Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4435 |
Event name | tmnxBsxAarpInstOperStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.35 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of AARP instance $tmnxBsxAarpInstId$ changed operational state: $tmnxBsxAarpInstOperState$, flags = $tmnxBsxAarpInstOperFlags$ |
Cause | A tmnxBsxAarpInstOperStateChanged notification is generated when the operational state of the AARP instance changes. |
Effect | The transition to an operational state of 'outOfService(3)' indicates that the AARP instance is not performing asymmetry removal. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4436 |
Event name | tmnxBsxAarpInstStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.36 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of AARP instance $tmnxBsxAarpInstId$ changed state: $tmnxBsxAarpInstState$, flags = $tmnxBsxAarpInstOperFlags$ |
Cause | A tmnxBsxAarpInstStateChanged notification is generated when the state of the AARP instance changes. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4413 |
Event name | tmnxBsxAaSubPolResExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Policer resources have been exceeded for subscribers in group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxAaSubPolResExceeded notification is generated when Application Assurance policer resources have been exceeded for subscribers with the ISA-AA group and partition. |
Effect | Subscriber policing is degraded. |
Recovery | Recovery from this condition requires the reconfiguration of subscriber policy to reduce the number of policers being applied. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4414 |
Event name | tmnxBsxAaSubPolResExceededClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Policer resources are no longer exceeded for subscribers in group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxAaSubPolResExceededClear notification is generated when Application Assurance policer resources are no longer exceeded for subscribers with the ISA-AA group and partition. |
Effect | Policer resources are no longer exceeded for subscribers. |
Recovery | None. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4412 |
Event name | tmnxBsxAaSubscriberAcctDataLoss |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Accounting data loss occurred for subscriber $tmnxBsxNotifyAaSubscriberName$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxAaSubscriberAcctDataLoss notification is generated when Application Assurance subscriber statistics cannot be written to the accounting file. This can occur if the accounting interval expires while collecting statistics. |
Effect | When this notification is generated it signifies that the statistic records, for this application assurance subscriber, are missing from the accounting file for the indicated interval. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4411 |
Event name | tmnxBsxAaSubscribersUnassigned |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISA-AA group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$ has unassigned subscribers |
Cause | A tmnxBsxAaSubscribersUnassigned notification is generated when one or more subscribers for a particular service-id cannot be assigned to an ISA-AA MDA within an Application Assurance group due to insufficient resources. The resources in question include service queues, AA subscriber counts or AA subscriber statistics. |
Effect | Unassigned subscribers will behave as specified by the fail-to mode configured within the Application Assurance group. |
Recovery | Recovery from this condition requires the removal and re-creation of the AA subscribers when sufficient resources become available. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4458 |
Event name | tmnxBsxDatapathCpuUsage |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.58 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Datapath CPU usage is greater than or equal to $tmnxBsxDatapathCpuHighWatermark$% on ISA-AA MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ in group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxDatapathCpuUsage notification is generated when the current datapath CPU usage on the MDA in the ISA-AA group is greater than or equal to the tmnxBsxDatapathCpuHighWatermark and the prior usage was less than this threshold. |
Effect | There is no immediate effect, but when the usage hits the limit of 100%, traffic will be dropped unless the value of tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpOverloadCutThru is 'enabled (1)' for the Application Assurance group. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4459 |
Event name | tmnxBsxDatapathCpuUsageClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.59 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Datapath CPU usage is less than or equal to $tmnxBsxDatapathCpuLowWatermark$% on ISA-AA MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ in group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxDatapathCpuUsageClear notification is generated to indicate a prior tmnxBsxDatapathCpuUsage notification has cleared due to the current datapath CPU usage on the MDA in the ISA-AA group being less than or equal to the tmnxBsxDatapathCpuLowWatermark. |
Effect | The tmnxBsxDatapathCpuUsage notification is cleared. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4444 |
Event name | tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheFull |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.44 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The usage of ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxIsaAaGroupIndex$ DNS IP Cache \"$tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheName$\" for ISA-MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ is greater than or equal to the $tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheHighWatermark$% high watermark. The cache size is $tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheSize$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheFull notification is generated when the number of entries in a DNS IP Cache is greater than or equal to the percentage value tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheHighWatermark of its tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheSize and the previous percentage value was less than this threshold. |
Effect | The DNS IP Cache is relatively close to being full. |
Recovery | The notification can be cleared if enough cache entries timeout to drop below the threshold, or if the cache is cleared, or tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheSize is sufficiently increased. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4445 |
Event name | tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheFullClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.45 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The usage of ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxIsaAaGroupIndex$ DNS IP Cache \"$tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheName$\" for ISA-MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ is less than or equal to the $tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheLowWatermark$% low watermark. The cache size is $tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheSize$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheFullClear notification is generated when the number of entries in a DNS IP Cache is less than or equal to the percentage value tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheLowWatermark of its tmnxBsxDnsIpCacheSize and the previous percentage value was greater than this threshold. |
Effect | The DNS IP Cache is no longer relatively close to being full. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4441 |
Event name | tmnxBsxHttpUrlParamLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.41 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Subscriber HTTP URL Parameter storage has been exceeded for subscribers in group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$, reason: $tmnxBsxNotifyReason$ |
Cause | A tmnxBsxHttpUrlParamLimitExceeded notification is generated when the group limit of unique tmnxBsxAaSubHttpUrlParam values has been exceeded. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the reason this notification was raised. |
Effect | Some subscribers will not have their HTTP URL Parameters applied. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4419 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpBitRate |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.19 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Bit rate is greater than or equal to $tmnxBsxBitRateHighWatermark$ megabits/s on ISA-AA MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpBitRate notification is generated when the current bit rate on the MDA in the ISA-AA group is greater than or equal to the tmnxBsxBitRateHighWatermark and the prior rate was less than this threshold. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4420 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpBitRateClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.20 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Bit rate is less than or equal to $tmnxBsxBitRateLowWatermark$ megabits/s on ISA-AA MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ or corresponding tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpBitRate notification has been disabled. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpBitRateClear notification is generated to indicate a prior tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpBitRate notification has cleared due to one of the following reasons: 1. The current bit rate on the MDA in the ISA-AA group is less than or equal to the tmnxBsxBitRateLowWatermark. 2. The corresponding tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpBitRate notification has been disabled raising the tmnxBsxBitRateHighWatermark to maximum. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4409 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpCapCostThres |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The capacity cost on ISA-AA MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ in ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxIsaAaGroupIndex$ is greater than or equal to the high threshold $tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpCapCostHighThres$ |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpCapCostThres notification is generated when the current capacity cost for an MDA within an ISA-AA Group is greater than or equal to the threshold specified by tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpCapCostHighThres and the prior cost was less than this threshold. |
Effect | There is no direct adverse effect, however this may indicate that resources are limited. Exhaustion of resources will cause new aa-sub assignment to fail. |
Recovery | If resource availability is sufficient, the capacity cost threshold can be increased or the app-profile capacity cost configuration can be reduced. If resources are limited and need to be recovered, remove aa-subs, or add additional isa-aa cards to the group. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4410 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpCapCostThresClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The capacity cost on ISA-AA MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ in ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxIsaAaGroupIndex$ is less than or equal to the low threshold $tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpCapCostLowThres$ |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpCapCostThresClear notification is generated when the current capacity cost for an MDA within an ISA-AA Group is less than or equal to the threshold specified by tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpCapCostLowThres and the prior cost was greater than this threshold. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4402 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFailureClearV2 |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$ recovered |
Cause | All configured ISA-AA MDAs are in service. |
Effect | Service is fully restored. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4401 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFailureV2 |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.5 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$ failed |
Cause | The ISA-AA Group has no configured primary MDA or the number of active MDAs is not equal to the number of configured primary MDAs. |
Effect | Traffic that was to be diverted to the ISA-AA Group will instead have the rule specified in TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB::tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFailToMode applied to it. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4405 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFlowFull |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.3 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$ flow record usage is greater than or equal to high watermark. The Active ISA-AA MDA is $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ |
Cause | Excessive traffic including denial of service attacks that target flow state exhaustion |
Effect | Traffic that is unable to allocate a flow record is treated using policy defined for the subscriber for an "Unknown" protocol. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4407 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFlowFullClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$ flow record usage is less than or equal to low watermark. The Active ISA-AA MDA is $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ |
Cause | The conditions that caused tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFlowFull or tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFlowFull have been alleviated. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4415 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFlowSetup |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.15 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Flow setup rate is greater than or equal to $tmnxBsxFlowSetupHighWatermark$ flows/s on ISA-AA MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFlowSetup notification is generated when the current flow setup rate on the MDA in the ISA-AA group is greater than or equal to tmnxBsxFlowSetupHighWatermark and the prior rate was less than this threshold. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4416 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFlowSetupClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Flow setup rate is less than or equal to $tmnxBsxFlowSetupLowWatermark$ flows/s on ISA-AA MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ or corresponding tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFlowSetup notification has been disabled. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFlowSetupClear notification is generated to indicate a prior tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFlowSetup notification has cleared due to one of the following reasons: 1. The current flow setup rate on the MDA in the ISA-AA group is less than or equal to tmnxBsxFlowSetupLowWatermark. 2. The corresponding tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFlowSetup notification has been disabled by raising the tmnxBsxFlowSetupHighWatermark to maximum. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4428 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFmSbWaSBufOvld |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.28 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISA-AA group $tmnxBsxIsaAaGroupIndex$ MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ wa-shared buffer use is greater than or equal to $tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFromSubWaSBfHiWmk$ in the from-subscriber direction. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFmSbWaSBufOvld is generated when the current weighted average shared buffer use for an ISA in the from-subscriber direction is greater than or equal to a high watermark after being in a normal, non-overloaded, state. |
Effect | If ISA overload cut-through is enabled, the ISA MDA performs subscriber level cut-through of all traffic. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4429 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFmSbWaSBufOvldClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.29 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISA-AA group $tmnxBsxIsaAaGroupIndex$ MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ wa-shared buffer use is less than or equal to $tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFromSubWaSBfLoWmk$ in the from-subscriber direction or corresponding tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFmSbWaSBufOvld notification has been disabled. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFmSbWaSBufOvldClr is generated to indicate a prior tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFmSbWaSBufOvld notification has cleared due to one of the following reasons: 1. The current weighted average shared buffer use in the from-subscriber direction is less than or equal to a low watermark. 2. The corresponding tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFmSbWaSBufOvld notification has been disabled by raising the tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpFromSubWaSBfHiWmk to maximum. |
Effect | The buffer pool in the from-subscriber direction exits overload. ISA MDA overload cut-through ends if it was in effect and the buffer pools in both directions are no longer overloaded. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4403 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpNonRedundantV2 |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$ has a backup MDA configured, but has no standby MDA available. |
Cause | The ISA-AA Group has a configured backup MDA but there is no standby MDA available. |
Effect | Traffic is diverted but in the event of a failure of any of the active ISA-AA MDAs, there is no backup ISA-AA MDA to take over. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4432 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpOvrldCutthru |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.32 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISA AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$ MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ entering overload cut through processing. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpOvrldCutthru is generated when cut through processing starts on an ISA MDA. |
Effect | The ISA MDA performs subscriber level cut-through of all traffic. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4433 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpOvrldCutthruClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.33 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISA AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$ MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ exiting overload cut through processing. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpOvrldCutthru is generated when cut through processing ends on an ISA MDA. |
Effect | The ISA MDA stops performing subscriber level cut-through of all traffic. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4417 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpPacketRate |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.17 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Packet rate is greater than or equal to $tmnxBsxPacketRateHighWatermark$ packets/s on ISA-AA MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpPacketRate notification is generated when the current packet rate on the MDA in the ISA-AA group is greater than or equal to the tmnxBsxPacketRateHighWatermark and the prior rate was less than this threshold. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4418 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpPacketRateClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.18 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Packet rate is less than or equal to $tmnxBsxPacketRateLowWatermark$ packets/s on ISA-AA MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ or corresponding tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpPacketRate notification has been disabled. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpPacketRateClear notification is generated to indicate a prior tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpPacketRate notification has cleared due to one of the following reasons: 1. The current packet rate on the MDA in the ISA-AA group is less than or equal to the tmnxBsxPacketRateLowWatermark. 2. The corresponding tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpPacketRate notification has been disabled by raising the tmnxBsxPacketRateHighWatermark to maximum. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4404 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpSwitchover |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$ has switched activity. The Active ISA-AA MDA is now $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ |
Cause | Other events will show the reason that the activity switch occurred. |
Effect | A small amount of traffic may be lost during the activity switch. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4430 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpToSbWaSBufOvld |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.30 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISA-AA group $tmnxBsxIsaAaGroupIndex$ MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ wa-shared buffer use is greater than or equal to $tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpToSubWaSBfHiWmk$ in the to-subscriber direction. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpToSbWaSBufOvld is generated when the current weighted average shared buffer use for an ISA in the to-subscriber direction is greater than or equal to a high watermark after being in a normal, non-overloaded, state. |
Effect | If ISA overload cut through is enabled, the ISA MDA performs subscriber level cut-through of all traffic. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4431 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpToSbWaSBufOvldClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.31 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISA-AA group $tmnxBsxIsaAaGroupIndex$ MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ wa-shared buffer use is less than or equal to $tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpToSubWaSBfLoWmk$ in the to-subscriber direction or corresponding tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpToSbWaSBufOvld notification has been disabled. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpToSbWaSBufOvldClr is generated to indicate a prior tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpToSbWaSBufOvld notification has cleared due to one of the following reasons: 1. The weighted average shared buffer use for an ISA in the to-subscriber direction is less than or equal to a low watermark. 2. The corresponding tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpToSbWaSBufOvld notification has been disabled by raising the tmnxBsxIsaAaGrpToSubWaSBfHiWmk to maximum. |
Effect | The buffer pool in the to-subscriber direction exits overload. ISA MDA overload cut-through ends if it was in effect and the buffer pools in both directions are no longer overloaded. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4408 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaSubLoadBalance |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Subscriber load-balancing operation for ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyIsaAaGroupIndex$, $tmnxBsxNotifyActionStatus$ |
Cause | Triggered by an operator. |
Effect | A small amount of traffic may be lost for balanced subscribers. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4448 |
Event name | tmnxBsxIsaAaTimFileProcFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.48 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to process isa-aa.tim file with reason: $tmnxBsxNotifyReason$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxIsaAaTimFileProcFailure notification is generated when a problem is encountered while attempting to process the isa-aa.tim file from the boot options file (BOF) images directory. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the reason this notification was raised. |
Effect | The isa-aa.tim file cannot be processed. |
Recovery | Based on the reason noted in tmnxBsxNotifyReason, if necessary take action to ensure that a valid isa-aa.tim file, compatible with the running CPM software version, is located in the images directory configured in the BOF. If successive attempts to load the isa-aa.tim fail, please contact Nokia customer support. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4439 |
Event name | tmnxBsxMobileSubModifyFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.39 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to modify a subscriber in group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ with reason: $tmnxBsxNotifyReason$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxMobileSubModifyFailure notification is generated when attempting to apply an override (app-profile or ASO) to a subscriber based on information received from the ISA-MG. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the reason this trap was raised. |
Effect | The override will not be applied to the subscriber. |
Recovery | Based on the reason noted in tmnxBsxNotifyReason, if necessary take action to ensure that a configuration mis-match has not occurred to allow the overrides to be applied appropriately. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4437 |
Event name | tmnxBsxRadApFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.37 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | A RADIUS accounting request failed to be sent to any of the RADIUS servers in accounting policy $tmnxBsxRadApName$ with reason: $tmnxBsxNotifyReason$. |
Cause | The tmnxBsxRadApFailure notification is generated when a RADIUS accounting request was not successfully sent to any of the RADIUS servers in the accounting policy. |
Effect | Accounting data for current subscribers will not be exported externally. |
Recovery | Based on the reason noted in tmnxBsxNotifyReason, if necessary take action to ensure that the next RADIUS accounting request will be successfully sent. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4440 |
Event name | tmnxBsxRadApIntrmUpdateSkipped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.40 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Interim update interval, configured as $tmnxBsxRadApIntrmUpdateInterval$ minutes, has been ignored. |
Cause | The tmnxBsxRadApIntrmUpdateSkipped notification is generated when an interim update has been triggered while subscriber accounting information is still being sent for the previous interim update interval. |
Effect | Accounting data for this interim update will not be sent. |
Recovery | If this continues to occur consider increasing the RADIUS Accounting interim update interval (tmnxBsxRadApIntrmUpdateInterval). |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4438 |
Event name | tmnxBsxRadApServOperStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.38 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | AA RADIUS accounting policy $tmnxBsxRadApName$ server $tmnxBsxRadApServIndex$ address $tmnxBsxRadApServAddr$ state changed to $tmnxBsxRadApServOperState$. |
Cause | The tmnxBsxRadApServOperStateChange notification is generated when the operational status of an AA RADIUS accounting policy server has transitioned either from 'inService' to 'outOfService' or from 'outOfService' to 'inService'. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4456 |
Event name | tmnxBsxStatFtrEnTcaThreshCrClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.56 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Threshold Crossing Alert cleared for ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgFilterType$ \"$tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgFilterName$\" entry $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaFtrEnCfgEntryId$ in the $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgDirection$ direction ($tmnxBsxNotifyReason$). |
Cause | A tmnxBsxStatFtrEnTcaThreshCrClear notification is generated when the utilization matching a tmnxBsxStatTcaFtrEnCfgEntry in the past minute is less than or equal to the value of tmnxBsxStatTcaFtrEnCfgLoWmark and tmnxBsxStatFtrEnTcaThreshCrossed is currently raised. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the utilization. |
Effect | The tmnxBsxStatFtrEnTcaThreshCrossed notification is cleared. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4455 |
Event name | tmnxBsxStatFtrEnTcaThreshCrossed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.55 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Threshold Crossing Alert raised for ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgFilterType$ \"$tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgFilterName$\" entry $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaFtrEnCfgEntryId$ in the $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgDirection$ direction ($tmnxBsxNotifyReason$). |
Cause | A tmnxBsxStatFtrEnTcaThreshCrossed notification is generated when the utilization matching a tmnxBsxStatTcaFtrEnCfgEntry in the past minute is greater than or equal to the value of tmnxBsxStatTcaFtrEnCfgHiWmark and the notification is not currently raised for the same entry. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the utilization. |
Effect | There is no effect for this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4454 |
Event name | tmnxBsxStatFtrTcaThreshCrClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.54 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Threshold Crossing Alert cleared for ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgFilterType$ \"$tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgFilterName$\" $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgFltrWmarkType$ in the $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgDirection$ direction ($tmnxBsxNotifyReason$). |
Cause | A tmnxBsxStatFtrTcaThreshCrClear notification is generated when the utilization matching a tmnxBsxStatTcaFtrCfgEntry in the past minute is less than or equal to the value of tmnxBsxStatTcaFtrCfgLoWmark and tmnxBsxStatFtrTcaThreshCrossed is currently raised. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the utilization. |
Effect | The tmnxBsxStatFtrTcaThreshCrossed notification is cleared. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4453 |
Event name | tmnxBsxStatFtrTcaThreshCrossed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.53 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Threshold Crossing Alert raised for ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgFilterType$ \"$tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgFilterName$\" $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgFltrWmarkType$ in the $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgDirection$ direction ($tmnxBsxNotifyReason$). |
Cause | A tmnxBsxStatFtrTcaThreshCrossed notification is generated when the utilization matching a tmnxBsxStatTcaFtrCfgEntry in the past minute is greater than or equal to the value of tmnxBsxStatTcaFtrCfgHiWmark and the notification is not currently raised for the same entry. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the utilization. |
Effect | There is no effect for this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4452 |
Event name | tmnxBsxStatPolcrTcaThreshCrClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.52 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Threshold Crossing Alert cleared for ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ policer \"$tmnxBsxNotifyTcaPolicerName$\" in the $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgDirection$ direction ($tmnxBsxNotifyReason$). |
Cause | A tmnxBsxStatPolcrTcaThreshCrClear notification is generated when the utilization matching a tmnxBsxStatTcaPolcrCfgEntry in the past minute is less than or equal to the value of tmnxBsxStatTcaPolcrCfgLoWmark and tmnxBsxStatPolcrTcaThreshCrossed is currently raised. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the utilization. |
Effect | The tmnxBsxStatPolcrTcaThreshCrossed notification is cleared. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4451 |
Event name | tmnxBsxStatPolcrTcaThreshCrossed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.51 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Threshold Crossing Alert raised for ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ policer \"$tmnxBsxNotifyTcaPolicerName$\" in the $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgDirection$ direction ($tmnxBsxNotifyReason$). |
Cause | A tmnxBsxStatPolcrTcaThreshCrossed notification is generated when the utilization matching a tmnxBsxStatTcaPolcrCfgEntry in the past minute is greater than or equal to the value of tmnxBsxStatTcaPolcrCfgHiWmark and the notification is not currently raised for the same entry. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the utilization. |
Effect | There is no effect for this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4449 |
Event name | tmnxBsxStatTcaThreshCrossed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.49 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Threshold Crossing Alert raised for ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgType$ in the $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgDirection$ direction ($tmnxBsxNotifyReason$). |
Cause | A tmnxBsxStatTcaThreshCrossed notification is generated when the utilization matching a tmnxBsxStatTcaCfgEntry in the past minute is greater than or equal to the value of tmnxBsxStatTcaCfgHiWmark and the notification is not currently raised for the same entry. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the utilization. |
Effect | There is no effect for this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4450 |
Event name | tmnxBsxStatTcaThreshCrossedClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.50 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Threshold Crossing Alert cleared for ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgType$ in the $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgDirection$ direction ($tmnxBsxNotifyReason$). |
Cause | A tmnxBsxStatTcaThreshCrossedClear notification is generated when the utilization matching a tmnxBsxStatTcaCfgEntry in the past minute is less than or equal to the value of tmnxBsxStatTcaCfgLoWmark and tmnxBsxStatTcaThreshCrossed is currently raised. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the utilization. |
Effect | The tmnxBsxStatTcaThreshCrossed notification is cleared. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4443 |
Event name | tmnxBsxSubModifyFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.43 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to $tmnxBsxNotifySubFailedAction$ a subscriber in group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ on ISA-MDA $tmnxBsxNotifyActiveMda$ with reason: $tmnxBsxNotifyReason$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxSubModifyFailure notification is generated when a problem is encountered while attempting to apply an override (app-profile or ASO) to a subscriber based on information received from the Policy Server. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the reason this notification was raised. |
Effect | The override is not applied to the subscriber. |
Recovery | Based on the reason noted in tmnxBsxNotifyReason, if necessary take action to ensure that a configuration mismatch has not occurred to allow the overrides to be applied appropriately. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4460 |
Event name | tmnxBsxTcpValTcaCrossed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.60 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Threshold Crossing Alert raised for ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ TCP validate \"$tmnxBsxNotifyTcpValTcaName$\" in the $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgDirection$ direction ($tmnxBsxNotifyReason$). |
Cause | A tmnxBsxTcpValTcaCrossed notification is generated when the utilization matching a tmnxBsxTcpValTcaEntry in the past minute is greater than or equal to the value of tmnxBsxTcpValTcaHighWatermark and the notification is not currently raised for the same entry. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the utilization. |
Effect | There is no effect for this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4461 |
Event name | tmnxBsxTcpValTcaCrossedClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.61 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Threshold Crossing Alert cleared for ISA-AA Group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ TCP validate \"$tmnxBsxNotifyTcpValTcaName$\" in the $tmnxBsxNotifyTcaCfgDirection$ direction ($tmnxBsxNotifyReason$). |
Cause | A tmnxBsxTcpValTcaCrossedClear notification is generated when the utilization matching a tmnxBsxTcpValTcaEntry in the past minute is less than or equal to the value of tmnxBsxTcpValTcaLowWatermark and tmnxBsxTcpValTcaCrossed is currently raised. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the utilization. |
Effect | The tmnxBsxTcpValTcaCrossed notification is cleared. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4421 |
Event name | tmnxBsxTransIpPolAaSubCreated |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.21 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | A dynamic transit subscriber $tmnxBsxNotifyAaSubscriberName$ has been created in group-partition $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ transit IP policy $tmnxBsxNotifyTransitIpPolicyId$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxTransIpPolAaSubCreated notification is generated when a dynamic subscriber is created in a Transit IP Policy. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4422 |
Event name | tmnxBsxTransIpPolAaSubDeleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.22 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | A dynamic transit subscriber $tmnxBsxNotifyAaSubscriberName$ has been deleted from group-partition $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ transit IP policy $tmnxBsxNotifyTransitIpPolicyId$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxTransIpPolAaSubDeleted notification is generated when a dynamic subscriber is deleted in a Transit IP Policy. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4426 |
Event name | tmnxBsxTransIpPolDhcpAddWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.26 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem encountered while attempting to add a transit subscriber to group-partition $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ transit IP policy $tmnxBsxNotifyTransitIpPolicyId$ : $tmnxBsxNotifyReason$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxTransIpPolDhcpAddWarning notification is generated when a problem occurs while attempting to add a dynamic transit subscriber learned via DHCP. The notification is informational and may not be an error. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the reason this trap was raised. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4427 |
Event name | tmnxBsxTransIpPolDhcpDelWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.27 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem encountered while attempting to delete a transit subscriber from group-partition $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ transit IP policy $tmnxBsxNotifyTransitIpPolicyId$ : $tmnxBsxNotifyReason$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxTransIpPolDhcpDelWarning notification is generated when a problem occurs while attempting to delete a dynamic transit subscriber learned via DHCP. The notification is informational and may not be an error. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the reason this trap was raised. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4457 |
Event name | tmnxBsxTransIpPolDiamGxError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.57 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Problem encountered while processing a Diameter GX request/answer for group $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ transit IP policy $tmnxBsxNotifyTransitIpPolicyId$ : $tmnxBsxNotifyReason$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxTransIpPolDiamGxError notification is generated when an error occurs while processing a Credit-Control Answer (CCA) or Re-Authorization Request (RAR) from a Diameter server over Gx. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the reason for failing to process the Diameter answer/request. |
Effect | The addition or modification of a transit subscriber indicated in the Diameter Gx message will not have been performed. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4423 |
Event name | tmnxBsxTransIpPolRadCoAAudit |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.23 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | CoA audit for group-partition $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ transit IP policy $tmnxBsxNotifyTransitIpPolicyId$ is in state $tmnxBsxNotifyRadiusCoAAuditState$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxTransIpPolRadCoAAudit notification is generated when at the start and the end of the Change of Authorization (CoA) Audit. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4424 |
Event name | tmnxBsxTransIpPolRadCoAError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.24 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Problem encountered while processing a CoA request for group-partition $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ transit IP policy $tmnxBsxNotifyTransitIpPolicyId$: $tmnxBsxNotifyReason$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxTransIpPolRadCoAError notification is generated when an error occurs while processing a Change of Authorization (CoA) request from a RADIUS server. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the reason for failing to process the CoA request. |
Effect | The addition or modification of a transit subscriber indicated in the CoA will not have been performed. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4425 |
Event name | tmnxBsxTransIpPolRadDiscError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.25 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Problem encountered while processing a RADIUS disconnect request for group-partition $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ transit IP policy $tmnxBsxNotifyTransitIpPolicyId$ : $tmnxBsxNotifyReason$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxTransIpPolRadDiscError notification is generated when an error occurs while processing a Disconect request from a RADIUS server. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the reason for failing to process the Disconnect request. |
Effect | The removal of a transit subscriber indicated by a Disconnect request will not have been performed. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4434 |
Event name | tmnxBsxTransitIpPersistenceWarn |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.34 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem encountered while registering transit subscriber address persistently for group-partition $tmnxBsxNotifyAaGrpPartIndex$ transit IP policy $tmnxBsxNotifyTransitIpPolicyId$ : $tmnxBsxNotifyReason$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxTransitIpPersistenceWarn notification is generated when a problem occurs while attempting to register a dynamic transit subscriber address with the persistence infrastructure. The tmnxBsxNotifyReason will identify the reason this trap was raised. |
Effect | The affected transit subscriber address will not be persistent across a system reboot. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4442 |
Event name | tmnxBsxUrlFilterOperStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.42 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | AA Group $tmnxBsxIsaAaGroupIndex$ URL Filter $tmnxBsxUrlFilterName$ state changed to $tmnxBsxUrlFltrOperState$, flags = $tmnxBsxUrlFltrOperFlags$. |
Cause | The tmnxBsxUrlFilterOperStateChange notification is generated when the operational status of a URL Filter has transitioned either from 'inService' to 'outOfService' or from 'outOfService' to 'inService'. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4447 |
Event name | tmnxBsxUrlListFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.47 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | URL list \"$tmnxBsxUrlListName$\" in ISA-AA group $tmnxBsxIsaAaGroupIndex$ has failed. The current operational state is: $tmnxBsxUrlListStatusOperState$, flags = $tmnxBsxUrlListStatusOperFlags$. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxUrlListFailure notification is generated when a URL List has failed. |
Effect | If the operational state is 'inService (2)', the URL List is operating using the last successfully processed list. If the operational state is 'outOfService (3)', there was no previous successful update and the URL List will be operationally down. |
Recovery | The customer should ensure the correct file is configured in tmnxBsxUrlListFileUrl, and use tmnxBsxUrlListAdminState or tmnxBsxUrlListUpgrade to restart the URL List. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APPLICATION_ASSURANCE |
Event ID | 4446 |
Event name | tmnxBsxUrlListUpdate |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB.tmnxBsxNotifications.46 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | URL list \"$tmnxBsxUrlListName$\" in ISA-AA group $tmnxBsxIsaAaGroupIndex$ has been updated. There are $tmnxBsxUrlListStatusNumEntries$ entries in the URL list. |
Cause | A tmnxBsxUrlListUpdate notification is generated when a URL List has been updated. |
Effect | The URL List is installed on each ISA-AA in the group. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | apsEventChannelMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | APS-MIB.apsNotificationsPrefix.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Channel Mismatch is declared |
Cause | Channel Mismatch notification is generated due to mismatch between the transmitted K1 channel (phys port) and the received K2 channel (phys port). |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Configure both local and remote with the same channel type. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | apsEventFEPLF |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | APS-MIB.apsNotificationsPrefix.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | FEPL failure is declared |
Cause | FEPLF (Far-End Protection Line Failure) notification is generated based on SF (Signal Failure) condition on the protection port in the received K1 Byte. |
Effect | Traffic will switch (Tx/Rx) to the working port if the traffic is presently Tx-ed/Rx-ed to/from the protection port. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | apsEventModeMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | APS-MIB.apsNotificationsPrefix.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mode Mismatch is declared |
Cause | Mode Mismatch notification is generated due to a conflict between the current local mode (switching direction or architecture) and the received K2 mode information. |
Effect | For switching direction mismatch, the operational switching direction is changed to uni-directional. For switch architecture mismatch, the local end runs in 1+1 mode irrespective of the remote end switching architecture. |
Recovery | Configure both local and remote end to run in same switching mode (direction/architecture). |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | apsEventPSBF |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | APS-MIB.apsNotificationsPrefix.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | PSB Failure is declared |
Cause | A PSBF (Protection Switching Byte Failure) notification is generated due to inconsistent Rx K1 byte or invalid Rx K1 Byte. |
Effect | A PSBF condition is considered as signal failure (SF) on the protection port. |
Recovery | Correct the K1 byte value. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | apsEventSwitchover |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | APS-MIB.apsNotificationsPrefix.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | APS switchover from $subject$. |
Cause | APS switchover between working port (channel 1) and protection port (channel 0) can happen due to change of status of any port or user initiated switch commands on any port. |
Effect | Traffic is transmitted to and received from the other channel/port. |
Recovery | None. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tApsChannelMismatchClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-APS-MIB.tApsNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Channel Mismatch is cleared |
Cause | The Channel mismatch clear notification is generated when the current status of an APS group gets the channel mismatch condition cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tApsChanTxLaisStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-APS-MIB.tApsNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | APS forced Tx-LAIS state changed to $tApsChanTxLaisState$ |
Cause | The tApsChanTxLaisStateChange notification is generated when there is a change in the value of tApsChanTxLaisState. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigation is required to determine the cause of the change. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tApsFEPLFClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-APS-MIB.tApsNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | FEPL Failure is cleared |
Cause | The FEPLF clear notification is generated when the current status of an APS group gets the FEPLF condition cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tApsLocalSwitchCommandClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-APS-MIB.tApsNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Local - $apsCommandSwitch$ cleared |
Cause | The tApsLocalSwitchCommandClear notification is generated when an APS switch command in the local node gets cleared. Note that a switch command in the local node can be cleared either due to execution of the clear switch command in the local node or due to presence of a higher priority condition in the local or remote node. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tApsLocalSwitchCommandSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-APS-MIB.tApsNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Local - $apsCommandSwitch$ set |
Cause | The tApsLocalSwitchCommandSet is generated when any of the following APS switch commands is executed on an APS channel in the local node. The switch commands are lockoutOfProtection, forcedSwitchWorkToProtect, forcedSwitchProtectToWork, manualSwitchWorkToProtect, and manualSwitchProtectToWork. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tApsMcApsCtlLinkStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-APS-MIB.tApsNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Control link state changed to $tApsMcApsCtlLinkState$ |
Cause | The tApsMcApsCtlLinkStateChange notification is generated when there is a change in the value of tApsMcApsCtlLinkState. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigation is required to determine the cause of the change. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tApsModeMismatchClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-APS-MIB.tApsNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mode Mismatch is cleared |
Cause | The Mode mismatch clear notification is generated when the current status of an APS group gets the mode mismatch condition cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tApsPrimaryChannelChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-APS-MIB.tApsNotifications.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Switch of the primary APS channel to $apsStatusK1K2Trans$. |
Cause | The tApsPrimaryChannelChange notification is generated when there is a switch of the primary APS channel. Object apsStatusK1K2Trans indicates the new primary APS channel. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigation is required to determine the cause of the change. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tApsPSBFClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-APS-MIB.tApsNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | PSB Failure is cleared |
Cause | The PSBF clear notification is generated when the current status of an APS group gets the PSBF condition cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tApsRemoteSwitchCommandClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-APS-MIB.tApsNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Remote - $apsCommandSwitch$ cleared |
Cause | The tApsRemoteSwitchCommandClear is generated when the received K1 byte (APS-MIB::apsStatusK1K2Rcv) from a peer indicates that an APS switch command just got cleared on an APS channel in the remote (peer) node. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | APS |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tApsRemoteSwitchCommandSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-APS-MIB.tApsNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Remote - $apsCommandSwitch$ set |
Cause | The tApsRemoteSwitchCommandSet is generated when the received K1 byte (APS-MIB::apsStatusK1K2Rcv) from a peer indicates that an APS switch command just got executed on an APS channel in the remote (peer) node. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigation is required to determine the cause of the change. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | atmIfcStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of $subject$ owned by $tAtmIfcInfoOwner$ has changed to administrative state: $tAtmIfcAdminStatus$ operational state: $tAtmIfcOperStatus$ |
Cause | The state of the ATM interface has changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | atmIlmiPeerVclStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of VCL $atmVclVpi$/$atmVclVci$ on $subject$ has changed to operational state: $atmVclOperStatus$ |
Cause | The state of the ILMI peer VCL has changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigate what caused the new state. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | atmIlmiPeerVplStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of VPL $atmVplVpi$ on $subject$ has changed to operational state: $atmVplOperStatus$ |
Cause | The state of the ILMI peer VPL has changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigate what caused the new state. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | atmVclStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of $subject$ owned by $tAtmVclInfoOwner$ has changed to administrative state: $atmVclAdminStatus$ operational state: $atmVclOperStatus$ OAM state: $tAtmVclInfoOamStatus$ |
Cause | The state of the ATM VCL has changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | atmVplStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of $subject$ owned by $tAtmVplInfoOwner$ has changed to administrative state: $atmVplAdminStatus$ operational state: $atmVplOperStatus$ OAM state: $tAtmVplInfoOamStatus$ |
Cause | The state of the ATM VPL has changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | atmVtlStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of $subject$ owned by $tAtmVtlInfoOwner$ has changed to administrative state: $tAtmVtlAdminStatus$ operational state: $tAtmVtlOperStatus$ |
Cause | The state of the ATM VTL has changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tAtmEpOutOfPeerVpiOrVciRange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ATM-MIB.tAtmNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ATM EPs on ATM interface $subject$ are outside of the negotiated VPI or VCI range |
Cause | The tAtmEpOutOfPeerVpiOrVciRange notification is sent whenever an ILMI link becomes operationally up and ATM EPs are configured on the ILMI-managed interface that are outside the VPI or VCI range allowed by the peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Adjust the VPI or VCI range. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tAtmIlmiLinkStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ATM-MIB.tAtmNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of ILMI on ATM Interface $subject$ vpi=$tAtmIlmiLinkVpi$ vci=$tAtmIlmiLinkVci$ has changed administrative status: $tAtmIlmiLinkAdminStatus$ operational status: $tAtmIlmiLinkOperStatus$ |
Cause | The tAtmIlmiLinkStatusChange notification is sent whenever a status change occurs on an ILMI link. This includes changes to the ILMI link's administrative status and the ILMI link's operational status. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tAtmMaxPeerVccsExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ATM-MIB.tAtmNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of ATM VCLs on ATM interface $subject$ exceeds the negotiated maximum |
Cause | The tAtmMaxPeerVccsExceeded notification is sent whenever an ILMI link becomes operationally up and there are more ATM VCLs configured on the ILMI-managed interface than are supported by the peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tAtmMaxPeerVpcsExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ATM-MIB.tAtmNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of ATM VPLs on ATM interface $subject$ exceeds the negotiated maximum |
Cause | The tAtmMaxPeerVpcsExceeded notification is sent whenever an ILMI link becomes operationally up and there are more ATM VPLs configured on the ILMI-managed interface than are supported by the peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tAtmPlcpSubLayerClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ATM-MIB.tAtmNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | ATM Interface $subject$ entered the no error state |
Cause | The tAtmPlcpSubLayerClear notification is generated when the ATM interface has left the far end alarm or incoming LOF error state and entered the no error state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tAtmPlcpSubLayerDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ATM-MIB.tAtmNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | ATM Interface $subject$ entered failure state |
Cause | The tAtmPlcpSubLaerDown notification is generated when the ATM interface has left the no error state and entered the far end alarm or incoming LOF state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tAtmTcSubLayerClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ATM-MIB.tAtmNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | ATM Interface $subject$ entered the LCD no error state |
Cause | The tAtmTcSubLayerClear notification is generated when the ATM interface has left the Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD) error state and entered the LCD no error state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ATM |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tAtmTcSubLayerDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ATM-MIB.tAtmNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | ATM Interface $subject$ entered LCD failure state |
Cause | The tAtmTcSubLayerUp notification is generated when the ATM interface has left the no error Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD) state and entered the default LCD state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigate why the ATM TC Sublayer is currently in the LCD state. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BFD |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxBfdOnLspSessDeleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BFD-MIB.tmnxBfdNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The $tmnxBfdOnLspSessLinkType$ BFD Session with Local Discriminator $tmnxBfdOnLspSessLclDisc$ on $subject$ has been deleted |
Cause | The tmnxBfdOnLspSessDeleted notification is generated when a BFD on LSP session is deleted. |
