3.14. Show, Monitor, Clear, and Debug Command Reference

3.14.1. Command Hierarchies Show Commands

aps [aps-id] [detail]
card [slot-number] [detail]
card state
mda [slot [/mda]] [detail]
mda [slot/mda] statistics [source-mda | dest-mda | ip-transport | cflowd | mirror | security [encryption | firewall]]
mda aggregate-statistics
mda with-fabric-stats
mda [slot [/mda]] ring mda
fdb [mac ieee-address] [port port-id] [all]
external-alarms alarm [alarm-id]
external-alarms input [alarm-input] [detail]
external-alarms name [name-string] [detail]
external-alarms output [alarm-output] [detail]
lcr [lcr-id] [detail]
mw link [mw-link-id] [detail]
mw radio port-id detail] [power]
mw radio port-id perfmon [all | g826 | acm | power]
mw radio software
lag [lag-id] [detail] [statistics]
lag lag-id associations
lag [lag-id] description
lag lag-id [detail] lacp-partner
lag [lag-id] port
multilink-bundle [bundle-id | slot/mda | type {mlppp | ima-grp}] [detail]
multilink-bundle [bundle-id | slot/mda | [ppp [multiclass] | ima]]
multilink-bundle bundle-id
— ima
— atm [detail]
— connections
— pvc [vpi/vci] [detail]
— pvp [vpi] [detail]
port [port-id] [statistics] [detail]
port port-id acr [detail]
port port-id cisco-hdlc
port port-id description
port port-id dot1x [detail]
port port-id associations
port port-id ppp [detail]
port port-id ethernet [efm-oam | detail]
lldp [nearest-bridge | nearest-non-tpmr | nearest-customer] [remote-info] [detail]
port port-id frame-relay [detail | dlci dlci]
port port-id ima-link
port port-id atm
port port-id atm connections
port port-id atm pvc [vpi/vci] [detail]
port port-id atm pvp [vpi] [detail]
port aps[-group-id][.channel]
port lcr[-group-id/port][.channel]
port-tree port-id
scada [bridge-id] [detail]
scada [bridge-id] description
scada [bridge-id] [detail] statistics Monitor Commands

port port-id [port-id...(up to 5 total)] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate] [multiclass]
port port-id atm [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
fabric-profile mda {mda-id | with-stats-enabled} {dest-mda | source-mda} [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
scada scada-id [scada-id...(up to 5 total)] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate] Clear Commands

external-alarms alarm [all | alarm-id]
lag lag-id statistics
mda mda-id
mda mda-id statistics {source-mda | destination-mda | fabric-port | fabric-global | all}
mda mda-id statistics ip-transport
mda mda-id statistics security [encryption | firewall]
mda mda-id statistics mirror
mda mda-id statistics cflowd
mda mda-id ring {all | mac ieee-address | port port-id}
mda all
link mw-link-id statistics
radio port-id
radio radio perfmon [all | g826 | acm | power]
rsl-history port-id
port port-id statistics
port port-id atm pvc [vpi[/vci]] statistics
port port-id atm pvp [vpi] statistics
port port-id frame-relay dlci dlci
scada bridge-id statistics Debug Commands

lag [lag-id lag-id [port port-id]] [all]
lag [lag-id lag-id [port port-id]] [sm] [pkt] [cfg] [red] [iom-upd] [port-state] [timers] [sel-logic] [mc] [mc-pkt]
— no lag [lag-id lag-id]

3.14.2. Command Descriptions Show Commands


The following command outputs are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration. Show APS Commands


aps [aps-id] [detail]

This command displays Automatic Protection Switching (APS) information.

displays information for the specified APS group ID
1 to 128


displays detailed APS information

The following outputs are examples of APS information, and Table 32 describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:7705:Dut-A>config>port# show aps 
APS Group Info
Interface Admin  Oper   MC-Ctl  Work      Prot      Active    Tx/Rx            
          State  State  State   Circuit   Circuit   Circuit   K1 Byte          
aps-1     Up     Up     N/A     1/5/1     1/6/1     1/5/1     PC-Tx: No-Req    
*A:7705:Dut-A>config>port# show aps detail            
APS Group: aps-1
Description        : APS Group
Group Id           : 1                      Active Circuit       : 1/5/1
Admin Status       : Up                     Oper Status          : Up
Working Circuit    : 1/5/1                  Protection Circuit   : 1/6/1
Switching-mode     : Bi-directional         Switching-arch       : 1+1(sig,data)
Revertive-mode     : Non-revertive          Revert-time (min)    :  
Rx K1/K2 byte      : 0x00/0x05 (No-Req on Protect)
Tx K1/K2 byte      : 0x00/0x05 (No-Req on Protect)
Current APS Status : OK
Multi-Chassis APS  : No
Neighbor           :
Control link state : N/A
Mode mismatch Cnt  : 0                      Channel mismatch Cnt : 0
PSB failure Cnt    : 1                      FEPL failure Cnt     : 1
 APS Working Circuit - 1/5/1
Admin Status       : Up                     Oper Status          : Up
Current APS Status : OK                     No. of Switchovers   : 0
Last Switchover    : None                   Switchover seconds   : 0
Signal Degrade Cnt : 1                      Signal Failure Cnt   : 0
Last Switch Cmd    : No Cmd                 Last Exercise Result : Unknown
Tx L-AIS           : None                   
 APS Protection Circuit - 1/6/1
Admin Status       : Up                     Oper Status          : Up
Current APS Status : OK                     No. of Switchovers   : 0
Last Switchover    : None                   Switchover seconds   : 0
Signal Degrade Cnt : 1                      Signal Failure Cnt   : 0
Last Switch Cmd    : No Cmd                 Last Exercise Result : Unknown
Tx L-AIS           : None                   
Table 32:  APS Field Descriptions  




Specifies the APS interface name (the APS group port)

Admin State

Specifies whether the APS interface is administratively up or down

Oper State

Specifies whether the APS interface is operationally up or down

MC-Ctl state

Specifies the multi-chassis state

Work Circuit

Specifies the physical port that is acting as the working circuit for this APS group

Prot Circuit

Specifies the physical port that is acting as the protection circuit for this APS group

Active Circuit

Specifies the active circuit

Tx/Rx K1 Byte

Displays the value of the SONET/SDH K1 byte received or transmitted on the protection circuit

APS Group

Displays the APS group name


Displays the APS group description

Group ID

Displays the APS group ID number

Active Circuit

Specifies the physical port that is acting as the active circuit for this APS group

Admin Status

Specifies whether the APS circuit is administratively up or down

Oper Status

Specifies whether the APS circuit is operationally up or down

Working Circuit

Displays the physical port that is acting as the working circuit for this APS group

Protection Circuit

Displays the physical port that is acting as the protection circuit for this APS group


Displays the switching mode of the APS group


Displays the architecture of the APS group


Displays the revertive mode of the APS group:

non-revertive — traffic remains on the protection line until another switch request is received

revertive — when the condition that caused a switch to the protection line has been cleared, the signal is switched back to the working line


Displays the configured time, in minutes, to wait after the working circuit has become functional again before making the working circuit active again. If the revertive mode is non-revertive, then this field is empty.

Rx K1/K2 byte

Displays the value of the SONET/SDH K1/K2 byte received on the interface

Tx K1/K2 byte

Displays the value of the SONET/SDH K1/K2 byte transmitted on the interface

Current APS Status

Displays the current APS status

Multi-Chassis APS

Indicates whether MC-APS is configured


Displays the neighbor IP address. All zeros indicates the APS group is an SC-APS.

Control link state

Displays the current control link status

Mode mismatch Cnt

Indicates the number of times a conflict occurs between the current local mode and the received K2 mode information

Channel mismatch Cnt

Indicates the number of mismatches between the transmitted K1 channel and the received K2 channel that have been detected

PSB failure Cnt

Displays a count of Protection Switch Byte (PSB) failure conditions. This condition occurs when either an inconsistent APS byte or an invalid code is detected.

FEPL failure Cnt

Displays a count of far-end protection-line (FEPL) failure conditions. This condition is declared based on receiving SF on the protection line in the K1 byte.

No. of Switchovers

Displays the number of times a switchover has occurred

Last Switchover

Displays the timestamp of the last switchover

Switchover seconds

Displays the cumulative Protection Switching Duration (PSD) time in seconds

For a working channel, this is the cumulative number of seconds that service was carried on the protection line

For the protection line, this is the cumulative number of seconds that the protection line has been used to carry any working channel traffic. This information is only valid if revertive switching is enabled.

Signal Degrade Cnt

Displays the number of times the signal was degraded

Signal Failure Cnt

Displays the number of times the signal failed

Last Switch Cmd

Reports the last switch command that was performed on a circuit

Last Exercise Result

Displays the result of the last exercise request on a circuit

Advertise Interval

Displays the advertise interval

Hold time

Displays the hold time Show Card Commands


card [slot-number] [detail]
card state

This command displays IOM and CSM information for the chassis.


displays summary information only

displays information for the specified card slot (always 1)


displays provisioned and equipped card, adapter card, and module information
displays detailed IOM information if used with the card slot-number option and displays detailed IOM and CSM card information if used without the slot-number option

The following outputs are examples of card information:

Output Example
ALU-1# show card
Card Summary
Slot   Provisioned Type                            Admin Operational   Comments
           Equipped Type (if different)            State State
1      iom-sar                                     up    up
A      csmv2-10g                                   up    up/active
B      csmv2-10g                                   up    down/standby
Table 33:  Card Field Descriptions  




The slot number of the card in the chassis

Provisioned Type

The card type that is configured for the slot

Equipped Type (if different)

The card type that is actually populated in the slot if different from the provisioned type

Admin State

up: the card is administratively up

down: the card is administratively down

Operational State

up: the card is operationally up

down: the card is operationally down

active: the CSM is in active mode (for redundancy)

standby: the CSM is in standby mode (for redundancy)


Provides other information about the card

Output Example

The following examples display the card states for a 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2, 7705 SAR-18, 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-W, 7705 SAR-Wx, and 7705 SAR-X.


  1. The show card state command output for the 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-W, 7705 SAR-Wx, and 7705 SAR-X will always appear as shown because these platforms have a fixed physical configuration.
  2. The show card state command output for the 7705 SAR-M will always appear as shown, with the exception of slot 1/3 where the provisioned type depends on the module installed in the slot.
  3. The show card state command output for the 7705 SAR-H will always appear as shown, with the exception of slots 1/2 and 1/3 where the provisioned type depends on the module installed in those slots.

For the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2:

*A:NOK-1># show card state
Card State
Slot/  Provisioned Type                 Admin Operational   Num   Num Comments
Id         Equipped Type (if different) State State         Ports MDA
1      iom-sar                          up    up                  6
1/1    a12-sdiv2                        up    provisioned   12
1/2    a4-oc3                           up    provisioned   4
1/3    a16-chds1v2                      up    provisioned   16
1/4    a4-chds3v2                       up    provisioned   4
1/5    a8-ethv2                         up    provisioned   8
1/6    a2-choc3                         up    provisioned   2
A      csmv2-10g                        up    up                      Active
B      csmv2-10g                        up    down                    Standby

For the 7705 SAR-18:

*A:NOK-1># show card state 
Card State
Slot/  Provisioned Type                 Admin Operational   Num   Num Comments
Id         Equipped Type (if different) State State         Ports MDA
1      iom-sar                          up    up                  12
1/1    aux-alarm                        up    up
1/2    a8-ethv2                         up    up
1/3    a8-ethv2                         up    up            8
1/4    a8-ethv2                         up    provisioned   8
1/5    a8-ethv2                         up    provisioned   8
1/6    a32-chds1v2                      up    up            32
1/7    a32-chds1v2                      up    up            32
1/8    a32-chds1v2                      up    provisioned   8
1/9    a32-chds1v2                      up    provisioned   8
1/10   a4-oc3                           up    provisioned   4
1/11   a4-chds3v2                       up    provisioned   4
1/12   a2-choc3                         up    provisioned   2
1/X1   x-10GigE-v2                      up    provisioned   1
1/X2   x-10GigE-v2                      up    provisioned   10
1/X3   x-10GigE-v2                      up    provisioned   1
1/X4   x-10GigE-v2                      up    provisioned   10
A      csm-10g                          up    up                      Active
B      csm-10g                          up    down                    Standby

For the 7705 SAR-M:

*A:ALU-1># show card state
Card State
Slot/  Provisioned Type                 Admin Operational   Num   Num Comments
Id         Equipped Type (if different) State State         Ports MDA
1      iom-sar                          up     up                 3
1/1    i7-1gb                           up     up            7
1/2    i16-chds1                        up     up            16                 
1/3    p6-eth                           up     up            6
A      csm-2.5g                         up     up                      Active

For the 7705 SAR-H:

*A:ALU-1># show card state
Card State
Slot/  Provisioned Type                 Admin Operational   Num   Num Comments
Id         Equipped Type (if different) State State         Ports MDA
1      iom-sar                          up     up                 3
1/1    i8-1gb                           up     up            8
1/2    p4-combo                         up     up            4                 
1/3    p4-combo         p4-combo        up     up            4
A      csm-2.5g         csm-2.5g        up     up                     Active

For the 7705 SAR-Hc:

*A:ALU-1># show card state
Card State
Slot/  Provisioned Type                 Admin Operational   Num   Num Comments
Id         Equipped Type (if different) State State         Ports MDA
1      iom-sar                          up     up                 2
1/1    i6-1gb                           up     up            6
1/2    i2-sdi                           up     up            2                 
A      csm-2.5g                         up     up                     Active

For the 7705 SAR-A:

*A:ALU-1># show card state
Card State
Slot/  Provisioned Type                 Admin Operational   Num   Num Comments
Id         Equipped Type (if different) State State         Ports MDA
1      iom-sar                          up    up                  2
1/1    i12-eth-xor                      up    up            12
1/2    i8-chds1                         up    up            8
A      csm-2.5g                         up    up                      Active

For the 7705 SAR-Ax:

*A:sar-Ax# show card state
Card State
Slot/  Provisioned Type                  Admin Operational   Num   Num Comments
Id         Equipped Type (if different)  State State         Ports MDA
1      iom-sar                           up    up                  2
1/1    i12-1gb-xor                       up    up            12
1/2    i1-gnss                           up    up            1
A      csm-2.5g                          up    up                      Active

For the 7705 SAR-W:

*A:ALU-1># show card state
Card State
Slot/  Provisioned Type                 Admin Operational   Num   Num Comments
Id         Equipped Type (if different) State State         Ports MDA
1      iom-sar                          up    up                  1
1/1    i5-1gb                           up    up            6
A      csm-2.5g                         up    up                      Active

For the 7705 SAR-Wx:

*A:ALU-1># show card state
Card State
Slot/  Provisioned Type                 Admin Operational   Num   Num Comments
Id         Equipped Type (if different) State State         Ports MDA
1      iom-sar                          up    up                  1
1/1    i5-1gb-b                         up    up            5
A      csm-2.5g                         up    up                      Active

For the 7705 SAR-X:

*A:ALU-1># show card state
Card State
Slot/  Provisioned Type                  Admin Operational   Num   Num Comments
Id         Equipped Type (if different)  State State         Ports MDA
1      iom-sar                           up    up                  3
1/1    i8-chds1-x                        up    up            8
1/2    i7-mix-eth                        up    up            7
1/3    i7-mix-eth                        up    up            7
A      csm-2.5g                          up    up                      Active
Table 34:  Card State Field Descriptions  




The slot number of the card in the chassis

Provisioned Type

The card type that is configured for the slot

Equipped Type (if different)

The card type that is actually populated in the slot if different from the provisioned type

Admin State

up: the card is administratively up

down: the card is administratively down

Operational State

up: the card is operationally up

down: the card is operationally down

provisioned: there is no card in the slot but it has been preconfigured

failed: the installed card has operationally failed

Num Ports

The number of ports available on the provisioned card


The number of adapter cards installed


Indicates which CSM is the active card and which is in standby mode (for redundancy)

Output Example

The following example displays detailed card (IOM) information for the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2.

*A:ALU-1># show card 1 detail
Card 1
Slot   Provisioned Type                            Admin Operational   Comments
           Equipped Type (if different)            State State
1      iom-sar                                     up    up
IOM Card Specific Data
    Clock source                  : none
    Named Pool Mode               : Disabled
    Available MDA slots           : 6
    Installed MDAs                : 2
Hardware Data
    Part number                   : Sim Part#
    CLEI code                     : Sim CLEI
    Serial number                 : card-1
    Manufacture date              : 01012003
    Manufacturing string          : Sim MfgString card-1
    Manufacturing deviations      : Sim MfgDeviation card-1
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : up
    Temperature                   : 36C
    Temperature threshold         : 75C
    Software boot (rom) version   : simulated
    Software version              : TiMOS-B-8.0.I1070 both/i386 NOKIA SAR 7705 *
    Time of last boot             : 2016/08/05 20:57:10
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared
    Base MAC address              : a4:58:01:00:00:00
    Last bootup reason            : hard boot
    Memory capacity               : 2,031 MB
Table 35:  Card (IOM) Detailed Field Descriptions  




The slot number of the IOM (always 1)

Provisioned Type

The card type that is configured for the slot (iom-sar)

Equipped Type (if different)

The card type that is actually populated in the slot if different from the provisioned type

Admin State

up: the card is administratively up

down: the card is administratively down

Operational State

up: the card is operationally up

down: the card is operationally down


Provides other information about the card

Clock source

The system’s clock source

Available MDA slots

The number of card slots available

Installed MDAs

The number of cards installed

Part number

The chassis part number

CLEI code

The Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code string for the router

Serial number

The chassis serial number

Manufacture date

The chassis manufacture date

Manufacturing string

A factory-inputted manufacturing text string

Manufacturing deviations

A record of changes done to the hardware or software that is outside the normal revision control process

Administrative state

up: the card is administratively up

down: the card is administratively down

Operational State

up: the card is operationally up

down: the card is operationally down

provisioned: there is no card in the slot but it has been preconfigured

failed: the provisioned card has operationally failed


The internal chassis temperature

Temperature threshold

The value above which the internal temperature must rise in order to indicate that the temperature is critical

Software boot (rom) version

The version of the boot ROM image

Software boot version

The version of the boot image

Software version

The software version number

Time of last boot

The date and time the most recent boot occurred

Current alarm state

The alarm conditions for the adapter card

Base MAC address

The base MAC address of the hardware component

Memory capacity

The memory capacity of the adapter card

Output Example

The following example displays detailed CSMv2 information for the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2.

*A:ALU-1># show card “a” detail
Card A
Slot   Provisioned Type                            Admin Operational   Comments
           Equipped Type (if different)            State State
A      csmv2-10g                                   up    up/active
BOF last modified                 : N/A
Config file version               : WED SEP 01 15:49:15 2015 UTC
Config file last modified         : 2016/01/12 21:08:27
Config file last saved            : 2016/07/14 18:14:07
M/S clocking ref state            : primary
Flash - cf3:
    Administrative State          : up
    Operational state             : up
    Serial number                 : serial-3
    Firmware revision             : v1.0
    Model number                  : SMART CF 
    Size                          : 1,953 MB
    Free space                    : 1,948 MB
Hardware Data
    Part number                   : Sim Part#
    CLEI code                     : Sim CLEI
    Serial number                 : card-2
    Manufacture date              : 01012003
    Manufacturing string          : Sim MfgString card-2
    Manufacturing deviations      : Sim MfgDeviation card-2
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : up
    Temperature                   : 35C
    Temperature threshold         : 75C
    Software boot (rom) version   : simulated
    Software version              : TiMOS-B-8.0.I536 both/i386 NOKIA SAR 7705 *
    Time of last boot             : 2016/08/05 20:57:10
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared
    Base MAC address              : a4:58:02:00:00:00
    Memory capacity               : 2,048 MB
Table 36:  CSM Card Field Descriptions  




The slot number of the card in the chassis

Provisioned Type

The card type that is configured for the slot

Equipped Type (if different)

The card type that is actually populated in the slot if different from the provisioned type

Admin State

up: the CSM is administratively up

down: the CSM is administratively down

Operational State

up: the CSM is operationally up

down: the CSM is operationally down

active: the CSM is in active mode (for redundancy)

standby: the CSM is in standby mode (for redundancy)


Provides other information about the card

BOF last modified

The date and time of the most recent BOF modification

Config file version

The configuration file version

Config file last modified

The date and time of the most recent config file modification

Config file last saved

The date and time of the most recent config file save

M/S clocking ref state

primary: the card is acting as the primary (active) CSM in a redundant system

secondary: the card is acting as the standby (secondary) CSM in a redundant system

Admin State

up: the compact flash is administratively up

down: the compact flash is administratively down

Operational State

up: the compact flash is operationally up

down: the compact flash is operationally down

Serial number

The compact flash serial number

Firmware revision

The compact flash firmware version number

Model number

The compact flash model number


The memory capacity on the compact flash

Free space

The amount of free space on the compact flash

Part number

The CSM part number

CLEI code

The code used to identify the router

Serial number

The CSM serial number

Manufacture date

The chassis manufacture date

Manufacturing string

A factory-inputted manufacturing text string

Manufacturing deviations

A record of changes done to the hardware or software that is outside the normal revision control process

Administrative state

up: the CSM is administratively up

down: the CSM is administratively down

Operational state

up: the CSM is operationally up

down: the CSM is operationally down


The internal chassis temperature

Temperature threshold

The value above which the internal temperature must rise in order to indicate that the temperature is critical

Software boot (rom) version

The version of the boot image

Software version

The software version number

Time of last boot

The date and time the most recent boot occurred

Current alarm state

The alarm conditions for the specific card

Base MAC address

The base MAC address of the hardware component

Memory capacity

The total amount of memory on the CSM


mda [slot [/mda]] [detail]
mda slot/mda statistics [source-mda | dest-mda | ip-transport | cflowd | mirror | security [encryption | firewall]]
mda aggregate-statistics
mda with-fabric-stats
mda [slot [/mda]] ring

This command displays adapter card information and statistics collected from a specified adapter card and associated fabric ports.

The mda slot/mda statistics command applies only to the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2, 7705 SAR-18, and 7705 SAR-X. For the 7705 SAR-X, only the cflowd and mirror parameters apply.

The mda aggregate-statistics command applies only to the 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-W, and 7705 SAR-Wx. Additionally, on the 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-W, and 7705 SAR-Wx, the displays include IPSec security statistics. On the 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, and 7705 SAR-Wx, the displays also include firewall queue statistics. On the 7705 SAR-H and 7705 SAR-Hc, the displays also include IP transport statistics.

The mda with-fabric-stats command applies only to 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 7705 SAR-18.

The mda slot/mda ring command applies only to the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card and 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module

If no command line options are specified, a summary output of all adapter cards is displayed.

the slot number of the IOM


the slot number of the adapter card or the fixed platform MDA. If this parameter is omitted, information on all MDAs is displayed
displays network and access ingress traffic statistics from the specified adapter card going towards the fabric and towards a destination adapter card. The sum of traffic forwarded or dropped is also displayed.

Statistics from the fabric are not displayed when this keyword is used.

displays network and access ingress statistics for all adapter cards going towards the fabric and destined for the specified destination adapter card. The following are also collected: global fabric statistics, fabric firewall statistics, and fabric port statistics if the destination adapter card has the collection of fabric statistics enabled.

The sum of traffic forwarded or dropped is also displayed.

displays IP transport queue forward and drop statistics
displays Cflowd queue statistics
security encryption—
displays IPSec encryption statistics for the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 7705 SAR-18 only
security firewall—
displays firewall security statistics for the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 7705 SAR-18 only
displays all applicable statistics aggregated over all MDAs in the system. This command applies only to the 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-W, and 7705 SAR-Wx.
displays all adapter cards that have been configured to collect fabric port statistics. For the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2, only one adapter card can have fabric statistics enabled.  For the 7705 SAR-18, multiple adapter cards can have fabric statistics enabled.
accesses the commands to show the FDB and statistics on a ring adapter card. See the fdb command for more information.

The following outputs are examples of MDA information:

  1. MDA Detailed (Output Example, Table 38)
  2. MDA Fabric Security Encryption Statistics (Output Example (security encryption), Table 43)
  3. MDA Fabric Security Firewall Statistics (Output Example (security firewall), Table 44)
  4. MDA With Fabric Statistics (Output Example, Table 45)
  5. MDA Aggregate-Statistics (Output Example, Table 46)
Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show mda 1/1
MDA 1/1
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     1     a6-em                                       up        provisioned
*A:ALU-1># show mda 1/2
MDA 1/2
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     2     a4-oc3                                      up        provisioned
*A:ALU-1># show mda 1/3
MDA 1/3
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     3     a16-chds1v2                                 up        provisioned
*A:ALU-1># show mda 1/4
MDA 1/4
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     4     a4-chds3v2                                  up        provisioned
*A:NOK-1># show mda 1/6
MDA 1/6
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     6     a2-choc3              Unknown               up        failed
Table 37:  MDA Field Descriptions  




The card slot number (always 1)


The adapter card slot number

Provisioned Type

The provisioned adapter card type

Equipped Type (if different)

The adapter card type actually installed in the slot if different from the provisioned type

Admin State

up: the adapter card is administratively up

down: the adapter card is administratively down

Operational State

up: the adapter card is operationally up

down: the adapter card is operationally down

provisioned: there is no adapter card in the slot but it has been preconfigured

failed: the provisioned adapter card has operationally failed

Output Example

The following example shows the details of a 12-port Serial Data Interface card in slot 1.

*A:ALU-1># show mda 1/1 detail
MDA 1/1 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     1     a12-sdiv2                                   up        provisioned
MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 12
    Number of ports equipped      : 12
    Transmit timing selected      : CPM Card A
    Sync interface timing status  : Qualified
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Capabilities                  : Serial, PPP, FR, HDLC, cHDLC, CEM 
    Min channel size              : PDH DS0 Group
    Max channel size              : Serial RS-232
    Max number of channels        : 12
    Channels in use               : 2
CEM MDA Specific Data
    Clock Mode                    : n/a
Hardware Data
    Part number                   :
    CLEI code                     :
    Serial number                 :
    Manufacture date              :
    Manufacturing string          :
    Manufacturing deviations      :
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : provisioned
    Software version              : N/A
    Time of last boot             : N/A
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared
    Base MAC address              :

The following example shows the details of a 6-port E&M Adapter card in slot 1.

*A:ALU-1># show mda 1/1 detail
MDA 1/1 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     1     a6-em                                       up        provisioned
MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 6
    Number of ports equipped      : 6
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Transmit timing selected      : CPM Card A
    Sync interface timing status  : Qualified
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Capabilities                  : Voice, CEM
    Min channel size              : PDH DS0 Group
    Max channel size              : Voice E&M
    Max number of channels        : 6
    Channels in use               : 6
CEM MDA Specific Data
    Clock Mode                    : n/a
Voice MDA Specific Data
    Companding Law                : a-law
    Signaling Type                : type-v
Hardware Data
    Part number                   : 3HE03126AAAA0101
    CLEI code                     : IPUCAXU1AA
    Serial number                 : NS000L00065
    Manufacture date              : 10142009
    Manufacturing string          : E&M Init
    Manufacturing deviations      :
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : up
    Temperature                   : 31C
    Temperature threshold         : 75C
    Software version              : N/A
    Time of last boot             : 2010/01/08 14:08:17
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared
    Base MAC address              : 00:25:ba:c2:cb:fe

The following example shows the details of a 4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card in slot 2.

*A:ALU-1># show mda 1/2 detail
MDA 1/2 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     2     a4-oc3                                      up        provisioned
MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 4
    Number of ports equipped      : 4
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Transmit timing selected      : CPM Card A
    Sync interface timing status  : Qualified
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Capabilities                  : Sonet, PPP, ATM
    Min channel size              : Sonet STS-3
    Max channel size              : Sonet STS-3
    Max number of channels        : 4
    Channels in use               : 3
Hardware Data
    Part number                   :
    CLEI code                     :
    Serial number                 :
    Manufacture date              :
    Manufacturing string          :
    Manufacturing deviations      :
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : provisioned
    Software version              : N/A
    Time of last boot             : N/A
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared
    Base MAC address              :

The following example shows the details of a 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card in slot 6.

*A:NOK-1># show mda 1/6 detail
MDA 1/6 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
      6     a16-chds1v2                                 up        provisioned
                (not equipped)
MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 16
    Number of ports equipped      : 16
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Fabric Port Speed-Hardware    : 1000000 kbps
    Fabric Port Speed-In-Use      : 1000000 kbps
    Network security queue policy : 1
    Access security queue policy  : 1
    Security aggregate rate       : 50000
    Access ingress shaper policy  : N/A
    Capabilities                  : TDM, PPP, ATM, CEM
    Min channel size              : PDH DS0 Group
    Max channel size              : PDH DS1
    Max number of channels        : 256
    Channels in use               : 0
    Capability mode               : cem-atm-ppp
CEM MDA Specific Data
    Clock Mode                    : dcr-acr
    Timestamp Frequency           : 77760
ATM MDA Specific Data
    ATM Mode                      : max8k-vc
Hardware Data
    Part number                   :
    CLEI code                     :
    Serial number                 :
    Manufacture date              :
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : provisioned
    Software version              : (Not Specified)
    Time of last boot             : N/A
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared
    Base MAC address              :

The following example shows the details of a 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card in slot 4.

*A:NOK-1># show mda 1/4 detail
MDA 1/4 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     4     a4-chds3v2                                  up        up           
MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 4                                          
    Number of ports equipped      : 4                                          
    Network ingress queue policy  : default                                    
    Transmit timing selected      : CPM Card A
    Sync interface timing status  : Qualified
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1                                          
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1                                          
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE                                      
    Capabilities                  : TDM, PPP, ATM                              
    Min channel size              : PDH DS3                                    
    Max channel size              : PDH DS3                                    
    Max number of channels        : 2048                                       
    Channels in use               : 4                                          
Hardware Data
    Part number                   : 3HE04962AAAA0101                           
    CLEI code                     : IPUIBFXDAA                                 
    Serial number                 : NS000L0007N                                
    Manufacture date              : 10272009                                   
    Manufacturing string          : Initial release                            
    Manufacturing deviations      :                                            
    Administrative state          : up                                         
    Operational state             : up                                         
    Temperature                   : 28C                                        
    Temperature threshold         : 75C                                        
    Software version              : N/A                                        
    Time of last boot             : 2009/11/23 12:59:45                        
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared                              
    Base MAC address              : 00:25:ba:33:2d:7c                          

The following example shows the details of a 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card in slot 6.

A:ALU-1># show mda 1/6 detail
MDA 1/6 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     6     a2-choc3                                    up        failed
MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 2
    Number of ports equipped      : 2
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Transmit timing selected      : CPM Card A
    Sync interface timing status  : Qualified
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Capabilities                  : Sonet, TDM, PPP, ATM, CEM
    Min channel size              : PDH DS0 Group
    Max channel size              : PDH DS3
    Max number of channels        : 512
    Channels in use               : 1
CEM MDA Specific Data
    Clock Mode                    : adaptive
Hardware Data
    Part number                   :
    CLEI code                     :
    Serial number                 :
    Manufacture date              :
    Manufacturing string          :
    Manufacturing deviations      :
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : failed
    Failure Reason                : MDA type unknown in this build
    Software version              : N/A
    Time of last boot             : N/A
    Current alarm state           : alarm active
    Base MAC address              :

The following example shows the details of an 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card in slot 6.

*A:ALU-1> show mda 1/6 detail
MDA 1/6 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     6     a8-vt                                       up        up           
MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 8
    Number of ports equipped      : 8
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Transmit timing selected      : CPM Card A
    Sync interface timing status  : Qualified
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Capabilities                  : TDM, Voice, CEM
    Min channel size              : PDH DS0 Group
    Max channel size              : Voice FXO
    Max number of channels        : 8
    Channels in use               : 2
CEM MDA Specific Data
    Clock Mode                    : n/a
Voice MDA Specific Data
    Companding Law                : mu-law
    Signaling Type                : n/a
Hardware Data
    Part number                   : Sim Part#
    CLEI code                     : Sim CLEI
    Serial number                 : mda-6
    Manufacture date              : 01012003
    Manufacturing variant         : ch1: 1471 ch2: 1491
    Manufacturing string          : Sim MfgString mda-6
    Manufacturing deviations      : Sim MfgDeviation mda-6
    Administrative state          : down
    Operational state             : down
    Temperature                   : 36C
    Temperature threshold         : 75C
    Software version              : N/A
    Time of last boot             : 2011/07/18 14:39:12
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared
    Base MAC address              : a4:8d:01:06:00:01

The following example shows the details of an 8-port C37.94 Teleprotection card in slot 12 on a 7705 SAR-18.

*A:Sar18> show mda 1/12 detail
MDA 1/12 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     12    a8-c3794                                    up        provisioned
                (not equipped)
MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 8
    Number of ports equipped      : 8
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Fabric Port Speed-Hardware    : 1000000 kbps
    Fabric Port Speed-In-Use      : 1000000 kbps
    Network security queue policy : 1
    Access security queue policy  : 1
    Security aggregate rate       : 50000
    Access ingress shaper policy  : N/A
    Capabilities                  : TDM, CEM
    Min channel size              : PDH DS0 Group
    Max channel size              : Data TPIF
    Max number of channels        : 8
    Channels in use               : 0
CEM MDA Specific Data
    Clock Mode                    : n/a
Hardware Data
    Part number                   :
    CLEI code                     :
    Serial number                 :
    Manufacture date              :
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : provisioned
    Software version              : (Not Specified)
    Time of last boot             : N/A
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared
    Base MAC address              :
A:Sar18 Dut-B#

The following example shows the details of an 8-port FXO Adapter card in slot 6.

*A:ALU-1> show mda 1/6 detail
MDA 1/6 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     6     a8-fxo                                      up        up           
MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 8
    Number of ports equipped      : 8
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Capabilities                  : Voice, CEM
    Min channel size              : PDH DS0 Group
    Max channel size              : Voice FXO
    Max number of channels        : 8
    Channels in use               : 1
CEM MDA Specific Data
    Clock Mode                    : n/a
Voice MDA Specific Data
    Companding Law                : mu-law
    Signaling Type                : n/a
Hardware Data
    Part number                   : Sim Part#
    CLEI code                     : Sim CLEI
    Serial number                 : mda-6
    Manufacture date              : 01012003
    Manufacturing variant         : ch1: 1471 ch2: 1491
    Manufacturing string          : Sim MfgString mda-6
    Manufacturing deviations      : Sim MfgDeviation mda-6
    Administrative state          : down
    Operational state             : down
    Temperature                   : 36C
    Temperature threshold         : 75C
    Software version              : N/A
    Time of last boot             : 2011/07/18 14:39:12
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared
    Base MAC address              : a4:8d:01:06:00:01

The following example shows the details of a 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card in x10-1gb-sfp mode in slot X1 on a 7705 SAR-18.

*A:ALU-1> show mda 1/X1 detail
MDA 1/X1 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     X1     x-10GigE-v2                                up        up           
MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 10
    Number of ports equipped      : 10
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Capabilities                  : Ethernet
    Min channel size              : Sonet STS-192
    Max channel size              : Sonet STS-192
    Max number of channels        : 10
    Channels in use               : 2
    Capability mode               : x10-1gb-sfp
Hardware Data
    Part number                   : Sim Part#
    CLEI code                     : Sim CLEI
    Serial number                 : mda-X1
    Manufacture date              : 01012011
    Manufacturing variant         : ch1: 1471 ch2: 1491
    Manufacturing string          : Sim MfgString mda-X1
    Manufacturing deviations      : Sim MfgDeviation mda-X1
    Administrative state          : down
    Operational state             : down
    Software version              : N/A
    Time of last boot             : 2011/07/18 14:39:12
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared
    Base MAC address              : a4:8d:01:06:00:01

The following example shows the details of a 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card in slot 11 on a 7705 SAR-18.

*A:ALU-1> show mda 1/11 detail
MDA 1/11 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     11    a2-10gb-xfp                                 up        failed
MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 3
    Number of ports equipped      : 3
    Sync-E Capable                : TRUE
    Network ingress queue policy  : r.nw.q3
    Network Ring queue policy     : r.nw.q2
    Network Ring qos policy       : 1
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Capabilities                  : Ethernet
    Min channel size              : Sonet STS-192
    Max channel size              : Sonet STS-192
    Max number of channels        : 3
    Channels in use               : 0
Hardware Data
    Part number                   :
    CLEI code                     :
    Serial number                 :
    Manufacture date              :
    Manufacturing string          :
    Manufacturing deviations      :
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : failed
    Failure Reason                : MDA type unknown in this build
    Software version              : N/A
    Time of last boot             : N/A
    Current alarm state           : alarm active
    Base MAC address              :
QOS Settings
Table 38:  MDA Detail Field Descriptions  




The card slot number (always 1)


The adapter card slot number

Provisioned Type

The provisioned adapter card type

Equipped Type (if different)

The adapter card type actually installed in the slot if different from the provisioned type

Admin State

up: the adapter card is administratively up

down: the adapter card is administratively down

Operational State

up: the adapter card is operationally up

down: the adapter card is operationally down

provisioned: there is no adapter card in the slot but it has been preconfigured

failed: the provisioned adapter card has operationally failed

MDA Specific Data

Maximum port count

The maximum number of ports that can be equipped on the adapter card

Number of ports equipped

The number of ports that are actually equipped on the adapter card

Transmit timing selected

The CSM clock used for the transmit clock. It should be the active CSM except during a system or MDA initialization or during an activity switch.

Sync-E Capable

TRUE: the adapter card supports synchronous Ethernet timing

FALSE: the adapter card does not support synchronous Ethernet timing

Sync interface timing status

The status of synchronization interface timing; it should be qualified except during a system or MDA initialization or during an activity switch

Network Ring queue policy

The network queue policy applied to the ring port on the adapter card to define the queuing structure for this object

Network Ring qos policy

The network QoS policy applied to the ring port on this adapter card

Network ingress queue policy

The network ingress queue policy applied to the adapter card to define the queuing structure for this object

Network ingress fabric policy

The network ingress fabric policy applied to the adapter card

Access ingress fabric policy

The access ingress fabric policy applied to the adapter card

Fabric Stats Enabled

TRUE: the collection of fabric statistics is enabled on the adapter card

FALSE: the collection of fabric statistics is disabled on the adapter card


The protocols that can be run on the adapter card

Min channel size

The minimum channel size on the adapter card

Max channel size

The maximum channel size on the adapter card

Max number of channels

The maximum number of channels supported on the adapter card

Channels in use

The number of channels being used on the adapter card

Capability mode

The adapter card mode (mda-mode) for cards that support mda-mode

CEM MDA Specific Data

Clock Mode

The clocking mode used on the adapter card

Voice MDA Specific Data

Companding Law

The companding law used on the adapter card

Signaling Type

The signaling type used on the adapter card

Hardware Data

Part number

The hardware part number

CLEI code

The code used to identify the adapter card

Serial number

The adapter card part number

Manufacture date

The adapter card manufacture date

Manufacturing variant

The adapter card manufacture variant

Manufacturing string

A factory-inputted manufacturing text string

Manufacturing deviations

A record of changes done to the hardware or software that is outside the normal revision control process

Administrative state

up: the adapter card is administratively up

down: the adapter card is administratively down

Operational state

up: the adapter card is operationally up

down: the adapter card is operationally down

provisioned: there is no adapter card in the slot but it has been preconfigured

failed: the provisioned adapter card has operationally failed


The internal chassis temperature

Temperature threshold

The value above which the internal temperature must rise in order to indicate that the temperature is critical

Software version

The software version number

Time of last boot

The date and time the most recent boot occurred

Current alarm state

The alarm conditions for the specific adapter card

Base MAC address

The base MAC address of the hardware component

Output Example (source-mda and dest-mda)

The following example shows an MDA fabric statistics display if the source-mda keyword is used.

*A:ALU-1># show mda 1/5 statistics source-mda
Statistic of Source MDA 1/5
Unicast to Destination MDA  1/1     Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  4203305               311044570            
    Network In Profile dropped   :  933497                69078778             
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  934317                69139458             
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  700120                51808880             
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  4246150               314215100            
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  708419                52423006             
    Access dropped               :  1885052               139493848            
Unicast to Destination MDA  1/2     Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  187130                13847620             
    Network In Profile dropped   :  41164                 3046136              
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  41766                 3090684              
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  30873                 2284602              
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  640974                47432076             
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  108549                8032626              
    Access dropped               :  279832                20707568             
Unicast to Destination MDA  1/3     Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  229693                16997282             
    Network In Profile dropped   :  50499                 3736926              
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  51280                 3794720              
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  37872                 2802528              
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  140170                10372580             
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  24595                 1820030              
    Access dropped               :  58680                 4342320              
Unicast to Destination MDA  1/4     Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  403805                29881570             
    Network In Profile dropped   :  89105                 6593770              
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  90008                 6660592              
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  66827                 4945198              
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  256362                18970788             
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  44097                 3263178              
    Access dropped               :  109920                8134080              
Unicast to Destination MDA  1/5     Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  396270                403402860            
    Network In Profile dropped   :  87752                 89331536             
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  88190                 89777420             
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  65817                 67001706             
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  2719693               201257282            
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  455549                33710626             
    Access dropped               :  1202105               88955770             
Unicast to Destination MDA  1/6     Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  585296                595831328            
    Network In Profile dropped   :  129704                132038672            
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  130222                132565996            
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  97278                 99029004             
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  5948753               440207722            
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  995919                73698006             
    Access dropped               :  2630809               194679866            
Multipoint                          Packets               Octets               
    Network In Profile forwarded :  585296                595831328            
    Network In Profile dropped   :  129704                132038672            
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  130222                132565996            
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  97278                 99029004             
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  5948753               440207722            
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  995919                73698006             
    Access dropped               :  2630809               194679866            
    Total Network forwarded :       7341282               1676034100           
    Total Network dropped   :       2330508               531697736            
    Total Access forwarded  :       16289230              1205403020           
    Total Access dropped    :       6166398               456313452            

The following example shows an MDA fabric statistics display if the dest-mda keyword is used.

