) | The number of discarded TLVs This field is visible but the rate is not displayed to the operator. |
IEEE 1588/PTP Frequency Recovery State Statistics | |
State | The following algorithm state statistics (in seconds) are provided for the CSM clock:
IEEE 1588/PTP Event Statistics | |
Event | The following algorithm event statistics (in seconds) are provided for the CSM clock:
IEEE 1588/PTP Message Rates Per Second | |
Packet Type | The following algorithm message rates per second are provided for the CSM clock:
Boundary clock case:
Label | Description |
PtpPort/Peer Prt/Peer | The PTP port and peer ID as configured in the config>system>ptp>clock context |
IP Address Peer IP | The IP address of the PTP peer |
Static/Dynamic Dyn/Stat | Indicates if the peer is statically configured or dynamically requested |
PTP Port State Port State | The PTP port state: initializing, listening, uncalibrated, slave, master, or passive |
Slave | Indicates whether the clock is in a slave state |
Rx/Tx In/Out | The direction of the packet counts |
Anno | The number of ingress or egress Announce packets |
Sync | The number of ingress or egress synchronization packets |
Follow-Up | The number of ingress follow-up packets |
DelayRequest | The number of ingress or egress delay request packets |
DelayResponse | The number of ingress or egress delay response packets |
Anno Lease | The Announce time remaining in the unicast session. The peer must re-request Announce before this expires or the peer communication will be canceled. |
Sync Lease | The synchronization time remaining in the unicast session. The peer must re-request synchronization before this expires or the peer communication will be canceled. |
Delay Lease | The delay time remaining in the unicast session. The peer must re-request delay before this expires or the peer communication will be canceled. |
Anno Rate | The rate of Announce packets to or from the peer |
Sync Rate | The rate of synchronization packets to or from the peer |
Delay Rate | The rate of delay packets to or from the peer |
Pri1 | The grand master clock priority1 designation |
GM Clk Cls | The grand master clock class designation |
GM Clk Acc | The grand master clock accuracy designation |
GM Clk Var | The grand master clock scaled log variance, in decimal format |
Pri2 | The grand master clock priority2 designation |
GM ClockId | The grand master clock identification |
Step Rem | The number of boundary clocks between the peer and the grand master |
Label | Description |
Local Clock | |
Clock Type | The local clock type |
Admin State | up — the local clock is enabled and running down — the local clock is shut down and not running |
Source Interface | The PTP clock source interface as configured by the source-interface command |
Clock MDA | The PTP clock-mda as configured by the clock-mda command |
PTP Profile | The PTP profile as configured by the profile command |
Domain | The local clock domain |
Clock ID | The local clock identification |
Clock Class | The local clock class |
Clock Accuracy | The local clock accuracy designation |
Clock Variance | The local clock variance |
Clock Priority1 | The local clock priority1 designation |
Clock Priority2 | The local clock priority2 designation |
Clock Local-priority | The local clock local priority designation |
Use Node Time | Indicates whether the PTP clock uses the node system time as the clock source |
Dynamic Peers | Indicates whether dynamic peers are enabled |
Admin Freq-source | The administrative value of the frequency source |
Oper Freq-source | The operational value of the frequency source |
Tx While Sync Uncert* | Indicates whether Announce messages are transmitted while the clock is in a synchronization uncertain state: true or false |
Sync Certainty State | Indicates the synchronization certainty state of the local clock: certain or uncertain |
Two-Step | Indicates whether the local clock uses a one-step or two-step synchronization method |
Parent Clock | |
Parent Clock ID | The parent clock identification |
Parent Port Number | The parent clock port number |
GM Clock Id | The grand master clock ID |
GM Clock Class | The grand master clock class |
GM Clock Accuracy | The grand master clock accuracy designation |
GM Clock Variance | The grand master clock variance |
GM Clock Priority1 | The grand master clock priority1 designation |
GM Clock Priority2 | The grand master clock priority2 designation |
Rx Sync Certainty | Indicates the synchronization certainty state received from the parent clock: certain or uncertain |
Time Information | |
Timescale | The PTP timescale flag sent in the 1588 Announce message |
Recovered Date/Time | The last date and time recovered by the PTP time recovery algorithm |
UTC Offset | The offset between TAI and UTC, in seconds |
Freq Traceable | The frequency traceable flag sent in the 1588 Announce message |
Time Traceable | The time traceable flag sent in the 1588 Announce message |
Time Source | The time-source parameter sent in the 1588 Announce message |
Port/Peer Summary | |
PtpPort/Peer | The PTP port and peer ID as configured in the config>system>ptp>clock context |
IP Address | The IP address of the PTP peer |
Static/Dynamic | Indicates if the peer is statically configured or dynamically requested |
PTP Port State | The PTP port state: initializing, listening, uncalibrated, slave, master, or passive |
Rx/Tx | The direction of the packet counts |
Anno | The number of ingress or egress Announce packets |
Sync | The number of ingress or egress synchronization packets |
Follow-Up | The number of ingress follow-up packets |
DelayRequest | The number of ingress or egress delay request packets |
DelayResponse | The number of ingress or egress delay response packets |
This command displays information about configured PTP Ethernet ports. This command only applies when the clock-id parameter is set to csm.