Effect | The deletion of this session will either take down any protocol that is riding over top of it or notifies them that the session has been deleted. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BFD |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxBfdOnLspSessDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BFD-MIB.tmnxBfdNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The $tmnxBfdOnLspSessLinkType$ BFD session with Local Discriminator $tmnxBfdOnLspSessLclDisc$ on $subject$ is down due to $tmnxBfdOnLspSessOperFlags$ |
Cause | The tmnxBfdOnLspSessDown notification is generated when a BFD on LSP session goes down. |
Effect | The effect of this session going down is that it either takes down any protocol that is riding over top of it or it notifies them that the session has gone down. |
Recovery | The session will automatically attempt to re-establish on it's own. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BFD |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxBfdOnLspSessNoCpmNpResources |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BFD-MIB.tmnxBfdNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The $tmnxBfdOnLspSessLinkType$ BFD session with local discriminator $tmnxBfdOnLspSessLclDisc$ on $subject$ could not be established because cpm-np session termination resources are not available |
Cause | The tmnxBfdOnLspSessNoCpmNpResources notification is generated when a BFD on LSP session could not be established because the session requires a cpmNp session termination resource (see TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfBfdExtType), and no cpmNp session termination resources are available. |
Effect | The BFD session cannot be established until a cpmNp session termination resource is available |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BFD |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxBfdOnLspSessProtChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BFD-MIB.tmnxBfdNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The protocol ($tmnxBfdOnLspSessChangedProtocol$) using BFD session on node $subject$ has been $tmnxBfdOnLspSessProtoChngdState$ |
Cause | The tmnxBfdOnLspSessProtChange notification is generated when there is a change in the list of protocols specified by tmnxBfdOnLspSessProtocols using the BFD on LSP session. |
Effect | The list of protocols using this session are modified. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BFD |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxBfdOnLspSessUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BFD-MIB.tmnxBfdNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The $tmnxBfdOnLspSessLinkType$ BFD session with Local Discriminator $tmnxBfdOnLspSessLclDisc$ on $subject$ is up |
Cause | The tmnxBfdOnLspSessUp notification is generated when a BFD on LSP session goes up. |
Effect | The BFD session will be active. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2039 |
Event name | bgpBackwardTransNotification |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | BGP4-MIB.bgpNotification.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: moved from higher state $old_state_str$ to lower state $new_state_str$ due to event $event_str$ |
Cause | The bgpBackwardTransNotification event is generated when the BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state. This Notification replaces the bgpBackwardsTransition Notification. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | bgpCfgViol |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $subject$: BGP - $field$ configuration ignored - $reason$ |
Cause | BGP configuration was invalid. |
Effect | The configuration that lead to the violation will be totally ignored. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | bgpConnMgrTerminated |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $subject$: BGP connection manager for address family $addr_family_str$ has terminated |
Cause | BGP is being shutdown or deleted. |
Effect | No inbound BGP connections will be accepted. |
Recovery | BGP must be re-enabled. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | bgpConnNoKA |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: closing inbound connection because the BGP peer did not receive \"keepalive\" |
Cause | A BGP KEEPALIVE message was not recieved within the holdtime limit. |
Effect | Inbound connection failed to establish. |
Recovery | Reset and try again. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | bgpConnNoOpenRcvd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: closing inbound connection because the BGP peer did not receive \"open\" |
Cause | A BGP OPEN message was not recieved within the holdtime limit. |
Effect | Inbound connection failed to establish. |
Recovery | Reset and try again. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2038 |
Event name | bgpEstablishedNotification |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | BGP4-MIB.bgpNotification.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: moved into established state |
Cause | The bgpEstablishedNotification event is generated when the BGP FSM enters the established state. This Notification replaces the bgpEstablished Notification. |
Effect | The BGP instance is now running. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | bgpInterfaceDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: being disabled because the interface is operationally disabled |
Cause | The IP interface is down. |
Effect | All EBGP peers directly attached to the interface for the peering go down. |
Recovery | Bring the interface up. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | bgpNoMemoryPeer |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: out of memory - disabled the peer |
Cause | The router has run out of memory. |
Effect | The peering that first hit the out of memory condition on a memory allocation request is going to go down and it will be marked DISABLED. |
Recovery | Upgrade the box's memory or shut down the memory hogging peering sessions. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | bgpPeerNotFound |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $subject$: Closing connection: $peer_ip_str$ not enabled or not in configuration |
Cause | BGP peering session won't come up. |
Effect | Inbound connection failed to establish as the peer that the remote end is trying to connect to does not exist in the current configuration. |
Recovery | Change the BGP configuration to create a peering session with the remote peer. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | bgpRejectConnBadLocAddr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: inbound connection rejected because the BGP peer received connection attempt on $rcv_addr_str$ but it only accepts connection on $lcl_addr_str$ |
Cause | Inbound BGP connection not being attempted through the correct IP address. |
Effect | Inbound connection will be rejected - failed to establish the peering session. |
Recovery | The remote peer should be trying to open the peering connection to the appropriate IP address - i.e. the one mentioned in the local-address of the local peer. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | bgpRemoteEndClosedConn |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: remote end closed connection |
Cause | The remote end of the BGP connection closed the TCP connection. |
Effect | The BGP peering session is closed. All routes learnt from that peer were rejected. |
Recovery | Reset and try to re-establish the peering. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | bgpTerminated |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $subject$: BGP has terminated |
Cause | BGP is being shutdown or deleted. |
Effect | The BGP protocol will terminate. |
Recovery | BGP must be re-enabled. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | bgpVariableRangeViolation |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $subject$: trying to set $varname$ to $tryval$ - valid range is [$minval$-$maxval$] - setting to $finalval$ |
Cause | The event is caused by setting some variable through a MIB that is outside the valid range accepted by the application. The system gets into this scenario when the agent is not able to catch the variable range violation because from the perspective of the MIB variable that is being set it is an acceptable value. e.g. min-route-advertisement has a range in the Nokia MIB that is more strict than the standard BGP4 MIB. Although the agent will allow larger range values for this MIB variable the BGP implementation will reject it as it is restricted by the the Nokia BGP MIB. |
Effect | The set value is not accepted but the closest valid value to the set value is accepted. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | receiveNotification |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: received notification: code $code_str$ subcode $subcode_str$ |
Cause | Any error that occured between BGP peers that was first recognized by the remote BGP instance. e.g. 1) An error occured in the state transitions of a peering session. 2) An error occured during the exchange of routing information between BGP peers. 3) The two BGP peers mismatch on the capability that they can support. |
Effect | The system closes the existing socket connection and tries to establish the peering session again. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | sendNotification |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: sending notification: code $code_str$ subcode $subcode_str$ |
Cause | Any error that occured between BGP peers that was first recognized by the local BGP instance. e.g. 1) An error occured in the state transitions of a peering session. 2) An error occured during the exchange of routing information between BGP peers. 3) The two BGP peers mismatch on the capability that they can support. |
Effect | The system brings down the peering and attempts to establish a new peering session. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2028 |
Event name | tBgp4PathAttrInvalid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $vRtrID$: BGP Peer $tBgpPeerNgAddr$: Invalid path attribute received with attribute type [$tBgp4PathAttrType$] and length [$tBgp4PathAttrLength$].\nHex dump: $tBgp4PathAttribute$ |
Cause | The tBgp4PathAttrInvalid notification is generated when an error with a path attribute tBgp4PathAttribute is detected. |
Effect | A log entry is generated for each withdrawn route. Further effect depends on fault-tolerance and graceful-restart settings. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | tBgp4RouteInvalid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.15 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $vRtrID$: BGP Peer: $tBgpPeerNgAddr$, Route invalid Reason - $tBgpRouteInvalidReason$\nNLRI - $tBgpRouteNLRI$ |
Cause | The tBgp4RouteInvalid notification is generated when the received route is invalid for a specific reason and the route can not be used or advertised further. |
Effect | The BGP peer ignores the route and flags the path attribute and the route so that the peer/tribe that was attempting to advertise the associated route can skip this route. The BGP peering is not torn down in this case. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | tBgp4UpdateInvalid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.18 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $vRtrID$: BGP Peer: $tBgpPeerNgAddr$.\nHex dump: $tBgp4UpdateMessage$ |
Cause | The tBgp4UpdateInvalid notification is generated when an UPDATE message has a critical length error or an error not specific to any path attribute. |
Effect | A log entry is generated for each withdrawn route. Further effect depends on fault-tolerance and graceful-restart settings. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | tBgp4WithdrawnRtFromUpdateError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.17 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $vRtrID$: BGP Peer: $tBgpPeerNgAddr$, Route: $tBgp4WithdrawnRoutePrefix$ withdrawn because of error in BGP update message. |
Cause | The tBgp4WithdrawnRtFromUpdateError notification is generated when NLRI is withdrawn because of error in BGP update message. |
Effect | This notification has no direct effect. The withdrawn routes are logged to aid debugging and tracking back the root cause of the problem. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | tBgpFibResourceFailPeer |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: FIB resource fail - disabled the peer |
Cause | The router has run out of memory. It is triggered when BGP fails to add a route into RTM. |
Effect | The system disables the peer. |
Recovery | There is no automatic recovery. The user has to manually enable the peer again. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tBgpFlowRouteInvalid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: Invalid flow route received from peer [$tBgpPeerNgAddr$] for destination [$tBgpPeerFlowRouteDestAddr$]\nReason - [$tBgpFlowRouteInvalidReason$]\nNLRI - [$tBgpFlowRouteNLRI$]. |
Cause | The tBgpFlowRouteInvalid notification is generated when the received BGP flow route is invalid. |
Effect | The BGP peer does not create ip filter entry for the received flow route. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tBgpFlowspecUnsupportdComAction |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: Flowspec NLRI - unsupported community action : [$tBgpFlowspecExtCommunityAction$], action value : [$tBgpFlowspecExtCommActionValue$] received. |
Cause | The tBgpFlowspecUnsupportdComAction notification is generated when the best route for a flow specification NLRI(Network Layer Reachability Information) is received from a remote BGP peer with an extended community action that is unsupported. |
Effect | The BGP peer dose not create ip filter entry for the received flow route even if the NLRI(Network Layer Reachability Information) has valid extended community actions. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | tBgpGeneral |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $subject$: $title$\n$message$ |
Cause | The general event is generated when certain error conditions are reported by the BGP application. |
Effect | Each condition has its own effect. |
Recovery | The recovery depends on the condition reported. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2036 |
Event name | tBgpInstanceDynamicPeerLmtReachd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.22 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: Closing connection: reached dynamic peer limit ($tBgpInstanceDynamicPeerLimit$) for BGP instance $tBgpInstanceIndex$ |
Cause | A tBgpInstanceDynamicPeerLmtReachd notification is generated when the dynamic peer limit for this BGP instance is reached. |
Effect | Whenever an incoming connection for a new dynamic session would cause dynamic peer limit for this BGP instance to be exceeded, the connection attempt is rejected. |
Recovery | Increase the dynamic peer limit for this BGP instance. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tBgpMaxNgPfxLmt |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.20 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: number of routes learned has exceeded configured maximum ($tBgpPeerNgPfxLmtMaxPrefix$) for $tBgpPeerNgPfxLmtFamily$ family |
Cause | A tBgpMaxNgPfxLmt notification is generated when the number of routes learned from the peer has exceeded the configured maximum. |
Effect | No direct effect but if the peer continues to advertise more routes then the number of routes may exceed the configured maximum (tBgpPeerNgPfxLmtMaxPrefix). In that case the peer would just be disabled. |
Recovery | Increase the max-prefix for this peer. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2035 |
Event name | tBgpMaxNgPfxLmtThresholdReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.21 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: number of routes learned has exceeded $tBgpPeerNgPfxLmtThreshold$ percentage of the configured maximum ($tBgpPeerNgPfxLmtMaxPrefix$) for $tBgpPeerNgPfxLmtFamily$ family |
Cause | A tBgpMaxNgPfxLmtThresholdReached notification is generated when the number of routes learned from the peer has exceeded tBgpPeerNgPfxLmtThreshold percent of the configured maximum (tBgpPeerNgPfxLmtMaxPrefix). |
Effect | No direct effect but if the peer continues to advertise more routes then the number of routes may exceed the configured maximum (tBgpPeerNgPfxLmtMaxPrefix). In that case the peer would just be disabled. |
Recovery | Increase the max-prefix for this peer. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tBgpNgBackwardTransition |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: moved from higher state $old_state_str$ to lower state $new_state_str$ due to event $event_str$ |
Cause | The tBgpNgBackwardTransition notification is generated when the BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | tBgpNgEstablished |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: moved into established state |
Cause | The tBgpNgEstablished notification is generated when the BGP FSM enters the ESTABLISHED state. |
Effect | The BGP instance is now running. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tBgpPeerGRStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: graceful restart status changed to $tBgpPeerNgOperGRStatus$ |
Cause | The BGP peer is either restarting or just changed the graceful restart status to 'helping'/'not helping'/'restart complete'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeInconsistent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: attempted to negotiate a hold timer lower than the configured minimum value of $tBgpPeerNgMinHoldTime$ |
Cause | The BGP peer tried to establish a peering with a hold time less than the configured minimum hold time value. |
Effect | The BGP peering is rejected. |
Recovery | Establish peering with a hold time equal to or greater than the minimum hold time configured. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2037 |
Event name | tBgpPGDynamicPeerLmtReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.23 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $bgp_peer_name$: Closing connection: reached dynamic peer limit ($tBgpPGDynamicPeerLimit$) for BGP group $tBgpPeerGroupName$ |
Cause | A tBgpPGDynamicPeerLmtReached notification is generated when when the dynamic peer limit for this group is reached. |
Effect | Whenever an incoming connection for a new dynamic session would cause dynamic peer limit for this group to be exceeded, the connection attempt is rejected. |
Recovery | Increase the dynamic peer limit for this group. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | BGP |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | tBgpReceivedInvalidNlri |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-BGP-MIB.tBgpNotifications.19 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | For the bad_network error type $tBgp4BadErrorMessageType$ the message received is $tBgp4BadErrorMessage$. |
Cause | The tBgpReceivedInvalidNlri notification is generated when there is a parsing error in BGP routes that is not related to attribute errors. |
Effect | BGP will send a notification message to the peer and bring down the peering. |
Recovery | Peering will be re-established with the offending peer. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CALLTRACE |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxCallTraceLocSizeLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CALLTRACE-MIB.tmnxCallTraceNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Size limit ($tmnxCallTraceLocationSizeLimit$ MB) of all call trace log files on 'cf$tmnxCallTraceLocationCFlashId$' has been reached |
Cause | This notification is triggered when the cumulative size of all call trace log files on a given cflash card on the active CPM has reached the limit specified by the value of the object tmnxCallTraceLocationSizeLimit. |
Effect | New call trace log file(s) cannot be created on the impacted cflash card. |
Recovery | Operator may execute one of the following actions to restore the functionality: 1) Remove some call trace log files from the cflash card. 2) Increase the size limit (value of the object tmnxCallTraceLocationSizeLimit) for the given cflash card. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CALLTRACE |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxCallTraceMaxFilesNumReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CALLTRACE-MIB.tmnxCallTraceNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Cumulative limit of $tmnxCallTraceMaxFilesNumber$ call trace log files on all cflash cards on the active CPM has been reached |
Cause | This notification is triggered for the following reasons: 1) Cumulative number of call trace log files present on all cflash cards on the active CPM that are being used for their local storage has reached the limit defined by the value of the object tmnxCallTraceMaxFilesNumber. 2) The value of the object tmnxCallTraceMaxFilesNumber has been changed to a value that is lower than the current cumulative number of all call trace log files present on all cflash cards on the active CPM that are being used for their local storage. Details about cflash cards that are being used for the local storage of call trace log files can be found in tmnxCallTraceLocationTable. |
Effect | New call trace log file(s) cannot be created on any cflash card. |
Recovery | Operator may execute one of the following actions to restore the functionality: 1) Remove some call trace log files from (a) cflash card(s). 2) Increase the value of the object tmnxCallTraceMaxFilesNumber. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CFLOWD |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxCflowdCreateFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CFLOWD-MIB.tmnxCflowdNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Cflowd creation failed |
Cause | The tmnxCflowdCreateFailure event is generated when Cflowd instance creation fails on the system. |
Effect | cflowd is not running. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CFLOWD |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxCflowdFlowCreateFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CFLOWD-MIB.tmnxCflowdNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Cflowd flow creation failed - $tmnxCflowdFlowFailureReasonCode$ |
Cause | The tmnxCflowdFlowCreateFailure event is generated when the creation of a Cflowd flow fails. |
Effect | Flow data may be lost. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CFLOWD |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxCflowdPacketTxFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CFLOWD-MIB.tmnxCflowdNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Cflowd failed to send packet to collector $tmnxCFHostCollAddress$:$tmnxCFHostCollUdpPort$ Version $tmnxCFHostCollVersion$ - Reason: $tmnxCflowdFlowFailureReasonCode$ |
Cause | The tmnxCflowdPacketTxFailure event is generated when a cflowd packet fails to transmit from an active collector host. |
Effect | Flow data may be lost. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CFLOWD |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxCflowdStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CFLOWD-MIB.tmnxCflowdNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Status of cflowd changes to administrative state: $tmnxCflowdAdminStatus$, operational state: $tmnxCflowdOperStatus$ |
Cause | The tmnxCflowdStateChange event is triggered when tmnxCflowdAdminStatus or tmnxCflowdOperStatus reports a change. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4012 |
Event name | CpmIcPortSFFStatusDDMCorrupt |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM interconnect port SFF DDM checksums do not match |
Cause | The tmnxCpmIcPortSFFStatusFailure notification is generated when the value of tmnxCpmIcPortSFFStatus results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated CPM interconnect port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4011 |
Event name | CpmIcPortSFFStatusFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM interconnect port SFF checksums do not match |
Cause | The tmnxCpmIcPortSFFStatusFailure notification is generated when the value of tmnxCpmIcPortSFFStatus results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated CPM interconnect port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4013 |
Event name | CpmIcPortSFFStatusReadError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM interconnect port SFF read failure |
Cause | The tmnxCpmIcPortSFFStatusFailure notification is generated when the value of tmnxCpmIcPortSFFStatus results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated CPM interconnect port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4014 |
Event name | CpmIcPortSFFStatusUnsupported |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM interconnect port SFF unsupported type |
Cause | The tmnxCpmIcPortSFFStatusFailure notification is generated when the value of tmnxCpmIcPortSFFStatus results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated CPM interconnect port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4022 |
Event name | SfmIcPortSFFStatusDDMCorrupt |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFM interconnect port SFF DDM checksums do not match |
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortSFFStatusFailure notification is generated when the value of tmnxSfmIcPortSFFStatus results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated SFM interconnect port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4021 |
Event name | SfmIcPortSFFStatusFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFM interconnect port SFF checksums do not match |
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortSFFStatusFailure notification is generated when the value of tmnxSfmIcPortSFFStatus results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated SFM interconnect port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4023 |
Event name | SfmIcPortSFFStatusReadError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFM interconnect port SFF read failure |
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortSFFStatusFailure notification is generated when the value of tmnxSfmIcPortSFFStatus results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated SFM interconnect port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4024 |
Event name | SfmIcPortSFFStatusUnsupported |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFM interconnect port SFF unsupported type |
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortSFFStatusFailure notification is generated when the value of tmnxSfmIcPortSFFStatus results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated SFM interconnect port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2151 |
Event name | tIPsecIsaMemHighWatermark |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.138 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The memory usage ratio for ISA $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMDASlotNum$ has almost reached the maximum value. |
Cause | A tIPsecIsaMemHighWatermark notification is generated when the ISA card memory usage ratio has almost reached the maximum value. |
Effect | The system may stop accepting new IKE states shortly. |
Recovery | Use fewer SAs for each IKE tunnel. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2150 |
Event name | tIPsecIsaMemLowWatermark |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.137 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The memory usage ratio for ISA $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMDASlotNum$ has dropped back to the normal level. |
Cause | A tIPsecIsaMemLowWatermark notification is generated when the ISA card memory usage ratio has dropped back to the normal level. |
Effect | The system accepts new IKE states. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2152 |
Event name | tIPsecIsaMemMax |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.139 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The memory usage for ISA $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMDASlotNum$ has reached the maximum value. |
Cause | A tIPsecIsaMemMax notification is generated when the ISA card memory usage ratio has reached the maximum value. |
Effect | The system stops accepting new IKE states. |
Recovery | Use fewer SAs for each IKE tunnel. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 3014 |
Event name | tmnxAlarmInputVoltageFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAS-ALARM-INPUT-MIB.tmnxSASChassisNotification.10 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : alarm input voltage failure |
Cause | A tmnxAlarmInputVoltageFailure notification is sent when the internal power supply for alarm inputs fails. The value of tmnxSasAlarmInputPowerStatus indicates whether the power to external alarm inputs is on or off. |
Effect | If the alarm inputs use the internal power supply, then a failure in the power supply will cause state change event alarms to not be raised. |
Recovery | Check the internal power source for alarm inputs and rectify the problem. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2052 |
Event name | tmnxChassisHiBwMcastAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.43 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : Plane shared by multiple multicast high bandwidth taps |
Cause | The tmnxChassisHiBwMcastAlarm notification is generated when a plane is shared by more than one high bandwidth multicast tap. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tmnxChassisNotificationClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.25 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Clear $tmnxHwClass$ $tmnxHwIndex$ $tmnxChassisNotifyOID$ |
Cause | A trap indicating the clear of a chassis notification identified by tmnxChassisNotifyOID. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tmnxChassisUpgradeComplete |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.42 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : software upgrade complete |
Cause | The tmnxChassisUpgradeComplete notification is generated to indicate that all the IOMs are running matching software versions in reference to the active CPM software version changed as part of the upgrade process. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | tmnxChassisUpgradeInProgress |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.41 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : software upgrade in progress |
Cause | The tmnxChassisUpgradeInProgress notification is generated only after a CPM switchover occurs and the new active CPM is running new software, while the IOMs are still running old software. This is the start of the upgrade process. The tmnxChassisUpgradeInProgress notification will continue to be generated every 30 minutes while at least one IOM is still running older software. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4009 |
Event name | tmnxCpmALocalIcPortAvail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.6 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | CPM $tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum$ can reach the chassis using its local CPM interconnect ports |
Cause | The tmnxCpmLocalIcPortAvail notification is generated when the CPM re-establishes communication with the other chassis using its local CPM interconnect ports. |
Effect | A new control communications path is now available between the CPM and the other chassis. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4007 |
Event name | tmnxCpmANoLocalIcPort |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.5 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | CPM $tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum$ can not reach the chassis using its local CPM interconnect ports |
Cause | The tmnxCpmNoLocalIcPort alarm is generated when the CPM cannot reach the other chassis using its local CPM interconnect ports. |
Effect | Another control communications path may still be available between the CPM and the other chassis via the mate CPM in the same chassis. If that alternative path is not available then complete disruption of control communications to the other chassis will occur and the tmnxInterChassisCommsDown alarm is raised. A tmnxCpmNoLocalIcPort alarm on the active CPM indicates that a further failure of the local CPM interconnect ports on the standby CPM will cause complete disruption of control communications to the other chassis and the tmnxInterChassisCommsDown alarm is raised. A tmnxCpmNoLocalIcPort alarm on the standby CPM indicates that a CPM switchover may cause temporary disruption of control communications to the other chassis while the rebooting CPM comes back into service. |
Recovery | Ensure that all CPM interconnect ports in the system are properly cabled together with working cables. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4010 |
Event name | tmnxCpmBLocalIcPortAvail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.6 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | CPM $tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum$ can reach the chassis using its local CPM interconnect ports |
Cause | The tmnxCpmLocalIcPortAvail notification is generated when the CPM re-establishes communication with the other chassis using its local CPM interconnect ports. |
Effect | A new control communications path is now available between the CPM and the other chassis. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4008 |
Event name | tmnxCpmBNoLocalIcPort |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.5 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | CPM $tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum$ can not reach the chassis using its local CPM interconnect ports |
Cause | The tmnxCpmNoLocalIcPort alarm is generated when the CPM cannot reach the other chassis using its local CPM interconnect ports. |
Effect | Another control communications path may still be available between the CPM and the other chassis via the mate CPM in the same chassis. If that alternative path is not available then complete disruption of control communications to the other chassis will occur and the tmnxInterChassisCommsDown alarm is raised. A tmnxCpmNoLocalIcPort alarm on the active CPM indicates that a further failure of the local CPM interconnect ports on the standby CPM will cause complete disruption of control communications to the other chassis and the tmnxInterChassisCommsDown alarm is raised. A tmnxCpmNoLocalIcPort alarm on the standby CPM indicates that a CPM switchover may cause temporary disruption of control communications to the other chassis while the rebooting CPM comes back into service. |
Recovery | Ensure that all CPM interconnect ports in the system are properly cabled together with working cables. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2057 |
Event name | tmnxCpmCardSyncFileNotPresent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.45 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : Optional file $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSyncFile$ is not present during sync operation |
Cause | The tmnxCpmCardSyncFileNotPresent notification is generated when the redundancy file synchronization failed to locate an optional file. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4016 |
Event name | tmnxCpmIcPortDDMClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM interconnect port SFF DDM $tmnxDDMLaneIdOrModule$ ($tmnxDDMFailedObject$) cleared |
Cause | The tmnxCpmIcPortDDMFailure notification is generated when an SFF in a CPM interconnect port that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) clears a failed state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4015 |
Event name | tmnxCpmIcPortDDMFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM interconnect port SFF DDM $tmnxDDMLaneIdOrModule$ ($tmnxDDMFailedObject$) raised |
Cause | The tmnxCpmIcPortDDMFailure notification is generated when an SFF in a CPM interconnect port that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) enters a failed state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4003 |
Event name | tmnxCpmIcPortDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM interconnect port is not operational. Error code = $tmnxCpmIcPortOperState$ |
Cause | The tmnxCpmIcPortDown alarm is generated when the CPM interconnect port is not operational. The reason may be a cable connected incorrectly, a disconnected cable, a faulty cable, or a misbehaving CPM interconnect port or card. |
Effect | At least one of the control plane paths used for inter-chassis CPM communication is not operational. Other paths may be available. |
Recovery | A manual verification and testing of each CPM interconnect port is required to ensure fully functional operation. Physical replacement of cabling may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4005 |
Event name | tmnxCpmIcPortSFFInserted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM interconnect port SFF inserted |
Cause | The tmnxCpmIcPortSFFInserted notification is generated when the small form factor (SFF) pluggable optical module (eg. QSFP) is inserted into a CPM interconnect port. |
Effect | This event is for notification only. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4006 |
Event name | tmnxCpmIcPortSFFRemoved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM interconnect port SFF removed |
Cause | The tmnxCpmIcPortSFFRemoved notification is generated when the SFF (eg. QSFP) is removed from the CPM interconnect port. Removing an SFF causes both this trap, and also a tmnxCpmIcPortDown event. |
Effect | Removing the SFF will cause the CPM interconnect port to go down. This port will no longer be able to be used as part of the control plane between chassis but other paths may be available. |
Recovery | Insert a working SFF into the port. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4004 |
Event name | tmnxCpmIcPortUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxCpmIcPortNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM interconnect port is operational |
Cause | The tmnxCpmIcPortUp notification is generated when the CPM interconnect port is operational again. |
Effect | A control plane communication path between CPM cards in the different chassis have been established. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2153 |
Event name | tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.140 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The standby CPM $tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum$ has a different memory size than the active $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$ |
Cause | A tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatch notification is generated when the RAM memory size of the standby CPM (i.e., tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum) is different than the active CPM (i.e., tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex). |
Effect | There is an increased risk of the memory overflow on the standby CPM during the CPM switchover. |
Recovery | Use CPMs with the same memory size. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2154 |
Event name | tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatchClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.141 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | The standby CPM $tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum$ has the same memory size as the active $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$ |
Cause | A tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatchClear notification is generated when the RAM memory sizes of the standby (i.e., tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum) and active (i.e., tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex) CPMs become matched. |
Effect | The tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatch notification is cleared. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2084 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflw |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.72 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflw notification is generated when a flood of distibuted CPU FP protection events occur on a particular card and some of the events are lost due to event throttling mechanism. |
Effect | Some FP notifications configured on the card may not be received. |
Recovery | Notifications will resume once the event throttling ends. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2089 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflwClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.77 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when the event throttling has ended for distibuted CPU protection FP events on a particular card. |
Effect | Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2085 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflw |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.73 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflw notification is generated when a flood of distibuted CPU protection SAP events occur on a particular card and some of the events are lost due to event throttling mechanism. |
Effect | Some SAP notifications configured on the card may not be received. |
Recovery | Notifications will resume once the event throttling ends. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2090 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflwClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.78 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when the event throttling has ended for distibuted CPU protection SAP events on a particular card. |
Effect | Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2086 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflw |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.74 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflw notification is generated when a flood of distibuted CPU protection network-interface events occur on a particular card and some of the events are lost due to event throttling mechanism. |
Effect | Some network-interface notifications configured on the card may not be received. |
Recovery | Notifications will resume once the event throttling ends. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2091 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflwClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.79 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when the event throttling has ended for distibuted CPU protection networrk-interface events on a particular card. |
Effect | Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2088 |
Event name | tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.76 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmClear notification is generated when the dynamic enforcement policer pool usage on the forwarding plane is no longer exhausted. |
Effect | Dynamic enforcement policers are available in the free pool to be allocated when needed. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2087 |
Event name | tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmRaise |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.75 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmRaise notification is generated when the dynamic enforcement policer pool usage on the forwarding plane is nearly exhausted. |
Effect | Dynamic enforcement policers may not get allocated on the forwarding plane. |
Recovery | This notification will be cleared when either the dynamic enforcement policer pool is increased or the usage drops. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxEnvTempTooHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.2 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | $tmnxHwClass$ $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$: temperature too high |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2103 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardChipIfCellEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.90 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxEqCardChipIfCellEvent notification is generated when an inter-chip interface (XPL2 bundle) experiences internal datapath cell errors. |
Effect | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2102 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardChipIfDownEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.89 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxEqCardChipIfDownEvent notification is generated when an inter-chip interface (XPL2 bundle) experiences an internal datapath problem. |
Effect | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.7 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : failed, reason: $tmnxChassisNotifyCardFailureReason$ |
Cause | Generated when one of the cards in a chassis has failed. The card type may be IOM, Fabric, MDA, MCM, CCM, CPM module, compact flash module, etc. tmnxChassisNotifyCardFailureReason contains the reason for card failure. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardFirmwareUpgraded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.40 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : firmware upgraded |
Cause | Generated when a card is hot-inserted into the chassis and its firmware is automatically upgraded. The card type may be IOM or CPM module. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardInserted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : inserted |
Cause | Generated when a card is inserted into the chassis. The card type may be IOM, Fabric, MDA, MCM, CCM CPM module, compact flash module, etc. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2076 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardPChipCamEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.64 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | A fault has been detected in the hardware on IOM $tmnxSlotNum$-forwarding engine $tmnxCardComplexNumber$: Please contact Nokia support |
Cause | The tmnxEqCardPChipCamEvent notification is generated when either an IOM or a CPM experiences a persistent occurrence of a PChip CAM error. On a CPM card, the tmnxCardComplexNumber will be fixed to the value zero (0). |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2059 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardPChipError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.47 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Slot $tmnxCardSlotNum$ detected $tmnxCardFwdDirection$ FCS errors on complex $tmnxCardComplexNumber$. Source card(s) of detected errors: $tmnxCardSrcSlotBitmap$ |
Cause | The tmnxEqCardPChipError notification is generated when persistent FCS errors are detected by the P chip in either the ingress or egress datapath/complex. The value tmnxCardSrcSlotBitmap is only used for the egress datapath/complex direction. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2063 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardPChipMemoryEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.51 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxEqCardPChipMemoryEvent notification is generated when a P-chip experiences an occurrence of a memory error. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2098 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardQChipBufMemoryEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.86 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxEqCardQChipBufMemoryEvent notification is generated when a Q-chip experiences an occurrence of a buffer memory error. |
Effect | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2101 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardQChipIntMemoryEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.88 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxEqCardQChipIntMemoryEvent notification is generated when a Q-chip experiences an occurrence of an internal memory error. |
Effect | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2099 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardQChipStatsMemoryEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.87 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxEqCardQChipStatsMemoryEvent notification is generated when a Q-chip experiences an occurrence of a statistics memory error. |
Effect | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardRemoved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.9 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : removed |
Cause | Generated when a card is removed from the chassis. The card type may be IOM, Fabric, MDA, MCM, CCM, CPM module, compact flash module, etc. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2060 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardSoftResetAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.48 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Slot $tmnxHwIndex$ entered soft-reset state $tmnxCardSoftResetState$ |
Cause | The tmnxEqCardSoftResetAlarm notification is generated when an IOM card enters and exits the 'soft-reset' state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2110 |
Event name | tmnxEqCardTChipParityEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.97 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Slot $tmnxHwIndex$ experienced a T-chip memory error occurrence on complex $tmnxCardComplexNumber$ |
Cause | The tmnxEqCardTChipParityEvent notification is generated when a T-chip experiences an occurrence of an internal memory error. |
Effect | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2126 |
Event name | tmnxEqDataPathFailureProtImpact |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.113 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxHwClass$ $tmnxHwIndex$ experienced a datapath failure which impacted a protocol. |
Cause | The tmnxEqDataPathFailureProtImpact notification is generated when a slot experienced a data path failure which impacted a protocol. |
Effect | Services-related data associated with the impacted protocol may be lost. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxEqFanFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.6 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Fan $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$ failed |
Cause | Generated when one of the fans in a fan tray has failed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tmnxEqFlashDataLoss |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.32 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : probable data loss |
Cause | tmnxEqFlashDataLoss is generated when an error occurs while data was being written to the compact flash. This notification indicates a probable data loss. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | tmnxEqFlashDiskFull |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.33 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : disk full |
Cause | tmnxEqFlashDiskFull is generated when there is no space left on the compact flash. No more data can be written to it. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2078 |
Event name | tmnxEqHwEnhancedCapability |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.66 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | CPM Upgrade In Progress. Card in slot $tmnxCardSlotNum$ has enhanced capabilities. |
Cause | The tmnxEqHwEnhancedCapability notification is generated when the hardware, specified by the supplied objects, consists of enhanced capabilities as compared to the active hardware. |
Effect | The system behaves normally under this situation, however, switching to the newer hardware will put the system in an incompatible state with the currently active hardware. That is, once this device takes activity, the lesser capable hardware will fail to communicate with it. In this mode, the system is deemed in a 'one-way upgrade' scenario. |
Recovery | Two modes of recovery exist for this notification: 1) Remove the enhanced hardware, and supply a more compatible device (status quo) with the active hardware. 2) Switch to the enhanced device, and replace the older hardware with a similarly enhanced device (upgrade). |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2104 |
Event name | tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCap |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.91 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The switch fabric capacity is less than the forwarding capacity of $tmnxHwClass$ $tmnxHwIndex$ due to errors in fabric links. |
Cause | The tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCap alarm is generated when the total switch fabric capacity becomes less than the IOM capacity due to link failures. At least one of the taps on the IOM is below 100% capacity. |
Effect | There is diminished switch fabric capacity to forward service-impacting information. |
Recovery | If the system does not self-recover, the IOM must be rebooted. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2105 |
Event name | tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCapClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.92 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The switch fabric capacity alarm for $tmnxHwClass$ $tmnxHwIndex$ was cleared. |
Cause | The tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCapClear notification is generated when the link failures that resulted in the tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCap alarm to be raised have been resolved. |
Effect | There is sufficient switch fabric capacity to forward service-impacting information. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2056 |
Event name | tmnxEqMdaCfgNotCompatible |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.44 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : configuration not compatible with equipped MDA |
Cause | Generated when a supported MDA is inserted into a slot of an IOM, the MDA is compatible with the currently provisioned MDA, but the current configuration on the MDA's ports is not compatible with the inserted MDA. |
Effect | Though services can still be created, if the tmnxMdaNotifyType is the same as the tmnxMDAEquippedType then the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. |
Recovery | Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out/re-provision the MDA for one that is compatible. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2129 |
Event name | tmnxEqMdaIngrXplError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.116 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MDA $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxEqMdaSlotNum$ experienced an ingress XPL error occurrence. |
Cause | The tmnxEqMdaIngrXplError notification is generated when an MDA exhibits persistent ingress XPL errors. |
Effect | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer support. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2061 |
Event name | tmnxEqMdaSyncENotCompatible |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.49 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Provisioned synchronous ethernet not compatible with equipped MDA |
Cause | The tmnxEqMdaSyncENotCompatible notification is generated when an MDA card is inserted into a slot of an IOM. The MDA is compatible with the currently provisioned MDA, but the currently configured synchronous ethernet, tmnxMDASynchronousEthernet, is not compatible with the inserted MDA. |
Effect | Though services can still be created, if the tmnxMdaNotifyType is the same as the tmnxMDAEquippedType then the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. |
Recovery | Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out/re-provision the MDA for one that is compatible. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2058 |
Event name | tmnxEqMdaXplError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.46 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MDA $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMDASlotNum$ experienced an egress XPL error occurrence. |
Cause | The tmnxEqMdaXplError notification is generated when an MDA exhibits persistent egress XPL Errors. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2137 |
Event name | tmnxEqMgmtEthRedStandbyClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.122 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The active CPM's management Ethernet port $tmnxChassisNotifyMgmtEthRedPort$ is serving as the system's management Ethernet port. |
Cause | The tmnxEqMgmtEthRedStandbyClear notification is generated when the active CPM's management Ethernet port goes operationally up and the management Ethernet port reverts from the standby CPM to the active CPM. |
Effect | The management of the node is operating from the active CPM's management Ethernet port and is redundant. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2136 |
Event name | tmnxEqMgmtEthRedStandbyRaise |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.121 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The standby CPM's management Ethernet port $tmnxChassisNotifyMgmtEthRedPort$ is serving as the system's management Ethernet port. |
Cause | The tmnxEqMgmtEthRedStandbyRaise notification is generated when the active CPM's management Ethernet port goes operationally down and the standby CPM's management Ethernet port is operationally up and now serving as the system's management Ethernet port. |
Effect | The management Ethernet port is no longer redundant. The node can be managed via the standby CPM's management Ethernet port only. |
Recovery | Bring the active CPM's management Ethernet port operationally up. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2148 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassisFanFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.135 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ fan $tmnxPhysChassisFanIndex$ failure |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassisFanFailure notification is generated when one of the fans in a fan tray fails on a particular physical chassis. |
Effect | The fan is no longer operational. |
Recovery | Insert a new fan. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2149 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassisFanFailureClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.136 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ fan $tmnxPhysChassisFanIndex$ failure cleared |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassisFanFailureClear notification is generated when the fan failure is cleared on the particular physical chassis. |
Effect | The fan is operational again. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2140 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupAcFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.127 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ power supply $tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId$ AC failure |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupAcFail notification is generated when an AC failure occurs on the power supply. |
Effect | The power supply is no longer operational. |
Recovery | Insert a new power supply. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2141 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupAcFailClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.128 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ power supply $tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId$ AC failure cleared |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupAcFailClr notification is generated when the AC failure is cleared on the power supply. |
Effect | The power supply is operational again. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2142 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupDcFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.129 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ power supply $tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId$ DC failure |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupDcFail notification is generated when a DC failure occurs on the power supply. |
Effect | The power supply is no longer operational. |
Recovery | Insert a new power supply. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2143 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupDcFailClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.130 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ power supply $tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId$ DC failure cleared |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupDcFailClr notification is generated when the DC failure is cleared on the power supply. |