*A:ALU-1># show mda 1/5 statistics dest-mda
Statistic of Destination MDA 1/5 
Drop Events: 0
Unicast from Source MDA  1/1        Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  520148                529510664            
    Network In Profile dropped   :  64852                 66019336             
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  65075                 66246350             
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  32425                 33008650             
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  5614550               415476700            
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  661714                48966836             
    Access dropped               :  657705                48670170             
Unicast from Source MDA  1/2        Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  4146                  1733028              
    Network In Profile dropped   :  480                   200640               
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  531                   221958               
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  240                   100320               
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  204744                15151056             
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  15318                 1133532              
    Access dropped               :  25565                 1891810              
Unicast from Source MDA  1/3        Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  32470                 30617292             
    Network In Profile dropped   :  3890                  3664068              
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  4127                  3894682              
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  1933                  1818878              
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  510301                37762274             
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  34691                 2567134              
    Access dropped               :  66951                 4954374              
Unicast from Source MDA  1/4       Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  0                     0                    
    Network In Profile dropped   :  0                     0                    
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  0                     0                    
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  0                     0                    
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  491695                126976722            
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  24867                 7435050              
    Access dropped               :  23790                 2271932              
Unicast from Source MDA  1/5        Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  950101                967202818            
    Network In Profile dropped   :  118649                120784682            
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  118803                120941454            
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  59322                 60389796             
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  187631                191008358            
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  12594                 12820692             
    Access dropped               :  24894                 25342092             
Unicast from Source MDA  1/6        Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  1494108               1521001944           
    Network In Profile dropped   :  186642                190001556            
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  186811                190173598            
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  93314                 94993652             
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  1473381               1499873582           
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  173421                176539142            
    Access dropped               :  173142                176255492            
Total Unicast Network forwarded  :  3376320               3431543788         
Total Unicast Network dropped    :  561747                570981578          
Total Unicast Access forwarded   :  9404907               2535711078         
Total Unicast Access dropped     :  972047                259385870          
Fabric Firewall Stats               Packets               Octets
    Unicast Forwarded   :           1929191               N/A
    Multicast Forwarded :           1046297               N/A
    Total Forwarded     :           2975488               0
    Total Dropped       :           0                     0
Fabric Global Stats                 Packets               Octets
    Unicast Forwarded   :           1929191               N/A
    Multicast Forwarded :           1046297               N/A
    Total Forwarded     :           2975488               N/A
    Total Dropped       :           0                     N/A
Table 39:  MDA Fabric Statistics Field Descriptions 



Statistic of Source MDA

If the source-mda keyword is specified in the show statistics command, displays the network and access ingress traffic statistics from the specified adapter card towards the fabric and towards a destination adapter card. The sum of traffic forwarded or dropped is also displayed.

Unicast to Destination MDA Packets/Octets

Network In Profile forwarded: the number of unicast network in-profile packets/octets forwarded from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card

Network In Profile dropped: the number of unicast network in-profile packets/octets dropped from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Network Out Profile forwarded: the number of unicast network out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Network Out Profile dropped: the number of unicast network out-of-profile packets/octets dropped from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Access In Profile forwarded: the number of unicast access in-profile packets/octets forwarded from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Access Out Profile forwarded: the number of unicast access out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Access dropped: the number of unicast access out-of-profile packets/octets and access in-profile packets/octets dropped from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Multipoint (for source-mda)

Network In Profile forwarded: the number of multipoint network in-profile packets/octets forwarded from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Network In Profile dropped: the number of multipoint network in-profile packets/octets dropped from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Network Out Profile forwarded: the number of multipoint network out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Network Out Profile dropped: the number of multipoint network out-of-profile packets/octets dropped from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Access In Profile forwarded: the number of multipoint access in-profile packets/octets forwarded from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Access Out Profile forwarded: the number of multipoint access out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Access dropped: the number of multipoint access out-of-profile packets/octets and access in-profile packets/octets dropped from the adapter card specified in the show mda command towards the fabric, then to the output destination adapter card  1

Total Network forwarded Packets/Octets

The number of network in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded

Total Network dropped Packets/Octets

The number of network in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets dropped

Total Access forwarded Packets/Octets

The number of access in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded

Total Access dropped Packets/Octets

The number of access in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets dropped

Statistic of Destination MDA

If the dest-mda keyword is specified in the show statistics command, displays the network and access ingress statistics from all source adapter cards going towards the fabric and destined for the specified adapter card. Global fabric statistics are also displayed, as well as the fabric port statistics if the destination adapter card has the collection of fabric statistics enabled. The sum of traffic forwarded or dropped is also displayed.

Drop Events

The number of packets that are dropped from the buffer at the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 or 7705 SAR-18 adapter card port instead of being transferred to the fabric. Drop events only occur if an excessive amount of traffic is flowing through the ports, which causes the buffers to fill up; under normal circumstances, this statistic should always be 0.

Unicast from Source MDA Packets/Octets

Network In Profile forwarded: the number of network in-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command  2

Network In Profile dropped: the number of network in-profile packets/octets dropped from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command  2

Network Out Profile forwarded: the number of network out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command  2

Network Out Profile dropped: the number of network out-of-profile packets/octets dropped from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command  2

Access In Profile forwarded: the number of access in-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command  2

Access Out Profile forwarded: the number of access out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command  2

Access dropped: the number of access in-profile packets/octets and out-of-profile packets/octets dropped from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command  2

Total Unicast Network forwarded Packets/Octets

The number of unicast network in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded

Total Unicast Network dropped Packets/Octets

The number of unicast network in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets dropped

Total Unicast Access forwarded Packets/Octets

The number of unicast access in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded

Total Unicast Access dropped Packets/Octets

The number of unicast access in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets dropped

Fabric Global Stats Packets/Octets  3

If the dest-mda keyword is specified in the show mda statistics command, displays the global fabric statistics collected from the fabric. The statistics include all traffic switched over the fabric, which includes traffic to all adapter cards and all internal traffic such as traffic destined for the CSM.

Unicast Forwarded: the number of forwarded unicast packets/octets switched over the fabric

Multicast Forwarded: the number of forwarded multicast packets/octets switched over the fabric

Total Forwarded: the total number of forwarded packets/octets switched over the fabric

Total Dropped: the total number of dropped packets/octets switched over the fabric


  1. Destination MDA 1/x in the output field, where x = 1 to 6 on the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 1 to 12 and X1 to X4 on the 7705 SAR-18.
  2. Source MDA 1/x in the output field, where x = 1 to 6 on the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 1 to 12 and X1 to X4 on the 7705 SAR-18.
  3. Fabric Global Stats octet counts are supported only on the 7705 SAR-18. For other 7705 SAR products, “N/A” is displayed in these fields.
Output Example (ip-transport statistics)

The following example shows an MDA fabric statistics display when the ip-transport keyword is used. The keyword applies only to the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 7705 SAR-18.

*A:ALU-1># show mda 1/1 statistics ip-transport
IP Transport Statistics
IP Transport Queue Statistics
Network Ingress Queue               Packets               Bytes
    Forwarded              :        99                    34238
    Dropped                :        0                     0
Access Ingress Queue                Packets               Bytes
    Forwarded              :        50                    29250
    Dropped                :        0                     0
Serial Socket Queue Statistics
Access Ingress Queue                Packets               Bytes
    Forwarded              :        0                     0
    Dropped                :        0                     0
Table 40:  MDA Fabric IP-Transport Statistics Field Descriptions 



IP Transport Statistics

IP Transport Queue Statistics

Network Ingress Queue



The number of IP-Transport subservice network ingress queued packets and bytes that were forwarded and dropped

Access Ingress Queue



The number of IP-Transport subservice access ingress queued packets and bytes that were forwarded and dropped

Serial Socket Queue Statistics

Access Ingress Queue



The number of serial raw socket access ingress queued packets and bytes that were forwarded and dropped

Output Example (Cflowd Statistics)

The following example shows an MDA fabric statistics display when the cflowd keyword is used.

*A:ALU-1# show mda 1/1 statistics cflowd
Cflowd Queue Statistics
Cflowd Queue                        Packets               Bytes 
    forwarded   :                   0                     0
    dropped     :                   0                     0
Table 41:  MDA Fabric Cflowd Statistics Field Descriptions 



Cflowd Queue Statistics

Cflowd Queue



The number of forwarded and dropped Cflowd packets and bytes

Output Example (mirror statistics)

The following example shows an MDA fabric statistics display when the mirror keyword is used. The statistics mirror keywords apply only to the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2, 7705 SAR-18, and 7705 SAR-X. The aggregate-statistics mirror keywords apply only to the 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-W, and 7705 SAR-Wx. Refer to the “Mirroring” chapter in the 7705 SAR OAM and Diagnostics Guide for more information on mirroring.

*A:ALU-1# show mda 1/1 statistics mirror
mirror Statistics
mirror Queue Statistics
Mirror Queue 1 Best-effort       Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 2 Best-effort       Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 3 Best-effort       Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 4 Best-effort       Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 5 Expedited         Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 6 Expedited         Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 7 Expedited         Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 8 Expedited         Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Table 42:  MDA Fabric Mirror Statistics Field Descriptions 



Mirror Queue Statistics for Mirror Queue 1 to 4

In Profile forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the mirror queue for in-profile and best-effort traffic

In Profile dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the mirror queue for in-profile and best-effort traffic

Out Profile forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the mirror queue for out-of-profile and best-effort traffic

Out Profile dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the mirror queue for out-of-profile and best-effort traffic

Mirror Queue Statistics for Mirror Queue 5 to 8

In Profile forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the mirror queue for in-profile and expedited traffic

In Profile dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the mirror queue for in-profile and expedited traffic

Out Profile forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the mirror queue for out-of-profile and expedited traffic

Out Profile dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the mirror queue for out-of-profile and expedited traffic

Output Example (security encryption)

The following example shows an MDA fabric statistics display when the security encryption keywords are used. The security encryption keywords apply only to the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and the 7705 SAR-18. Refer to the “IPSec” section in the 7705 SAR Services Guide for more information on IPSec security.

*A:ALU-1# show mda 1/1 statistics security encryption
MDA 1/1 Security Statistics
IPsec Datapath Statistics
    Encrypted packets             : 382893273
    Encrypted bytes               : 187617703770
    Outbound dropped packets      : 130532
    Outbound SA misses            : 130532
    Outbound policy entry misses  : 0
    Decrypted packets             : 382878423
    Decrypted bytes               : 187610427270
    Inbound dropped packets       : 0
    Inbound SA misses             : 0
    Inbound IP dst/src mismatches : 0
    Transmit packet errors        : 0
    Drop Too Big/Df-set Pkts      : 0
IPsec Control Statistics (System Wide)
    Static IPsec Tunnels          : 1
    Dynamic IPsec Tunnels         : 0
IPsec Queue Statistics
Decryption Queue Best-effort     Packets                Bytes
    Hi Priority forwarded  :        0                     0
    Hi Priority dropped    :        0                     0
    Low Priority forwarded :        383236465             2018336468
    Low Priority dropped   :        0                     0
Decryption Queue Expedited       Packets                Bytes
    Hi Priority forwarded  :        0                     0
    Hi Priority dropped    :        0                     0
    Low Priority forwarded :        0                     0
    Low Priority dropped   :        0                     0
Encryption Queue Best-effort     Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        383494130             3228529972
    Out Profile dropped     :       0                     0
Encryption Queue Expedited       Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped     :       0                     0
Encryption Queue CTL             Packets                Bytes
    Forwarded :                     0                     0
    Dropped   :                     0                     0
Table 43:  MDA Fabric Security Encryption Statistics Field Descriptions 



IPsec Datapath Statistics

Encrypted packets

The total number of packets encrypted by the adapter card to be sent out IPSec tunnels

Encrypted bytes

The total number of bytes encrypted by the adapter card to be sent out IPSec tunnels

Outbound dropped packets

The total number of outbound packets dropped instead of encrypted and sent out IPSec tunnels

Outbound SA misses

The number of Security Association-related mismatches in the outbound direction

Outbound policy entry misses

The number of security policy entry mismatches in the outbound direction

Decrypted packets

The total number of decrypted packets

Decrypted bytes

The total number of decrypted bytes

Inbound dropped packets

The total number packets dropped instead of forwarded

Inbound SA misses

The number of inbound Security Association-related misses (that is, having mismatched security parameter index (SPI) on manual keyed tunnel)

Inbound IP dst/src mismatches

The number of security policy entry mismatches in the inbound direction due to IP destination or source address mismatches

Transmit packet errors

The number of generic packet transmit errors

Drop Too Big/Df-set Pkts

The number of packets dropped because the packet is too big and the do-not-fragment flag is set

IPsec Control Statistics (System Wide)

Static IPsec Tunnels

The number of static IPSec tunnels configured on the 7705 SAR

Dynamic IPsec Tunnels

Not applicable (always 0)

Encryption/Decryption Queue Statistics

Decryption Queue Best-effort

Hi Priority forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the decryption queue for high priority and best effort traffic

Hi Priority dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the decryption queue for high priority and best effort traffic

Low Priority forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the decryption queue for low priority and best effort traffic

Low Priority dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the decryption queue for low priority and best effort traffic

Decryption Queue Expedited

Hi Priority forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the decryption queue for high priority and expedited traffic

Hi Priority dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the decryption queue for high priority and expedited traffic

Low Priority forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the decryption queue for low priority and expedited traffic

Low Priority dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the decryption queue for low priority and expedited traffic

Encryption Queue Best-effort

In Profile forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the encryption queue for in-profile and best effort traffic

In Profile dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the encryption queue for in-profile and best effort traffic

Out Profile forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the encryption queue for out-of-profile and best effort traffic

Out Profile dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the encryption queue for out-of-profile and best effort traffic

Encryption Queue Expedited

In Profile forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the encryption queue for in-profile and expedited traffic

In Profile dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the encryption queue for in-profile and expedited traffic

Out Profile forwarded

The number of packets and octets forwarded by the encryption queue for out-of-profile and expedited traffic

Out Profile dropped

The number of packets and octets dropped by the encryption queue for out-of-profile and expedited traffic

Encryption Queue CTL


The number of packets and octets forwarded by the encryption queue for control path traffic


The number of packets and octets dropped by the encryption queue for control path traffic

Output Example (security firewall)

The following example shows an MDA fabric statistics display when the security firewall keywords are used. The security firewall keywords apply only to the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 7705 SAR-18. Refer to the “Security Parameters” section in the 7705 SAR Router Configuration Guide for more information on firewall security.

*A:ALU-1# show mda 1/6 statistics security firewall
Firewall Statistics
Firewall Queue Statistics
Network Queue 1 Best-effort         Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Network Queue 2 Expedited           Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Access Queue 1 Best-effort          Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Access Queue 2 Expedited            Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Table 44:  MDA Fabric Security Firewall Statistics Field Descriptions 



Network Queue 1 Best-effort

The statistics for the best-effort network queue; queue 1 is always for best-effort traffic

Network Queue 2 Expedited

The statistics for the expedited network queue; queue 2 is always for expedited traffic

Access Queue 1 Best-effort

The statistics for the best-effort access queue; queue 1 is always for best-effort traffic

Access Queue 2 Best-effort

The statistics for the expedited access queue; queue 2 is always for expedited traffic

In Profile forwarded

The number of packets and bytes forwarded by the security queue for in-profile best-effort or expedited traffic

In Profile dropped

The number of packets and bytes dropped by the security queue for in-profile best-effort or expedited traffic

Out Profile forwarded

The number of packets and bytes forwarded by the security queue for out-of-profile best-effort or expedited traffic

Out Profile dropped

The number of packets and bytes dropped by the security queue for out-of-profile best-effort or expedited traffic

Output Example

The following example shows an MDA fabric statistics display if the with-fabric-stats keyword is used.

*A:ALU-1# show mda with-fabric-stats
Summary of MDA's With Fabric Stats Enabled
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     1     a12-sdiv2                                   down      provisioned
Table 45:  MDA With Fabric Statistics Field Descriptions 




The card slot number (always 1)


The adapter card slot number

Provisioned Type

The provisioned adapter card type

Equipped Type (if different)

The adapter card type actually installed in the slot if different from the provisioned type

Admin State

up: the adapter card is administratively up

down: the adapter card is administratively down

Operational State

up: the adapter card is operationally up

down: the adapter card is operationally down

provisioned: there is no adapter card in the slot but it has been preconfigured

failed: the provisioned adapter card has operationally failed

Output Example

The following example shows aggregate statistics for access and network ingress fabric traffic on the 7705 SAR-M when the aggregate-statistics keyword is used. The displays on the 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-W, 7705 SAR-Wx, 7705 SAR-H, and 7705 SAR-Hc look similar. Additionally, on the 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-W, 7705 SAR-Wx, 7705 SAR-H, and 7705 SAR-Hc, the displays include IPSec security statistics. Refer to the “IPSec” section in the 7705 SAR Services Guide for more information on IPSec security. On the 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-Ax and 7705 SAR-Wx, the displays include the aggregated firewall security statistics. On the 7705 SAR-H and 7705 SAR-Hc, the displays include IP transport statistics.

*A:ALU-1># show mda aggregate-statistics 
Drop Events: 0
Unicast from All MDA’s to MDA  1/1  Packets          Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  0                0            
    Network In Profile dropped   :  0                0             
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  0                0             
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  0                0             
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  0                0            
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  6592860          6724717200             
    Access dropped               :  1070278          1093824116             
Unicast from All MDA’s to MDA  1/2  Packets          Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  0                0              
    Network In Profile dropped   :  0                0               
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  0                0               
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  0                0               
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  0                0             
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  0                0              
    Access dropped               :  0                0              
Unicast from All MDA’s to MDA  1/3  Packets          Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  0                0            
    Network In Profile dropped   :  0                0              
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  0                0              
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  0                0              
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  0                0             
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  0                0              
    Access dropped               :  0                0              
Multicast from All MDA’s           Packets           Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  0                0            
    Network In Profile dropped   :  0                0            
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  0                0            
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  0                0             
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  0                0            
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  0                0             
    Access dropped               :  0                0             
Total Network forwarded  :  0                0         
Total Network dropped    :  0                0          
Total Access forwarded   :  6592860          6724717200         
Total Access dropped     :  1070278          1093824116          
Aggregated Cflowd Queue Statistics
Cflowd Queue                        Packets               Bytes 
    forwarded   :                   0                     0
    dropped     :                   0                     0

The following example shows the inclusion of IPSec security statistics on 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-W, 7705 SAR-Wx, 7705 SAR-H, and 7705 SAR-Hc displays.

*A:ALU-1# show mda aggregate-statistics
Aggregated Statistics
Drop Events :                       0
Unicast from All MDA's to MDA 1/1  Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  0                     0
    Network In Profile dropped   :  0                     0
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  0                     0
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  0                     0
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  0                     0
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  0                     0
    Access dropped               :  0                     0
Multicast from All MDA's          Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  0                     0
    Network In Profile dropped   :  0                     0
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  0                     0
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  0                     0
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  0                     0
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  0                     0
    Access dropped               :  0                     0
Total Network forwarded  :          0                     0
Total Network dropped    :          0                     0
Total Access forwarded   :          0                     0
Total Access dropped     :          0                     0
Aggregated Security Statistics
IPsec Datapath Statistics
    Encrypted packets             : 2114116
    Encrypted bytes               : 2997816488
    Outbound dropped packets      : 1928
    Outbound SA misses            : 1928
    Outbound policy entry misses  : 0
    Decrypted packets             : 2104241
    Decrypted bytes               : 2983813738
    Inbound dropped packets       : 207
    Inbound SA misses             : 207
    Inbound IP dst/src mismatches : 0
    Inbound IP fragmented packets : 0
    Transmit packet errors        : 0
    Drop Too Big/Df-set Pkts      : 0
IPsec Control Statistics (System Wide)
    Static IPsec Tunnels          : 4
    Dynamic IPsec Tunnels         : 0
IPsec Queue Statistics
Decryption Queue Best-effort     Packets                Bytes
    Hi Priority forwarded  :        0                     0                    
    Hi Priority dropped    :        0                     0                    
    Low Priority forwarded :        2105076               3056570352           
    Low Priority dropped   :        0                     0                    
Decryption Queue Expedited       Packets                Bytes
    Hi Priority forwarded  :        0                     0                    
    Hi Priority dropped    :        0                     0                    
    Low Priority forwarded :        0                     0                    
    Low Priority dropped   :        0                     0                    
Encryption Queue Best-effort     Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        893166                1266509388           
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0                    
    Out Profile forwarded  :        1221786               1732492548           
    Out Profile dropped     :       0                     0                    
Encryption Queue Expedited       Packets                Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0                    
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0                    
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0                    
    Out Profile dropped     :       0                     0                    
Encryption Queue CTL             Packets                Bytes
    Forwarded :                     0                     0                    
    Dropped   :                     0                     0                    

The following example shows the inclusion of aggregated firewall security statistics on the 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-Ax and 7705 SAR-Wx displays.

*A:ALU-1# show mda aggregate-statistics
Aggregated Statistics
Drop Events :                       0
Unicast from All MDA's to MDA 1/1  Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  0                     0
    Network In Profile dropped   :  0                     0
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  0                     0
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  0                     0
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  0                     0
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  0                     0
    Access dropped               :  0                     0
Multicast from All MDA's          Packets               Octets
    Network In Profile forwarded :  0                     0
    Network In Profile dropped   :  0                     0
    Network Out Profile forwarded:  0                     0
    Network Out Profile dropped  :  0                     0
    Access In Profile forwarded  :  0                     0
    Access Out Profile forwarded :  0                     0
    Access dropped               :  0                     0
Total Network forwarded  :          0                     0
Total Network dropped    :          0                     0
Total Access forwarded   :          0                     0
Total Access dropped     :          0                     0
Aggregated Security Statistics
Group Encryption Datapath Statistics
    Encrypted packets             : 0
    Encrypted bytes               : 0
    Outbound dropped packets      : 0
    Outbound unsupported uplink   : 0
    Outbound enqueue error        : 0
    Decrypted packets             : 0
    Decrypted bytes               : 0
    Inbound dropped packets       : 0
    Inbound invalid spi           : 0
    Inbound authentication failure: 0
    Inbound padding error         : 0
    Inbound control word mismatch : 0
    Inbound enqueue error         : 0
Encryption/Decryption Queue Statistics
Decryption Queue Best-effort        Packets               Bytes
    Hi Priority forwarded  :        0                     0
    Hi Priority dropped    :        0                     0
    Low Priority forwarded :        0                     0
    Low Priority dropped   :        0                     0
Decryption Queue Expedited          Packets               Bytes
    Hi Priority forwarded  :        0                     0
    Hi Priority dropped    :        0                     0
    Low Priority forwarded :        0                     0
    Low Priority dropped   :        0                     0
Encryption Queue Best-effort        Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Encryption Queue Expedited          Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Encryption Queue CTL             Packets                Bytes
    Forwarded :                     0                     0
    Dropped   :                     0                     0
Aggregated Firewall Statistics
Firewall Queue Statistics
Network Queue 1 Best-effort         Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Network Queue 2 Expedited           Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Access Queue 1 Best-effort          Packets               Bytes
    Hi Priority forwarded  :        0                     0
    Hi Priority dropped    :        0                     0
    Low Priority forwarded :        0                     0
    Low Priority dropped   :        0                     0
Access Queue 2 Expedited            Packets               Bytes
    Hi Priority forwarded  :        0                     0
    Hi Priority dropped    :        0                     0
    Low Priority forwarded :        0                     0
    Low Priority dropped   :        0                     0
Aggregated Mirror Queue Statistics
Mirror Queue 1                      Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        5600                  4481226
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 2                      Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 3                      Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 4                      Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 5                      Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 6                      Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 7                      Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0
Mirror Queue 8                      Packets               Bytes
    In Profile forwarded   :        0                     0
    In Profile dropped     :        0                     0
    Out Profile forwarded  :        0                     0
    Out Profile dropped    :        0                     0

The following example shows the inclusion of IP transport statistics on the 7705 SAR-H and 7705 SAR-Hc displays.

Aggregated IP Transport Statistics
IP Transport Queue Statistics
Network Ingress Queue               Packets               Bytes
    Forwarded              :        101                   35450
    Dropped                :        0                     0
Access Ingress Queue                Packets               Bytes
    Forwarded              :        48                    28080
    Dropped                :        0                     0
Serial Socket Queue Statistics
Access Ingress Queue                Packets               Bytes
    Forwarded              :        98                    54586
    Dropped                :        0                     0
Table 46:  MDA Aggregate Statistics Field Descriptions 



Drop Events

The number of packets that are dropped from the buffer at the port instead of being transferred to the fabric. Drop events only occur if an excessive amount of traffic is flowing through the ports, which causes the buffers to fill up; under normal circumstances, this statistic should always be 0.

Unicast from all MDA’s to Destination MDA Packets/Octets

Network In Profile forwarded: number of network in-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Network In Profile dropped: number of network in-profile packets/octets dropped from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Network Out Profile forwarded: number of network out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Network Out Profile dropped: the number of network out-of-profile packets/octets dropped from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Access In Profile forwarded: number of access in-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Access Out Profile forwarded: the number of access out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Access dropped: the number of access packets/octets dropped from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Multicast from All MDA’s Packets/Octets

Network In Profile forwarded: number of multicast network in-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Network In Profile dropped: number of multicast network in-profile packets/octets dropped from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Network Out Profile forwarded: number of multicast network out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Network Out Profile dropped: the number of multicast network out-of-profile packets/octets dropped from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Access In Profile forwarded: number of multicast access in-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Access Out Profile forwarded: the number of multicast access out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Access dropped: the number of multicast access packets/octets dropped from any source adapter card toward the fabric, then to the destination adapter card specified in the show mda command

Total Network forwarded Packets/Octets

The number of network in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded

Total Network dropped Packets/Octets

The number of network in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets dropped

Total Access forwarded Packets/Octets

The number of access in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets forwarded

Total Access dropped Packets/Octets

The number of access in-profile and out-of-profile packets/octets dropped

Aggregated Cflowd Queue Statistics

Cflowd Queue



The number of forwarded and dropped Cflowd packets and bytes

Aggregated Security Statistics   See Table 42 and Table 43

Aggregated IP Transport Statistics

IP Transport Queue Statistics

Network Ingress Queue



The number of IP-Transport subservice network ingress queued packets and bytes that were forwarded and dropped

Access Ingress Queue



The number of IP-Transport subservice access ingress queued packets and bytes that were forwarded and dropped

Serial Socket Queue Statistics

Access Ingress Queue



The number of serial raw socket access ingress queued packets and bytes that were forwarded and dropped


fdb [mac ieee-address] [port port-id] [all]

This command displays the forwarding database (FDB) for the specified MAC address or ring port, or all FDBs associated with the specified ring adapter card.

displays the FDB associated with the specified MAC address
displays the FDB associated with the specified port, where the port is a ring port or the v-port
displays all FDBs associated with the ring adapter card

The following output is an example of FDB information, and Table 47 describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:7705:Dut-A# show mda 1/2 ring fdb port 1/11/1      
Ring MDA Forwarding Database for 1/11/1
MAC                 Port        Type                                           
38:52:1a:f4:1f:cd   1/11/1      Host   
No. of Entries: 1
Learning Enabled.
Ageing Enabled.
Remote age time = 900
Discard unknown source Disabled.
Table Size = 512
High water Mark = 95
1/2/1, Mac pinning Disabled.
1/2/2, Mac pinning Disabled.
*A:7705:Dut-A# show mda 1/2 ring fdb port 1/11/v-port     
Ring MDA Forwarding Database for 1/11/v-port
MAC                 Port        Type                                           
38:52:1a:f4:1f:cf   1/11/v-port Host   
No. of Entries: 1
Learning Enabled.
Ageing Enabled.
Remote age time = 900
Discard unknown source Disabled.
Table Size = 512
High water Mark = 95
1/2/1, Mac pinning Disabled.
1/2/2, Mac pinning Disabled.
*A:7705:Dut-A# show mda 1/11 ring fdb all 
Ring MDA Forwarding Database
MAC                 Port        Type                                           
38:52:1a:f4:1f:cd   1/11/1      Host   
38:52:1a:f4:1f:ce   1/11/2      Host   
38:52:1a:f4:1f:cf   1/11/v-port Host   
38:52:1a:f4:20:e9   1/11/2      Dynamic
No. of Entries: 4
Learning Enabled.
Ageing Enabled.
Remote age time = 900
Discard unknown source Disabled.
Table Size = 512
High water Mark = 95
1/2/1, Mac pinning Disabled.
1/2/2, Mac pinning Disabled.
Table 47:  MDA Ring FDB Field Descriptions 



Ring MDA Forwarding Database


The MAC address of any matching entry


The port identifier of any matching entry


The type of matching entry

No. of Entries:

The total number of MAC addresses currently in all FDBs on the adapter card, which includes host, static, and dynamic addresses


The configured state of the learning capabilities: Enabled or Disabled


The configured state of the aging capabilities: Enabled or Disabled

Remote age time

The age time setting of the remote device, in seconds

Discard unknown source

The configured state of the discard capability for packets arriving from an unknown source: Enabled or Disabled

Table Size

The table size of the dynamic FDB table

High water Mark

The high-water mark setting for the FDB table, in percentage of table-size

1/mda/port, Mac pinning

The configured state of the MAC pinning capability: Enabled or Disabled Show External Alarms Commands


external-alarms alarm [alarm-id]
external-alarms input [alarm-input] [detail]
external-alarms name [name-string] [detail]
external-alarms output [alarm-output] [detail]

This command displays external alarm information for 7705 SAR Ethernet ports, for the Auxiliary Alarm card, or the External Alarms connector on the Fan module of the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2, the Alarm module of the 7705 SAR-18, or the faceplate of the 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-X, 7705 SAR-H, or 7705 SAR-Hc chassis.

the alarm identifier
1 to 2147483647


identifies the alarm input
  1. for Ethernet ports, the format is:
         port-slot/mda/port [name]
  2. for the Auxiliary Alarm card, the format is:
         alarm-slot/mda.{d | a}-alarm-num [name]
  3. for the four alarm inputs on an External Alarms connector, the format is:
         alarm.d-alarm-num [name]


     slot = card slot number for IOM (always 1 on the 7705 SAR)

     mda = Ethernet adapter card or Auxiliary Alarm card slot number (for Ethernet modules or ports on platforms with no card slots, the mda slot number is preconfigured)

     port = port number for Ethernet ports

     d = digital input

     a = analog input

     alarm-num = alarm port number (1 to 24 for digital on the Auxiliary Alarm card, 1 to 4 for digital on the four chassis alarm inputs, 1 or 2 for analog)

     name = optional name assigned to the input


If you configured a name for the alarm-input using the name option (see input command), you can use the configured name instead of the alarm-input identifier in the show command.

the name for the input port or output relay (maximum of 15 characters)
the output relay identifier, in the following format:



     slot = slot number of the card in the chassis (always 1 on the 7705 SAR)

     mda = Auxiliary Alarm card slot number

     d = digital output

     relay-num = output relay number (1 to 8)


If you configured a name for the alarm-output using the name option (see output command), you can use the configured name instead of the alarm-output identifier in the show command.

displays detailed information for the external alarms

The following outputs are examples of external alarm information:

  1. Specific Alarm (Output Example, Table 48)
  2. External Alarm Input (Output Example, Table 49)
  3. External Alarm Input Detail (Output Example, Table 50)
  4. External Alarm Output (Output Example, Table 51)
  5. External Alarm Output Detail (Output Example, Table 52)
  6. External Alarm Name (Output Example, Table 53)
Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show>external-alarms# alarm 1
Alarm 1 Detail
Admin Status       : up                 State              : ok
Severity           : critical
Description        : N/A
  Analog Voltage   :  0.000 V           Operation          : gt
  Log Alarm        : yes
  Chassis Alarming : yes
Trigger             Type        Admin  Value     Threshold State
alarm-1/1.a-2       analog-in   up      0.0 V    ok
Triggers Req'd     : any
*A:ALU-1># show>#
Table 48:  Specific Alarm Field Descriptions  



Admin Status

The administrative state of the alarm


The current state of the alarm:

ghost: no trigger equipment presently installed

ok: no triggers are detected

alarm detected: alarm is outstanding

not monitored: alarm or all triggers are administratively disabled


The severity level for the specified alarm


An optional description of the alarm


Analog Voltage

The analog voltage level threshold value for the specified alarm, in millivolts (0.000V)


The analog voltage level threshold operational value:

lt: a less-than value

gt: a greater-than value


Log Alarm

Indicates whether raise/clear log events and SNMP traps are generated for the specified alarm

Chassis Alarming

Indicates whether output to chassis alarm relays and LEDs are generated for the specified alarm


The inputs that will trigger the alarm


The type of trigger (a digital input or analog input, or, for Ethernet ports, the operational state)


The administrative state of the trigger


The current value of the alarm input:

  1. for a digital input — the state of the digital circuit associated with the trigger (open or closed).
    A value of open indicates that the external equipment has not shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins. If no external equipment is connected to a digital input on an Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, all digital input ports read open.
    A value of closed indicates that the external equipment has shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins.
  2. for an analog input — the current voltage level of an analog trigger, in volts. If no external equipment is connected to the Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, both analog inputs show no applied voltage (0.0V).
  3. for an Ethernet port — a value of down indicates an alarm event; a value of up indicates no alarm

Threshold State

The threshold state:

ghost: no threshold is present

not monitored: the threshold is administratively disabled

ok: the threshold is enabled

detected: the threshold has been crossed

Triggers Req'd

The trigger condition that is required to raise an alarm:

any: any configured input trigger is required to raise an alarm

all: all configured input triggers are required to raise an alarm

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show external-alarms input
External Alarm Input Summary
Input Id        Name            Type        Admin  Value     Alarm State
alarm.d-1                       digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm.d-2                       digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm.d-3                       digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm.d-4                       digital-in  up     open      ok
port-1/2/1                      oper-state  up     down      alarm-detected
alarm-1/1.d-1   dd3             digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-2                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-3                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-4                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-5                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-6                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-7                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-8                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-9                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-10                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-11                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-12                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-13                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-14                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-15                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-16                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-17                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-18                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-19                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-20                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-21                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-22                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-23                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-24                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.a-1                   analog-in   up      0.0 V    ok
alarm-1/1.a-2                   analog-in   up      0.0 V    ok
*A:ALU-1># show>#
Table 49:  External Alarm Input Field Descriptions  



External Alarm Input Summary

Input Id

The alarm input identifier


The name of the alarm input


The type of input: digital, analog, or oper-state (for Ethernet ports)


The administrative state of the alarm input


The current value of the alarm input:

  1. for a digital input — the state of the digital circuit associated with the trigger (open or closed).
    A value of open indicates that the external equipment has not shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins. If no external equipment is connected to a digital input on an Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, all digital input ports read open.
    A value of closed indicates that the external equipment has shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins.
  2. for an analog input — the current voltage level of an analog trigger, in volts. If no external equipment is connected to the Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, both analog inputs show no applied voltage (0.0V).
  3. for an Ethernet port — a value of down indicates an alarm event; a value of up indicates no alarm

Alarm State

The current state of the alarm input:

ghost: no trigger equipment presently installed

ok: no triggers are detected

alarm detected: alarm is outstanding

not monitored: alarm or all triggers are administratively disabled

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show external-alarms input alarm-1/1.d-1 detail
Input alarm-1/1.d-3 Detail
Name               : dinput3
Admin Status       : up                 Alarm State        : ok
Detect Debounce    : 2 secs             Clear Debounce     : 2 secs
Value              : open
Description        : Discrete Digital Input
# Threshold         Severity  Alarm Id       Threshold State
1    closed         major     3              ok
Table 50:  External Alarm Input Detail Field Descriptions  



Input alarm input Detail


The name of the alarm input

Admin Status

The administrative state of the alarm input

Alarm State

The current state of the alarm input:

ghost: no trigger equipment is presently installed

ok: no triggers are detected

alarm detected: alarm is outstanding

not monitored: alarm or all triggers are administratively disabled

Detect Debounce

The debounce time associated with the detection of the specified alarm input (not applicable to Ethernet ports)

Clear Debounce

The debounce time associated with the clearance of the specified alarm input (not applicable to Ethernet ports)

Port State

The value of the alarm input for Ethernet ports, either up or down


The current value of the alarm input:

  1. for a digital input — the state of the digital circuit associated with the trigger (open or closed).
    A value of open indicates that the external equipment has not shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins. If no external equipment is connected to a digital input on an Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, all digital input ports read open.
    A value of closed indicates that the external equipment has shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins.
  2. for an analog input — the current voltage level of an analog trigger, in volts. If no external equipment is connected to the Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, both analog inputs show no applied voltage (0.0V).


A description of the alarm input


A summary of the alarms that are using this input as a trigger. Each input can be used for up to four alarms.


The threshold value:

  1. for a digital input — all digital inputs are considered normally open; therefore, the threshold for each alarm is monitoring the input closing
  2. for an analog input — the voltage threshold for the alarm
  3. for Ethernet ports — the operational state threshold


The severity level for the specified alarm input: critical, major, minor, or warning

Alarm Id

The alarm identifier (1 to 2147483647)

Threshold State

The threshold state indicates whether the input state contributes to the alarm:

detected: this input triggers the alarm into an alarm-detected state

ok: this input does not trigger the alarm into an alarm-detected state

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show external-alarms output
Output Relay Summary
Output Id       Name            Type        Admin  State
relay-1/1.d-1   output1         digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-2   output2         digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-3   output3         digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-4   output4         digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-5   output5         digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-6                   digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-7                   digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-8                   digital-out down   off
Table 51:  External Alarm Field Descriptions  



Output Relay Summary

Output Id

The output relay identification


The name of the output relay


The output type is digital


The administrative state of the alarm output relay

When the digital output relay output state is set to no shutdown, the normally closed contacts open and the normally open contacts close. The digital output displays a digital output administrative status of up and the state of active (the output relay is energized).

When the digital output relay output state is set to shutdown, the normally closed contacts close and the normally open contacts open. The digital output displays a digital output administrative status of down and the state of off (the output relay is not energized).


The current state of the alarm output relay:

ghost: no equipment is installed

off: the output relay is not energized (it is administratively disabled)

active: the output relay is energized (active)

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show external-alarms output relay-1/1.d-1 detail
Output relay-1/1.d-1 Detail
Name               : output1
Admin Status       : down               State              : off
Description        : Digital Output Relay
Table 52:  External Alarm Output Detail Field Descriptions  



Output relay-x/x.d-x Detail


The name of the output relay


The administrative state of the alarm output relay

When the digital output relay output state is set to no shutdown, the normally closed contacts open and the normally open contacts close. The digital output displays a digital output administrative status of up and the state of active (the output relay is energized).

When the digital output relay output state is set to shutdown, the normally closed contacts close and the normally open contacts open. The digital output displays a digital output administrative status of down and the state of off (the output relay is not energized).


The current state of the alarm output relay:

ghost: no equipment is installed

off: the output relay is not energized (it is administratively disabled)

active: the output relay is energized (active)


The description for the output relay

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show external-alarms name
External Alarm Names
Name            Alarm/Relay     Type        Admin Value     State
ainput1         alarm-1/1.a-1   analog-in   up     0.0 V    ok
ainput2         alarm-1/1.a-2   analog-in   up     0.0 V    ok
dinput1         alarm-1/1.d-1   digital-in  up    open      ok
dinput2         alarm-1/1.d-2   digital-in  up    open      ok
dinput23        alarm-1/1.d-23  digital-in  up    open      ok
dinput24        alarm-1/1.d-24  digital-in  up    open      ok
dinput3         alarm-1/1.d-3   digital-in  up    open      ok
dinput4         alarm-1/1.d-4   digital-in  up    open      ok
output1         relay-1/1.d-1   digital-out down            off
output2         relay-1/1.d-2   digital-out down            off
output3         relay-1/1.d-3   digital-out down            off
output4         relay-1/1.d-4   digital-out down            off
output5         relay-1/1.d-5   digital-out down            off
Table 53:  External Alarm Name Field Descriptions  



External Alarm Names


The alarm name


The name of the alarm input or output relay


The alarm input type (digital input, analog input, or oper-state) or output relay type (digital output)


The administrative state of the alarm input or output relay


The current state of the alarm input or output relay.

For an alarm input:

ghost: no trigger equipment is presently installed

ok: no triggers are detected

alarm detected: alarm is outstanding

not monitored: alarm or all triggers are administratively disabled

For an alarm output relay:

ghost: no equipment is installed

off: the output relay is not energized (it is administratively disabled)

active: the output relay is energized (active)


The current value of the alarm input (this field is not applicable to outputs because the value is based on how the Auxiliary Alarm card or External Alarm connector is wired to the external equipment):

  1. for a digital input — the state of the digital circuit associated with the trigger (open or closed).
    A value of open indicates that the external equipment has not shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins. If no external equipment is connected to a digital input on an Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, all digital input ports read open.
    A value of closed indicates that the external equipment has shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins.
  2. for an analog input — the current voltage level of an analog trigger, in volts. If no external equipment is connected to the Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, both analog inputs show no applied voltage (0.0V). Show T1/E1 LCR Commands


lcr [lcr-id] [detail]

This command displays T1/E1 Line Card Redundancy (LCR) information.

displays information for the specified LCR group ID
1 to 6


displays detailed LCR information

The following outputs are examples of LCR information:

Output Example
*A:Sar8 Dut-A# show lcr
LCR Group Info
ID                    MC-Ctl Work       Prot       Active     Request
                      State  MDA        MDA        MDA        Byte
lcr-1                 Down   N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A
lcr-2                 Down   N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A
lcr-3                 N/A    N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A
lcr-5                 N/A    1/5        1/6        1/5        Prot: SF-Low
No. of LCR Groups: 4
*A:Sar8 Dut-A# show lcr "lcr-5"
LCR Group Info
ID                    MC-Ctl Work       Prot       Active     Request
                      State  MDA        MDA        MDA        Byte
lcr-5                 N/A    1/5        1/6        1/5        Prot: SF-Low
*A:Sar8 Dut-A# show lcr "lcr-5"
*A:Sar8 Dut-A# show lcr "lcr-5" detail
LCR Group: lcr-5
Description        : (Not Specified)
Group Id           : 5                    Active MDA           : 1/5
Working MDA        : 1/5                  Protection MDA       : 1/6
Revertive-mode     : non-revertive        Revert-time (min)    :
Request byte       : 0xc0 (SF-Low on Protect)
Multi-Chassis LCR  : No
Neighbor           :
Control link state : N/A
Advertise Interval : 1000 msec            Hold Time            : 3000 msec
 LCR Working MDA - 1/5
Admin State        : up                   Operational State    : provisioned
Current LCR Status : sf                   No. of Switchovers   : 0
Last Switchover    : None                 Switchover seconds   : 0
Last Switch Cmd    : noCmd
 LCR Protection MDA - 1/6
Admin State        : down                 Operational State    : provisioned
Current LCR Status : sf                   No. of Switchovers   : 0
Last Switchover    : None                 Switchover seconds   : 0
Last Switch Cmd    : noCmd
*A:Sar8 Dut-A#
Table 54:  LCR Field Descriptions  




The LCR group name

MC-Ctl State

Specifies the multi-chassis state

Work MDA

Specifies the physical MDA that is acting as the working MDA for this LCR group

Prot MDA

Specifies the physical MDA that is acting as the protection MDA for this LCR group

Active MDA

Specifies the active MDA

Request Byte

Specifies the value of the request byte received or transmitted on the protection MDA

Table 55:  LCR Detail Field Descriptions  



LCR Group

Specifies an LCR group


A description of the LCR group

Group ID

The LCR group identifier

Active MDA

Displays the active MDA

Working MDA

Displays the physical MDA that is acting as the working MDA for this LCR group

Protection MDA

Displays the physical MDA that is acting as the protection MDA for this LCR group


The revertive mode of the LCR group:

non-revertive — traffic remains on the protection MDA until another switch request is received

revertive — when the condition that caused a switch to the protection MDA has been cleared, the traffic is switched back to the working MDA

Revert-time (min)

The configured time, in minutes, to wait after the working MDA has become functional again before making the working MDA active again. If the revertive mode is non-revertive, then this field is empty.