This command displays PTP port information. This command only applies when the clock-id parameter value is 1 to 16.
The following output is an example of PTP port information, and Table 54 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Admin State | up –the port is administratively up down – the port is administratively down |
Number Of Peers | The number of peers associated with this PTP port |
Log-anno-interval | The expected interval between the reception of Announce messages |
Anno-rx-timeouts | The number of Announce timeouts that need to occur before communication messages with a master clock are assumed lost and the master clock is considered not available. One timeout in this context is equal to the Announce interval in seconds, calculated using the logarithm 2^log-anno-interval-value. |
Log-sync-interval | The expected interval between the reception of synchronization messages |
Unicast | True — the PTP slave clock can unicast-negotiate with the PTP master clock False — the PTP slave clock cannot unicast-negotiate with the PTP master clock |
Master-only | True – the local port can not enter the slave state False – the local port can enter the slave state |
Local-priority | The local priority designation of the associated clock |
PTP Port State | The PTP port state: initializing, listening, uncalibrated, slave, master, or passive |
This command displays PTP peer information.
The following output is an example of detailed PTP peer information, and Table 55 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Slave Port/Peer | |
Slave Port Index | The slave port index |
Slave Port State | The slave port state: initializing, listening, uncalibrated, slave, master, or passive |
Slave Peer Index | The slave peer index |
Slave Peer IP | The slave peer IP address |
Forward Weight | A value from 0 to 100, based on the stability and reliability of the PTP packet exchange in each direction. The system will give preference to frequency synchronization from the direction with a higher weight value. |
Reverse Weight | |
Freq Recovery State | The frequency recovery state: disabled, initial, acquiring, phase-tracking, or locked |
PTP Port | |
Admin State | up – the port is administratively up down – the port is administratively down |
Number Of Peers | The number of peers associated with this PTP port |
Log-anno-interval | The expected interval between the reception of Announce messages |
Anno-rx-timeouts | The number of Announce timeouts that need to occur before communication messages with a master clock are assumed lost and the master clock is considered not available. One timeout in this context is equal to the Announce interval in seconds, calculated using the logarithm 2^log-anno-interval-value. |
Log-sync-interval | The expected interval between the reception of synchronization messages |
Unicast | True — the PTP slave clock can unicast-negotiate with the PTP master clock False — the PTP slave clock cannot unicast-negotiate with the PTP master clock |
Master-only | True – the local port can not enter the slave state False – the local port can enter the slave state |
Local-priority | The local priority designation of the associated clock |
PTP Port State | The PTP port state: initializing, listening, uncalibrated, slave, master, or passive |
Peer-1 | |
IP Address | The peer-1 clock IP address |
Current Master | True — the peer-1 clock is the current master clock False — the peer-1 clock is not the current master clock |
Description | The peer-1 clock description |
Clock ID | The peer-1 clock identification |
Port Number | The peer-1 clock port number |
GM Clock ID | The grand master clock identification |
GM Clock Class | The grand master clock class designation |
GM Clock Accuracy | The grand master clock accuracy designation |
GM Clock Variance | The grand master clock scaled log variance in decimal format |
GM Clock Priority1 | The grand master clock priority1 designation |
GM Clock Priority2 | The grand master clock priority2 designation |
Step Type | Indicates whether the peer-1 clock uses a one-step or two-step synchronization method |
Tx Sync Certainty | Indicates the transmitted synchronization certainty state |
Last Rx Anno Msg | The time when the last Announce message was received from the peer clock |
Unicast Info | |
Dir | The direction of the unicast information: either Rx or Tx |
Type | The message type: Announce, Synchronization, or Delay Response |
Rate | The rate of the unicast information in packets per second |
Dur | The lease duration for the session |
Result | The result of the last unicast request sent to the peer for the indicated message type |
Time | The time the unicast information was received |
Remain | The time remaining before the lease expires |
PTP 1 Statistics | |
The following input/output statistics are provided for the peer-1/peer-2 clock:
| |
The following discard statistics are provided for the peer-1/peer-2 clock:
| |
The following algorithm state statistics (in seconds) are provided for the peer-1/peer-2 clock:
| |
The following algorithm event statistics are provided for the peer-1/peer-2 clock:
| |
The following statistics are shown for the peer clock. These statistics are refreshed every 2 min; the display shows the time of the last update:
This command displays CLI configuration rollback checkpoint file information.