Effect | The power supply is operational again. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2144 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupInFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.131 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ power supply $tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId$ input failure |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupInFail notification is generated when an input failure occurs on the power supply. |
Effect | The power supply is no longer operational. |
Recovery | Check input feed and/or insert a new power supply. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2145 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupInFailClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.132 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ power supply $tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId$ input failure cleared |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupInFailClr notification is generated when the input failure is cleared on the power supply. |
Effect | The power supply is operational again. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2146 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOutFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.133 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ power supply $tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId$ output failure |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOutFail notification is generated when an output failure occurs on the power supply. |
Effect | The power supply is no longer operational. |
Recovery | Insert a new power supply. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2147 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOutFailCl |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.134 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ power supply $tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId$ output failure cleared |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOutFailCl notification is generated when an output failure is cleared on the power supply. |
Effect | The power supply is operational again. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2138 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOvrTmp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.125 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ power supply $tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId$ over temperature |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOvrTmp notification is generated when a power supply's temperature surpasses the threshold of the particular physical chassis. |
Effect | The power supply is no longer operational. |
Recovery | Check input feed and/or insert a new power supply. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2139 |
Event name | tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOvrTmpClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.126 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | Chassis $tmnxPhysChassisNum$ power supply $tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId$ over temperature cleared |
Cause | The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOvrTmpClr notification is generated when a power supply's temperature is reduced below the threshold of the particular physical chassis. |
Effect | The power supply is operational again. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2092 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerCapacityExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.80 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The system has reached maximum power capacity $tmnxChassisNotifyPowerCapacity$ watts |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerCapacityExceeded alarm is generated when a device needs power to boot, but there is not enough power capacity to support the device. |
Effect | A non-powered device will not boot until the power capacity is increased to support the device. |
Recovery | Add a new power supply to the system or change the faulty power supply for a working one. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2093 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerCapacityExceededClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.81 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The system power capacity is sufficient to support installed devices |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerCapacityExceededClear notification is generated when the available power capacity exceeds the required power to boot all inserted devices. |
Effect | Devices that failed to boot due to power constrains, power up. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2094 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerLostCapacity |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.82 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The system can no longer support configured devices. Power capacity dropped to $tmnxChassisNotifyPowerCapacity$ watts |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerLostCapacity alarm is generated when a power supply fails or is removed which puts the system in an overloaded situation. |
Effect | Devices are powered off in order of lowest power priority (tmnxMDAHwPowerPriority) until the available power capacity can support the powered devices. |
Recovery | Add a new power supply to the system or change the faulty power supply for a working one. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2095 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerLostCapacityClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.83 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The system has reached a sustainable power capacity. |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerLostCapacityClear notification is generated when the available power capacity exceeds the required power to boot all inserted devices. |
Effect | Devices that powered off due to power constrains, power up. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2096 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerOverloadState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.84 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | The system has reached critical power capacity. Increase available power now. |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerOverloadState alarm is generated when the overloaded power capacity can not support the power requirements and there are no further devices that can be powered off. |
Effect | The system runs a risk of experiencing brownouts while the available power capacity does not meet the required power consumption. |
Recovery | Add power capacity or manually shut down devices until the power capacity meets the power needs. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2097 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerOverloadStateClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.85 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | The system has reached a sustainable power capacity for critical equipment. |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerOverloadStateClear notification is generated when the available power capacity meets or exceeds the power needs of the powered on devices. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2107 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSafetyAlertClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.94 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerSafetyAlertClear notification is generated when the system power capacity raises above the configured safety alert threshold. |
Effect | This event is for notification only. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2106 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSafetyAlertThreshold |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.93 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The system power capacity for zone $tmnxChassisPwrMgmtZone$ dropped below the configured safety alert threshold of $tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyAlert$ watts. |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerSafetyAlertThreshold notification is generated when the system power capacity drops below the configured safety alert threshold. |
Effect | This event is for notification only. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2109 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSafetyLevelClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.96 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The peak nodal power for zone $tmnxChassisPwrMgmtZone$ consumption dropped below the configured safety level threshold of $tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyLevel$ percent |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerSafetyLevelClear notification is generated when the peak nodal power consumption drops below the configured safety level threshold. |
Effect | This event is for notification only. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2108 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSafetyLevelThreshold |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.95 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The peak nodal power for zone $tmnxChassisPwrMgmtZone$ consumption exceeded the configured safety level threshold of $tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyLevel$ percent |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerSafetyLevelThreshold notification is generated when the peak nodal power consumption exceeds the configured safety level threshold. |
Effect | This event is for notification only. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSupplyFailureAc |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.3 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Power supply $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$ AC failure |
Cause | Generated when the temperature sensor reading on an equipment object is greater than its configured threshold. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSupplyFailureDc |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.3 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Power supply $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$ DC failure |
Cause | Generated when one of the chassis's power supplies fails. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2050 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSupplyFailureInput |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.3 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Power supply $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$ input failure |
Cause | Generated when one of the chassis's power supplies fails. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2051 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSupplyFailureOutput |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.3 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Power supply $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$ output failure |
Cause | Generated when one of the chassis's power supplies fails. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSupplyFailureOvt |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.3 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Power supply $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$ over temperature |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2113 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.100 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Power supply $tmnxHwIndex$ $tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInFeedDown$not supplying power. |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlm alarm is generated if any one of the input feeds for a given power supply is not supplying power. |
Effect | There is an increased risk of system power brown-outs or black-outs. |
Recovery | Restore all of the input feeds that are not supplying power. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2114 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.101 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The input feeds for power supply $tmnxHwIndex$ are supplying power. |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlmClr notification is generated when the last of the missing input feeds has been brought back online. |
Effect | All power supply input feeds are supplying power. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSupplyInserted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.4 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Power supply $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$ inserted |
Cause | Generated when one of the chassis's power supplies is inserted. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2111 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSupplyPemACRectAlm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.98 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Power supply $tmnxHwIndex$ $tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemACRect$failed or missing. |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerSupplyPemACRectAlm alarm is generated if any one of the AC rectifiers for a given power supply is in a failed state or is missing. |
Effect | There is an increased risk of the power supply failing, causing insufficient power to the system. |
Recovery | Bring the AC rectifiers back online. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2112 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSupplyPemACRectAlmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.99 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The power supply $tmnxHwIndex$ AC rectifiers are fully operational. |
Cause | The tmnxEqPowerSupplyPemACRectAlmClr notification is generated when the last of the failed or missing AC rectifiers has been brought back online. |
Effect | The power supply AC rectifiers are fully operational. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxEqPowerSupplyRemoved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.5 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Power supply $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$, power lost |
Cause | Generated when one of the chassis's power supplies is removed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2115 |
Event name | tmnxEqProvPowerCapacityAlm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.102 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The provisioned power capacity can no longer support configured devices. |
Cause | The tmnxEqProvPowerCapacityAlm notification is generated if a power zone's provisioned power capacity can no longer support configured devices. |
Effect | There is an increased risk of device power outages that may be service affecting. |
Recovery | Increase the provisioned power capacity. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2116 |
Event name | tmnxEqProvPowerCapacityAlmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.103 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The provisioned power capacity now supports configured devices. |
Cause | The tmnxEqProvPowerCapacityAlmClr notification is generated when the power zone's provisioned power capacity can support configured devices. |
Effect | All configured devices in the power zone have enough provisioned power capacity. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2073 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITS2Alarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.61 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, alarm $tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm$ on BITS 2 reference |
Cause | Generated when an alarm condition on the BITS 2 timing reference is detected. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2074 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITS2AlarmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.62 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, alarm $tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm$ on BITS 2 reference cleared |
Cause | Generated when an alarm condition on the BITS 2 timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2071 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITS2Quality |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.59 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, reference BITS2 received quality level $tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2RxQltyLevel$ |
Cause | Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on the second bits interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.38 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, alarm $tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm$ on BITS$bits-two-supported$ reference |
Cause | Generated when an alarm condition on the BITS timing reference is detected. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.39 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, alarm $tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm$ on BITS$bits-two-supported$ reference cleared |
Cause | Generated when an alarm condition on the BITS timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2075 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSOutRefChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.63 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, BITS output timing reference changed to $tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutRefSel$ |
Cause | Generated when the BITS Out timing reference selection changes. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2070 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSQuality |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.58 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, reference BITS$bits-two-supported$ received quality level $tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSRxQltyLevel$ |
Cause | Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on the bits interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldover |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.26 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface in holdover state |
Cause | Generated when the synchronous equipment timing subsystem transitions into a holdover state. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldoverClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.27 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface holdover state cleared |
Cause | Generated when the synchronous equipment timing subsystem transitions out of the holdover state. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2080 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingPTPAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.68 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, alarm $tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm$ on PTP reference |
Cause | Generated when an alarm condition on the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) timing reference is detected. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2081 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingPTPAlarmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.69 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, alarm $tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm$ on PTP reference cleared |
Cause | Generated when an alarm condition on the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2079 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingPTPQuality |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.67 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, reference PTP received quality level $tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPRxQltyLevel$ |
Cause | Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP). |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.28 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, alarm $tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm$ on reference 1 |
Cause | Generated when an alarm condition on the first timing reference is detected. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1AlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.29 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, alarm $tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm$ on reference 1 cleared |
Cause | Generated when an alarm condition on the first timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2068 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1Quality |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.56 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, reference 1 received quality level $tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1RxQltyLevel$ |
Cause | Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on timing reference 1. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.30 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, alarm $tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm$ on reference 2 |
Cause | Generated when an alarm condition on the second timing reference is detected. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2AlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.31 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, alarm $tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm$ on reference 2 cleared |
Cause | Generated when an alarm condition on the second timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2069 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2Quality |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.57 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, reference 2 received quality level $tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2RxQltyLevel$ |
Cause | Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on timing reference 2. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2072 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRefSwitch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.60 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, timing reference changed to $tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1InUse$ |
Cause | Generated when there is a change of which timing reference is providing timing for the system. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2077 |
Event name | tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSystemQuality |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.65 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous Timing interface, System Quality Level changed to $tmnxSyncIfTimingSystemQltyLevel$ |
Cause | This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) There has been a switch in the timing reference in use by the network element, either because the previously active timing reference was disqualified, or to ensure that the network element is using the timing reference with the best timing quality. 2) There has been a change in the active timing reference's quality and the change does not result in a timing reference switch. 3) The network element has transitioned into or out of the holdover state. |
Effect | The system quality level is used to determine the SSM code transmitted on synchronous interfaces. This may affect the SSM code transmitted on some or all interfaces, which may affect the distribution of timing throughout the network. |
Recovery | If the customer is expecting the system to be locked to a reference of a particular quality and the system quality has decreased, the customer will need to determine the root cause (for example, loss of communication with a satellite) and resolve the issue. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxEqWrongCard |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : wrong type inserted |
Cause | Generated when the wrong type of card is inserted into a slot of the chassis. Even though a card may be physically supported by the slot, it may have been administratively configured to allow only certain card types in a particular slot location. The card type may be IOM, Fabric, MDA, MCM, CPM module, etc. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2127 |
Event name | tmnxExtStandbyCpmReboot |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.114 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Rebooting extension standby CPM due to master standby CPM reboot and transition into or out of an ISSU state. |
Cause | The tmnxExtStandbyCpmReboot notification is generated after a master standby CPM reboots and it is determined that the master standby CPM has transitioned into or out of an ISSU state. This detected transition will cause a reboot of the extension standby CPM (this reboot is necessary and expected for ISSU operation). This notification helps an operator understand why an extension standby CPM may have rebooted. |
Effect | The extension standby CPM will reboot. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2128 |
Event name | tmnxExtStandbyCpmRebootFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.115 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Unable to automatically reboot extension standby CPM during ISSU. |
Cause | The tmnxExtStandbyCpmRebootFail notification is generated after a master standby CPM reboots and it is determined that the master standby CPM has transitioned into or out of an ISSU state. The system will attempt to reboot the extension standby CPM as part of the normal ISSU process. If the system determines that it cannot reboot the extension standby CPM (i.e. it is not reachable) then this log event is raised. |
Effect | The extension standby CPM may not transition to the ISSU state in which case the ISSU cannot proceed normally. |
Recovery | Resetting the extension standby CPM can be attempted to try and get the CPM into an ISSU state. If that is not successful, then the ISSU should be aborted. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4001 |
Event name | tmnxInterChassisCommsDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxInterChassisNotifications.1 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Control communications disrupted between the active CPM and the chassis |
Cause | The tmnxInterChassisCommsDown alarm is generated when the active CPM cannot reach the far-end chassis. |
Effect | The resources on the far-end chassis are not available. This event for the far-end chassis means that the CPM, SFM, and XCM cards in the far-end chassis will reboot and remain operationally down until communications are re-established. |
Recovery | Ensure that all CPM interconnect ports in the system are properly cabled together with working cables. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4002 |
Event name | tmnxInterChassisCommsUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxInterChassisNotifications.2 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Control communications established between the active CPM and the chassis |
Cause | The tmnxInterChassisCommsUp notification is generated when the control communications are re-established between the active CPM and the far-end chassis. |
Effect | The resources on the far-end chassis are now available. This event for the far-end chassis means that the CPM, SFM and XCM cards in the far-end chassis will start the process of coming back into service. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2124 |
Event name | tmnxIomEventOverflow |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.111 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Iom $tmnxIomResourceType$ Resource event overflow occurred on card $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ at $tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured$. |
Cause | The tmnxIomEventOverflow notification is generated when tmnxIomResStateClr, tmnxIomResExhausted and tmnxIomResHighLimitReached occur more than 200 times because of resource usage fluctuation. The Iom Raises the final trap to indicate overflow and stops logging traps. |
Effect | Some FP notifications configured on the card may not be received. |
Recovery | Notifications will resume once the Overflow clear is set. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2125 |
Event name | tmnxIomEventOverflowClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.112 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxIomResLimMissingNotifCount$ Iom $tmnxIomResourceType$ Resources events were dropped in the last event throttling interval on card $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ at $tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured$. |
Cause | The tmnxIomEventOverflowClr notification is generated when the CPM polls the IOM for traps and the overflow is cleared by logging an overflow-clear on a particular card. |
Effect | Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2122 |
Event name | tmnxIomResExhausted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.109 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | The $tmnxIomResourceType$ resources on IOM $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ and Forwarding Plane $tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum$ has been exhausted at $tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured$. |
Cause | The tmnxIomResExhausted notification is generated when the type of resources on IOM as specified by tmnxIomResourceType has reached the 100% of its utilization threshold. |
Effect | The specified resource has reached the stats pool limit. |
Recovery | Intervention may be required to recover resources. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2121 |
Event name | tmnxIomResHighLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.108 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The $tmnxIomResourceType$ resources on IOM $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ and Forwarding Plane $tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum$ has reached the $tmnxIomResourceLimitPct$% utilization threshold at $tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured$. |
Cause | The tmnxIomResHighLimitReached notification is generated when the resource (of type tmnxIomResourceType) utilization on IOM has reached the value of tmnxIomResourceLimitPct. |
Effect | The specified resource limit is cleared when the number of in-use stats resources falls below the clear threshold of the stats pool limit. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2123 |
Event name | tmnxIomResStateClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.110 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The $tmnxIomResourceType$ resources on IOM $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ and Forwarding Plane $tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum$ has dropped below the $tmnxIomResourceLimitPct$% utilization threshold at $tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured$. |
Cause | The tmnxIomResStateClr notification is generated when the type of resources on IOM as specified by tmnxIomResourceType has dropped back down below the value of tmnxIomResourceLimitPct. |
Effect | The specified resource limit is cleared when the number of in-use stats resources falls below tmnxIomResourceLimitPct of the stats pool limit. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2062 |
Event name | tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsaChgd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.50 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Active ISA changed to $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsa$ for IPSec ISA group $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpId$ where primary ISA is $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpPrimaryIsa$ and Backup ISA is $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpBackupIsa$ |
Cause | The tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsaChgd notification is generated when a change in the active ISA (Integrated Service Adaptor) occurs in an IPsec ISA module group. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2066 |
Event name | tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlHighWMark |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.54 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Number of tunnels for an IPsec ISA module for the group $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpId$ has reached to the high watermark which is 95% of the maximum limit $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels$. |
Cause | The number of tunnels for an IPsec ISA (Integrated Service Adaptor) module has reached to the high watermark which is 95% of the maximum limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2065 |
Event name | tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlLowWMark |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.53 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Number of tunnels for an IPsec ISA module for the group $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpId$ has dropped to the low watermark which is 90% of the maximum limit $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels$. |
Cause | The number of tunnels for an IPsec ISA (Integrated Service Adaptor) module has dropped to the low watermark which is 90% of the maximum limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2067 |
Event name | tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlMax |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.55 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Number of tunnels for an IPsec ISA module the for group $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpId$ has reached the maximum limit $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels$. |
Cause | The number of tunnels for an IPsec ISA (Integrated Service Adaptor) module has reached the maximum limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2064 |
Event name | tmnxIPsecIsaGrpUnableToSwitch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.52 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IPsec ISA $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsa$ for group $tmnxIPsecIsaGrpId$ is unable to switch due to lack of resources on the destination MDA |
Cause | IPsec ISA group is unable to switch due to lack of resources on the destination MDA. |
Effect | In such an event the IPsec ISA group is left without an active MDA and the tmnxIPsecIsaGrpOperState is set to 'outOfService'. |
Recovery | Recovery is possible by releasing resources and performing a shutdown/no shutdown operation to bring up the ISA group. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2083 |
Event name | tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.71 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MDA $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMDASlotNum$ is $tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupInUse$ active in the ISA tunnel-group $tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroup$ |
Cause | The tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupChange notification is generated when IPsec ISA (Integrated Service Adaptor) tunnel-group in-use for the MDA changes value. |
Effect | There is no operational impact due to this event. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5123 |
Event name | tmnxOesCardDegraded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.23 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$: Card degraded |
Cause | The tmnxOesCardDegraded notification is generated when a fault on the card has caused the system to declare a hardware failure. This condition may be declared due to a failure in the SEEP or another hardware failure, depending on the card type the alarm is raised against. |
Effect | The tmnxOesCardDegraded alarm indicates a lower priority fault on the card that does not directly affect the traffic currently flowing through the device. |
Recovery | First attempt a soft reset of the card. If the card has rebooted and the condition did not clear, then try a hard reset of the card. If the card has rebooted and the condition did not clear, then remove the card and re-insert it to see if the condition clears. If the condition remains, then replace the card and follow the return and repair process for the problem card. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5132 |
Event name | tmnxOesCardFirmwareErr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.33 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$: Inventory error |
Cause | The tmnxOesCardFirmwareErr is raised when the device installed in the shelf has an EEPROM that does not contain the correct or recognizable information. |
Effect | The card may demonstrate other alarms due to this condition. |
Recovery | Replace the card. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5139 |
Event name | tmnxOesCfgBlocked |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES Configuration blocked |
Cause | This event tmnxOesCfgBlocked notification is generated when a configuration being made in the OES is blocked. |
Effect | The configuration is not active in the OES. |
Recovery | One possible reason for this configuration failure is if there is a card present in the OES that is a supported card type but the router was not yet aware of its presence. This condition should clear as soon as the router becomes aware of the card. A second reason is when the supported card is present and is misaligned with the configuration (e.g. card present in slot 3 and 4, yet configuration is oes-1/2 where the width of card is two slots). This condition cannot be cleared automatically as the card has to be moved to the correct slot (or the configuration has to be removed for card oes-1/3 via cli command ). A third reason is when there is an unsupported card type in the OES that the router cannot manage. This condition cannot be cleared automatically and the OES will need to be recommissioned to clear the condition. Note: services on cards not impacted by the unknown card type are not affected. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5138 |
Event name | tmnxOesCfgFailNoMemory |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.14 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES Configuration failed due to insufficient dynamic memory |
Cause | The tmnxOesCfgFailNoMemory notification is generated when a request to obtain dynamic memory to download a configuration to the OES has failed. |
Effect | The configuration is not active in the OES. |
Recovery | This may be a temporary issue and the condition may clear on its own. If the event is raised periodically, then there is a permanent memory issue and the support organization should be informed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5117 |
Event name | tmnxOesCtlCardActivityChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.17 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES active control card changed to $tmnxHwIndex$ |
Cause | The tmnxOesCtlCardActivityChange notification is generated when the active Equipment Controller has changed to the card specified by the tmnxHwIndex. |
Effect | The active Equipment Controller has moved to the previously standby card. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5101 |
Event name | tmnxOesCtlCardPortDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES Ctl Card Port is not operational |
Cause | The tmnxOesCtlCardPortDown notification is generated when a port (e.g. ES 1 or AUX) on an OES Control Card (e.g. EC card) is not operational. The reason may be a misconnected, disconnected or faulty cable, a faulty port or Control Card. |
Effect | If an ES (Extension Shelf) port is down then one of the control plane communication paths between EC (Equipment Controller) cards in different OES Chassis is not available. The control communications with one or more OES subtending chassis may be affected rendering the Chassis unmanageable. Other control paths may be available. If an AUX port is down then one of the control plane communication paths between the router and the OES Master Chassis is not available and control communications with the OES may be affected rendering the OES unmanageable. Other control paths may be available. |
Recovery | Check that the cable is correctly connected and test the cable. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5102 |
Event name | tmnxOesCtlCardPortUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES Ctl Card Port is operational |
Cause | The tmnxOesCtlCardPortUp notification is generated when the port on the OES Control Card (e.g. EC card) is operational. |
Effect | If an ES port is up then a control plane communication path between EC cards in different OES Chassis has been established. If an AUX port is up then a control plane communication path between the router and the OES Master Chassis has been established and the OES can be managed by the router. |
Recovery | No recovery required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5001 |
Event name | tmnxOesCtlCommsDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.1 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Control communications disrupted between the Active CPM and the OES Master chassis, reason: $tmnxOesCtlCommsDownReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxOesCtlCommsDown notification is generated when the active CPM can't reach the OES master chassis. |
Effect | The OES can't be managed by the router. |
Recovery | Ensure that all control communications ports between the router and the OES master chassis are correctly connected and test the cables. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5002 |
Event name | tmnxOesCtlCommsUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.2 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Control communications established between the Active CPM and the OES Master chassis |
Cause | The tmnxOesCtlCommsUp notification is generated when the active CPM can reach the OES master chassis. |
Effect | The OES can be managed by the router. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5005 |
Event name | tmnxOesDbInvalid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.5 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | OES database invalid |
Cause | The tmnxOesDbInvalid notification may be raised under the following conditions: 1) During initial installation, if the OES is not properly commissioned. 2) The serial number in the database does not match that of the OES either because the controller was replaced or the alarm card was replaced. 3) A downgrade of OES software has occurred. 4) Equipment Controller is removed/reseated during a system process, causing file corruption. 5) The database audit failed indicating some type of corruption of the database. |
Effect | The OES is not in a normal operating mode. It does not have the correct configuration and the state of its cards is unpredictable. As a result, the OES will not boot normally and not all commands are allowed. |
Recovery | A database corruption on the OES requires that the OES be re-commissioned. The correct database is held in the host system so it will be restored to the shelf once the existing database is cleared and the host re-establishes communication with the OES. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5006 |
Event name | tmnxOesDbInvalidClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.6 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | OES database invalid cleared |
Cause | The tmnxOesDbInvalidClear notification is generated when the active Equipment Controller previously under tmnxOesDbInvalid condition now contains a valid database. |
Effect | The OES active Equipment Controller's database is now valid. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5003 |
Event name | tmnxOesDbSyncFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES database synchronization failure |
Cause | The tmnxOesDbSyncFailure notification may be raised under the following conditions: 1) An incorrectly seated Equipment Controller. 2) The software versions on the active and inactive Equipment Controllers are not compatible. 3) A hardware problem with one or both controllers. |
Effect | The OES does not have redundancy protection between the two Equipment Controller cards. |
Recovery | Proceed as follows to clear the Database Synchronization Failed alarm: 1) Remove the Equipment Controller with the condition and examine the connector on the back of the card for damage, including bent or broken pins. 2) Examine the connector on the backplane for damage. If there is damage to the backplane of the shelf, contact your service representative. 3) Re-insert the Equipment Controller into its original slot and allow the card to initialize. 4) Repeat Step 2) through Step 4) for the second Equipment Controller. 5) Replace the Equipment Controller with the alarm condition with a new unit. If the condition is not cleared, replace the second Equipment Controller with a new unit. Follow the return and repair process to return the faulty card to an authorized repair center for replacement. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5004 |
Event name | tmnxOesDbSyncFailureClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES database synchronization failure cleared |
Cause | The tmnxOesDbSyncFailureClear notification is generated when the active Equipment Controller is able to synchronize its database with the inactive Equipment Controller. |
Effect | The active and inactive Equipment Controller's databases are now synchronized. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5007 |
Event name | tmnxOesDbUnsync |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES active and standby EC databases out of sync |
Cause | The tmnxOesDbUnsync notification is generated when the active and standby Equipment Controllers are not in sync. |
Effect | The OES does not have redundancy protection between the two Equipment Controller cards. If a switchover were to occur, then the database of the newly active controller might not reflect the latest configuration. |
Recovery | Proceed as follows to clear the Database Unsynchronization alarm: 1) Perform a warm reset of the standby controller; 2) If step 1 does not clear the alarm condition, then contact the next level of technical support for help. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5008 |
Event name | tmnxOesDbUnsyncClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES active and standby EC databases synchronized |
Cause | The tmnxOesDbUnsyncClear notification is generated when the previously out of sync database is now synchronized between the active and standby Equipment Controller cards. |
Effect | The database is synchronized between the active and standby Equipment Controller cards. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5107 |
Event name | tmnxOesFan32HReqd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.7 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | OES high speed fan required (FAN32H) |
Cause | The tmnxOesFan32HReqd notification is generated when the OES chassis requires high speed fan (FAN32H), but the fan inserted is not FAN32H type. |
Effect | The OES chassis is not operating with required fan type. |
Recovery | Replace the OES fan unit with FAN32H. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5108 |
Event name | tmnxOesFan32HReqdClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.8 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Cleared: OES high speed fan required (FAN32H) |
Cause | The tmnxOesFan32HReqdClear notification is generated when the OES chassis is equipped with FAN32H or when the alarmed fan unit with tmnxOesFan32HReqd condition is removed from the slot. |
Effect | The OES chassis is operating with required FAN32H type, or the incorrect fan unit has been removed. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5109 |
Event name | tmnxOesFanFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.9 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | OES Fan Failure: $tmnxOesNotifyFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxOesFanFailure notification is generated when the fan unit in an OES chassis has failed. tmnxOesNotifyFailureReason contains the reason for fan failure. |
Effect | The fan unit in the OES chassis is out of service. |
Recovery | If the condition causing fan failure can not be removed, replace the faulty fan unit. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5110 |
Event name | tmnxOesFanFailureClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.10 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Clear OES Fan Failure: $tmnxOesNotifyFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxOesFanFailureClear notification is generated when fan failure in an OES chassis is cleared. tmnxOesNotifyFailureReason contains the reason for fan failure being cleared. |
Effect | The fan unit in the OES chassis is in service. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5106 |
Event name | tmnxOesFanInserted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.6 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | OES Fan Inserted |
Cause | The tmnxOesFanInserted notification is generated when the OES fan unit is inserted into its slot in the OES chassis. |
Effect | The OES chassis is now equipped with a fan unit. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5105 |
Event name | tmnxOesFanRemoved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.5 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | OES Fan Removed |
Cause | The tmnxOesFanRemoved notification is generated when the OES fan unit is removed from its slot in the OES chassis. |
Effect | The function of OES fan unit is not available. |
Recovery | Insert OES fan unit into its slot. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5124 |
Event name | tmnxOesFanSpeedHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.24 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES Fan speed is too high |
Cause | The tmnxOesFanSpeedHigh notification is generated when the fan speed is too high, based upon the current shelf cooling requirements. |
Effect | The fans run faster than required. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the fan tray into the chassis. If the alarm does not clear then replace the fan tray. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5125 |
Event name | tmnxOesFanSpeedHighClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.25 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES Fan speed is too high cleared |
Cause | The tmnxOesFanSpeedHighClear notification is generated when the conditions causing a tmnxOesFanSpeedHigh notification have been cleared. Fan speed has returned to acceptable conditions. |
Effect | The fan speed is normal. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5126 |
Event name | tmnxOesFanSpeedLow |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.26 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES Fan speed is too low |
Cause | The tmnxOesFanSpeedLow notification is generated when the fan speed is too low, based upon the current shelf cooling requirements. |
Effect | The fans run slower than required. |
Recovery | Check for airflow blockage or a dirty filter, and clear. If no problems are found, replace the fan tray. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5127 |
Event name | tmnxOesFanSpeedLowClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.27 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES Fan speed is too low cleared |
Cause | The tmnxOesFanSpeedLowClear notification is generated when the conditions causing a tmnxOesFanSpeedLow notification have been cleared. Fan speed has returned to acceptable conditions. |
Effect | The fan speed is normal. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5137 |
Event name | tmnxOesFirmwareCondition |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.13 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$: $tmnxOesEventReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxOesFirmwareCondition notification is generated when the firmware on the card has a condition that needs to be notified to network administrator. The value of tmnxOesEventReason object specifies the specific reason for the condition. |
Effect | Not all the features may be available. |
Recovery | Perform a hard reset of the card. If the condition persists, then contact Nokia customer support. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5118 |
Event name | tmnxOesFpgaFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.18 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | OES FPGA download failure |
Cause | The tmnxOesFpgaFail notification is generated during an out-of-service upgrade when the FPGA file downloaded to the card was corrupt or the FPGA failed to program correctly. |
Effect | The OES card shall automatically cold reboot and the card shall attempt to recover. While the condition exists the card remains out-of-service. |
Recovery | If the card has rebooted and the condition did not clear, then first reseat the card and see if the condition clears. If the condition remains, then replace the card and follow the return and repair process for the problem card. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5119 |
Event name | tmnxOesFpgaFailClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.19 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | OES FPGA download failure cleared |
Cause | The tmnxOesFpgaFailClear notification is generated when the FPGA is successfully programmed. |
Effect | The FPGA is successfully programmed. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5120 |
Event name | tmnxOesFpgaTimeout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.20 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | OES FPGA timeout |
Cause | The tmnxOesFpgaTimeout notification is generated when the FPGA file download and reprogramming took longer than expected (about 45 minutes). |
Effect | The FPGA on the indicated card was not reprogrammed in the time window. |
Recovery | If the OES card is operational, wait for a maintenance window and reset the OES card. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5121 |
Event name | tmnxOesFpgaTimeoutClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.21 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | OES FPGA timeout cleared |
Cause | The tmnxOesFpgaTimeoutClear notification is generated when the OES FPGA timeout condition is cleared. |
Effect | The FPGA is successfully programmed. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5134 |
Event name | tmnxOesNtpOutOfSync |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | NTP is enabled but not in sync with NTP server |
Cause | The tmnxOesNtpOutOfSync notification is generated when NTP time on the OES is not synchronized to the host router. The host router must have NTP enabled and have recovered time from external time sources (NTP to PTP). If there is no NTP time source for the router, it will not serve time to the OES. In addition, once the NE is power cycled, it takes approximately 20-30 minutes to initialize. Thereafter, time synchronization will be completed, with a maximum delay time of 2-3 minutes. |
Effect | Timestamp of event occurring on the OES may not be exactly aligned with the host router. |
Recovery | Ensure the host router has NTP configured and a reachable time source. Allow 40 minutes for the condition to clear. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5135 |
Event name | tmnxOesNtpSync |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | NTP is enabled but not in sync with NTP server cleared |
Cause | The tmnxOesNtpSync notification is generated when NTP on the OES is synchronized to the host router. The host router is serving acceptable time toward the OES and the OES has completed initial acquisition of time from the host. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5122 |
Event name | tmnxOesOptTrnspndrMiscFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.22 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$: miscellaneous failure |
Cause | The tmnxOesOptTrnspndrMiscFail notification is generated when a non-service affecting hardware defect is detected on the card. This condition may be declared on the card due to one of the following causes: 1) Detection of line side transmitter laser bias or optical output power nearing end-of-life. 2) Detection of line receiver ITLA (Integrated Tunable Laser Assembly) laser bias or output power nearing end-of-life. 3) Detection of board-level Analog-to-Digital Conversion Digital Signal Processor (ADC DSP) device defect. 4) A device-to-device interface communication problem. |
Effect | The tmnxOesOptTrnspndrMiscFail alarm indicates a lower priority fault on the card that does not directly affect the traffic currently flowing through the card. However, the card should be replaced at the next available maintenance opportunity. |
Recovery | Replace the card. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5113 |
Event name | tmnxOesPowerSupplyFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.13 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | OES Power Supply Failure: $tmnxOesNotifyFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxOesPowerSupplyFailure notification is generated when the power supply unit in the indicated slot of the OES chassis has failed. tmnxOesNotifyFailureReason contains the reason for the failure. |
Effect | The indicated OES power supply unit is out of service. |
Recovery | If the condition causing the power supply failure can not be removed, replace the faulty power supply unit. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5114 |
Event name | tmnxOesPowerSupplyFailureClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.14 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Clear OES Power Supply Failure: $tmnxOesNotifyFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxOesPowerSupplyFailureClear notification is generated when the power supply failure in the indicated slot of the OES chassis is cleared. tmnxOesNotifyFailureReason contains the reason for the power supply failure being cleared. |
Effect | The indicated power supply unit in the OES chassis is in service. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5112 |
Event name | tmnxOesPowerSupplyInserted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.12 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | OES Power Supply Inserted |
Cause | The tmnxOesPowerSupplyInserted notification is generated when the OES power supply unit is inserted into its slot in the OES chassis. |
Effect | The indicated slot of the OES chassis is now equipped with the power supply unit. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5111 |
Event name | tmnxOesPowerSupplyRemoved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.11 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | OES Power Supply Removed |
Cause | The tmnxOesPowerSupplyRemoved notification is generated when an OES power supply unit is removed from its slot in the OES chassis. |
Effect | The power supply unit is not present in the indicated OES chassis slot. |
Recovery | Insert OES power supply unit into its slot. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5130 |
Event name | tmnxOesRedundancyFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.30 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$: Equipment controller redundancy failure |
Cause | The tmnxOesRedundancyFail notification is generated when the inactive equipment controller card in the OES is not providing redundancy protection. In some cases this is a transitory alarm that occurs as redundant Equipment Controllers discover one another and synchronize. Typical causes for the persistence of this alarm are: 1) Irreconcilable database schemas. 2) Inability to support system timing. 3) System timing is compromised. The inactive controller system timing module is not reporting the same status as the active controller or is reporting an error that the active controller does not have. 4) Subshelf link missing. Reasons that are generally transitory are: 1) Database not yet fully synchronized. 2) Software loads are not yet synchronized. Some or all of these may apply when the alarm is raised. |
Effect | The OES is not protected against failure of the active Equipment Controller. |
Recovery | Check for the Redundancy demerit in the detailed information of the chassis indicated. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5131 |
Event name | tmnxOesRedundancyReady |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.31 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$: Redundancy ready |