Request byte

Specifies the value of the request byte received or transmitted on the protection MDA

Multi-Chassis LCR

Indicates whether MC-LCR is configured


Displays the neighbor IP address. A address indicates that the LCR group is an SC-LCR.

Control link state

Displays the current control link status

Advertise Interval

Displays the advertise interval

Hold time

Displays the hold time

LCR Working MDA

Specifies the working MDA

Admin State

Specifies whether the working MDA is administratively up or down

Operational State

Specifies the operational state of the working MDA

Current LCR Status

Specifies the current status of the LCR

No. of Switchovers

The number of switchovers that have occurred on this MDA

Last Switchover

Displays the timestamp of the last switchover

Switchover Seconds

Displays the cumulative Protection Switching Duration (PSD) time in seconds

For a working MDA, this is the cumulative number of seconds that service was carried on the protection MDA

Last Switch Cmd

Displays the last switch command that was performed on the working MDA

LCR Protection MDA

Specifies the protection MDA

Admin State

Specifies whether the protection MDA is administratively up or down

Operational State

Specifies the operational state of the protection MDA

Current LCR Status

Specifies the current status of the LCR

No. of Switchovers

The number of switchovers that have occurred on this MDA

Last Switchover

Displays the timestamp of the last switchover

Switchover Seconds

Displays the cumulative Protection Switching Duration (PSD) time in seconds

For the protection MDA, this is the cumulative number of seconds that the protection MDA has been used to carry any working MDA traffic. This information is only valid if revertive switching is enabled.

Last Switch Cmd

Displays the last switch command that was performed on the protection MDA Show Microwave Link Commands


mw link [mw-link-id] [detail]
mw radio port-id [detail] [power]
mw radio port-id perfmon [all | g826 | acm | power]
mw radio software

This command displays information pertaining to a microwave link or an MPR-e radio.

displays MWA performance monitoring Adaptive Coding and Modulation level information
displays all MWA performance monitoring information
displays G.826 (BBE, ES, SES, and UAS) performance monitoring information
displays microwave link summary information
identifies a specific microwave link
id = 1 to 24


displays MWA performance monitoring radio power information
displays MPR-e radio summary information
identifies a specific port on a Packet Microwave Adapter card associated with the MPR-e radio, in the format slot/mda/port
displays detailed microwave link or MPR-e radio information
displays MWA performance monitoring information
displays MPR-e radio power measurement information
displays the state of the MPR-e radio software

The following outputs are examples of microwave link and MPR-e radio information:

  1. microwave link detail (Output Example, Table 56)
  2. MPR-e radio detail (Output Example, Table 57)
  3. MPR-e radio power measurement (Output Example, Table 58)
  4. MPR-e radio software state (Output Example, Table 59)
  5. MWA performance monitoring (Output Example, Table 60)
Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show>mw# link mw-link-1 detail 
Microwave Link
Description        : Packet Microwave Link
Interface          : mw-link-11                 IfIndex          : 1610973184
Admin State        : up                         Mode             : network
Oper State         : up                         
Oper Flag          :  
Last State Change  : 08/15/2016 19:08:46        
Transmit Diversity : enabled                    
  Position         : main                       
  Force            : diversity                  
Configured Address : 48:f7:f1:b6:1d:33
Hardware Address   : 48:f7:f1:b6:1d:33
Link Alarm Synthesis
     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
   CRI   MAJ   MIN   WAR   IND | COM   EQT
Protection         : 1+1HSB
                      Main      Spare     Abnormal                             
Type Activity  Revert Command   Command   Condition                            
EPS  Spare     Yes    Forced    Automatic N/A                                  
TPS  Main      Yes    Automatic Automatic N/A                                  
RPS  Main      Yes    Automatic Automatic N/A                                  
                                                         Tx    Oper    Alarm   
Port      Name                      Type    Link Role    State State   State   
1/5/1     MPT-3-A                   MPT-HC  11   Main    On    Up      Ok      
1/6/1     MPT-3-B                   MPT-HC  11   Spare   Auto  Up      Ok      
Discovered Peer Radio                 
NE Ip Address      :
Slot/Port          : 3/1
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Queue 1                                                                        
  Octets                                               0                      0
  Packets                                              0                      0
  Discards                                             0                      0
Queue 2                                                                        
  Octets                                               0                      0
  Packets                                              0                      0
  Discards                                             0                      0
Queue 3                                                                        
  Octets                                               0                      0
  Packets                                              0                      0
  Discards                                             0                      0
Queue 4                                                                        
  Octets                                               0                      0
  Packets                                              0                      0
  Discards                                             0                      0
Queue 5                                                                        
  Octets                                               0                      0
  Packets                                              0                      0
  Discards                                             0                      0
Table 56:  Microwave Link Detail Field Descriptions  



Microwave Link


The microwave link description


The microwave link interface


The microwave link interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Admin State

The microwave link interface administrative state


The microwave link interface mode

Oper State

The microwave link interface operational state

Oper Flag

The microwave link interface operational flag:

noRadioCfg: the link has no radios configured

linkAdminDown: the link is admin down

noRadiosPresent: no radios detected

noRadiosReady: no radios are ready

incompatibleConfig: radio configuration is incompatible

radioFailure: radio equipment has failure

receptionFailure: radio reception failure

di: defect Indication

txMuted: no radios transmitting

Last State Change

The last time that the operational status of the microwave link interface changed state

Transmit Diversity

The configured state of Transmit Diversity Antenna: enabled or disabled


The configured antenna position: main or diversity


The configured antenna switching: not forced or diversity

Configured Address

The configured microwave link interface address

Hardware Address

The configured microwave link interface hardware or system-assigned MAC address

Link Alarm Synthesis

The microwave link alarm synthesis


The configured microwave link protection


The type of protection scheme


The type of MPR-e radio activity, either main or spare


Indicates whether revertive switching has been configured on the microwave link

Main Command

The type of command configured on the main MPR-e radio, either forced or automatic

Spare Command

The type of command configured on the spare MPR-e radio, either forced or automatic

Abnormal Condition

Indicates whether an abnormal condition has been detected


The 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 or 7705 SAR-18 port configured for an MPR-e radio.


The name configured for the MPR-e radio


The type of MPR-e radio


The microwave link ID associated with the MPR-e radio


The role of the MPR-e radio, either main or spare

Tx State

The transmit state of the MPR-e radio

Oper State

The operational state of the MPR-e radio

Alarm State

The alarm state of the MPR-e radio

Discovered Peer radio

NE Ip Address

The network element IP address of a peer radio


The slot and port of the peer radio

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of input/output octets

Packets Input/Output

The total number of input/output packets

Discards Input/Output

The total number of input/output discards

Queue Octets Input/Output

The number of input/output octets per queue

Queue Packets Input/Output

The number of input/output packets per queue

Queue Discards Input/Output

The number of input/output discards per queue

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show mw radio 1/5/1 detail 
Microwave Radio
Name               : MPT-3-A
Interface          : 1/5/1                      Mode             : Single NE
Link               : mw-link-20                 Role             : Main
Tx State           : On                         Oper State       : up
Oper Flag          :  
Suppressed Faults  : HighBer RSL
Database Filename  : mpt_3_a.tar
Last State Change  : 11/15/2012 19:56:02        IfIndex          : 44072960
Mgmt Last Up       : 11/15/2012 19:56:01        
Mgmt Last Lost     : Never                      
Radio Alarm Synthesis
     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
   CRI   MAJ   MIN   WAR   IND | COM   EQT
Radio Information
Type               : MPT-HC                     
Frequency Band     : 15 GHz                     
Modules            : XPIC                       
Software           : Ok                         
CompanyId          : ALU                        Mnemonic         : MPT-MSX 
Hardware Part Num  : 3DB20423BAAB04             CLEI Code        : ----------
Software Part Num  : 3DB20502AAAA03             Factory Id       : CIT 
Date Identifier    : 00                         Date             : 110919
Serial Number      : SH1136X00ZJ                
Customer Field     : 
Table 57:  MPR-e Radio Detail Field Descriptions  



Microwave Radio


The name configured for the MPR-e radio


The port configured for the MPR-e radio


The MPR-e radio mode, either standalone or Single NE


The microwave link ID associated with the MPR-e radio


The role configured for MPR-e radio, either main or spare

Tx State

The transmit state of the MPR-e radio

Oper State

The operational state of the MPR-e radio

Oper Flag

The MPR-e radio operational flag:

portNotPresent: IDU port is not present

portOperDown: IDU port is operationally down

radioNotPresent: radio is not present

radioCommError: radio communication error

radioInit: IDU is initializing radio

softwareDownload: radio is downloading software

txMuted: radio is not transmitting

radioNotReady: radio not ready

radioEqFailure: radio equipment failure

incompatibleShifter: radio incompatible with shifter configuration

incompatibleFreq: radio incompatible with frequency configuration

incompatiblePower: radio incompatible with power configuration

incompatibleModParms: radio incompatible with modulation parameters

di: radio defect indication

radioLinkDown: radio link down

rslThresholdFail: RSL threshold crossed

lof: loss of radio frame

protectionFail: protection failure

proxyActive: MCT proxy session is active to the radio

noDbFile: radio database file is missing

dbSyncInProgress: radio database synchronization in progress

noDbConfig: radio database configuration is missing

tpsTxMuted: radio is muted due to TPS activity

noSoftware: IDU did not detect any software

softwareMismatch: radio does not contain correct software

issu: radio is in in-service software upgrade

highBer: high bit error rate

Suppressed Faults

The microwave link faults that are suppressed, if any:

  1. High Bit Error Rate (HighBer)
  2. RSL threshold crossing (RSL)
  3. RDI
  4. All

Database Filename

The MPR-e radio database filename

Last State Change

The date and time of last operational state change of the MPR-e radio.


The MPR-e radio interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Mgmt Last Up

The alarm state of the MPR-e radio

Mgmt Last Lost

The alarm state of the MPR-e radio

Radio Alarm Synthesis

The alarm state of the MPR-e radio

Radio Information

The MPR-e radio information:


Frequency Band



Company Id


Hardware Part Number

Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) Code

Software Part Number

Factory Id

Date Identifier


Serial Number

Customer Field

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show>mw# radio 1/5/2 power 
Power Measurements
                                                 TxPower (dBm)        RSL (dBm)
Local Radio (Near End)                                25.0                -60.1
Peer Radio  (Far End)                                 40.0                -34.5
Table 58:  MPR-e Radio Power Measurement Field Descriptions  



Power Measurements

Local Radio (Near End) TxPower (dBm)

The transmit power measurement of the near-end radio

Local Radio (Near End) RSL (dBm)

The received power from the near-end radio

Peer Radio (Far End) TxPower (dBm)

The transmit power measurement from the far-end radio

Peer Radio (Far End) RSL (dBm)

The received power from the far-end radio

Output Example
*A:NOK-1># show>mw# radio software
Microwave Radio Software Summary
Port      Name                      Type    Link Role    State       Progress  
1/5/1     MPT-3-A                   MPT-HC  20   Main    Ok                   
1/6/1     MPT-3-B                   MPT-HC  20   Spare   Ok 
Table 59:  MPR-e Radio Software State Field Descriptions  



Microwave Radio Software Summary


The port configured for the MPR-e radio


The name configured for the MPR-e radio


The type of MPR-e radio


The microwave link ID


The role of the MPR-e radio, either main or spare

Software State

The state of the MPR-e radio software; the software states are:

  1. Ok - the software that is running is correct
  2. Ready - the software is downloaded and ready for upgrade
  3. Requested - a software download has been requested; waiting for the download to begin
  4. Forced - a software download has been forced; waiting for the download to begin
  5. Downloading - a software download is in progress
  6. Failed - a software download to this MPR-e radio has failed


The progress of the MPR-e radio software download

Output Example
*A:7CSA:Dut-A# show mw radio 1/5/1 perfmon all 
Microwave Radio Performance Monitoring
Family     : Normalized G.826
Admin State: Up                            Oper State: Up
Section: Radio Hop  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Current
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect ES    SES   BBE   UAS
10/16/2019 09:30:00  652      Active            0     0     0     0
Section: Radio Hop  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect ES    SES   BBE   UAS
10/16/2019 09:15:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 09:00:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 08:45:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 08:30:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 08:15:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 08:00:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
Section: Radio Hop  Period: 24 hours  Data: Current
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect ES    SES   BBE   UAS
10/15/2019 19:00:00  52857    Active            0     0     0     0
Section: Radio Hop  Period: 24 hours  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect ES    SES   BBE   UAS
10/14/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/13/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/12/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/11/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/10/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/09/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/08/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/08/2019 12:45:42  22457    Active    X       0     0     0     0
Section: Radio Link  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Current
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect ES    SES   BBE   UAS
10/16/2019 09:30:00  658      Active            0     0     0     0
Section: Radio Link  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect ES    SES   BBE   UAS
10/16/2019 09:15:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 09:00:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 08:45:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 08:30:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 08:15:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 08:00:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 07:45:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 07:30:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
10/16/2019 07:15:00  900      Active            0     0     0     0
Section: Radio Link  Period: 24 hours  Data: Current
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect ES    SES   BBE   UAS
10/15/2019 19:00:00  52861    Active            0     0     0     0
Section: Radio Link  Period: 24 hours  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect ES    SES   BBE   UAS
10/14/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/13/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/12/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/11/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/10/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/09/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/08/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            0     0     0     0
10/08/2019 12:45:43  22456    Active    X       0     0     0     0
Family     : Adaptive Coding and Modulation
Admin State: Up                            Oper State: Up
Milliseconds at each modulation  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Current
Date                 Duration Suspect QPSK       8 PSK      16 QAM     32 QAM
                                        64 QAM     128 QAM    256 QAM  
10/16/2019 09:30:00  661              0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          661009   
Milliseconds at each modulation  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration Suspect QPSK       8 PSK      16 QAM     32 QAM
                                        64 QAM     128 QAM    256 QAM  
10/16/2019 09:15:00  900              0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          900009   
10/16/2019 09:00:00  900              0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          900009   
10/16/2019 08:45:00  900              0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          900013   
10/16/2019 08:30:00  900              0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          900008   
10/16/2019 08:15:00  900              0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          900009   
10/16/2019 08:00:00  900              0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          900008   
10/16/2019 07:45:00  900              0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          900008   
Milliseconds at each modulation  Period: 24 hours  Data: Current
Date                 Duration Suspect QPSK       8 PSK      16 QAM     32 QAM
                                        64 QAM     128 QAM    256 QAM  
10/15/2019 19:00:00  52866            0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          52866596 
Milliseconds at each modulation  Period: 24 hours  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration Suspect QPSK       8 PSK      16 QAM     32 QAM
                                        64 QAM     128 QAM    256 QAM  
10/14/2019 19:00:00  86399            0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          86399968 
10/13/2019 19:00:00  86399            0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          86399974 
10/12/2019 19:00:00  86399            0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          86399969 
10/11/2019 19:00:00  86399            0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          86399972 
10/10/2019 19:00:00  86399            0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          86399972 
10/09/2019 19:00:00  86399            0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          86399967 
10/08/2019 12:45:44  22455    X       0          0          0          0
                                        0          0          22455248 
Family     : Power
Admin State: Up                            Oper State: Up
RX Power  Section: Radio Hop  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Current
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/16/2019 09:30:00  667      Active            65144     65147     65145
RX Power  Section: Radio Hop  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/16/2019 09:15:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 09:00:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 08:45:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 08:30:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 08:15:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 08:00:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 07:45:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 07:30:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
RX Power  Section: Radio Hop  Period: 24 hours  Data: Current
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/15/2019 19:00:00  52870    Active            65144     65148     65146
RX Power  Section: Radio Hop  Period: 24 hours  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/14/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65144     65148     65146
10/13/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65144     65148     65146
10/12/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65144     65148     65146
10/11/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65143     65148     65145
10/10/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65143     65148     65146
10/09/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65143     65148     65146
10/08/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65143     65148     65146
10/08/2019 12:45:45  22454    Active    X       65143     65148     65145
RX Power  Section: Radio Link  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Current
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/16/2019 09:30:00  671      Active            65144     65147     65145
RX Power  Section: Radio Link  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/16/2019 09:15:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 09:00:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 08:45:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 08:30:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 08:15:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 08:00:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 07:45:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 07:30:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
10/16/2019 07:15:00  900      Active            65144     65147     65145
RX Power  Section: Radio Link  Period: 24 hours  Data: Current
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/15/2019 19:00:00  52873    Active            65144     65148     65146
RX Power  Section: Radio Link  Period: 24 hours  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/14/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65144     65148     65146
10/13/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65144     65148     65146
10/12/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65144     65148     65146
10/11/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65143     65148     65145
10/10/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65143     65148     65146
10/09/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65143     65148     65146
10/08/2019 19:00:00  86399    Active            65143     65148     65146
10/08/2019 12:45:46  22453    Active    X       65143     65148     65145
TX Power  Section: Radio Hop  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Current
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/16/2019 09:30:00  674      N/A               70        70        70
TX Power  Section: Radio Hop  Period: 15 minutes  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/16/2019 09:15:00  900      N/A               70        70        70
10/16/2019 09:00:00  900      N/A               70        70        70
10/16/2019 08:45:00  900      N/A               70        70        70
10/16/2019 08:30:00  900      N/A               70        70        70
10/16/2019 08:15:00  900      N/A               70        70        70
10/16/2019 08:00:00  900      N/A               70        70        70
10/16/2019 07:45:00  900      N/A               70        70        70
10/16/2019 07:30:00  900      N/A               70        70        70
10/16/2019 07:15:00  900      N/A               70        70        70
10/16/2019 07:00:00  900      N/A               70        70        70
TX Power  Section: Radio Hop  Period: 24 hours  Data: Current
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/15/2019 19:00:00  52876    N/A               70        70        70
TX Power  Section: Radio Hop  Period: 24 hours  Data: Historic
Date                 Duration EPS       Suspect Min Power Max Power Mean Power
10/14/2019 19:00:00  86399    N/A               70        70        70
10/13/2019 19:00:00  86399    N/A               70        70        70
10/12/2019 19:00:00  86399    N/A               70        70        70
10/11/2019 19:00:00  86399    N/A               70        70        70
10/10/2019 19:00:00  86399    N/A               70        70        70
10/09/2019 19:00:00  86399    N/A               70        70        70
10/08/2019 19:00:00  86399    N/A               70        70        70
10/08/2019 12:45:47  22452    N/A       X       70        70        70
Table 60:  MWA Performance Monitoring Field Descriptions 



Microwave Radio Performance Monitoring


The category of monitoring statistics, either Normalized G.826, Adaptive Coding and Modulation, or Power

Admin State

The administrative state of the microwave link, either Up or Down

Oper State

The operational state of the microwave link, either Up or Down


The section being monitored, either Radio Hop or Radio Link


The reporting period, either 15 minutes or 24 hours


The type of data being collected, either current or historic


The date and time of the monitoring period


The duration of the monitoring period in seconds


The EPS state at the time of recording this period


Suspected faults (marked with an x)


Errored Seconds statistics


Severely Errored Seconds statistics


Background Block Errors statistics


Unavailable Seconds statistics


Quadrature Phase Shift Keying modulation statistics


Eight Phase Shift Keying modulation statistics

16 QAM

16-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation statistics

32 QAM

32-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation statistics

64 QAM

64-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation statistics

128 QAM

128-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation statistics

256 QAM

256-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation statistics

Min Power

Minimum power statistics

Max Power

Maximum power statistics

Mean Power

Mean power statistics Show Port Commands


port [port-id] [statistics] [detail]
port port-id acr [detail]
port port-id associations
port port-id cisco-hdlc
port port-id description
port port-id dot1x [detail]
port port-id ethernet [efm-oam | detail]
port port-id frame-relay [detail | dlci dlci]
port port-id ima-link
port port-id ppp [detail]
port aps[-group-id][.channel]
port lcr[-group-id/port][.channel]

This command displays port or channel information.

If no command line options are specified, the show port command displays summary information for all ports on provisioned adapter cards, fixed platforms, and modules.

If the detail keyword is specified without any port-id, a detailed output of every port in the system is displayed whether the ports are configured or not. This is useful for gathering full reports or as an input into the “| match” filtering command to display a customized summary of fields.

If the port-id parameter only specifies a portion of a port identifier, a summary of all ports that start with that portion is displayed. For example, specifying a slot number and an MDA number displays a summary of all ports on that MDA. If no port-id is specified, a summary of all ports in the system is displayed.

If the port identifier specifies a unique port, information about that port is displayed. The specific information displayed depends on the type of port. Additional information is displayed if the detail keyword is included. In addition, information subsets can be displayed by using various keywords. For example, the dot1x keyword displays only the dot1x information for the port.

specifies the physical port ID



slot[/mda[/port]] or slot/mda/port[.channel]





1 to 6

7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2

1 to 12 and X1 to X4

7705 SAR-18

1 (Ethernet), 2 (T1/E1), or 3 (module)

7705 SAR-M

1 (Ethernet), 2 (module position 1), or 3 (module position 2)

7705 SAR-H

1 (Ethernet), 2 (RS-232)

7705 SAR-Hc

1 (Ethernet) or 2 (T1/E1)

7705 SAR-A

1 (Ethernet) or 2 (GNSS RF)

7705 SAR-Ax


7705 SAR-W

1 (Ethernet)

7705 SAR-Wx (Ethernet-only variants and Ethernet and PoE+ variants)

3 (GPS)

7705 SAR-Wx (variants with GPS)

1 (for T1/E1 ports)

2 (for Ethernet XOR RJ-45 ports 2/1A and 2/2A, Ethernet XOR SFP ports 2/1B and 2/2B, Ethernet ports 2/3 to 2/6, and 10GigE SFP+ port 2/7)

3 (for Ethernet XOR RJ-45 ports 3/1A and 3/2A, Ethernet XOR SFP ports 3/1B and 3/2B, Ethernet ports 3/3 to 3/6, and 10GigE SFP+ port 3/7)

7705 SAR-X


1 to 2

2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card

1 to 2 physical ports, 1 virtual port (designated as “v-port” or port 3)

2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card

2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module

1 to 4

4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card

4-port OC3/STM1 / 1-port OC12/STM4 Adapter card

4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card

4-port SAR-H Fast Ethernet module

1 to 6

6-port E&M Adapter card

6-port FXS Adapter card

6-port Ethernet 10Gbps Adapter card

6-port SAR-M Ethernet module

1 to 8

8-port Ethernet Adapter card

8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card

8-port Voice & Teleprotection card

8-port C37.94 Teleprotection card

8-port FXO Adapter card

Packet Microwave Adapter card

1 to 10

10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card (10-port 1GigE mode)


10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card (1-port 10GigE mode)


GPS Receiver module (GPS RF port)

GNSS Receiver card (GNSS RF port)

1 to 12

12-port Serial Data Interface card

1 to 16

16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card

1 to 32

32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card

1 to 7 (Ethernet), 1 to 16 (T1/E1), or 1 (module)

7705 SAR-M

1 to 8 (Ethernet)

7705 SAR-H

1 to 6 (Ethernet), 1 to 2 (RS-232)

7705 SAR-Hc

1 to 2 (RS-232 ports)

4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module

3 to 4 (T1/E1 ports)

4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module

1 to 12 (Ethernet) or 1 to 8 (T1/E1)

7705 SAR-A

1 to 12 (Ethernet) or 1 (GNSS RF)

7705 SAR-Ax

1 to 5 (Ethernet) and vrtl-mgmt (in-band management)

7705 SAR-W

1 to 5 (Ethernet) (on the Ethernet-only variants and Ethernet and PoE+ variants) or 1 (for GPS)

7705 SAR-Wx

1 to 8 (T1/E1 ports), 1 or 2 (Ethernet XOR RJ-45/SFP ports), 3 to 6 (Ethernet ports), 7 (Ethernet SFP+ ports)

7705 SAR-X


ds1, e1, codir, or tpif

for config>port>tdm information

em, fxo, or fxs

for config>port>voice information

rs232, rs530, v35, or x21

for config>port>serial information

1 to 24 (DS1) or 1 to 32 (E1)

for config>port>tdm>channel-group information

1 (E&M)

for config>port>voice>em>channel-group information

1 (DS0)

for config>port>tdm>codir>channel-group, config>port>tdm>tpif>channel-group, config>port>voice>fxo>channel-group, and config>port>voice>fxs>channel-group information

1 (RS-232, RS-530, V.35, or X.21)

for config>port>serial>channel-group information

displays only port counter summary information
statistics detail—
displays only port counter detail information
displays ACR-capable port information
acr detail—
displays ACR-capable port detail information
displays cHDLC port information
displays port description strings
displays statistics and status information about 802.1x ports
dot1x detail—
displays statistics and status detail information about 802.1x ports
associations —
displays a list of current router interfaces to which the port is associated
displays PPP protocol information for the port
ppp detail—
displays PPP protocol detail information for the port
displays Ethernet port information
ethernet efm-oam—
displays EFM OAM information
ethernet detail—
displays Ethernet port detail information
displays port-level frame relay statistics
frame-relay detail—
displays frame relay port information
frame-relay dlci—
displays circuit-level frame relay statistics
displays port-level IMA link information
specifying only the keyword displays all the ports in APS groups. Specifying the group ID displays information about the specified APS group.
specifying only the keyword displays all the ports in LCR groups. Specifying the group ID and port displays information about the port in the specified LCR group.

The following outputs are examples of port information:

  1. Port Statistics (Output Example, Table 62)
  2. Specific, Ethernet (Output Example, Table 63)
  3. Specific, PoE Enabled (Output Example, Table 64)
  4. Specific, Serial (Output Example, Table 65)
  5. Specific, SONET/SDH (Output Example, Table 66)
  6. Specific, Voice E&M (Output Example, Table 67)
  7. Specific, Voice FXO (Output Example, Table 68)
  8. Specific, Voice FXS (Output Example, Table 69)
  9. Specific, DS0 Voice Channel Group (Output Example, Table 70)
  10. Detail, SONET/SDH (Output Example, Table 71)
  11. Detail, 10G Ring Ethernet (Output Example, Table 74)
  12. Detail, 2.5G Virtual Ethernet (Output Example, Table 75)
  13. Detail, TDM/DS1 (Output Example, Table 76)
  14. Serial Channel (Output Example, Table 77)
  15. Voice Channel, E&M (Output Example, Table 78)
  16. Channel Group (Output Example, Table 79)
  17. Channelized DS3 (Output Example, Table 80)
  18. Clear Channel DS3 (Output Example, Table 81)
  19. Descriptions (Output Example, Table 84)
  20. Associations (Output Example, Table 85)
  21. Frame Relay (Output Example, Table 89)
  22. Frame Relay DLCI (Output Example, Table 90)
  23. HDLC and cHDLC (Output Example, Table 90)
  24. TDM Codir or TPIF (Output Example, Table 91)
  25. Specific APS Port ID (Output Example, Table 94)
  26. Specific LCR Port ID (Output Example, Table 96)
Output Example
*A:NOK-1># show port 1/1
Ports on Slot 1
Port        Admin Link Port    Cfg  Oper LAG/ Port Port Port   SFP/XFP/
Id          State      State   MTU  MTU  Bndl Mode Encp Type   MDIMDX
1/1/1       Down  No   Ghost
1/1/2       Down  No   Ghost
1/1/2.1     Down  No   Ghost   1514 1514    - accs cem  serial
1/1/3       Down  No   Ghost
1/1/4       Down  No   Ghost
1/1/4.1     Down  No   Ghost   1514 1514    - accs cem  serial
1/1/5       Down  No   Ghost
1/1/6       Down  No   Ghost
1/1/7       Down  No   Ghost
1/1/8       Down  No   Ghost
1/1/9       Down  No   Ghost
1/1/10      Down  No   Ghost
1/1/11      Down  No   Ghost
1/1/12      Down  No   Ghost
*A:NOK-1># show port 1/2
Ports on Slot 1
Port        Admin Link Port    Cfg  Oper LAG/ Port Port Port   SFP/XFP/
Id          State      State   MTU  MTU  Bndl Mode Encp Type   MDIMDX
1/2/1       Down  No   Ghost
1/2/1.sts3  Up    No   Ghost   1524 1524    - accs atm  sonet
1/2/2       Up    No   Ghost
1/2/2.sts3  Down  No   Ghost   1572 1572    - netw pppa sonet
1/2/3       Down  No   Ghost
1/2/4       Down  No   Ghost
A:NOK-1># show port 1/3
Ports on Slot 1
Port        Admin Link Port    Cfg  Oper LAG/ Port Port Port   SFP/XFP/
Id          State      State   MTU  MTU  Bndl Mode Encp Type   MDIMDX
1/3/1       Down  No   Ghost
1/3/1.1     Down  No   Ghost   1514 1514    - accs cem  tdm
1/3/2       Down  No   Ghost
1/3/2.1     Down  No   Ghost   1514 1514    - accs cem  tdm
1/3/3       Down  No   Ghost
1/3/4       Down  No   Ghost
1/3/5       Down  No   Ghost
1/3/6       Down  No   Ghost
1/3/7       Down  No   Ghost
1/3/8       Down  No   Ghost
1/3/9       Down  No   Ghost
1/3/10      Down  No   Ghost
1/3/11      Down  No   Ghost
1/3/12      Down  No   Ghost
1/3/13      Down  No   Ghost
1/3/14      Down  No   Ghost
1/3/15      Down  No   Ghost
1/3/16      Down  No   Ghost
1/3/16.1    Down  No   Ghost   1572 1572    - netw unkn tdm
Table 61:  General Port Field Descriptions  



Port ID

The port ID configured or displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Admin State

Up: the administrative state is up

Down: the administrative state is down


Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present

Port State

Up: the port is physically present and has a physical link

Down: the port is physically present but does not have a link

Ghost: the port is not physically present

None: the port is in its initial creation state or about to be deleted

Link Up: the port is physically present and has a physical link.

When Link Up appears at the lowest level of a TDM tributary, it means the physical connection is active but the port is waiting before data traffic can flow. It is a waiting state and indicates that data traffic will not flow until it transitions to the Up state.

Link Down: the port is physically present but does not have a link


The configured MTU

Oper MTU

The negotiated size of the largest packet that can be sent on the port or channel specified in octets


The Link Aggregation Group (LAG) or multilink bundle to which a TDM port is assigned

Port Mode

network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access

hybrid: the port is configured for hybrid use (transport network and service access per VLAN)

Port Encp

The encapsulation type on the port

Port Type

The type of port or optics installed


The SFP type on an Ethernet port (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, or GigE)

Output Example
*A:NOK-1># show port 1/1 statistics detail
Port Statistics on Slot 1
Port                    Ingress         Ingress         Egress           Egress
Id                      Packets          Octets         Packets          Octets
1/1/1                         0               0               0               0
1/1/1.rs232                   0               0               0               0
1/1/2                         0               0               0               0
1/1/2.rs232                   0               0               0               0
1/1/2.1                       0               0               0               0
1/1/3                         0               0               0               0
1/1/4                         0               0               0               0
1/1/4.v35                     0               0               0               0
1/1/4.1                       0               0               0               0
1/1/5                         0               0               0               0
1/1/6                         0               0               0               0
1/1/7                         0               0               0               0
1/1/8                         0               0               0               0
1/1/9                         0               0               0               0
1/1/10                        0               0               0               0
1/1/11                        0               0               0               0
1/1/12                        0               0               0               0
*A:NOK-1># show port 1/2 statistics detail
Port Statistics on Slot 1
Port                    Ingress         Ingress         Egress           Egress
Id                      Packets          Octets         Packets          Octets
1/2/1                         0               0               0               0
1/2/1.sts3                    0               0               0               0
1/2/2                         0               0               0               0
1/2/2.sts3                    0               0               0               0
1/2/3                         0               0               0               0
1/2/4                         0               0               0               0
*A:NOK-1># show port 1/5 statistics detail
Port Statistics on Slot 1
Port                    Ingress         Ingress         Egress           Egress
Id                      Packets          Octets         Packets          Octets
1/5/1                         0               0               0               0
1/5/2                         0               0               0               0
1/5/3                         0               0               0               0
1/5/4                         0               0               0               0
1/5/5                         0               0               0               0
1/5/6                         0               0               0               0
1/5/7                         0               0               0               0
1/5/8                         0               0               0               0
Table 62:  Port Statistics Field Descriptions  



Port ID

The port ID configured or displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Ingress Packets

The number of ingress packets coming into the port

Ingress Octets

The number of ingress octets coming into the port

Egress Packets

The number of egress packets transmitted from the port

Egress Octets

The number of egress octets transmitted from the port

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/5/8
Ethernet Interface
Description        : 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
Interface          : 1/5/8                      Oper Speed       : 1 Gbps 
Link-level         : Ethernet                   Config Speed     : 1 Gbps 
Admin State        : up                         Oper Duplex      : full 
Oper State         : up                         Config Duplex    : full 
Physical Link      : Yes                        MTU              : 1514 
Single Fiber Mode  : No                        
IfIndex            : 40108032                   Hold time up     : 0 seconds 
Last State Change  : 11/24/2009 13:05:41        Hold time down   : 0 seconds   
Last Cleared Time  : N/A                        DDM Events       : Enabled 
Phys State Chng Cnt: 0
Configured Mode    : hybrid                     Encap Type       : 802.1q        
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                     QinQ Ethertype   : 0x8100     
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                        Egr. Pool % Rate : 100         
Ing. Acc. Wt.      : 50                         Egr. Acc. Wt.    : 50
Ing. Net. Wt.      : 50                         Egr. Net. Wt.    : 50
Net. Egr. Queue Pol: default                                                   
Auto-negotiate     : true                       MDI/MDX          : unknown 
Net. Egr. ShaperPol: 2
Acc. Egr. ShaperPol: 5
Net. Scheduler Mode: 16-priority
Config Phy-tx-clock: auto-pref-slave            Oper Phy-tx-clock: N/A
SapEgr.Unshaped-Cir: 0 Kbps                                    
SapEgr.Shaper Pol  : default
NetEgr.Unshaped-Cir: 0 Kbps
Allow Eth-BN       : True
BN Egr.Rate in use : 765000                     Eth-BN hold time : 6
Egress Rate        : Default                    Ingress Rate     : n/a         
Egr.Rate Incl.FCS  : Disabled
Ingress CBS(bytes) : 130816                     Src-pause        : Disabled
                                                LACP Tunnel      : Disabled
Down-when-looped   : Disabled                   Keep-alive       : 10
Loop Detected      : False                      Retry            : 120
Use Broadcast Addr : False
Loopback           : none                       Swap Mac Addr    : Disabled
Loopback Time Left : unspecified
Cfm Loopback       : Disabled 
Sync. Status Msg.  : Enabled                    Rx Quality Level : 0xf(dus)    
PTP Asymmetry      : 0                          Edge Timestamp   : Disable
Timestamp Capable  : True
CRC Mon SD Thresh  : Disabled                   CRC Mon Window   : 10 seconds
CRC Mon SF Thresh  : Disabled
Configured Address : 00:1a:f0:d4:09:de
Hardware Address   : 00:1a:f0:d4:09:de
Cfg Alarm          :                                                   
Alarm Status       : 
Transceiver Data
Transceiver Status : operational                                              
Transceiver Type   : SFP                                                      
Model Number       : 3HE00027AAAA02  ALU  IPUIAELDAB                          
TX Laser Wavelength: 850 nm                     Diag Capable     : yes         
Connector Code     : LC                         Vendor OUI       : 00:90:65    
Manufacture date   : 2009/07/09                 Media            : Ethernet    
Serial Number      : PFS3UTC                                                  
Part Number        : FTRJ8519P2BNL-A5                                         
Optical Compliance : GIGE-SX                                                  
Link Length support: 300m for 50u MMF; 150m for 62.5u MMF                     
SFP Sync-E Capable : yes 
Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM), Internally Calibrated
                              Value High Alarm  High Warn   Low Warn  Low Alarm
Temperature (C)               +27.1     +95.0      +90.0      -20.0     -25.0 
Supply Voltage (V)             3.31      3.90       3.70       2.90      2.70 
Tx Bias Current (mA)            6.3      17.0       14.0        2.0       1.0 
Tx Output Power (dBm)         -4.47     -2.00      -2.00     -11.02    -11.74 
Rx Optical Power (avg dBm)   -20.51      1.00      -1.00     -18.01!   -20.00!
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                          11076096               11075584
Packets                                            86532                  86529
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Unicast Packets                                        0                      1
Multicast Packets                                  86532                  86528
Broadcast Packets                                      0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0 
Port Discard Statistics
                                 Input                                  Output
Inv L2 Packets   :                   0 
Inv IP Packets   :                   0 
CSM Ingress Queues                      CSM Egress Queues 
  Hi             :                   0    Common         :                   0 
  Low            :                   0 
  Ftp            :                   0 
Ethernet CFM Statistics
Cfm LbmRx        :                   0
Cfm LbReplyTx    :                   0  Cfm LbmDropped   :                   0
Num Bn Rate Chng :                   1  Last BnRateChng  : 04/12/2017 21:20:53
Valid BnmRx      :                   2  Last Valid BnmRx : 04/12/2017 21:21:10
Invalid BnmRx    :                   0
BnmOutOfRangeBW  :                   0
Ethernet-like Medium Statistics
Alignment Errors :                   0  Sngl Collisions  :                   0 
FCS Errors       :                   0  Mult Collisions  :                   0 
SQE Test Errors  :                   0  Late Collisions  :                   0 
CSE              :                   0  Excess Collisns  :                   0 
Too long Frames  :                   0  Int MAC Tx Errs  :                   0 
Symbol Errors    :                   0  Int MAC Rx Errs  :                   0 
In Pause Frames  :                   0  Out Pause Frames :                   0
Table 63:  Specific Port Field Descriptions (GigE Port with Optical SFP) 



Ethernet Interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format


The type of link for which the port is configured

Admin State

up: the administrative state is up

down: the administrative state is down

Oper State

up: the operating state is up

down: the operating state is down

Reason Down

Indicates that the port has gone down due to Link Loss Forwarding

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present

Single Fiber Mode

Yes: single fiber mode

No: not single fiber mode


The interface's index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Last State Change

The last time that the operational status of the port changed state

Last Cleared Time

The time since the last clear

Phys State Chng Cnt

The physical state change counter. This counter increments when a fully qualified (debounced) transition occurs at the physical layer of an Ethernet port, including the following transitions of the port state as displayed in the show port slot/mda/port output:

  1. from Down to Link Up or Up
  2. from Link Up or Up to Down

This counter does not increment for changes only in the link protocol states. That is, if the physical link is up, any transitions of the port state due to link protocols (for example, 802.3ah EFM OAM, LACP, 802.1ag) do not cause the counter to increment. The following port state transitions are examples of transitions that are not counted:

  1. from Link Up to Up
  2. from Up to Link Up

Configured Mode

network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access

hybrid: the port is configured for hybrid use (transport network and service access per VLAN)

Dot1Q Ethertype

The Ethertype expected when the port's encapsulation type is dot1q

QinQ Ethertype

The Ethertype expected when the port's encapsulation type is qinq

Ing. Pool % Rate

The amount of ingress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port or channel for ingress buffering

Net. Egr. Queue Pol

default: the default policy is used

network: the network egress queue policy is used

Egr. Sched. Pol

The egress scheduling policy

Net. Egr. ShaperPol

The network egress shaper policy ID

Acc. Egr. ShaperPol

The access egress shaper policy ID

Net. Scheduler Mode

The network scheduler mode


true: the link attempts to automatically negotiate the link speed and duplex parameters

false: the duplex and speed values are used for the link

Config Phy-tx-clock

The mode used to establish timing control of a 1000Base-T port. The options are:

  1. N/A— the port does not support 1000Base-T
  2. auto-pref-master—prefers to be master during autonegotiation
  3. auto-pref-slave—prefers to be slave during autonegotiation
  4. slave—the port is forced to be slave
  5. master—the port is forced to be master

Oper Phy-tx-clock

The operational value of the MASTER-SLAVE relationship of the 1000Base-T physical layer transmit clock. The options are:

  1. N/A— the port or the inserted SFP does not support 1000Base-T, the port is down, or negotiation failed
  2. slave—the port is slave
  3. master—the port is master

SapEgr.Shaper Pol

The SAP egress shaper policy for the port


The CIR rate for the aggregate of all the unshaped 4-priority SAPs on the port


The CIR rate for the aggregate of all the unshaped VLANs on the port

Allow Eth-BN

Indicates whether Ethernet Bandwidth Notification (ETH-BN) is allowed on the port: True or False

BN Egr.Rate in use

The egress rate in use based on the request from the ETH-BN server MEP

Eth-BN hold time

The configured hold time (in seconds) between an egress rate change based on a received Bandwidth Notification Message (BNM) and the next change request that will be accepted

Egress Rate

The maximum amount of egress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that this Ethernet interface can generate

Egr.Rate Incl.FCS

The configured state of egress rate FCS inclusion: enabled or disabled

Ingress CBS (bytes)

Indicates the ingress committed buffer space


A notification to slow down the transmission rate when it exceeds the bandwidth limit

LACP Tunnel

Indicates whether LACP packet tunneling is enabled


Enabled: The down-when-looped feature is enabled on the port

Disabled: The down-when-looped feature is disabled on the port


The time interval between keepalive PDUs transmitted toward the network during loop detection by the down-when-looped feature

Loop Detected

Indicates whether a loop is detected on the port


The minimum wait time before the port is re-enabled after it is brought down due to a loop detection

Use Broadcast Addr

Indicates whether the down-when-looped feature has been configured to compare the destination MAC address of received PDUs to the broadcast MAC address instead of the MAC address of the port


The type of loopback configured on the port, either line, internal, or none

Swap Mac Addr

Indicates whether MAC address swapping is enabled

Loopback Time Left

The number of seconds left in a timed loopback

If there is no loopback configured or the configured loopback is latched, the value is unspecified

If configured loopback is persistent, the value persistent.

Cfm Loopback

Indicates whether the CFM loopback is enabled

Sync. Status Msg.