The following outputs are examples of rollback information and rollback rescue information, and Table 56 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Rollback Information | |
Rollback Location | The location where rollback checkpoint files will be saved |
Max Local Rollback Files | The maximum number of rollback checkpoint files that will be saved to a local server |
Max Remote Rollback Files | The maximum number of rollback checkpoint files that will be saved to a remote server |
Save | |
Last Rollback Save Result | The status of the last rollback checkpoint save |
Last Save Completion Time | The date and time the last rollback checkpoint file save operation was completed |
Revert | |
In Progress | Indicates if a system rollback reversion is in progress |
Last Revert Initiated User | The username of the person who initiated the last system rollback reversion |
Last Revert Checkpoint File | The location of the last rollback checkpoint file |
Last Revert Result | The result of the last system rollback reversion |
Last Revert Initiated Time | The date and time when the last rollback was initiated |
Last Revert Completion Time | The date and time when the last rollback was completed |
Delete | |
Last Rollback Delete Result | The status of the last rollback checkpoint file deletion |
Rollback Files | |
Idx | The rollback checkpoint file ID |
Suffix | The rollback checkpoint file suffix |
Comment | User comments about the rollback checkpoint file |
Creation Time | The date and time when the file was created |
Release | The software load that the checkpoint file was created in |
User | The user who created the file |
Rollback Rescue Information | |
Rollback Rescue Location | The location where rollback rescue files will be saved |
Rescue file saved | The maximum number of rollback rescue files that will be saved to a local server |
Save | |
Last Save Result | The status of the last rollback checkpoint save |
Last Save Completion Time | The date and time the last rollback rescue file save operation was completed |
Revert | |
In Progress | Indicates if a system rollback reversion is in progress |
Last Revert Initiated User | The username of the person who initiated the last system rollback reversion |
Last Revert Result | The result of the last system rollback reversion |
Last Revert Initiated Time | The date and time when the last rollback was initiated |
Last Revert Completion Time | The date and time when the last rollback was completed |
Delete | |
Last Delete Result | The status of the last rollback rescue file deletion |
This command enables the context to display script information.
This command displays script parameters.
The following output is an example of script information, and Table 57 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Script | The name of the script |
Owner name | The name of the script owner |
Description | The description of the script |
Administrative status | Enabled — administrative status is enabled Disabled — administrative status is disabled |
Operational status | Enabled — operational status is enabled Disabled — operational status is disabled |
Script source location | The location of the scheduled script |
Last script error | The system time of the last error |
Last change | The system time of the last change to the script configuration |
This command displays script policy information.
The following output is an example of script policy information, and Table 58 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Script-policy | The name of the script policy |
Script-policy Owner | The name of the script policy owner |
Administrative status | Enabled — administrative status is enabled Disabled — administrative status is disabled |
Operational status | Enabled — operational status is enabled Disabled — operational status is disabled |
Script | The name of the script |
Script owner | The name of the script owner |
Script source location | The location of the scheduled script |
Script results location | The location where the script results are sent |
Max running allowed | The maximum number of allowed script runs |
Max completed run histories | The maximum number of run history status entries that can be kept |
Max lifetime allowed | The maximum length of time that the script may run |
Completed run histories | The number of completed script runs |
Executing run histories | The number of script runs in the process of executing |
Initializing run histories | The number of scripts queued to run but not executed |
Max time run history saved | The maximum length of time to keep the run history status entry |
Script start error | Indicates if any errors occurred when starting the script |
Last change | The system time of the last change made to the script policy configuration |
Max row expire time | The length of time that an entry (row) in the smLaunchTable (in the Script MIB) is kept and available to launch an associated script before it is deleted. Entries are deleted if there are no associated scripts in the run history. On the 7705 SAR, this timer cannot be set; therefore, the status is always Never (the row is never deleted). |
Last application | The last application that triggered the script run |
Last auth. user account | The last user account that the script was executed under in order for authorization to be performed |
Script Run History Status Information | |
Script Run # | Indicates the nth time that the script is being run |
Start time | The time that the script run started |
End time | The time that the script run ended |
Elapsed time | The length of time between start and end of the script run |
Lifetime | The maximum length of time that the script may run |
State | The state of the script: executing, initializing, or terminated |
Run exit code | The code generated at the end of the script run (for example, noError) |
Result time | The time that the script results were generated |
Keep history | The length of time to keep the script run history status entry |
Error time | The time during the script run at which an error occurred |
Results file | The location where the script results are stored |
Run exit | Indicates whether the run completed successfully |
This command displays SNTP protocol configuration and state.
The following output is an example of SNTP information, and Table 59 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Admin Status | up — the SNTP server is administratively up |
down — the SNTP server is administratively down | |
Oper Status | up — the SNTP server is operationally up |
down — the SNTP server is operationally down | |
Mode | broadcast — the SNTP server has broadcast client mode enabled |
unicast — the SNTP server has unicast client mode enabled | |
SNTP Server | The SNTP server address for SNTP unicast client mode |
Version | The SNTP version number, expressed as an integer |
Preference | Normal — when more than one time server is configured, one server can be configured to have preference over another |
Preferred — indicates that this server has preference over another | |
Interval | The frequency, in seconds, that the server is queried |
This command display system monitoring thresholds.