Cause | The tmnxOesRedundancyReady notification is generated when the equipment controller cards in the indicated OES chassis are providing redundant protection. The equipment controller cards are synchronized. |
Effect | The equipment controller cards are synchronized. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5136 |
Event name | tmnxOesSwBelowMinRev |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES running software version $tmnxOesRunningSwImage$ is below the minimum expected version $tmnxOesExpectedSwImage$ |
Cause | The tmnxOesSwBelowMinRev notification is generated when the version of the running OES software image is below the minimum expected version. |
Effect | The OES may not be operating as expected. |
Recovery | Upgrade the OES to a software image that is equal to or greater than the minimum expected version. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5140 |
Event name | tmnxOesSwUpgdCleanupFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.16 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxHwClass$ : Software upgrade cleanup failed: $tmnxOesEventReason$ |
Cause | This event tmnxOesSwUpgdCleanupFailed notification is generated when the operation to clean-up a failed software upgrade fails. The reason for the failure is specified in the object tmnxOesEventReason. |
Effect | The OES software revision cannot be determined and so the operational state of the respective OES or OES card is indeterminate. |
Recovery | 1) Determine the reason for the upgrade failure from tmnxOesSwUpgradeCancelFlrReason in the notification. First clear the condition indicated by the reason. 2) Re-try the upgrade procedure. 3) Contact the Nokia technical support team if the re-try does not fix the problem. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5133 |
Event name | tmnxOesSwUpgdFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-MIB.tmnxOesNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES software upgrade failed: $tmnxOesEventReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxOesSwUpgdFailed notification is generated when a failure occurs in upgrading a component in the OES. This notification is applicable at the NE (Network Element) level and/or the card level. |
Effect | The component is not upgraded. |
Recovery | 1) Determine the reason the upgrade failed by checking the tmnxOesEventReason. First clear the condition indicated by the reason in the object tmnxOesEventReason. 2) Perform a soft reset on the card that failed to upgrade and try the upgrade procedure again. 3) Perform a hard reset on the card that failed to upgrade and try the upgrade procedure again. 4) Remove and re-insert the card that failed to upgrade and try the upgrade procedure again. 5) Replace the card that failed to upgrade and try the upgrade procedure again. 6) Inform the Nokia technical support team. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5128 |
Event name | tmnxOesTempLow |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.28 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$: Operational temperature too low |
Cause | The tmnxOesTempLow notification is generated when the card has detected its temperature is below operational limits. |
Effect | The card performance may degrade or may not work as expected. |
Recovery | Ensure that no environmental issues exist where the network element resides. Resolve any existing issues. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5129 |
Event name | tmnxOesTempLowClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.29 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$: Operational temperature too low cleared |
Cause | The tmnxOesFanSpeedLowClear notification is generated when the card has indicated its temperature is within operational limits. |
Effect | The card resumes normal operation state. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5103 |
Event name | tmnxOesUsrpnlPortDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES USRPNL Port is not operational |
Cause | The tmnxOesUsrpnlPortDown notification is generated when a port (E1 or E2) on an OES USRPNL card is not operational. The reason may be a misconnected, disconnected or faulty cable, or a faulty port or USRPNL. |
Effect | If an E1 or E2 port is down then one of the control plane communication paths between the router and the OES Master Chassis is not available. The control communications with the OES may be affected rendering the OES chassis unmanageable. Other control communications paths may be available. |
Recovery | Check that the cable is correctly connected and test the cable. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 5104 |
Event name | tmnxOesUsrpnlPortUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OES USRPNL Port is operational |
Cause | The tmnxOesUsrpnlPortUp notification is generated when the OES USRPNL port is now operational. |
Effect | If an E1 or E2 port is up then a control plane communication path between the router and the OES Master Chassis has been established and the OES can be managed by the router. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | tmnxPeBootloaderVersionMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.35 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : Bootloader version mismatch - expected software version $tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion$, equipped version $tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer$ |
Cause | Generated when there is a mismatch between the CPM and boot loader versions. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the CPM card. tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer contains the mismatched version of bootloader and tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion contains the expected version of the bootloader. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2028 |
Event name | tmnxPeBootromVersionMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.36 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : Bootrom version mismatch - expected version $tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion$, equipped version $tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer$ |
Cause | Generated when there is a mismatch between the boot rom versions. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the IOM card. tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer contains the mismatched version of bootrom and tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion contains the expected version of the bootrom. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2082 |
Event name | tmnxPeFirmwareVersionWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.70 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : Firmware version $tmnxHwFirmwareCodeVersion$ is compatible but not the latest. Hard reset the MDA/IMM to upgrade to the most recent firmware if desired. |
Cause | Generated when a card is running compatible yet older firmware than the firmware associated with the current software release. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the card. The tmnxHwFirmwareCodeVersion object will contain the programmed the firmware version. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | tmnxPeFPGAVersionMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.37 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : FPGA version mismatch - expected version $tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion$, equipped version $tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer$ |
Cause | Generated when there is a mismatch between the FPGA versions. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the IOM card. tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer contains the mismatched version of FPGA and tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion contains the expected version of the FPGA. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | tmnxPeSoftwareLoadFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.34 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : Failed to load software from $tmnxChassisNotifySoftwareLocation$ |
Cause | Generated when the CPM fails to load the software from a specified location. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the card for which the software load failed and tmnxChassisNotifySoftwareLocation contains the location from where the software load was attempted. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | tmnxPeSoftwareVersionMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.16 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Class $tmnxHwClass$ : Software version mismatch - expected software version $tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion$, equipped version $tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer$ |
Cause | Generated when there is a mismatch between software versions of the active CPM and standby CPM or the CPM and IOM. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the mismatched CPM/IOM card and tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer will contain the version of the mismatched card. The tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion object will contain the expected version. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2120 |
Event name | tmnxPlcyAcctStatsEventOvrflw |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.107 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Policy Accounting FP log event overflow occurred on card $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ at $tmnxPlcyAcctTimeEventOccured$. |
Cause | The tmnxPlcyAcctStatsEventOvrflw notification is generated when tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolExcResource and tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolLowResource occur more than 200 times because of resource usage fluctuation. The IOM raises the final trap to indicate overflow and stops logging traps. |
Effect | Some FP notifications configured on the card may not be received. |
Recovery | Notifications will resume once the Overflow clear is set. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2119 |
Event name | tmnxPlcyAcctStatsEventOvrflwClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.106 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxPlcyAcctMissingNotifCount$ Policy Accounting FP log events were dropped in the last event throttling interval on card $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ at $tmnxPlcyAcctTimeEventOccured$. |
Cause | The tmnxPlcyAcctStatsEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when the CPM polls the IOM for traps and the overflow is cleared by logging an overflow-clear on a particular card. |
Effect | Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2117 |
Event name | tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolExcResource |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.104 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Stats Resource usage on card $tmnxCardSlotNum$ and forwarding plane $tmnxFPNum$ exceeds 95 percent of the stats pool limit. Total stats resource used is '$tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse$' and the limit is '$tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool$' |
Cause | The tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolExcResource notification is generated when the number of in-use stats resource usage as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse exceeds 95 percent of the stats pool limit as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool. |
Effect | The affected device may not provide accurate and complete statistics. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2118 |
Event name | tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolLowResource |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.105 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Stats Resource usage on card $tmnxCardSlotNum$ and forwarding plane $tmnxFPNum$ is below 85 percent of the stats pool limit. Total stats resource used is '$tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse$' and the limit is '$tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool$' |
Cause | The tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolLowResource notification is generated when the number of in-use stats resource as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse is below 85 percent of the stats pool limit as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool. |
Effect | The configured stats pool limit is cleared when the number of in-use stats resources falls below 85 percent of the stats pool limit. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2132 |
Event name | tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDir |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.119 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The $tmnxChassisPowerSupplyFanDir$ fan direction for power supply $tmnxHwIndex$ is not supported. |
Cause | The tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDir notification is generated when the airflow direction of the power supply's fan is incorrect. |
Effect | The power supply is not cooling properly and may overheat. |
Recovery | Replace the power supply with one that has the proper fan direction. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2133 |
Event name | tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDirClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.120 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The fan direction for power supply $tmnxHwIndex$ has been corrected. |
Cause | The tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDirClear notification is generated when the airflow direction of the power supply's fan is corrected. |
Effect | The fan is cooling the power supply in the proper direction. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxRedPrimaryCPMFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.21 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Active CPM failed |
Cause | Generated when the primary CPM fails. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 3001 |
Event name | tmnxSasAlarminput1StateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAS-ALARM-INPUT-MIB.tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifications.1 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Alarm Input \"$tmnxSasAlarmInputDescription$\" (\"$tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyId$\") has changed status to \"$tmnxSasAlarmOutputSeverity$\" \n\"$tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyMessage$\" |
Cause | A tmnxSasAlarminput1StateChanged notification is sent when status of the alarm input on pin one(1) changes. When this notification is sent, the field tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyMessage is populated with either the tmnxSasAlarmInputTriggerMessage when the alarm is raised, or the tmnxSasAlarmInputClearMessage when the alarm is cleared. The trigger or clear actions depend on the polarity of the input as defined in tmnxSasAlarmInputPolarity. |
Effect | A desirable or undesirable event has occurred in the external equipment connected to the alarm input. Hence the characteristics of effect and the associated risks vary depending on the nature of the external equipment being monitored over the alarm input. |
Recovery | Check the external equipment, connected to the alarm input pin one(1), that resulted in this alarm and rectify the problem. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 3002 |
Event name | tmnxSasAlarminput2StateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAS-ALARM-INPUT-MIB.tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifications.2 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Alarm Input \"$tmnxSasAlarmInputDescription$\" (\"$tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyId$\") has changed status to \"$tmnxSasAlarmOutputSeverity$\" \n\"$tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyMessage$\" |
Cause | A tmnxSasAlarminput2StateChanged notification is sent when status of the alarm input on pin two(2) changes. When this notification is sent, the field tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyMessage is populated with either the tmnxSasAlarmInputTriggerMessage when the alarm is raised, or the tmnxSasAlarmInputClearMessage when the alarm is cleared. The trigger or clear actions depend on the polarity of the input as defined in tmnxSasAlarmInputPolarity. |
Effect | A desirable or undesirable event has occurred in the external equipment connected to the alarm input. Hence the characteristics of effect and the associated risks vary depending on the nature of the external equipment being monitored over the alarm input. |
Recovery | Check the external equipment, connected to the alarm input pin two(2), that resulted in this alarm and rectify the problem. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 3003 |
Event name | tmnxSasAlarminput3StateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAS-ALARM-INPUT-MIB.tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifications.3 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Alarm Input \"$tmnxSasAlarmInputDescription$\" (\"$tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyId$\") has changed status to \"$tmnxSasAlarmOutputSeverity$\" \n\"$tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyMessage$\" |
Cause | A tmnxSasAlarminput3StateChanged notification is sent when status of the alarm input on pin three(3) changes. When this notification is sent, the field tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyMessage is populated with either the tmnxSasAlarmInputTriggerMessage when the alarm is raised, or the tmnxSasAlarmInputClearMessage when the alarm is cleared. The trigger or clear actions depend on the polarity of the input as defined in tmnxSasAlarmInputPolarity. |
Effect | A desirable or undesirable event has occurred in the external equipment connected to the alarm input. Hence the characteristics of effect and the associated risks vary depending on the nature of the external equipment being monitored over the alarm input. |
Recovery | Check the external equipment, connected to the alarm input pin three(3), that resulted in this alarm and rectify the problem. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 3004 |
Event name | tmnxSasAlarminput4StateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAS-ALARM-INPUT-MIB.tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifications.4 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Alarm Input \"$tmnxSasAlarmInputDescription$\" (\"$tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyId$\") has changed status to \"$tmnxSasAlarmOutputSeverity$\" \n\"$tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyMessage$\" |
Cause | A tmnxSasAlarminput4StateChanged notification is sent when status of the alarm input on pin four(4) changes. When this notification is sent, the field tmnxSasAlarmInputNotifyMessage is populated with either the tmnxSasAlarmInputTriggerMessage when the alarm is raised, or the tmnxSasAlarmInputClearMessage when the alarm is cleared. The trigger or clear actions depend on the polarity of the input as defined in tmnxSasAlarmInputPolarity. |
Effect | A desirable or undesirable event has occurred in the external equipment connected to the alarm input. Hence the characteristics of effect and the associated risks vary depending on the nature of the external equipment being monitored over the alarm input. |
Recovery | Check the external equipment, connected to the alarm input pin four(4), that resulted in this alarm and rectify the problem. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4026 |
Event name | tmnxSfmIcPortDDMClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFM interconnect port SFF DDM $tmnxDDMLaneIdOrModule$ ($tmnxDDMFailedObject$) cleared |
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortDDMFailure notification is generated when an SFF in an SFM interconnect port that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) clears a failed state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4025 |
Event name | tmnxSfmIcPortDDMFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFM interconnect port SFF DDM $tmnxDDMLaneIdOrModule$ ($tmnxDDMFailedObject$) raised |
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortDDMFailure notification is generated when an SFF in an SFM interconnect port that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) enters a failed state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4027 |
Event name | tmnxSfmIcPortDegraded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Switch fabric capacity associated with the SFM interconnect port is in a $tmnxSfmIcPortDegradeState$ state |
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortDegraded notification is generated when the system has detected a degradation of the switch fabric that is associated with a particular SFM interconnect port. The value of tmnxSfmIcPortDegradeState will reflect this condition by having a value that is NOT 'none (1)'. If the value of tmnxSfmIcPortDegradeState is 'degraded (2)' the SFM interconnect port can still carry some traffic but not at the full capacity of the port. The port and attached cable are not necessarily the cause of the degradation but are a likely cause. |
Effect | Switch fabric capacity on this port is reduced when tmnxSfmIcPortDegradeState is degraded. This may not be causing any impact to service because of redundancy in the fabric. |
Recovery | Although it may not be necessary to maintain full service, replacing the affected components may restore some fabric capacity." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4028 |
Event name | tmnxSfmIcPortDegradedClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Switch fabric capacity associated with the SFM interconnect port is not in a degraded state |
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortDegradedClear notification is generated when the switch fabric associated with the SFM interconnect port is not degraded. This occurs when the value of tmnxSfmIcPortDegradeState is 'none (1)'." |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4017 |
Event name | tmnxSfmIcPortDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortDown alarm is generated when the SFM interconnect port is not operational. The reason may be a cable connected incorrectly, a disconnected cable, a faulty cable, or a misbehaving SFM interconnect port or SFM card. |
Effect | This port can no longer be used as part of the user plane fabric between chassis. Other fabric paths may be available resulting in no loss of capacity. |
Recovery | A manual verification and testing of each SFM interconnect port is required to ensure fully functional operation. Physical replacement of cabling may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4019 |
Event name | tmnxSfmIcPortSFFInserted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFM interconnect port SFF inserted |
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortSFFInserted notification is generated when the Small Form Factor (SFF) pluggable optical module (eg. CXP) is inserted into an SFM interconnect port. |
Effect | This event is for notification only. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4020 |
Event name | tmnxSfmIcPortSFFRemoved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFM interconnect port SFF removed |
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortSFFRemoved notification is generated when the SFF (eg. CXP) is removed from the SFM interconnect port. |
Effect | Removing the module will cause the port to go down. This port can no longer be used as part of the user plane fabric between chassis. Other fabric paths may be available resulting in no loss of capacity. |
Recovery | Insert a working SFF into the SFM interconnect port. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 4018 |
Event name | tmnxSfmIcPortUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-INTERCONNECT-MIB.tmnxSfmIcPortNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFM interconnect port is operational |
Cause | The tmnxSfmIcPortUp notification is generated when the SFM interconnect port is operational again. |
Effect | This port can now be used as part of the user plane fabric between chassis. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2134 |
Event name | tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsup |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.123 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The revision of $tmnxHwIndex$ does not meet the specifications to support the 2048kHz BITS interface type. |
Cause | The tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsup notification is generated when the value of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType is set to 'g703-2048khz (5)' and the CPM does not meet the specifications for the 2048kHz BITS output signal under G.703. |
Effect | The BITS input will not be used as the Sync reference and the 2048kHz BITS output signal generated by the CPM is squelched. |
Recovery | Replace the CPM with one that is capable of generating the 2048kHz BITS output signal, or set tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType to a value other than 'g703-2048khz (5)'. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | CHASSIS |
Event ID | 2135 |
Event name | tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsupClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.124 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | $tmnxHwIndex$ has been replaced with a CPM that meets the specification for 2048kHz or the BITS interface type is no longer 2048kHz. |
Cause | The tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsupClr notification is generated when a tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsup notification is outstanding and the CPM was replaced with one that meets the specifications for the 2048kHz BITS output signal under G.703 or tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType is set to a value other than 'g703-2048khz (5)'. |
Effect | The CPM can now support the configuration of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DEBUG |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | traceEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $subject$: $title$\n$message$ |
Cause | The system generated a debug message. |
Effect | Unknown. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | sapDHCPLeaseEntriesExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease state for (CiAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr$, ChAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateNewChAddr$, leaseTime = $svcDhcpClientLease$) was not stored because the number of DHCP lease states on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ has reached its upper limit |
Cause | The sapDHCPLeaseEntriesExceeded notification is generated when the number of DHCP lease state entries on a given SAP reaches a user configurable upper limit. This limit is given by sapTlsDhcpLeasePopulate for a TLS service and by TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfDHCPLeasePopulate for an IES or VPRN service. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive DHCP lease states. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | sapDHCPLseStateMobilityError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.22 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Unable to perform mobility check on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ |
Cause | The sapDHCPLseStateMobilityError notification indicates that the system was unable to perform a mobility check for this lease state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | sapDHCPLseStateOverride |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Existing lease state (ipAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateOldCiAddr$, macAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateOldChAddr$) on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ overridden to (ipAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr$, macAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateNewChAddr$) |
Cause | The sapDHCPLseStateOverride notification is generated when an existing DHCP lease state is overridden by a new lease state which has the same IP address but a different MAC address. |
Effect | Informational. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | sapDHCPLseStatePopulateErr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease state table population error on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $svcDhcpLseStatePopulateError$ |
Cause | The sapDHCPLseStatePopulateErr notification indicates that the system was unable to update the DHCP Lease State table with the information contained in the DHCP ACK message. |
Effect | The DHCP ACK message has been discarded. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | sapDHCPProxyServerError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.18 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | DHCP Proxy error on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $svcDhcpProxyError$ |
Cause | The sapDHCPProxyServerError notification indicates that the system was unable to proxy DHCP requests. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | sapDHCPSuspiciousPcktRcvd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Suspicious DHCP packet received on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $svcDhcpPacketProblem$ |
Cause | The sapDHCPSuspiciousPcktRcvd notification is generated when a DHCP packet is received with suspicious content. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | sapStatHost6DynMacConflict |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.58 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The system could not update the MAC address for static host $sapStatHost6IpAddress$ on SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$ - $sapNotifyReason$ |
Cause | The system failed to update the MAC address of a static IPv6 host. |
Effect | The static IPv6 host has a MAC address that is not up to date. |
Recovery | The recovery action depends on the exact reason why the MAC update failed. This is clarified in the sapNotifyReason object. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | sapStaticHostDynMacConflict |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Trying to learn conflicting dynamic MAC address for static host $staticHostDynamicMacIpAddress$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ (service $svcId$) - $staticHostDynamicMacConflict$ |
Cause | The sapStaticHostDynMacConflict notification indicates that the system is trying to learn a conflicting IP-only static host dynamic MAC address (sapStaticHostDynMacAddress). |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | sdpBindDHCPLeaseEntriesExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease state for (CiAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr$, ChAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateNewChAddr$, leaseTime = $svcDhcpClientLease$) was not stored because the number of DHCP lease states on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ has reached its upper limit |
Cause | The sdpBindDHCPLeaseEntriesExceeded notification is generated when the number of DHCP lease state entries on a given IES or VRPN spoke-SDP reaches the user configurable upper limit given by TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfDHCPLeasePopulate. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive DHCP lease states. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2028 |
Event name | sdpBindDHCPLseStateMobilityErr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.21 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Unable to perform mobility check on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ |
Cause | The sdpBindDHCPLseStateMobilityErr notification indicates that the system was unable to perform a mobility check for this lease state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | sdpBindDHCPLseStateOverride |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Existing lease state (ipAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateOldCiAddr$, macAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateOldChAddr$) on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ overridden to (ipAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr$, macAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateNewChAddr$) |
Cause | The sdpBindDHCPLseStateOverride notification is generated when an existing DHCP lease state is overridden by a new lease state which has the same IP address but a different MAC address. This notification is only applicable to IES and VPRN spoke-SDPs. |
Effect | Informational. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | sdpBindDHCPLseStatePopulateErr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease state table population error on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ - $svcDhcpLseStatePopulateError$ |
Cause | The sdpBindDHCPLseStatePopulateErr notification indicates that the system was unable to update the DHCP Lease State table with the information contained in the DHCP ACK message. This notification is only applicable to IES and VPRN spoke-SDPs. |
Effect | The DHCP ACK message has been discarded. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | sdpBindDHCPProxyServerError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.17 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | DHCP Proxy error on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ - $svcDhcpProxyError$ |
Cause | The sdpBindDHCPProxyServerError notification indicates that the system was unable to proxy DHCP requests. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | sdpBindDHCPSuspiciousPcktRcvd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Suspicious DHCP packet received on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ - $svcDhcpPacketProblem$ |
Cause | The sdpBindDHCPSuspiciousPcktRcvd notification is generated when a DHCP packet is received with suspicious content. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | svcDHCPLseStateRestoreProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem occured while processing DHCP lease state persistency record (CiAddr = $svcDhcpRestoreLseStateCiAddr$) - $svcDhcpRestoreLseStateProblem$ |
Cause | The svcDHCPLseStateRestoreProblem notification is generated when an error is detected while processing a persistency record. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | svcDHCPMiscellaneousProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.23 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxFailureDescription$ |
Cause | The svcDHCPMiscellaneousProblem notification is generated on miscellaneous DHCP problems. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrDHCP6AssignedIllegSubnet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.26 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Dropped incoming message because the IP address (inetAddr = $vRtrDHCP6AssignedNetAddr$/$vRtrDHCP6AssignedPrefixLen$) assigned to client (inetAddr = $vRtrDHCP6ClientNetAddr$) does not match the subnet of the incoming interface $vRtrIfName$, or conflicts with an existing node IP address in service $vRtrServiceId$ (vRtr $vRtrID$) |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrDHCP6AssignedIllegSubnet notification is generated when an IP address assigned to the client does not match the subnet of the interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrDHCP6ClientMacUnresolved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.27 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Received a relay reply for a client with an unresolved MAC address (inetAddr = $vRtrDHCP6ClientNetAddr$) on interface $vRtrIfName$ in service $vRtrServiceId$ (vRtr $vRtrID$) |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrDHCP6ClientMacUnresolved notification is generated when a relay reply is received for a client, and the client's MAC address has not been resolved yet. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrDHCP6IllegalClientAddr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.25 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Dropped incoming message because the client source IP (inetAddr = $vRtrDHCP6ClientNetAddr$) does not match the subnet of the incoming interface $vRtrIfName$, or conflicts with an existing node IP address in service $vRtrServiceId$ (vRtr $vRtrID$) |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrDHCP6IllegalClientAddr notification is generated when an incoming message is dropped because the client's source IP does not match the subnet of the incoming interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrDHCP6LseStateOverride |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.23 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Override existing lease state (inetAddr = $vRtrDHCP6OldAssignedNetAddr$/$vRtrDHCP6OldAssignedPrefixLen$, chAddr = $vRtrDhcpLseStateOldChAddr$, DUID = $vRtrDHCP6OldClientId$) on interface $vRtrIfName$ in service $vRtrServiceId$ (vRtr $vRtrID$) to (inetAddr = $vRtrDHCP6AssignedNetAddr$/$vRtrDHCP6AssignedPrefixLen$, chAddr = $vRtrDhcpLseStateNewChAddr$, DUID = $vRtrDHCP6NewClientId$) - $vRtrDHCP6LeaseOverrideResult$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrDHCP6LseStateOverride notification is generated when an existing DHCP6 lease state is overridden by a new lease state which has the same IP address but a different client ID. |
Effect | Informational. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrDHCP6RelayLseStExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.21 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease state for (inetAddr = $vRtrDHCP6AssignedNetAddr$/$vRtrDHCP6AssignedPrefixLen$, DUID = $vRtrDHCP6NewClientId$, leaseTime = $svcDhcpClientLease$) was not stored because the number of DHCP6 relay lease states on interface $vRtrIfName$ in service $vRtrServiceId$ (vRtr $vRtrID$) has reached its upper limit of $vRtrIfDHCP6LeasePopulate$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrDHCP6RelayLseStExceeded notification is generated when the number of lease states populated by DHCP6 relay on an interface exceeds vRtrIfDHCP6LeasePopulate. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive DHCP lease states. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrDHCP6RelayReplyStripUni |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.24 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | DHCP6 relay stripped unicast option from message relayed from server (inetAddr = $vRtrDHCP6ServerNetAddr$) in relay reply message on interface $vRtrIfName$ in service $vRtrServiceId$ (vRtr $vRtrID$) |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrDHCP6RelayReplyStripUni notification is generated when a unicast option is stripped from a message relayed from a server to a client in a relay reply message. |
Effect | Informational. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrDHCP6ServerLseStExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.22 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease state for (inetAddr = $vRtrDHCP6AssignedNetAddr$/$vRtrDHCP6AssignedPrefixLen$, DUID = $vRtrDHCP6NewClientId$, leaseTime = $svcDhcpClientLease$) was not stored because the number of DHCP6 server lease states on interface $vRtrIfName$ in service $vRtrServiceId$ (vRtr $vRtrID$) has reached its upper limit of $vRtrIfDHCP6ServerMaxLeaseStates$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrDHCP6ServerLseStExceeded notification is generated when the number of lease states populated by DHCP6 server on an interface exceeds vRtrIfDHCP6ServerMaxLeaseStates. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive DHCP lease states. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrDHCPIfLseStatesExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.20 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease state for (CiAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr$, ChAddr = $svcDhcpLseStateNewChAddr$, leaseTime = $svcDhcpClientLease$) received on SAP $sapEncapValue$ was not stored because the number of DHCP lease states on interface $vRtrIfName$ in service $vRtrServiceId$ (vRtr $vRtrID$) has reached its upper limit of $vRtrIfDHCPLeasePopulate$. |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrDHCPIfLseStatesExceeded notification is generated when the number of lease states on an interface exceeds vRtrIfDHCPLeasePopulate. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive DHCP lease states. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCP |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrDHCPSuspiciousPcktRcvd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Suspicious DHCP packet received on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ in service $vRtrServiceId$ - $vRtrDhcpPacketProblem$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrDHCPSuspiciousPcktRcvd notification is generated when a DHCP packet is received with suspicious content. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2035 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpsAddrAllocationFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.35 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Server \"$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifServerName$\" could not allocate IP address to client (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$). Reason: $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifString$ |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpsAddrAllocationFailure notification is generated when a DHCP server instance could not allocate an address for a client. The reason could be that the DHCP server instance could not find a free address, or it could be a configuration issue. |
Effect | The client does not get an IP address lease this time. The client will have to try again if it needs a lease from this system. |
Recovery | The recovery action, if any, will depend on the reason. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpsFoLeaseUpdateFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | BNDUPD message could not be processed for DHCP lease (serverName=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifServerName$, ipAddr=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifLeaseClientAddr$) sender (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$ DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$) -- reason: $tmnxDhcpsFoLeaseFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpsFoLeaseUpdateFailed notification is generated when a Binding Database Update (BNDUPD) packet received from the failover peer, cannot be processed successfully. The failure reason can be one of the following: foShutdown : the failover state of this DHCP Server instance is 'shutdown'; expired : the lease received from the peer has expired; maxReached : the maximum number of leases is already reached; subnetNotFound : no valid subnet for this lease could be found; rangeNotFound : no valid include range for this lease could be found. |
Effect | If this DHCP server instance would have to perform a failover switch, it may lease addresses that were already given in lease by the failover peer. The effect is the same regardless of the failure reason. |
Recovery | The required recovery action depends on the failure reason: foShutdown : put the DHCP server instance in state 'inService'; put the DHCP server instance failover facility in state 'inService'; expired : ensure the system clocks of this system and its failover peer are synchronized; maxReached : no recovery is possible; subnetNotFound : configure a valid subnet for this lease; rangeNotFound : configure a valid include range for this lease. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpsFoStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | DHCP server $tmnxDhcpServerCfgServerName$ changed failover state: $tmnxDhcpsFoState$. |
Cause | The failover state of the DHCP server instance changed. |
Effect | The effect depends on the new failover state: init | failover is not operational; the DHCP server startUp | instance is not operational; shutdown : failover is not operational; the DHCP server instance is operational in standalone mode; noCommunication : the communication with the partner is lost; the DHCP server temporarily continues to operate as in normal failover state; partnerDown : the partner is assumed down; the DHCP server instance is leasing addresses from its remote ranges as well as its local ranges; normal : failover is operational; the DHCP server instance is leasing addresses from its local ranges. |
Recovery | The required recovery action depends on the new failover state: init | no recovery is required; startUp | shutdown : put the DHCP server instance in state 'inService'; put the DHCP server instance failover facility in state 'inService'; noCommunication | repair the communication with the peer; partnerDown | normal : no recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpsLeaseOfferedExpired |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.34 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease offered by server \"$tmnxDhcpServerCfgServerName$\" ip-address \"$tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseClientAddress$\" to client (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$ DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$ expired |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpsLeaseOfferedExpired notification is generated when a DHCP lease that this system had offered to a client, expires while it is still in the 'offered' state, because this system did not receive a DHCP request message from the client. |
Effect | The client does not get a lease this time. The client will have to try again if it needs a lease from this system. |
Recovery | The recovery action, if any, will depend on the reason of the expiry. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2036 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpsPacketDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.36 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Server \"$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifServerName$\" dropped a packet from client (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$ DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$). Reason: $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifString$ |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpsPacketDropped notification is generated when a DHCP server instance dropped a DHCP packet it received. |
Effect | Some client request fails. The client will have to try again. |
Recovery | The recovery action, if any, will depend on the reason. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpsPoolFoLeaseUpdateFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.25 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | BNDUPD message could not be processed for DHCP lease (serverName=$tmnxDhcpServerCfgServerName$, pool=$tmnxDhcpServerPoolName$s, ipAddr=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifLeaseClientAddr$) sender (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$ DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$) -- reason: $tmnxDhcpsFoLeaseFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpsPoolFoLeaseUpdateFailed notification is generated when a Binding Database Update (BNDUPD) packet received from the failover peer, cannot be processed successfully. This notification is only generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)' or 'ipv6(2)'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpsPoolFoStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.22 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | DHCP server $tmnxDhcpServerCfgServerName$ pool $tmnxDhcpServerPoolName$ changed failover state: $tmnxDhcpsPoolFoState$. |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpsPoolFoStateChange notification is generated when the failover state of the DHCP server instance pool changes. This notification is generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)' or 'ipv6(2)'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrDeclineStaticAddr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | DHCP static IP address (serverName=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifServerName$, ipAddr=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifLeaseClientAddr$) is declined by client (HwAddr=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$) |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrDeclineStaticAddr notification is generated when a DHCP decline message is received from a DHCP client that has a static IP address assigned. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Further investigation is required to determine the cause of the incorrect messages from the client. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrHostConflict |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | DHCP server $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifServerName$ detects IP address assignment conflict for host (name=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifHostName$, type=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifHostType$) sender (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$); ipAddr=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifLeaseClientAddr$. $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrHostConflict notification can be generated for hosts configured with a fixed IP address in the local user database. If such a host requests an IP address and the system detects that this IP address has already been handed out to another (dynamic) host, then the tmnxDhcpSvrHostConflict notification is generated. This notification is only generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the address conflict. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrIntLseConflict |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Internal lease conflict in server \"$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifServerName$\" client (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$ DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$) |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrIntLseConflict notification is generated for DHCP hosts trying to acquire an IP address that was handed through the local address assignment infrastructure, or the local address assignment infrastructure tries to use an IP address that was handed out to a DHCP client. This notification is only generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseCreate |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.18 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease for server \"$tmnxDhcpServerCfgServerName$\" ip-address \"$tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseClientAddress$\" client (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$ DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$) configuration created |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseCreate notification is generated when a DHCP host is created. This notification is generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)' or 'ipv6(2)'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseDefaultTimers |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Reverted to default lease timers for DHCP lease (serverName=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifServerName$, ipAddr=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifLeaseClientAddr$) client (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$ DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$)-- $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseDefaultTimers notification is generated when, for a particular DHCP client, the system has reverted to default lease timer values, because the configuration of the lease timers was inconsistent. The lease renew time T1 and lease rebind time T2 have been reverted to the default values of 1/2 and 2/3 of the lease time. This notification is generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)' or 'ipv6(2)'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseDelete |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.19 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease for server \"$tmnxDhcpServerCfgServerName$\" ip-address \"$tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseClientAddress$\" client (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$ DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$ configuration deleted |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseDelete notification is generated when a DHCP host is deleted. This notification is generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)' or 'ipv6(2)'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseModify |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.17 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease for server \"$tmnxDhcpServerCfgServerName$\" ip-address \"$tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseClientAddress$\" client (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$ DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$) configuration modified |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseModify notification is generated when a DHCP host is modified. This notification is generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)' or 'ipv6(2)'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseNotOwner |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | DHCP lease (serverName=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifServerName$, ipAddr=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifLeaseClientAddr$, ipAddrLen=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifLeaseClientAddrLen$) is not owned by sender of DHCP message (HwAddr=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$, DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$) $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrLeaseNotOwner notification is generated when a DHCP message is received from a DHCP client that does not own the lease indicated by the IP address from the message. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Further investigation is required to determine the cause of the incorrect messages from the client. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrMaxLeasesReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The maximum number of leases ($tmnxDhcpSvrMaxLeases$) has been reached -- dropping DHCP message from sender (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$ DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$) |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrMaxLeasesReached notification is generated when any local DHCP server instance drops a DHCP message because the maximum number of leases was reached. |
Effect | No DHCP server instances can lease any addresses. |
Recovery | No recovery is possible. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrMsgTooLong |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | DHCP server $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifServerName$ outgoing message to client (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$, DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$) too long (max size=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgSizeLimit$) |
Cause | The actual length of the DHCP message being built exceeds the maximum size. The maximum size is the minimum of either the maximum DHCP message size or the size provided by the client in the option 'maximum DHCP message size'. A reason can be that too many options are defined on host, pool and subnet levels. |
Effect | The Local DHCP Server cannot reply to the client's DHCP requests. The client cannot get an IP address from this DHCP Server. |
Recovery | Reduce the number of DHCP options defined on host, pool and subnet levels. Or, if possible, modify the client's DHCP configuration to increase the 'maximum DHCP message size'. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrNoContFreeBlocks |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.20 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lease creation failed, no contiguous free blocks on server=$tmnxDhcpServerCfgServerName$, link-address=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifLinkAddr$, pri-pool=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifPrimaryPool$, sec-pool=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifSecondaryPool$, client DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$. Reason: $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifString$ |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrNoContFreeBlocks notification is generated when a lease cannot be created because not enough contiguous blocks are found for the requested delegated prefix size. This notification is only generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv6(2)'. More detailed information about the failure is indicated in the tmnxDhcpSvrNotifString object. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrNoSubnetFixAddr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | DHCP server $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifServerName$ could not find subnet for fixed IP address $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifLeaseClientAddr$ of host (db name =$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifUserDatabaseName$, host name=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifHostName$, type=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifHostType$) -- dropping DHCP message from sender (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$) |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrNoSubnetFixAddr notification can be generated for hosts configured with a fixed IP address in the local user database. If such a host requests an IP address and the system cannot find a matching subnet in this server instance for this IP address, then the tmnxDhcpSvrNoSubnetFixAddr notification is generated, and the request is dropped. This notification is only generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)'. |
Effect | The Local DHCP Server cannot reply to the client's DHCP requests. The client cannot get an IP address from this DHCP Server. |
Recovery | Either configure another fixed IP address for this host, or configure a new subnet in this server instance. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrPfxThDepletedV6 |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.33 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | No free prefixes with minimum threshold length $tmnxDhcpsPfxMinFreePrefixLen$ in prefix '$tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetAddress$/$tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetPrefixLength$' in server '$tmnxDhcpServerCfgServerName$'. |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrPfxThDepletedV6 notification is generated when the actual number of free prefixes with minimum free threshold length available in the considered prefix becomes zero. |
Effect | No more prefixes with minimum free threshold length are available in considered prefix. |
Recovery | The operator may create additional prefixes in the considered prefix. Alternatively, examination of the leases in the pool may reveal that the distribution is not appropriate. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrPfxThTooLowV6 |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.32 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of prefixes with minimum threshold length in prefix '...' is becoming low. $tmnxDhcpsPfxThCurrFreeBlksHw$/$tmnxDhcpsPfxThCurrFreeBlksLw$ free prefix(es). (Minimum free threshold $tmnxDhcpsPfxMinFreePercent$%/$tmnxDhcpsPfxMinFreeNumber$) |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrPfxThTooLowV6 notification is generated when the actual number of free prefixes with minimum free threshold length available in the considered prefix is becoming too low. |
Effect | Only a limited number of free prefixes with minimum free threshold length are available in the considered prefix. |