Indicates whether Synchronization Status Messaging is enabled on the port

PTP Asymmetry

Indicates whether PTP asymmetry is enabled

Edge Timestamp

Indicates whether the edge timestamp is enabled

Timestamp Capable

Indicates whether the port is timestamp-capable

CRC Mon SD Thresh

Indicates the CRC signal degrade threshold value (1 to 9), if enabled

CRC Mon SF Thresh

Indicates the CRC signal fail threshold value (1 to 9), if enabled

CRC Mon Window

Indicates the CRC window sampling size value (5 to 60)

Rx Quality Level

The Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value received on the port


The Synchronization Status Messaging quality level code type

Tx Quality Level

The Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value transmitted on the port


Indicates whether the transmission of the QL-DUS/DNU value in synchronization status messages is enabled or disabled on the port

Configured Address

The base chassis Ethernet MAC address

Hardware Address

The interface hardware- or system-assigned MAC address at its protocol sublayer

Cfg Alarm

The type of alarms to be logged and reported for the Ethernet port

Alarm Status

The current alarm state

Oper Speed

The operating speed of the interface

Config Speed

The configured speed of the interface

Oper Duplex

full: the link is operating at full-duplex mode

half: the link is operating at half-duplex mode

Config Duplex

full: the link is set at full-duplex mode

half: the link is set at half-duplex mode


The size of the largest packet that can be sent/received on the Ethernet physical interface, specified in octets

Hold time up

The link-up dampening time in seconds

Hold time down

The link-down dampening time in seconds

Encap Type

null: ingress frames will not use any tags or labels to delineate a service

dot1q: ingress frames carry 802.1Q tags, where each tag signifies a different service

qinq: ingress frames carry two 802.1Q tags, where the outer tag is the service provider tag and the inner tag is the customer service tag

Egr. Pool % Rate

The amount of egress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port or channel for egress buffering


Ethernet type

Transceiver Data

The following information is provided for a configured transceiver (SFP):

  1. transceiver status
  2. transceiver type
  3. model number
  4. TX laser wavelength
  5. whether it is diagnostics capable
  6. connector code
  7. vendor organizationally unique identifier (OUI)
  8. manufacture date
  9. media
  10. serial number
  11. part number
  12. optical compliance
  13. link length support:
  14. whether it is Sync-E capable

Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM), Internally Calibrated

SFP manufacturers specifications guidelines contained in specification SFF-8472, for the following:

  1. temperature (C)
  2. supply voltage (V)
  3. Tx bias current (mA)
  4. Tx output power (dBm)
  5. Rx optical power (avg dBm)

For the above categories, the following values are shown:

  1. Value is the current measured value of each variable
  2. High Alarm is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM High Alarm to be output
  3. High Warn is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM High Warning Alarm to be output
  4. Low Warn is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM Low Warning Alarm to be output
  5. Low Alarm is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM Low Alarm to be output

If alarms/warnings are raised, there will be an "!" in the output

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Port Statistics

Unicast packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Multicast packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Broadcast packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown proto discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts.

Port Discard Statistics

Inv L2 Packets Input

The number of invalid packets discarded due to an unknown Layer 2 ID

Inv IP Packets Input

The number of invalid IP packets discarded

CSM Ingress Queues Input

The number of incoming control packets discarded

CSM Egress Queues Output

The number of outgoing control packets discarded

Ethernet CFM Statistics

Cfm LbmRx

The number of LBMs received

Cfm LbReplyTx

The number of LBRs transmitted

Cfm LbmDropped

The number of LBMs dropped

Num Bn Rate Chng

The number of times that the port egress rate is dynamically changed based on Bandwidth Notification (BN) messages

Note: not every bandwidth change indicated by a BNM triggers a port egress rate change

Last BnRateChng

The time that the port egress rate was last changed based on a BNM

Valid BnmRx

The number of valid BN messages received

Last Valid BnmRx

The time that the last valid BNM was received

Invalid BnmRx

The number of invalid BN messages received


The number of BN messages received with a requested bandwidth that was out of range

Ethernet-like Medium Statistics

Alignment Errors

The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets

FCS Errors

The number of frames received that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check

SQE Errors

The number of times that the SQE TEST ERROR is received


The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame

Too long Frames

The number of frames received that exceed the maximum permitted frame size

Symbol Errors

For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the number of times there was an invalid data symbol when a valid carrier was present

In Pause Frames

The number of IEEE 802.3x pause frames received for flow control; traffic is momentarily disrupted

Sngl Collisions

The number of frames that are involved in a single collision, and are subsequently transmitted successfully

Mult Collisions

The number of frames that are involved in more than one collision and are subsequently transmitted successfully

Late Collisions

The number of times that a collision is detected later than one slotTime into the transmission of a packet

Excess Collisns

The number of frames for which a transmission fails due to excessive collisions

Int MAC Tx Errs

The number of frames for which a transmission fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error

Int MAC Rx Errs

The number of frames for which a reception fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error

Out Pause Frames

The number of IEEE 802.3x pause frames sent for flow control; traffic is momentarily disrupted

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/7 detail
Ethernet Interface
Description        : 10/100/Gig Ethernet TX
Interface          : 1/1/7                      Oper Speed       : N/A
Link-level         : Ethernet                   Config Speed     : 1 Gbps
Admin State        : down                       Oper Duplex      : N/A
Oper State         : down                       Config Duplex    : full
Physical Link      : No                         MTU              : 1514
Single Fiber Mode  : No                         
IfIndex            : 44302336                   Hold time up     : 0 seconds
Last State Change  : 04/14/2014 14:05:25        Hold time down   : 0 seconds
Last Cleared Time  : N/A               
Configured Mode    : access                     Encap Type       : Null
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                         
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                        Egr. Pool % Rate : 100
Net. Egr. Queue Pol: default                    
Auto-negotiate     : true                       MDI/MDX          : unknown
Config Phy-tx-clock: auto-pref-slave            Oper Phy-tx-clock: N/A
Allow Eth-BN       : True
BN Egr.Rate in use : 765000                     Eth-BN hold time : 6
Egress Rate        : Default                    Ingress Rate     : n/a
Down-when-looped   : Disabled                   Keep-alive       : 10
Loop Detected      : False                      Retry            : 120
Use Broadcast Addr : False                      
Loopback           : none                       Swap Mac Addr    : Disabled
Loopback Time Left : unspecified                
Cfm Loopback       : Disabled                   
PoE Mode           : None                       PoE Detection       : Searching
Poe Class          : Class 0                    PoE Fault Reason    : none
PoE Maximum Power  : None                       PoE Power In Use    : 0.0 watts
Sync. Status Msg.  : Disabled                   Rx Quality Level : N/A
PTP Asymmetry      : 0                          Edge Timestamp   : Disable
Timestamp Capable  : False                      
CRC Mon SD Thresh  : Disabled                    CRC Mon Window : 10 seconds
CRC Mon SF Thresh  : Disabled                    
Configured Address : 6c:be:e9:b1:af:1b
Hardware Address   : 6c:be:e9:b1:af:1b
Cfg Alarm          : 
Alarm Status       : 
Transceiver Data 
Transceiver Status : not-equipped 
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                             10728                  14236
Packets                                              102                    156
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Unicast Packets                                      102                    101
Multicast Packets                                      0                     52
Broadcast Packets                                      0                      3
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0                       
Port Discard Statistics
                                 Input                                  Output
Inv L2 Packets   :                   0                     
Inv IP Packets   :                   0                                         
CSM Ingress Queues                      CSM Egress Queues   
  Hi             :                   0    Common         :                    0
  Medium         :                   0  
  Low            :                   0  
Port Control Statistics
Ingress Queue CTL             Packets                 Octets
     Forwarded :                0                       0                  
     Dropped   :                0                       N/A                    
Egress Queue CTL              Packets                 Octets
     Forwarded :                0                       0                   
     Dropped   :                0                       N/A                    
Ethernet-like Medium Statistics
Alignment Errors :                   0  Sngl Collisions  :                   0
FCS Errors       :                   0  Mult Collisions  :                   0
SQE Test Errors  :                   0  Late Collisions  :                   0
CSE              :                   0  Excess Collisns  :                   0
Too long Frames  :                   0  Int MAC Tx Errs  :                   0
Symbol Errors    :                   0  Int MAC Rx Errs  :                   0
In Pause Frames  :                   0  Out Pause Frames :                   0
Ethernet CFM Statistics
Cfm LbmRx        :                   0  
Cfm LbReplyTx    :                   0  Cfm LbmDropped   :                   0
Num Bn Rate Chng :                   1  Last BnRateChng  : 04/12/2017 21:20:53
Valid BnmRx      :                   2  Last Valid BnmRx : 04/12/2017 21:21:10
Invalid BnmRx    :                   0
BnmOutOfRangeBW  :                   0
Table 64:  PoE Port Field Descriptions (Ethernet) 



Ethernet Interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Oper Speed

The operating speed of the interface


Ethernet: the port is configured as Ethernet

Config Speed

The configured speed of the interface

Admin State

up: the port is administratively up

down: the port is administratively down

Oper Duplex

The operating duplex mode of the interface

Oper State

up: the port is operationally up

down: the port is operationally down

Config Duplex

full: the link is configured to full-duplex mode

half: the link is configured to half-duplex mode

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present


The size of the largest packet that can be sent/received on the Ethernet physical interface, specified in octets

Single Fiber Mode

Yes: single fiber mode

No: not single fiber mode


The interface’s index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Hold time up

The link-up dampening time in seconds. The port link dampening timer value that reduces the number of link transitions reported to upper layer protocols.

Last State Change

The last time that the operational status of the port changed state

Hold time down

The link-down dampening time in seconds. The down timer controls the dampening timer for link down transitions.

Last Cleared Time

The time since the last clear

Configured Mode

network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access

hybrid: the port is configured for hybrid use (transport network and service access per VLAN)

Encap Type

null: ingress frames will not use any tags or labels to delineate a service

dot1q: ingress frames carry 802.1Q tags, where each tag signifies a different service

qinq: ingress frames carry two 802.1Q tags, where the outer tag is the service provider tag and the inner tag is the customer service tag

Dot1Q Ethertype

The protocol carried in a dot1q Ethernet frame

Ing. Pool % Rate

The amount of ingress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port for ingress buffering

Egr. Pool % Rate

The amount of egress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port for egress buffering

Net.Egr. Queue Pol.

The number of the associated network egress queue QoS policy, or default if the default policy is used


true: the link attempts to automatically negotiate the link speed and duplex parameters

false: the duplex and speed values are used for the link


Indicates the Ethernet interface type

Config Phy-tx-clock

The mode used to establish timing control of a 1000Base-T port. The options are:

  1. N/A— the port does not support 1000Base-T
  2. auto-pref-master—prefers to be master during autonegotiation
  3. auto-pref-slave—prefers to be slave during autonegotiation
  4. slave—the port is forced to be slave
  5. master—the port is forced to be master

Oper Phy-tx-clock

The operational value of the master-slave relationship of the 1000Base-T physical layer transmit clock. The options are:

  1. N/A— the port or the inserted SFP does not support 1000Base-T, the port is down, or negotiation failed
  2. slave—the port is slave
  3. master—the port is master

Allow Eth-BN

Indicates whether Ethernet Bandwidth Notification (ETH-BN) is allowed on the port: True or False

BN Egr.Rate in use

The egress rate in use based on the request from the ETH-BN server MEP

Eth-BN hold time

The configured hold time (in seconds) between an egress rate change based on a received Bandwidth Notification Message (BNM) and the next change request that will be accepted

Egress Rate

The maximum amount of egress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that this Ethernet interface can generate

Ingress Rate

The maximum amount of ingress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that this Ethernet interface can generate


Enabled: The down-when-looped feature is enabled on the port

Disabled: The down-when-looped feature is disabled on the port


The time interval between keepalive PDUs transmitted toward the network during loop detection by the down-when-looped feature

Loop Detected

Indicates whether a loop is detected on the port


The minimum wait time before the port is re-enabled after it is brought down due to a loop detection

Use Broadcast Addr

Indicates whether the down-when-looped feature has been configured to compare the destination MAC address of received PDUs to the broadcast MAC address instead of the MAC address of the port


The type of loopback configured on the port, either line, internal, or none

Swap Mac Addr.

Indicates whether MAC address swapping is enabled

Loopback Time Left

The number of seconds left in a timed loopback

If there is no loopback configured or the configured loopback is latched, the value is unspecified.

If configured loopback is persistent, the value persistent

Cfm Loopback

Indicates whether the CFM loopback is enabled

PoE Mode

Indicates whether the port is using Poe, PoE+, or if the PoE function is turned off (disabled)

PoE Detection

Indicates the detection state of the PoE port

PoE Class

Displays the class of the PoE device connected to the port, as defined in IEEE 802.3af

PoE Fault Reason

Displays the reason the PoE port is down if a fault is detected

PoE Maximum Power

Indicates the maximum amount of PoE power configured and available on the port

PoE Power in Use

Indicates the amount of PoE power being used by the port

Sync. Status Msg.

Indicates whether Synchronization Status Messaging is enabled on the port

Rx Quality Level

The Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value received on the port

PTP Asymmetry

Indicates whether PTP asymmetry is enabled

Edge Timestamp

Indicates whether the edge timestamp is enabled

Timestamp Capable

Indicates whether the port is timestamp-capable

CRC Mon SD Thresh

Indicates the CRC signal degrade threshold value (1 to 9), if enabled

CRC Mon SF Thresh

Indicates the CRC signal fail threshold value (1 to 9), if enabled

CRC Mon Window

Indicates the CRC window sampling size value (1 to 10)

Configured Address

The base chassis Ethernet MAC address

Hardware Address

The interface hardware- or system-assigned MAC address at its protocol sublayer

Cfg Alarm

The type of alarms to be logged and reported for the port

Alarm Status

The current alarm state

Traffic Statistics

Octets input/output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets input/output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Port Statistics

Unicast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Multicast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent

Broadcast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts

Port Discard Statistics

Inv L2 Packets Input

The number of invalid packets that are discarded due to an unknown Layer 2 ID

Inv IP Packets Input

The number of invalid IP packets that are discarded

CSM Ingress Queues Input

The number of incoming control packets discarded

CSM Egress Queues Output

The number of outgoing control packets discarded

Port Control Statistics

Ingress Queue CTL

The number of forwarded packets and octets, and the number of dropped packets, for the ingress control queue. For access ports, this statistic applies only to Ethernet cards. For network ports, this statistic applies to all adapter cards.

Egress Queue CTL

The number of forwarded packets and octets, and the number of dropped packets, for the egress control queue. For access ports, this statistic applies only to Ethernet cards. For network ports, this statistic applies to all adapter cards.

Ethernet-like Medium Statistics

Alignment Errors

The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets

FCS Errors

The number of frames received that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check

SQE Errors

The number of times that the SQE TEST ERROR is received


The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame

Too long Frames

The number of frames received that exceed the maximum permitted frame size

Symbol Errors

For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the number of times there was an invalid data symbol when a valid carrier was present

In Pause Frames

The number of IEEE 802.3x pause frames received for flow control; traffic is momentarily disrupted

Sngl Collisions

The number of frames that are involved in a single collision, and are subsequently transmitted successfully

Mult Collisions

The number of frames that are involved in more than one collision and are subsequently transmitted successfully

Late Collisions

The number of times that a collision is detected later than one slotTime into the transmission of a packet

Excess Collisns

The number of frames for which a transmission fails due to excessive collisions

Int MAC Tx Errs

The number of frames for which a transmission fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error

Int MAC Rx Errs

The number of frames for which a reception fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error

Out Pause Frames

The number of IEEE 802.3x pause frames sent for flow control; traffic is momentarily disrupted

Ethernet CFM Statistics

Cfm LbmRx

The number of LBMs received

Cfm LbReplyTx

The number of LBRs transmitted

Cfm LbmDropped

The number of LBMs dropped

Num Bn Rate Chng

The number of times that the port egress rate is dynamically changed based on Bandwidth Notification (BN) messages

Note: not every bandwidth change indicated by a BNM triggers a port egress rate change

Last BnRateChng

The time that the port egress rate was last changed based on a BNM

Valid BnmRx

The number of valid BN messages received

Last Valid BnmRx

The time that the last valid BNM was received

Invalid BnmRx

The number of invalid BN messages received


The number of BN messages received with a requested bandwidth that was out of range

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/1
Serial RS-232 Physical Interface
Description        : RS-232/V.35/X.21
Interface          : 1/1/1                  Port IfIndex         : 35684352
Admin Status       : down                   Oper Status          : down
Physical Link      : No
Type               : rs232
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
Table 65:  Specific Port Field Descriptions (Serial Port) 



Serial RS-232 Physical Interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Port IfIndex

The interface’s index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Admin Status

up: the administrative state is up

down: the administrative state is down

Oper Status

up: the operational state is up

down: the operational state is down

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present


The type of serial interface

Port Statistics

Packets input/output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards input/output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown proto discards input/output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/2/1
SONET/SDH Interface
Description        : OC-3 SONET/SDH
Interface          : 1/2/1                  Speed                : oc3 
Admin Status       : up                     Oper Status          : up 
Physical Link      : Yes                    Loopback Mode        : none 
Single Fiber Mode  : No 
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                    Egr. Pool % Rate     : 100 
APS Group          : none                   APS Role             : none 
Clock Source       : node                   Framing              : sonet 
Last State Change  : 11/24/2009 13:05:56    Port IfIndex         : 46170112 
Last Cleared Time  : N/A                    DDM Events           : Enabled 
J0 String          : 0x01                   Section Trace Mode   : byte 
Rx S1 Byte         : 0x00 (stu)             Rx K1/K2 Byte        : 0x00/0x00 
Tx S1 Byte         : 0x00 (stu)             Tx DUS/DNU           : Disabled 
Rx J0 String (Hex) : 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Cfg Alarm          : loc lrdi lb2er-sf slof slos 
Alarm Status       : 
BER SD Threshold   : 6                      BER SF Threshold     : 3 
Hold time up       : 500 milliseconds 
Hold time down     : 0 milliseconds 
Transceiver Data    
Transceiver Status : operational 
Transceiver Type   : SFP 
Model Number       : 3HE00034AAAA02  ALU  IPUIAEXDAB 
TX Laser Wavelength: 1310 nm                Diag Capable         : yes 
Connector Code     : LC                     Vendor OUI           : 00:00:00 
Manufacture date   : 2009/04/25             Media                : SONET/SDH 
Serial Number      : 1XX200083926037 
Part Number        : FTM3101CSL2iAL 
Optical Compliance : OC3-SR-MM 
Link Length support: 2000m for 50u MMF; 2000m for 62.5u MMF 
SFP Sync-E Capable : n/a 
Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM), Externally Calibrated
                              Value High Alarm  High Warn   Low Warn  Low Alarm
Temperature (C)               +36.6    +100.0      +95.0      -35.0     -40.0 
Supply Voltage (V)             3.28      3.80       3.63       2.97      2.70 
Tx Bias Current (mA)            8.2      60.0       50.0        0.2       0.1 
Tx Output Power (dBm)        -15.44    -13.00     -14.00     -20.00    -21.02 
Rx Optical Power (avg dBm)   -16.14     -9.00     -10.00     -33.00    -35.22 
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0 
*A:ALU-1># show 
Table 66:  Specific Port Field Descriptions (SONET/SDH Port) 



SONET/SDH interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format


The speed of a SONET/SDH port

Admin Status

up: the administrative state is up

down: the administrative state is down

Oper Status

up: the operational state is up

down: the operational state is down

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present

Loopback Mode

The loopback mode on the port

Single Fiber Mode

Yes: single fiber mode

No: not single fiber mode

Ing. Pool % Rate

The amount of ingress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port for ingress buffering

Egr. Pool % Rate

The amount of egress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port for egress buffering

APS group

The automatic protection switching group

APS role

The automatic protection switching group role

Clock Source

node: the link uses the internal clock when transmitting data

loop: the link recovers the clock from the received data stream


sonet: the port is configured for SONET framing

sdh: the port is configured for SDH framing

Last State Change

The last time that the operational status of the port changed state

Port IfIndex

The interface’s index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Last Cleared Time

The time since the last clear

DDM Events

Enabled: digital diagnostic monitoring events is enabled for the port

Disabled: digital diagnostic monitoring events is disabled for the port

J0 String

The section trace value that is sent to the far-end port

Section Trace Mode

byte: the section trace in the SONET section header is set in bytes

string: a text string is used to identify the SONET section header

increment-z0: an incremental STM ID is configured instead of a static value

Rx S1 Byte

The synchronization status message value of the received SONET/SDH S1 byte

Rx K1/K2 Byte

The value of the received SONET/SDH K1/K2 byte

Tx S1 Byte

The synchronization status message value of the transmitted SONET/SDH S1 byte


Indicates whether the transmission of the QL-DUS/DNU value in synchronization status messages is enabled or disabled on the port

Rx J0 String (Hex)

The hex value of the received J0

Cfg Alarm

The type of alarms to be logged and reported for the SONET/SDH port

Alarm Status

The current alarm state

BER SD Threshold

The configured threshold for line signal degradation BER error rate, that when crossed determines the signal degradation and signal failure

BER SF Threshold

The configured threshold for line signal failure BER error rate, that when crossed determines the signal degradation and signal failure

Hold time up

The hold-timer value for link-up event dampening

Hold time down

The hold-timer value for link-down event dampening

Transceiver Data

The following information is provided for a configured transceiver (SFP):

  1. transceiver status
  2. transceiver type
  3. model number
  4. TX laser wavelength
  5. whether it is diagnostics capable
  6. connector code
  7. vendor organizationally unique identifier (OUI)
  8. manufacture date
  9. media
  10. serial number
  11. part number
  12. optical compliance
  13. link length support
  14. whether it is Sync-E capable

Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM), Externally Calibrated

SFP manufacturers specifications guidelines contained in specification SFF-8472, for the following:

  1. temperature (C)
  2. supply voltage (V)
  3. Tx bias current (mA)
  4. Tx output power (dBm)
  5. Rx optical power (avg dBm)

For the above categories, the following values are shown:

  1. Value is the current measured value of each variable
  2. High Alarm is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM High Alarm to be output
  3. High Warn is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM High Warning Alarm to be output
  4. Low Warn is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM Low Warning Alarm to be output
  5. Low Alarm is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM Low Alarm to be output

If alarms/warnings are raised, an "!" is included in the output

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown proto discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/1
Voice Physical Interface
Description        : E&M
Interface          : 1/1/1                  Port IfIndex         : 41975808    
Admin Status       : up                     Oper Status          : up          
Physical Link      : Yes                                                       
Type               : em                                                        
TLP Rx             : 0.0                    Audio Wires          : four-wires  
TLP Tx             : 0.0                                                       
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                           106012                 105984
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0                       
Table 67:  Specific Port Field Descriptions (E&M Voice Port) 



Voice Physical Interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Port IfIndex

The interface's index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Admin Status

up: the administrative state is up

down: the administrative state is down

Oper Status

up: the operating state is up

down: the operating state is down

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present


The type of voice interface


The receive transmission level point value for the port

Audio Wires

Four-wire or two-wire (for E & M only)


The transmit transmission level point value for the port

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1>#  show port 1/1/5
Voice Physical Interface
Description        : FXO
Interface          : 1/1/5                   Port IfIndex         : 39878656
Admin Status       : down                    Oper Status          : down
Physical Link      : no                       
Type               : fxo                     Signaling Type       : 3600ls
TLP Rx             : 0.0                     Line Balance         : nominal
TLP Tx             : 0.0  
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0 
Table 68:  Specific Port Field Descriptions (FXO Voice Port) 



Voice Physical Interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Port IfIndex

The interface's index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Admin Status

up: the administrative state is up

down: the administrative state is down

Oper Status

up: the operating state is up

down: the operating state is down

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present


The type of voice interface (fxo)

Signaling Type

The signaling type:


   3600ls—loop start


   1511profile1—1511 loop start

   3600re—remote extension

   1511sn137—1511 profile 137


The receive transmission level point value for the port

Line Balance

nominal or 800


The transmit transmission level point value for the port

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1>#  show port 1/6/1
Voice Physical Interface
Description        : FXO
Interface          : 1/1/5                   Port IfIndex         : 39878656
Admin Status       : down                    Oper Status          : down
Physical Link      : no                       
Type               : fxs                     Signaling Type       : 3600ls
TLP Rx             : -3.0                    Line Balance         : nominal
TLP Tx             : 0.0                     Ring Generation      : 16
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0 
Table 69:  Specific Port Field Descriptions (FXS Voice Port) 



Voice Physical Interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Port IfIndex

The interface's index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Admin Status

up: the administrative state is up

down: the administrative state is down

Oper Status

up: the operating state is up

down: the operating state is down

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present


The type of voice interface (fxs)

Signaling Type

The signaling type:


   3600ls—loop start

   3600plar—private line automatic ringdown


   1511plar—1511 private line automatic ringdown

   3600plar—private line automatic ringdown

   1511profile1—1511 loop start

   3600re—remote extension

   1511sn137—1511 profile 137


The receive transmission level point value for the port

Line Balance

nominal or 800


The transmit transmission level point value for the port

Ring Generation

The frequency of the generated ring signal

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1>#  show port 1/6/1.1
Voice DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 1/6/1.1                                             
Admin Status       : down                    Oper Status          : down       
Last State Change  : 01/31/2011 16:06:07     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 572555325
Configured Mode    : access                  Encap Type           : cem        
Admin MTU          : 1514                    Oper MTU             : 1514       
Physical Link      : No
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0                       
Table 70:  Specific Port Field Descriptions (DS0 Voice Channel Group) 





A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Admin Status

up: the administrative state is up

down: the administrative state is down

Oper Status

up: the operating state is up

down: the operating state is down

Chan-grp IfIndex

The channel group’s index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Last State Change

Date and time of last state change

Configured Mode

short, long, nominal or 800

Admin MTU

The configured MTU

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present

Encap Type

The transmit transmission level point value for the port

Oper MTU

The negotiated size of the largest packet that can be sent on the port or channel specified in octets

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown proto discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/2/2 detail
SONET/SDH Interface
Description        : OC-3 SONET/SDH
Interface          : 1/2/2                  Speed                : oc3 
Admin Status       : up                     Oper Status          : up 
Physical Link      : Yes                    Loopback Mode        : none 
Single Fiber Mode  : No 
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                    Egr. Pool % Rate     : 100 
APS Group          : none                   APS Role             : none 
Clock Source       : node                   Framing              : sonet 
Last State Change  : 12/02/2009 11:14:23    Port IfIndex         : 46170112 
Last Cleared Time  : N/A                    DDM Events           : Enabled 
J0 String          : 0x01                   Section Trace Mode   : byte 
Rx S1 Byte         : 0x00 (stu)             Rx K1/K2 Byte        : 0x00/0x00 
Tx S1 Byte         : 0x00 (stu)             Tx DUS/DNU           : Disabled
Rx J0 String (Hex) : 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Cfg Alarm          : loc lrdi lb2er-sf slof slos 
Alarm Status       : 
BER SD Threshold   : 6                      BER SF Threshold     : 3 
Hold time up       : 500 milliseconds 
Hold time down     : 0 milliseconds 
Transceiver Data    
Transceiver Status : operational 
Transceiver Type   : SFP 
Model Number       : 3HE00034AAAA02  ALU  IPUIAEXDAB 
TX Laser Wavelength: 1310 nm                Diag Capable         : yes 
Connector Code     : LC                     Vendor OUI           : 00:00:00 
Manufacture date   : 2009/04/25             Media                : SONET/SDH 
Serial Number      : 1XX200083926037 
Part Number        : FTM3101CSL2iAL 
Optical Compliance : OC3-SR-MM 
Link Length support: 2000m for 50u MMF; 2000m for 62.5u MMF 
SFP Sync-E Capable : n/a                                                      
Sonet Section
ES-S     :             2 
SES-S    :             1 
SEFS-S   :             0 
CV-S     :         65561 
LOS      :             0 
LOC      :             0 
LOF      :             0 
OOF      :             0 
B1 Error :             0 
Sonet Line
                                 Far End 
ES-L     :             2               3 
SES-L    :             1               3 
UAS-L    :             0               0 
CV-L     :         49425               0 
AIS-L    :             0 
RDI-L    :             1 
B2 Error :             0 
S1 Error :             0 
M1 Error :         24834 
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0 
Table 71:  Port Detail Field Descriptions (SONET/SDH Port)  



SONET/SDH interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format


The speed of a SONET/SDH port

Admin Status

up: the administrative state is up

down: the administrative state is down

Oper Status

up: the operational state is up

down: the operational state is down

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present

Loopback Mode

The loopback mode on the port

Single Fiber Mode

Yes: single fiber mode

No: not single fiber mode

Ing. Pool % Rate

The amount of ingress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port for ingress buffering

Egr. Pool % Rate

The amount of egress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port for egress buffering

Clock Source

node: the link uses the internal clock when transmitting data

loop: the link recovers the clock from the received data stream


sonet: the port is configured for SONET framing

sdh: the port is configured for SDH framing

Last State Change

The last time that the operational status of the port changed state

Port IfIndex

The interface’s index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Last Cleared Time

The time since the last clear

DDM Events

Enabled: digital diagnostic monitoring events is enabled for the port

Disabled: digital diagnostic monitoring events is disabled for the port

J0 String

The section trace value that is sent to the far-end port

Section Trace Mode

byte: the section trace in the SONET section header is set in bytes

string: a text string is used to identify the SONET section header

increment-z0: an incremental STM ID is configured instead of a static value

Rx S1 Byte

The synchronization status message value of the received SONET/SDH S1 byte

Rx K1/K2 Byte

The value of the received SONET/SDH K1/K2 byte

Tx S1 Byte

The synchronization status message value of the transmitted SONET/SDH S1 byte


Indicates whether the transmission of the QL-DUS/DNU value in synchronization status messages is enabled or disabled on the port

Rx J0 String (Hex)

The hex value of the received J0

Cfg Alarm

The type of alarms to be logged and reported for the SONET/SDH port

Alarm Status

The current alarm state

BER SD Threshold

The configured threshold for line signal degradation BER error rate, that when crossed determines the signal degradation and signal failure

BER SF Threshold

The configured threshold for line signal failure BER error rate, that when crossed determines the signal degradation and signal failure

Hold time up

The hold-timer value for link-up event dampening

Hold time down

The hold-timer value for link-down event dampening

Transceiver Data

The following information is provided for a configured SFP:

  1. transceiver status
  2. transceiver type
  3. model number
  4. TX laser wavelength
  5. whether it is diagnostics capable
  6. connector code
  7. vendor organizationally unique identifier (OUI)
  8. manufacture date
  9. media
  10. serial number
  11. part number
  12. optical compliance
  13. link length support:
  14. whether it is Sync-E capable

Sonet Section


The number of Errored Seconds errors


The number of Severely Errored Seconds errors


The number of Severely Errored Framing Seconds errors


The number of Code Violations errors


The number of Loss of Signal errors


The number of Loss of Clock errors


The number of Loss of Frame errors


The number of Out of Frame errors

B1 Error

The number of B1 errors

Sonet Line


The number of Errored Seconds errors, at the near end and far end


The number of Severely Errored Seconds errors, at the near end and far end


The number of Unavailable Seconds errors, at the near end and far end


The number of Code Violations errors, at the near end and far end


The number of Alarm Indication Signal errors


The number of Remote Defect Indication errors

B2 Error

The number of B2 errors

S1 Error

The number of S1 errors

M1 Error

The number of M1 errors

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown proto discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.

Ethernet Output Example (access mode)
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/5/8 detail
Ethernet Interface
Description        : 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
Interface          : 1/5/8                      Oper Speed       : 1 Gbps
Link-level         : Ethernet                   Config Speed     : 1 Gbps
Admin State        : up                         Oper Duplex      : full
Oper State         : up                         Config Duplex    : full
Physical Link      : Yes                        MTU              : 1518
Single Fiber Mode  : No                         
IfIndex            : 44302336                   Hold time up     : 0 seconds
Last State Change  : 10/04/2011 14:05:25        Hold time down   : 0 seconds
Last Cleared Time  : 10/04/2011 14:04:37        DDM Events       : Enabled
Phys State Chng Cnt: 3
Configured Mode    : access                     Encap Type       : 802.1q
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                     QinQ Ethertype   : 0x8100    
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                        Egr. Pool % Rate : 100
Net. Egr. Queue Pol: default                    
Auto-negotiate     : true                       MDI/MDX          : MDX
Net. Scheduler Mode: 16-priority                    
Config Phy-tx-clock: auto-pref-slave            Oper Phy-tx-clock: slave
SapEgr.Unshaped-Cir: 0 Kbps                                    
SapEgr.Shaper-Pol  : EgrShprPolicy                                    
NetEgr.Unshaped-Cir: 0 Kbps
Allow Eth-BN       : True
BN Egr.Rate in use : 765000                     Eth-BN hold time : 6
Egress Rate        : 1111                       Ingress Rate     : n/a
Egr.Rate Incl.FCS  : Disabled
Ingress CBS(bytes) : 130816                     Src-pause        : Disabled
                                                LACP Tunnel      : Disabled
Down-when-looped   : Disabled                   Keep-alive       : 10
Loop Detected      : False                      Retry            : 120
Use Broadcast Addr : False                      
Loopback           : none                       Swap Mac Addr    : Disabled
Loopback Time Left : unspecified                
Cfm Loopback       : Disabled                   
Sync. Status Msg.  : Disabled                   Rx Quality Level : N/A
PTP Asymmetry      : 0                          Edge Timestamp   : Disable
Timestamp Capable  : False                      
Configured Address : 2001:db8::
Hardware Address   : 2001:db8::
Cfg Alarm          : 
Alarm Status       : 
Transceiver Data
Transceiver Status : operational
Transceiver Type   : SFP
Model Number       : 3HE00062AAAA01  ALA  IPUIAEHDAA
TX Laser Wavelength: 0 nm                       Diag Capable     : no
Connector Code     : Unknown                    Vendor OUI       : 00:90:65
Manufacture date   : 2010/01/15                 Media            : Ethernet
Serial Number      : PH23PQS         
Part Number        : FCMJ-8521-3-A5  
Optical Compliance : GIGE-T 
Link Length support: 100m for copper
SFP Sync-E Capable : no
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                             10728                  14236
Packets                                              102                    156
Errors                                                 0                      0
Ethernet Statistics
Broadcast Pckts  :                   3  Drop Events      :                   0
Multicast Pckts  :                  52  CRC/Align Errors :                   0
Undersize Pckts  :                   0  Fragments        :                   0
Oversize Pckts   :                   0  Jabbers          :                   0
Collisions       :                   0
Octets                         :               24964
Packets                        :                 258
Packets of 64 Octets           :                  54
Packets of 65 to 127 Octets    :                 204
Packets of 128 to 255 Octets   :                   0
Packets of 256 to 511 Octets   :                   0
Packets of 512 to 1023 Octets  :                   0
Packets of 1024 to 1518 Octets :                   0
Packets of 1519 or more Octets :                   0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Unicast Packets                                      102                    101
Multicast Packets                                      0                     52
Broadcast Packets                                      0                      3
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0                       
Port Discard Statistics
                                 Input                                  Output
Inv L2 Packets   :                   0  Port MTU Exceeded:                   0
Inv MPLS Labels  :                   0
Inv IP Packets   :                   0                                         
CSM Ingress Queues                      CSM Egress Queues   
  Hi             :                   0    Common         :                   0
  Medium         :                   0  
  Low            :                   0  
Port Control Statistics
Ingress Queue CTL             Packets                 Octets
     Forwarded :                102                     13482                  
     Dropped   :                0                       N/A                    
Egress Queue CTL              Packets                 Octets
     Forwarded :                56                      3184                   
     Dropped   :                0                       N/A                    
Ethernet CFM Statistics
Cfm LbmRx        :                   0  
Cfm LbReplyTx    :                   0  Cfm LbmDropped   :                   0
Num Bn Rate Chng :                   1  Last BnRateChng  : 04/12/2017 21:20:53
Valid BnmRx      :                   2  Last Valid BnmRx : 04/12/2017 21:21:10
Invalid BnmRx    :                   0
BnmOutOfRangeBW  :                   0
Ethernet-like Medium Statistics
Alignment Errors :                   0  Sngl Collisions  :                   0
FCS Errors       :                   0  Mult Collisions  :                   0
SQE Test Errors  :                   0  Late Collisions  :                   0
CSE              :                   0  Excess Collisns  :                   0
Too long Frames  :                   0  Int MAC Tx Errs  :                   0
Symbol Errors    :                   0  Int MAC Rx Errs  :                   0
In Pause Frames  :                   0  Out Pause Frames :                   0
Table 72:  Port Detail Field Descriptions (Ethernet, Access Mode) 



Ethernet Interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Oper Speed

The operating speed of the interface


Ethernet: the port is configured as Ethernet

Config Speed

The configured speed of the interface

Admin State

up: the port is administratively up

down: the port is administratively down

Oper Duplex

The operating duplex mode of the interface

Oper State

up: the port is operationally up

down: the port is operationally down

Config Duplex

full: the link is configured to full-duplex mode

half: the link is configured to half-duplex mode

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present


The size of the largest packet that can be sent/received on the Ethernet physical interface, specified in octets


The interface’s index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Hold time up

The link-up dampening time in seconds. The port link dampening timer value that reduces the number of link transitions reported to upper layer protocols.

Last State Change

The last time that the operational status of the port changed state

Hold time down

The link-down dampening time in seconds. The down timer controls the dampening timer for link down transitions.

Phys State Chng Cnt

The physical state change counter. This counter increments when a fully qualified (debounced) transition occurs at the physical layer of an Ethernet port, including the following transitions of the port state as displayed in the show port slot/mda/port output:

  1. from Down to Link Up or Up
  2. from Link Up or Up to Down

This counter does not increment for changes only in the link protocol states. That is, if the physical link is up, any transitions of the port state due to link protocols (for example, 802.3ah EFM OAM, LACP, 802.1ag) do not cause the counter to increment. The following port state transitions are examples of transitions that are not counted:

  1. from Link Up to Up
  2. from Up to Link Up

Configured Mode

network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access

hybrid: the port is configured for hybrid use (transport network and service access per VLAN)

Encap Type

null: ingress frames will not use any tags or labels to delineate a service

dot1q: ingress frames carry 802.1Q tags, where each tag signifies a different service

qinq: ingress frames carry two 802.1Q tags, where the outer tag is the service provider tag and the inner tag is the customer service tag

Dot1Q Ethertype

The protocol carried in a dot1q Ethernet frame

QinQ Ethertype

The protocol carried in a qinq Ethernet frame

Net. Egr. Queue Pol.

The number of the associated network egress queue QoS policy, or default if the default policy is used


true: the link attempts to automatically negotiate the link speed and duplex parameters

false: the duplex and speed values are used for the link

Net. Scheduler Mode

The network scheduler mode


The CIR rate for the aggregate of all the unshaped 4-priority SAPs on the port


The access egress shaper policy ID


The CIR rate for the aggregate of all the unshaped VLANs on the port

NetEgr. Shaper-Pol

The network egress shaper policy ID

Allow Eth-BN

Indicates whether Ethernet Bandwidth Notification (ETH-BN) is allowed on the port: True or False

BN Egr.Rate in use

The egress rate in use based on the request from the ETH-BN server MEP

Eth-BN hold time

The configured hold time (in seconds) between an egress rate change based on a received Bandwidth Notification Message (BNM) and the next change request that will be accepted

Egress Rate

The maximum amount of egress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that this Ethernet interface can generate

Ingress Rate

The maximum amount of ingress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that this Ethernet interface can generate

Egr.Rate Incl.FCS

The configured state of egress rate FCS inclusion: enabled or disabled

LACP Tunnel

Indicates whether LACP packet tunneling is enabled


Enabled: The down-when-looped feature is enabled on the port

Disabled: The down-when-looped feature is disabled on the port


The time interval between keepalive PDUs transmitted toward the network during loop detection by the down-when-looped feature

Loop Detected

Indicates whether a loop is detected on the port


The minimum wait time before the port is re-enabled after it is brought down due to a loop detection

Use Broadcast Addr

Indicates whether the down-when-looped feature has been configured to compare the destination MAC address of received PDUs to the broadcast MAC address instead of the MAC address of the port


The type of loopback configured on the port, either line, internal, or none

Swap Mac Addr.

Indicates whether MAC address swapping is enabled

Loopback Time Left

The number of seconds left in a timed loopback

If there is no loopback configured or the configured loopback is latched, the value is unspecified.

If configured loopback is persistent, the value persistent

Cfm Loopback

Indicates whether the CFM loopback is enabled

Sync. Status Msg.

Indicates whether Synchronization Status Messaging is enabled on the port

Rx Quality Level

The Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value received on the port


The Synchronization Status Messaging quality level code type, either SONET or SDH

Tx Quality Level

The Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value transmitted on the port


Indicates whether the transmission of the QL-DUS/DNU value in synchronization status messages is enabled or disabled on the port

Configured Address

The base chassis Ethernet MAC address

Hardware Address

The interface hardware- or system-assigned MAC address at its protocol sublayer

Cfg Alarm

The type of alarms to be logged and reported for the port

Alarm Status

The current alarm state

Transceiver Data

The following information is provided for a configured transceiver (SFP):

  1. transceiver status
  2. transceiver type
  3. model number
  4. TX laser wavelength
  5. whether it is diagnostics capable
  6. connector code
  7. vendor organizationally unique identifier (OUI)
  8. manufacture date
  9. media
  10. serial number
  11. part number
  12. optical compliance
  13. link length support:
  14. whether it is Sync-E capable

Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM), Externally Calibrated

SFP manufacturers specifications guidelines contained in specification SFF-8472, for the following:

  1. temperature (C)
  2. supply voltage (V)
  3. Tx bias current (mA)
  4. Tx output power (dBm)
  5. Rx optical power (avg dBm)

For the above categories, the following values are shown:

  1. Value is the current measured value of each variable
  2. High Alarm is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM High Alarm to be output
  3. High Warn is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM High Warning Alarm to be output
  4. Low Warn is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM Low Warning Alarm to be output
  5. Low Alarm is the measurement of Value that will cause a DDM Low Alarm to be output

If alarms/warnings are raised, there will be an "!" in the output

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Ethernet Statistics

Broadcast Pckts

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Multicast Pckts

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Undersize Pckts

The total number of packets received that were shorter than 64 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) but were otherwise well formed

Oversize Pckts

The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) but were otherwise well formed


The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this Ethernet segment

Drop Events

The total number of times that packets were detected as being dropped due to a lack of resources (not necessarily the total number of packets dropped)

CRC/Align Errors

The total number of packets received that were between 64 and 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)


The total number of packets received that were shorter than 64 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)


The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)


Total number of octets received


Number of packets received, broken down by size

Port Statistics

Unicast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Multicast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent

Broadcast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts

Port Discard Statistics

Inv L2 Packets Input

The number of invalid packets that are discarded due to an unknown Layer 2 ID

Port MTU Exceeded

Indicates that the port MTU has been exceeded

Inv MPLS Labels

The number of MPLS labels discarded

Inv IP Packets Input

The number of invalid IP packets that are discarded

H. Policed Packets

The number of packets that are discarded due to hard policing

CSM Ingress Queues Input

The number of incoming control packets discarded

CSM Egress Queues Output

The number of outgoing control packets discarded

Port Control Statistics

Ingress Queue CTL

The number of forwarded packets and octets, and the number of dropped packets, for the ingress control queue. For access ports, this statistic applies only to Ethernet cards. For network ports, this statistic applies to all adapter cards.