The following output is an example of system monitoring thresholds information, and Table 60 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Variable | The variable OID |
Alarm Id | The numerical identifier for the alarm |
Last Value | The last threshold value |
Rising Event Id | The identifier of the RMON rising event |
Threshold | The identifier of the RMON rising threshold |
Falling Event Id | The identifier of the RMON falling event |
Threshold | The identifier of the RMON falling threshold |
Sample Interval | The polling interval, in seconds, over which the data is sampled and compared with the rising and falling thresholds |
Sample Type | The method of sampling the selected variable and calculating the value to be compared against the thresholds |
Startup Alarm | The alarm that may be sent when this alarm is first created |
Owner | The owner of this alarm |
Description | The event cause |
Event Id | The identifier of the threshold event |
Last Sent | The date and time the alarm was sent |
Action Type | log — an entry is made in the RMON-MIB log table for each event occurrence. This does not create a TiMOS logger entry. The RMON-MIB log table entries can be viewed using the show>system>thresholds CLI command. trap — a TiMOS logger event is generated. The TiMOS logger utility then distributes the notification of this event to its configured log destinations which may be CONSOLE, telnet session, memory log, cflash file, syslog, or SNMP trap destinations logs. both — both an entry in the RMON-MIB logTable and a TiMOS logger event are generated none — no action is taken |
Owner | The owner of the event |
This command displays the system time and zone configuration parameters.
The following outputs are examples of time information:
Label | Description |
Current Date & Time | The system date and time using the current time zone |
DST Active | Yes — Daylight Savings Time is currently in effect |
No — Daylight Savings Time is not currently in effect | |
Current Zone | The zone name for the current zone |
Non-DST Zone | The zone name for the non-DST zone |
DST Zone | The zone name for the DST zone |
Zone type | Non-standard — the zone is user-defined |
Standard — the zone is system-defined | |
Offset from UTC | The number of hours and minutes added to universal time for the current zone and non-DST zone, including the DST offset for a DST zone |
Offset from Non-DST | The number of hours (always 0) and minutes (0 to 60) added to the time at the beginning of Daylight Saving Time and subtracted at the end of Daylight Saving Time |
Starts | The date and time Daylight Saving Time begins |
Ends | The date and time Daylight Saving Time ends |
Label | Description |
Current Date & Time | The system date and time using the current time zone |
DST Active | Yes — Daylight Savings Time is currently in effect |
No — Daylight Savings Time is not currently in effect | |
Current Zone | The zone name for the current zone |
Non-DST Zone | The zone name for the non-DST zone |
DST Zone | The zone name for the DST zone |
Zone type | Non-standard — the zone is user-defined |
Standard — the zone is system-defined | |
Offset from UTC | The number of hours and minutes added to universal time for the current zone and non-DST zone, including the DST offset for a DST zone |
Offset from Non-DST | The number of hours (always 0) and minutes (0 to 60) added to the time at the beginning of Daylight Saving Time and subtracted at the end of Daylight Saving Time |
Starts | The date and time Daylight Saving Time begins |
Ends | The date and time Daylight Saving Time ends |
Time References | |
Selected Ref | The type and identifier of the current system time reference source |
Selection Time | The date and time when the current system time reference source was selected to update the system time |
time-ref-priority | The priority value of the time reference. A lower numeric value represents a higher priority. The time-ref-priority value must be present when the time reference is created. |
Ref Type | The type of system time reference: GNSS or PTP |
Ref Id | The unique identifier for the type of system time reference |
Delta Sec | The time difference between this reference and the currently selected time reference in seconds. If this time reference is not qualified, the value will be 0. |
Delta Ns | The time difference between this reference and the currently selected time reference in nanoseconds. If this time reference is not qualified, the value will be 0. |
Selected | true — the source is being used to update system time |
false — the source is not being used to update system time | |
Qualified | true — the time reference is providing time updates |
false — the time reference is not providing time updates | |
Leap Sec Sched | Indicates whether there is a scheduled leap second |
Leap Sec Upd Time | The UTC time when the scheduled leap second adjustment will occur. If a leap second is not scheduled, the value will be 0. |
Time of Day - 1 Pulse Per Second Port | |
Output | The state of the output: shutdown or no shutdown |
Message Type | The type of message: ct, cm, or none |
Format | The format of the time of day output |
Modulation | The modulation type of the time of day output |
Freq/Resolution | The frequency (in kHz) and resolution (in milliseconds) of the time of day output |
Coded Expression | The coded expression of the time of day output |
This command displays the current day, date, time and time zone.
The time is displayed either in the local time zone or in UTC depending on the setting of the root level time-display command for the console session.
The following output is an example of time information.
This command enables the context to show redundancy information.
This command enables the context to show multi-chassis redundancy information.
This command displays summary multi-chassis redundancy status information.
The following output is an example of general chassis information, and Table 63 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Peer IP | Displays the multi-chassis redundancy peer IP address |
Src IP | Displays the source IP address used to communicate with the multi-chassis peer |
Auth | If configured, displays the authentication key used between this node and the multi-chassis peer |
Peer Admin | Displays whether the multi-chassis peer is enabled or disabled |
MC-Ring Oper | Displays whether multi-chassis ring functionality is enabled or disabled. Not Applicable. |
MC-EP Adm | Displays whether the multi-chassis endpoint is enabled or disabled (not applicable) |
MCS Admin | Displays the multi-chassis synchronization is enabled or disabled (not applicable) |
MCS Oper | Displays whether multi-chassis synchronization functionality is enabled or disabled (not applicable) |
MCS State | Displays the multi-chassis synchronization state (not applicable) |
MC-LAG Adm | Displays whether MC-LAG is enabled or disabled |
MC-LAG Oper | Displays whether MC-LAG functionality is enabled or disabled |
This command displays multi-chassis firewall information.