Recovery | The operator may create additional prefixes in the considered prefix to prevent a shortage of available prefixes with minimum free threshold length. Alternatively, examination of the leases in the prefix may reveal that the distribution is not appropriate. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrPlThDepletedV6 |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.31 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | No free prefixes with minimum threshold length $tmnxDhcpsPlMinFreePrefixLen$ in pool '$tmnxDhcpServerPoolName$' in server '$tmnxDhcpServerCfgServerName$'. |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrPlThDepletedV6 notification is generated when the actual number of free prefixes with minimum free threshold length available in the pool becomes zero. |
Effect | No more free prefixes with minimum free threshold length are available in the pool. |
Recovery | The operator may create additional prefixes in the pool. Alternatively, examination of the leases in the pool may reveal that the distribution is not appropriate. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrPlThTooLowV6 |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.30 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of prefixes with minimum threshold length in pool '$tmnxDhcpSvrPoolName$' is becoming low. $tmnxDhcpsPlThCurrFreeBlksHw$/$tmnxDhcpsPlThCurrFreeBlksLw$ free prefix(es). (Minimum free threshold $tmnxDhcpsPlMinFreePercent$%) |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrPlThTooLowV6 notification is generated when the actual number of free prefixes with minimum free threshold length available in the pool is becoming too low. |
Effect | Only a limited number of free prefixes with minimum free threshold length are available in the pool. |
Recovery | The operator may create additional prefixes in the pool to prevent a shortage of available prefixes with minimum free threshold length. Alternatively, examination of the leases in the pool may reveal that the distribution is not appropriate. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrPoolDepleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.15 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | No free addresses in pool \"$tmnxDhcpServerPoolName$\" |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrPoolDepleted notification is generated when the actual number of free addresses becomes zero. This notification is only generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrPoolMinFreeExc |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of free addresses ($tmnxDhcpSvrNotifPoolFree$) has fallen below the desired minimum ($tmnxDhcpServerPoolMinFree$) in pool \"$tmnxDhcpServerPoolName$\" |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrPoolMinFreeExc notification is generated when the actual number of free addresses in a pool falls below the desired minimum number. |
Effect | If the actual number of free addresses in the pool kept falling, and if it reached zero, no more addresses in this pool would be available for new DHCP hosts. |
Recovery | The operator may create additional ranges in the subnet(s), or create an additional subnet. Alternatively, examination of the leases in the pool may reveal that the address distribution is not appropriate. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrPoolUnknown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | DHCP server $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifServerName$ detects an unknown pool ($tmnxDhcpSvrNotifUnknownPoolName$). $tmnxDhcpSvrNotifDescription$ sender (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$, DUID=0x$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifClientDUID$) |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpServerPoolUnknown notification is generated when the lookup in the local user database for a host returns a pool name which is not defined within the local DHCP server. |
Effect | The DHCP server may not be able to serve an IP address. |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the invalid pool name, likely a configuration error. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetDepleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | No free addresses in subnet $tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetAddress$/$tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetPrefixLength$ |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetDepleted notification is generated when the actual number of free addresses becomes zero. This notification is only generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetMinFreeExc |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of free addresses ($tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetStatsFree$) has fallen below the desired minimum ($tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetMinFree$) in subnet $tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetAddress$/$tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetPrefixLength$ |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrSubnetMinFreeExc notification is generated when the actual number of free addresses in a subnet falls below the desired minimum number. |
Effect | If the actual number of free addresses in the subnet kept falling, and if it reached zero, no more addresses in this subnet would be available for new DHCP hosts. |
Recovery | The operator may create additional ranges in the subnet, or create an additional subnet. Alternatively, examination of the leases in the subnet may reveal that the address distribution is not appropriate. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxDhcpSvrUserDbUnknown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DHCP-SERVER-MIB.tmnxDhcpServerNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | User database $tmnxDhcpServerCfgUserDatabase$ specified for server $tmnxDhcpServerCfgServerName$ does not exist -- dropping DHCP message from sender (mac=$tmnxDhcpSvrNotifMsgHwAddress$) |
Cause | The tmnxDhcpSvrUserDbUnknown notification is generated when the local DHCP server instance drops a DHCP message because a local user database with the name specified for this server instance could not be found. This notification is only generated for DHCP server instances with the value of tmnxDhcpServerCfgAddrType set to 'ipv4(1)'. |
Effect | This DHCP server instance cannot lease any addresses. |
Recovery | Either reset the object tmnxDhcpServerCfgUserDatabase to its default value, or specify the name of an existing user database. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tmnxLudbDhcpGroupIfTooLong |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOCAL-USER-DB-MIB.tmnxLocalUserDbNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | \"$tmnxLocUsrDbDhcpDefMsapGroupIf$\" concatenated with \"$tmnxLudbNotifyPortId$\" is too long. |
Cause | The tmnxLudbDhcpGroupIfTooLong notification is generated when the default MSAP group interface name concatenated with the port-id is longer than 32 characters. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DHCPS |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | tmnxLudbPppoeGroupIfTooLong |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOCAL-USER-DB-MIB.tmnxLocalUserDbNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | \"$tmnxLocUsrDbPppoeDefMsapGroupIf$\" concatenated with \"$tmnxLudbNotifyPortId$\" is too long. |
Cause | The tmnxLudbPppoeGroupIfTooLong notification is generated when the default MSAP group interface name concatenated with the port-id is longer than 32 characters. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DIAMETER |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxDiamAppSessionFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DIAMETER-MIB.tmnxDiameterNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | DIAMETER session failure, sessid=$tmnxDiamAppSessionId$, subscrid=$tmnxDiamAppSubscrId$, sapid=$tmnxDiamAppSapId$, slaprof=$tmnxDiamAppSLAProfName$, $tmnxDiamAppTrapDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxDiamAppSessionFailure notification indicates that the DIAMETER protocol has a session failure. |
Effect | Determined by cc-failure-handling settings. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DIAMETER |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxDiamMessageDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DIAMETER-MIB.tmnxDiameterNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Diameter message dropped, policy=$tmnxDiamPlcyName$, peer=$tmnxDiamPeerStatsPeerName$, client-side-peer-ip=$tmnxDiamPeerStatsPeerIpAddr$, tcp-port=$tmnxDiamPeerStatsPeerPort$, drop-count=$tmnxDiamPeerStatsFailedMessages$, $tmnxDiamAppTrapDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxDiamMessageDropped notification indicates that the DIAMETER protocol has dropped a message. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DIAMETER |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxDiamPolicyPeerStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DIAMETER-MIB.tmnxDiameterNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | DIAMETER policy $tmnxDiamPlcyName$, peer $tmnxDiamPlcyPeerName$ now has operational state: PrimarySecundary = $tmnxDiamPeerPrimarySecondary$, connectionSuspended = $tmnxDiamPeerConnectionSuspended$ and cooldownSeqActive = $tmnxDiamPeerCooldownSeqActive$, $tmnxDiamAppTrapDescription$ |
Cause | The state of the diameter policy peer changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DIAMETER |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxDiamPpPrxMcLocStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DIAMETER-MIB.tmnxDiameterNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The proxy multi-chassis redundancy state of the Diameter peer policy $tmnxDiamPlcyName$ changed to $tmnxDiamPpPrxMcLocState$ |
Cause | The MCS (Multi Chassis redundancy Synchronization) state of a proxy function has changed. |
Effect | The effect depends on the actual state transition. The states 'active' and 'standby' are normal states. In other states, Diameter communication may be interrupted, and hosts may be refused access to network services. |
Recovery | The need for recovery action depends on the state transition. In the states 'active' and 'standby', no recovery action may be necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DIAMETER |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxDiamSessionEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DIAMETER-MIB.tmnxDiameterNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Session event, session ID='$tmnxDiamAppSessionId$', policy='$tmnxDiamAppPlcyId$', application=$tmnxDiamAppPlcyApplication$, event=$tmnxDiamNotifyEventId$, $tmnxDiamAppTrapDescription$ |
Cause | A Diameter session has experienced a problem. The session ID is indicated with the tmnxDiamAppSessionId. The associated Diameter application policy is indicated with the tmnxDiamAppPlcyApplication. What happened is indicated with the tmnxDiamNotifyEventId and the tmnxDiamAppTrapDescription. |
Effect | The effect depends on the cause. For example: if a Diameter message could not be transmitted, session set-up may fail. |
Recovery | The recovery depends on the cause. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | DYNSVC |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxDynSvcSapFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DYNAMIC-SERVICES-MIB.tmnxDynSvcNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The requested action for control-session $tmnxDynSvcNotifSapAcctSessionId$ (SAP $tmnxDynSvcNotifSapPortId$) could not be completed - $tmnxDynSvcNotifDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxDynSvcSapFailed notification is sent when a Dynamic Services service SAP creation, modification or removal failed. |
Effect | The desired new configuration is not in effect; the system has returned to the original configuration if possible. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary when the original configuration could be restored. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | EFM_OAM |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | dot3OamNonThresholdEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | DOT3-OAM-MIB.dot3OamNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $ifIndex$ raised $dot3OamEventLogLocation$ fault $dot3OamEventLogType$ |
Cause | A dot3OamNonThresholdEvent notification is sent when a local or remote non-threshold crossing event is detected. A local event is detected by the local entity, while a remote event is detected by the reception of an Ethernet OAM Event Notification OAMPDU that indicates a non-threshold crossing event. This notification should not be sent more than once per second. The OAM entity can be derived from extracting the ifIndex from the variable bindings. The objects in the notification correspond to the values in a row instance of the dot3OamEventLogTable. The management entity should periodically check dot3OamEventLogTable to detect any missed events. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | EFM_OAM |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | dot3OamThresholdEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | DOT3-OAM-MIB.dot3OamNotifications.1 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Port $ifIndex$ raised $dot3OamEventLogLocation$ SF fault $dot3OamEventLogType$ - $dot3OamEventLogValue$ errors exceeded the $dot3OamEventLogThresholdLo$ error threshold during the $dot3OamEventLogWindowLo$ decisecond window |
Cause | A dot3OamThresholdEvent notification is sent when a local or remote threshold crossing event is detected. A local threshold crossing event is detected by the local entity, while a remote threshold crossing event is detected by the reception of an Ethernet OAM Event Notification OAMPDU that indicates a threshold event. This notification should not be sent more than once per second. The OAM entity can be derived from extracting the ifIndex from the variable bindings. The objects in the notification correspond to the values in a row instance in the dot3OamEventLogTable. The management entity should periodically check dot3OamEventLogTable to detect any missed events. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | EFM_OAM |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxDot3OamLoopCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DOT3-OAM-MIB.tmnxDot3OamNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Loop cleared on port $subject$ |
Cause | The tmnxDot3OamLoopCleared notification is generated if efm-oam is enabled and the protocol stops receiving PDUs with the source MAC address equal to the MAC address of the port it was received on. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | EFM_OAM |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxDot3OamLoopDetected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DOT3-OAM-MIB.tmnxDot3OamNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Loop detected on port $subject$ |
Cause | The tmnxDot3OamLoopDetected notification is generated if efm-oam is enabled and the protocol receives a PDU with the source MAC address equal to the MAC address of the port it was received on. Only the first such PDU will cause the notification to be generated. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | EFM_OAM |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxDot3OamNonThresholdEventClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DOT3-OAM-MIB.tmnxDot3OamNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $ifIndex$ cleared $dot3OamEventLogLocation$ fault $dot3OamEventLogType$ |
Cause | The tmnxDot3OamNonThresholdEventClr notification is generated when the local or remote non-threshold crossing event (DOT3-OAM-MIB::dot3OamNonThresholdEvent) is cleared on the port. |
Effect | This non-threshold crossing event is no longer a potential cause for the port to restrict user traffic. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | EFM_OAM |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxDot3OamPeerChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DOT3-OAM-MIB.tmnxDot3OamNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Peer MAC for port $subject$ has changed to $dot3OamPeerMacAddress$ |
Cause | The tmnxDot3OamPeerChanged notification is generated when the peer information (specifically the Peer MAC address) changes. Note that this notification will only be sent out if the peer information was previously available and the information changed, and not when the peer information is first learned or becomes unavailable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | EFM_OAM |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxDot3OamSdThresholdEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DOT3-OAM-MIB.tmnxDot3OamNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $ifIndex$ $tmnxDot3OamSdEventLogCleared$ $tmnxDot3OamSdEventLogLocation$ SD fault $tmnxDot3OamSdEventLogType$ - $tmnxDot3OamSdEventLogValue$ errors exceeded the $tmnxDot3OamEventLogSdThresholdLo$ error threshold during the $tmnxDot3OamSdEventLogWindowLo$ $tmnxDot3OamSdEventLogType$ window |
Cause | The tmnxDot3OamSdThresholdEvent notification is generated when a local or remote threshold crossing event for signal degradation is detected. A local threshold crossing SD event is detected by the local entity, while a remote threshold crossing event is detected by the reception of an Ethernet OAM Event Notification OAMPDU that indicates an SD threshold event. This notification should not be sent more than once per second. The OAM entity can be derived from extracting the ifIndex from the variable bindings. The objects in the notification correspond to the values in a row instance in the tmnxDot3OamSdEventLogTable. The management entity should periodically check tmnxDot3OamSdEventLogTable to detect any missed events. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | EFM_OAM |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxDot3OamThresholdEventClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-DOT3-OAM-MIB.tmnxDot3OamNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $ifIndex$ cleared $dot3OamEventLogLocation$ SF fault $dot3OamEventLogType$ - $dot3OamEventLogValue$ errors exceeded the $dot3OamEventLogThresholdLo$ error threshold during the $dot3OamEventLogWindowLo$ $dot3OamEventLogType$ window |
Cause | The tmnxDot3OamThresholdEventClr notification is generated when the local or remote signal failure (SF) threshold crossing event is cleared on the port. |
Effect | This SF threshold crossing event is no longer a potential cause for the port to restrict user traffic. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ELMI |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxElmiEVCStatusChangeEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ELMI-MIB.tmnxElmiNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | EVC $tmnxPortPortID$:$tmnxElmiEvcCfgVlanId$ status has changed to $tmnxElmiEvcCfgStatus$ |
Cause | The tmnxElmiEVCStatusChangeEvent notification indicates that the indicated Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) has changed its active state (ie. from not active to active). The notification is suppressed when the tmnxElmiIfCfgMode is set to 'none (0)'." |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ELMI |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxElmiIfStatusChangeEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ELMI-MIB.tmnxElmiNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | ELMI on $tmnxPortPortID$ has changed status to $tmnxElmiIfCfgStatus$ |
Cause | The tmnxElmiStatusChangeEvent notification indicates that the Ethernet LMI Interface has changed state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the state change. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ERING |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxEthRingApsPrvsnClearAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ETH-RING-MIB.tmnxEthRingApsNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Eth-Ring $tmnxEthRingIndex$ provisioning mismatch (FOP-PM) cleared |
Cause | The tmnxEthRingApsPrvsnClearAlarm is generated when an Ethernet Ring provisioning mismatch is cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ERING |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxEthRingApsPrvsnRaiseAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ETH-RING-MIB.tmnxEthRingApsNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Eth-Ring $tmnxEthRingIndex$ provisioning mismatch (FOP-PM) detected: RPL blocked in Node $node$ |
Cause | The tmnxEthRingApsPrvsnRaiseAlarm is generated when an Ethernet Ring provisioning mismatch is detected. A mismatch occurs when the RPL Owner Node receives one or more No Request R-APS message(s) with RPL Blocked status flag set (NR,RB) and a Node ID that differs from its own. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigate the provisioning mismatch. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ERING |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxEthRingPathFwdStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ETH-RING-MIB.tmnxEthRingOprNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Eth-Ring $tmnxEthRingIndex$ path $tmnxEthRingPathIndex$ changed fwd state to $tmnxethRingPathFwdState$ |
Cause | The tmnxEthRingPathFwdStateChange is generated when an Ethernet Ring Path changes its forwarding state (tmnxEthRingPathFwdState) from blocked to unblocked or from unblocked to blocked. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Further investigation required to determine why the forwarding state has changed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETH_CFM |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | dot1agCfmFaultAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.dot1agNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MEP $dot1agCfmMdIndex$/$dot1agCfmMaIndex$/$dot1agCfmMepIdentifier$ highest defect is now $dot1agCfmMepHighestPrDefect$ |
Cause | A MEP has a persistent defect condition. A notification (fault alarm) is sent to the management entity with the OID of the MEP that has detected the fault. Whenever a MEP has a persistent defect, it may or may not generate a Fault Alarm to warn the system administrator of the problem, as controlled by the MEP Fault Notification Generator State Machine and associated Managed Objects. Only the highest-priority defect, as shown in Table 20-1, is reported in the Fault Alarm. If a defect with a higher priority is raised after a Fault Alarm has been issued, another Fault Alarm is issued. The management entity receiving the notification can identify the system from the network source address of the notification, and can identify the MEP reporting the defect by the indices in the OID of the dot1agCfmMepHighestPrDefect variable in the notification: dot1agCfmMdIndex - Also the index of the MEP's Maintenance Domain table entry (dot1agCfmMdTable). dot1agCfmMaIndex - Also an index (with the MD table index) of the MEP's Maintenance Association network table entry (dot1agCfmMaNetTable), and (with the MD table index and component ID) of the MEP's MA component table entry (dot1agCfmMaCompTable). dot1agCfmMepIdentifier - MEP Identifier and final index into the MEP table (dot1agCfmMepTable). Reference: 802.1ag clause |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Investigation is required to determine the cause of the MEP alarm. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETH_CFM |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxDot1agCfmMepAisStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.tmnxDot1agNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MEP $dot1agCfmMdIndex$/$dot1agCfmMaIndex$/$dot1agCfmMepIdentifier$ |
Cause | The tmnxDot1agCfmMepAisStateChanged notification is generated when a MEP enters or exits an AIS state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETH_CFM |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxDot1agCfmMepCsfStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.tmnxDot1agNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxDot1agCfmMepCsfStateChanged notification is generated when a MEP enters or exits a CSF state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETH_CFM |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxDot1agCfmMepDMTestComplete |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.tmnxDot1agNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxDot1agCfmMepDelayTestType$ test complete on MEP $dot1agCfmMdIndex$/$dot1agCfmMaIndex$/$dot1agCfmMepIdentifier$: Delay=$tmnxDot1agCfmMepDelayTestDelay$us |
Cause | The tmnxDot1agCfmMepDMTestComplete notification indicates that a One-Way-Delay-Test (OWDT) frame, or a Two-Way-Delay-Test (TWDT) response was received. For an OWDT frame, traps are raised only when a delay threshold of three seconds is exceeded. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETH_CFM |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxDot1agCfmMepEthTestComplete |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.tmnxDot1agNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | eth-test complete on MEP $dot1agCfmMdIndex$/$dot1agCfmMaIndex$/$dot1agCfmMepIdentifier$: Bytes/Failed Bits/CRC Failures=$tmnxDot1agCfmMepCurrByteCount$/$tmnxDot1agCfmMepCurrFailedBits$/$tmnxDot1agCfmMepCurrCrcFailures$ |
Cause | The tmnxDot1agCfmMepEthTestComplete notification indicates that an eth-test has been issued and results are ready. The tmnxDot1agCfmMepCurrByteCount indicates the number of bytes contained in the frame's Test TLV, and the tmnxDot1agCfmMepCurrFailedBits and tmnxDot1agCfmMepCurrCrcFailures indicate the failure state of the test. A value of Zero (0) for tmnxDot1agCfmMepCurrFailedBits and a value of 'false (2)' for tmnxDot1agCfmMepCurrCrcFailures indicates a successful test. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETH_CFM |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyFaultClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.tmnxDot1agNotifications.10 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | ETH-CFM MEP facility fault cleared $tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyType$ $tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyInstance$ |
Cause | The tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyFaultClear notification is generated when the associated facility MEP has cleared an event affecting the specific tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyType tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyInstance combination over which it is configured. |
Effect | This notification can be used to correlate the ETH_CFM dot1agCfmFaultAlarm event and the related IF-MIB::linkUp notification caused by the facility MEP. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETH_CFM |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyFaultRaise |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.tmnxDot1agNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ETH-CFM MEP facility fault raised $tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyType$ $tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyInstance$ |
Cause | The tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyFaultRaise notification is generated when the associated facility MEP dot1agCfmMepHighestPrDefect has increased. |
Effect | This notification can be used to correlate the ETH_CFM dot1agCfmFaultAlarm event and the related IF-MIB::linkDown notification caused by the failure of the facility MEP. |
Recovery | Follow the recovery for the dot1agCfmFaultAlarm and the related IF-MIB::linkDown caused by the failure of the facility MEP. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETH_CFM |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxDot1agCfmMepLbmTestComplete |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.tmnxDot1agNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | loopback test results on MEP $dot1agCfmMdIndex$/$dot1agCfmMaIndex$/$dot1agCfmMepIdentifier$ for $dot1agCfmMepTransmitLbmDestMacAddress$ are available |
Cause | The tmnxDot1agCfmMepLbmTestComplete notification indicates that a loopback test has been issued and results are ready. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETH_CFM |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxDot1agCfmMepLtmTestComplete |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.tmnxDot1agNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | linktrace test results with sequenceNumber $dot1agCfmMepTransmitLtmSeqNumber$ on MEP $dot1agCfmMdIndex$/$dot1agCfmMaIndex$/$dot1agCfmMepIdentifier$ are now available |
Cause | The tmnxDot1agCfmMepLtmTestComplete notification indicates that a linktrace test has been issued and results are ready. The dot1agCfmMepTransmitLtmSeqNumber indicates the Transaction Identifier to use to retrieve the Link-trace results. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETH_CFM |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxDot1agCfmMepSLMTestComplete |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.tmnxDot1agNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SLM $tmnxDot1agCfmMepSlmTestType$ (test-id $tmnxDot1agCfmMepSlmTestId$) completed for remote-mep $tmnxDot1agCfmMepSlmRemoteMepId$ remote MAC $tmnxDot1agCfmMepSlmRemoteMacAddr$ |
Cause | The tmnxDot1agCfmMepSLMTestComplete notification is generated when a one-way or two-way Synthetic Loss Measurement (SLM) test is completed. For one-way SLM test results, tmnxDot1agCfmMepSlmPacketLossOut and tmnxDot1agCfmMepSlmPacketUnack values are fixed at 'zero(0)'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETH_CFM |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxDot1agCfmMipEvaluation |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.tmnxDot1agNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Reevaluating MIPs on service $tmnxDot1agCfmNotifySvcId$ due to virtual MEP configuration |
Cause | The tmnxDot1agCfmMipEvaluation notification is generated when a virtual MEP is created or deleted causing MIP reevaluation on the service. On virtual MEP creation, any MIPs in the service will be removed. On virtual MEP deletion, the MIPs are reevaluated. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETUN |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxEthTunnelApsCfgClearAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ETH-TUNNEL-MIB.tmnxEthTunnelApsNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Eth-Tunnel $tmnxEthTunnelIndex$ cleared configuration mismatch $tmnxEthTunnelApsDefectStatus$ |
Cause | The tmnxEthTunnelApsCfgClearAlarm is generated when an Ethernet Tunnel Group working and protection configuration mismatch is cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETUN |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxEthTunnelApsCfgRaiseAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ETH-TUNNEL-MIB.tmnxEthTunnelApsNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Eth-Tunnel $tmnxEthTunnelIndex$ experiencing configuration mismatch $tmnxEthTunnelApsDefectStatus$ |
Cause | The tmnxEthTunnelApsCfgRaiseAlarm is generated when an Ethernet Tunnel Group working and protection configuration mismatch is detected, at the ETH layer, by detecting the reception of APS protocol from the working transport entity. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Further investigation required to determine the source of the configuration mismatch. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETUN |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxEthTunnelApsNoRspClearAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ETH-TUNNEL-MIB.tmnxEthTunnelApsNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Eth-Tunnel $tmnxEthTunnelIndex$ cleared incomplete protection switch ($tmnxEthTunnelApsDefectStatus$) |
Cause | The tmnxEthTunnelApsNoRspClearAlarm is generated when an Ethernet Tunnel Group no longer experiences an incompletion of protection switching at the ETH layer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETUN |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxEthTunnelApsNoRspRaiseAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ETH-TUNNEL-MIB.tmnxEthTunnelApsNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Eth-Tunnel $tmnxEthTunnelIndex$ experiencing incomplete protection switch ($tmnxEthTunnelApsDefectStatus$) |
Cause | The tmnxEthTunnelApsNoRspRaiseAlarm is generated when an Ethernet Tunnel Group experiences an incompletion of protection switching, at the ETH layer, by comparing the transmitted 'Requested Signal' values and the received 'Bridged Signal' in the APS protocol. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Further investigation is required to determine the cause of the incomplete protection switch. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETUN |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxEthTunnelApsPrvsnClearAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ETH-TUNNEL-MIB.tmnxEthTunnelApsNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Eth-Tunnel $tmnxEthTunnelIndex$ cleared provisioning mismatch $tmnxEthTunnelApsDefectStatus$ ($tmnxEthTunnelApsRxPdu$/$tmnxEthTunnelApsTxPdu$) |
Cause | The tmnxEthTunnelApsPrvsnClearAlarm is generated when an Ethernet Tunnel Group provisioning mismatch is cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETUN |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxEthTunnelApsPrvsnRaiseAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ETH-TUNNEL-MIB.tmnxEthTunnelApsNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Eth-Tunnel $tmnxEthTunnelIndex$ experiencing provisioning mismatch $tmnxEthTunnelApsDefectStatus$: Rx 0x$tmnxEthTunnelApsRxPdu$ Tx 0x$tmnxEthTunnelApsTxPdu$ |
Cause | The tmnxEthTunnelApsPrvsnRaiseAlarm is generated when an Ethernet Tunnel Group provisioning mismatch is detected, at the ETH layer, by comparing A, B and D bits of the transmitted and received APS protocol. The provision mismatch state is considered as if there is a signal failure on the protection member. This ensures that the working member is kept as active member in the provision mismatch state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Further investigation required to determine the source of the provisioning mismatch. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ETUN |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxEthTunnelApsSwitchoverAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ETH-TUNNEL-MIB.tmnxEthTunnelApsNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Eth-Tunnel $tmnxEthTunnelIndex$ experienced member activity switchover. Path $tmnxEthTunnelMemberIndex$ is now active. |
Cause | The tmnxEthTunnelApsSwitchoverAlarm is generated when an Ethernet Tunnel Group experiences a member activity switchover. The tmnxEthTunnelMemberPrecedence always specifies the active member. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tFilterApplyPathProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tFilterApplyPathProblem notification is generated when when a problem is encountered for a configured apply-path rule. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tFilterBgpFlowSpecProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | N/A |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tFilterEmbeddingOperStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The operational state of the embedded filter ID $tFilterEmbeddedRefEmbeddedFltrId$ in the embedding filter $tFilterEmbeddedRefFilterType$ ID $tFilterEmbeddedRefInsertFltrId$ has changed to $tFilterEmbeddedRefOperState$. |
Cause | This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) An attempt to embed an embedded filter into embedding filter was done. 2) An attempt to recover an embedding that is operationally down was done. 3) An attempt to change the admin state of an embedding was done. 4) The operational state of an embedding has changed to inactive due to lack of resources. |
Effect | The effect depends on the new state. If the new state is 'active', the embedding of the filter was successful. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources' the embedding was not successful due to lack of resources. If the new state is 'inactive' and the previous state was 'active' then the embedded entries were removed. Otherwise the embedding filter was not changed. |
Recovery | If the new state is 'active' or 'inactive', no action is required. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources', an attempt to recover the operational state can be done by removal and reapplication of the embedding. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperStateChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.14 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The operational state of the embedded flowspec rules of virtual router $tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId$ in the embedding filter $tFilterEmbedFlowspecFilterType$ ID $tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId$ has changed to $tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperState$. |
Cause | This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) An attempt to embed a set of flowspec rules into an embedding filter was done. 2) An attempt to recover a flowspec rules embedding that is operationally down was done. 3) An attempt to change the admin state of a flowspec rules embedding was done. 4) The operational state of a flowspec rules embedding has changed to inactive due to lack of resources. |
Effect | The effect depends on the new state. If the new state is 'active', the embedding of a set of flowspec rules was successful. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources' the embedding was not successful due to lack of resources. If the new state is 'inactive' and the previous state was 'active' then the set of flowspec rules were removed. Otherwise the embedding filter was not changed. |
Recovery | If the new state is 'active' or 'inactive', no action is required. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources', an attempt to recover the operational state can be done by removal and reapplication of the flowspec rules embedding. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperStateChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The operational state of the embedded open-flow switch $tFilterEmbedOpenflowOfsName$ in the embedding filter $tFilterEmbedOpenflowFilterType$ ID $tFilterEmbedOpenflowInsertFltrId$ has changed to $tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperState$. |
Cause | This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) An attempt to embed an open-flow switch into an embedding filter was done. 2) An attempt to recover an open-flow embedding that is operationally down was done. 3) An attempt to change the admin state of an open-flow embedding was done. 4) The operational state of an open-flow embedding has changed to inactive due to lack of resources. |
Effect | The effect depends on the new state. If the new state is 'active', the embedding of an open-flow switch was successful. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources' the embedding was not successful due to lack of resources. If the new state is 'inactive' and the previous state was 'active' then the open-flow switch entries were removed. Otherwise the embedding filter was not changed. |
Recovery | If the new state is 'active' or 'inactive', no action is required. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources', an attempt to recover the operational state can be done by removal and reapplication of the open-flow embedding. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tFilterEmbedVsdOperStateChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The operational state of the embedded VSD $tFilterEmbedVsdFilterType$ filter ID _tmnx_vsd_$tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId$ in the embedding $tFilterEmbedVsdFilterType$ filter ID $tFilterEmbedVsdInsertFltrId$ has changed to $tFilterEmbedVsdOperState$. |
Cause | This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) An attempt to embed a filter managed by a VSD controller into an embedding filter was done. 2) An attempt to recover an embedding that is operationally down was done. 3) An attempt to change the admin state of an embedding was done. 4) The operational state of an embedding has changed to inactive due to lack of resources. |
Effect | The effect depends on the new state. If the new state is 'active', the embedding of a filter managed by a VSD controller was successful. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources' the embedding was not successful due to lack of resources. If the new state is 'inactive' and the previous state was 'active' then the embedded entries were removed. Otherwise the embedding filter was not changed. |
Recovery | If the new state is 'active' or 'inactive', no action is required. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources', an attempt to recover the operational state can be done by removal and reapplication of the embedding. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tFilterOpenflowRequestRejected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | An error was encountered while handlig filter entry $fltrOpenFlowFlowEntryId$ for the open-flow flowTable $fltrOpenFlowFlowTable$. Additional Info: $fltrOpenFlowProblemDescription$. |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tFilterRadSharedFltrAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of dynamically allocated Radius Shared Filters based on $tFilterType$ $tFilterId$ has dropped below the threshold of $tFilterThresholdReached$ |
Cause | The tFilterRadSharedFltrAlarmClear notification is generated when the number of Radius Shared Filters that are dynamically created in the system dropped below to the configured low watermark for the indicated filter. |
Effect | The system is working properly, and well within its configured bounds. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tFilterRadSharedFltrAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of dynamically allocated Radius Shared Filters based on $tFilterType$ $tFilterId$ has exceeded its threshold of $tFilterThresholdReached$ |
Cause | The tFilterRadSharedFltrAlarmRaised notification is generated when the number of Radius Shared Filters that are dynamically created in the system increases to the configured high watermark for the indicated filter. |
Effect | No direct effect, however the system may run out of filter resources. |
Recovery | The way in which dynamically filters are used in the system/network may need to be re-considerd. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tFilterSubInsFltrEntryDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | A request to insert a filter-entry in $tFilterType$ $tFilterId$ for $tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner$ has failed - $tFilterAlarmDescription$ |
Cause | A request to insert a filter entry failed. |
Effect | The filter may not be working as intended. |
Recovery | Actions may be taken depending on the reason of why the insertion failed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The range of entries reserved in $tFilterType$ $tFilterId$ for $tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner$ has fallen below its configured low watermark level $tFilterThresholdReached$ |
Cause | A range of entries in the filter has been reserved (via configuration) to be used for inserting entries by the system. If the number of used entries drops below the (configured) low watermark, this notification is sent. |
Effect | The system is working properly, and well within its configured bounds. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The range of entries reserved in $tFilterType$ $tFilterId$ for $tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner$ is filled up to its configured high watermark level $tFilterThresholdReached$ |
Cause | A range of entries in the filter has been reserved (via configuration) to be used for inserting entries by the system. If the number of used entries reaches the (configured) high watermark, this notification is sent. |
Effect | If no more entries are available, no more filter entries will be inserted by the system |
Recovery | If needed, more entries can be reserved for inserting entries by the system. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tFilterTmsEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.13 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | An event occured on the interface between the filter module and the TMS module. Additional Info: $tFltrNotifDescription$. |
Cause | The tFilterTmsEvent notification is generated by the systems filter module to report an event related to the Threat Management System (TMS). Receiving the tFilterTmsEvent notification is an indication that the TMS system may not be fully operational. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FILTER |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tIPFilterPBRPacketsDrop |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB.tFilterNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Filter $tIPFilterId$ entry $tIPFilterParamsIndex$ PBR packets dropped on interface $tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface$ because $tFilterPBRDropReason$. |
Cause | The tIPFilterPlcyBasedRoutingPacketsDrop event is generated either when the configuration of a forwarding action refers to an invalid/unconfigured next-hop or if the active interface goes down operationally in the process of active filtering. |
Effect | The tIPFilterPlcyBasedRoutingPacketsDrop event is generated either when the configuration of a forwarding action refers to an invalid/unconfigured next-hop or if the active interface goes down operationally in the process of active filtering. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwBfdSessionClose |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall closed BFD session for peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwBfdSessionClose notification is generated when the multi-chassis firewall is closing BFD session to the multi-chassis firewall peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwBfdSessionDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Operational state of the BFD session for multi-chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ and source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ is changed to Down |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwBfdSessionDown notification is generated when operational state of the BFD session between the multi-chassis firewall and its peer is changed to 'down'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwBfdSessionOpen |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall attempted to open BFD session for peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ and source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ with status=$aluMcPeerFwBfdSessionOpenStatus$ |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwBfdSessionOpen notification is generated when the multi-chassis firewall is attempting to open BFD session to the multi-chassis firewall peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwBfdSessionUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Operational state of the BFD session for multi-chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ and source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ is changed to Up |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwBfdSessionUp notification is generated when operational state of the BFD session between the multi-chassis firewall and its peer is changed to 'up'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwElectionMaster |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.14 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ elected Master |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwElectionMaster notification is generated when the multi-chassis firewall node is elected as a Master. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwElectionSlave |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ elected Slave |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwElectionMaster notification is generated when the multi-chassis firewall node is elected as a Slave. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwMasterPolicySyncClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.16 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ master policy synchronization flag Cleared |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwMasterPolicySyncClr notification is generated on a multi-chassis firewall Master node before initiating policy synchronization with its peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwMasterPolicySyncSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.17 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ master policy synchronization flag Set |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwMasterPolicySyncSet notification is generated on a multi-chassis firewall Master node after completing policy synchronization with its Slave peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwOperDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ oper state changed to Down |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwOperDown notification is generated when the multi-chassis firewall detects time-out communicating with the multi-chassis firewall peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwOperUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.13 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ oper state changed to Up |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwOperUp notification is generated when the multi-chassis firewall clears time-out condition in communicating with the multi-chassis firewall peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwSessionDbSyncClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.20 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ session database synchronization flag Cleared |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwSessionDbSyncClr notification is generated on a multi-chassis firewall node before initiating Session Database synchronization with its peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwSessionDbSyncSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.21 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ session database synchronization flag Set |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwSessionDbSyncSet notification is generated on a multi-chassis firewall node after completing Session Database synchronization with its peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwSlavePolicySyncClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.18 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ slave policy synchronization flag Cleared |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwSlavePolicySyncClr notification is generated on a multi-chassis firewall Slave node before initiating policy synchronization with its peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwSlavePolicySyncSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.19 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ slave policy synchronization flag Set |
Cause | The aluMcPeerFwSlavePolicySyncSet notification is generated on a multi-chassis firewall Slave node after completing policy synchronization with its Master peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | aluMcPeerFwSyncStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.22 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis firewall peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ syncronization status set to $aluMcPeerFwSyncStatus$ |
Cause | "The aluMcPeerFwSyncStatusChange notification is generated when there is a change of the aluMcPeerFwSyncStatus object." |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | aluSecPlcyActionPerformed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.1 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Security policy has been $subject$ |
Cause | Generated when a security policy action is performed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | aluSecSessionHiWtrMrkCrossed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.4 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Security session resource alarm detected |
Cause | Generated when the concurrent session count exceeds the alarm threshold. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | aluSecSessionLoWtrMrkCrossed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.5 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Security session resource alarm cleared |
Cause | Generated when the concurrent session count crosses the threshold to clear the alarm. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | aluSecSessionsExhausted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.6 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | All security session resources have been exhausted |
Cause | Generated when the concurrent session count reaches the system limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | aluSecSessionWtrMrkModified |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.3 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Security session resource alarm threshold modified |
Cause | Generated when the concurrent session alarm thresholds are changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | aluSecZonePlcyActionPerformed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.2 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Security zone %subject% has been $subject$ |
Cause | Generated when a zone security policy action is performed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | FIREWALL |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | aluSecZonePlcyRuleStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SECURITY-MIB.aluSecurityNotification.7 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Concurrent security session alarm cleared |
Cause | Generated when a rule changes state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | GMPLS |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | vRtrGmplsLspPathStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-GMPLS-MIB.tmnxGmplsNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Status of $lspPathName$ changed administrative state: $vRtrGmplsLspPathAdminState$, operational state: $vRtrGmplsLspPathOperState$ |
Cause | A vRtrGmplsLspPathStateChange notification is generated when the operational state of the GMPLS LSP Path changes. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | GSMP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxAncpEgrRateMonitorEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-GSMP-MIB.tmnxGsmpNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The Egress rate monitor function for the port identified by $tmnxNotifAncpString$ detects that the scheduler rate $tmnxNotifAncpPlcyActualRate$ has dropped below the value specified by $tmnxNotifAncpPolicyName$ |
Cause | This notification is generated when the egress rate monitor function for the port identified by tmnxAncpString detects that the scheduler rate has dropped below tmnxAncpPlcyEgrRateMonitor. |
Effect | The DLSAM reports (via ANCP) that a subsriber gets less BW than what is currently configured in the system. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | GSMP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxAncpEgrRateMonitorEventL |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The Egress rate monitor function for the port identified by $tmnxNotifAncpString$ detects that the scheduler rate $tmnxNotifAncpPlcyActualRate$ has dropped below the value specified by $tmnxNotifAncpPolicyName$ |
Cause | This notification is generated when the egress rate monitor function for the port identified by tmnxAncpString detects that the scheduler rate has dropped below tmnxAncpPlcyEgrRateMonitor. |
Effect | The DLSAM reports (via ANCP) that a subsriber gets less BW than what is currently configured in the system. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | GSMP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxAncpIngRateMonitorEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-GSMP-MIB.tmnxGsmpNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The ingress rate monitor function for the port identified by $tmnxNotifAncpString$ detects that the scheduler rate $tmnxNotifAncpPlcyActualRate$ has dropped below the value specified by $tmnxNotifAncpPolicyName$ |
Cause | This notification is generated whenever the ingress rate monitor function for the port identified by tmnxAncpString detects that the scheduler rate has dropped below tmnxAncpPlcyIngRateMonitor. |
Effect | The DLSAM reports (via ANCP) that a subsriber gets less BW then what is currently configured in the system. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | GSMP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxAncpIngRateMonitorEventL |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The ingress rate monitor function for the port identified by $tmnxNotifAncpString$ detects that the scheduler rate $tmnxNotifAncpPlcyActualRate$ has dropped below the value specified by $tmnxNotifAncpPolicyName$ |
Cause | This notification is generated when the ingress rate monitor function for the port identified by tmnxAncpString detects that the scheduler rate has dropped below tmnxAncpPlcyIngRateMonitor. |
Effect | The DLSAM reports (via ANCP) that a subsriber gets less BW than what is currently configured in the system. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | GSMP |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxAncpSesRejected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-GSMP-MIB.tmnxGsmpNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | An incoming ANCP session has been rejected: $tmnxAncpRejectReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxAncpSesRejected notification is generated when an incoming ANCP session is rejected by the system. Details on why this happened are specified in tmnxAncpRejectReason. |
Effect | The ANCP session is rejected. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | GSMP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxAncpShcvDisabledEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-GSMP-MIB.tmnxGsmpNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Subscriber host connectivity verification is disabled for all hosts of the subscriber associated with the $tmnxNotifAncpString$ when a port-down event was received. AncpPolicy: $tmnxNotifAncpPolicyName$ |
Cause | This notification is generated whenever the SHCV (Subscriber Host Connectivity Verification) is disabled for all hosts of the subscriber associated with the tmnxAncpString when a port-down event was received for the tmnxAncpString. |
Effect | The SHCV function is disabled. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | GSMP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxAncpShcvDisabledEventL |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Subscriber host connectivity verification is disabled for all hosts of the subscriber associated with the $tmnxNotifAncpString$ when a port-down event was received. AncpPolicy: $tmnxNotifAncpPolicyName$ |
Cause | This notification is generated whenever the SHCV (Subscriber Host Connectivity Verification) is disabled for all hosts of the subscriber associated with the tmnxAncpString when a port-down event was received for the tmnxAncpString." |
Effect | The SHCV function is disabled. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | GSMP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxAncpStringRejected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-GSMP-MIB.tmnxGsmpNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | An incoming ANCP string rejected: $tmnxAncpRejectReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxAncpStringRejected notification is sent when an incoming ANCP string received on an established ANCP session is rejected by the system. Details on why this happened are specified in tmnxAncpRejectReason. |
Effect | The ANCP string is rejected. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGH |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxIfGroupHandlerProtoOprChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IF-GROUP-HANDLER-MIB.tmnxIfGroupNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IGH $tmnxIfGroupHandlerIndex$ protocol $tmnxIfGroupHdlrProtoIndex$ changed to state $tmnxIfGroupHdlrProtoStatus$ - admin status: $tmnxIfGroupHandlerAdminStatus$, active-links: $tmnxIfGroupHdlrProtoActLinks$, threshold: $tmnxIfGroupHandlerThreshold$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGH |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxIfGroupHdlrMbrProtoOprChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IF-GROUP-HANDLER-MIB.tmnxIfGroupNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IGH $tmnxIfGroupHandlerIndex$ Member $tmnxPortPortID$ protocol $tmnxIfGroupHdlrMemberProtoIndex$ changed to state $tmnxIfGroupHdlrMemberProtoStatus$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapCModeRxQueryMism |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mismatch between compatible mode ($vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapOperVersion$) for SAP $sapPortId$ on interface $vRtrGrpIfIndex$, IGMP instance $vRtrID$, and the IGMP query version ($vRtrIgmpNotifyQueryVersion$) received |