Egress Queue CTL

The number of forwarded packets and octets, and the number of dropped packets, for the egress control queue. For access ports, this statistic applies only to Ethernet cards. For network ports, this statistic applies to all adapter cards.

Ethernet CFM Statistics

Cfm LbmRx

The number of LBMs received

Cfm LbReplyTx

The number of LBRs transmitted

Cfm LbmDropped

The number of LBMs dropped

Num Bn Rate Chng

The number of times that the port egress rate is dynamically changed based on Bandwidth Notification (BN) messages

Note: not every bandwidth change indicated by a BNM triggers a port egress rate change

Last BnRateChng

The time that the port egress rate was last changed based on a BNM

Valid BnmRx

The number of valid BN messages received

Last Valid BnmRx

The time that the last valid BNM was received

Invalid BnmRx

The number of invalid BN messages received


The number of BN messages received with a requested bandwidth that was out of range

Ethernet-like Medium Statistics

Alignment Errors

The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets

FCS Errors

The number of frames received that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check

SQE Errors

The number of times that the SQE TEST ERROR is received


The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame

Too long Frames

The number of frames received that exceed the maximum permitted frame size

Symbol Errors

For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the number of times there was an invalid data symbol when a valid carrier was present

In Pause Frames

The number of IEEE 802.3x pause frames received for flow control; traffic is momentarily disrupted

Sngl Collisions

The number of frames that are involved in a single collision, and are subsequently transmitted successfully

Mult Collisions

The number of frames that are involved in more than one collision and are subsequently transmitted successfully

Late Collisions

The number of times that a collision is detected later than one slotTime into the transmission of a packet

Excess Collisns

The number of frames for which a transmission fails due to excessive collisions

Int MAC Tx Errs

The number of frames for which a transmission fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error

Int MAC Rx Errs

The number of frames for which a reception fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error

Out Pause Frames

The number of IEEE 802.3x pause frames sent for flow control; traffic is momentarily disrupted


The 7705 SAR counts both Ethernet packets with errors and valid Ethernet packets under Ethernet port statistics. For each received errored packet, both aggregate Ethernet statistics and the errored Ethernet statistics are incremented.

Ethernet Output Example (network mode)

The show>port output for an Ethernet port in network mode is similar to the access mode output (see Ethernet Output Example (access mode)) with the addition of a section for queue statistics. The output example below shows only the queue statistics fields.

*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/1 detail 
Ethernet Interface
Queue Statistics
Ingress Queue  1             Packets                 Octets 
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0                      
     In Profile  dropped   :    4626                    6939000                
     Out Profile forwarded :    2425                    3637500                
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue  2             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    2022                    3033000                
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue  3             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    2024                    3036000                
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue  4             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    2404                    3606000                
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue  5             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    2396                    3594000                
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue  6             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    2342                    3513000                
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue  7             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    2306                    3459000                
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue  8             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    2301                    3451500                
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue  9             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0                      
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue 10             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0                      
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue 11             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0                      
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue 12             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0                      
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue 13             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0                      
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue 14             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0                      
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue 15             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0                      
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue 16             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0                      
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Ingress Queue CTL            Packets                 Octets
     Forwarded :                0                       0                      
     Dropped   :                0                       N/A                    
Unshaped Egress Queue  1     Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0                      
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    129084                  193109664              
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Unshaped Egress Queue  2     Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    128674                  192496304              
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Unshaped Egress Queue  3     Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    128685                  192512760              
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Unshaped Egress Queue  4     Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    154389                  230965944              
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Unshaped Egress Queue  5     Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    154372                  230940512              
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Unshaped Egress Queue  6     Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    154306                  230841776              
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Unshaped Egress Queue  7     Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    154265                  230780440              
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Unshaped Egress Queue  8     Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    154261                  230774456              
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Total Egress from all Shaped and Unshaped Queues
                             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    1028952                 1539312192             
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0                      
     Out Profile forwarded :    129084                  193109664              
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0                      
Egress Queue CTL             Packets                 Octets
     Forwarded :                16                      1024                   
     Dropped   :                0                       N/A                    

See Table 72 for field descriptions common to both access and network mode outputs.

Table 73:  Port Detail Field Descriptions (Ethernet, Network Mode) 



Queue Statistics

Ingress Queue

For the specified ingress queue, the number of packets and octets that are:

  1. In Profile forwarded/dropped
  2. Out Profile forwarded/dropped

Unshaped Egress Queue

For the specified unshaped egress queue, the of number packets and octets that are:

  1. In Profile forwarded/dropped
  2. Out Profile forwarded/dropped

Total Egress from all Shaped and Unshaped Queues

For all shaped and unshaped queues, the total number of egress packets and octets that are:

  1. In Profile forwarded/dropped
  2. Out Profile forwarded/dropped

Egress Queue CTL

The number of forwarded packets and octets, and the number of dropped packets, for the egress control queue.

Output Example
sar18# show port 1/11/1 detail
Ethernet Interface
Description        : 10-Gig Bridged Ethernet
Interface          : 1/11/1                     Oper Speed       : 10 Gbps
Link-level         : Ethernet                   Config Speed     : N/A
Admin State        : up                         Oper Duplex      : full
Oper State         : up                         Config Duplex    : N/A
Physical Link      : Yes                        MTU              : 9728
Single Fiber Mode  : No                         
IfIndex            : 39878656                   Hold time up     : 0 seconds
Last State Change  : 11/03/2012 21:30:51        Hold time down   : 0 seconds
Last Cleared Time  : N/A                        DDM Events       : Enabled
Configured Mode    : network                    Encap Type       : Null&dot1q
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                     VLAN Filter      : 2 
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                        Egr. Pool % Rate : 100
Net. Egr. Queue Pol: default                    
Net. Scheduler Mode: 16-priority                
Auto-negotiate     : N/A                        MDI/MDX          : N/A
Config Phy-tx-clock: not-applicable             Oper Phy-tx-clock: N/A
Egress Rate        : Default                    Ingress Rate     : Default
Ingress CBS(bytes) : 130816                     Src-pause        : N/A
                                                LACP Tunnel      : N/A
Down-when-looped   : N/A                        Keep-alive       : N/A
Loop Detected      : N/A                        Retry            : N/A
Use Broadcast Addr : N/A
Loopback           : none                       Swap Mac Addr    : Disabled
Loopback Time Left : unspecified
Cfm Loopback       : dot1p
Cfm Loopback Vlan  : 10-15,20,47
Sync. Status Msg.  : Disabled                   Rx Quality Level : N/A
PTP Asymmetry      : N/A                        Edge Timestamp   : Disable
Timestamp Capable  : False
Configured Address :
Hardware Address   :
Cfg Alarm          : remote local
Alarm Status       :
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Ethernet Statistics
Broadcast Pckts  :                   0  Drop Events      :                   0
Multicast Pckts  :                   0  CRC/Align Errors :                   0
Undersize Pckts  :                   0  Fragments        :                   0
Oversize Pckts   :                   0  Jabbers          :                   0
Collisions       :                   0
Octets                         :                   0
Packets                        :                   0
Packets of 64 Octets           :                   0
Packets of 65 to 127 Octets    :                   0
Packets of 128 to 255 Octets   :                   0
Packets of 256 to 511 Octets   :                   0
Packets of 512 to 1023 Octets  :                   0
Packets of 1024 to 1518 Octets :                   0
Packets of 1519 or more Octets :                   0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Unicast Packets                                        0                      0
Multicast Packets                                      0                      0
Broadcast Packets                                      0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
Ethernet-like Medium Statistics
Alignment Errors :                   0  Sngl Collisions  :                   0
FCS Errors       :                   0  Mult Collisions  :                   0
SQE Test Errors  :                   0  Late Collisions  :                   0
CSE              :                   0  Excess Collisns  :                   0
Too long Frames  :                   0  Int MAC Tx Errs  :                   0
Symbol Errors    :                   0  Int MAC Rx Errs  :                   0
In Pause Frames  :                   0  Out Pause Frames :                   0
Ethernet CFM Loopback Statistics   N/A  
Queue Statistics
Egress Queue  1              Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0
Table 74:  Port Detail Field Descriptions (Ring Ethernet) 



Ethernet Interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Oper Speed

The operating speed of the interface


Ethernet: the port is configured as Ethernet

Config Speed

The configured speed of the interface

Admin State

up: the port is administratively up

down: the port is administratively down

Oper Duplex

The operating duplex mode of the interface

Oper State

up: the port is operationally up

down: the port is operationally down

Config Duplex

full: the link is configured to full-duplex mode

half: the link is configured to half-duplex mode

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present


The size of the largest packet that can be sent/received on the Ethernet physical interface, specified in octets

Single Fiber Mode

Yes: single fiber mode

No: not single fiber mode


The interface’s index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Hold time up

The link-up dampening time in seconds

The port link dampening timer value that reduces the number of link transitions reported to upper layer protocols

Last State Change

The last time that the operational status of the port changed state

Hold time down

The link-down dampening time in seconds. The down timer controls the dampening timer for link down transitions.

Last Cleared Time

The time since the last clear

DDM Events

Enabled: digital diagnostic monitoring events is enabled for the port

Disabled: digital diagnostic monitoring events is disabled for the port

Configured Mode

network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access

Encap Type

null: ingress frames will not use any tags or labels to delineate a service

dot1q: ingress frames carry 802.1Q tags, where each tag signifies a different service

null&dot1q: applies only to port 1 and port 2 on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card and 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module. The encapsulation type for these ports is not user-configurable.

Dot1Q Ethertype

The protocol carried in a dot1q Ethernet frame

VLAN Filter

The filter ID of the VLAN filter

Ing. Pool % Rate

The amount of ingress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port for ingress buffering

Egr. Pool % Rate

The amount of egress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port for egress buffering

Net. Egr. Queue Pol.

The number of the associated network egress queue QoS policy, or default if the default policy is used

Net. Scheduler Mode

The mode for servicing CoS queues; 16-priority scheduling is the only supported value


true: the link attempts to automatically negotiate the link speed and duplex parameters

false: the duplex and speed values are used for the link


Ethernet type

Config Phy-tx-clock

The mode used to establish timing control of a 1000Base-T port. The options are:

  1. N/A— the port does not support 1000Base-T
  2. auto-pref-master—prefers to be master during autonegotiation
  3. auto-pref-slave—prefers to be slave during autonegotiation
  4. slave—the port is forced to be slave
  5. master—the port is forced to be master

Oper Phy-tx-clock

The operational value of the master-slave relationship of the 1000Base-T physical layer transmit clock. The options are:

  1. N/A— the port or the inserted SFP does not support 1000Base-T, the port is down, or negotiation failed
  2. slave—the port is slave
  3. master—the port is master

Egress Rate

The maximum amount of egress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that this Ethernet interface can generate

Ingress Rate

The maximum amount of ingress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that this Ethernet interface can generate

Ingress CBS (bytes)

Indicates the ingress committed buffer space


A notification to slow down the transmission rate when it exceeds the bandwidth limit

LACP Tunnel

Indicates whether LACP packet tunneling is enabled


Enabled: The down-when-looped feature is enabled on the port

Disabled: The down-when-looped feature is disabled on the port


The time interval between keepalive PDUs transmitted toward the network during loop detection by the down-when-looped feature

Loop Detected

Indicates whether a loop is detected on the port


The minimum wait time before the port is re-enabled after it is brought down due to a loop detection

Use Broadcast Addr

Indicates whether the down-when-looped feature has been configured to compare the destination MAC address of received PDUs to the broadcast MAC address instead of the MAC address of the port


The type of loopback configured on the port, either line, internal, or none

Swap Mac Addr.

Indicates whether MAC address swapping is enabled

Loopback Time Left

The number of seconds left in a timed loopback

If there is no loopback configured or the configured loopback is latched, the value is unspecified.

If configured loopback is persistent, the value persistent

Cfm Loopback

Indicates whether the CFM loopback is high priority, low priority, dot1p, or disabled

Cfm Loopback Vlan

Indicates the VLAN IDs for VLANs that have a CFM loopback enabled

Sync. Status Msg.

Indicates whether Synchronization Status Messaging is enabled on the port

Rx Quality Level

The Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value received on the port

PTP Asymmetry

Indicates whether PTP asymmetry is enabled

Edge Timestamp

Indicates whether the edge timestamp is enabled

Timestamp Capable

Indicates whether the port is timestamp-capable


The Synchronization Status Messaging quality level code type, either SONET or SDH

Configured Address

The base chassis Ethernet MAC address

Hardware Address

The interface hardware- or system-assigned MAC address at its protocol sublayer

Cfg Alarm

The type of alarms to be logged and reported for the port

Alarm Status

The current alarm state

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Ethernet Statistics

Broadcast Pckts

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Multicast Pckts

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Undersize Pckts

The total number of packets received that were shorter than 64 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) but were otherwise well formed

Oversize Pckts

The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) but were otherwise well formed


The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this Ethernet segment

Drop Events

The total number of times that packets were detected as being dropped due to a lack of resources (not necessarily the total number of packets dropped)

CRC/Align Errors

The total number of packets received that were between 64 and 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)


The total number of packets received that were shorter than 64 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)


The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)


Total number of octets received


Number of packets received, broken down by size

Port Statistics

Unicast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Multicast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent

Broadcast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts

Ethernet-like Medium Statistics

Alignment Errors

The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets

FCS Errors

The number of frames received that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check

SQE Errors

The number of times that the SQE TEST ERROR is received


The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame

Too long Frames

The number of frames received that exceed the maximum permitted frame size

Symbol Errors

For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the number of times there was an invalid data symbol when a valid carrier was present

In Pause Frames

The number of IEEE 802.3x pause frames received for flow control; traffic is momentarily disrupted

Sngl Collisions

The number of frames that are involved in a single collision, and are subsequently transmitted successfully

Mult Collisions

The number of frames that are involved in more than one collision and are subsequently transmitted successfully

Late Collisions

The number of times that a collision is detected later than one slotTime into the transmission of a packet

Excess Collisns

The number of frames for which a transmission fails due to excessive collisions

Int MAC Tx Errs

The number of frames for which a transmission fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error

Int MAC Rx Errs

The number of frames for which a reception fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error

Out Pause Frames

The number of IEEE 802.3x pause frames sent for flow control; traffic is momentarily disrupted

Ethernet CFM Loopback Statistics      N/A

Queue Statistics

Egress Queue

In Profile forwarded/dropped

Out Profile forwarded/dropped

Output Example
sar18# show port 1/11/v-port detail
Ethernet Interface
Description        : 2.5G Virtual Ethernet Port
Interface          : 1/11/v-port                Oper Speed       : 2.50 Gbps
Link-level         : Ethernet                   Config Speed     : N/A
Admin State        : up                         Oper Duplex      : N/A
Oper State         : up                         Config Duplex    : N/A
Physical Link      : Yes                        MTU              : 1572
Single Fiber Mode  : No                         
IfIndex            : 39944192                   Hold time up     : N/A
Last State Change  : 11/03/2012 21:30:51        Hold time down   : N/A
Last Cleared Time  : N/A 
Configured Mode    : network                    Encap Type       : null
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                     QinQ Ethertype   : 0x8100    
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                        Egr. Pool % Rate : 100
Net. Egr. Queue Pol: r.nw.q4
Net. Scheduler Mode: 16-priority
Auto-negotiate     : N/A                        MDI/MDX          : N/A
Config Phy-tx-clock: not-applicable             Oper Phy-tx-clock: N/A
Allow Eth-BN       : True
BN Egr.Rate in use : 765000                     Eth-BN hold time : 6
Egress Rate        : Default                    Ingress Rate     : Default
Ingress CBS(bytes) : 130816                     Src-pause        : Disabled
                                                LACP Tunnel      : N/A
Down-when-looped   : Disabled                   Keep-alive       : 10
Loop Detected      : False                      Retry            : 120
Use Broadcast Addr : False
Loopback           : none                       Swap Mac Addr    : Disabled
Loopback Time Left : unspecified
Cfm Loopback       : Disabled
Sync. Status Msg.  : Disabled                   Rx Quality Level : N/A
PTP Asymmetry      : N/A                        Edge Timestamp   : Disable
Timestamp Capable  : False
CRC Mon SD Thresh  : Disabled                   CRC Mon Window   : 10 seconds
CRC Mon SF Thresh  : Disabled
Configured Address :
Hardware Address   :
Cfg Alarm          : N/A
Alarm Status       : N/A
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Ethernet Statistics
Broadcast Pckts  :                   0  Drop Events      :                   0
Multicast Pckts  :                   0  CRC/Align Errors :                   0
Undersize Pckts  :                   0  Fragments        :                   0
Oversize Pckts   :                   0  Jabbers          :                   0
Collisions       :                   0
Octets                         :                   0
Packets                        :                   0
Packets of 64 Octets           :                   0
Packets of 65 to 127 Octets    :                   0
Packets of 128 to 255 Octets   :                   0
Packets of 256 to 511 Octets   :                   0
Packets of 512 to 1023 Octets  :                   0
Packets of 1024 to 1518 Octets :                   0
Packets of 1519 or more Octets :                   0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Unicast Packets                                        0                      0
Multicast Packets                                      0                      0
Broadcast Packets                                      0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
Port Discard Statistics
                                 Input                                  Output
Inv L2 Packets   :                   0  Port MTU Exceeded:                   0
Inv MPLS Labels  :                   0
Inv IP Packets   :                   0
H.Policed Packets:                   0
CSM Ingress Queues                      CSM Egress Queues
  Hi             :                   0    Common         :                   0
  Medium         :                   0
  Low            :                   0
Ethernet-like Medium Statistics
Alignment Errors :                   0  Sngl Collisions  :                   0
FCS Errors       :                   0  Mult Collisions  :                   0
SQE Test Errors  :                   0  Late Collisions  :                   0
CSE              :                   0  Excess Collisns  :                   0
Too long Frames  :                   0  Int MAC Tx Errs  :                   0
Symbol Errors    :                   0  Int MAC Rx Errs  :                   0
In Pause Frames  :                   0  Out Pause Frames :                   0
Ethernet CFM Statistics
Cfm LbmRx        :                   0
Cfm LbReplyTx    :                   0  Cfm LbmDropped   :                   0
Num Bn Rate Chng :                   1  Last BnRateChng  : 04/12/2017 21:20:53
Valid BnmRx      :                   2  Last Valid BnmRx : 04/12/2017 21:21:10
Invalid BnmRx    :                   0
BnmOutOfRangeBW  :                   0
Queue Statistics
Add-drop Port Queue  1       Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    8700493441110376715     8700493580567332216
     In Profile  dropped   :    243616594368814244      2209638931652
     Out Profile forwarded :    12884901891             8700494542739924144
     Out Profile dropped   :    143944465151581384      284544364229582056
Ingress Queue  1             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0
Ingress Queue  9             Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0
Ingress Queue CTL            Packets                 Octets
     Forwarded :                0                       0
     Dropped   :                0                       N/A
Egress Queue  1              Packets                 Octets
     In Profile  forwarded :    0                       0
     In Profile  dropped   :    0                       0
     Out Profile forwarded :    0                       0
     Out Profile dropped   :    0                       0
Egress Queue CTL             Packets                 Octets
     Forwarded :                0                       0
     Dropped   :                0                       N/A
Table 75:  Port Detail Field Descriptions (v-port) 



Ethernet Interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Oper Speed

The operating speed of the interface


Ethernet: the port is configured as Ethernet

Config Speed

The configured speed of the interface

Admin State

up: the port is administratively up

down: the port is administratively down

Oper Duplex

The operating duplex mode of the interface

Oper State

up: the port is operationally up

down: the port is operationally down

Config Duplex

full: the link is configured to full-duplex mode

half: the link is configured to half-duplex mode

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present


The size of the largest packet that can be sent/received on the Ethernet physical interface, specified in octets

Single Fiber Mode

Yes: single fiber mode

No: not single fiber mode


The interface’s index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Hold time up

The link-up dampening time in seconds

The port link dampening timer value that reduces the number of link transitions reported to upper layer protocols

Last State Change

The last time that the operational status of the port changed state

Hold time down

The link-down dampening time in seconds. The down timer controls the dampening timer for link down transitions.

Configured Mode

network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access

Encap Type

null: ingress frames will not use any tags or labels to delineate a service

dot1q: ingress frames carry 802.1Q tags, where each tag signifies a different service

null&dot1q: applies only to port 1 and port 2 on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card and 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module. The encapsulation type for these ports is not user-configurable.

Dot1Q Ethertype

The protocol carried in a dot1q Ethernet frame

QinQ Ethertype

The protocol carried in a QinQ Ethernet frame

Ing. Pool % Rate

The amount of ingress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port for ingress buffering

Egr. Pool % Rate

The amount of egress buffer space, expressed as a percentage of the available buffer space, that will be allocated to the port for egress buffering

Net. Egr. Queue Pol.

The number of the associated network egress queue QoS policy, or default if the default policy is used


true: the link attempts to automatically negotiate the link speed and duplex parameters

false: the duplex and speed values are used for the link

Net. Scheduler Mode

The mode for servicing CoS queues; 16-priority scheduling is the only supported value


Ethernet type

Config Phy-tx-clock

The mode used to establish timing control of a 1000Base-T port. The options are:

  1. N/A— the port does not support 1000Base-T
  2. auto-pref-master—prefers to be master during autonegotiation
  3. auto-pref-slave—prefers to be slave during autonegotiation
  4. slave—the port is forced to be slave
  5. master—the port is forced to be master

Oper Phy-tx-clock

The operational value of the master-slave relationship of the 1000Base-T physical layer transmit clock. The options are:

  1. N/A— the port or the inserted SFP does not support 1000Base-T, the port is down, or negotiation failed
  2. slave—the port is slave
  3. master—the port is master

Allow Eth-BN

Indicates whether Ethernet Bandwidth Notification (ETH-BN) is allowed on the port: True or False

BN Egr.Rate in use

The egress rate in use based on the request from the ETH-BN server MEP

Eth-BN hold time

The configured hold time (in seconds) between an egress rate change based on a received Bandwidth Notification Message (BNM) and the next change request that will be accepted

Egress Rate

The maximum amount of egress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that this Ethernet interface can generate

Ingress Rate

The maximum amount of ingress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that this Ethernet interface can generate

Ingress CBS (bytes)

Indicates the ingress committed buffer space


A notification to slow down the transmission rate when it exceeds the bandwidth limit

LACP Tunnel

Indicates whether LACP packet tunneling is enabled


Enabled: The down-when-looped feature is enabled on the port

Disabled: The down-when-looped feature is disabled on the port


The time interval between keepalive PDUs transmitted toward the network during loop detection by the down-when-looped feature

Loop Detected

Indicates whether a loop is detected on the port


The minimum wait time before the port is re-enabled after it is brought down due to a loop detection

Use Broadcast Addr

Indicates whether the down-when-looped feature has been configured to compare the destination MAC address of received PDUs to the broadcast MAC address instead of the MAC address of the port


The type of loopback configured on the port, either line, internal, or none

Swap Mac Addr.

Indicates whether MAC address swapping is enabled

Loopback Time Left

The number of seconds left in a timed loopback

If there is no loopback configured or the configured loopback is latched, the value is unspecified.

If configured loopback is persistent, the value persistent

Cfm Loopback

Indicates whether the CFM loopback is high priority, low priority, dot1p, or disabled

Sync. Status Msg.

Indicates whether Synchronization Status Messaging is enabled on the port

Rx Quality Level

The Synchronization Status Messaging quality level value received on the port

PTP Asymmetry

Indicates whether PTP asymmetry is enabled

Edge Timestamp

Indicates whether the edge timestamp is enabled

Timestamp Capable

Indicates whether the port is timestamp-capable

CRC Mon SD Thresh

Indicates the CRC signal degrade threshold value (1 to 9), if enabled

CRC Mon SF Thresh

Indicates the CRC signal fail threshold value (1 to 9), if enabled

CRC Mon Window

Indicates the CRC window sampling size value (5 to 60)

Configured Address

The base chassis Ethernet MAC address

Hardware Address

The interface hardware- or system-assigned MAC address at its protocol sublayer

Cfg Alarm

The type of alarms to be logged and reported for the port

Alarm Status

The current alarm state

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Ethernet Statistics

Broadcast Pckts

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Multicast Pckts

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Undersize Pckts

The total number of packets received that were shorter than 64 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) but were otherwise well formed

Oversize Pckts

The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) but were otherwise well formed


The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this Ethernet segment

Drop Events

The total number of times that packets were detected as being dropped due to a lack of resources (not necessarily the total number of packets dropped)

CRC/Align Errors

The total number of packets received that were between 64 and 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)


The total number of packets received that were shorter than 64 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)


The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)


Total number of octets received


Number of packets received

Packets of n Octets

Number of packets received, broken down by size

Port Statistics

Unicast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Multicast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent

Broadcast Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts

Port Discard Statistics

Inv L2 Packets Input

The number of invalid packets that are discarded due to an unknown Layer 2 ID

Port MTU Exceeded Output

Indicates that the port MTU has been exceeded

Inv MPLS Labels Input

The number of MPLS labels discarded

Inv IP Packets Input

The number of invalid IP packets that are discarded

H. Policed Packets Input

The number of packets that are discarded due to hard policing

CSM Ingress Queues Input

The number of incoming control packets discarded

CSM Egress Queues Output

The number of outgoing control packets discarded

Ethernet-like Medium Statistics

Alignment Errors

The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets

FCS Errors

The number of frames received that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check

SQE Errors

The number of times that the SQE TEST ERROR is received


The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame

Too long Frames

The number of frames received that exceed the maximum permitted frame size

Symbol Errors

For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the number of times there was an invalid data symbol when a valid carrier was present

In Pause Frames

The number of IEEE 802.3x pause frames received for flow control; traffic is momentarily disrupted

Sngl Collisions

The number of frames that are involved in a single collision, and are subsequently transmitted successfully

Mult Collisions

The number of frames that are involved in more than one collision and are subsequently transmitted successfully

Late Collisions

The number of times that a collision is detected later than one slotTime into the transmission of a packet

Excess Collisns

The number of frames for which a transmission fails due to excessive collisions

Int MAC Tx Errs

The number of frames for which a transmission fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error

Int MAC Rx Errs

The number of frames for which a reception fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error

Out Pause Frames

The number of IEEE 802.3x pause frames sent for flow control; traffic is momentarily disrupted

Ethernet CFM Statistics

Cfm LbmRx

The number of LBMs received

Cfm LbReplyTx

The number of LBRs transmitted

Cfm LbmDropped

The number of LBMs dropped

Num Bn Rate Chng

The number of times that the port egress rate is dynamically changed based on Bandwidth Notification (BN) messages

Note: not every bandwidth change indicated by a BNM triggers a port egress rate change

Last BnRateChng

The time that the port egress rate was last changed based on a BNM

Valid BnmRx

The number of valid BN messages received

Last Valid BnmRx

The time that the last valid BNM was received

Invalid BnmRx

The number of invalid BN messages received


The number of BN messages received with a requested bandwidth that was out of range

Queue Statistics

Add-drop Port Queue

In Profile forwarded/dropped

Out Profile forwarded/dropped

Ingress Queue

In Profile forwarded/dropped

Out Profile forwarded/dropped

Ingress Queue CTL

The number of forwarded packets and octets, and the number of dropped packets, for the ingress control queue. For access ports, this statistic applies only to Ethernet cards. For network ports, this statistic applies to all adapter cards.

Egress Queue

In Profile forwarded/dropped

Out Profile forwarded/dropped

Egress Queue CTL

The number of forwarded packets and octets, and the number of dropped packets, for the egress control queue. For access ports, this statistic applies only to Ethernet cards. For network ports, this statistic applies to all adapter cards.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1>config# show port 1/3/1.e1 detail
TDM DS1 Interface
Description        : E1
Interface          : 1/3/1.e1
Type               : e1                      Framing              : g704
Admin Status       : down                    Oper Status          : down
Physical Link      : no                      Clock Source         : node-timed
Clock Sync State   : normal
Signal Mode        : cas
Last State Change  : 10/30/2008 14:40:26     Channel IfIndex      : 576749569
Loopback           : none
Remote Loop respond: N/A                     In Remote Loop       : N/A
Load-balance-algo  : default                 Egr. Sched. Pol      : N/A
Cfg Alarm          : ais los ber-sd ber sf
Alarm Status       :
BER SD Threshold   : 10                BER SF Threshold: 10
Hold time up       : 0 milliseconds
Hold time down     : 0 milliseconds
Sync. Status Msg.  : Enabled                 Tx DUS/DNU           : Disabled
Ssm-bit            : 6                       
Rx Quality Level   : 0x02(prc)               Tx Quality Level     : 0x02(prc)
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
DS1/E1 Line
ES                     0
SES                    0
SEFS                   0
UAS                    0
CSS                    0
PCV                    0
LES                    0
BES                    0
LCV      :             0
FE-LOF   :             0
AIS      :             0
FE-LOF   :             0
AIS      :             0
LOS      :             0
LOF      :             0
Looped   :             0
DS1/E1 CAS Signalling Bits
          Rx    Tx                                Rx    Tx
Timeslot  ABCD  ABCD                    Timeslot  ABCD  ABCD
1         n/a   n/a                     13        n/a   n/a
2         n/a   n/a                     14        n/a   n/a
3         n/a   n/a                     15        n/a   n/a
4         n/a   n/a                     16        n/a   n/a
5         n/a   n/a                     17        n/a   n/a
6         n/a   n/a                     18        n/a   n/a
7         n/a   n/a                     19        n/a   n/a
8         n/a   n/a                     20        n/a   n/a
9         n/a   n/a                     21        n/a   n/a
10        n/a   n/a                     22        n/a   n/a
11        n/a   n/a                     23        n/a   n/a
12        n/a   n/a                     24        n/a   n/a
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
Table 76:  Port Detail Field Descriptions (TDM DS1 Interface)  



TDM DS1 Interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format


The type of interface

Admin Status

up: the port is administratively up

down: the port is administratively down

Physical Link

yes: a physical link is present

no: a physical link is not present

Signal Mode

The port signaling mode

Last State Change

The last time that the operational status of the port changed state


The port loopback mode

Remote Loop respond

The DS1 channel response to remote loopbacks


The load balance algorithm used on the port

Cfg Alarm

The type of alarms to be logged and reported for the port

Alarm Status

The current alarm state

Hold time up

The hold-timer value for link-up event dampening

Hold time down

The hold-timer value for link-down event dampening

Sync. Status Msg.

The setting of SSM: enabled or disabled


The setting of tx-dus: enabled or disabled


The Sa bit that carries the quality level value: Sa4 to Sa8

Rx Quality Level

The SSM QL value received on the interface

Tx Quality Level

The SSM QL value transmitted on the interface


The DS1 framing to be used for the port

Oper Status

up: the port is operationally up

down: the port is operationally down

Clock Source

loop-timed: the link recovers the clock from the received data stream

node-timed: the link uses the internal clock when transmitting data

adaptive: clocking is derived from the incoming pseudowire packets

differential: clocking is derived from a common clock compared to differential clock recovery data in the RTP header in the TDM PW overhead

Clock Sync State

The current state of the clock recovery function

Channel IfIndex

The channel interface index number

In Remote Loop

Indicates whether incoming remote loopback is enabled

Egr. Sched. Pol

The egress scheduling policy

BER SD Threshold

The configured value of the BER SD threshold

BER SF Threshold

The configured value of the BER SF threshold

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

DS1/E1 Line

The DS1/E1 Line statistics


The number of Errored Seconds errors


The number of Severely Errored Seconds errors


The number of Severely Errored Framing Seconds errors


The number of Unavailable Seconds errors


The number of Controlled Slip Seconds errors


The number of Path Code Violations errors


The number of Line Errored Seconds errors


The number of Bursty Errored Seconds alarms


The number of Line Code Violations errors


The transmit statistics:

FE-LOF: the number of far-end loss of frame errors

AIS: the number of alarm indication signal errors


The receive statistics:

FE-LOF: the number of far-end loss of frame errors

AIS: the number of alarm indication signal errors

LOS: the number of loss of signal errors

LOF: the number of loss of frame errors


The number of looped packet errors

DS1/E1 CAS Signalling Bits

The CAS signaling bit information


The timeslot number (1 to 24 for DS1, 2 to 32 for E1)


The signaling bits received in the timeslot, where each signaling bit is represented by a 1 (set) or a 0 (not set), and 0000 represents a timeslot that is in use but not receiving any signaling bits (for example, 1000 means that the A bit is set); “n/a” indicates timeslots not in use


The signaling bits transmitted from the timeslot, where each signaling bit is represented by a 1 (set) or a 0 (not set), and 0000 represents a timeslot that is in use but not transmitting any signaling bits (for example, 1000 means that the A bit is set); “n/a” indicates timeslots not in use

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast, multicast, or broadcast address at this sublayer

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown proto discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/2/1.v35
Serial RS-232 Interface
Description        : V35
Interface          : 1/2/1.v35               
Type               : v35                     
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up
Physical Link      : yes                     Clock Source         : slave
Device Mode        : synchronous             Speed                : 64k
Character Length   : N/A                     Parity               : N/A
Stop Bits          : N/A                     
Device Gender      : dte                     Duplex               : full
Last State Change  : 02/13/2015 21:03:47     Channel IfIndex      : 574652417
Loopback           : none                    
Hold time up       : 0 milliseconds          
Hold time down     : 0 milliseconds          
Cfg Alarm          : 
Alarm Status       : 
Serial Control Leads
Inputs          Cfg         Netw  Line  Mon      
dtr-dsr [DSR] : high        1     1     off     
rts-dcd [DCD] : high        1     0     off     
alb-cts [CTS] : high        1     1     off     
Outputs         Cfg         Netw  Line      
dsr-dtr [DTR] : high        1     1     
dcd-rts [RTS] : high        1     1     
cts-alb [ALB] : high        1     1     
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                          39022208               39022016
Packets                                           609722                 609719
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                           609722                 609719
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0 
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/2/7.x21
Serial RS-232 Interface
Description        : X21
Interface          : 1/2/7.x21               
Type               : x21                     
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up
Physical Link      : yes                     Clock Source         : slave
Device Mode        : synchronous             Speed                : 64k
Character Length   : N/A                     Parity               : N/A
Stop Bits          : N/A                     
Device Gender      : dte                     Duplex               : full
Data Position      : N/A                     S-Bit Signaling      : N/A
Last State Change  : 02/13/2015 21:03:50     Channel IfIndex      : 574849031
Loopback           : none                    
Hold time up       : 0 milliseconds          
Hold time down     : 0 milliseconds          
Cfg Alarm          : 
Alarm Status       : 
Serial Control Leads
Inputs          Cfg         Netw  Line  Mon      
c-i [I]       : high        1     1     off    
Outputs         Cfg         Netw  Line      
i-c [C]       : high        1     1     
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                          39403456               39403264
Packets                                           615679                 615676
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                           615679                 615676
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0 
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/2/4.rs232
Serial RS-232 Interface
Description        : RS232
Interface          : 1/2/4.rs232             
Type               : rs232                   
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up
Physical Link      : yes                     Clock Source         : slave
Device Mode        : synchronous             Speed                : 9600
Character Length   : N/A                     Parity               : N/A
Stop Bits          : N/A                     Multi-Drop           : disabled
Device Gender      : dce                     Duplex               : full
Data Position      : F0-B5                   S-Bit Signaling      : on
Last State Change  : 02/13/2015 21:04:16     Channel IfIndex      : 574750724
Loopback           : none                    
Hold time up       : 0 milliseconds          
Hold time down     : 0 milliseconds          
Cfg Alarm          : hcmOof hcmRai 
Alarm Status       : 
Serial Control Leads
Inputs          Cfg         Netw  Line  Mon      
dtr-dsr [DTR] : high        1     1     off     
rts-dcd [RTS] : high        1     1     off    
alb-cts [ALB] : high        1     0     off   
rdl-ri  [RDL] : high        1     0     off    
Outputs         Cfg         Netw  Line      
dsr-dtr [DSR] : high        1     1     
dcd-rts [DCD] : high        1     1     
cts-alb [CTS] : high        1     1     
ri-rdl  [RI]  : high        1     1     
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                          17935808               17932416
Packets                                           280247                 280194
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                           280247                 280194
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0 

The following output is an example of raw socket statistics.

*A:ALU-1># show port 1/12/6.1
Serial Socket
Description        : SOCKET
Interface          : 1/12/6.1
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up
Last State Change  : 01/24/2017 15:21:05     Socket IfIndex       : 595787809
Configured mode    : access                  Encap Type           : raw
Physical Link      : yes
EOP Length         : 511                     Squelch Delay        : Disabled
EOP Idle Timeout   : 5000                    Unsquelch Delay      : Disabled
EOP Special Char   : Disabled                Inter-Session Delay  : 10
Squelch Status     : off
Socket Statistics
Characters received                                     4088
Characters transmitted                                  4088
End of packet idle timeout                                 0
End of packet length                                       8
End of packet special character                            0
Ingress forwarded packets                                  8
Egress forwarded packets                                   8
Ingress dropped packets                                    0
Egress dropped packets                                     0
Squelch activated                                          0
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                              4088                   4088
Packets                                                8                      8
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                8                      8
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
Table 77:  Port Serial Channel Field Descriptions 



Serial RS-232 Interface


The description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port.channel format


The type of serial interface

Admin Status

up: the administrative state is up

down: the administrative state is down

Oper Status

up: the operational state is up

down: the operational state is down

Physical Link

yes: a physical link is present

no: a physical link is not present

Clock Source

The source of the transmit clock:

On the 12-port Serial Data Interface card (version 1 and version 2): slave

On the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3:

  1. for RS-232 and RS-530 interfaces: external, slave, dcr-serial
  2. for V.35 and X.21 interfaces: external, slave

Device Mode

The operational mode of the device, either synchronous (the device transmits data continuously based on timing) or asynchronous (the device transmits data one character at a time)

Asynchronous mode is supported only on channels with subrate speeds of 38 400 b/s or less

RS-232, RS-530, and X.21 channels support synchronous and asynchronous modes (RS-530 channels are only supported on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)

V.35 channels support synchronous mode only


The speed of the interface

Character Length

The number of data bits used to transmit a character; for asynchronous devices only


The parity bit in a character; for asynchronous devices only

Stop Bits

The number of stop bits used signify the end of a character; for asynchronous devices only


The MDDB mode; supported on RS-232 and X.21 synchronous or asynchronous links, and on RS-530 asynchronous links (RS-530 links are only supported on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3):

disabled: MDDB mode is off

slave: device operates as an MDDB slave device

master: device operates as an MDDB master device

Device Gender

The gender of the device:

dce: the device is performing the role of the data communications equipment

dte: the device is performing the role of the data terminal equipment


The duplex mode:

half: single transmission path (supported only if multidrop data bridge is enabled in slave mode)

full: two independent transmission paths, one in each direction

Data Position

The HCM data start position; applies to RS-232, RS-530, and X.21 interfaces only (RS-530 interfaces are only supported on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)


Indicates whether S-bit signaling is turned on or off; applies to RS-232, RS-530, and X.21 interfaces only (RS-530 interfaces are only supported on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)

Last State Change

The last time the operational status of the port changed state

Channel IfIndex

The channel group index number


The loopback mode for the port or channel:

bidir-b: bidirectional loopback B takes place on the control card (CSM) side of the adapter card and is closer to the system (not supported on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)

bidir-e: bidirectional loopback E takes place on the data device side of the adapter card and is closer to the line

none: there is no loopback done at the associated port or channel

Hold time up

The hold-timer value for link-up event dampening

Hold time down

The hold-timer value for link-down event dampening

Cfg Alarm

The HCM alarms to be reported for RS-232, RS-530, or X.21 interfaces (RS-530 interfaces are only supported on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3):

hcmOof: local HCM out-of-frame errors are raised and cleared

hcmRai: HCM remote alarm indication events are raised and cleared

Alarm Status

The current alarm status

Serial Control Leads (The input and output leads, which carry control signals)


The input control leads


The Data Terminal Ready/Data Set Ready input control lead (applicable only for RS-232, RS-530, and V.35 interfaces; RS-530 interfaces are only supported on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)


The Request To Send/Data Carrier Detect input control lead (applicable only for RS-232, RS-530, and V.35 interfaces; RS-530 interfaces are only supported on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)


The Local Loopback/Test Mode input control lead (only supported on RS-530 interfaces on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)


The Remote Loopback/Clear To Send input control lead (only supported on RS-530 interfaces on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)


The Analog Loopback/Clear To Send input control lead (applicable only for RS-232 and V.35 interfaces)

Not supported on the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module


The Remote Digital Loopback/Ring Indicator input control lead (applicable only for RS-232 interfaces)

Not supported on the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module


The Control/Indication input control lead (applicable only for X.21 interfaces)


The configuration of the input signaling leads:

  1. high: the input control lead is assumed to be on
  2. low: the input control lead is assumed to be off
  3. end-to-end: the input control lead follows that of the remote end. It can only be configured when the interface speed is <64 kb/s and is only applicable on the following control leads:
    1. rts-dcd
    2. alb-cts
    3. rl-cts
    4. c-i


The output control leads


The Data Set Ready/Data Terminal Ready output control lead (applicable only for RS-232, RS-530, and V.35 interfaces; RS-530 interfaces are only supported on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)

Not supported on the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module


The Data Carrier Detect/Request To Send output control lead (applicable only for RS-232, RS-530, and V.35 interfaces; RS-530 interfaces are only supported on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)


The Clear To Send/Analog Loopback output control lead (applicable only for RS-232 and V.35 interfaces)


The Ring Indicator/Remote Digital Loopback output control lead (applicable only for RS-232 interfaces)


The Clear To Send/Remote Loopback output control lead (only supported on RS-530 interfaces on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)


The Test Mode/Local Loopback output control lead (only supported on RS-530 interfaces on the 12-port Serial Data Interface card, version 3)


The Indication/Control output control lead (applicable only for X.21 interfaces)


The configuration of the output signaling leads:

  1. high: the output control lead is forced on
  2. low: the output control lead is forced off
  3. end-to-end: the input control lead follows that of the remote end. It can only be configured when the interface speed is <64 kb/s and is only applicable on the following control leads:
    1. dcd-rts
    2. cts-alb – follows that of the remote end except when the output control lead is carrying a CTS signal on an RS-232 port operating at subrate speeds. In this case, the control lead follows the HCM status:
      1. if the HCM status is Up, the CTS output control lead is 1
      2. if the HCM status is Down, the CTS output control lead is 0
    3. cts-rl
    4. i-c


The value that indicates the current states of the input and output control leads. These values are transported over the network; therefore, are referred to as network-side values:

  1. 0 indicates low
  2. 1 indicates high
  3. blank indicates unknown (for example, due to a shutdown)


The value that indicates the current signal levels of the input and output control leads connected to the attached CPE. These values are signaled over the (physical) line; therefore, are referred to as line-side values:

  1. 0 indicates low
  2. 1 indicates high
  3. blank indicates unknown (for example, due to a shutdown)


Indicates whether monitoring is enabled (on) or disabled (off) for the control lead; applies to input control leads only

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.