The following output is an example of multi-chassis firewall information, and Table 64 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Multi-Chassis MC-Firewall | |
Peer Addr | The IP address of the multi-chassis firewall peer |
Peer Name | The name of the multi-chassis firewall peer |
Admin State | The administrative state of the multi-chassis firewall on this system |
Oper State | The operational state of the multi-chassis firewall on this system |
Source Addr | The source address of the multi-chassis firewall on this system |
Election Role | The elected role of the multi-chassis firewall on this system, either master or slave |
Policy Sync | Indicates whether security policy synchronization has occurred on the multi-chassis firewall on this system |
Session DB Sync | Indicates whether security session database synchronization has occurred on the multi-chassis firewall on this system |
System Id | The system ID of the multi-chassis firewall on this system |
Sys Priority | The system priority of the multi-chassis firewall on this system |
Keep Alive Intvl | The time interval between keepalive messages exchanged between peers |
Hold on Nbr Fail | Indicates how many keepalive intervals a router will wait for packets from its neighbor before declaring communication failure |
Boot Timer | The configured boot timer interval |
Encryption | Indicates whether encryption is enabled on the multi-chassis link (MCL) |
Active Out spi | The index number of the active outbound security association |
Auth Algorithm | The configured authentication algorithm, either sha256 or sha512 |
Encr Algorithm | The configured encryption algorithm, either aes128 or aes256 |
Sec Assoc Spi | The security parameter index for the security association |
Last update | The date and time of the last update for the multi-chassis firewall on this system |
Last State chg | The date and time of the last state change for the multi-chassis firewall on this system |
Multi-Chassis MC-Firewall Statistics | |
Peer Addr | The IP address of the multi-chassis firewall peer |
Packets Rx | The number of packets received from the peer |
Packets Rx Keepalive | The number of multi-chassis firewall keepalive packets received from the peer |
Packets Rx Peer Config | The number of multi-chassis firewall configuration packets received from the peer |
Packets Rx Peer Data | The number of data packets received from the peer |
Packets Dropped Rx Peer Data | The number of data packets received from the peer that were dropped on this system |
Packets Dropped State Disabled | The number of packets that were dropped because this system was administratively disabled |
Packets Dropped Packets Too Short | The number of packets dropped because the packet was too short |
Packets Dropped Tlv Invalid Size | The number of packets that were dropped because the packet was an invalid size |
Packets Dropped Out Of Seq | The number of packets that were dropped because the packets were out of sequence |
Packets Dropped Unknown Tlv | The number of packets that were dropped because the packet contained an unknown TLV |
Packets Dropped MD5 | The number of packets that were dropped because the packet failed MD5 authentication |
Packets Tx | The number of packets transmitted from this system to the peer |
Packets Tx Keepalive | The number of keepalive packets transmitted from this system to the peer |
Packets Tx Peer Config | The number of configured packets transmitted from this system to the peer |
Packets Tx Peer Data | The number of data packets transmitted from this system to the peer |
Packets Tx Failed | The number of packets that failed to be transmitted from this system to the peer |
Packets Dropped No Peer | The number of packets dropped because there is no peer |
Multi-Chassis Firewall Global Statistics | |
Packets Rx | The number of packets received by the system |
Packets Rx Keepalive | The number of keepalive packets received by the system |
Packets Rx Peer Config | The number of multi-chassis firewall configuration packets received from the peer |
Packets Rx Peer Data | The number of data packets received from the peer |
Packets Dropped Keep-Alive Task | The number of packets dropped by the multi-chassis firewall receiving task |
Packets Dropped Peer Data | The number of data packets dropped by this system |
Packets Dropped Too Short | The number of packets dropped because they were too short |
Packets Dropped Verify Failed | The number of packets dropped because they could not be verified |
Packets Dropped Tlv Invalid Size | The number of packets that were dropped because the packet was an invalid size |
Packets Dropped Out of Seq | The number of packets that were dropped because the packets were out of sequence |
Packets Dropped Unknown Tlv | The number of packets that were dropped because the packet contained an unknown TLV |
Packets Dropped MD5 | The number of packets that were dropped because the packet failed MD5 authentication |
Packets Dropped Unknown Peer | The number of packets dropped because the multi-chassis firewall peer is unknown |
Packets Dropped MC Firewall No Peer | The number of packets dropped because there is no multi-chassis firewall peer |
Packets Tx | The number of packets transmitted |
Packets Tx Keepalive | The number of keepalive packets transmitted |
Packets Tx Peer Config | The number of configured packets transmitted from this system to the peer |
Packets Tx Peer Data | The number of data packets transmitted from this system to the peer |
Packets Tx Failed | The number of packets that failed to be transmitted |
This command displays multi-chassis LAG information.