Cause | A vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapCModeRxQueryMism notification is generated when there is a mismatch between the compatible mode of the IGMP SAP and the version of the received query. It is generated when the SAP is in IGMPv1 compatible mode but it receives a IGMPv2 or IGMPv3 Query. It is also generated when the compatibility mode of the SAP is IGMPv2 but the query received is IGMPv3. sapPortId and sapEncapValue will identify the SAP on which the query is received. vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapOperVersion will indicate the compatibility mode of the SAP and vRtrIgmpNotifyQueryVersion will contain the version of the received query. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxGrpsLimExceed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of groups for SAP $sapPortId$ on interface $vRtrGrpIfIndex$, IGMP instance $vRtrID$, has exceeded the maximum limit of $vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxGroups$ |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxGrpsLimExceed event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a group when vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapGroupCount, the number of groups configured on the SAP, is equal to vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxGroups, the maximum number of groups supported on the system. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxGrpSrcLimExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.19 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of groups or sources for SAP $sapPortId$ on interface $vRtrGrpIfIndex$, IGMP instance $vRtrID$, has exceeded the maximum limit of $vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxSources$ |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxGrpSrcLimExcd event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a group source for a group when the number of group sources is equal to vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxGrpSources, the maximum number of group sources per group supported on the SAP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxSrcsLimExceed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.13 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of sources for SAP $sapPortId$ on interface $vRtrGrpIfIndex$, IGMP instance $vRtrID$, has exceeded the maximum limit of $vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxSources$ |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxSrcsLimExceed event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a source for a group when the number of sources for this group is equal to vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMaxSources, the maximum number of sources per group supported on the system. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMcacPlcyDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.14 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Group $vRtrIgmpNotifyGrpAddr$ is dropped because of MCAC policy $vRtrIgmpNotifyMcacPolicyName$ for SAP $sapPortId$ on interface $vRtrGrpIfIndex$, IGMP instance $vRtrID$ |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapMcacPlcyDropped event is generated when an IGMP group is dropped on a given SAP because of applying a multicast CAC policy given by vRtrIgmpNotifyMcacPolicyName. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapRxQueryVerMism |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.16 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IGMPv$vRtrIgmpNotifyQueryVersion$ query received for SAP $sapPortId$ on interface $vRtrGrpIfIndex$, IGMP instance $vRtrID$, configured as IGMPv$vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapAdminVersion$ |
Cause | A vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapRxQueryVerMism notification is generated when the IGMP host SAP is configured as IGMPv3 but receives a IGMPv1 Query or IGMPv2 General Query on the host. sapPortId and sapEncapValue will identify the SAP on which the query is received. vRtrIgmpGrpIfSapAdminVersion will contain the configured version of the SAP and vRtrIgmpNotifyQueryVersion will contain the version of the received query. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpHostCModeRxQueryMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpHostInstantiationFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Could not start IGMP on $vRtrIgmpGrpIfHostLastChangeTime$ - $vRtrIgmpNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpHostInstantiationFail event is generated when a host is eligible for running IGMP, but IGMP cannot be started on the host. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpHostMaxGrpsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Could not start IGMP on $vRtrIgmpGrpIfHostLastChangeTime$ - $vRtrIgmpNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpMaxGrpsLimitExceeded event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a group when vRtrIgmpHostGroupCount, the number of groups configured on the PIM interface, is equal to vRtrIgmpHostMaxGroups, the maximum number of groups supported on the system. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia Customer Service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpHostMaxGrpSrcsLimitExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.17 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of groups or sources configured has exceeded the maximum limit of $vRtrIgmpHostMaxSources$ |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpHostMaxGrpSrcsLimitExcd event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a source for a group when the number of group sources is equal to vRtrIgmpHostMaxGrpSources, the maximum number of group sources per group supported on the host. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpHostMaxSrcsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of sources configured for a group has exceeded the maximum limit of $vRtrIgmpHostMaxSources$ |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpHostMaxSrcsLimitExceeded event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a source for a group when the number of sources for this group is equal to vRtrIgmpHostMaxSources, the maximum number of sources per group supported on the system. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpHostMcacPlcyDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpHostQryIntervalConflict |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.20 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpHostQryIntervalConflict event is generated when one of the IGMP-policy query intervals violates restrictions, we fall back to the node query intervals. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpHostRxQueryVerMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpIfCModeRxQueryMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Mismatch between the interface $vRtrIfIndex$ compatible mode($vRtrIgmpIfOperVersion$) and the version of the IGMP query (version $vRtrIgmpNotifyQueryVersion$) received on the interface |
Cause | This notification is generated when there is a mismatch between the compatibility mode of the interface and the version of the IGMP query received on the interace. |
Effect | The query will be ignored. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpIfRxQueryVerMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IGMPv$vRtrIgmpNotifyQueryVersion$ query received on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ configured as IGMPv$vRtrIgmpIfAdminVersion$ |
Cause | The event is generated when the router receives IGMPv1 or IGMPv2 query on an interface which is configured as IGMPv3. |
Effect | IGMP interface transitions into IGMPv1 or IGMPv2 compatibility mode. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpMaxGrpsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of groups configured on the interface $ifName$ has exceeded the maximum limit of $vRtrIgmpIfMaxGroups$ |
Cause | This notification is generated when the number of groups configured on the interface exceeds the maximum number of groups supported on the system. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia Customer Service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpMaxGrpSrcsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.18 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of groups or sources configured has exceeded the maximum limit of $vRtrIgmpIfMaxSources$ |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpMaxGrpSrcsLimitExceeded event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a group source for a group when the number of group sources is equal to vRtrIgmpIfMaxGrpSources, the maximum number of group sources per group supported on the interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpMaxSrcsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of sources configured for a group has exceeded the maximum limit of $vRtrIgmpIfMaxSources$ |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpMaxSrcsLimitExceeded event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a source for a group when the number of sources for this group is equal to vRtrIgmpHostMaxSources, the maximum number of sources per group supported on the system. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | vRtrIgmpMcacPlcyDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IGMP-MIB.vRtrIgmpNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Group $vRtrIgmpNotifyGrpAddress$ is dropped because of multicast CAC policy $vRtrIgmpIfMcacPolicyName$ on interface $ifName$ IGMP instance $vRtrID$ |
Cause | The vRtrIgmpMcacPlcyDropped event is generated when an IGMP group is dropped on a given interface because of applying a multicast CAC policy given by vRtrIgmpIfMcacPolicyName |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | The Multicast CAC policy must be modified to allow additional groups. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | eMplsIgmpSnpgMfibFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALCATEL-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB.alxIgmpSnpgEMplsNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failing to store an entry in the MFIB table for service $svcId |
Cause | The eMplsIgmpSnpgMfibFailure notification is generated when an evpn-mpls binding fails to store an entry in the MFIB table. To resolve this, try to increase the svcTlsMfibTableSize or remove another entry from the MFIB table for this service. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | sapIgmpSnpgGrpLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALCATEL-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB.alxIgmpSnpgSapNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of groups on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ has exceeded the maximum limit of $sapIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrGrps$ - Dropping group $alxIgmpSnpgGroupAddress$ |
Cause | The sapIgmpSnpgGrpLimitExceeded notification is generated when an IGMP group is dropped on a given SAP because a user configurable upper limit given by sapIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrGrps is reached. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive groups. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | sapIgmpSnpgGrpSrcLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALCATEL-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB.alxIgmpSnpgSapNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of groups or sources on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ has exceeded the maximum limit of $sapIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrSrcs$ - Dropping source $alxIgmpSnpgSourceAddress$ for group $alxIgmpSnpgGroupAddress$ |
Cause | The sapIgmpSnpgGrpSrcLimitExceeded notification is generated when an IGMP group or source is dropped dropped on a given SAP because a user configurable upper limit given by sapIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrGrpSrcs is reached. |
Effect | The specified S,G was not added. |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive sources. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | sapIgmpSnpgMcacPlcyDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALCATEL-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB.alxIgmpSnpgSapNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Group $alxIgmpSnpgGroupAddress$ is dropped because of multicast CAC policy $sapIgmpSnpgCfgMcacPolicyName$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ |
Cause | The sapIgmpSnpgMcacPlcyDropped notification is generated when an IGMP group is dropped on a given SAP because of applying a multicast CAC policy given by sapIgmpSnpgCfgMcacPolicyName. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive groups. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | sapIgmpSnpgMcsFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALCATEL-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB.alxIgmpSnpgSapNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Group $alxIgmpSnpgGroupAddress$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ could not be synced to MCS - $alxIgmpSnpgMcsFailureReason$ |
Cause | The sapIgmpSnpgMcsFailure notification is generated when an IGMP group on a given SAP could not be synced to the MCS (multi-chassis synchronization) database. |
Effect | Synchronization between chassis has been lost. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | sapIgmpSnpgSrcLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALCATEL-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB.alxIgmpSnpgSapNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of sources for group $alxIgmpSnpgGroupAddress$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ has exceeded the maximum limit of $sapIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrSrcs$ - Dropping source $alxIgmpSnpgSourceAddress$ for group $alxIgmpSnpgGroupAddress$ |
Cause | The sapIgmpSnpgSrcLimitExceeded notification is generated when an IGMP source is dropped on a given SAP because a user configurable upper limit given by sapIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrSrcs is reached. |
Effect | The specified S,G was not added. |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive sources. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | sdpBndIgmpSnpgGrpLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALCATEL-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB.alxIgmpSnpgSdpBndNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of groups on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ has exceeded the maximum limit of $sdpBndIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrGrps$ - Dropping group $alxIgmpSnpgGroupAddress$ |
Cause | The sdpBndIgmpSnpgGrpLimitExceeded notification is generated when an IGMP group is dropped on a given SDP bind because a user configurable upper limit given by sdpBndIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrGrps is reached. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive groups. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | sdpBndIgmpSnpgGrpSrcLimitExceed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALCATEL-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB.alxIgmpSnpgSdpBndNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of groups or sources on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ has exceeded the maximum limit of $sdpBndIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrSrcs$ - Dropping source $alxIgmpSnpgSourceAddress$ for group $alxIgmpSnpgGroupAddress$ |
Cause | The sdpBndIgmpSnpgGrpSrcLimitExceed notification is generated when an IGMP group or source is dropped on a given SDP Bind because a user configurable upper limit given by sdpBndIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrGrpSrcs is reached. |
Effect | The specified S,G was not added. |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive sources. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | sdpBndIgmpSnpgMcacPlcyDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALCATEL-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB.alxIgmpSnpgSdpBndNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Group $alxIgmpSnpgGroupAddress$ is dropped because of multicast CAC policy $sdpBndIgmpSnpgCfgMcacPolicyName$ on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ |
Cause | The sdpBndIgmpSnpgMcacPlcyDropped notification is generated when an IGMP group is dropped on a given SDP bind because of applying a multicast CAC policy given by sdpBndIgmpSnpgCfgMcacPolicyName. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive groups. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IGMP_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | sdpBndIgmpSnpgSrcLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALCATEL-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB.alxIgmpSnpgSdpBndNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of sources for group $alxIgmpSnpgGroupAddress$ on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ has exceeded the maximum limit of $sdpBndIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrSrcs$ - Dropping source $alxIgmpSnpgSourceAddress$ for group $alxIgmpSnpgGroupAddress$ |
Cause | The sdpBndIgmpSnpgSrcLimitExceeded notification is generated when an IGMP source is dropped on a given SDP Bind because a user configurable upper limit given by sdpBndIgmpSnpgCfgMaxNbrSrcs is reached. |
Effect | The specified S,G was not added. |
Recovery | Investigate the cause of the excessive sources. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | clearRTMError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Could not flush IOMs $iomList$ because 'clear' failed |
Cause | A failure has occured with communications with the associated IOM. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Contact the Nokia Customer Service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | fibAddFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | FIB add failed for VRF $vRtrID$ prefix $prefix$ |
Cause | FIB resources have been exhausted. |
Effect | Additional routing information can not be added to the forwarding table. |
Recovery | Further investigation is required to determine why the IP route table entry could not be added. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IP |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | ipAnyDuplicateAddress |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | State changed from $stateFrom$ to $stateTo$ for IP address $ipAddress$ sent from ethernet address $macAddress$ for interface $intName$ |
Cause | Another system on the subnet has the same IP address. |
Effect | Communications to or from systems with duplicate IP addresses may not be possible. |
Recovery | The duplicate IP address should be removed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IP |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | ipArpBadInterface |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | ARP request for $ipAddress$ received on $interface1$, expected $interface2$ |
Cause | ARP request received on the wrong interface. |
Effect | Communications to or from systems with duplicate IP addresses may not be possible. |
Recovery | Further investigation is required, a possible L2 loop could exist. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | ipArpDuplicateIpAddress |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | duplicate IP address $ipAddress$ with $macAddress$ on interface $interface$ |
Cause | Another system on the subnet has the same IP address. |
Effect | Communications to or from systems with duplicate IP addresses may not be possible. |
Recovery | Duplicate IP addresses must be corrected by changing the IP address on one of the systems. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IP |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | ipArpDuplicateMacAddress |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | duplicate MAC address $macAddress$ with $ipAddress$ on interface $interface$ |
Cause | Another system or host on the ethernet segment has the same ethernet MAC address. |
Effect | Communications to or from systems with duplicate MAC addresses may not be possible. |
Recovery | The duplicate MAC address should be removed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | ipArpInfoOverwritten |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | ARP information overwritten for $ipAddress$ by $macAddress$ |
Cause | ARP information has been updated. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | ipDuplicateAddress |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Duplicate IP address $ipAddress$ sent from ethernet address $macAddress$ |
Cause | Another system or host on the ethernet subnet has the same IP address. |
Effect | Communications to or from systems with duplicate IP addresses may not be possible. |
Recovery | Duplicate IP addresses must be corrected by changing the IP address on one of the systems. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | ipEtherBroadcast |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Invalid ethernet (broadcast) address for IP address $ipAddress$ |
Cause | Misconfigured or misbehaving host is sending the incorrect MAC address. |
Effect | Communications to or from systems with invalid MAC addresses may not be possible. |
Recovery | Further investigation required on the host. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | qosNetworkPolicyMallocFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Qos Network Policy malloc failed in $function$ |
Cause | QoS Network policies have been exhausted. |
Effect | Additional QoS Network policies can not be configured. |
Recovery | Contact the Nokia Customer Service. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | aluIPsecTunnelAuthFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-IPSEC-MIB.aluIPsecNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Tunnel $aluIPsecTunnelName failed authentication. |
Cause | The trap aluIPsecTunnelAuthFailure is sent when there is an authentication failure to bring up an IPsec tunnel. |
Effect | The IPsec tunnel does not become in service. |
Recovery | Correct authentication parameters mismatch. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | aluIPsecTunnelMalformedMessage |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-IPSEC-MIB.aluIPsecNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Received a malformed message for tunnel $aluIPsecTunnelName. |
Cause | The trap aluIPsecTunnelMalformedMessage is sent when there is an IKE message with a malformed message or missing payload. |
Effect | The IPsec tunnel does not become in service. |
Recovery | A mismatched configuration between IPsec tunnel endpoints can cause the responder to send an IKE message with missing or unexpected payloads. Check IPsec logs on both ends and correct any issues. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | aluIPsecTunnelMalformedPayload |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-IPSEC-MIB.aluIPsecNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Received a malformed payload for tunnel $aluIPsecTunnelName. |
Cause | The trap aluIPsecTunnelMalformedPayload is sent when there is an IKE message with a malformed payload. |
Effect | The IPsec tunnel does not become in service. |
Recovery | A mismatched configuration between IPsec tunnel endpoints can cause the responder to send an IKE message with missing or unexpected payloads. Check IPsec logs on both ends and correct any issues. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | aluIPsecTunnelTransformMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-IPSEC-MIB.aluIPsecNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Tunnel $aluIPsecTunnelName has mismatched transform. |
Cause | The trap aluIPsecTurnnelTransformMismatch is sent when there is an mismatch between IPSec transforms. |
Effect | The IPsec tunnel does not become in service. |
Recovery | A mismatched configuration between IPsec tunnel endpoints could be the cause. Check IPsec logs on both ends and correct any issues. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tIPsecBfdIntfSessStateChgd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | BFD session on service $tIPsecNotifBfdIntfSvcId$ interface $tIPsecNotifBfdIntfIfName$ to peer $tIPsecNotifBfdIntfDestIp$ changed state to $tIPsecNotifBfdIntfSessState$. |
Cause | The operational state of a BFD session of the IPsec instance changed. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tIPsecRadAcctPlcyFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to send RADIUS accounting request for policy $tIPsecRadAcctPlcyName$ due to: $tIPsecRadAcctPlcyFailReason$ |
Cause | The tIPsecRadAcctPlcyFail notification is generated when a RADIUS accounting request was not sent out successfully to any of the RADIUS servers in the indicated accounting policy. |
Effect | The RADIUS server may not receive the accounting information. |
Recovery | Depending on the reason indicated as per 'tIPsecRadAcctPlcyFailReason', 'tIPsecRadAcctPlcyTable' configuration may need to be changed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tIPsecRUSAFailToAddRoute |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IPsec Remote-User tunnel $tIPsecRUTnlInetAddress$:$tIPsecRUTnlPort$ failed to add route to $tIPsecRUSARemAddr$/$tIPsecRUSARemAPrefLen$ because $tIPsecNotifReason$. |
Cause | The event is generated when creation of a remote-user tunnel fails. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tIPsecRuTnlEncapIpMtuTooSmall |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Addition of tunnel encapsulation at IPsec remote user tunnel on SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$ for IP address $tIPsecNotifRUTnlInetAddress$:$tIPsecNotifRUTnlPort$ with configured MTU of $tIPsecNotifConfigIpMtu$, having encapsulated MTU of $tIPsecNotifConfigEncapIpMtu$ has an overhead of $tIPsecNotifEncapOverhead$. |
Cause | The tIPsecRuTnlEncapIpMtuTooSmall notification is generated when the addition of tunnel encapsulation to a packet at or near the IPsec remote user tunnel's configured IP MTU may cause it to exceed the tunnel's configured encapsulated IP MTU. |
Effect | The pre-encapsulated packet may be fragmented, and will require reassembly by the tunnel remote endpoint, causing a performance impact. |
Recovery | Configured IP MTU and/or encapsulated IP MTU may need to be changed depending on the size of the encapsulation overhead as indicated in 'tIPsecNotifEncapOverhead', and the transmission capabilities of the tunnel's transport network. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tIPsecRUTnlFailToCreate |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Creation of an IPsec Remote-User tunnel $tIPsecNotifRUTnlInetAddress$:$tIPsecNotifRUTnlPort$ on SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$ failed because $tIPsecNotifReason$. |
Cause | The event is generated when creation of a remote-user tunnel fails. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tIPsecRUTnlRemoved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.13 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IPsec Remote-User tunnel $tIPsecNotifRUTnlInetAddress$:$tIPsecNotifRUTnlPort$ on SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$ was removed because $tIPsecNotifReason$. |
Cause | A tIPsecRUTnlRemoved notification is generated when a remote-user tunnel is removed under certain reasons, which are indicated by tIPsecNotifReason (e.g., failed to renew private address lease with DHCP server). |
Effect | The IPsec tunnel becomes operationally out of service. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tIPSecTrustAnchorPrfOprChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tIPsecTrustAnchorCAProfDown$ of the configured trust-anchors in profile $tIPsecTrustAnchorProfName$ are not operational |
Cause | The tIPSecTrustAnchorPrfOprChg notification is generated when not all of the trust-anchors in a profile are operational. |
Effect | Authentication of tunnels configured with the trust-anchor-profile will fail if the trusted CA (Certificate Authority) in the certificate chain is not operational. |
Recovery | Bring the trusted CA-profile operational up. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tIPsecTunnelEncapIpMtuTooSmall |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Addition of tunnel encapsulation at IPsec static tunnel $tIPsecNotifIPsecTunnelName$ on SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$ with configured MTU of $tIPsecNotifConfigIpMtu$, having encapsulated MTU of $tIPsecNotifConfigEncapIpMtu$ has an overhead of $tIPsecNotifEncapOverhead$ |
Cause | The tIPsecTunnelEncapIpMtuTooSmall notification is generated when the addition of tunnel encapsulation to a packet at or near the IPsec static tunnel's configured IP MTU may cause it to exceed the tunnel's configured encapsulated IP MTU. |
Effect | The pre-encapsulated packet may be fragmented, and will require reassembly by the tunnel remote endpoint, causing a performance impact. |
Recovery | Configured IP MTU and/or encapsulated IP MTU may need to be changed depending on the size of the encapsulation overhead as indicated in 'tIPsecNotifEncapOverhead', and the transmission capabilities of the tunnel's transport network. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxIPsecGWOperStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Operational state change for IPsec Gateway $tmnxIPsecGWName$ on service $svcId$ and SAP $sapEncapValue$, admin state: $tmnxIPsecGWAdminState$, oper state: $tmnxIPsecGWOperState$, oper flags: $tmnxIPsecGWOperFlags$ |
Cause | The tmnxIPsecGWOperStateChange notification is generated when there is a state change in tmnxIPsecGWOperState for an IPsec gateway. |
Effect | When the value of tmnxIPsecGWOperState is 'outOfService (3)', the IPesc gateway is operationally down and it is not ready to negotiate IKE sessions with remote clients. When the value of tmnxIPsecGWOperState is 'inService (2)', the IPsec gateway is operationally up. |
Recovery | Please refer to tmnxIPsecGWOperFlags for information on why the gateway is operationally down. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxIPsecTunnelOperStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Operational state change for IPsec Tunnel $tmnxIPsecTunnelName$ on service $svcId$ and SAP $sapEncapValue$, admin state: $tmnxIPsecTunnelAdminState$, oper state: $tmnxIPsecTunnelOperState$, oper flags: $tmnxIPsecTunnelOperFlags$ |
Cause | The tmnxIPsecTunnelOperStateChange notification is generated when there is a change in tmnxIPsecTunnelOperState for an IPsec tunnel. |
Effect | When the tunnel is operationally down, traffic arriving at the tunnel endpoints will not be encapsulated and transported. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxSecNotifCmptedCertChnChngd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Certificate chain changed to $tIPsecNotifCaProfNames$ in cert-profile $tIPsecNotifCertProfileName$ entry $tIPsecNotifCertProfEntryId$ |
Cause | The tmnxSecNotifCmptedCertChnChngd notification is generated when a computed certificate chain is changed due to a dependent CA profile being changed and brought into service. |
Effect | The hash of the recomputed certificate chain, if changed, will be used for choosing cert-profile entry during new IPsec tunnel establishment. |
Recovery | If the changed CA certificate is used as a trust-anchor at the peer, then the certificate should be updated at the peer as well to ensure correct cert-profile entry selection. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxSecNotifCmptedCertHashChngd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Hash of certificate chain changed in cert-profile $tIPsecNotifCertProfileName$ entry $tIPsecNotifCertProfEntryId$ due to CA profile $tIPsecNotifCaProfNames$ |
Cause | The tmnxSecNotifCmptedCertHashChngd notification is generated when the hash of a certificate chain is changed. |
Effect | The hash of the recomputed certificate chain will be used for choosing cert-profile entry during new IPsec tunnel establishment. |
Recovery | If the changed CA certificate is used as a trust-anchor at the peer, then the certificate should be updated at the peer as well to ensure correct cert-profile entry selection. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | IPSEC |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxSecNotifSendChnNotInCmptChn |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-IPSEC-MIB.tmnxIPsecNotifications.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Send-chain CA profile $tIPsecNotifCaProfNames$ not in the computed certificate chain of cert-profile $tIPsecNotifCertProfileName$ entry $tIPsecNotifCertProfEntryId$ |
Cause | The tmnxSecNotifSendChnNotInCmptChn notification is generated when a CA profile not belonging to the computed certificate chain is added to the send-chain of a cert-profile entry, or the certificate chain is changed such that a CA-profile in the send-chain is no longer a member of the chain. |
Effect | The CA certificate(s) to be sent to the peer is not a member of the certificate chain that is requested by the peer for new IPsec tunnel establishment. |
Recovery | Replace the send-chain CA profile that is not in the certificate chain with one that is. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2045 |
Event name | tmnxIsisAdjacencyChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.17 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Adjacency status changed to $isisISAdjState$ for interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, LSP-id: $vRtrIsisTrapLSPIDString$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisAdjacencyChange notification is sent when an adjacency changes state, entering or leaving state up. The first 6 bytes of the tmnxIsisNotifTrapLSPID are the SystemID of the adjacent IS. The isisISAdjState is the new state of the adjacency. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2062 |
Event name | tmnxIsisAdjBfdSessionSetupFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.34 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | BFD session setup failed with reason $tmnxIsisBfdSessSetupFailReason$ for interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, LSP-id: $tmnxIsisNotifTrapLSPIDString$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisAdjBfdSessionSetupFail notification is sent when BFD session setup fails. The first 6 bytes of the tmnxIsisNotifTrapLSPID are the SystemID of the adjacent IS. |
Effect | The system can not setup the BFD session. |
Recovery | Depending on the tmnxIsisBfdSessSetupFailReason, recovery can be possible. Check the BFD configuration to recover. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2047 |
Event name | tmnxIsisAdjRestartStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.19 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Adjacency graceful restart status changed to $tmnxIsisISAdjRestartStatus$ for interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisAdjRestartStatusChange notification is sent when an adjancency's graceful restart status changes. The tmnxIsisISAdjRestartStatus is the new graceful restart state of the adjacency. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2040 |
Event name | tmnxIsisAreaMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Area mismatch on interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, fragment: $vRtrIsisPDUFragmentString$, LSP size: $tmnxIsisNotifLSPSize$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisAreaMismatch notification is sent when we receive a Hello PDU from an IS which does not share any area address. This notification includes the header of the packet, which may help a network manager identify the source of the confusion. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about PDUs received from what seem to be the same source. This decision is up to the agent to make, and may be based on the circuit or on some MAC level information. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2038 |
Event name | tmnxIsisAuthFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Authentication failure on interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, fragment: $vRtrIsisPDUFragmentString$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisAuthFail notification is sent when we receive a PDU with incorrect authentication information field. This notification includes the header of the packet, which may help a network manager identify the source of the confusion. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about PDUs received from what seem to be the same source. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2037 |
Event name | tmnxIsisAutTypeFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Authentication type failure on interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, fragment: $vRtrIsisPDUFragmentString$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisAutTypeFail notification is sent when we receive a PDU with the wrong authentication type field. This notification includes the header of the packet, which may help a network manager identify the source of the confusion. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about PDUs received from what seem to be the same source. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2046 |
Event name | tmnxIsisCircIdExhausted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.18 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Circuit-id space exhausted for level $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$ - interface: $vRtrIfIndex$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisCircIdExhausted notification is sent when the specific ISIS level cannot be started on a LAN interface as a unique circid could not be assigned due to the exhaustion of the circid space. This could happen only on the broadcast interfaces. |
Effect | In such a case the interface is marked operationally down. |
Recovery | When an operationally up interface is deleted, the circid can be reused by any interface which is waiting to receive a unique circid. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | tmnxIsisCorruptedLSPDetected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Corrupted LSP detected on level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, with LSP-id: $vRtrIsisTrapLSPIDString$. |
Cause | The tmnxIsisCorruptedLSPDetected notification is generated when we find that and LSP that was stored in memory has become corrupted. We forward an LSP ID. We may have independent knowledge of the ID, but in some implementations there is a chance that the ID itself will be corrupted. |
Effect | LSP is dropped. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | tmnxIsisDatabaseOverload |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Overload (event $tmnxIsisLevelOverloadStatus$, system level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$) - Level1State: $isisSysL1State$, Level2State: $isisSysL2State$ $tmnxIsisNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisDatabaseOverload notification is generated when the system enters or leaves the Overload state. |
Effect | Database is overloaded. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2050 |
Event name | tmnxIsisExportLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.22 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | ISIS level $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$ has reached the export-limit $tmnxIsisExportLimit$, additional routes will not be exported into this ISIS level |
Cause | The tmnxIsisExportLimitReached notification is sent when the total number of exported routes for the level is equal to the configured limit for exported routes, tmnxIsisExportLimit. |
Effect | Additional routes would not be exported into this ISIS level from the route table. |
Recovery | Change ISIS export policy. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2051 |
Event name | tmnxIsisExportLimitWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.23 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISIS level $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$ has reached $tmnxIsisExportLimitLogPercent$ percent of the export limit $tmnxIsisExportLimit$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisExportLimitWarning notification is sent when the total number of exported routes or the level is equal to the configured percent, tmnxIsisExportLimitLogPercent of the export limit, tmnxIsisExportLimit. Additional routes will continue to be exported into this ISIS level from the route table till the export limit is reached. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2056 |
Event name | tmnxIsisFailureDisabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.28 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | ISIS disabled. Reason : $tmnxIsisFailureReasonCode$ |
Cause | A tmnxIsisFailureDisabled notification is generated when ISIS is operationally brought down. Reason for the failure is indicated by tmnxIsisFailureReasonCode. |
Effect | ISIS is now operationally down. |
Recovery | ISIS will auto restart. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | tmnxIsisIDLenMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ISIS-id length mismatch - field length: $tmnxIsisNotifFieldLen$, interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, on fragment: $vRtrIsisPDUFragmentString$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisIDLenMismatch notification is sent when we receive a PDU with a different value of the System ID Length. This notification includes the index to identify the circuit where we saw the PDU and the header of the PDU which may help a network manager identify the source of the confusion. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about PDUs received from what seem to be the same source. This decision is up to the agent to make, and may be based on the circuit or on some MAC level information. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2049 |
Event name | tmnxIsisLdpSyncExit |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.21 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IGP-LDP synchronization has stopped for interface $vRtrIfIndex$ because Exit State $tmnxIsisIfLdpSyncTimerState$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisLdpSyncExit notification is sent when IGP-LDP synchronization has stopped. The cause of this event is indicated by tmnxIsisIfLdpSyncTimerState, one of them being expiry of vRtrIfLdpSyncTimer. |
Effect | The IGP link metric is restored to normal levels. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2048 |
Event name | tmnxIsisLdpSyncTimerStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.20 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IGP-LDP synchronization timer has started for interface $vRtrIfIndex$. |
Cause | The tmnxIsisLdpSyncTimerStarted notification is sent when the vRtrIfLdpSyncTimer is started. The timer is started from the time the LDP session to the neighbor is up over the interface. |
Effect | This allows for the label FEC bindings to be exchanged. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2060 |
Event name | tmnxIsisLSPPurge |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.32 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxIsisLSPPurge notification is sent when a LSP is purged. This notification includes the system ID of the originator, or the upstream source of the purge, which may help a network manager to locate the origin of the purge and thus the cause of the purge. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2042 |
Event name | tmnxIsisLSPTooLargeToPropagate |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LSP too large to propagate - LSP size: $tmnxIsisNotifLSPSize$, on interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, LSP-id: $vRtrIsisTrapLSPIDString$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisLSPTooLargeToPropagate notification is sent when we attempt to propagate an LSP which is larger than the dataLinkBlockSize for a circuit. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about PDUs received from the same source. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | tmnxIsisManualAddressDrops |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Configured manual area address $isisManAreaAddrString$ being ignored when computing routes |
Cause | This notification is generated when one of the manual area addresses assigned to this system is ignored when computing routes. The object isisManAreaAddrExistState describes the area that has been dropped. This notification is edge triggered, and should not be regenerated until an address that was used in the previous computation has been dropped. |
Effect | Assigned manual area address is ignored for computing routes. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tmnxIsisMaxAreaAddrsMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Max area addresses mismatch - max area addresses: $tmnxIsisNotifMaxAreaAddress$, interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, on fragment: $vRtrIsisPDUFragmentString$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisMaxAreaAddrsMismatch notification is sent when we receive a PDU with a different value of the Maximum Area Addresses. This notification includes the header of the packet, which may help a network manager identify the source of the confusion. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about PDUs received from what seem to be the same source. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | tmnxIsisMaxSeqExceedAttempt |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Attempt to exceed the maximum sequence on level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, with LSP-id: $vRtrIsisTrapLSPIDString$. |
Cause | The tmnxIsisMaxSeqExceedAttempt notification is generated when the sequence number on an LSP wraps the 32 bit sequence counter, we purge and wait to re-announce this information. Since these should not be generated rapidly, we generate an event each time this happens. While the first 6 bytes of the LSPID are ours, the other two contain useful information. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2043 |
Event name | tmnxIsisOrigLSPBufSizeMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.15 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Originating LSP buffer size mismatch - LSP size: $tmnxIsisNotifOriginatingBuffSize$, on interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, LSP-id: $vRtrIsisTrapLSPIDString$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisOrigLSPBufSizeMismatch notification is sent when a Level 1 LSP or Level 2 LSP is received which is larger than the local value for isisSysOrigL1LSPBuffSize or isisSysOrigL2LSPBuffSize respectively, or when a Level 1 LSP or Level2 LSP is received containing the originatingLSPBufferSize option and the value in the PDU option field does not match the local value for isisSysOrigL1LSPBuffSize or isisSysOrigL2LSPBuffSize respectively. We pass up the size from the option field or the size of the LSP that exceeds our configuration. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about PDUs received from the same source. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2035 |
Event name | tmnxIsisOwnLSPPurge |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Own LSP Purge - interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, on level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, LSP: $vRtrIsisTrapLSPIDString$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisOwnLSPPurge notification is sent when we receive a PDU with our SystemID and zero age. This notification includes the circuit Index if available, which may help a network manager identify the source of the confusion. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2061 |
Event name | tmnxIsisPfxLimitOverloadWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.33 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Overload warning $tmnxIsisNotifAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisPfxLimitOverloadWarning notification is sent when the number of prefixes in the system reaches the tmnxIsisPrefixLimitThreshold or the tmnxIsisPrefixLimit. |
Effect | When tmnxIsisPrefixLimit is not yet reached, but the tmnxIsisPrefixLimitThreshold is reached there is no direct effect; but when the number of prefixes grows the system migth go in overload. When the tmnxIsisPrefixLimit is reached and the object tmnxIsisPrefixLimitLogOnly is false, IS-IS will be in overload. There is no direct effect when the object tmnxIsisPrefixLimitLogOnly is true. |
Recovery | Increase the IS-IS prefix limit. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2044 |
Event name | tmnxIsisProtoSuppMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Supported protocol mismatch - supported protocol: $tmnxIsisNotifProtocolsSupported$, on interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, LSP-id: $vRtrIsisTrapLSPIDString$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisProtoSuppMismatch notification is sent when a non-pseudonode segment 0 LSP is received that has no matching protocols supported. This may be because the system does not generate the field, or because there are no common elements. The list of protocols supported should be included in the notification: it may be empty if the TLV is not supported, or if the TLV is empty. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about PDUs received from the same source. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2041 |
Event name | tmnxIsisRejectedAdjacency |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Rejected adjacency on interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level:$tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisRejectedAdjacency notification is sent when we receive a Hello PDU from an IS, but do not establish an adjacency due to a lack of resources. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about PDUs received from the same source. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2059 |
Event name | tmnxIsisRejectedAdjacencySid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.31 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Failed SID adjacency on interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level:$tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, description: $tmnxIsisNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisRejectedAdjacencySid notification is sent when we do not establish an adjacency SID due to a lack of resources. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about adjacency SID allocation failure for the same adjacency. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | When an operationally up interface is deleted, the ADJ-SID can be reused by any interface which is waiting to receive an ADJ-SID. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2052 |
Event name | tmnxIsisRoutesExpLmtDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.24 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of redistributed routes into ISIS level $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$ has dropped below the export limit $tmnxIsisExportLimit$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisRoutesExpLmtDropped notification is sent when the total number of exported routes from the route table to this ISIS level drops below the configured export limit, tmnxIsisExportLimit. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2036 |
Event name | tmnxIsisSequenceNumberSkip |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Sequence number skipped for LSP: $vRtrIsisTrapLSPIDString$, on interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level:$tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisSequenceNumberSkip notification is sent when we need to increase the sequence number by more than one. When we receive an LSP with out System ID and different contents, we may need to reissue the LSP with a higher sequence number. If two Intermediate Systems are configured with the same System ID, this notification will fire. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2057 |
Event name | tmnxIsisSidError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.29 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxIsisNotifyDescription$ SID:$tmnxIsisPrefixSidValue$, level:$tmnxIsisPrefixSidLevel$, mtid:$tmnxIsisRouteMtId$, type:$tmnxIsisPrefixSidType$, flags:$tmnxIsisPrefixSidFlags$ |
Cause | This notification is generated when ISIS receives an IOM or CPM failure (system exhausted ILM, NHLFE, duplicate SID) while resolving and programming a received prefix SID. |
Effect | The Segment Routing tunnel corresponding to this SID will not be programmed. |
Recovery | In case of system exhaustion, the IGP instance goes into overload. The operator must manually clear the IGP overload condition after freeing resources. IGP will attempt to program at the next SPF all tunnels which previously failed the programming operation |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2058 |
Event name | tmnxIsisSidNotInLabelRange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.30 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SID not in range of router:$tmnxIsisNotifPfxSidSysIDString$, SID:$tmnxIsisPrefixSidValue$, startLabel:$tmnxIsisNotifPfxSidRangeStartLbl$, maxIdx:$tmnxIsisNotifPfxSidRangeMaxIdx$ level:$tmnxIsisPrefixSidLevel$, mtid:$tmnxIsisRouteMtId$, type:$tmnxIsisPrefixSidType$, flags:$tmnxIsisPrefixSidFlags$ |
Cause | This notification is generated when ISIS receives a SID which is not within the label range of the nhop router. |
Effect | The Segment Routing tunnel corresponding to this SID will not be programmed. |
Recovery | Increase the label range or change the SID index to be within the current label range. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2055 |
Event name | tmnxIsisSpbEctFidCfgChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.27 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SPB ect-algorithm changed to $vRtrSpbEctFidAlgorithm$ for FID range $tmnxIsisSpbEctFidStart$-$tmnxIsisSpbEctFidEnd$ under $vRtrIsisLevel$ |
Cause | A tmnxIsisSpbEctFidCfgChg notification is sent when a configuration change is made to vRtrSpbEctFidTable affecting forwarding database identifiers in the range from tmnxIsisSpbEctFidStart to tmnxIsisSpbEctFidEnd. |
Effect | There are changes in the vRtrSpbEctFidTable which may be out-of-sync with management application. |
Recovery | Management application may need to synchronize with changes in the vRtrSpbEctFidTable. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2053 |
Event name | tmnxIsisSpbNbrMultAdjExists |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.25 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SPB multiple adjacency exists for neighbor $vRtrIsisNbrSysIdString$ at system level $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$ |
Cause | A tmnxIsisSpbNbrMultAdjExists notification is sent when IS-IS SPB instance detects a neighbor to which it already has a direct adjacency on another interface. |
Effect | During SPF IS-IS SPB instance will have incorrect neighbor information and hence path computations will be incorrect. |
Recovery | Check number of links to neighbor to make sure there is only one link. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2054 |
Event name | tmnxIsisSpbNbrMultAdjExistsClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.26 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SPB multiple adjacency cleared for neighbor $vRtrIsisNbrSysIdString$ at system level $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$ |
Cause | A tmnxIsisSpbNbrMultAdjExistsClear notification is sent when an IS-IS SPB instance clears the condition raised by tmnxIsisSpbNbrMultAdjExists notification. |
Effect | During SPF IS-IS SPB instance will have correct neighbor information and hence path computations will be correct. |
Recovery | None required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2063 |
Event name | tmnxIsisSrgbBadLabelRange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.35 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Bad SRGB label range for advertising router:$tmnxIsisNotifSrgbAdvRtrSysIDString$, startLabel:$tmnxIsisNotifSrgbRangeStartLbl$, maxIdx:$tmnxIsisNotifSrgbRangeMaxIdx$, level:$tmnxIsisNotifSrgbLevel$, mtid:$tmnxIsisNotifSrgbMtId$ $tmnxIsisNotifAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisSrgbBadLabelRange notification is sent when ISIS receives a bad SRGB label range from a router (for example, overlapping with another label range). |
Effect | The configured Segment Routing tunnels will be wrong. |
Recovery | Change the label range to recover. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2039 |
Event name | tmnxIsisVersionSkew |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-NG-MIB.tmnxIsisNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Protocol version skew - $tmnxIsisNotifProtocolVersion$ on interface: $vRtrIfIndex$, for level: $tmnxIsisNotifSystemLevel$, fragment: $vRtrIsisPDUFragmentString$ |
Cause | The tmnxIsisVersionSkew notification is sent when we receive a Hello PDU from an IS running a different version of the protocol. This notification includes the header of the packet, which may help a network manager identify the source of the confusion. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about PDUs received from what seem to be the same source. This decision is up to the agent to make, and may be based on the circuit or on some MAC level information. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | vRtrIsisSpbNbrMultAdjExists |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-MIB.vRtrIsisNotifications.25 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SPB multiple adjacency exists for neighbor $vRtrIsisNbrSysIdString$ at system level $vRtrIsisSystemLevel$ |
Cause | A vRtrIsisSpbNbrMultAdjExists notification is sent when IS-IS SPB instance detects a neighbor to which it already has a direct connection to it on another interface. |
Effect | During SPF IS-IS SPB instance will have incorrect neighbor information and hence the computation will be incorrect. |
Recovery | Check number of links to neighbor to make sure there is only one link. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | vRtrIsisSpbNbrMultAdjExistsClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-MIB.vRtrIsisNotifications.26 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SPB multiple adjacency cleared for neighbor $vRtrIsisNbrSysIdString$ at system level $vRtrIsisSystemLevel$ |
Cause | A vRtrIsisSpbNbrMultAdjExistsClear notification is sent when an IS-IS SPB instance clears the condition raised by vRtrIsisSpbNbrMultAdjExists notification. |
Effect | During SPF IS-IS SPB instance will have correct neighbor information and hence the computation will be correct. |
Recovery | None required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ISIS |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | vRtrSpbEctFidCfgChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-ISIS-MIB.vRtrIsisNotifications.27 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SPB ect-algorithm changed to $vRtrSpbEctFidAlgorithm$ for FID range $vRtrSpbEctFidStart$-$vRtrSpbEctFidEnd$ under $vRtrIsisLevel$ |
Cause | A vRtrSpbEctFidCfgChg notification is sent when a configuration change is made to vRtrSpbEctFidTable affecting forwarding database identifiers in the range from vRtrSpbEctFidStart to vRtrSpbEctFidEnd. |
Effect | There are changes in the vRtrSpbEctFidTable which may be out-of-sync with management application. |
Recovery | Management application may need to synchronize with changes in the vRtrSpbEctFidTable. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | L2TP |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxL2tpApFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-L2TP-MIB.tmnxL2tpNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | RADIUS accounting policy tmnxSubAcctPlcyName failure - $tmnxL2tpNotifyDescription$. |