Serial Socket


The configured port type


The interface ID displayed in the format slot/mda/port.channel

Admin Status

The administrative status of the port, either up or down

Oper status

The operational status of the port, either up or down

Last State Change

The last time the operational status of the channel changed state

Socket IfIndex

The socket index number

Configured mode

The port mode (serial raw sockets support access mode only)

Encap Type

The encapsulation type of the port (serial raw sockets support encapsulation type raw only)

Physical Link

Indicates whether a physical link is present

EOP Length

The number of characters (in bytes) that trigger sending an IP transport packet when end of packet is declared

Squelch Delay

Indicates whether squelch delay is enabled or disabled

EOP Idle Timeout

The limit, in milliseconds, that a queued packet can remain idle before an end of packet is declare

Unsquelch Delay

Indicates whether unsquelch delay is enabled or disabled

EOP Special Char

Indicates whether the sending of a special character that declares end of packet is enabled or disabled

Inter-Session Delay

The time delay, in milliseconds, between transmission of a session’s data over a serial port and the transmission of the next queued session’s data

Squelch Status

Indicates whether squelch is enabled (on) or disabled (off)

Socket Statistics

Characters received

The number of data characters received

Characters transmitted

The number of data characters sent

End of packet idle timeout

The number of times that end of packet has been declared due to an EOP idle timeout

End of packet length

The number of times that an IP transport packet was sent due to the EOP packet length being exceeded

End of packet special character

The number of times that end of packet has been declared due to an EOP special character being sent

Ingress forwarded packets

The number of ingress forwarded packets

Egress forwarded packets

The number of egress forwarded packets

Ingress dropped packets

The number of ingress dropped packets

Egress dropped packets

The number of egress dropped packets

Squelch activated

The number of times that squelch was activated

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/1.em detail
Voice Interface
Description        : EM
Interface          : 1/1/1.em                                                  
Type               : em                                                        
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up         
Physical Link      : yes                     Clock Source         : node-timed 
Signaling Mode     : em                      Signal Mode          : cas        
Fault Signaling    : idle                                                      
Idle Code          : 13 (0b1101)             Seized Code          : 5 (0b0101) 
Last State Change  : 01/08/2010 14:23:28     Channel IfIndex      : 578846721  
Loopback           : none                                                      
Voice E&M Signaling Leads
Inputs          Cfg         Scans            Outputs         Cfg         Drives
m             : end-to-end  0                e             : end-to-end  0     
Voice Signalling Bits
          Rx    Tx
DS0       ABCD  ABCD
1         1101  1101                   
Voice Call Usage Statistics (state: idle)
I/C Call Count                                    0
I/C Call Count, Ans                               0
I/C Call Time                                     0
I/C Call Time, Ans                                0
O/G Call Count                                    0
O/G Call Count, Ans                               0
O/G Call Time                                     0
O/G Call Time, Ans                                0
Out Of Service Time                              10
Idle Time                                        39
Total Call Count                                  0
Total Call Time                                   0
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                            388432                 388256
Packets                                            24277                  24266
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                            30868                  30857
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0 
Table 78:  Port Voice Channel Field Descriptions 



Voice Interface


The description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port.channel format


The type of voice interface

Admin Status

up: the administrative state is up

down: the administrative state is down

Oper Status

up: the operational state is up

down: the operational state is down

Physical Link

yes: a physical link is present

no: a physical link is not present

Clock Source

node-timed: the link uses the internal clock when transmitting data

Signaling Mode

The signaling mode used by the interface, either em or transmission-only

Signal Mode

The network signaling transport scheme, either cas for em signaling or none for transmission-only signaling

Fault Signaling

The type of fault signaling used by the channel, either idle or seized

Idle Code

The ABCD signaling code to be transmitted when the channel is configured to transmit idle fault signaling

Seized Code

The ABCD signaling code to be transmitted when the channel is configured to transmit seized fault signaling

Last State Change

The last time the operational status of the channel changed state

Channel IfIndex

The channel index number


The loopback mode for the channel: internal-analog, internal-digital, or none

Voice E&M Signaling Leads


The type of input signaling lead (M-lead), shown only if the signaling mode is E&M


The configuration of the input signaling lead:

high: (the input signaling lead is assumed on)

low: (the input signaling lead is assumed off)

end-to-end: (the input signaling lead follows that of the remote end)


The current scanned value of the input lead, which can either be 0 (idle) or 1 (seized)


The type of output lead (E-lead), shown only if the signaling mode is E&M


The configuration of the output signaling lead:

high: (the output signaling lead is forced on)

low: (the output signaling lead is forced off)

end-to-end: (the output signaling lead follows that of the remote end)


The current value set on the output lead, which can either be 0 (idle) or 1 (seized)

Voice Signalling Bits


The number of DS0 voice signaling bits


The signaling bits received from the network side


The signaling bits transmitted to the network side

Voice Call Usage Statistics


The state of the channel (non-forwarding, out-of-service, idle, incoming, or outgoing), and voice call usage statistics.

Non-forwarding means that the channel is in shutdown mode or has no SAP configured; incoming means that the call was received by the channel; outgoing means that the call was originated by the channel


The total accumulated statistics since the last time the statistics were cleared

I/C Call Count

The number of incoming calls

I/C Call Count, Ans

The number of incoming calls that were answered

I/C Call Time

The total duration (in seconds) of all incoming calls

I/C Call Time, Ans

The total duration (in seconds) of all incoming calls that were answered

O/G Call Count

The number of outgoing calls

O/G Call Count, Ans

The number of outgoing calls that were answered

O/G Call Time

The total duration (in seconds) of all outgoing calls

O/G Call Time, Ans

The total duration (in seconds) of all outgoing calls that were answered

Out-Of-Service Time

The time (in seconds) for which the circuit had alarms raised against the service. The only valid statistics for transmission-only mode are Out-Of-Service Time and Idle Time.

Idle Time

The total duration the circuit was in an idle state (that is, on-hook). The only valid statistics for transmission-only mode are Out-Of-Service Time and Idle Time.

When the system is in transmission-only mode and in a forwarding state, there is no signaling. To show that the system is active (that is, not in an out-of-service state), the “Idle Time” counter is incremented. This is a design intent.

Total Call Count

The sum of I/C Call Count and O/G Call Count

Total Call Time

The sum of I/C Call Time and O/G Call Time

Traffic Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/4/1.5
TDM DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 1/4/1.5
TimeSlots          : 
Speed              : 64                      CRC                  : 16
Admin Status       : down                    Oper Status          : down
BER SF Link Down   : disabled
Last State Change  : 06/22/2009 12:29:42     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 578846785
Loopback           : line
Configured mode    : access                  Encap Type           : atm
Admin MTU          : 1524                    Oper MTU             : 1524
Scramble           : true
Physical Link      : Yes                     Bundle Number        : none
Idle Cycle Flags   : n/a                     Load-balance-algo    : n/a
Payload Fill Type  : n/a                     Payload Pattern      : n/a
Signal Fill Type   : n/a                     Signal Pattern       : n/a
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                     Egr. Pool % Rate     : 100 
Egr. Sched. Pol    : n/a                       
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/2.1
Serial DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 1/1/2.1
TimeSlots          : 1
Admin Status       : down                    Oper Status          : down
Last State Change  : 06/28/2009 15:32:14     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 572588095
Configured Mode    : access                  Encap Type           : cem
Admin MTU          : 1514                    Oper MTU             : 1514
Physical Link      : No                      Bundle Number        : none
Idle Cycle Flags   : n/a                     
Payload Fill Type  : all-ones                Payload Pattern      : n/a
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/1.1
Voice DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 1/1/1.1                                                   
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up         
Last State Change  : 01/08/2010 14:23:29     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 578846781  
Configured Mode    : access                  Encap Type           : cem        
Admin MTU          : 1514                    Oper MTU  : 1514       
Physical Link      : Yes 
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                            611744                 611584
Packets                                            38234                  38224
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                  Input                 Output
Packets                                            38234                  38224
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0                       
A:ALU-1# show port 1/2/2.1.1 
TDM DS1 Interface
Description        : DS1
Interface          : 1/2/2.1.1                                                 
Type               : ds1                     Framing              : esf        
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : down       
Physical Link      : no                      Clock Source         : node-timed 
Last State Change  : 01/26/2009 15:35:50     Channel IfIndex      : 574685991  
Loopback           : none                                                      
Remote Loop respond: false                   In Remote Loop       : false      
Load-balance-algo  : default                 Egr. Sched. Pol      : N/A        
Cfg Alarm          : ais los                                                   
Alarm Status       :                                                           
Hold time up       : 0 milliseconds                                            
Hold time down     : 0 milliseconds                                            
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0                       
Table 79:  Port Channel Group Field Descriptions  




A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the format slot/mda/port.channel-group-id


The number of timeslots that are part of this channel group


The speed of the interface


The checksum used for the channel group (16 or 32)

Admin Status

Up: the port is administratively up

Down: the port is administratively down

BER SF Link Down

Indicates whether BER SF Link Down is enabled

Oper Status

Up: the port is operationally up

Down: the port is operationally down

Remote Loop respond

Indicates whether the channel will respond to requests for remote loopbacks

Cfg Alarm

Indicates the alarms configured

Last State Change

The last time the operational status of the port changed state

Chan Grp IfIndex

The channel group index number

Channel IfIndex

The channel interface index number


The type of loopback configured on the channel group: line, internal, or none

Configured Mode

network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access

Encap Type

The encapsulation type for the channel group (atm, cem, ipcp, ppp-auto, hdlc, or cisco-hdlc)

Admin MTU

The configured MTU

Oper MTU

The negotiated size of the largest packet that can be sent on the port or channel specified in octets


Indicates whether payload scrambling is enabled on channel groups (only applicable if encap type is atm)

Hold time up

The hold-timer value for link-up event dampening

Hold time down

The hold-timer value for link-down event dampening

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present

Bundle Number

The number assigned to the multilink bundle

Idle Cycle Flags

The value transmitted by the DS0, DS1, or E1 interface during idle cycles

Clock Source

loop-timed: the link recovers the clock from the received data stream

node-timed: the link uses the internal clock when transmitting data

adaptive: clocking is derived from the incoming pseudowire packets

Payload Fill Type

The payload type to be transmitted when the circuit emulation service is not operational or temporarily experiences underrun conditions (only valid for CESoPSN services)

Payload Pattern

The user-defined pattern transmitted if the payload fill type is pattern

Signal Fill Type

The signaling type to be transmitted when the circuit emulation service is not operational or temporarily experiences underrun conditions (only valid for CESoPSN with CAS)

Signal Pattern

The user-defined pattern transmitted if the payload fill type is pattern

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown proto discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. For ATM, this field displays cells discarded on an invalid vpi/vci. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts.

Output Example
A:ALU-1# show port 1/4/1.ds3 
TDM Interface
Description        : DS3
Interface          : 1/4/1.ds3
Type               : ds3                     Framing              : m23
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up
Physical Link      : No                      Clock Source         : node-timed
Last State Change  : 10/02/2009 19:21:59     Port IfIndex         : 578846721
Configured mode    : access                  Encap Type           : atm
Admin MTU          : 1524                    Oper MTU             : 1524
Scramble           : true
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                     Egr. Pool % Rate     : 100
Egr. Sched. Pol    : N/A
CRC                : 32                      Channelized          : DS1
Idle Cycle Flags   : n/a                     Loopback             : line
FEAC Loop Respond  : Disabled                In FEAC Loop         : No
BERT Duration      : N/A                     BERT Pattern         : none
BERT Synched       : 00h00m00s               Err Insertion Rate   : 0
BERT Errors        : 0                       BERT Status          : idle
BERT Total Bits    : N/A
Cfg Alarm          : ais los
Alarm Status       :
Subrate CSU Mode   : none                    Subrate Step         : 0
MDL Transmit       : none
Local MDL Information
EIC                :                         LIC                  :
FIC                :                         Unit                 :
PFI                :
Idle Signal Port   :
Test Signal Gen    :
Far End MDL Information
EIC                :                         LIC                  :
FIC                :                         Unit                 :
PFI                :
Idle Signal Port   :
Test Signal Gen    :
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
Table 80:  Port Channelized DS3 Field Descriptions  




A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the format slot/mda/port.channel-group-id


The type of interface


The number of timeslots that are part of this channel group


The speed of the interface


The checksum used for the channel group (16 or 32)

Admin Status

Up: the port is administratively up

Down: the port is administratively down

Oper Status

Up: the port is operationally up

Down: the port is operationally down

Last State Change

The last time the operational status of the port changed state

Chan Grp IfIndex

The channel group index number

Configured Mode

network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access

Encap Type

The encapsulation type for the channel group (atm, cem, ipcp, ppp-auto)

Admin MTU

The configured MTU

Oper MTU

The negotiated size of the largest packet that can be sent on the port or channel specified in octets


Indicates whether payload scrambling is enabled on channel groups (only applicable if encap type is atm)


Indicates the precision of the cyclic redundancy check:

16 — a 16-bit CRC calculation

32 — a 32-bit CRC calculation; 32-bit CRC increases the error detection ability, but it also adds some performance overhead

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present

Idle Cycle Flags

The value transmitted by the DS0, DS1, or E1 interface during idle cycles

FEAC Loop Respond

Indicates whether the associated DS3 interface can respond to remote loop signals

Cfg Alarm

The alarms that have alarm reporting enabled

Alarm Status

The current alarm state (for example, stray, malformed, packet loss, overrun, underrun, remote packet loss, remote fault, or remote RDI)


The DS3 framing mode

Clock Source

loop-timed: the link recovers the clock from the received data stream

node-timed: the link uses the internal clock when transmitting data

adaptive: clocking is derived from the incoming pseudowire packets

Port IfIndex

The interface’s index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

oper MTU

The negotiated size of the largest packet that can be sent on the port or channel specified in octets


The level of channelization on the port


The port loopback mode

In FEAC Loop

The remote loopback state

Local MDL Information

The MDL strings sent by the near end

Far End MDL Information

The MDL strings received from the far end

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown proto discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. For ATM, this field displays cells discarded on an invalid vpi/vci. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts.

Output Example
A:ALU-1# show port 1/4/1
TDM DS3 Physical Interface
Description        : DS3/E3
Interface          : 1/4/1                  Port IfIndex         : 41975808
Admin Status       : down                   Oper Status          : down
Physical Link      : No
Type               : ds3                    Buildout             : short
Hardware Address   : 2001:db8::
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
Table 81:  Port Clear Channel DS3 Field Descriptions  




A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the format slot/mda/port

Port IfIndex

The interface’s index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Admin Status

Up: the port is administratively up

Down: the port is administratively down

Oper Status

Up: the port is operationally up

Down: the port is operationally down

Physical Link

Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present


The type of interface


The line buildout (cable length) for the DS3 physical interface

Hardware Address

The port’s hardware address

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown proto discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. For ATM, this field displays cells discarded on an invalid vpi/vci. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/4/1.e1 acr detail
Adaptive Clock Recovery (ACR) Configuration                            
Clock Master PW  : 1/4/1.1                                             
Clock Sync State : normal                                              
CEM SAP Configuration Information                                      
Endpoint Type  : NxDS0                    Bit-rate       : 16          
Payload Size   : 32                       Jitter Buffer  : 5           
Use RTP Header : No                       Differential   : No          
Timestamp Freq : 0                        CAS Framing    : No CAS      
Effective PDVT : +/-2.500 ms                                           
Cfg Alarm      : stray malformed pktloss overrun underrun              
Alarm Status   :                                                       
CEM SAP Statistics                                                     
                         Packets           Seconds           Events    
Egress Stats                                                           
Forwarded             :  32993106                                      
Dropped               :  0                                             
Missing               :  0                                             
Reordered Forwarded   :  0                                             
Underrun              :  8058                                0         
Overrun               :  0                                   0         
Misordered Dropped    :  0                                             
Malformed Dropped     :  0                                             
LBit Dropped          :  0                                             
Error                 :                    3                           
Severely Error        :                    2                           
Unavailable           :                    0                           
Failure Count         :                                      1         
Jitter Buffer Depth   :  0
Ingress Stats                                                          
Forwarded             :  32995595                                      
Dropped               :  0                                             
Adaptive Clock Recovery (ACR)
  - Internal Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) Statistics
                    frequency   frequency       phase       phase      
                       offset      offset       error       error      
                         mean      stddev        mean      stddev      
time                    (ppb)       (ppb)        (ns)        (ns)      
10/08/2008 11:27:11        220           1         273          94     
10/08/2008 11:26:11        217           1         240         120     
10/08/2008 11:25:11        214           1          79         157     
10/08/2008 11:24:11        214           1         -15         102     
10/08/2008 11:23:11        214           1          82         117 
10/08/2008 11:22:11        213           1          12         113     
10/08/2008 11:21:11        213           1         -64         119     
10/08/2008 11:20:11        213           1         -66         126     
10/08/2008 11:19:11        214           1         -41         117     
10/08/2008 11:18:11        215           1          72         125     
10/08/2008 11:17:11        214           1         -34          95     
10/08/2008 11:16:11        214           1         -28         115     
10/08/2008 11:15:11        215           1          30          89     
10/08/2008 11:14:11        214           1          12          95     
10/08/2008 11:13:11        214           1          19         144     
24 Hour
(137 min)           214         19                                     
ACR State Statistics                                                   
Algorithm State Counts                                                 
  normal                : 4121                                         
  Phase-tracking        : 3                                            
  Freq-tracking         : 0                                            
  Holdover              : 0                                            
  Free-run              : 8                                            
  ACR Calc Out of Range : 0                                                   
  Prolonged ACR Failure : 1                                            
  Excessive Packet Loss : 0                                            
  Excessive Phase Shift : 0                                            
Table 82:  Port ACR Detail Field Descriptions 



Adaptive Clock Recovery (ACR) Configuration

Clock Master PW

The SAP being used by the port for recovering the clock

Clock Sync State

The current state of the ACR adaptive algorithm

CEM SAP Configuration Information

Endpoint Type

The type of endpoint


The number of DS0s or timeslots in the channel group

Payload Size

The number of octets contained in the payload of a TDM PW packet when the packet is transmitted

Jitter Buffer

The size of the receive jitter buffer, expressed in milliseconds

Use RTP Header

Indicates whether RTP headers are used in CES packets (Yes or No)

CAS Framing

The type of CAS framing

Effective PDVT

The peak-to-peak packet delay variation (PDV) used by the circuit emulation service

Since the operating system may adjust the jitter buffer setting in order to ensure no packet loss, the configured jitter buffer value may not be the value used by the system. The effective PDVT provides an indication that the PDV has been adjusted by the operating system.

Cfg Alarm

The alarms that have alarm reporting enabled

Alarm Status

The current alarm state (for example, stray, malformed, packet loss, overrun, underrun, remote packet loss, remote fault, or remote RDI)

Internal Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) Statistics

ACR DPLL Statistics

frequency offset mean: the ACR frequency offset mean for the previous 15 sets of 60-s intervals

frequency offset stddev: the ACR frequency offset standard deviation for the previous 15 sets of 60-s intervals

phase error mean: the ACR input phase error mean and output DCO mean for the previous 15 sets of 60-s intervals

phase error stddev: the ACR input phase error standard deviation and output DCO standard deviation for the previous 15 sets of 60-s intervals

ACR State Statistics

Algorithm State Counts

normal: the number of 2-s intervals the ACR algorithm was in the normal state

Phase-tracking: the number of 2-s intervals the ACR algorithm was in the phase-tracking state

Freq-tracking: the number of 2-s intervals the ACR algorithm was in the frequency tracking state

Holdover: the number of 2-s intervals the ACR algorithm was in the holdover state

Free-run: the number of 2-s intervals the ACR algorithm was in the free-run state


ACR Calc Out of Range: the number of times the ACR algorithm was internally reset

Prolonged ACR failure: the number of times the ACR algorithm was in the phase-tracking or holdover state for an extended period of time

Excessive Packet Loss: increments every 2-second interval that ACR is in the phase-tracking state and the tolerated packet loss threshold is exceeded

Excessive Phase Shift: increments each time the ACR algorithm transitions to the phase-tracking state from normal as a result of a phase shift above the tolerated shift level

Output Example
*A:ALU-1# show port dot1x 1/5/2 detail
802.1x Port Status
Port control            : force-auth
Port status             : authorized
Authenticator PAE state : force-auth
Backend state           : initialize
Reauth enabled          : yes          Reauth period         : 3500
Max auth requests       : 2            Transmit period       : 30
Supplicant timeout      : 30           Server timeout        : 30
Quiet period            : 60
Radius-plcy             : N/A
802.1x Session Statistics
authentication method   : remote-radius
last session id         : PAC-02A10000-8A61E689
last session time       : 0497d02h
last session username   : N/A
last session term cause : N/A
user tx octets          : 0            user tx frames        : 0
user rx octets          : 0            user rx frames        : 0
802.1x Authentication Statistics
tx frames               : 0           rx frames             : 0
tx req/id frames        : 0           rx resp/id frames     : 0
tx request frames       : 0           rx response frames    : 0
rx start frames         : 0           rx logoff frames      : 0
rx unknown frame type   : 0           rx bad eap length     : 0
rx last version         : 0           rx last source mac    :
802.1x Authentication Diagnostics
Enters Connecting                     : 0
EapLogoffs While Connecting           : 0
Success While Authenticating          : 0
Timeouts While Authenticating         : 0
Failures While Authenticating         : 0
Reauths While Authenticating          : 0
EapStarts While Authenticating        : 0
EapLogoffs While Authenticating       : 0
Reauths While Authenticated           : 0
EapStarts While Authenticated         : 0
EapLogoffs While Authenticated        : 0
Backend Responses                     : 0
Backend Access Challenges             : 0
Backend Requests To Supplicant        : 0
Backend Non Nak Responses             : 0
Backend Auth Successes                : 0
Backend Auth Failures                 : 0
Table 83:  Port dot1x Field Descriptions  



802.1x Port Status

Port control

auto: the 802.1x authentication mode is configured as automatic. The port starts in an unauthorized state and stays in that state until the first supplicant is authenticated successfully.

force-auth: 802.1 authentication is disabled and the port is automatically authorized

force-unauth: the port will always remain in the unauthorized state

Port status

authorized: the 802.1 port is authorized

unauthorized: the 802.1 port is unauthorized

Authenticator PAE state

auto: the authenticator is set to the unauthorized state

force-auth: the authenticator is set to the authorized state

force-unauth: the authenticator is set to the unauthorized state

Backend state

request: the backend authentication machine is in the request state

response: the backend authentication machine is in the response state

success: the backend authentication machine is in the success state

fail: the backend authentication machine is in the fail state

timeout: the backend authentication machine is in the timeout state

idle: the backend authentication machine is in the idle state

initialize: the backend authentication machine is in the initialize state

Reauth enabled

Indicates whether reauthentication is enabled

Max auth requests

The maximum number of authentication requests the 7705 SAR sends to the RADIUS server before declaring the port unauthorized

Supplicant timeout

The number of seconds the 7705 SAR waits for a client to respond to an EAPOL message before considering the 802.1x authentication to have failed

Quiet period

The period, in seconds, between two authentication sessions during which no EAPOL frames are sent by the 7705 SAR


The name of the RADIUS policy used for 802.1x authentication

Reauth period

The delay, in seconds, before the 7705 SAR attempts reauthentication

Transmit period

The time, in seconds, that the 7705 SAR waits before sending a new EAPOL message

Server timeout

The time, in seconds, that the 7705 SAR waits for the RADIUS server to respond to the access request message before resending the request message the number of times specified by the max-auth-req command

802.1x Session Statistics

authentication method

remote-radius: the authentication method used to establish the session

last session id

A unique identifier for the session, in the form of a printable ASCII string of at least three characters

last session time

The duration of the session in seconds

last session username

The username representing the identity of the supplicant PAE

last session term cause

The reason for the session termination:

supplicantLogoff: the supplicant logged off

portFailure: there was a port failure

supplicantRestart: the supplicant state machine reinitialized

reauthFailed: the reauthentication attempt failed

authControlForceUnauth: the authentication mode was changed to always force unauthorized after being authorized

portReInit: the port was reinitialized

portAdminDisabled: the port was administratively disabled

notTerminatedYet: the session has not been terminated

user tx octets

The number of octets transmitted in user data frames on this port during the session

user rx octets

The number of octets received in user data frames on this port during the session

user tx frames

The number of user data frames transmitted on this port during the session

user rx frames

The number of user data frames received on this port during the session

802.1x Authentication Statistics

tx frames

The number of EAPOL frames of any type that have been transmitted by this authenticator

tx req/id frames

The number of EAP-Request/ID frames that have been transmitted by this authenticator

tx request frames

The number of EAP request frames (other than Request/ID frames) that have been transmitted by this authenticator

rx start frames

The number of EAPOL-Start frames that have been received by this authenticator

rx unknown frame type

The number of EAPOL frames that have been received by this authenticator in which the frame type is not recognized

rx last version

The protocol version number carried in the most recently received EAPOL frame

rx frames

The number of valid EAPOL frames of any type that have been received by this authenticator

rx resp/id frames

The number of EAP-Response/ID frames that have been received by this authenticator

rx response frames

The number of valid EAP response frames (other than Resp/ID frames) that have been received by this authenticator

rx logoff frames

The number of EAP-Logoff frames that have been received by this authenticator

rx bad eap length

The number of EAPOL frames that have been received by this authenticator in which the packet body length field is invalid

rx last source mac

The source MAC address carried in the most recently received EAPOL frame

802.1x Authentication Diagnostics

Enters Connecting

Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions to the CONNECTING state from any other state

EapLogoffs While Connecting

Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED as a result of receiving an EAPOL-logoff message

Success While Authenticating

Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to AUTHENTICATED, as a result of the backend authentication state machine indicating successful authentication of the supplicant (authSuccess = TRUE)

Timeouts While Authenticating

Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a result of the backend authentication state machine indicating authentication timeout (authTimeout = TRUE)

Failures While Authenticating

Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to HELD, as a result of the backend authentication state machine indicating authentication failure (authFail = TRUE)

Reauths While Authenticating

Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a result of a reauthentication request (reAuthenticate = TRUE)

EapStarts While Authenticating

Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a result of an EAPOL-Start message being received from the supplicant

EapLogoffs While Authenticating

Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a result of an EAPOL-Logoff message being received from the supplicant

Reauths While Authenticated

Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATED to CONNECTING, as a result of a reauthentication request (reAuthenticate = TRUE)

EapStarts While Authenticated

Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATED to CONNECTING, as a result of an EAPOL-Start message being received from the supplicant

EapLogoffs While Authenticated

Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATED to DISCONNECTED, as a result of an EAPOL-Logoff message being received from the supplicant

Backend Responses

Counts the number of times that the state machine sends an initial Access-Request packet to the authentication server (that is, executes sendRespToServer on entry to the RESPONSE state)

Indicates that the authenticator attempted communication with the authentication server

Backend Access Challenges

Counts the number of times that the state machine receives an initial Access-Challenge packet from the authentication server (that is, aReq becomes TRUE, causing an exit from the RESPONSE state)

Indicates that the authentication server has communication with the authenticator

Backend Requests To Supplicant

Counts the number of times that the state machine sends an EAP-Request packet (other than an Identity, Notification, Failure, or Success message) to the supplicant (that is, executes txReq on entry to the REQUEST state)

Indicates that the authenticator chose an EAP-method

Backend Non Nak Responses

Counts the number of times that the state machine receives a response from the supplicant to an initial EAP-Request, and the response is something other than EAP-NAK (that is, rxResp becomes TRUE, causing the state machine to transition from REQUEST to RESPONSE, and the response is not an EAP-NAK)

Indicates that the supplicant can respond to the authenticator's chosen EAP-method

Backend Auth Successes

Counts the number of times that the state machine receives an EAP-Success message from the authentication server (that is, aSuccess becomes TRUE, causing a transition from RESPONSE to SUCCESS)

Indicates that the supplicant has successfully authenticated to the authentication server

Backend Auth Failures

Counts the number of times that the state machine receives an EAP-Failure message from the authentication server (that is, aFail becomes TRUE, causing a transition from RESPONSE to FAIL)

Indicates that the supplicant has not authenticated to the authentication server

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/4/1 description
Port Descriptions on Slot 1
Port Id        Description
1/4/1          DS3/E3
Table 84:  Port Description Field Descriptions 



Port Id

The port identifier


A text description of the port

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/5/1 associations
Interface Table
Router/ServiceId                Name                            Encap Val
Router: Base                    if1000                          1000
Router: Base                    if2000                          2000
Table 85:  Port Associations Field Descriptions  




The service identifier


The name of the IP interface

Encap Val

The dot1q, null, or qinq encapsulation value on the port for this IP interface

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/2/1.1 ima-link
State Information
Transmit Link Identifier: 0
Receive Link Identifier : 0
Near Rx Failure State   : IMA Link Failure
Far End Rx Failure State: IMA Link Failure
Near End Tx State       : Unusable - No given reason
Near End Rx State       : Unusable - No given reason
Far End Tx State        : Unusable - No given reason
Far End Rx State        : Unusable - No given reason
Link Test State         : Disabled
Rx Test Pattern         : 0
TC Sublayer Information
TC Alarm State          : LCD Failure     Number OCD Events       : 0
HEC Errors (Dropped)    : 0               HEC Errors (Fixed)      : 0
Statistical Information
Num Violations          : 0               Num OIF Anomalies       : 0
NE Severely Err. Seconds: 0               FE Severely Err. Seconds: 0
NE Unavail. Seconds     : 0               FE Unavail. Seconds     : 0
NE Tx Unused Seconds    : 0               FE Tx Unused Seconds    : 0
NE Rx Unused Seconds    : 0               FE Rx Unused Seconds    : 0
NE Tx Num Failures      : 0               NE Rx Num Failures      : 0
FE Tx Num Failures      : 0               FE Rx Num Failures      : 0
Tx ICP Cell count       : 0               Rx ICP Cell count       : 0
Error ICP Cells Total   : 0               Rx Lost ICP Cells Total : 0
Relative Link Delay     : 0
Table 86:  Port IMA Link Field Descriptions 



State Information

Transmit Link Identifier

The identifier of the IMA link used to transmit data

Receive Link Identifier

The identifier of the IMA link used to receive data

Near Rx Failure State

The failure state of the near-end receive link

Far End Rx Failure State

The failure state of the far-end receive link

Near End Tx State

The state of the near-end transmit link

Near End Rx State

The state of the near-end receive link

Far End Tx State

The state of the far-end transmit link

Far End Rx State

The state of the far-end receive link

Link Test State

The state of the link test procedure: Enabled or Disabled

Rx Test Pattern

The received test pattern in an IMA link loopback operation (0 to 255)

TC Sublayer Information

TC Alarm State

The alarm state for the traffic class of the IMA link

HEC Errors (Dropped)

The number of HEC errors resulting in dropped packets

Number OCD Events

The number of OCD events

HEC Errors (Fixed)

The number of HEC errors fixed

Statistical Information

Num Violations

The number of violations (path, line, code, and length)

NE Severely Err. Seconds

The number of near-end severely errored seconds

NE Unavail. Seconds

The number of seconds that the near end has been unavailable

NE Tx Unused Seconds

The number of seconds that the near-end transmit link has been unused

NE Rx Unused Seconds

The number of seconds that the near-end receive link has been unused

NE Tx Num Failures

The number of near-end transmit link failures

FE Tx Num Failures

The number of far-end transmit link failures

Tx ICP Cell count

The number of ICP cells transmitted on the IMA link

Error ICP Cells Total

The total number of errored ICP cells on the IMA link

Relative Link Delay

The time delay, in seconds, between detection of a link activation/deactivation condition and acting upon it (going in/out of the Rx failure state on a link)

Num OIF Anomalies

The number of OIF anomalies for the IMA link

FE Severely Err. Seconds

The number of far-end severely errored seconds

FE Unavail. Seconds

The number of seconds that the far end has been unavailable

FE Tx Unused Seconds

The number of seconds that the far-end transmit link has been unused

FE Rx Unused Seconds

The number of seconds that the far end receive link has been unused

NE Rx Num Failures

The number of near-end receive link failures

FE Rx Num Failures

The number of far-end receive link failures

Rx ICP Cell count

The number of ICP cells received on the IMA link

Rx Lost ICP Cells Total

The total number of lost ICP cells received on the IMA link

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/4/1.5 ppp
PPP Protocols for 1/4/1.5
Protocol  State         Last Change         Restart Count   Last Cleared
lcp       initial       10/12/2007 20:15:54          0      10/12/2007 20:15:54
ipcp      initial       10/12/2007 20:15:54          0      10/12/2007 20:15:54
mplscp    initial       10/12/2007 20:15:54          0      10/12/2007 20:15:54
bcp       initial       10/12/2007 20:15:54          0      10/12/2007 20:15:54
osicp     initial       10/12/2007 20:15:54          0      10/12/2007 20:15:54
ipv6cp    initial       10/12/2007 20:15:54          0      10/12/2007 20:15:54
PPP Statistics
Local Mac address  : 2001:db8::         Remote Mac address :
Local Magic Number : 0x0                Remote Magic Number: 0x0
Local address      :           Remote address     :
Line Monitor Method: keepalive
Keepalive statistics
Request interval   : 10           Threshold exceeded : 0
Drop Count         : 3            In packets         : 0
Time to link drop  : 00h00m30s    Out packets        : 0
Last cleared time  : 10/12/2007 20:15:54
Table 87:  Port PPP Field Descriptions 




The applicable protocols for the specified port


The current status of a PPP link. Values are initial, starting, closed, stopped, closing, stopping, requestSent, ackReceived, ackSent, opened.

Last Change

The last time the PPP link state changed

Restart Count

The number of times that this Control Protocol has reached the open state

PPP Statistics

Last Cleared

The date and time the restart count was set to zero

Local Mac address

The MAC address assigned to the local end of the PPP link

Remote Mac address

The Ethernet MAC address sent by the remote end of the PPP link

Local Magic Number

The local magic number to be sent to the peer. The magic number provides a method to detect loopbacks. If the value of the local magic number is the same as the value of the remote magic number, then it is possible that the link might be looped back. If the two magic numbers do not match, the link is not looped back.

Remote Magic Number

The magic number sent by the peer. If the value of the remote magic number is the same as the value of the local magic number, then it is possible that the link might be looped back. If the two magic numbers do not match, the link is not looped back.

Local Address

The IP address at the local end of the link

Remote Address

The IP address at the remote end of the link

Line Monitor Method

The type of line monitoring packets being sent and received on this PPP link

Request Interval

The time interval in seconds at which keepalive requests are issued

Threshold exceeded

The number of times that the drop count was reached

Drop Count

The number of keepalive or LQR messages that were missed before the line was brought down

In packets

The number of echo-reply packets received

Time to link drop

The time remaining before the link will be declared dropped if a keepalive echo reply packet is not received

Out packets

The number of echo-request packets sent

Last cleared time

The time since the last clear

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port cem
Ports on Slot 1
Port         Admin  Link   Port   Clock          Master           Clock
Id           State         State  Src            Port Id          State
1/9/1.1.2    Up     No     Down   differential   1/9/      hold-over
1/9/1.1.3    Up     No     Down   node-timed
1/9/1.1.4    Up     No     Down   node-timed
Table 88:  Port CEM Field Descriptions 



Port Id

The port ID, in the slot/mda/port format

Admin State

The administrative state of the interface connection


Indicates whether the link is active

Port State

The state level of the port

Clock Src

The clock source

Master Port Id

The master port ID

Clock State

The clock state

Output Example
*A:ALU-1# show port 1/2/32.1 frame-relay
Frame Relay Info for 1/2/32.1
Mode                    : dce           LMI Type                : itu
FR Interface Status     : fault
N391 DTE                : 6             N392 DCE                : 3
N392 DTE                : 3             N393 DCE                : 4
N393 DTE                : 4             T392 DCE                : 15
T391 DTE                : 10
FRF-12                  : Disabled
Link Identifier         : N/A
Tx Status Enquiry       : 1097          Rx Status Enquiry       : 0
Rx Status Messages      : 0             Tx Status Messages      : 0
Status Message Timeouts : 1096          Status Enquiry Timeouts : 0
Discarded Messages      : 0             Inv. RxSeqNum Messages  : 0
frame-relay statistics for port "1/2/32.1"
                    Received                      Transmitted
Frames              0                             0
Octets              0                             0
DEFrames            0                             0
DEOctets            0                             0
FECNFrames          0                             0
BECNFrames          0                             0
Invalid Dlci        0                             -
Last Invalid Dlci   -                             -
Crc Errors          0                             -
Alignment Errors    0                             -
Length Violations   0                             -
Illegal Header      0                             -
Underruns Errors    -                             0
Other Errors        0                             0
Table 89:  Port Frame Relay Field Descriptions 



Frame Relay Info for port identifier


The frame relay mode:

  1. dce—specifies the DCE mode
  2. dte—specifies the DTE mode
  3. bidir—the bidirectional mode for LMI types ANSI and ITU

LMI Type

The LMI type:

  1. ansi—specifies ANSI T1.617 Annex D
  2. itu—specifies ITU-T Q933 Annex A
  3. none—frame relay LMI is disabled on the port/channel
  4. rev1—specifies Rev 1 version of ANSI T1.617 Annex D

FR Interface Status

The status of the frame relay interface as determined by the performance of the DLCMI. If no DLCMI is running, the frame relay interface will stay in the running state indefinitely.

N391 DTE

The DTE full status polling interval for the frame relay LMI. The number specifies the frequency at which inquiries expect a full status report.

N392 DCE

The DCE error threshold for the frame relay LMI. The threshold specifies the number of errors needed to bring down a link.

N392 DTE

The DTE error threshold for the frame relay LMI. The threshold specifies the number of errors needed to bring down a link.

N393 DCE

The DCE monitored event count for the frame relay LMI

N393 DTE

The DTE monitored event count for the frame relay LMI

T392 DCE

The DCE keepalive timer for the frame relay LMI.

The number specifies the interval at which the DCE checks for keepalive responses from the DTE.

T391 DTE

The DTE keepalive timer for the frame relay LMI.

The number specifies the interval at which the DTE sends a keepalive response request to the DCE.