The following output is an example of MC-LAG information, and Table 65 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Last State chg | Displays date and time of the last state change for the MC-LAG peer |
Admin State | Displays the administrative state of the MC-LAG peer |
KeepAlive | Displays the time interval between keepalive messages exchanged between peers |
Oper State | Displays the operational state of the MC-LAG peer |
Hold On Ngbr Failure | Displays how many keep alive intervals the standby 7705 SAR will wait for packets from the active node before assuming a redundant neighbor node failure |
Lag Id | Displays the LAG identifier, expressed as a decimal integer |
Lacp Key | Displays the 16-bit Lacp key |
Remote system Id | Displays the LAG identifier of the remote system, expressed as a decimal integer |
Multi-Chassis Statistics | |
Packets Rx | Displays the number of MC-LAG packets received from the peer |
Packets Rx Keepalive | Displays the number of MC-LAG keepalive packets received from the peer |
Packets Rx Config | Displays the number of MC-LAG configured packets received from the peer |
Packets Rx Peer Config | Displays the number of MC-LAG packets configured by the peer |
Packets Rx State | Displays the number of received MC-LAG “lag” state packets received from the peer |
Packets Dropped State Disabled | Displays the number of packets that were dropped because the peer was administratively disabled |
Packets Dropped Packets Too Short | Displays the number of packets that were dropped because the packet was too short |
Packets Dropped Tlv Invalid Size | Displays the number of packets that were dropped because the packet size was invalid |
Packets Dropped Tlv Invalid LagId | Displays the number of packets that were dropped because the packet referred to an invalid or non-multi-chassis LAG |
Packets Dropped Out of Seq | Displays the number of packets that were dropped because the packet was out of sequence |
Packets Dropped Unknown Tlv | Displays the number of packets that were dropped because the packet contained an unknown TLV |
Packets Dropped MD5 | Displays the number of packets that were dropped because the packet failed MD5 authentication |
Packets Tx | Displays the number of packets transmitted from this system to the peer |
Packets Tx Keepalive | Displays the number of keepalive packets transmitted from this system to the peer |
Packets Tx Peer Config | Displays the number of configured packets transmitted from this system to the peer |
Packets Tx Failed | Displays the number of packets that failed to be transmitted from this system to the peer |
This command displays redundancy synchronization times.
The following output is an example of redundancy synchronization information, and Table 66 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Standby Status | Displays the status of the standby CSM |
Last Standby Failure | Displays the timestamp of the last standby failure |
Standby Up Time | Displays the length of time the standby CSM has been up |
Failover Time | Displays the timestamp when the last redundancy failover occurred causing a switchover from active to standby CSM. If there is no redundant CSM card in this system or no failover has occurred since the system last booted, the value will be 0. |
Failover Reason | Displays a text string giving an explanation of the cause of the last redundancy failover. If no failover has occurred, an empty string displays. |
Boot/Config Sync Mode | Displays the type of synchronization operation to perform between the primary and secondary CSMs after a change has been made to the configuration files or the boot environment information contained in the boot options file (BOF). |
Boot/Config Sync Status | Displays the results of the last synchronization operation between the primary and secondary CSMs |
Last Config File Sync Time | Displays the timestamp of the last successful synchronization of the configuration files |
Last Boot Env Sync Time | Displays the timestamp of the last successful synchronization of the boot environment files |
This command displays the time since the system started.
The following output is an example of system uptime information, and Table 67 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
System Up Time | The length of time the system has been up in days, hr:min:sec format |
This command displays synchronous interface timing operational information.
The following output is an example of synchronous interface timing information, and Table 68 describes the fields.
![]() | Note: Some of the fields in the following output apply to the 7705 SAR-18 only. |
Label | Description |
System Status CSM A | The present status of the synchronous timing equipment subsystem (SETS):
Reference Input Mode | Revertive — a revalidated or a newly validated reference source that has a higher priority than the currently selected reference has reverted to the new reference source |
Non-revertive — the clock cannot revert to a higher priority clock if the current clock goes offline | |
Quality Level Selection | Whether Quality Level Selection is enabled or disabled |
Reference Order | bits, ref1, ref2 — the priority order of the timing references |
Reference Input 1, 2 | The reference 1 and reference 2 input parameters |
Admin Status | down — the ref1 or ref2 configuration is administratively shut down |
up — the ref1 or ref2 configuration is administratively enabled | |
Configured Quality Level | Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value manually configured on port for ref1 or ref2 |
Rx Quality Level | Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value received on port for ref1 or ref2 |
Qualified for Use | Whether the ref1 or ref2 timing reference is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem |
Selected for Use | Whether the ref1 or ref2 timing reference is presently selected |
Not Selected Due To | If the ref1 or ref2 timing reference is not selected, the reason why |
Not Qualified Due To | If the ref1 or ref2 timing reference is not qualified, the reason why |
Source Port | None — no source port is configured or in use as a ref1 or ref2 timing reference |
card/slot/port — the source port of the ref1 or ref2 timing reference | |
Reference BITS 1, 2 | The reference 1 and reference 2 BITS parameters, applicable to the 7705 SAR-18 only |
Admin Status | down — the BITS 1 or BITS 2 configuration is administratively shut down |
up — the BITS 1 or BITS 2 configuration is administratively enabled | |
Configured Quality Level | Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value manually configured on port for BITS 1 or BITS 2 |
Rx Quality Level | Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value received on port for BITS 1 or BITS 2 |
Qualified For Use | Whether the BITS 1 or BITS 2 reference is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem |
Selected For Use | Whether the BITS 1 or BITS 2 reference is presently selected |
Not Qualified Due To | If the BITS 1 or BITS 2 reference is not qualified, the reason why |
Not Selected Due To | If the BITS 1 or BITS 2 reference is not selected, the reason why |
Interface Type | The interface type for the BITS port |
Framing | The framing type used by the BITS port |
Line Coding | The line coding type used by the BITS port |
Output Admin Status | The administrative status of the BITS output port |
Output Reference Selected | The type of output reference selected by the BITS port |
Tx Quality Level | The Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value transmitted on the BITS port |
This command displays a summary of general chassis status information.