Cause | The tmnxL2tpApFailure notification is generated when a RADIUS accounting request was not sent out successfully to any of the RADIUS servers in the indicated accounting policy. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | L2TP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxL2tpIsaMdaVRtrStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-L2TP-MIB.tmnxL2tpNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The operational state changed to $tmnxL2tpIsaMdaVRtrOperState$. $tmnxL2tpNotifyDescription$. |
Cause | The tmnxL2tpIsaMdaVRtrStateChange notification is sent when the operational state of an L2TP ISA MDA with respect to a Virtual Router changes. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | L2TP |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxL2tpLnsPppNcpFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-L2TP-MIB.tmnxL2tpNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | PPP $tmnxL2tpPppNcpFailureProtocol$ phase failure for user $tmnxL2tpLnsSePppPppUserName$ interface $vRtrIfName$ service $tmnxL2tpLnsSePppSvcId$ - $tmnxL2tpNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxL2tpLnsPppNcpFailure notification indicates that there is an NCP phase setup problem. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | L2TP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxL2tpLnsSePppSessionFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-L2TP-MIB.tmnxL2tpNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Failed to create session for user $tmnxL2tpLnsSePppPppUserName$ interface $vRtrIfName$ service $tmnxL2tpLnsSePppSvcId$ - $tmnxL2tpNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxL2tpLnsSePppSessionFailure notification is sent when the system could not create a new session in the tmnxL2tpLnsSePppTable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | L2TP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxL2tpPeerUnreachable |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-L2TP-MIB.tmnxL2tpNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The unreachability of L2TP peer $tmnxL2tpTuStatusPeerAddr$ (port $tmnxL2tpTuStatusRemoteUdpPort$) changed to $tmnxL2tpPeerStatUnreachable$. $tmnxL2tpNotifyDescription$. |
Cause | The tmnxL2tpPeerUnreachable notification is generated when the peer becomes unreachable, and then becomes reachable again. The cause may be specified in the tmnxL2tpNotifyDescription. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | L2TP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxL2tpTunnelBlacklisted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-L2TP-MIB.tmnxL2tpNotifications.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The unreachability of L2TP tunnel $tmnxL2tpTuStatusId in vRtr $vRtrId changed to $tmnxL2tpTuStatusSelBlacklstState. $tmnxL2tpNotifyDescription$. |
Cause | The tmnxL2tpTunnelBlacklisted notification is sent when a L2TP tunnel is added to or removed from the tunnel-selection-blacklist. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | L2TP |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxL2tpTunnelSelBlacklistFull |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-L2TP-MIB.tmnxL2tpNotifications.13 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The full-state L2TP tunnel-selection-blacklist of vRtr $vRtrId changed. There are now $tmnxL2tpStatCurrSelBlacklstLen entries in the blacklist, out of a maximum of $tmnxL2tpXtTuSelBlacklistLength. $tmnxL2tpNotifyDescription$. |
Cause | The tmnxL2tpTunnelBlacklistFull notification is sent when the number of tunnels and peers in the tunnel-selection-blacklist reaches the limit configured in tmnxL2tpXtTuSelBlacklistLength, or when the limit is no longer reached. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LAG |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | DynamicCostOff |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LAG-MIB.tLagNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LAG $tLagIndex$ exited dynamic-cost mode |
Cause | A sufficient number of ports in the LAG repaired, so the remaining number of operational ports in the LAG was greater than the port threshold. |
Effect | The LAG exits dynamic-cost mode; OSPF and other services on the LAG change their cost. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LAG |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | DynamicCostOn |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LAG-MIB.tLagNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LAG $tLagIndex$ entered dynamic-cost mode |
Cause | A sufficient number of ports in the LAG failed, so the remaining number of operational ports in the LAG was less than or equal to the port threshold. |
Effect | The LAG enters dynamic-cost mode; OSPF and other services on the LAG change their cost. |
Recovery | Either repair enough physical ports so that the number of operational ports in the LAG is greater than or equal to the port threshold, change the port threshold, or change the port threshold action from dynamic-cost to down. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LAG |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | LagPortAddFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LAG-MIB.tLagNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Could not add port $tmnxPortPortID$ to LAG $tLagIndex$ because $tLagNotifyPortAddFailReason$ |
Cause | The tLagPortAddFailed notification is generated when a port failed to be added to the lag. |
Effect | Dependent upon the value of tLagNotifyPortAddFailReason. |
Recovery | Dependent upon the value of tLagNotifyPortAddFailReason. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LAG |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | LagPortAddFailureCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LAG-MIB.tLagNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Failure to add port $tmnxPortPortID$ to LAG $tLagIndex$ is resolved - $tLagNotifyPortAddFailReason$ |
Cause | The failure reported by notification tLagPortAddFailed has been resolved. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LAG |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | LagStateEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LAG-MIB.tLagNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LAG $tLagIndex$ : $tLagNotifyAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The cause described in this event may influence the LAG state. |
Effect | The state of the LAG may change. |
Recovery | No action needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LAG |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | LagSubGroupSelected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LAG-MIB.tLagNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tLagNotifySubGroupSelected$ |
Cause | The tLagSubGroupSelected notification is generated when the selection algorithm selects a different sub-group. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LAG |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tLagMemberStateEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LAG-MIB.tLagNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LAG $tLagIndex$ : $tLagNotifyAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The cause described in this event may influence the LAG state. |
Effect | The state of the LAG may change. |
Recovery | No action needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LAG |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxLagBfdMemStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LAG-MIB.tLagNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | LAG $tLagIndex$ member $tmnxPortPortID$ BFD state changed to $tmnxLagBfdMemState$ - $tLagNotifyAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The tmnxLagBfdMemStateChanged notification is sent when the value of an instance of the object tmnxLagBfdMemState changes. The cause is explained in the tLagNotifyAdditionalInfo. |
Effect | While the value of the object tmnxLagBfdMemState is equal to - 'idle', 'failed', 'waitingFwd', 'up': the port is forwarding traffic; - 'waiting', 'down': the port is not forwarding traffic. |
Recovery | The recovery action will depend on the actual cause as specified in the tLagNotifyAdditionalInfo. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDAP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxLdapOperStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDAP-MIB.tmnxLdapNotifications.1 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Operational state of the LDAP protocol has changed to $tmnxLdapOperState$ |
Cause | [CAUSE]The tmnxLdapOperStateChange notification is generated when the tmnxLdapOperState has transitioned either from 'outOfService' to 'inService' or from 'inService' to 'outOfService' state. [EFFECT]If tmnxLdapOperState has transitioned to 'outOfService' state then the LDAP protocol is not available for use. If tmnxLdapOperState has transitioned to 'inService' state then the LDAP protocol is available for use. [RECOVERY]If the new state corresponds to the value of tmnxLdapAdminState, then this is desirable behavior and no recovery is needed. If the new state of the tmnxLdapOperState object is 'outOfService' while the value of the object tmnxLdapAdminState is 'inService', make sure that the value of tmnxLdapServerOperState of at least one LDAP server connection is 'inService'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDAP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxLdapServerOperStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDAP-MIB.tmnxLdapNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Operational state of the connection to the LDAP server '$tmnxLdapServerName$' (ID: $tmnxLdapServerIndex$) ($tmnxLdapServerInetAddress$:$tmnxLdapServerPort$) has changed to $tmnxLdapServerOperState$ |
Cause | [CAUSE]The tmnxLdapServerOperStateChange notification is generated when the tmnxLdapServerOperState has transitioned either from 'outOfService' to 'inService' or from 'inService' to 'outOfService' state. [EFFECT]If tmnxLdapServerOperState has transitioned to 'outOfService' state then the particular LDAP server connection is not available for use. If tmnxLdapServerOperState has transitioned to 'inService' state then the particular LDAP server is available for use. [RECOVERY]If the new state corresponds to the tmnxLdapServerAdminState, then this is the desirable behavior and no recovery is needed. If the new state of the tmnxLdapServerOperState object is 'outOfService' while the value of the object tmnxLdapServerAdminState is 'inService', make sure that the LDAP server connection parameters are properly configured and the LDAP server is reachable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | vRtrLdpGroupIdMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDP-MIB.tmnxLdpNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Apparent mismatch of group IDs - local group ID: $vRtrLdpNotifyLocalGroupID$, remote group ID: $vRtrLdpNotifyRemoteGroupID$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDP |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | vRtrLdpNgIfStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB.tmnxLdpNgNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Interface instance state changed - vRtrID: $vRtrID$, $interfaceName$, administrative state: $vRtrLdpNgIfAdminState$, operational state: $vRtrLdpNgIfOperState$ |
Cause | The vRtrLdpNgIfStateChange notification is generated when the LDP interface changes state either administratively or operationally. |
Effect | Based on the vRtrLdpNgIfOperDownReason reason code, the system may not be able to accept new requests from peers over this interface. |
Recovery | Based on the vRtrLdpNgIfOperDownReason reason code, appropriate configuration changes in LDP may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDP |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | vRtrLdpNgInetIfStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB.tmnxLdpNgNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Sub-interface instance state changed - vRtrID: $vRtrID$, $interfaceName$, administrative state: $vRtrLdpNgInetIfAdminState$, operational state: $vRtrLdpNgInetIfOperState$ |
Cause | The vRtrLdpNgInetIfStateChange notification is generated when the LDP sub-interface changes state either administratively or operationally. |
Effect | Based on the vRtrLdpNgInetIfOperDownReason reason code, the system may not be able to accept new requests over this interface. |
Recovery | Based on the vRtrLdpNgInetIfOperDownReason reason code, appropriate configuration changes in LDP may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDP |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | vRtrLdpNgIpv4InstStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB.tmnxLdpNgNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IPv4 Instance state changed - vRtrID: $vRtrID$, administrative state: $vRtrLdpNgGenAdminState$, operational state: $vRtrLdpNgGenIPv4OperState$, reason: $vRtrLdpNgGenIPv4OperDownReason$ |
Cause | The vRtrLdpNgIpv4InstStateChange is generated when the IPv4 LDP instance changes state operationally as specified by vRtrLdpNgGenIPv4OperState. |
Effect | Based on the vRtrLdpNgGenIPv4OperDownReason reason code, the system may not be able to accept new requests from peers. |
Recovery | Based on the vRtrLdpNgGenIPv4OperDownReason reason code, appropriate configuration changes in LDP may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDP |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | vRtrLdpNgIpv6InstStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB.tmnxLdpNgNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IPv6 Instance state changed - vRtrID: $vRtrID$, administrative state: $vRtrLdpNgGenAdminState$, operational state: $vRtrLdpNgGenIPv6OperState$, reason: $vRtrLdpNgGenIPv6OperDownReason$ |
Cause | The vRtrLdpNgIpv6InstStateChange is generated when the IPv6 LDP instance changes state operationally as specified by vRtrLdpNgGenIPv6OperState. |
Effect | Based on the vRtrLdpNgGenIPv6OperDownReason reason code, the system may not be able to accept new requests from peers. |
Recovery | Based on the vRtrLdpNgGenIPv6OperDownReason reason code, appropriate configuration changes in LDP may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDP |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | vRtrLdpNgResourceExhaustion |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB.tmnxLdpNgNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Instance resource exhausted - vRtrID: $vRtrID$ |
Cause | The vRtrLdpNgResourceExhaustion notification is generated when a CPM or data path resource required for FEC resolution is exhausted. The new notification will not be generated if multiple internal event changes occur within a 10 minute interval. |
Effect | The system may not be able to accept new requests from peers. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes in LDP may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDP |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | vRtrLdpNgSessionStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB.tmnxLdpNgNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Session state is $vRtrLdpNgSessState$. Overload Notification message is $vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadDirection$ to/from peer $vRtrLdpNgPeerLdpId$ with overload state $vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadState$ for fec type $vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadFecType$ and sub type fec $vRtrLdpNgSessOvldFecTypeSubTyp$ |
Cause | The vRtrLdpNgSessionStateChange notification is generated when the LDP Overload Notification message is sent to or received from the peer vRtrLdpNgPeerLdpId for the combination of vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadFecType and vRtrLdpNgSessOvldFecTypeSubTyp while vRtrLdpNgSessState remains 'operational'. |
Effect | Once the Local LSR has sent the LDP Overload Notification message to the peer vRtrLdpNgPeerLdpId for fec and sub type fec indicated by vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadFecType and vRtrLdpNgSessOvldFecTypeSubTyp and vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadState has the value of 'true', then new Label Mapping Messages received for this peer for the given combination of fec and sub type fec is returned with a Label Release Message. If the Local LSR has received an LDP Overload Notification message from the peer vRtrLdpNgPeerLdpId for fec and sub type fec indicated by vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadFecType and vRtrLdpNgSessOvldFecTypeSubTyp and vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadState has the value of 'true', no new Label Mapping Message for the given combination of fec and sub type fec will be sent to this peer. If the Local LSR has received an LDP Overload Notification message from the peer vRtrLdpNgPeerLdpId for fec and sub type fec indicated by vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadFecType and vRtrLdpNgSessOvldFecTypeSubTyp and vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadState has the value of 'false', then the Local LSR will send all pending and any new Label Mapping Message for the given combination of fec and sub type fec to this peer. |
Recovery | In case the Local LSR sent the LDP Overload Notification message to the peer vRtrLdpNgPeerLdpId and vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadState has the value of 'true' for fec and sub type fec indicated by vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadFecType and vRtrLdpNgSessOvldFecTypeSubTyp, then appropriate LDP configuration changes may be required on the Local and/or Remote LSR. Once the Local LSR is not overloaded anymore, an LDP Overload Notification message is sent to the peer vRtrLdpNgPeerLdpId and vRtrLdpNgSessOverloadState has the value of 'false' for given fec and sub type fec. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDP |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | vRtrLdpNgSessMaxFecLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB.tmnxLdpNgNotifications.8 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Number of FECs received from the peer $vRtrLdpNgPeerAddress$ has reached the maximum value of $vRtrLdpNgSessParamMaxFec$. The current operational threshold is $vRtrLdpNgSessOperMaxFecThreshold$ percent. |
Cause | A vRtrLdpNgSessMaxFecLimitReached notification is generated when the number of FEC's accepted from the peer has reached the value specified by vRtrLdpNgSessParamMaxFec. If the current number of FEC's go below the limit but higher than the configured threshold and again start to increase and hit the limit a second time, we will raise a trap if 2 or more minutes have elapsed since the first vRtrLdpNgSessMaxFecLimitReached trap was sent. If any parameter in FEC limit configuration changes and the current number of FEC's are equal to or higher than the limit specified by vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec, then we would always raise the vRtrLdpNgSessMaxFecLimitReached trap. |
Effect | When the number of FECs exceed the configured maximum (vRtrLdpNgSessParamMaxFec) it results in any of the following: (1) If vRtrLdpNgSessParamMaxFecLogOnly is set to 'false' and LSR Overload Capability is supported, then Overload procedure will take place. (2) If vRtrLdpNgSessParamMaxFecLogOnly is set to 'false' and LSR Overload Capability is not supported, Label Mapping Message will be returned with Label Release Message. (3) If vRtrLdpNgSessParamMaxFecLogOnly is set to 'true', no action will be taken. |
Recovery | Appropriate Configuration changes in local or peer LSR will be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDP |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | vRtrLdpNgSessMaxFecThresChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB.tmnxLdpNgNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Number of FECs received from the peer $vRtrLdpNgPeerAddress$ has gone $vRtrLdpNgSessOperThresLevel$ the configured threshold of the maximum value $vRtrLdpNgSessParamMaxFec$. The current operational threshold is $vRtrLdpNgSessOperMaxFecThreshold$ percent. |
Cause | A vRtrLdpNgSessMaxFecThresChanged notification is generated when the number of FECs accepted from the peer has exceeded or drops below vRtrLdpNgSessOperMaxFecThreshold percent of the value specified by vRtrLdpNgSessParamMaxFec. New notification will not be generated if multiple internal event change occurs for the same level indicated by vRtrLdpNgSessOperThresLevel during a 2 minute interval. If any parameter in FEC limit configuration changes then we would always raise this trap if current number of FEC's are above the configured threshold or has crossed the threshold downwards. If we remain on or below the configured threshold before and after the configuration changes then no trap would be generated. |
Effect | No direct effect but if the peer LSR continues to send further Label Mapping Message, then the number of FECs may exceed the configured maximum (vRtrLdpNgSessParamMaxFec) resulting in the generation of vRtrLdpNgSessMaxFecLimitReached notification. |
Recovery | Appropriate Configuration changes in local or peer LSR will be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDP |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | vRtrLdpNgTargPeerStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB.tmnxLdpNgNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Targeted peer state changed - vRtrID: $vRtrID$, $vRtrLdpNgPeerAddress$, administrative state: $vRtrLdpNgTargPeerAdminState$, operational state: $vRtrLdpNgTargPeerOperState$ |
Cause | The vRtrLdpNgTargPeerStateChange notification is generated when the LDP peer changes state either administratively or operationally. |
Effect | Based on the vRtrLdpNgTargPeerOperDownReason reason code, the system may not be able to accept new requests from this peer. |
Recovery | Based on the vRtrLdpNgTargPeerOperDownReason reason code, appropriate configuration changes in LDP may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LDP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | vRtrLdpStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LDP-MIB.tmnxLdpNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | LDP protocol $vRtrLdpStatus$d |
Cause | The vRtrLdpStateChange notification is generated when the LDP protocol is created or deleted in the router |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2115 |
Event name | cli_config_io |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$: $prompt$ $message$ |
Cause | A valid CLI command was entered in the configuration node. |
Effect | Configuration was changed by CLI command. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2117 |
Event name | cli_unauth_config_io |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$. $message$: $prompt$ $command$ |
Cause | User has entered configuration command for which he is not authorized. |
Effect | The CLI command was not processed. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2116 |
Event name | cli_unauth_user_io |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$. $message$: $prompt$ $command$ |
Cause | User has entered command for which he is not authorized. |
Effect | The CLI command was not processed. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2113 |
Event name | cli_user_io |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$: $prompt$ $message$ |
Cause | A CLI command was entered. |
Effect | A CLI command was processed. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2101 |
Event name | cli_user_login |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged in |
Cause | The user was successfully authenticated for login. |
Effect | A user access session was started. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2103 |
Event name | cli_user_login_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ failed authentication |
Cause | The user failed authentication. |
Effect | The user access session was not started. The user is given another opportunity to authenticate himself. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2104 |
Event name | cli_user_login_max_attempts |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.51 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $tmnxSecNotifyUserName$ from $tmnxSecNotifyAddr$ attempted more than $tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount$ times to log in, user locked out for $tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod$ min |
Cause | A tmnxUserCliLoginMaxAttempts notification is generated when a user attempting to open a CLI sesssion failed to authenticate for more than a maximum allowed number of times in a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsTime minutes. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount indicates the maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod indicates the number of minutes the user is locked out if the threshold of unsuccessful login attempts has been exceeded. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyUserName indicates the name of the user attempting to open a CLI session. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddrType indicates the type of the IP address stored in the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr indicates the IP address of the user attempting to open a CLI session. |
Effect | The user is locked out for a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod minutes. A remote access session is terminated. |
Recovery | No recovery action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2102 |
Event name | cli_user_logout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged out |
Cause | A user logged out. |
Effect | A user access session was stopped. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | destinationDisabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirror destination $tMirrorDestinationIndex$ is administratively disabled ('shutdown') |
Cause | The operator disabled the mirror destination. |
Effect | No mirror traffic will egress. Applications using the mirror traffic will not receive any traffic from this destination. |
Recovery | The operator intentionally disabled the mirror destination, so no recovery is necessary. Enable the mirror destination to restart mirroring. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | destinationEnabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirror destination $tMirrorDestinationIndex$ is administratively enabled ('no shutdown') |
Cause | The operator enabled the mirror destination. |
Effect | The mirror traffic will egress. Applications using the mirror traffic will receive traffic from this destination. |
Recovery | The operator intentionally enabled the mirror destination, so no recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2105 |
Event name | ftp_user_login |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged in |
Cause | The user was successfully authenticated for login. |
Effect | A user access session begins. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2107 |
Event name | ftp_user_login_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ failed authentication |
Cause | A user failed authentication. |
Effect | The user access session does not begin. The user is given another opportunity to authenticate himself. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2108 |
Event name | ftp_user_login_max_attempts |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.53 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $tmnxSecNotifyUserName$ from $tmnxSecNotifyAddr$ attempted more than $tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount$ times to log in, user locked out for $tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod$ min |
Cause | A tmnxLiUserFtpLoginMaxAttempts notification is generated when a Lawful Interception user attempting to connect via FTP failed to authenticate for more than a maximum allowed number of times in a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsTime minutes. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount indicates the maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod indicates the number of minutes the user is locked out if the threshold of unsuccessful login attempts has been exceeded. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyUserName indicates the name of the user attempting to connect via FTP. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddrType indicates the type of the IP address stored in the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr indicates the IP address of the user attempting to connect via FTP. |
Effect | The user is locked out for a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod minutes. An FTP session is terminated. |
Recovery | No recovery action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2106 |
Event name | ftp_user_logout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged out |
Cause | A user logged out. |
Effect | The user access session ends. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2123 |
Event name | host_snmp_attempts |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Host $hostAddress$ is locked out for $lockoutTime$ minutes since it exceeded the configured threshold of unsuccessful SNMP connection attempts. |
Cause | A host (manager IP address) exceded the configured number of access attempts. |
Effect | The host is locked out and the router will not respond to the SNMP requests from the host. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2124 |
Event name | radiusFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | LI for host failed: $reason$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | sbiBootLiConfig |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.40 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Lawful Intercept (LI) bootup configuration status: $sliConfigStatus$. \nLI separate: $sbiLiSeparate$. LI local save: $sbiLiLocalSave$. System last booted time: $sysUpTime$. |
Cause | The bootup LI configuration phase is finished. |
Effect | LI configuration will be missing or incomplete if LI configuration phase was not completed successfully. |
Recovery | Determine failure cause and restore LI configuration manually or reboot. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2114 |
Event name | snmp_user_set |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SNMP user from $srcAddr$> $vbList$ |
Cause | A valid SNMP SET reqest was received. |
Effect | The configuration was changed by an SNMP SET operation. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | sourceDisabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | LI Mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ is administratively disabled ('shutdown') |
Cause | The operator disabled the LI mirror source |
Effect | No traffic from this source will be mirrored. Applications using the mirror traffic will not receive any traffic from this source. |
Recovery | The operator intentionally disabled the LI mirror source, so no recovery is required. Enable the LI mirror source to restart mirroring. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | sourceEnabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | LI Mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ is administratively enabled ('no shutdown') |
Cause | Operator enabled the LI mirror source |
Effect | Traffic from this source will be mirrored. Applications using the mirror traffic will receive traffic from this source. |
Recovery | The Operator intentionally enabled the LI mirror source, so no recovery is required. Disable the LI mirror source to stop LI mirroring. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | sourceSapChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Lawful Intercept Mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ associated SAP $tMirrorSourceSapEncapValue$ has been $tMirrorSourceChangeType$ |
Cause | A SAP associated with the LI mirror source has been modified or deleted. |
Effect | Mirrored traffic from this source may be affected in an undesired manner. |
Recovery | Modify the configuration of the associated SAP to restore the desired mirrored traffic. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | sourceSubscriberChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirroring for Lawful Intercept mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ subscriber \"$tMirrorSourceSubIdent$\" has been $tMirrorSourceChangeType$ |
Cause | A subscriber associated with the LI mirror source has been activated, deactivated, modified, or deleted. |
Effect | Mirrored traffic from this source may be affected in an undesired manner. |
Recovery | Modify the configuration of the associated subscriber to restore the desired mirrored traffic. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2109 |
Event name | ssh_user_login |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged in |
Cause | The user was successfully authenticated for login. |
Effect | A user access session begins. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2111 |
Event name | ssh_user_login_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ failed authentication |
Cause | A user failed authentication. |
Effect | The user access session does not begin. The user is given another opportunity to authenticate himself. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2112 |
Event name | ssh_user_login_max_attempts |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.52 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $tmnxSecNotifyUserName$ from $tmnxSecNotifyAddr$ attempted more than $tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount$ times to log in, user locked out for $tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod$ min |
Cause | A tmnxLiUserSshLoginMaxAttempts notification is generated when a Lawful Interception user attempting to connect via SSH failed to authenticate for more than a maximum allowed number of times in a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsTime minutes. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount indicates the maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod indicates the number of minutes the user is locked out if the threshold of unsuccessful login attempts has been exceeded. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyUserName indicates the name of the user attempting to connect via SSH. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddrType indicates the type of the IP address stored in the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr indicates the IP address of the user attempting to connect via SSH. |
Effect | The user is locked out for a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod minutes. An SSH session is terminated. |
Recovery | No recovery action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2110 |
Event name | ssh_user_logout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged out |
Cause | A user logged out. |
Effect | The user access session ends. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2203 |
Event name | ssiSaveConfigFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.3 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Lawful Intercept configuration file write failed: $fileName$ $reason$ |
Cause | The save config failed event is generated when the saving of configuration is stopped due to errors. |
Effect | Configuration file could not be saved. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2202 |
Event name | ssiSaveConfigSucceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.2 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Lawful Intercept Configuration file saved to: $fileName$ |
Cause | The save config succeeded event is generated when the saving of configuration finishes without errors. |
Effect | Configuration file was saved. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2213 |
Event name | ssiSyncConfigFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.15 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Synchronization of Lawful Intercept configuration files failed |
Cause | The sync config failed event is generated when the synchronization of configuration files is stopped due to errors. |
Effect | Configuration files are not synchronized. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2212 |
Event name | ssiSyncConfigOK |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Lawful Intercept configuration files have been successfully synchronized |
Cause | The synchronize config succeeded event is generated when the synchronization of configuration files finishes without errors. |
Effect | Configuration files synchronized. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tMirrorDestinationChangeReject |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.14 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | An attempt was blocked to modify mirror destination $tMirrorDestinationIndex$ that is being referenced by Lawful Intercept |
Cause | An operator is trying to modify mirror destination that cannot currently be changed because the destination is being used for mirroring. |
Effect | The change is not allowed. |
Recovery | The mirror destination can only be modified after LI actions are cleared. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | tMirrorFilterAssignToItfWarn |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.19 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tMirrorFilterType$ filter $tMirrorFilterId$ , which is referred to by Lawful Intercept has been applied on $tMirrorFilterDirection$ to interface $tMirrorFilterIfName$ (IfIndex $tMirrorFilterIfIndex$) |
Cause | A filter that is being used for mirroring has been applied to a SDP. This assignment was allowed, but might cause traffic from this SDP to show up in the mirror destination. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2028 |
Event name | tMirrorFilterAssignToSapWarn |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.17 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tMirrorFilterType$ filter $tMirrorFilterId$ , which is referred to by Lawful Intercept has been applied on $tMirrorFilterDirection$ to SAP $tMirrorFilterSapEncapValue$ in service $tMirrorFilterSvcId$ |
Cause | A filter that is being used for mirroring has been applied to a SAP. This assignment was allowed, but might cause traffic from this SAP to show up in the mirror destination. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | tMirrorFilterAssignToSdpWarn |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.18 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tMirrorFilterType$ filter $tMirrorFilterId$ , which is referred to by Lawful Intercept has been applied on $tMirrorFilterDirection$ to SDP $tMirrorFilterSdpBindId$ in service $tMirrorFilterSvcId$ |
Cause | A filter that is being used for mirroring has been applied to a SDP. This assignment was allowed, but might cause traffic from this SDP to show up in the mirror destination. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2036 |
Event name | tMirrorLiNat64SubOperStateCh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.26 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The state of LI mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ LSN NAT64 subscriber ($vRtrID$, $tMirrorLiNatLsnSubAddr$/$tMirrorLiNatLsnSubPrefixLength$) changed to $tMirrorLiNat64SubOperState$ |
Cause | The tMirrorLiNatLsnSubOperStateCh notification is sent when the value of the object tMirrorLiNat64SubOperState changes. This is related to the state of the ISA MDA where the forwarding entry is located, or the availability of resources on that MDA. |
Effect | The corresponding inward bound packets are dropped while the operational status is 'down'. |
Recovery | If the ISA MDA reboots successfully, or another ISA MDA takes over, no recovery is required. If more resources become available on the ISA MDA, no recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2035 |
Event name | tMirrorLiNatL2awSubOperStateCh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.25 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The state of LI mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ l2-aware subscriber $tMirrorLiNatL2awSubIdent$ changed to $tMirrorLiNatL2awSubOperState$ |
Cause | The tMirrorLiNatL2awSubOperStateCh notification is sent when the value of the object tMirrorLiNatL2awSubOperState changes. This is related to the state of the ISA MDA where the forwarding entry is located, the availability of resources on that MDA, or the instantiation of the subscriber. |
Effect | The corresponding inward bound packets are dropped while the operational status is 'down'. |
Recovery | If the ISA MDA reboots successfully, or another ISA MDA takes over, no recovery is required. If more resources become available on the ISA MDA, no recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tMirrorLiNatLsnSubOperStateCh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.24 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The state of LI mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ LSN subscriber ($vRtrID$, $tMirrorLiNatLsnSubAddr$/$tMirrorLiNatLsnSubPrefixLength$) changed to $tMirrorLiNatLsnSubOperState$ |
Cause | The tMirrorLiNatLsnSubOperStateCh notification is sent when the value of the object tMirrorLiNatLsnSubOperState changes. This is related to the state of the ISA MDA where the forwarding entry is located, or the availability of resources on that MDA. |
Effect | The corresponding inward bound packets are dropped while the operational status is 'down'. |
Recovery | If the ISA MDA reboots successfully, or another ISA MDA takes over, no recovery is required. If more resources become available on the ISA MDA, no recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tMirrorSourceFilterAssignReject |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.13 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | An attempt was blocked to modify a filter-assignment of a filter that is being referred by Lawful Intercept. $tMirrorSourceFilterDescr$ |
Cause | An operator is trying to modify a filter assignment of a filter that cannot currently be changed because the filter is being used for mirroring. |
Effect | The change is disallowed |
Recovery | The filter can only be replaced after LI actions are cleared. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | tMirrorSourceFilterAssignWarn |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.16 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | A filter referred to by Lawful Intercept has been assigned in a context where it may be overruled. $tMirrorSourceFilterDescr$ |
Cause | A filter that is being used for mirroring was assigned in a context where it maybe overruled. Filter assignments scheduled by a Time-Of-Day (TOD) Suite take precedence over statically configured filter assignments. There is currently no such overruling filter assignment scheduled, but it may be created in the future. |
Effect | None, as long as no overruling filter assignment is created, and is activated. |
Recovery | No recovery required. The risk can be eliminated either by creating an identical assignment in the TOD Suite, with the highest priority, or by removing the TOD Suite assignment from the SAP altogether. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | tMirrorSourceFilterOverruled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | A filter-assignment of a filter that is being referred by Lawful Intercept was overruled. $tMirrorSourceFilterDescr$ |
Cause | An assignment of a filter that is being used for mirroring was overruled. Filter assignments scheduled by a Time-Of-Day (TOD) Suite take precedence over statically configured filter assignments. |
Effect | If the overruling filter assignment refers to a filter that is not used for mirroring, mirror data will be lost. |
Recovery | Either the overruling filter assignments can be changed to participate in the intended mirroring, or the TOD suite or the SAP configuration can be modified to prevent this situation. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tMirrorSourceIPFltrChangeReject |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | An attempt was blocked to modify filter-entry $tMirrorSourceFilterEntryId$ of IP filter $tMirrorSourceFilterId$ which is being referred to by Lawful Intercept (mirror-source $tMirrorSourceIndex$) |
Cause | An operator tried to modify a filter or a filter-entry of a filter that cannot currently be changed because the filter is being used for mirroring. |
Effect | The change was blocked. |
Recovery | Modifying the filter is only allowed when it is not being referred by any LI action. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | tMirrorSourceIPv6FltrChangeRej |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.23 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | An attempt was blocked to modify filter-entry $tMirrorSourceFilterEntryId$ of IPv6 filter $tMirrorSourceFilterId$ which is being referred to by Lawful Intercept (mirror-source $tMirrorSourceIndex$) |
Cause | The tMirrorSourceIPv6FltrChangeRej event is generated when an operator is trying to modify a filter or a filter-entry of a filter that cannot currently be changed because the filter is being used for mirrorring. |
Effect | The change was blocked. |
Recovery | Modifying the filter is only allowed when it is not being referred by any LI action. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | tMirrorSourceLiFilterChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.20 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | A filter which is being referenced by Lawful Intercept has been modified. $tMirrorSourceFilterDescr$ |
Cause | This notification may be triggered only if LI filter lock has been overruled, and one of the following actions has been done: 1) a filter referenced by LI has been deleted. 2) one of the parameters (default-action, scope) of a filter which is referenced by LI has been changed. 3) a filter which is referenced by LI has been overwritten. 4) new entry has been created for a filter which is referenced by LI. 5) an entry of a filter which is referenced by LI has been activated. 6) an entry has been removed from a filter which is referenced by LI. 7) an entry of a filter which is referenced by LI has been renumbered. 8) one of the parameters of an entry in a filter which is referenced by LI has been changed. |
Effect | Since a filter which is referenced by LI (or its parameter) has been modified, the mirrored traffic may be changed. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | tMirrorSourceLiSubProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.21 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Traffic for for Lawful Intercept mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ subscriber $tMirrorSourceSubIdent$ on SAP $tMirrorNotifyLiSapEncapValue$ in service $tMirrorNotifyLiSvcId$ could not be intercepted -- $tMirrorNotifyLiDescription$ |
Cause | Detailed information about the exact cause of the notification is available in the object tMirrorNotifyLiDescription. [EFFECT] Traffic of a subscriber subject to Lawful Intercept is not intercepted. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | tMirrorSourceMacFltrChangeReject |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | An attempt was blocked to modify filter-entry $tMirrorSourceFilterEntryId$ of Mac filter $tMirrorSourceFilterId$ which is being referred to by Lawful Intercept (mirror-source $tMirrorSourceIndex$) |
Cause | An operator tried to modify a filter or a filter-entry of a filter that cannot currently be changed because the filter is being used for mirroring. |
Effect | The change was blocked. |
Recovery | Modifying the filter is only allowed when it is not being referred by any LI action. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2300 |
Event name | tmnxClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CLEAR-MIB.tmnxClearNotifications.1 |
Default severity | indeterminate |
Message format string | Clear function $tmnxClearName$ has been run with parameters: $tmnxClearParams$. The completion result is: $tmnxClearResult$. Additional error text, if any, is: $tmnxClearErrorText$ |
Cause | The tmnxClear notification is generated to report the results of the clear function that was run as a result of setting tmnxClearAction to 'doAction'. |
Effect | If successful, a managed object has been cleared. |
Recovery | If the clear action was not successful, make sure the object to be cleared exists and the clear function parameters are correct. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2207 |
Event name | tmnxConfigCreate |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ managed object created |
Cause | A tmnxConfigCreate notification is generated when a new row entry is created in one of the MIB tables. It can be used by the NMS to trigger maintenance polls of the configuration information. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2208 |
Event name | tmnxConfigDelete |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ managed object deleted |
Cause | A tmnxConfigDelete notification is generated when an existing row entry in one of the MIB tables is deleted. It can be used by the NMS to trigger maintenance polls of the configuration information. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2206 |
Event name | tmnxConfigModify |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ configuration modified |
Cause | A tmnxConfigModify notification is generated when a configuration attribute associated with a row entry in a MIB table is modified. It can be used by the NMS to trigger maintenance polls of the configuration information. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LI |
Event ID | 2209 |
Event name | tmnxStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ changed administrative state: $tmnxNotifyRowAdminState$, operational state: $tmnxNotifyRowOperState$ |
Cause | A tmnxStateChange notification is generated when there is a change in either the adminstrative or operational state of a MIB table entry. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LLDP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | lldpRemTablesChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | LLDP-MIB.lldpRemTablesChange.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | LLDP stats remote table has been updated |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LMP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxLmpVRtrControlChannelState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LMP-MIB.tmnxLmpNotification.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Control channel $tmnxLmpVRtrCcId$ on peer $tmnxLmpVRtrPeerNodeId$ is $tmnxLmpVRtrCcOperState$. |
Cause | The tmnxLmpVRtrControlChannelState notification is generated when a control channel transitions to or from the 'up (1)' operational state. |
Effect | If no control channels to the peer-node are up, the related TE links cannot be used to set up new GMPLS label-switched paths (LSPs). |
Recovery | Ensure the control channel peer-interface is reachable. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LMP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxLmpVRtrDbLinkPropMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LMP-MIB.tmnxLmpNotification.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | DB link $tmnxLmpVRtrDbLinkId$ detected property mismatch with remote DB link $tmnxLmpVRtrDbLinkRemoteId$. |
Cause | The tmnxLmpVRtrDbLinkPropMismatch notification is generated when a DB link property mismatch is detected on the node. This notification is only generated the first time a mismatch is detected. |
Effect | The DB link is operationally down when a mismatch is detected. |
Recovery | Ensure the DB link configuration between the local node and the peer node is consistent. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LMP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxLmpVRtrDbLinkPropMismatchClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LMP-MIB.tmnxLmpNotification.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | DB link $tmnxLmpVRtrDbLinkId$ cleared property mismatch with remote DB link $tmnxLmpVRtrDbLinkRemoteId$. |
Cause | The tmnxLmpVRtrDbLinkPropMismatchClr notification is generated when the DB link property mismatch is cleared. |
Effect | The DB link can now service traffic. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LMP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkPropMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LMP-MIB.tmnxLmpNotification.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TE link $tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkId$ detected property mismatch on peer $tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkPeerNodeId$ with remote TE link $tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkRemoteId$. |
Cause | The tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkPropMismatch notification is generated when a TE link property mismatch is detected on the node. This notification is only generated the first time a mismatch is detected. |
Effect | The TE link is operationally down when a mismatch is detected. |
Recovery | Ensure the TE link configuration between the local node and the peer node is consistent. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LMP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkPropMismatchClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LMP-MIB.tmnxLmpNotification.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TE link $tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkId$ cleared property mismatch on peer $tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkPeerNodeId$ with remote TE link $tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkRemoteId$. |
Cause | The tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkPropMismatchClr notification is generated when a TE link property mismatch is cleared. |
Effect | The TE link can now service traffic. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LMP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LMP-MIB.tmnxLmpNotification.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TE link $tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkId$ is $tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkOperState$. |
Cause | The tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkState notification is generated when a TE link's operational state changes. |
Effect | When tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkOperState is not 'up (1)', no new GMPLS LSPs can be set up using this TE link. |
Recovery | When tmnxLmpVRtrTeLinkOperState is 'degraded (5)', bring up at least one control channel with the relevant peer node. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | STARTED |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Event collector $taskName$ started |
Cause | An event log collector process was started. |
Effect | Application events will be collected, filtered, and distributed, as configured. |
Recovery | No recovery; not applicable. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CLEAR-MIB.tmnxClearNotifications.1 |
Default severity | indeterminate |
Message format string | Clear function $tmnxClearName$ has been run with parameters: $tmnxClearParams$. The completion result is: $tmnxClearResult$. Additional error text, if any, is: $tmnxClearErrorText$ |
Cause | The tmnxClear notification is generated to report the results of the clear function that was run as a result of setting tmnxClearAction to 'doAction'. |
Effect | If successful, the managed object was cleared. |
Recovery | If failed, check that the managed object exists or that the clear function parameters are correct. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tmnxLogAccountingDataLoss |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.10 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Accounting data loss occured for $subject$. |
Cause | An accounting file was still being written to when the next collection interval ended. |
Effect | A tmnxLogAccountingDataLoss notification is generated when an accounting file is still being written to when the next collection interval ends. The collection of statistics for the past interval is immediately stopped and collection is started for the next interval. There are missing records in the file for this past interval. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxLogAdminLocFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.2 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | Generated when the specified admin cflash is not available. Indicates that an alternative backup location, if specified, will be used. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxLogBackupLocFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.3 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Compact flash backup location cf$tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc$ is not available for $subject$\n.File destination creation failed |
Cause | Generated when the specified backup cflash is not available. |
Effect | No log or billing file was created on either the admin or backup cflash. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | tmnxLogEventOverrun |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.12 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | $tmnxLogThrottledEvents$ $tmnxLogThrottledEventID$ events were dropped because of logger input queue overrun. |
Cause | A tmnxLogEventOverrun notification is generated at the end of the overrun throttling interval when one or more events of the type specified by tmnxLogThrottledEventID were dropped because the logger input stream's input queue limit was exceeded. The overrun throttling interval begins when the input queue limit is first exceeded and ends when the number of events in the input queue has dropped below an internal low watermark. At that point a tmnxLogEventOverrun notification is generated for each event type that had one or more events dropped because of the input queue overrun. The number of dropped events is specified by tmnxLogThrottledEvents. |
Effect | Logger events have been dropped and were not sent to any log destination. tmnxEventDropCount has been incremented for each event dropped because of input queue overrun. |
Recovery | The specific event information of dropped events cannot be recovered. The frequency of input queue overruns can be lessened by configuring as few event logs as possible, especially those going to remote destinations such as file, syslog and snmp notification logs |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxLogEventThrottled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.8 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | $tmnxLogThrottledEvents$ $tmnxLogThrottledEventID$ events were dropped in the last event throttling interval. |
Cause | A tmnxLogEventThrottled notification is generated at the end of the throttling interval when one or more events are dropped because the throttling limit was reached for that interval. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxLogFileDeleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Log file $tmnxLogFileDeletedName$ on compact flash cf$tmnxLogFileDeletedLocation$ has been deleted |
Cause | Generated when a closed event log or accounting policy file has been deleted as part of the space contention cleanup. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxLogFileRollover |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.4 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Log file $tmnxLogFileIdPathName$ on compact flash cf$tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation$ has been rolled over |
Cause | Generated when an event log or accounting policy file's rollover time has expired. |
Effect | The file located as indicated by the value of tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation is closed and a new file is created as specified by tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation and tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tmnxLogOnlyEventOverrun |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | $tmnxLogOnlyOverrunEvents$ $tmnxLogOnlyOverrunEventName$ log-only (L) events were dropped because the logger input queue was overrun. |
Cause | A tmnxLogOnlyEventOverrun notification is generated at the end of the overrun throttling interval when one or more log-only events of the type specified by tmnxLogOnlyOverrunEventName were dropped because the logger input stream's input queue limit was exceeded. The overrun throttling interval begins when the input queue limit is first exceeded and ends when the number of events in the input queue has dropped below an internal low watermark. At that point a tmnxLogOnlyEventOverrun notification is generated for each log-only event type that had one or more events dropped because of the input queue overrun. The number of dropped events is specified by tmnxLogOnlyOverrunEvents. |