Not supported

Link Identifier

The link associated with the frame relay port

Tx Status Enquiry

The number of status enquiries sent

Rx Status Enquiry

The number of status enquiries received

Rx Status Messages

The number of status messages received

Tx Status Messages

The number of status messages sent

Status Message Timeouts

The number of status message timeouts

Status Enquiry Timeouts

The number of status enquiry timeouts

Discard Messages

The number of status enquiry messages discarded due to errors

Inv. RxSeqNum Messages

The number of LMI messages received with an invalid sequence number

frame-relay statistics for port port-identifier (input and output values)


The number of frames received or transmitted


The number of octets received or transmitted


The number of packets received or transmitted with the DE bit set


The number of octets received or transmitted with the discard eligibility (DE) bit set


The number of frames received or transmitted with the forward explicit congestion notification bit set


The number of frames received or transmitted with the backward explicit congestion notification bit set

Invalid Dlci

The number of invalid DLCIs

Last Invalid Dlci

The last time when an invalid DLCI was detected

Crc Errors

The number of cyclical redundancy check errors

Alignment Errors

The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but that had either a bad frame check sequence with an integral number of octets (FCS error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets

Length Violations

The number of packet length violations

Illegal Header

The number of header configuration errors

Underruns Errors

The number of frames that were unsuccessfully transmitted because transmission was not fast enough to maintain synchronization

Other Errors

The number of other unspecified errors

Output Example
*A:ALU-1# show port 1/2/32.1 frame-relay dlci 16 
Frame Relay Info for 1/2/32.1 
Mode                    : dte           LMI Type                : ansi 
FR Interface Status     : fault 
N391 DTE                : 6             N392 DCE                : 3 
N392 DTE                : 3             N393 DCE                : 4 
N393 DTE                : 4             T392 DCE                : 15 
T391 DTE                : 10 
FRF-12                  : Disabled 
Link Identifier         : N/A 
Tx Status Enquiry       : 0             Rx Status Enquiry       : 0 
Rx Status Messages      : 0             Tx Status Messages      : 0 
Status Message Timeouts : 0             Status Enquiry Timeouts : 0 
Discarded Messages      : 0             Inv. RxSeqNum Messages  : 0 
Frame Relay PVCs 
Dlci      State     Type      Creation Time 
16        Inactive  Static    07/11/2011 15:27:27 
PVCs: 1 
frame-relay statistics for port "1/2/32.1" dlci "16" 
                    Input                         Output 
Frames              1077                          2920112 
Octets              0                             4294967295 
FECNs               32                            3247074 
BECNs               4294967295                    1837088656 
DE Frames           3621691                       68756528 
DE Octets           1990621688                    1 
Discards            1893384560                    2920112 
Crc Discard         2                             - 
Aborts              56295902                      - 
Other Discard       1837088656                    - 
Table 90:  Port Frame Relay DLCI Field Descriptions 



Frame Relay Info for port-identifier

See Table 89

Frame Relay PVCs


The specified DLCI


The port state


The port type

Creation Time

The time at which the port was created


The number of PVCs

frame-relay statistics for port port-identifier (input and output values)


The number of frames received or transmitted


The number of octets received or transmitted

DE Frames

The number of packets received or transmitted with the DE bit set

DE Octets

The number of octets received or transmitted with the discard eligibility bit set

Crc Discard

The number of cyclical redundancy check discards


The number of aborts

Other Discard

The number of other discards

Output Example
*A:7705:Dut-C#show port 1/10/9.1 detail
TDM DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 1/10/9.1
TimeSlots          : 2-32
Speed              : 64                      CRC                  : 16
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up
Last State Change  : 07/12/2011 08:17:15     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 591691837
Configured mode    : access                  Encap Type           : hdlc
Admin MTU          : 1514                    Oper MTU             : 1514
Scramble           : false
Physical Link      : yes                     Bundle Number        : none
Idle Cycle Flags   : flags                   Load-balance-algo    : n/a
Payload Fill Type  : n/a                     Payload Pattern      : N/A
Signal Fill Type   : n/a                     Signal Pattern       : N/A
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                     Egr. Pool % Rate     : 100
Egr. Sched. Pol    : N/A
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                            304520                 301852
Packets                                             3310                   3281
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                             3310                   3281
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
*A:7705:Dut-C# configure port 1/10/9
*A:7705:Dut-C# show port detail 1/5/1.1
TDM DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 1/5/1.1
TimeSlots          : 2-32
Speed              : 64                      CRC                  : 16
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up
Last State Change  : 07/12/2011 08:17:18     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 580943933
Configured mode    : access                  Encap Type           : cisco-hdlc
Admin MTU          : 1514                    Oper MTU             : 1514
Scramble           : false
Physical Link      : yes                     Bundle Number        : none
Idle Cycle Flags   : flags                   Load-balance-algo    : n/a
Payload Fill Type  : n/a                     Payload Pattern      : N/A
Signal Fill Type   : n/a                     Signal Pattern       : N/A
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                     Egr. Pool % Rate     : 100
Egr. Sched. Pol    : N/A
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                            301852                 304520
Packets                                             3281                   3310
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                             3281                   3310
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
*A:7705:Dut-C# configure port 1/10/9
*A:7705:Dut-C# config>port>serial>x21>channel-group# show port 1/3/1.1 
Serial DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 1/3/1.1                 
CRC                : 16                      
Admin Status       : down                    Oper Status          : down
Last State Change  : 01/27/2012 14:32:01     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 576749629
Configured Mode    : access                  Encap Type           : cisco-hdlc
Admin MTU          : 1514                    Oper MTU             : 1514
Physical Link      : No                      Bundle Number        : none
Idle Cycle Flags   : flags                   
Payload Fill Type  : n/a                     Payload Pattern      : n/a
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                            118222                  30008
Packets                                             1640                   1364
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                             1640                   1364
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0                       
*A:7705:Dut-C# config>port>serial>x21>channel-group# show port 1/3/8 
Serial RS-232 Physical Interface
Description        : ozgur
Interface          : 1/3/8                  Port IfIndex         : 40108032
Admin Status       : up                     Oper Status          : up
Physical Link      : Yes                    
Type               : v35                    
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0                       
*A:7705:Dut-C# config>port>serial>x21>channel-group# 
*A:7705:Dut-C# config>port>serial>x21>channel-group# show port 1/3/8.1 detail 
Serial DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 1/3/8.1                 
CRC                : 32                      
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up
Last State Change  : 01/27/2012 10:37:44     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 576979019
Configured Mode    : access                  Encap Type           : hdlc
Admin MTU          : 1514                    Oper MTU             : 1514
Physical Link      : Yes                     Bundle Number        : none
Idle Cycle Flags   : flags                   
Payload Fill Type  : n/a                     Payload Pattern      : n/a
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0                       
*A:7705:Dut-C# config>port>serial>x21>channel-group# 
Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/3
TDM Data Physical Interface
Description        : G.703 64kbps Codirectional
Interface          : 1/1/3                   Port IfIndex         : 39878656
Admin Status       : down                    Oper Status          : down      
Physical Link      : No                       
Type               : codir
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0                       
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/2/3.codir detail 
TDM Data Interface
Description        : CODIR
Interface          : 1/2/3.codir             
Type               : codir                   
Admin Status       : down                    Oper Status          : down
Physical Link      : no                      Clock Source         : node-timed
Timing 8khz        : Disabled                
Last State Change  : 05/27/2013 12:42:10     Channel IfIndex      : 574717955
Loopback           : none                    
Cfg Alarm          : ais los 
Alarm Status       : los
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Codir Line
Data-slip  :             0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0                       
Table 91:  Port Field Descriptions (TDM Codirectional or TPIF) 



TDM Data Physical Interface

TDM Data Interface


A text description of the port


The port ID displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Port IfIndex

The port interface's index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Admin Status

up: the administrative state is up

down: the administrative state is down

Oper Status

up: the operating state is up

down: the operating state is down

Physical Link

yes: there is no alarm condition for the link

no: there is an outstanding alarm condition for the link


The type of interface: codirectional or TPIF

Clock Source

loop-timed: the link recovers the clock from the received data stream

node-timed: the link uses the internal clock when transmitting data

adaptive: clocking is derived from the incoming pseudowire packets

differential: clocking is derived from a common clock compared to differential clock recovery data in the RTP header in the TDM PW overhead

Timing 8khz

Indicates whether 8-kb/s timing on a codirectional interface is enabled or disabled

Last State Change

The last time the operational status of the port changed state

Channel IfIndex

The channel interface index number


The loopback mode for the channel: internal-analog, internal-digital, or none

Cfg Alarm

The type of alarms to be logged and reported for the port

Alarm Status

The current alarm state

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Codir Line


In a plesiochronous timing system, the number of data slips that have occurred in the receive direction

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/3/1
GNSS Physical Interface
Description       : GNSS Rx
Interface         : 1/3/1                 Port IfIndex         : 39878656
Admin Status      : up                    Oper Status          : up
Physical Link     : Yes
Type              : gps
Ant. Cable Delay  : 0                     Elev. Mask Angle     : 10
Antenna Status    : ok                    Visible Satellites   : 9
Sync Status       : locked                Used Satellites      : 7
Receiver Status   : Position Hold
Time              : 2014/04/23 18:47:38   Latitude             : +45.34811
UTC Offset        : 17                    Longitude            : -75.92142
                                          Altitude (m MSL)     : 90
Table 92:  Port Field Descriptions (GNSS) 




Specifies the GNSS RF port description


Specifies the card, MDA, and port number of the GNSS RF port

Admin Status

up: the port is administratively up

down: the port is administratively down

Physical Link

yes: an operational GNSS antenna is detected

no: an operational GNSS antenna is not detected


Specifies the type of satellite navigation system used

Ant. Cable Delay

Specifies the amount of time, in nanoseconds, compensated for signal delay due to cable length

Antenna Status

ok: valid antenna connection

under-current: open condition. Previously, an under-current status caused the port operational status to be down. Currently, the port remains operationally up in the event that any GNSS splitters used do not provide a load.

over-current: short circuit, or maximum power limits for the receiver have been exceeded

no-bias voltage: antenna power disabled

Sync Status

locked: GNSS time is within alarm limits (1 μs)

not locked: GNSS time is outside of the alarm limits and/or there is an insufficient number of tracked satellites

Receiver Status

Acquiring Satellites: GNSS receiver is attempting to track satellite

Position Hold: GNSS receiver position is determined and GNSS receiver is no longer solving for position

2D Fix: GNSS receiver is attempting to get a 2D fix on a satellite

3D Fix: GNSS receiver is attempting to get a 3D fix on a satellite

Unknown: default state on power-up

Communication Lost: occurs after 30 s of no Channel/Data/Status messages from the GNSS receiver

Communication Established: occurs after a successful re-establishment of communication following a Communication Lost status

Self-Test Failed: occurs after a GNSS receiver startup failure


Specifies the GNSS system date and time

UTC Offset

Specifies the difference between GNSS time and UTC time

UTC time = GNSS time – UTC offset

Port IfIndex

Specifies the GNSS interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Oper Status

up: the port is operationally up (communication with the GNSS receiver is established, the self-test has passed, and the antenna status is OK)

down: the port is operationally down (any of the up conditions have not been met)

Elev. Mask Angle

Specifies the configured elevation angle below which satellites are ignored. The default elevation mask angle is 10°.

Visible Satellites

Specifies the number of satellites that the GNSS receiver should see at the current time. This number can be 0 if the GNSS receiver has not yet downloaded an almanac, even if Used Satellites is more than 0.

Five or more satellites must be in view of the GNSS receiver antenna at all times when the receiver is in the process of obtaining a position fix, and these satellites must be above the configured elevation mask angle.

Used Satellites

Specifies the number of tracked satellites


Specifies the latitude of the GNSS antenna


Specifies the longitude of the GNSS antenna

Altitude (m MSL)

Specifies the altitude of the GNSS antenna above mean sea level, in meters

Output Example
*A:Sar8 Dut-A>show# port aps
Ports on APS Groups
Port          Admin Link Port    Cfg  Oper LAG/ Port Port Port   C/QS/S/XFP/
Id            State      State   MTU  MTU  Bndl Mode Encp Type   MDIMDX
aps-1         Down  No   Ghost
*A:Sar8 Dut-A>show#
Table 93:  Port Field Descriptions (APS)  



Port Id

The port ID configured or displayed in the aps-id format

Admin State

Up: the administrative state is up

Down: the administrative state is down


Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present

Port State

Up: the port is physically present and has a physical link

Down: the port is physically present but does not have a link

Ghost: the port is not physically present

None: the port is in its initial creation state or about to be deleted

Link Up: the port is physically present and has a physical link.

When Link Up appears at the lowest level of a TDM tributary, it means the physical connection is active but the port is waiting before data traffic can flow. It is a waiting state and indicates that data traffic will not flow until it transitions to the Up state.

Link Down: the port is physically present but does not have a link


The configured MTU

Oper MTU

The negotiated size of the largest packet that can be sent on the port or channel specified in octets


The Link Aggregation Group (LAG) or multilink bundle to which a TDM port is assigned

Port Mode

network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access

hybrid: the port is configured for hybrid use (transport network and service access per VLAN)

Port Encp

The encapsulation type on the port

Port Type

The type of port or optics installed


The SFP type on the port

Output Example
*A:Sar8 Dut-A>show# port aps-1
SONET/SDH Interface
Description        : APS Group
Interface          : aps-1                  Speed                : oc3
Admin Status       : down                   Oper Status          : down
Physical Link      : No                     Loopback Mode        : none
Single Fiber Mode  : No
Clock Source       : node                   Framing              : sonet
Last State Change  : 01/09/2019 20:50:16    Port IfIndex         : 1358987264
Configured Address : d6:64:ff:00:02:49
Hardware Address   : d6:64:ff:00:02:49
Last Cleared Time  : 01/24/2019 21:33:06
J0 String          : 0x01                   Section Trace Mode   : byte
Rx S1 Byte         : 0x00 (stu)             Rx K1/K2 Byte        : 0x00/0x00
Tx S1 Byte         : 0x00 (stu)             Tx DUS/DNU           : Disabled
Rx J0 String (Hex) : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Cfg Alarm          : loc lrdi lb2er-sf slof slos
Alarm Status       :
BER SD Threshold   : 6                      BER SF Threshold     : 3
Hold time up       : 500 milliseconds       Reset On Path Down   : Disabled
Hold time down     : 200 milliseconds
Transceiver Data
Transceiver Status : not-equipped
Hardware Address   : d6:64:ff:00:02:49
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
Table 94:  Port Field Descriptions (With APS ID)  



SONET/SDH Interface


A description of the port


The APS interface name (the APS group port)


The speed of the SONET/SDH port

Admin Status

Specifies whether the APS circuit is administratively up or down

Oper Status

Specifies whether the APS circuit is operationally up or down

Physical Link

Specifies whether or not a physical link is present

Loopback Mode

The loopback mode of the port

Single Fiber Mode

Specifies whether the port is operating in single-fiber mode

Clock Source

node: the link uses the internal clock when transmitting data

loop: the link recovers the clock from the received data stream


sonet: the port is configured for SONET framing

sdh: the port is configured for SDH framing

Last State Change

The last time that the operational status of the port changed state

Port IfIndex

The interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Configured Address

The base chassis SONET/SDH MAC address

Hardware Address

The interface hardware- or system-assigned MAC address at its protocol sublayer

Last Cleared Time

The time since the last clear

J0 String

The section trace value that is sent to the far-end port

Section Trace Mode

byte: the section trace in the SONET section header is set in bytes

string: a text string is used to identify the SONET section header

increment-z0: an incremental STM ID is configured instead of a static value

Rx S1 Byte

The value of the SONET/SDH S1 byte received on the interface

Rx K1/K2 Byte

The value of the SONET/SDH K1/K2 byte received on the interface

Tx S1 Byte

The value of the SONET/SDH S1 byte transmitted on the interface


Indicates whether the transmission of the QL-DUS/DNU value in synchronization status messages is enabled or disabled on the port

Rx J0 String (Hex)

The hexadecimal value of the received J0

Cfg Alarm

The types of alarms to be logged and reported for the SONET/SDH port

Alarm Status

The current alarm state

BER SD Threshold

The configured threshold for line signal degradation BER error rate, that when crossed determines the signal degradation and signal failure

BER SF Threshold

The configured threshold for line signal failure BER error rate, that when crossed determines the signal degradation and signal failure

Hold time up

The link-up dampening time in seconds

Reset On Path Down

Specifies whether or not the port will be reset when the path transitions to the operationally down state

Hold time down

The link-down dampening time in seconds

Transceiver Data

The following information is provided for a configured SFP:

  1. transceiver status
  2. transceiver type
  3. model number
  4. TX laser wavelength
  5. whether it is diagnostics-capable
  6. connector code
  7. vendor organizationally unique identifier (OUI)
  8. manufacture date
  9. media
  10. serial number
  11. part number
  12. optical compliance
  13. link length support
  14. whether it is Sync-E capable

Transceiver Status

The status of the transceiver

Hardware Address

The port hardware address

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast, multicast, or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts.

Output Example
*A:Sar8 Dut-A>show# port lcr
Ports on LCR Groups
Port          Admin Link Port    Cfg  Oper LAG/ Port Port Port   C/QS/S/XFP/
Id            State      State   MTU  MTU  Bndl Mode Encp Type   MDIMDX
lcr-1/1       Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/2       Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/3       Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/4       Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/5       Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/6       Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/7       Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/8       Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/9       Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/10      Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/11      Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/12      Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/13      Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/14      Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/15      Down  No   Ghost
lcr-1/16      Down  No   Ghost
lcr-5/1       Down  No   Ghost
lcr-5/2       Down  No   Ghost
lcr-5/3       Down  No   Ghost
Table 95:  Port Field Descriptions (LCR)  



Port Id

The port ID configured or displayed in the slot/mda/port format

Admin State

Up: the administrative state is up

Down: the administrative state is down


Yes: a physical link is present

No: a physical link is not present

Port State

Up: the port is physically present and has a physical link

Down: the port is physically present but does not have a link

Ghost: the port is not physically present

None: the port is in its initial creation state or about to be deleted

Link Up: the port is physically present and has a physical link

When Link Up appears at the lowest level of a TDM tributary, it means the physical connection is active but the port is waiting before data traffic can flow. It is a waiting state and indicates that data traffic will not flow until it transitions to the Up state.

Link Down: the port is physically present but does not have a link


The configured MTU

Oper MTU

The negotiated size of the largest packet that can be sent on the port or channel specified in octets


The Link Aggregation Group (LAG) or multilink bundle to which a TDM port is assigned

Port Mode

network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access

hybrid: the port is configured for hybrid use (transport network and service access per VLAN)

Port Encp

The encapsulation type on the port

Port Type

The type of port or optics installed


The SFP type on the port

Output Example
*A:Sar8 Dut-A>show# port lcr-1/1
TDM DS1 Physical Interface
Description        : APS Group
Interface          : lcr-1/1                Port IfIndex         : 1367343104
Admin Status       : down                   Oper Status          : down
Physical Link      : No
Line Impedance     : 100
Line Encoding      : b8zs
Type               : ds1                    Buildout             : short
Length             : 133
Hardware Address   :
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
Table 96:  Port Field Descriptions (With LCR Port ID)   



TDM DS1 Physical Interface


A text description of the LCR port


The LCR port ID displayed in the lcr-group-id/port[.channel] format

Port Ifindex

The interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Admin Status

up: the LCR port is administratively up

down: the LCR port is administratively down

Oper Status

up: the LCR port is operationally up

down: the LCR port is operationally down

Physical Link

yes: a physical link is present

no: a physical link is not present

Line Impedance

The line impedance configured for the port

Line Encoding

The line encoding configured for the physical DS1 (T1) port


The type of interface


The line buildout (cable length) configured for physical DS1 ports on the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card or 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card


The line length configured for the physical DS1 port on the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card or 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card

Hardware Address

The port hardware address

Port Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast, multicast, or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts.


lldp [nearest-bridge | nearest-non-tpmr | nearest-customer] [remote-info] [detail]

This command displays LLDP information.

nearest-bridge —
displays nearest bridge information
nearest-non-tpmr —
displays nearest non-two-port MAC relay (TPMR) information
nearest-customer —
displays nearest customer information
remote-info —
displays remote information on the bridge MAC
detail —
displays detailed LLDP information

The following outputs are examples of LLDP information:

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/2/2 ethernet lldp
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Port Information
Port 1/2/2 Bridge nearest-bridge
Admin State           : txAndRx       Notifications        : Disabled
Tunnel Nearest Bridge : Disabled
Transmit TLVs         : portDesc sysCap
PortID TLV Subtype    : tx-local
Management Address Transmit Configuration:
Index 1 (system)      : Enabled       Address              :
Index 2 (IPv6 system) : Disabled      Address              : ::
Port 1/2/2 Bridge nearest-non-tpmr
Admin State           : disabled      Notifications        : Disabled
Transmit TLVs         : None
PortID TLV Subtype    : tx-local
Management Address Transmit Configuration:
Index 1 (system)      : Disabled      Address              :
Index 2 (IPv6 system) : Disabled      Address              : ::
Port 1/2/2 Bridge nearest-customer
Admin State           : disabled      Notifications        : Disabled
Transmit TLVs         : None
PortID TLV Subtype    : tx-local
Management Address Transmit Configuration:
Index 1 (system)      : Disabled      Address              :
Index 2 (IPv6 system) : Disabled      Address              : ::
Table 97:  Port LLDP Field Descriptions 



Admin State

The LLDP transmission/reception frame handling


Indicates whether LLDP notifications are enabled

Tunnel Nearest Bridge


Transmit TLVs

The optional TLVs that are transmitted by this port

PortID TLV Subtype

Indicates the setting for the port ID subtype: tx-if-alias, tx-fi-name, or tx-local

Management Address Transmit Configuration

Index 1 (system)

Index 2 (IPv6 system)

Details of the management address configuration. The 7705 SAR can only be configured to send or not send the system address.

Enabled: the management address TLV is included in LLDPDUs sent by the port

Disabled: the management address TLV is not included in LLDPDUs sent by the port


The address transmitted by the port when tx-mgmt-address command is enabled

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/2/2 ethernet lldp nearest-bridge detail
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Port Information
Port 1/2/2 Bridge nearest-bridge
Admin State           : txAndRx         Notifications        : Disabled
Transmit TLVs         : portDesc sysCap
Management Address Transmit Configuration:
Index 1 (system)      : Enabled         Address              :
Port LLDP Stats:
Tx Frames             : 13              Tx Length Err Frames : 0
Rx Frames             : 0               Rx Frame Discard     : 0
Rx Frame Errors       : 0               Rx TLV Discard       : 0
Rx TLV Unknown        : 0               Rx Ageouts           : 0
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/2/2 ethernet lldp nearest-bridge remote-info detail
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Port Information
Port 1/2/2 Bridge nearest-bridge Remote Peer Information
Remote Peer Index 2 at timestamp 12/02/2014 16:08:14:
Supported Caps       : bridge router
Enabled Caps         : bridge router
Chassis Id Subtype   : 4 (macAddress)
Chassis Id           : ac:fa:ff:00:00:00
PortId Subtype       : 1 (interfaceAlias)
Port Id              : 37814272
Port Description     : 2/1/2, 10/100 Gig Eth SFP, “remport1” (from ifDesc RFC2863)
System Name          : n/a
System Description   : n/a
Remote Peer Index 2 management addresses at time 12/02/2014 16:08:14:
No remote management addresses found
Table 98:  Port LLDP Detail Field Descriptions  



Admin State

The LLDP transmission/reception frame handling


Indicates whether LLDP notifications are enabled

Transmit TLVs

The optional TLVs that are transmitted by this port

Index 1 (system)

Details of the management address configuration. The 7705 SAR can only be configured to send or not send the system address.

Enabled: the management address TLV is included in LLDPDUs sent by the port

Disabled: the management address TLV is not included in LLDPDUs sent by the port

Enabled Address

The address transmitted by the port when the management address TLV is included in LLDPDUs sent by the port

Port LLDP Stats

Tx Frames

The number of LLDP frames transmitted

Tx Length Err Frames

The number of frames with LLDPDU length violations caused by too many TLVs selected by the network manager. The packets are sent containing the mandatory TLVs and the maximum number of optional TLVs that will fit in the LLDP frame.

Rx Frames

The number of LLDP frames received

Rx Frame Discard

The number of LLDP frames received by the LLDP agent that were discarded for any reason.

This counter can provide an indication that LLDP header formatting problems may exist with the local LLDP agent in the sending system, or that LLDPDU validation problems may exist with the local LLDP agent in the receiving system.

Rx Frame Errors

The number of invalid LLDP frames received by the LLDP agent on the indicated port while the LLDP agent is enabled

Rx TLV Discard

The number of LLDP TLVs discarded for any reason by the LLDP agent on the indicated port

Rx TLV Unknown

The number of LLDP TLVs received that are not recognized by the LLDP agent

Rx Ageouts

The number of age-outs that have occurred on the port

Supported Caps

Describes the system capabilities supported by the remote peer

Enabled Caps

Describes the system capabilities enabled on the remote peer

Chassis Id Subtype

An integer value and text definition that indicates the basis for the chassis ID entity listed in the chassis ID field

Chassis Id

The chassis identifier of the chassis containing the Ethernet port that sent the LLDPDU

PortId Subtype

An integer value and text definition that indicates the basis for the port ID entity listed in the port ID field

Port Id

The port identifier of the Ethernet port that sent the LLDPDU

Port Description

Describes the port that sent the LLDPDU and indicates that the description is the ifDescr object text string from RFC 2863 - IF MIB

System Name

The name of the system that sent the LLDPDU

System Description

Describes the system that sent the LLDPDU Show ATM Port Commands


port port-id atm
port port-id atm connections
port port-id atm pvc [vpi/vci] [detail]
port port-id atm pvp [vpi] [detail]

This command displays ATM port information.

If no command line options are specified, the command port displays summary information for all ports on provisioned adapter cards.

specifies the physical port ID



slot[/mda[/port]] or slot/mda/port[.channel], where:




1 to 6 (7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2)

1 to 12 (7705 SAR-18)


1 to 2 (2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card ports)

1 to 4 (4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card ports or 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card ports)

1 to 16 (16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card ports)

1 to 32 (32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card ports)


1 to 24 (DS1) or 1 to 32 (E1)

displays ATM information
displays ATM connection information
displays ATM port PVC information
displays ATM port PVP information
vpi: 0 to 4095 (NNI; not supported on SONET/SDH ports), 0 to 255 (UNI)

                vci: 1, 2, 5 to 65534

provides detailed information

The following outputs are examples of ATM information:

  1. ATM Connections (Output Example, Table 100)
  2. ATM PVC VPI/VCI (Output Example, Table 102)
  3. ATM PVC VPI/VCI Detail (Output Example, Table 103)
  4. ATM PVP Detail (Output Example, Table 105)
Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/3.sts3 atm
ATM Info for 1/1/3
Cell Mode             : UNI               Mapping            : Direct
Configured VCs        : 0                 Configured VPs     : 0
Configured VTs        : 0                 Configured IFCs    : 0
Configured minimum VPI: 0
Last Unknown VPI/VCI  : none
TC Sublayer Information
TC Alarm State        : LCD Failure       Number OCD Events  : 0
HEC Errors (Dropped)  : 0                 HEC Errors (Fixed) : 0
ATM Bandwidth Info
                     kbps      %                             kbps      %
Ingress CBR        : 0          0%      Egress CBR         : 0          0%
Ingress RT-VBR     : 0          0%      Egress RT-VBR      : 0          0%
Ingress NRT-VBR    : 0          0%      Egress NRT-VBR     : 0          0%
Ingress UBR        : 0          0%      Egress UBR         : 0          0%
Ingress Total      : 0          0%      Egress Total       : 0          0%
ATM Link Bandwidth : 149760 kbps
Shaped Bandwidth   : 0 kbps
Table 99:  Port ATM Field Descriptions  



Cell Mode

The cell format (UNI or NNI) that is used on the ATM interface (NNI is not supported on SONET/SDH ports)

Configured VCs

The number of configured VCs

Configured VTs

The number of configured VTs

Configured minimum VPI

The configured minimum allowable VPI value that can be used on the ATM interface for a VPC

Last Unknown VPI/VCI

The last unknown VPI/VCI that was received on this interface


Direct: direct ATM cell mapping is used

Configured VPs

The number of configured VPs

Configured IFCs

The number of configured IFCs

TC Alarm State

The ATM interface notifications indicating that the TC sublayer is currently in the Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD) defect maintenance state or that the TC sublayer is currently not in the Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD) defect maintenance state

HEC Errors (Dropped)

The number of cells with uncorrectable HEC errors on this interface

Number OCD Events

The number of times the Out of Cell Delineation (OCD) events occurred

HEC Errors (Fixed)

The number of cells with correctable HEC errors on this interface

Ingress CBR

The total CBR bandwidth consumed on this interface in the ingress direction

Ingress RT-VBR

The total real-time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the ingress direction

Ingress NRT-VBR

The total non-real-time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the ingress direction

Ingress UBR

The total unspecified bit rate (UBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the ingress direction

Egress CBR

The total CBR bandwidth consumed on this interface in the egress direction

Egress RT-VBR

The total real-time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the egress direction

Egress NRT-VBR

The total non-real-time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the egress direction

Egress UBR

The total unspecified bit rate (UBR) bandwidth consumed on this interface in the egress direction

Ingress Total

The total bandwidth of all service categories consumed on this interface in the ingress direction

Egress Total

The total bandwidth of all service categories consumed on this interface in the egress direction

ATM Link Bandwidth

The total ATM link bandwidth accepted on this interface

Shaped Bandwidth

The total shaped bandwidth consumed on this interface in the egress direction

Output Example
A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/1.1 atm connections 
ATM Connections, Port 1/1/1.1
           Owner  Type     Ing.TD  Egr.TD  Adm  OAM         Opr 
0/100      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/101      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/102      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/103      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/104      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/105      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/106      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/107      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/108      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/109      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/110      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/111      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/112      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/113      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
0/114      SAP    PVC      101     201     up   up          up  
Table 100:  Port ATM Connections Field Descriptions 




The system entity that owns a specific ATM connection


The connection type

Ing. TD

The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the receive direction of the interface connection

Egr. TD

The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the transmit direction of the interface connection


The administrative state of the interface connection


The OAM operational status of ATM connections:

Up: the interface is operationally up

ETE-AIS: the endpoint is down and is generating end-to-end AIS OAM cells to alert the far end that it is down


The status of the ATM interface

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/1.1 atm pvc
ATM PVCs, Port 1/1/1.1
VPI/VCI    Owner  Type     Ing.TD  Egr.TD  Adm  OAM         Opr
0/32       SAP    PVC      1       1       up   ETE-AIS     dn
Table 101:  Port ATM PVC Field Descriptions 




The VPI/VCI values


The system entity that owns a specific ATM connection


The connection type

Ing. TD

The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the receive direction of the interface connection

Egr. TD

The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the transmit direction of the interface connection


The administrative state of the interface connection


The OAM operational status of ATM connections:

Up: the interface is operationally up

ETE-AIS: the endpoint is down and is generating end-to-end AIS OAM cells to alert the far end that it is down


The status of the ATM interface

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/1.1 atm pvc 0/32
Port Id            : 1/1/1.1             VPI/VCI            : 0/32
Admin State        : up                  Oper state         : down
OAM State          : ETE-AIS             Encap Type         : n/a
Owner              : SAP                 AAL Type           : n/a
Endpoint Type      : PVC                 Cast Type          : P2P
Ing. Td Idx        : 1                   Egr. Td Idx        : 1
Last Changed       : 11/08/2007 17:02:36 ILMI Vpi/Vci Range : n/a
Table 102:  Port ATM PVC VPI/VCI Field Descriptions 



Port Id

The port ID configured or displayed in the slot/mda/port format


The VPI/VCI values

Admin State

The administrative state of the interface connection

Oper State

The status of the ATM interface

OAM State

The OAM operational status of ATM connections:

Up: the interface is operationally up

ETE-AIS: the endpoint is down and is generating end-to-end AIS OAM cells to alert the far end that it is down

Encap Type

The encapsulation type


The system entity that owns a specific ATM connection

Endpoint Type

The endpoint type

Cast Type

The connection topology type

Ing. TD Idx

The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the receive direction of the interface connection

Egr. TD Idx

The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the transmit direction of the interface connection

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/1.1 atm pvc 0/32 detail
Port Id            : 1/1/1.1             VPI/VCI            : 0/32
Admin State        : up                  Oper state         : down
OAM State          : up                  Encap Type         : n/a
Owner              : SAP                 AAL Type           : n/a
Endpoint Type      : PVC                 Cast Type          : P2P
Ing. Td Idx        : 1                   Egr. Td Idx        : 1
Last Changed       : 11/08/2007 17:02:36 ILMI Vpi/Vci Range : n/a
ATM Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                              1643                   1643
Cells                                                 31                     31
CLP=0 Cells                                           31                     31
Dropped CLP=0 Cells                                    0                      0
Dropped Cells (CLP=0+1)                                0
Tagged Cells                                           0
ATM OAM Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Loopback                                               0                      0
OAM Cells (generated)                                  0
Table 103:  Port ATM PVC VPI/VCI Detail Field Descriptions 



Port Id

The port ID configured or displayed in the slot/mda/port format


The VPI/VCI values

Admin State

The administrative state of the interface connection

Oper State

The status of the ATM interface

OAM State

The OAM operational status of ATM connections:

Up: the interface is operationally up

ETE-AIS: the endpoint is down and is generating end-to-end AIS OAM cells to alert the far end that it is down

Encap Type

The encapsulation type


Identifies the system entity that owns a specific ATM connection

AAL Type

The ATM Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL5) information

Endpoint Type

The endpoint type

Cast Type

The connection topology type

Ing. Td Idx

The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the receive direction of the interface connection

Egr. Td Idx

The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the transmit direction of the interface connection

Last Changed

The date and time that the interface connection entered its current operational state


The number of input and output octets

HEC discarded cells are not included in the input octet numbers


The number of input and output cells

HEC discarded cells are not included in the input cell numbers

CLP=0 Cells

The number of CLP=0 cells

Dropped CLP=0 Cells

The number of dropped CLP=0 cells

Dropped Cells (CLP=0+1)

The number of dropped CLP=0+1 cells

Tagged Cells

The number of tagged cells


The number of loopback requests and responses transmitted and received on this connection for both end-to-end and segment

OAM Cells (generated)

The number of OAM cells generated at the endpoint and sent towards the network

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show port 1/1/1.1 atm pvp
ATM PVPs, Port 1/1/1.1
VPI        Owner  Type     Ing.TD  Egr.TD  Adm  OAM         Opr
2          SAP    PVP      1       1       up   up          up  
Table 104:  Port ATM PVP Field Descriptions  




The VPI value


The system entity that owns a specific ATM connection


The type of connection


The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the receive direction of the interface connection


The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the transmit direction of the interface connection


Up: the interface is administratively up

Down: the interface is administratively down


The OAM operational status of ATM connections:

Up: the interface is operationally up

ETE-AIS: the endpoint is down and is generating end-to-end AIS OAM cells to alert the far end that it is down


Up: the interface is operationally up

Down: the interface is operationally down

Output Example
*A:ALU-1>show port 1/1/1.1 atm pvp 11 detail
Port Id            : 1/1/1.1             VPI                : 11              
Admin State        : up                  Oper state         : up              
OAM State          : up                                                       
Owner              : SAP                                                      
Endpoint Type      : PVP                 Cast Type          : P2P             
Ing. Td Idx        : 1                   Egr. Td Idx        : 1               
Last Changed       : 02/01/2000 00:37:25 ILMI Vpi Range     : n/a             
ATM Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                              1007                   1007
Cells                                                 19                     19
CLP=0 Cells                                           19                     19
Dropped CLP=0 Cells                                    0                      0
Dropped Cells (CLP=0+1)                                0                       
Tagged Cells                                           0                       
ATM OAM Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Loopback                                              0                      0
OAM Cells 
(generated)                                           0                        
Table 105:  Port ATM PVP Detail Field Descriptions  



Port Id

The port ID configured or displayed in the slot/mda/port format


The VPI values

Admin State

The administrative state of the interface connection

Oper State

The status of the ATM interface

OAM State

The OAM operational status of ATM connections:

Up: the interface is operationally up

ETE-AIS: the endpoint is down and is generating end-to-end AIS OAM cells to alert the far end that it is down


The system entity that owns a specific ATM connection

Endpoint Type

The endpoint type

Cast Type

The connection topology type

Ing. Td Idx

The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the receive direction of the interface connection

Egr. Td Idx

The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the transmit direction of the interface connection

Last Changed

The date and time that the interface connection entered its current operational state


The number of input and output octets

HEC discarded cells are not included in the input octet numbers


The number of input and output cells

HEC discarded cells are not included in the input cell numbers

CLP=0 Cells

The number of CLP=0 cells

Dropped CLP=0 Cells

The number of dropped CLP=0 cells

Dropped Cells (CLP=0+1)

The number of dropped CLP=0+1 cells

Tagged Cells

The number of tagged cells


The number of loopback requests and responses transmitted and received on this connection for both end-to-end and segment

OAM Cells (generated)

The number of OAM cells generated at the endpoint and sent towards the network Show Port-tree Commands


port-tree port-id

This command displays the tree for SONET/SDH ports or channels.


The same show>port-tree display is used for both SONET and SDH. The SONET nomenclature is used to show both SONET and SDH hierarchies.

specifies the physical port ID


slot[/mda[/port]] or slot/mda/port[.channel]


The following output is an example of port-tree information, and Table 106 describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-A# show port-tree 1/5/1 
ifIndex    type, sonet-sdh-index (* = provisioned)
========   =========================================
 44072960  Port, N/A *
580943873      STS3, none
580943933          STS1, sts1-1
N/A                    VTG, 1.1
580943945                  VT2, vt2-1.1.1
580943946                      E1, 1.1.1
580943979                  VT2, vt2-1.1.2
580943980                      E1, 1.1.2
580944013                  VT2, vt2-1.1.3
580944014                      E1, 1.1.3
N/A                    VTG, 3.7
580946003                  VT2, vt2-3.7.1
580946004                      E1, 3.7.1
580946037                  VT2, vt2-3.7.2
580946038                      E1, 3.7.2
580946071                  VT2, vt2-3.7.3
580946072                      E1, 3.7.3
Table 106:  Port-tree Field Descriptions  




Displays the interface number of the index, which reflects its initialization sequence


Specifies the OC3 bandwidth subdivision


Specifies the sonet-sdh-index


Indicates that the port or channel is provisioned Show LAG Commands


lag [lag-id] [detail] [statistics]
lag lag-id associations
lag [lag-id] description
lag lag-id [detail] lacp-partner
lag [lag-id] port

This command displays Link Aggregation Group (LAG) information.

If no command line options are specified, a summary listing of all LAGs is displayed.

displays information only on the specified LAG
1 to 32


displays detailed LAG information
displays summary LAG information
displays LAG statistics information
displays a list of current router interfaces to which the LAG is associated
displays a list of all LAGs and LAG ports and their descriptions
displays information about the LACP partner (detail keyword provides detailed information)
displays information about the specified LAG port or all LAG ports

The following outputs are examples of LAG information:

  1. Associations (Output Example, Table 110)
  2. Description (Output Example, Table 111)
  3. LACP partner (Output Example, Table 112)
  4. LACP partner (detail) (Output Example, Table 113)
Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show lag
Lag Data
Lag-id         Adm     Opr     Port-Threshold   Up-Link-Count   MC Act/Stdby
1              up      down    0                0               N/A
2              up      down    1                0               N/A
3              up      up      0                1               N/A
Total Lag-ids: 3       Single Chassis: 3        MC Act: 0       MC Stdby: 0
Table 107:  LAG Summary Field Descriptions  




The LAG identifier


Up: the LAG is administratively up

Down: the LAG is administratively down


Up: the LAG is operationally up

Down: the LAG is operationally down


The number of operational links at or below which the LAG is considered to be operationally down


The number of ports that are physically present and have physical links present

MC Act/Stdby


Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show lag 2 detail
LAG Details
Description        : LAG2
Lag-id              : 2                     Mode                 : access
Adm                 : up                    Opr                  : down
Thres. Exceeded Cnt : 0                     Port Threshold       : 1
Thres. Last Cleared : 08/19/2011 14:35:28   Threshold Action     : down
Dynamic Cost        : false                 Encap Type           : null
Configured Address  : 2001:db8::            Lag-IfIndex          : 1342177282
Hardware Address    : 2001:db8::52:0:1      Adapt Qos            : N/A
Hold-time Down      : 0.0 sec               Port Type            : standard
LACP                : enabled               Mode                 : active
LACP Transmit Intvl : fast                  LACP xmit stdby      : enabled
Selection Criteria  : highest-count         Slave-to-partner     : disabled
Number of sub-groups: 2                     Forced               : -
System Id           : a4:58:ff:00:00:00     System Priority      : 32768
Admin Key           : 32769                 Oper Key             : 32769
Prtr System Id      :                       Prtr System Priority : 0
Prtr Oper Key       : 0
Port-id        Adm     Act/Stdby Opr     Primary   Sub-group     Forced  Prio
1/4/3          up      active    down    yes       1             -       1
1/5/3          up      standby   down              2             -       2
Port-id        Role      Exp   Def   Dist  Col   Syn   Aggr  Timeout  Activity
1/4/3          actor     Yes   Yes   No    No    No    Yes   Yes      Yes
1/4/3          partner   Yes   Yes   No    No    No    No    Yes      No
1/5/3          actor     Yes   Yes   No    No    No    Yes   Yes      Yes
1/5/3          partner   Yes   Yes   No    No    No    No    Yes      No

The following example displays LAG details with MC-LAG Output

*A:ALU-1># show lag 2 detail
LAG Details
Description        : LAG2
Lag-id              : 2                     Mode                 : access
Adm                 : up                    Opr                  : down
Thres. Exceeded Cnt : 0                     Port Threshold       : 1
Thres. Last Cleared : 08/19/2011 14:35:28   Threshold Action     : down
Dynamic Cost        : false                 Encap Type           : null
Configured Address  : 2001:db8::            Lag-IfIndex          : 1342177282
Hardware Address    : 2001:db8::52:0:1      Adapt Qos            : N/A
Hold-time Down      : 0.0 sec               Port Type            : standard
LACP                : enabled               Mode                 : active
LACP Transmit Intvl : fast                  LACP xmit stdby      : enabled
Selection Criteria  : highest-count         Slave-to-partner     : disabled
Number of sub-groups: 2                     Forced               : -
System Id           : a4:58:ff:00:00:00     System Priority      : 32768
Admin Key           : 32769                 Oper Key             : 32769
Prtr System Id      :                       Prtr System Priority : 0
Prtr Oper Key       : 0
MC Peer Address     :            MC Peer Lag-id       : 1
MC System ID        :     MC System Priority   : 3
MC Admin Key        : 12                    MC Active/Standby    : active
MC Lacp ID in use   : true                  MC extended timeout  : false
MC Selection Logic  : peer timed out, selected local subgroup   
MC Config Mismatch  : no mismatch   
Port-id        Adm     Act/Stdby Opr     Primary   Sub-group     Forced  Prio
1/4/3          up      active    down    yes       1             -       1
1/5/3          up      standby   down              2             -       2
Port-id        Role      Exp   Def   Dist  Col   Syn   Aggr  Timeout  Activity
1/4/3          actor     Yes   Yes   No    No    No    Yes   Yes      Yes
1/4/3          partner   Yes   Yes   No    No    No    No    Yes      No
1/5/3          actor     Yes   Yes   No    No    No    Yes   Yes      Yes
1/5/3          partner   Yes   Yes   No    No    No    No    Yes      No
Table 108:  LAG Detailed Field Descriptions  




The LAG identifier


The mode of the LAG: access or network


Up: the LAG is administratively up

Down: the LAG is administratively down


Up: the LAG is operationally up

Down: the LAG is operationally down

Thres. Exceeded Cnt

The number of times that the drop count was reached

Port Threshold

The number of operational links at or below which the LAG is regarded as operationally down

Thres. Last Cleared

The last time that keepalive statistics were cleared

Threshold Action

Action to take when the number of operational links is equal to or below the port threshold

Dynamic Cost


Encap Type

The encapsulation method used to distinguish customer traffic on a LAG

Configured Address

The base chassis Ethernet MAC address


A unique number assigned to this interface

Hardware Address

The hardware address

Adapt Qos

The configured QoS mode

Hold-time Down

The hold-time, in tenths of seconds, before a failure is reported to higher levels

Port Type

Standard: standard Ethernet port types are supported


Enabled: LACP is enabled

Disabled: LACP is disabled


Active: LACP operates in active mode

Passive: LACP operates in passive mode


Actor: local device (7705 SAR) participating in LACP negotiation

Partner: remote device participating in LACP negotiation

LACP Transmit Intvl

LACP timeout signaled to peer

LACP xmit stdby

LACP transmit on standby links enabled or disabled

Selection Criteria

Configured subgroup selection criteria


Slave-to-partner flag enabled or disabled

Number of sub-groups

Total subgroups in LAG



System Id

System ID used by actor in LACP messages

System Priority

System priority used by actor in LACP messages

Admin Key

Configured LAG key

Oper Key

Key used by actor in LACP messages

Prtr System Id

System ID used by partner in LACP messages

Prtr System Priority

System priority used by partner in LACP messages

Prtr Oper Key

Key used by partner in LACP messages

MC Peer Address

IP address of the MC-LAG peer

MC Peer Lag-id

The LAG identifier of the MC-LAG peer

MC System Id

System ID used by the MC-LAG actor in LACP messages

MC System Priority

System priority used by the MC-LAG actor in LACP messages

MC Admin Key

Configured MC-LAG key

MC Active/Standby

Indicates whether the port is in active or standby mode

MC Lacp ID in use

Indicates whether MC-LAG values such as system-id, system priority, and lacp-key are advertised to the LACP peer

MC extended timeout

Indicates whether the system is using a larger value than the value configured as the MC-LAG hold-on-neighbor-failure value

MC Selection Logic

The current state of the MC-LAG protocol, indicating which of the two MC-LAG redundancy systems is the master

MC Config Mismatch

Indicates whether there is a LAG configuration mismatch between redundancy systems, and what is mismatched


The member physical port ID expressed in slot/mda/port format


Up: the member port is administratively up

Down: the member port is administratively down


Active: the member port is active

Standby: the member port is on standby


Up: the member port is operationally up

Down: the member port is operationally down


Indicates whether the member port is the primary port


The member port subgroup


The member port priority

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show lag 2 statistics
LAG Statistics
Description        : LAG2
Port-id   Input       Input       Output      Output      Input      Output
          Bytes       Packets     Bytes       Packets     Errors     Errors
1/4/3     0           9968        0           9833        0          0
1/5/3     0           435         0           401         0          0
Totals    0           10403       0           10234       0          0
Table 109:  LAG Statistics Field Descriptions  




The member physical port ID expressed in slot/mda/port format

Input Bytes

The number of inbound bytes for the LAG on a per-port basis

Input Packets

The number of inbound packets for the LAG on a per-port basis

Output Bytes

The number of outbound bytes for the LAG on a per-port basis

Output Packets

The number of outbound packets for the LAG on a per-port basis

Input Errors

The number of inbound packets (for packet-oriented interfaces) or inbound transmission units (for character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces) that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to higher layers

Output Errors

The number of outbound packets (for packet-oriented interfaces) or outbound transmission units (for character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces) that could not be transmitted because of errors

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show lag 1 associations
Interface Table
Router/ServiceId                Name                            Encap Val      
Router: Base                    ies-337-              104            
Table 110:  LAG Associations Field Descriptions  




The service associated with the LAG


The name of the IP interface

Encap Val

The dot1q or qinq values of the port for the IP interface

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show lag description
Lag Port States
LACP Status: e - Enabled, d - Disabled
Lag-id Port-id   Adm   Act/Stdby Opr   Description
1(e)             up              down  N/A
       1/1/7     up    standby   down  10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
       1/6/1     up    active    down  10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
2(e)             up              down  N/A
       1/6/3     up    active    down  10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
       1/7/3     up    standby   down  10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
Table 111:  LAG Description Field Descriptions  



Lag Port States

LACP Status

Indicates whether LACP is enabled or disabled


The LAG identifier and LACP status code


The member physical port ID


Indicates the administrative state of the member port: up or down


Indicates whether the port is in active or standby mode


Indicates the operational state of the member port: up or down


The description strings configured for the LAG and member ports

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show lag 1 lacp-partner
LAG Partner information
Partner system ID           : ea:3e:ff:00:00:00
Partner system priority     : 32768
Partner operational key     : 2
LAG 1 Ports Partner operational information
Port                        Actor Port  Prio  Key
1/1/7                       33863 33864 5     2
1/6/1                       34177 34178 7     2
LAG 1 Ports Partner operational state information
Port                        Exp  Def  Dist Col  Syn  Aggr Time Act
1/1/7                       No   No   Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
1/6/1                       No   No   Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
Table 112:  LAG LACP Partner Field Descriptions  



LAG Partner information

Partner system ID

The system ID of the partner (remote device)

Partner system priority

The system priority used by the partner in LACP messages

Partner operational key

The key used by the partner in LACP messages

LAG 1 Ports Partner operational information


The member physical port ID

Actor port

The actor (local device) port associated with the member port


The partner port associated with the member port


The partner port priority associated with the member port


The partner operational key associated with the member port

LAG 1 Ports Partner operational state information


The member physical port ID


(Expired) – indicates whether the partner is in the Expired state; if Yes, the LAG is not operational


(Default) – indicates whether the partner information (system priority, key, port priority, and state of the partner) is the default information that is configured administratively or is information received through LACPDUs. Default partner information is used if LACPDUs were not received on time.