The following output is an example of general chassis information, and Table 69 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
System Information | |
Name | The system name for the router |
Type | The router series model number |
Chassis Topology | The chassis setup; the value is always Standalone |
Location | The system location for the device |
Coordinates | A user-configurable string that indicates the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) coordinates for the location of the chassis. For example: N 45 58 23, W 34 56 12 N37 37' 00 latitude, W122 22' 00 longitude N36 × 39.246' W121 × 40.121' |
CLLI Code | The Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) that uniquely identifies the geographic location of places and certain functional categories of equipment unique to the telecommunications industry |
Number of slots | The number of slots in the chassis for the IOM and the CSMs, including the built-in CSMs on the fixed platforms. The IOM is a virtual slot (designated as slot 1), as it is actually a module on the CSM and does not get installed separately. |
Oper number of slots | The number of slots currently operating; the value is always the same as the Number of slots value |
Number of ports | The total number of ports currently installed in this chassis. This count does not include the CSM Management ports that are used for management access. |
Critical LED state | The current state of the Critical LED in this chassis |
Major LED state | The current state of the Major LED in this chassis |
Minor LED state | The current state of the Minor LED in this chassis |
Over Temperature state | Indicates whether there is an over-temperature condition |
Base MAC address | The base chassis Ethernet MAC address |
Chassis Summary | |
Chassis | The chassis number |
Role | The role of the chassis in the chassis setup; the value is always Standalone |
Status | Current status of the chassis |
The following output is an example of detailed chassis information, and Table 70 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
System Information | |
Name | The system name for the router |
Type | The router series model number |
Chassis Topology | The chassis setup; the value is always Standalone |
Location | The system location for the device |
Coordinates | A user-configurable string that indicates the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) coordinates for the location of the chassis. For example: N 45 58 23, W 34 56 12 N37 37' 00 latitude, W122 22' 00 longitude N36 × 39.246' W121 × 40.121' |
CLLI Code | The Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) that uniquely identifies the geographic location of places and certain functional categories of equipment unique to the telecommunications industry |
Number of slots | The number of slots in the chassis for the IOM and the CSMs, including the built-in CSMs on the fixed platforms. The IOM is a virtual slot (designated as slot 1), as it is actually a module on the CSM and does not get installed separately. |
Oper number of slots | The number of slots currently operating; the value is always the same as the Number of slots value |
Number of ports | The total number of ports currently installed in this chassis. This count does not include the CSM Management ports that are used for management access. |
Critical LED state | The current state of the Critical LED in this chassis |
Major LED state | The current state of the Major LED in this chassis |
Minor LED state | The current state of the Minor LED in this chassis |
Over Temperature state | Indicates whether there is an over-temperature condition |
Base MAC address | The base chassis Ethernet MAC address |
Chassis 1 Detail | |
Chassis Status | The current status of the chassis |
Chassis Role | The role of the chassis in the chassis setup; the value is always Standalone |
Hardware Data | Hardware information about the chassis |
Part number | The CSM part number |
CLEI code | The code used to identify the router |
Serial number | The CSM part number; not user-modifiable |
Manufacture date | The chassis manufacture date; not user-modifiable |
Manufacturing variant | Factory-inputted manufacturing text string; not user-modifiable |
Time of last boot | The date and time the most recent boot occurred |
Current alarm state | Displays the alarm conditions for the specific board |
Environment Information | |
Fan information | |
Number of fans | The total number of fans installed in this chassis |
Status | Current status of the fans |
Speed | The fan speed |
Hardware Data | Hardware information for fan module |
Part number | The CSM part number |
CLEI code | The code used to identify the router |
Serial number | The CSM part number; not user-modifiable |
Manufacture date | The chassis manufacture date; not user-modifiable |
Manufacturing variant | Factory-inputted manufacturing text string; not user-modifiable |
Time of last boot | The date and time the most recent boot occurred |
Current alarm state | Displays the alarm conditions for the specific board |
Alarm Module | |
Status | Status of the alarm module |
Type | Version of the alarm module |
External Alarms Interface | |
Input | External alarm input number |
Pin | Port connector pin number for the alarm input |
Event | Severity level of events reported by this input:
Hardware Data | Hardware information for alarm module |
Power Feed Information | |
Number of power feeds | The number of power feeds installed in the chassis |
Input power feed - Type | The type of power feed — ac power or dc power |
Input power feed - Status | Up — the specified power supply is up |
Critical failure — the specified power supply has failed | |
Not equipped — the specified power supply is not present | |
Unknown — the software system cannot determine the type of power feed for the specified power supply | |
Not monitored — the specified power supply is not monitored |