(Distributing) – indicates whether the distribution of outgoing frames is enabled or disabled on the link


(Collecting) – indicates whether the collection of incoming frames is enabled or disabled on the link


(Synchronization) – indicates whether the link is allocated to the correct LAG


(Aggregation) – indicates whether link aggregation is enabled or disabled on the port

Time out

Indicates whether a timeout value is set for the port


(Activity) – indicates whether the link is active (port can send and receive LACPDU messages) or passive (port does not initiate LACP messages but will respond to LACP messages)

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show lag 1 detail lacp-partner
LAG Partner information
Partner system ID           : de:41:ff:00:00:00
Partner system priority     : 32768
Partner operational key     : 32768
LAG port 1/1/7 partner information
Actor port                  : 33863
Partner admin system prio   : 32768
Partner oper system prio    : 32768
Partner admin system ID     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
Partner oper system ID      : de:41:ff:00:00:00
Partner admin key           : 0
Partner oper key            : 32768
Partner admin port          : (Not Specified)
Partner oper port           : 33864
Partner admin port prio     : 32768
Partner oper port prio      : 32768
Partner admin state         : (Not Specified)
Partner oper state          : lacp-timeout, aggregation synchronization
                              collecting distributing
LAG port 1/6/1 partner information
Actor port                  : 34177
Partner admin system prio   : 32768
Partner oper system prio    : 32768
Partner admin system ID     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
Partner oper system ID      : de:41:ff:00:00:00
Partner admin key           : 0
Partner oper key            : 32768
Partner admin port          : (Not Specified)
Partner oper port           : 34178
Partner admin port prio     : 32768
Partner oper port prio      : 32768
Partner admin state         : (Not Specified)
Partner oper state          : lacp-timeout, aggregation synchronization
                              collecting distributing
Table 113:  LAG Detailed LACP Partner Field Descriptions  



LAG Partner information

Partner system ID

The system ID of the partner (remote device)

Partner system priority

The system priority used by the partner in LACP messages

Partner operational key

The key used by the partner in LACP messages

LAG port port-id partner information

Actor port

The actor (local device) port associated with the member port

Partner admin system prio

The partner administrative system priority associated with the member port

Partner oper system prio

The partner operational system priority associated with the member port

Partner admin system ID

The partner administrative system ID associated with the member port

Partner oper system ID

The partner operational system ID associated with the member port

Partner admin key

The partner administrative key associated with the member port

Partner oper key

The partner operational key associated with the member port

Partner admin port

The partner administrative port associated with the member port

Partner oper port

The partner operational port associated with the member port

Partner admin port prio

The partner administrative port priority associated with the member port

Partner oper port prio

The partner operational port priority associated with the member port

Partner admin state

The administrative state of the partner

Partner oper state

The operational state of the partner

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show lag 1 port
Lag Port States
LACP Status: e - Enabled, d - Disabled
Lag-id Port-id   Adm   Act/Stdby Opr   Primary  Sub-group     Forced  Priority
1(e)   1/1/7     up    standby   down  yes      2             -       32768
       1/6/1     up    active    down           1             -       32768
Table 114:  LAG Port Field Descriptions  



Lag Port States

LACP status

Indicates whether LACP is enabled or disabled


The LAG identifier and LACP status code


The member physical port ID


Indicates the administrative state of the member port: up or down


Indicates whether the member port is in active or standby mode


Indicates the operational state of the member port: up or down


Indicates whether the member port is the primary port


The member port sub-group




The member port priority Show Multilink Bundle and IMA Group Commands


multilink-bundle [bundle-id | slot/mda | type {mlppp | ima-grp}] [detail]
multilink-bundle [{bundle-id | slot/mda} | [ppp [multiclass] | ima]]

This command displays multilink bundle information. An operator can display:

  1. all bundles on the system/adapter card or all bundles of a given type on the system by specifying the value of type filter to be either mlppp or ima-grp
  2. bundle-specific information in summary (no detail option) or detailed format (detail option specified) for one or more bundles
  3. protocol-specific information (for example, PPP or IMA) for the specified bundle
bundle-id —
the multilink (PPP or IMA) bundle identifier. The command syntax must be used as follows:

Syntax: bundle-type-slot/mda.bundle-num

             bundle-ppp-slot/mda.bundle-num (a multilink PPP bundle)

             bundle-ima-slot/mda.bundle-num (an IMA group bundle)

             bundle: keyword

             slot: MDA slot numbers

             bundle-num: 1 to 32

displays PPP bundle information
ppp multiclass—
displays multi-class MLPPP information
ima, ima-grp—
displays IMA-type groups
displays MLPPP-type groups
provides detailed information

The following outputs are examples of multilink bundle information:

  1. Multilink Bundle (Output Example, Table 115)
  2. Multilink Bundle IMA Group (Output Example, Table 116)
  3. Multilink Bundle IMA Group Detailed (Output Example, Table 117)
  4. Multilink Bundle MLPPP (Output Example, Table 118)
  5. Multilink Bundle Multi-class (Output Example, Table 118)
  6. Multilink Bundle MLPPP Detail (Output Example, Table 119)
Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle
Bundle Summary
Bundle               Type    Admin     Oper      Port      Min    Total/
Id                           State     State     State     Links  Active Links
bundle-ppp-1/1.1     mlppp   Down      Down      Ghost     1      0/0
bundle-ppp-1/4.8     mlppp   Up        Down      Ghost     1      0/0
bundle-ima-1/6.3     ima-grp Down      Down      Ghost     1      0/0
Bundles : 3
Table 115:  Multilink Bundle Field Descriptions  



Bundle Id

The port ID for this bundle


The type of this multilink bundle:

mlppp: the bundle is of type MLPPP

ima: the bundle is of type IMA group

Admin State

Up: the bundle is administratively up

Down: the bundle is administratively down

Oper State

Up: the bundle is operationally up

Down: the bundle is operationally down

Port State

The state level of the port:

none: the port is either in its initial creation state or is just about to be deleted

ghost: no member links are configured as part of this bundle

down: all member links are in “none”, “ghost”, or “down” state

linkUp: at least one member link is in port state “link up” but the bundle protocol is not yet operationally up (due to the bundle protocol still coming up; for example, due to insufficient number of member links in “link up” state yet or to bundle being shut down)

Up: the bundle is ready to pass some kinds of traffic as the bundle protocol has come up (at least “minimum links” member links are in the port state up and the bundle protocol is up)

Min Links

The minimum number of links that must be active for a bundle to be active. If the number of links drop below the given minimum, then the multilink bundle will transition to an operation down state.

Total Links

The total number active of member links configured for this bundle

Active Links

The total number of active links for the bundle

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle type ima-grp
Bundle Summary
Bundle               Type    Admin     Oper      Port      Min    Total/
Id                           State     State     State     Links  Active Links
bundle-ima-1/6.3     ima-grp Down      Down      Ghost     1      0/0
Bundles : 1
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle bundle-ima-1/6.3
Bundle Summary
Bundle               Type    Admin     Oper      Port      Min    Total/
Id                           State     State     State     Links  Active Links
bundle-ima-1/6.3     ima-grp Down      Down      Ghost     1      0/0
Bundles : 1

The ima-grp command shows all bundles in the IMA group. The bundle-ima command shows information on the specified bundle. The fields for both commands are the same.

Table 116:  Multilink Bundle IMA Group Field Descriptions  



Bundle Id

The port ID for this bundle


The type of this multilink bundle:

ima: the bundle is of type IMA group

Admin State

Up: the bundle is administratively up

Down: the bundle is administratively down

Oper State

Up: the bundle is operationally up

Down: the bundle is operationally down

Port State

The state level of the port:

none: the port is either in its initial creation state or is just about to be deleted

ghost: no member links are configured as part of this bundle

down: all member links are in “none”, “ghost”, or “down” state

linkUp: at least one member link is in port state “link up” but the bundle protocol is not yet operationally up (due to the bundle protocol still coming up; for example, due to insufficient number of member links in “link up” state yet or to bundle being shut down)

Up: the bundle is ready to pass some kinds of traffic as the bundle protocol has come up (at least “minimum links” member links are in the port state up and the bundle protocol is up)

Min Links

The minimum number of links that must be active for a bundle to be active. If the number of links drop below the given minimum, then the multilink bundle will transition to an operation down state.

Total Links

The total number active of member links configured for this bundle

Active Links

The total number of active links for the bundle


The number of bundles on the port

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle type ima-grp detail
Bundle bundle-ima-1/6.3 Detail
Description        : MultiLink Bundle
Bundle Id          : bundle-ima-1/6.3   Type               : ima-grp
Admin Status       : down               Oper Status        : down
Minimum Links      : 1                  Bundle IfIndex     : 583012355
Total Links        : 0                  Active Links       : 0
Red Diff Delay     : 25                 Yellow Diff Delay  : N/A
Red Diff Delay Act : down               MRRU               : N/A
Short Sequence     : N/A                Oper MRRU          : N/A
Oper MTU           : 1524               Fragment Threshold : 128 bytes
Up Time            : N/A                Bandwidth          : 0 KBit
PPP Input Discards : N/A                Primary Member Port: None
Mode               : access
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Unicast Packets                                        0                      0
Multicast Packets                                      0                      0
Broadcast Packets                                      0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle bundle-ima-1/6.3 detail
Bundle bundle-ima-1/6.3 Detail
Description        : MultiLink Bundle
Bundle Id          : bundle-ima-1/6.3   Type               : ima-grp
Admin Status       : down               Oper Status        : down
Minimum Links      : 1                  Bundle IfIndex     : 583012355
Total Links        : 0                  Active Links       : 0
Red Diff Delay     : 25                 Yellow Diff Delay  : N/A
Red Diff Delay Act : down               MRRU               : N/A
Short Sequence     : N/A                Oper MRRU          : N/A
Oper MTU           : 1524               Fragment Threshold : 128 bytes
Up Time            : N/A                Bandwidth          : 0 KBit
PPP Input Discards : N/A                Primary Member Port: None
Mode               : access
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Unicast Packets                                        0                      0
Multicast Packets                                      0                      0
Broadcast Packets                                      0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0

The ima-grp detail command shows all bundles in the IMA group. The bundle-ima detail command shows information on the specified bundle. The fields for both commands are the same.

Table 117:  Multilink Bundle IMA Group Detailed Field Descriptions  




The configured description for this bundle

Bundle Id

The port ID for this bundle

Admin Status

Up: the bundle is administratively up

Down: the bundle is administratively down

Minimum Links

The minimum number of links that must be active for a bundle to be active. If the number of links drop below the given minimum, then the multilink bundle will transition to an operation down state.

Total Links

The total number of active member links configured for this bundle

Red Diff Delay

The maximum acceptable differential delay for individual circuits within this multilink bundle. If the delay exceeds this threshold, a trap is issued.

Red Diff Delay Act

The action that will be taken on the IMA group once the Red Diff Delay is exceeded

Oper MTU

The negotiated size of the largest packet that can be sent on the port or channel, specified in octets


network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access


Indicates that this bundle is of type IMA group

Oper Status

The operational port status of a member link

Bundle IfIndex

The bundle’s interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Active Links

The total number of active links for the bundle


The bandwidth configured for this IMA group bundle in kb/s

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Port Statistics

Unicast packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Multicast packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Broadcast packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown proto discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle type mlppp
Bundle Summary
Bundle               Type    Admin     Oper      Port      Min    Total/
Id                           State     State     State     Links  Active Links
bundle-ppp-1/1.1     mlppp   Down      Down      Ghost     1      0/0
bundle-ppp-1/4.8     mlppp   Up        Down      Ghost     1      0/0
Bundles : 2
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle bundle-ppp-1/4.8
Bundle Summary
Bundle               Type    Admin     Oper      Port      Min    Total/
Id                           State     State     State     Links  Active Links
bundle-ppp-1/4.8     mlppp   Up        Down      Ghost     1      0/0
Bundles : 1
A:ALU-1# show multilink-bundle bundle-ppp-1/1.13 ppp multiclass 
MLPPP Per Class Traffic Statistics for bundle-ppp-1/1.13
                                                   Input                 Output
Class  0                                                                       
  Octets                                      2993101300             2993220860
  Packets                                        3054185                3054307
  Errors                                               0                      0
Class  1                                                                       
  Octets                                      2987258540             2993219880
  Packets                                        3048223                3054306
  Errors                                               0                      0
Class  2                                                                       
  Octets                                      2987255600             2993220860
  Packets                                        3048220                3054307
  Errors                                               0                      0
Class  3                                                                       
  Octets                                      2987257560             2993220860
  Packets                                        3048222                3054307
  Errors                                               0                      0

The mlppp command shows all bundles in the MLPPP group. The bundle-ppp command shows information on the specified bundle. The fields for both commands are the same.

Table 118:  Multilink Bundle MLPPP Field Descriptions  



Bundle Id

The port ID for this bundle


The type of this multilink bundle:

mlppp: the bundle is of type MLPPP

Admin State

Up: the bundle is administratively up

Down: the bundle is administratively down

Oper State

Up: the bundle is operationally up

Down: the bundle is operationally down

Port State

The state level of the port:

none: the port is either in its initial creation state or is just about to be deleted

ghost: no member links are configured as part of this bundle

down: all member links are in the “none”, “ghost”, or “down” state

linkUp: at least one member link is in the port state “link up” but the bundle protocol is not yet operationally up (due to the bundle protocol still coming up; for example, due to an insufficient number of member links in the “link up” state or to the bundle being shut down)

Up: the bundle is ready to pass some kinds of traffic as the bundle protocol has come up (at least “minimum links” member links are in the port state up and the bundle protocol is up)

Min Links

The minimum number of links that must be active for a bundle to be active. If the number of links drops below the given minimum, then the multilink bundle will transition to an operation down state.

Total Links

The total number of active member links configured for this bundle

Active Links

The total number of active links for the bundle


Number of bundles on the port


The MC-MLPPP service class

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The total number of packets received and transmitted on the port

Errors Input/Output

The number of packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle type mlppp detail
Bundle bundle-ppp-1/1.1 Detail
Description        : MultiLink Bundle
Bundle Id          : bundle-ppp-1/1.1   Type               : mlppp
Admin Status       : down               Oper Status        : down
Minimum Links      : 1                  Bundle IfIndex     : 572522497
Total Links        : 0                  Active Links       : 0
Red Diff Delay     : 0                  Yellow Diff Delay  : 0
Red Diff Delay Act : none               MRRU               : 1524
Short Sequence     : false              Oper MRRU          : 1524
Oper MTU           : 1526               Fragment Threshold : 128 bytes
Up Time            : N/A                Bandwidth          : 0 KBit
PPP Input Discards : 0                  Primary Member Port: None
Mode               : network            Net. Egr. Queue Pol:
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Unicast Packets                                        0                      0
Multicast Packets                                      0                      0
Broadcast Packets                                      0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle bundle-ppp-1/4.8 detail
Bundle bundle-ppp-1/4.8 Detail
Description        : MultiLink Bundle
Bundle Id          : bundle-ppp-1/4.8   Type               : mlppp
Admin Status       : up                 Oper Status        : down
Minimum Links      : 1                  Bundle IfIndex     : 578813960
Total Links        : 0                  Active Links       : 0
Red Diff Delay     : 0                  Yellow Diff Delay  : 0
Red Diff Delay Act : none               MRRU               : 1524
Short Sequence     : false              Oper MRRU          : 1524
Oper MTU           : 1526               Fragment Threshold : 128 bytes
Up Time            : N/A                Bandwidth          : 0 KBit
PPP Input Discards : 0                  Primary Member Port: None
Mode               : network            Net. Egr. Queue Pol:
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Unicast Packets                                        0                      0
Multicast Packets                                      0                      0
Broadcast Packets                                      0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0

The mlppp detail command shows all bundles in the MLPPP group. The bundle-ppp detail command shows information on the specified bundle. The fields for both commands are the same.

Table 119:  Multilink Bundle MLPPP Detail Field Descriptions  




The configured description for this bundle

Bundle Id

The port ID for this bundle

Admin Status

Up: the bundle is administratively up

Down: the bundle is administratively down

Minimum Links

The minimum number of links that must be active for a bundle to be active. If the number of links drop below the given minimum, then the multilink bundle will transition to an operation down state.

Total Links

The total number of active member links configured for this bundle

Red Diff Delay

The maximum acceptable differential delay for individual circuits within this multilink bundle. If the delay exceeds this threshold, a trap is issued.

Red Diff Delay Act

The action that will be taken on the MLPPP bundle once the Red Diff Delay is exceeded

Short Sequence

Indicates whether the MLPPP bundle uses short (12 bit) sequence numbers instead of the default 24-bit sequence number

Oper MTU

The negotiated size of the largest packet that can be sent on the port or channel, specified in octets


network: the port is configured for transport network use

access: the port is configured for service access


The bundle type

Oper Status

The operational port status of a member link

Bundle IfIndex

The bundle’s interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence

Active Links

The total number of active links for the bundle

Yellow Diff Delay

The yellow warning threshold for the differential delay for members within a multilink bundle


The configured maximum frame size that can be reconstructed from multilink fragments


The operating maximum frame size that can be reconstructed from multilink fragments


The bandwidth configured for this MLPPP bundle in kb/s

Traffic and Port statistics

The traffic and port statistics information displayed for bundles when the detail option is selected is the same as information displayed for physical ports

Traffic Statistics

Octets Input/Output

The total number of octets received and transmitted on the port

Packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Errors Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Port Statistics

Unicast packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Multicast packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Broadcast packets Input/Output

The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer, which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a unicast or multicast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown proto discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. Unknown proto discards do not show up in the packet counts. Show ATM IMA Group Commands


multilink-bundle bundle-id ima atm [detail]
multilink-bundle bundle-id ima atm connections
multilink-bundle bundle-id ima atm pvc [vpi/vci] [detail]
multilink-bundle bundle-id ima atm pvp [vpi] [detail]

This command displays ATM port information for IMA group bundles. The information displayed is equivalent to that displayed for the show port (atm) command.

specifies the IMA port ID
atm —
displays ATM information
connections —
displays ATM connection information
pvc —
displays ATM port PVC information
pvp —
displays ATM port PVP information
vpi/vci —
displays the VPI/VCI values
vpi: 0 to 4095 (NNI)
0 to 255
vci: 1, 2, 5 to 65534


detail —
provides detailed information

The following outputs are examples of IMA ATM information:

  1. Multilink Bundle IMA ATM (Output Example, Table 120)
  2. Multilink Bundle IMA ATM Connections (Output Example, Table 121)
  3. Multilink Bundle IMA ATM PVC (Output Example, Table 122)
  4. Multilink Bundle IMA ATM PVP (Output Example, Table 123)
Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle bundle-ima-1/6.3 ima atm
ATM Info for bundle-ima-1/6.3
Cell Mode             : UNI               Mapping            : n/a
Configured VCs        : 0                 Configured VPs     : 0
Configured VTs        : 0                 Configured IFCs    : 0
Configured minimum VPI: 0
Last Unknown VPI/VCI  : none
Table 120:  Multilink Bundle IMA ATM Field Descriptions 



Cell Mode

The cell format (UNI or NNI) that is used on the ATM interface

Configured VCs

The number of configured VCs

Configured VTs

The number of configured VTs

Configured minimum VPI

The minimum VPI configured for this bundle

Last Unknown VPI/VCI

The last unknown VPI/VCI that was received on this interface

Configured VPs

The number of configured VPs

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle bundle-ima-1/6.3 ima atm connections
ATM Connections, Port bundle-ima-1/6.3
           Owner  Type     Ing.TD  Egr.TD  Adm  OAM         Opr
1/100      SAP    PVC      2       2       up   up          up
Table 121:  Multilink Bundle IMA ATM Connections Field Descriptions 




The system entity that owns a specific ATM connection


The type of connection


The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the receive direction of the interface connection


The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the transmit direction of the interface connection


Up: the bundle is administratively up

Down: the bundle is administratively down


The OAM operational status of ATM connections:

Up: the interface is operationally up

ETE-AIS: the endpoint is down and is generating end-to-end AIS OAM cells to alert the far end that it is down


Up: the bundle is operationally up

Down: the bundle is operationally down

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle bundle-ima-1/6.3 ima atm pvc
ATM PVCs, Port bundle-ima-1/6.3
VPI/VCI    Owner  Type     Ing.TD  Egr.TD  Adm  OAM         Opr
1/100      SAP    PVC      2       2       up   up          up  
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle bundle-ima-1/6.3 ima atm pvc detail
ATM PVCs, Port bundle-ima-1/6.3
VPI/VCI    Owner  Type     Ing.TD  Egr.TD  Adm  OAM         Opr
1/100      SAP    PVC      2       2       up   up          up 
ATM Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Cells                                                  0                      0
AAL-5 Packet Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Dropped Packets                                        0                      0
CRC-32 Errors                                          0                       
Reassembly Timeouts                                    0                       
Over Sized SDUs                                        0                       
ATM OAM Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Loopback                                               0                      0
OAM Cells 
(generated)                                            0                       
Table 122:  Multilink Bundle IMA ATM PVC Field Descriptions  




The VPI/VCI value


The system entity that owns a specific ATM connection


The type of connection


The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the receive direction of the interface connection


The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the transmit direction of the interface connection


Up: the bundle is administratively up

Down: the bundle is administratively down


The OAM operational status of ATM connections:

Up: the interface is operationally up

ETE-AIS: the endpoint is down and is generating end-to-end AIS OAM cells to alert the far end that it is down


Up: the bundle is operationally up

Down: the bundle is operationally down

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show multilink-bundle bundle-ima-1/6.3 ima atm pvp
ATM PVPs, Port bundle-ima-1/6.3
VPI        Owner  Type     Ing.TD  Egr.TD  Adm  OAM         Opr
2          SAP    PVP      1       1       up   up          up  
Table 123:  Multilink-bundle IMA ATM PVP Field Descriptions  




The VPI value


The system entity that owns a specific ATM connection


The type of connection


The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the receive direction of the interface connection


The ATM traffic descriptor profile that applies to the transmit direction of the interface connection


up: the bundle is administratively up

down: the bundle is administratively down


The OAM operational status of ATM connections:

Up: the interface is operationally up

ETE-AIS: the endpoint is down and is generating end-to-end AIS OAM cells to alert the far end that it is down


up: the bundle is operationally up

down: the bundle is operationally down Show SCADA Commands


scada [bridge_id] [detail]
scada [bridge_id] description
scada [bridge_id] [detail] statistics

This command displays SCADA bridge information.

displays detailed information
specifies the bridge ID, in the format slot/mda/bridge-id, where bridge-id is 1 to 16
displays the descriptions that have been configured for each bridge
displays statistics information pertaining to bridges and branches

The following outputs are examples of SCADA information:

  1. SCADA bridge detail (Output Example, Table 124)
  2. specific SCADA bridge detail (Output Example, Table 125)
Output Example
A:ALU-1># show scada detail
Scada Bridges on Slot 1
Bridge      Admin Link Bridge  Port Port Bridge Branch
Id          State      State   Mode Encp Type   Type
1/8/1       Up    Yes  Up      accs cem  mddb   master
1/8/1.1     Up    Yes  Up      accs cem  mddb   master
1/8/1.2     Up    Yes  Up      accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/1.3     Up    Yes  Up      accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/1.4     Up    Yes  Up      accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/1.5     Up    Yes  Up      accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/2       Down  No   Down
1/8/3       Down  No   Down  
1/8/4       Down  No   Down
1/8/5       Down  No   Down
1/8/6       Down  No   Down
1/8/6.5     Down  No   Down    accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/7       Down  No   Down    
1/8/8       Down  No   Down    
1/8/8.4     Down  No   Down    accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/8.5     Down  No   Down    accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/8.6     Down  No   Down    accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/9       Down  No   Down  
1/8/10      Down  No   Down  
1/8/10.10   Down  No   Down    accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/11      Down  No   Down
1/8/11.11   Down  No   Down    accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/11.22   Down  No   Down    accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/12      Down  No   Down
1/8/13      Down  No   Down
1/8/14      Down  No   Down
1/8/14.14   Down  No   Down    accs cem  mddb   slave
1/8/15      Down  No   Down    
1/8/16      Down  No   Down
1/8/16.32   Down  No   Down    accs cem  mddb   slave
Table 124:  SCADA Bridge Detail Field Descriptions  



Scada Bridges on Slot 1

Bridge Id

The bridge/branch ID (the bridge ID is in the format slot/mda/bridge-id, where bridge-id is 1 to 16; the branch ID is in the format slot/mda/bridge-id.branch-id, where branch-id is 1 to 32)

Admin State

The administrative state of the bridge, either Up or Down


Indicates whether there is an active link on the bridge, either Yes or No

Bridge State

The operational state of the bridge, either Up or Down

Port Mode

The operational mode of the bridge (always accs – access)

Port Encp

The encapsulation type of the bridge (always cem – circuit emulation)

Bridge Type

The bridge type: mddb, pcm, or vcb

Branch Type

The type of device connected to the bridge, either master or slave (for MDDB and PCM applications) or N/A (for the VCB application)

Output Example
A:ALU-1># show scada 1/8/14 detail
Scada Info
Description      : SCADA bridge 14
Bridge Id        : 1/8/14                 Type             : Mddb
Admin Status     : down                   Oper Status      : down
Squelch          : enabled                Squelch Timeout  : 120(s)
Squelch Recovery : manual                 Recovery Timeout : N/A
Squelch Status   : 0x0                    Force-active     : 1
Redundant Mode   : manual
Report Alarms    : hcmOof hcmRai          Speed            : 2400
Bridge Members
Identifier      Multidrop   AdminState  OperState   AlarmStatus       Squelched
1/8/14.14       slave       up          down                          N
Scada Bridge Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                                0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
Table 125:  Specific SCADA Bridge Detail Field Descriptions  



Scada Info


The description configured for the bridge

Bridge Id

The bridge ID in the format slot/mda/bridge-id, where bridge-id is 1 to 16


The bridge type: Mddb, pcm, or vcb

Admin Status

The administrative state of the bridge, either up or down

Oper Status

The operational state of the bridge, either up or down


Indicates whether the squelch function has been enabled (applies only to MDDB and PCM)

Squelch Timeout

The configured squelch timeout (applies only to MDDB and PCM)

Squelch Recovery

The squelch recovery mode: manual or auto (applies only to MDDB and PCM)

Recovery Timeout

The configured time after which the branch will automatically be put back in the normal state (applies only to MDDB and PCM)

Applicable only if recovery mode is auto; if recovery mode is manual, the field displays N/A

Squelch Status

The bitmap (32 bits) of the branches that are squelched (applies only to MDDB and PCM). A value of 0x0 means that no branch is squelched.


The master branch (1 or 2) to which the force-active command has been applied (applies only to MDDB and PCM)

Redundant Mode

The redundancy mode for the master inputs: manual or auto (applies only to MDDB and PCM)

Report Alarms

The configured type of alarms to be reported to the bridge (applies only to MDDB)


The configured speed of the bridge (applies only to MDDB)

Bridge Members


The branch ID in the format bridge-id.branch-id, where bridge-id is 1 to 16 and branch-id is 1 to 32


The type of device connected to the bridge, either master or slave (applies only to MDDB and PCM)


The administrative state of the branch, either up or down


The operational state of the branch, either up or down


The current alarm state of the branch


Indicates whether the squelch function has been enabled

Scada Bridge Statistics

Packets Input/Output

The total number of packets that were delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub) layer and that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested to be transmitted and that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent

Discards Input/Output

The number of inbound/outbound packets chosen to be discarded to possibly free up buffer space

Unknown Proto Discards Input/Output

For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received at the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0. Monitor Commands Port Monitor Commands


port port-id [port-id...(up to 5 total)] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate] [multiclass]

This command enables port traffic monitoring. The specified ports’ statistical information is shown at the configured interval until the configured count is reached.

The first screen displays the current statistics related to the specified ports. The subsequent statistical information listed for each interval is displayed as a delta to the previous screen.

When the keyword rate is specified, the “rate per second” for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta.

Monitor commands are similar to show commands, but only statistical information is shown. Monitor commands display the selected statistics according to the configured number of times at the interval specified.

specifies up to 5 port IDs



slot[/mda[/port]] or slot/mda/port[.channel]

bundle-id: bundle-type-slot/mda.bundle-num

bundle keyword

bundle-num: 1 to 32

type ima, ppp

configures the interval for each display in seconds
3 to 60


configures how many times the command is repeated
1 to 999


when the absolute keyword is specified, the raw statistics are displayed without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
rate —
when the rate keyword is specified, the rate per second for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta
displays statistics for multi-class MLPPP bundles

The following outputs are examples of port monitoring information.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1# monitor port 1/1/1.1 interval 3 repeat 3 absolute
Monitor statistics for Port 1/1/1.1
                                                   Input                 Output
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Octets                                         330161274              330161274
Packets                                          6229458                6229458
Errors                                                 0                      0
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Octets                                         330162917              330162917
Packets                                          6229489                6229489
Errors                                                 0                      0
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Octets                                         330164560              330164560
Packets                                          6229520                6229520
Errors                                                 0                      0
At time t = 9 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Octets                                         330166203              330166203
Packets                                          6229551                6229551
Errors                                                 0                      0
A:ALU-1# monitor port bundle-ppp-1/1.13 interval 5 repeat 2 rate multiclass 
Monitor multiclass statistics for Bundle bundle-ppp-1/1.13
                                                   Input                 Output
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Class 0
    Octets                                    2990779680             2990899240
    Packets                                      3051816                3051938
    Errors                                             0                      0
Class 1
    Octets                                    2984941820             2990898260
    Packets                                      3045859                3051937
    Errors                                             0                      0
Class 2
    Octets                                    2984939860             2990899240
    Packets                                      3045857                3051938
    Errors                                             0                      0
Class 3
    Octets                                    2984940840             2990899240
    Packets                                      3045858                3051938
    Errors                                             0                      0
At time t = 5 sec (Mode: Rate)
Class 0
    Octets                                          9408                   9408
    Packets                                           10                     10
    Errors                                             0                      0
Utilization (% of port capacity)                    1.89                   1.89
Class 1
    Octets                                          9408                   9408
    Packets                                           10                     10
    Errors                                             0                      0
Utilization (% of port capacity)                    1.89                   1.89
Class 2
    Octets                                          9212                   9408
    Packets                                            9                     10
    Errors                                             0                      0
Utilization (% of port capacity)                    1.85                   1.89
Class 3
    Octets                                          9408                   9408
    Packets                                           10                     10
    Errors                                             0                      0
Utilization (% of port capacity)                    1.89                   1.89
At time t = 10 sec (Mode: Rate)
Class 0
    Octets                                          9408                   9408
    Packets                                           10                     10
    Errors                                             0                      0
Utilization (% of port capacity)                    1.89                   1.89
Class 1
    Octets                                          9408                   9408
    Packets                                           10                     10
    Errors                                             0                      0
Utilization (% of port capacity)                    1.89                   1.89
Class 2
    Octets                                          9408                   9408
    Packets                                           10                     10
    Errors                                             0                      0
Utilization (% of port capacity)                    1.89                   1.89
Class 3
    Octets                                          9212                   9408
    Packets                                            9                     10
    Errors                                             0                      0
Utilization (% of port capacity)                    1.85                   1.89


port port-id atm [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]

This command enables ATM port traffic monitoring.

specifies the physical port ID



slot[/mda[/port]] or slot/mda/port[.channel]

bundle-id: bundle-type-slot/mda.bundle-num

bundle keyword

bundle-num: 1 to 32

type ima, ppp

configures the interval for each display in seconds
3 to 60


configures how many times the command is repeated
1 to 999


when the absolute keyword is specified, the raw statistics are displayed without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
rate —
when the rate keyword is specified, the rate per second for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta

The following output is an example of ATM port monitoring information.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1# monitor port 1/1/1.1 atm interval 3 repeat 3 absolute
Monitor ATM statistics for Port 1/1/1.1
                                                   Input                 Output
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Octets                                         330260861              330260861
Cells                                            6231337                6231337
Unknown VPI/VCI Cells                                  0
At time t = 3 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Octets                                         330262504              330262504
Cells                                            6231368                6231368
Unknown VPI/VCI Cells                                  0
At time t = 6 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Octets                                         330264147              330264147
Cells                                            6231399                6231399
Unknown VPI/VCI Cells                                  0
At time t = 9 sec (Mode: Absolute)
Octets                                         330265790              330265790
Cells                                            6231430                6231430
Unknown VPI/VCI Cells                                  0
*A:ALU-1# Fabric Profile Statistics Monitor Commands


fabric-profile mda {mda-id | with-stats-enabled} {dest-mda | source-mda} [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]

This command enables monitoring of adapter card fabric profile statistics. The specified adapter card statistical information displays and automatically refreshes at the configured interval.

the slot number of the adapter card
with-stats-enabled —
if used, this keyword replaces the mda-id parameter, in which case the adapter card that has fabric-stats-enabled configured will be the one which is monitored; that is, the command will be monitor fabric-profile mda with-stats-enabled dest-mda | source-mda. If there are no adapter cards that have fabric-stats-enabled configured, no statistics will be displayed.
displays network and access ingress statistics for all adapter cards going towards the fabric and destined for the specific destination adapter card. The following are also displayed: global fabric statistics, fabric firewall statistics, and the fabric port statistics if the destination adapter card has the collection of fabric statistics enabled. The sum of traffic forwarded or dropped is also displayed.
displays network and access ingress traffic statistics from the specified adapter card going towards the fabric and towards a destination adapter card. Fabric firewall statistics and the sum of traffic forwarded or dropped are also displayed.
configures the interval for each display in seconds
3 to 60


configures how many times the command is repeated
1 to 999


displays the raw statistics without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
rate —
displays the rate per second for each statistic instead of the delta SCADA Monitor Commands


scada scada-id [scada-id...(up to 5 total)] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]

This command enables traffic monitoring for a SCADA bridge or branch. The statistical information for the specified bridge or branch is shown at the configured interval until the configured count is reached.

The first screen displays the current statistics related to the specified bridge or branch. The subsequent statistical information listed for each interval is displayed as a delta to the previous screen.

When the keyword rate is specified, the “rate per second” for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta.

Monitor commands are similar to show commands, but only statistical information is shown. Monitor commands display the selected statistics according to the configured number of times at the interval specified.

specifies a bridge-id or a branch-id. For a bridge-id, the format is slot/mda/bridge-id, where bridge-id is 1 to 16. For a branch-id, the format is slot/mda/bridge-id.branch-id, where bridge-id is 1 to 16 and branch-id is 1 to 32. Up to five scada-ids can be specified.
configures the interval for each display in seconds
3 to 60


configures how many times the command is repeated
1 to 999


when the absolute keyword is specified, the raw statistics are displayed without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
rate —
when the rate keyword is specified, the rate per second for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta; the default mode is delta Clear Commands


external-alarms alarm [all | alarm-id]

This command clears remote site external alarm information.

clears the status for all alarms
clears the status for a specific alarm
1 to 2147483647



lag lag-id statistics

This command clears statistics for the specified LAG.

the LAG identifier, expressed as a decimal integer
1 to 32


specifies that statistics are cleared for the specified LAG


mda mda-id
mda mda-id statistics {source-mda | destination-mda | fabric-port | fabric-global | fabric-firewall | all}
mda mda-id ring {all | mac ieee-address | port port-id}
mda mda-id statistics ip-transport
mda mda-id statistics security [encryption | firewall]
mda mda-id statistics mirror
mda mda-id statistics cflowd
mda all

The clear mda form of this command reinitializes the specified adapter card and clears all the collected fabric statistics related to the card. The clear mda statistics form of this command clears all the collected fabric statistics related to the specified adapter card. The clear mda ring form of this command clears the dynamic FDB entries related to the specified ring adapter card.

The clear mda all form of this command applies only to the 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-W, and 7705 SAR-Wx and is equivalent to clearing all adapter cards using all keywords above (source-mda, destination-mda, fabric-port, and fabric-global)

the slot number of the specified adapter card
specifies that fabric statistics will be cleared for the specified adapter card
clears all the network and access ingress traffic statistics in the fabric direction from the specified adapter card towards all other destination adapter cards
clears all the network and access ingress traffic statistics towards the specified adapter card fabric port, from all other adapter cards
clears the fabric port statistics towards the specified destination adapter card, if the specified adapter card has fabric-stats-enabled. If the specified adapter card does not have fabric-stats-enabled, no statistics will be cleared.
clears global fabric statistics collected for all egress traffic from the fabric
clears fabric firewall statistics collected for all egress traffic from the fabric
clears only security statistics for the specified adapter card
specifies that encryption statistics will be cleared for the specified adapter card
specifies that firewall statistics will be cleared for the specified adapter card
specifies that IP transport statistics will be cleared for the specified adapter card
specifies that mirror statistics will be cleared for the specified adapter card
clears Cflowd queue statistics on the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2, 7705 SAR-18, or 7705 SAR-X
mda-id all—
clears all the collected fabric statistics related to the specified adapter card. This command is equivalent to clearing the specified adapter card using all keywords above (source-mda, destination-mda, fabric-port, fabric-global).
ring all—
clears the entire dynamic FDB
clears the dynamic FDB entry for the specified MAC address
clears the dynamic FDB entries for the specified port
clears all the collected fabric statistics across all adapter cards or modules



This command enables the context to clear microwave link parameters.


link mw-link-id statistics
clear mw

This command clears microwave link statistics.

specifies the microwave link ID number, using the form mw-link-id
id = 1 to 24



radio port-id
radio radio perfmon [all | g826 | acm | power]
clear mw

This command reboots managed microwave devices or resets their performance monitoring statistics.


This command will bring down the microwave link; traffic will not pass over it while the radio is rebooting.

specifies the physical port ID associated with the MPR-e radio, in the format slot/mda/port (where port = 1 through 4)
specifies the MWA performance monitoring radio
resets the Adaptive Coding and Modulation level MWA performance monitoring statistics to 0
resets all MWA performance monitoring statistics to 0
resets the G.286 MWA performance monitoring statistics to 0
resets the radio power MWA performance monitoring statistics to 0


rsl-history port-id
clear mw

This command clears the RSL history for the specified MPR-e radio.

specifies the physical port ID associated with the MPR-e radio, in the format slot/mda/port (where port = 1 through 4)


port port-id statistics
port port-id atm pvc [vpi[/vci]] statistics
port port-id atm pvp [vpi] statistics
port port-id frame-relay dlci dlci

This command clears the statistics for the specified port or channel group.

specifies the physical port ID



slot[/mda[/port]] or slot/mda/port[.channel]



bundle keyword

bundle-num: 1 to 32

type ima, ppp

specifies that port statistics will be cleared
specifies that ATM port statistics will be cleared
specifies the ATM network virtual path identifier (VPI) for this PVC
specifies the ATM network virtual channel identifier (VCI) for this PVC
clears PVC statistics
clears PVP statistics
frame-relay dlci—
clears circuit-level frame relay statistics
specifies the frame relay virtual circuit identifier

The clear port port-id statistics frame-relay dlci dlci command differs from the clear port port-id statistics command in the sense that the former clears the circuit-level SAP statistics whereas the latter clears the frame-relay port statistics.


scada bridge-id statistics

This command clears the statistics for all or specified bridges or branches.

specifies the bridge ID or branch ID (the bridge ID is in the format slot/mda/bridge-id, where bridge-id is 1 to 16; the branch ID is in the format slot/mda/bridge-id.branch-id, where branch-id is 1 to 32)
specifies that bridge or branch statistics will be cleared Debug Commands


lag [lag-id lag-id [port port-id]] [all]
lag [lag-id lag-id [port port-id]] [sm] [pkt] [cfg] [red] [iom-upd] [port-state] [timers] [sel-logic] [mc] [mc-pkt]
no lag [lag-id lag-id]

This command enables debugging for a LAG.

The no form of the command disables debugging for a LAG.

specifies the LAG identifier, expressed as a decimal integer
1 to 32


specifies the physical port ID in the slot/mda/port format
traces all LAG and LACP parameters
traces the LACP state machine
traces LACP packets
traces the LAG configuration
traces LAG high availability
traces LAG IOM updates
traces LAG port state transitions
traces LAG timers
traces LACP selection logic
traces multi-chassis parameters
traces received MC-LAG control packets with valid authentication