The following output is an example of chassis environment information, and Table 71 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Environment Information | |
Fan information | |
Number of fans | The total number of fans installed in this chassis |
Status | Current status of the fans |
Speed | The fan speed |
Hardware Data | Hardware information for fan module |
Part number | The CSM part number |
CLEI code | The code used to identify the router |
Serial number | The CSM part number; not user-modifiable |
Manufacture date | The chassis manufacture date; not user-modifiable |
Manufacturing variant | Factory-inputted manufacturing text string; not user-modifiable |
Time of last boot | The date and time the most recent boot occurred |
Current alarm state | Displays the alarm conditions for the specific board |
Alarm Module | |
Status | Status of the alarm module |
Type | Version of the alarm module |
External Alarms Interface | |
Input | External alarm input number |
Pin | Port connector pin number for the alarm input |
Event | Severity level of events reported by this input:
State | State of alarm event |
Hardware data | Hardware information for alarm module |
The following output is an example of chassis power feed information, and Table 72 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
System Information | |
Name | The system name for the router |
Type | The router series model number |
Chassis Topology | The chassis setup; the value is always Standalone |
Location | The system location for the device |
Coordinates | A user-configurable string that indicates the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) coordinates for the location of the chassis. For example: N 45 58 23, W 34 56 12 N37 37' 00 latitude, W122 22' 00 longitude N36 × 39.246' W121 × 40.121' |
CLLI Code | The Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) that uniquely identifies the geographic location of places and certain functional categories of equipment unique to the telecommunications industry |
Number of slots | The number of slots in the chassis for the IOM and the CSMs, including the built-in CSMs on the fixed platforms. The IOM is a virtual slot (designated as slot 1), as it is actually a module on the CSM and does not get installed separately. |
Oper number of slots | The number of slots currently operating; the value is always the same as the Number of slots value |
Number of ports | The total number of ports currently installed in this chassis. This count does not include the CSM Management ports that are used for management access. |
Critical LED state | The current state of the Critical LED in this chassis |
Major LED state | The current state of the Major LED in this chassis |
Minor LED state | The current state of the Minor LED in this chassis |
Over Temperature state | Indicates whether there is an over-temperature condition |
Base MAC address | The base chassis Ethernet MAC address |
Chassis 1 Detail | |
Chassis Status | Current status of the chassis |
Chassis Role | The role of the chassis in the chassis setup; the value is always Standalone |
Hardware Data | Hardware information about the chassis |
Part number | The CSM part number |
CLEI code | The code used to identify the router |
Serial number | The CSM part number; not user-modifiable |
Manufacture date | The chassis manufacture date; not user-modifiable |
Manufacturing variant | Factory-inputted manufacturing text string; not user-modifiable |
Time of last boot | The date and time the most recent boot occurred |
Current alarm state | Displays the alarm conditions for the specific board |
Power Feed Information | |
Number of power feeds | The number of power feeds |
Input power feed - Type | The type of power feed — ac power or dc power |
Input power feed - Status | Up — the specified power supply is up |
Critical failure — the specified power supply has failed | |
Not equipped — the specified power supply is not present | |
Unknown — the software system cannot determine the type of power feed for the specified power supply | |
Not monitored — the specified power supply is not monitored |
This command allows an operator to clear the Telnet or console screen.
This command enables the context to clear Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) information.
This command clears PTP clock information.
This command enables the context to clear script information.
This command enables the context to clear script policy information.
This command clears completed script run history entries.
This command allows an operator to individually clear (re-enable) a previously failed reference. As long as the reference is one of the valid options, this command is always executed. An inherent behavior enables the revertive mode which causes a re-evaluation of all available references.
This command allows an operator to clear the trace log.
This command enables the context to debug synchronous interface timing references.
This command allows an operator to force the system synchronous timing output to use a specific reference.
![]() | Note: This command should be used for testing and debugging purposes only. Once the system timing reference input has been forced, it will not revert to another reference at any time. The state of this command is not persistent between system boots. |
When the debug force-reference command is executed, the current system synchronous timing output is immediately referenced from the specified reference input. If the specified input is not available (shutdown), or in a disqualified state, the timing output will enter the holdover state based on the previous input reference.
This command displays system debug information.
This command displays HTTP connections debug information.
This command enables and configures debugging for NTP.
The no form of the command disables debugging for NTP.
This command enables debugging for a LAG.
The no form of the command disables debugging for a LAG.