Effect | Logger events have been dropped and were not sent to any log destination. tmnxEventDropCount has been incremented for each event dropped because of input queue overrun. |
Recovery | The specific event information of dropped events cannot be recovered. The frequency of input queue overruns can be lessened by configuring as few event logs as possible, especially those going to remote destinations such as file, syslog and snmp notification logs |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tmnxLogOnlyEventThrottled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | $tmnxLogOnlyThrottledEvents$ $tmnxLogOnlyThrottledEventName$ log-only (L) events were dropped in the last event throttling interval. |
Cause | One or more log-only events were dropped because the throttling limit was reached for that interval. |
Effect | A tmnxLogOnlyEventThrottled event is generated at the end of the throttling interval when one or more log-only events are dropped because the throttling limit was reached for that interval. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxLogSpaceContention |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.1 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Space contention occurred on compact flash cf$cFlashId$ during I/O for $subject$. |
Cause | Generated when space contention occurs on the compact flash where a log or billing file creation is being attempted. Space contention exists if: Insufficient space is available on the compact flash to create a file of the same size as the file being rolled over. The first file of this type is being created and less than 10% of the total compact flash space is available. A write operation on a log or billing file is denied due to lack of space. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxLogTraceError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.7 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | $tmnxLogTraceErrorTitle$: $tmnxLogTraceErrorMessage$ |
Cause | A critical level trace error has been detected by the software. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tmnxStdEventsReplayed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.11 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Events $tmnxStdReplayStartEvent$ to $tmnxStdReplayEndEvent$ from $subject$ have been resent to SNMP notification target address $tmnxStdDestAddr$. The first event with no route to the target address was $tmnxStdReplayStart$. |
Cause | An SNMP trap target address was added to the route table following a period when a route to that address was not available. |
Effect | A tmnxStdEventsReplayed notification is generated when an SNMP trap target address is added to the RTM (tmnxVRtrID) following a period when the address had been removed. The value of tmnxStdReplayStartEvent is the SNMP notification request ID of the first event that was replayed. The value of tmnxStdReplayEndEvent is the SNMP notification request ID of the last missed event that was replayed. The value of tmnxStdReplayStart is the request ID of the first event for which there was no route to the trap target address. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tmnxSysLogTargetProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.9 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Problem encountered when trying to reach the destination specified in syslog $tmnxSysLogTargetId$ : $tmnxSysLogTargetProblemDescr$. |
Cause | An event could not be delivered to the destination specified for the syslog. |
Effect | A tmnxSysLogTargetProblem notification is generated when a problem is encountered when trying to deliver data to the syslog destination identfied by the tmnxSysLogTargetId. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | LOGGER |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxTestEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-LOG-MIB.tmnxLogNotifications.6 |
Default severity | indeterminate |
Message format string | Test event has been generated with system object identifier $sysObjectID$\nSystem description: $sysDescr$ |
Cause | The tmnxTestEvent notification is generated when the object tmnxEventTest is set to a value of 'doAction' or the tools>perform>log>test-event CLI command has been entered. This event can be used to test that remote log destinations such as syslog and snmp trap destinations are configured correctly. |
Effect | A tmnxTestEvent is generated. |
Recovery | If the test event is not received by the log destination, verify that syslog and snmp trap destinations are configured correctly and that the interface link between the system and the remote receiver is up. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | srrpPacketDiscarded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Discarded SRRP packet from $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ because $srrpPacketDiscardReason$ |
Cause | The following checks are performed on an incoming SRRP packet 1. verify that the IP TTL is 255. 2. verify the SRRP version. 3. verify that the received packet length is greater than or equal to the SRRP header. 4. verify the SRRP checksum. 5. perform authentication specified by Auth Type. If any one of the above checks fail, the receiver must discard the packet and log the event. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2035 |
Event name | tMcPeerIPsecTnlGrpMasterStateChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.34 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Master state for the multi-chassis ipsec peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ tunnel-group $tMcPeerIPsecTnlGrpId$ changed from $tMcPeerIPsecTnlGrpMasterStateOld$ to $tMcPeerIPsecTnlGrpMasterState$ because $tMcPeerIPsecTnlGrpMasterStateChR$ |
Cause | The notification tMcPeerIPsecTnlGrpMasterStateChg is generated whenever mastership election state of a tunnel-group changes. |
Effect | This trap is informational. The effects associated with this notification depend upon the new state of the tunnel-group. For example, when a tunnel-group becomes master it will begin attracting traffic towards its chassis and will begin to manage IKE sessions for all IPsec tunnels in that tunnel-group. |
Recovery | No recovery actions are required, although unexpected state transitions often indicate causal fault conditions which may require investigation. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2036 |
Event name | tMcPeerIPsecTnlGrpProtStatusChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.35 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Protection status for the multi-chassis ipsec peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ tunnel-group $tMcPeerIPsecTnlGrpId$ changed to $tMcPeerIPsecTnlGrpProtectStatus$ |
Cause | The notification tMcPeerIPsecTnlGrpProtStatusChg is generated whenever protection status of a tunnel-group changes. |
Effect | This notification is informational. A change in tMcPeerIPsecTnlGrpProtectStatus to 'nominal' indicates protection status readiness for switchover. |
Recovery | No recovery actions are required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tmnxMCEPSessionPsvModeDisabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.33 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Passive-mode for the multi-chassis endpoint peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ is disabled |
Cause | Passive-mode for the session between a multi-chassis endpoint and its peer has been 'disabled' from either local or peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Configure passive-mode enabled on local or peer multi-chassis endpoint. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | tmnxMCEPSessionPsvModeEnabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.32 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Passive-mode for the multi-chassis endpoint peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ is enabled. Passive-mode with peer has $tmnxMcPeerEPPsvModeConfigState$ |
Cause | Passive-mode for the session between a multi-chassis endpoint and its peer has been 'enabled' from either local or peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tmnxMcLagInfoLagChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | tmnxMcLagInfoLagTable: Peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$ configuration changed. |
Cause | Entries in tmnxMcLagInfoLagTable were changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2038 |
Event name | tmnxMcOmcrClientNumEntriesHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.38 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of warm standby MCS entries for application $tmnxMcsClientApplication$ is becoming too high: $tmnxMcNotifyNumber$% (peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$) |
Cause | The notification tmnxMcOmcrClientNumEntriesHigh is generated when the this system is configured as an OMCR warm standby system, and the total number of entries in the MCS database for a particular application becomes high. This system is configured as a warm standby system as soon as the value of the object tmnxMcPeerWarmStandby is equal to 'true' for any multi-chassis peer in this system. The total number of entries is the sum of the values of the object tmnxMcsClientNumEntries for the client application specified by tmnxMcsClientApplication. The maximum number of entries for a client application is equal to one million. The value of tmnxMcNotifyNumber indicates the ratio in percent of the total number of entries and the maximum number of entries. The threshold ratios are at 80%, 90% and 100%. The values of tmnxMcPeerIpType and tmnxMcPeerIpAddr indicate the peer that reached the treshold. |
Effect | When the 80% and 90% threshold is crossed, there is no effect. When the 100% threshold is exceeded, the peer indicated by the values of tmnxMcPeerIpType and tmnxMcPeerIpAddr is shut down automatically by this system (the value of tmnxMcPeerSyncAdminState is set to 'outOfService' and the value of tmnxMcPeerSyncOperFlags is set to 'omcrNumEntriesHigh'). |
Recovery | Reconfigure the oversubscribed multi-chassis redundancy set-up to reduce the number of entries protected by this system. When the total number of entries in the MCS database for this client application becomes lower than the 80% threshold again, there is no further notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2037 |
Event name | tmnxMcOmcrStatFailedChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.37 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxMcOmcrStatClientApplication$ OMCR protection with $tmnxMcOmcrStatAccessProtection$ instance $tmnxMcOmcrStatIndex$ $tmnxMcOmcrStatFailed$ - $tmnxMcOmcrStatFailure$ |
Cause | The notification tmnxMcOmcrStatFailedChanged is generated the value of the object tmnxMcOmcrStatFailed changes. The most interesting change is from 'nA' to any of the other values; when an OMCR client application access protection instance (for example an SRRP instance) becomes active, the system will attempt to allocate resources for all associated client application entries (for example IPOE subscriber hosts); if this succeeds, the value of tmnxMcOmcrStatFailed becomes 'no', if it fails, it becomes 'yes'. |
Effect | TODO. |
Recovery | TODO. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2028 |
Event name | tmnxMcPeerEPBfdSessionClose |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.27 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis endpoint closed BFD session for peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ |
Cause | A multi-chassis endpoint is closing a BFD session to the multi-chassis endpoint peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | tmnxMcPeerEPBfdSessionDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.29 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Operational state of the BFD session for multi-chassis endpoint peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ and source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ is changed to down |
Cause | The operational state of a BFD session between a multi-chassis endpoint and its peer has changed to 'down'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | tmnxMcPeerEPBfdSessionOpen |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.26 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis endpoint attempted to open BFD session for peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ and source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ with status=$tmnxMcPeerEPBfdSessionOpenStatus$ |
Cause | A multi-chassis endpoint is attempting to open a BFD session to the mutli-chassis endpoint peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | tmnxMcPeerEPBfdSessionUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.28 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Operational state of the BFD session for multi-chassis endpoint peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ and source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ is changed to up |
Cause | The operational state of a BFD session between a multi-chassis endpoint and its peer is changed to 'up'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | tmnxMcPeerEPOperDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.30 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis endpoint peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ oper state changed to Down |
Cause | A multi-chassis endpoint detected a time-out while communicating with the multi-chassis endpoint peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | tmnxMcPeerEPOperUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.31 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Multi-Chassis endpoint peer $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ with source $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ oper state changed to Up |
Cause | A multi-chassis endpoint has cleared the time-out condition in communicating with the multi-chassis endpoint peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxMcPeerRingsOperStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The MC-Ring operational state of peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ changed to $tmnxMcPeerRingsOperState$. |
Cause | The operational state, with respect to multi-chassis ring operation, of a peer changed. state | cause -------------------------------------------------------------- unknown | No rings are configured for this peer. inService | The signalling connection for mc-ring operation | is operational. outOfService | The signalling connection for mc-ring operation | has timed out. transition | Not implemented. |
Effect | state | effect -------------------------------------------------------------- unknown | None. inService | The signalling connection for mc-ring operation | is operational. outOfService | None, as long as no rings are in state 'broken'. | The MCS connection is likely to be out of service. | If some rings are in state 'broken', those rings | will suffer degraded functionality. transition | Not implemented. |
Recovery | The recovery depends on the operational state of the ring: state | recovery -------------------------------------------------------------- unknown | None. inService | None. outOfService | Restore the IP connectivity between the local peer | and the remote peer. transition | Not implemented. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxMcPeerSyncStatusChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The Sync status of peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ changed to $tmnxMcPeerSyncStatus$ |
Cause | The event is generated when the sync state changes. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxMcRedundancyMismatchDetected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxMcLagConfigMismatchString$ |
Cause | The event is generated when a configuration mismatch is detected. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxMcRedundancyMismatchResolved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxMcLagConfigMismatchString$ |
Cause | The event is generated when a configuration mismatch is resolved. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxMcRedundancyPeerStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The MC-LAG operational status of peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$ changed to $tmnxMcLagConfigOperState$ |
Cause | The event is generated when the a MC lag has changed its operational state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | tmnxMcRingInbCtrlOperStateChgd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.17 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The MC-Ring operational state of the inband control connection of ring $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$::$tmnxMcPeerSyncPortSyncTag$ changed to $tmnxMcRingInfoOperState$. |
Cause | The event is generated when when the operational state of a multi-chassis ring's inband control connection changes. state | cause -------------------------------------------------------------- unknown connected : the inband control connection with the peer is operational; broken : the inband control connection with the peer has timed out; testing : the inband control connection with the peer is being set up. Waiting for result. notConfigured : the inband control connection with the peer is not configured." |
Effect | The operational state of the inband control connection affects the operational state of the ring. |
Recovery | The recovery depends on the operational state of the ring. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tmnxMcRingNodeLocOperStateChgd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.18 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The MC-Ring Node operational state of ring node $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$::$tmnxMcPeerSyncPortSyncTag$::$tmnxMcRingNodeName$ changed to $tmnxMcRingNodeInfoLocOperState$ while in-use is $tmnxMcRingNodeInfoInUse$. |
Cause | The event is generated when when the operational state of a multi-chassis ring's inband control connection changes. state | cause -------------------------------------------------------------- unknown : notProvisioned: the node is configured on the peer but not on this system; configErr : the local configuration of the node is incorrect notTested : the ring node connectivity verification is shut down; testing : temporary state; connected : disconnected : |
Effect | state | effect -------------------------------------------------------------- unknown : notProvisioned: no effect; configErr : no effect; notTested : no effect; testing : no effect; the effect of the operational state of the ring node depends on the operational state of the ring; only when the operational state of the ring is 'broken', ... connected : ... all MAC addresses associated with this ring node are put on the SAP; disconnected : ... all MAC addresses associated with this ring node are put on the shunt; |
Recovery | Recovery is only required if the operational state of the ring is 'broken'. Repair the ring connection with the peer. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tmnxMcRingOperStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The MC-Ring operational state of ring $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$::$tmnxMcPeerSyncPortSyncTag$ changed to $tmnxMcRingInfoOperState$. |
Cause | The event is generated when the operational state of the MC-Ring has changed. state | cause -------------------------------------------------------------- unknown shutdown configErr noPeer : the peer has no corresponding ring configured; connected : the inband control connection with the peer is operational; broken : the inband control connection with the peer has timed out; localBroken : the inband control connection with the peer is known to be broken because of a local failure or local administrative action; conflict : the inband control connection with the peer has timed out but the physical connection is still OK; the failure of the inband signaling connection is caused by some misconfiguration. E.g. a conflict between the configuration of this system and its peer, or a misconfiguration on one of the ring access node systems. testingRing : the inband control connection with the peer is being set up. Waiting for result. waitingForPeer: verifying if this ring is configured on the peer. |
Effect | state | effect -------------------------------------------------------------- unknown shutdown : the ring brings all SAP's of path-a and path-b in operational state 'up'. configErr : if there is no peer ring, the ring brings all SAP's on path-a and path-b in operational state 'up'; if there is a peer ring, the ring brings all SAP's on path-a and path-b in operational state 'down'. noPeer : the ring brings all SAP's of path-a and path-b in operational state 'up'. connected : the ring brings all SAP's of its own path in operational state 'up' and all SAP's of the other path in operational state 'down'. broken : the ring brings all SAP's of path-a and path-b in operational state 'up'. localBroken : this system brings all SAP's of path-a and path-b in operational state 'down' unless they belong to the excluded-path. conflict : the ring brings all SAP's of its own path in operational state 'up' and all SAP's of the other path in operational state 'down'. testingRing : the ring does not change the operational state of any SAP. waitingForPeer: the ring does not change the operational state of any SAP. |
Recovery | The recovery depends on the operational state of the ring: state | recovery -------------------------------------------------------------- unknown shutdown : no recovery required. configErr : correct the configuration of the ring on this system. noPeer : no recovery required. connected : no recovery required. broken : repair the ring connection with the peer. localBroken : repair the local failure or undo the administrative action that caused the failure. conflict : make the ring configuration on this system consistent with the ring configuration on the peer. testingRing : temporary state. waitingForPeer: temporary state. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxMcSyncClientAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxMcPeerSyncClient$ back in sync with peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$. |
Cause | The event is generated when the application has the resources to become in sync again. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxMcSyncClientAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxMcPeerSyncClient$ lost sync with peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$. |
Cause | The event is generated when the application runs out of resources to sync with the database. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tmnxMcSyncClockSkewCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.20 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The system clock for MCS peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$ differs $tmnxMcPeerClockSkew$ seconds from the local system clock. |
Cause | The MCS peer system clock time has returned to less than 60 seconds different than the local system clock. This notification would only be generated following a tmnxMcSyncClockSkewRaised notification. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | tmnxMcSyncClockSkewRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.19 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The system clock for MCS peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$ differs $tmnxMcPeerClockSkew$ seconds from the local system clock. |
Cause | The MCS peer system clock time is greater than 60 seconds different than the local system clock. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpBecameBackup |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.24 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SRRP instance $tmnxSrrpOperID$ on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ changed state to backup - current master is $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$ |
Cause | The sending agent has transitioned to 'Backup' state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpBfdIntfSessStateChgd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.25 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | BFD session on service $tmnxSrrpNotifBfdIntfSvcId$ interface $tmnxSrrpNotifBfdIntfIfName$ to peer $tmnxSrrpNotifBfdIntfDestIp$ changed state to $tmnxSrrpNotifBfdIntfSessState$. |
Cause | The operational state of BFD session of the SRRP instance changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpDualMaster |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SRRP ID $tmnxSrrpOperID$: Dual Master detected on both peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$ / interface $tmnxMcRemoteGrpIfNameForNotify$ and local $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ / interface $vRtrIfIndex$. |
Cause | Both the local and remote SRRP instances are in the master state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpDuplicateSubIfAddress |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.21 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SRRP id $tmnxSrrpOperID$: IP Address on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ on local node $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ conflicts with IP Address on node $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$. |
Cause | The IP address for a local subscriber interface conflicts with the IP address for a remote subscriber interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | Resolve IP address conflict. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpInstanceIdMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The SRRP Id from node $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$ did not match srrp $tmnxSrrpOperID$ on local node $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$: interface $vRtrIfIndex$. |
Cause | The notification tmnxSrrpInstanceIdMismatch is generated when an SRRP instance has detected that at least one SAP it is protecting is associated with a different SRRP instance on the remote peer. |
Effect | One or more SAPs are not protected by SRRP. |
Recovery | Verify configuration on the local and remote end routers to ensure that all SAPs are associated with the same SRRP instance on both sides. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2043 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpOperDownInvalidMac |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.39 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | tmnxSrrpOperDownInvalidMac notification from SRRP id $tmnxSrrpOperID$ on interface $vRtrIfIndex$. SRRP instance is not allowed to be operational. |
Cause | tmnxSrrpOperDownInvalidMac is generated when the operational virtual MAC of an SRRP instance conflicts with the MAC of the parent interface. |
Effect | The SRRP virtual router instance is not allowed to become operationally 'up'. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2044 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpOperDownInvalidMacClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.40 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | tmnxSrrpOperDownInvalidMac notification from SRRP id $tmnxSrrpOperID$ on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ has been cleared. |
Cause | The tmnxSrrpOperDownInvalidMacClear is generated when a previously occurring tmnxSrrpOperDownInvalidMac notification has been cleared. Operational virtual MAC of an IPv4 SRRP instance does not have any conflict with the MAC of the parent interface. |
Effect | The SRRP virtual router instance is allowed to become operationally 'up'. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpRedIfMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SRRP ID $tmnxSrrpOperID$: Redundant interface $tmnxMcRemoteRedIfNameForNotify$ on peer $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$ / interface $tmnxMcRemoteGrpIfNameForNotify$ does not match local $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ / interface $vRtrIfIndex$. |
Cause | The local and remote redundant interfaces are not properly paired. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpSapMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SRRP id $tmnxSrrpOperID$: SAPs on peer interface $tmnxMcRemoteGrpIfNameForNotify$ do not match those on local interface $vRtrIfIndex$. |
Cause | The SAPs SRRP is backing up on the local interface do not match with the ones on the remote interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpSapTagMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SRRP ID $tmnxSrrpOperID$: SAP encap of $sapEncapValue$ on peer interface $tmnxMcRemoteGrpIfNameForNotify$ has MCS tag $tmnxMcRemoteSyncTag$, which differs from local tag $tmnxMcPeerSyncPortEncapSyncTag$ on interface $vRtrIfIndex$. |
Cause | The tag for a local SAP does not match those of the remote SAP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpSubnetMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IP Address list from node $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$ did not match the address list configured for SRRP instance $tmnxSrrpOperID$ on local node $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$: interface $vRtrIfIndex$. |
Cause | The IP address list received through SRRP-MCS synchronization received from the current master does not match the local configured IP address list. |
Effect | This is an edge triggered notification. A second trap will not be generated for a packet from the same master until this event has been cleared. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpSubnetMismatchCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IP Address list from node $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$ matched the address list configured for SRRP instance $tmnxSrrpOperID$ on local node $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$: interface $vRtrIfIndex$. |
Cause | The mismatch in the IP address list received through SRRP-MCS synchronization received from the current master is cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpSystemIpNotSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.15 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SRRP sending out advertisement packets before the system IP address has been set. |
Cause | SRRP tried to send out advertisement packets but the system IP address is not set. |
Effect | SRRP sends out advertisement packets with a source address of |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tmnxSrrpTrapNewMaster |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcRedundancyNotifications.23 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SRRP instance $tmnxSrrpOperID$ on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ (primary address $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$) changed state to master |
Cause | The sending multi-chassis SRRP instance has transitioned to 'Master' state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MCPATH |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxMcPathAvailBwLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MCAST-PATH-MGMT-MIB.tmnxMcPathNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The available bandwidth on $strTmnxMcPathChlPathType$ path on slot/cplx $tmnxMcPathCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMcPathMDASlotNum$ has reached its maximum limit. |
Cause | The available bandwidth limit has been reached. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MCPATH |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxMcPathAvailBwValWithinRange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MCAST-PATH-MGMT-MIB.tmnxMcPathNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The available bandwidth on $strTmnxMcPathChlPathType$ path on slot/cplx $tmnxMcPathCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMcPathMDASlotNum$ is within range limits. |
Cause | The available bandwidth limit fell below the maximum limit and is within the permitted range. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MCPATH |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxMcPathSrcGrpBlkHole |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MCAST-PATH-MGMT-MIB.tmnxMcPathNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Channel ($tmnxMcPathChlSrcAddr$,$tmnxMcPathChlGrpAddr$) for $tmnxMcPathChlRtrType$ instance $vRtrID$ slot/cplx $tmnxMcPathCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMcPathMDASlotNum$ has been blackholed. |
Cause | A source group(S,G) went into a black-hole state." |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MCPATH |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxMcPathSrcGrpBlkHoleClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MCAST-PATH-MGMT-MIB.tmnxMcPathNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Channel ($tmnxMcPathChlSrcAddr$,$tmnxMcPathChlGrpAddr$) for $vRtrType$ instance $vRtrID$ slot/cplx $tmnxMcPathCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMcPathMDASlotNum$ is no longer being blackholed. |
Cause | A source, group(S,G), went out of the black-hole state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MIRROR |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | destinationDisabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirror destination $tMirrorDestinationIndex$ is administratively disabled ('shutdown') |
Cause | The operator disabled the mirror destination. |
Effect | No mirror traffic will egress. Applications using the mirror traffic will not receive any traffic from this destination. |
Recovery | The operator intentionally disabled the mirror destination, so no recovery is necessary. Enable the mirror destination to restart mirroring. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MIRROR |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | destinationEnabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirror destination $tMirrorDestinationIndex$ is administratively enabled ('no shutdown') |
Cause | The operator enabled the mirror destination. |
Effect | Mirror traffic will egress. Applications using the mirror traffic will receive traffic from this destination. |
Recovery | The operator intentionally enabled the mirror destination, so no recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MIRROR |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | sourceDisabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ is administratively disabled ('shutdown') |
Cause | The operator disabled the mirror source. |
Effect | No traffic from this source will be mirrored. Applications using the mirror traffic will not receive any traffic from this source. |
Recovery | The operator intentionally disabled the mirror source, so no recovery is required. Enable the mirror source to restart mirroring. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MIRROR |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | sourceEnabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ is administratively enabled ('no shutdown') |
Cause | The operator enabled the mirror source. |
Effect | Traffic from this source will be mirrored. Applications using the mirror traffic will receive traffic from this source. |
Recovery | The operator intentionally enabled the mirror source, so no recovery is required. Disable the mirror source to stop mirroring. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MIRROR |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | sourceIpFilterChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ associated IP filter $tMirrorSourceFilterId$ entry $tMirrorSourceFilterEntryId$ has been $tMirrorSourceChangeType$ |
Cause | An IP filter or filter entry associated with the mirror source has been modified or deleted. |
Effect | Mirrored traffic from this source may be affected in an undesired manner. |
Recovery | Modify the configuration of the associated IP filter or filter entry to restore the desired mirrored traffic. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MIRROR |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | sourceMacFilterChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ associated MAC filter $tMirrorSourceFilterId$ entry $tMirrorSourceFilterEntryId$ has been $tMirrorSourceChangeType$ |
Cause | A MAC filter or filter entry associated with the mirror source has been modified or deleted. |
Effect | Mirrored traffic from this source may be affected in an undesired manner. |
Recovery | Modify the configuration of the associated MAC filter or filter entry to restore the desired mirrored traffic. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MIRROR |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | sourceSapChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ associated SAP $tMirrorSourceSapEncapValue$ has been $tMirrorSourceChangeType$ |
Cause | A SAP associated with the mirror source has been modified or deleted. |
Effect | Mirrored traffic from this source may be affected in an undesired manner. |
Recovery | Modify the configuration of the associated SAP to restore the desired mirrored traffic. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MIRROR |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | sourceSubscriberChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ associated subscriber \"$tMirrorSourceSubIdent$\" has been $tMirrorSourceChangeType$ |
Cause | A subscriber associated with the mirror source has been activated, deactivated, modified or deleted. |
Effect | Mirrored traffic from this source may be affected in an undesired manner. |
Recovery | Modify the configuration of the associated subscriber to restore the desired mirrored traffic. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MIRROR |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tMirrorSourceIpv6FilterChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MIRROR-MIB.tMirrorNotifications.22 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mirror source $tMirrorSourceIndex$ associated IPv6 filter $tMirrorSourceFilterId$ entry $tMirrorSourceFilterEntryId$ has been $tMirrorSourceChangeType$ |
Cause | The tMirrorSourceIpv6FilterChange event is generated when a IPv6 filter or filter entry associated with the mirror-source indicated by tMirrorSourceIndex is 'modified' or 'deleted'. If the only the base filter is modified, tMirrorSourceFilterEntryId will have a value of 0. |
Effect | Mirrored traffic from this source may be affected in an undesired manner. |
Recovery | Modify the configuration of the associated IP filter or filter entry to restore the desired mirrored traffic. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | vRtrMldGrpIfSapCModeRxQueryMism |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.15 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Compatible mode oper version $vRtrMldGrpIfSapOperVersion$ mismatches query version $vRtrMldNotifyQueryVersion$ |
Cause | A vRtrMldGrpIfSapCModeRxQueryMism notification is generated when there is a mismatch between the compatible mode of the MLD SAP and the version of the received query. It is generated when the SAP is in MLDv1 compatible mode but it receives an MLDv2. sapPortId and sapEncapValue will identify the SAP on which the query is received. vRtrMldGrpIfSapOperVersion will indicate the compatibility mode of the SAP and vRtrMldNotifyQueryVersion will contain the version of the received query. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxGrpsLimExceed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Number of groups exceeds $vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxGroups$ on SAP |
Cause | The vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxGrpsLimExceed event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a group when vRtrMldGrpIfSapGroupCount, the number of groups configured on the SAP, is equal to vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxGroups, the maximum number of groups supported on the SAP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxGrpSrcLimExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.19 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Max group sources exceeded $vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxGrpSources$ for SAP |
Cause | The vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxGrpSrcLimExcd event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a group source for a group when the number of group sources is equal to vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxGrpSources, the maximum number of group sources per group supported on the SAP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxSrcsLimExceed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Max number of source per group exceeded $vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxSources$ for SAP |
Cause | The vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxSrcsLimExceed event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a source for a group when the number of sources for this group is equal to vRtrMldGrpIfSapMaxSources, the maximum number of sources per group supported on the SAP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | vRtrMldGrpIfSapMcacPlcyDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | MLD group $vRtrMldNotifyGrpAddr$ dropped because applying plcy $vRtrMldNotifyMcacPolicyName$ |
Cause | The vRtrMldGrpIfSapMcacPlcyDropped event is generated when an MLD group is dropped on a given SAP because of applying a multicast CAC policy given by vRtrMldNotifyMcacPolicyName. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | vRtrMldGrpIfSapRxQueryVerMism |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | SAP configured for MLDv$vRtrMldGrpIfSapAdminVersion$ received MLDv$vRtrMldNotifyQueryVersion$ query |
Cause | A vRtrMldGrpIfSapRxQueryVerMism notification is generated when the MLD host SAP is configured as MLDv2 but receives an MLDv1 Query. sapPortId and sapEncapValue will identify the SAP on which the query is received. vRtrMldGrpIfSapAdminVersion will contain the configured version of the SAP and vRtrMldNotifyQueryVersion will contain the version of the received query. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | vRtrMldHostCModeRxQueryMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Mismatch between oper version $vRtrMldHostOperVersion$ and query version $vRtrMldNotifyQueryVersion$ |
Cause | A vRtrMldHostCModeRxQueryMismatch notification is generated when there is a mismatch between the compatible mode of the MLD Host and the version of the received query. It is generated when the Host is in MLDv1 compatible mode but it receives an MLDv2 Query. vRtrMldHostAddress will identify the Host on which the query is received. vRtrMldHostOperVersion will indicate the compatibility mode of the Host and vRtrMldNotifyQueryVersion will contain the version of the received query. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | vRtrMldHostInstantiationFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | MLD cannot be started on host because $vRtrMldNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The vRtrMldHostInstantiationFail event is generated when a host is eligible for running MLD, but MLD cannot be started on the host. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | vRtrMldHostMaxGrpsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $vRtrMldHostMaxGroups$ exceeded on FwdSvdId $vRtrMldHostFwdSvcId$, GrpIfId $vRtrMldHostGrpIfId$ |
Cause | The vRtrMldMaxGrpsLimitExceeded event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a group when vRtrMldHostGroupCount, the number of groups configured on the PIM interface, is equal to vRtrMldHostMaxGroups, the maximum number of groups supported on the host. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | vRtrMldHostMaxGrpSrcsLimitExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.17 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Max group sources $vRtrMldHostMaxGrpSources$ exceeded on GrpIfId $vRtrMldHostGrpIfId$ with FwdSvcId $vRtrMldHostFwdSvcId$ |
Cause | The vRtrMldHostMaxGrpSrcsLimitExcd event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a source for a group when the number of group sources is equal to vRtrMldHostMaxGrpSources, the maximum number of group sources per group supported on the host. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | vRtrMldHostMaxSrcsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Max group sources limit of $vRtrMldHostMaxSources$ exceeded on GrpIfId $vRtrMldHostGrpIfId$ with FwdSvcId $vRtrMldHostFwdSvcId$ |
Cause | The vRtrMldHostMaxSrcsLimitExceeded event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a source for a group when the number of sources for this group is equal to vRtrMldHostMaxSources, the maximum number of sources per group supported on the host. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | vRtrMldHostMcacPlcyDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | MLD group $vRtrMldNotifyGrpAddr$ dropped on host $vRtrMldHostSubscriberId$ after applying plcy $vRtrMldNotifyMcacPolicyName$ |
Cause | The vRtrMldHostMcacPlcyDropped event is generated when an MLD group is dropped on a given Host because of applying a multicast CAC policy given by vRtrMldNotifyMcacPolicyName. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | vRtrMldHostQryIntervalConflict |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.20 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The vRtrMldHostQryIntervalConflict event is generated when one of the MLD-policy query intervals violates restrictions, we fall back to the node query intervals. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | vRtrMldHostRxQueryVerMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Host MLD version $vRtrMldHostAdminVersion$ received query version $vRtrMldNotifyQueryVersion$ |
Cause | A vRtrMldHostRxQueryVerMismatch notification is generated when the MLD host is configured as MLDv2 but receives a MLDv1 Query. vRtrMldHostAddress will identify the Host on which the query is received. vRtrMldHostAdminVersion will contain the configured version of the Host and vRtrMldNotifyQueryVersion will contain the version of the received query. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | vRtrMldIfCModeRxQueryMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Mismatch between the interface $vRtrIfIndex$ compatible mode($vRtrMldIfOperVersion$) and the version of the MLD query (version $vRtrMldNotifyQueryVersion$) received on the interface |
Cause | This notification is generated when there is a mismatch between the compatibility mode of the interface and the version of the MLD query received on the interface. |
Effect | The query will be ignored |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | vRtrMldIfRxQueryVerMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | MLDv$vRtrMldNotifyQueryVersion$ query received on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ configured as MLDv$vRtrMldIfAdminVersion$ |
Cause | The event is generated when the router receives MLDv1 query on an interface which is configured as MLDv2. |
Effect | MLD interface transitions into MLDv1 or MLDv2 compatibility mode. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | vRtrMldMaxGrpsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of groups configured on the interface $ifName$ has exceeded the maximum limit of $vRtrMldIfMaxGroups$ |
Cause | This notification is generated when the number of groups configured on the interface exceeds the maximum number of groups supported on the system. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | vRtrMldMaxGrpSrcsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.18 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Max group sources exceeded $vRtrMldIfMaxGrpSources$ for interface |
Cause | The vRtrMldMaxGrpSrcsLimitExceeded event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a group source for a group when the number of group sources is equal to vRtrMldIfMaxGrpSources, the maximum number of group sources per group supported on the interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | vRtrMldMaxSrcsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Max group sources $vRtrMldIfMaxSources$ exceeded on interface |
Cause | The vRtrMldMaxSrcsLimitExceeded event is generated when an attempt is made to configure a source for a group when the number of sources for this group is equal to vRtrMldIfMaxSources, the maximum number of sources per group supported on the interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | vRtrMldMcacPlcyDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-MIB.vRtrMldNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | MLD group $vRtrMldNotifyGrpAddr$ dropped after applying $vRtrMldIfMcacPolicyName$ |
Cause | The vRtrMldMcacPlcyDropped event is generated when an MLD group is dropped on a given interface because of applying a multicast CAC policy given by vRtrMldIfMcacPolicyName. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | sapMldSnpgGrpLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-SNOOPING-MIB.tmnxMldSnpgSapNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of groups on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ has exceeded the maximum limit of $sapMldSnpgCfgMaxNbrGrps$ - Dropping group $tmnxMldSnpgGroupAddress$ |
Cause | A MLD group is dropped on a given SAP because a user configurable upper limit given by sapMldSnpgCfgMaxNbrGrps has been reached. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | sapMldSnpgMcsFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-SNOOPING-MIB.tmnxMldSnpgSapNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Group $tmnxMldSnpgGroupAddress$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ could not be synced to MCS - $tmnxMldSnpgMcsFailureReason$ |
Cause | A MLD group on a given SAP could not be synced to the MCS (multi-chassis synchronization) database. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MLD_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | sdpBndMldSnpgGrpLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MLD-SNOOPING-MIB.tmnxMldSnpgSdpBndNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of groups on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ has exceeded the maximum limit of $sdpBndMldSnpgCfgMaxNbrGrps$ - Dropping group $tmnxMldSnpgGroupAddress$ |
Cause | A MLD group is dropped on a given SDP bind because a user configurable upper limit given by sdpBndMldSnpgCfgMaxNbrGrps is reached. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | mplsTunnelDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | MPLS-TE-MIB.mplsTeNotifyPrefix.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Tunnel $mplsTunnelName$ is operationally disabled ('shutdown') |
Cause | An mplsTunnelOperStatus object for one of the configured tunnels is about to enter the down state from some other state (besides the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of mplsTunnelOperStatus. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | mplsTunnelReoptimized |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | MPLS-TE-MIB.mplsTeNotifyPrefix.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Tunnel $mplsTunnelName$ is reoptimized |
Cause | A tunnel is reoptimized. If the actual path is used, then this object MAY contain the new path for this tunnel some time after this trap is issued by the agent. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | mplsTunnelRerouted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | MPLS-TE-MIB.mplsTeNotifyPrefix.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Tunnel $mplsTunnelName$ is rerouted |
Cause | A tunnel is rerouted or re-optimized. If the Actual Path is used, then this object MAY contain the new path for this tunnel some time after this trap is issued by the agent. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | mplsTunnelUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | MPLS-TE-MIB.mplsTeNotifyPrefix.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Tunnel $mplsTunnelName$ is operationally enabled ('no shutdown') |
Cause | An mplsTunnelOperStatus object for one of the configured tunnels is about to leave the down state and transition into some other state (but not into the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of mplsTunnelOperStatus. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | mplsXCDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | MPLS-LSR-MIB.mplsLsrNotifyPrefix.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Cross-connect $mplsXCName$ is down |
Cause | An mplsXCOperStatus object for one of the configured cross-connect entries is about to enter the down state from some other state (but not from the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of mplsXCOperStatus. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | mplsXCUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | MPLS-LSR-MIB.mplsLsrNotifyPrefix.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Cross-connect $mplsXCName$ is up |
Cause | An mplsXCOperStatus object for one of the configured cross-connect entries is about to leave the down state and transition into some other state (but not into the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of mplsXCOperStatus. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | vRtrMplsIfStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Interface $vRtrIfIndex$ is in administrative state: $vRtrMplsIfAdminState$, operational state: $vRtrMplsIfOperState$ |
Cause | The MPLS interface changed state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | vRtrMplsLspActivePathChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.21 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The vRtrMplsLspActivePathChanged notification is generated when the active path of an LSP successfully switches to an new path. This notification will also be sent when the active LSP path does not change but only the switch method changes on the path. The old LSP path index is specified by vRtrMplsLspOldTunnelIndex. The state and switch method of the current active LSP path are specified by vRtrMplsLspPathState and vRtrMplsLspPathActiveByManual respectively. |
Effect | The switchover to the new LSP path was successful and/or the switch method of the current active LSP path changed. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | vRtrMplsLspDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LSP $lspName$ is operationally disabled ('shutdown') because $vRtrMplsLspNotificationReasonCode$ |
Cause | An LSP transitioned out of 'inService' state to any other state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | vRtrMplsLspPathDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LSP path $lspPathName$ is operationally disabled ('shutdown') because $vRtrMplsLspPathNotificationReasonCode$ |
Cause | A LSP Path transitioned out of 'inService' state to any other state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | vRtrMplsLspPathLstFillReoptElig |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Better least-fill metric for path $lspPathName$ is $trapStatus$. $bandwidthChange$ |
Cause | The vRtrMplsLspPathLstFillReoptElig notification is set/reset based on when a timer based re-signal found/did not find a path with the same cost but which has a better least-fill metric. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | vRtrMplsLspPathMbbStatusEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.19 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $vRtrMplsLspPathLastMBBType$ MBB $vRtrMplsLspPathMbbStatus$ for LSP path $lspPathName$ - reason $vRtrMplsLspPathMbbReasonCode$ |
Cause | Status of the make-before-break(MBB) operation for the LSP path has changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | vRtrMplsLspPathRerouted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LSP path $lspPathName$ rerouted |
Cause | An LSP Path has been rerouted. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | vRtrMplsLspPathResignaled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LSP path $lspPathName$ resignaled as a result of $vRtrMplsLspPathLastMBBType$ MBB |
Cause | An LSP Path has resignaled. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | vRtrMplsLspPathSoftPreempted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.15 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LSP path $lspPathName$ preempted |
Cause | The vRtrMplsLspPathSoftPreempted notification is generated when an LSP Path is preempted. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | vRtrMplsLspPathUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LSP path $lspPathName$ is operationally enabled ('no shutdown') |
Cause | A LSP Path transitioned to the 'inService' state from any other state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | vRtrMplsLspSwitchStbyFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.20 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Switchover to standby path with tunnel index $vRtrMplsLspSwitchStbyPathIndex$ for lsp $lspName$ failed because $vRtrMplsLspSwitchStbyReasonCode$ |
Cause | The vRtrMplsLspSwitchStbyFailure notification is generated to report an unsuccessful switchover from the current active secondary LSP path of an LSP to another secondary standby LSP path. The reason for the failure is specified by vRtrMplsLspSwitchStbyReasonCode. |
Effect | The switchover to the new standby path failed for the LSP. |
Recovery | The vRtrMplsLspSwitchStbyReasonCode will help the user troubleshoot the failure. The user can attempt to switchover to another standby LSP path again. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | vRtrMplsLspUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LSP $lspName$ is operationally enabled ('no shutdown') |
Cause | A LSP transitioned to the 'inService' state from any other state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | vRtrMplsNodeInIgpOverload |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.24 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MPLS received a notification that $vRtrMplsIgpOverloadIgpType$ is in overload on router $vRtrMplsIgpOverloadRtrAddr$. |
Cause | The vRtrMplsNodeInIgpOverload notification is generated when MPLS gets a notification that a node is in IGP overload state. |
Effect | The LSPs transiting through nodes that are in IGP overload state are teardown. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | vRtrMplsP2mpInstanceDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | P2MP instance $insName$ LSP $lspName$ is operationally disabled ('shutdown') because $vRtrMplsP2mpInstNotifReasonCode$ |
Cause | A P2MP instance under LSP transitioned out of 'inService' state to any other state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | vRtrMplsP2mpInstanceResignaled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.17 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | P2MP instance $insName$ LSP $lspName$ has been resignaled as a result of $vRtrMplsP2mpInstLastMBBType$ MBB |
Cause | A P2MP instance was resignaled. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | vRtrMplsP2mpInstanceUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | P2MP instance $insName$ LSP $lspName$ is operationally enabled ('no shutdown') |
Cause | A P2MP instance under LSP transitioned to the 'inService' state from any other state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | vRtrMplsResignalTimerExpired |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.18 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | MPLS resignal timer expired. |
Cause | MPLS resignal timer expired |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | vRtrMplsS2lSubLspDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | S2L path $s2lName$ to $vRtrMplsS2lSubLspNtDstAddr$ for P2MP instance $insName$ LSP $lspName$ is operationally disabled ('shutdown') because $vRtrMplsS2lSubLspFailCode$ |
Cause | A S2L Path transitioned out of 'inService' state to any other state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | vRtrMplsS2lSubLspRerouted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | S2L path $s2lName$ to $vRtrMplsS2lSubLspNtDstAddr$ for P2MP instance $insName$ for LSP $lspName$ rerouted |
Cause | An S2L Path was rerouted. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | vRtrMplsS2lSubLspResignaled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | S2L path $s2lName$ to $vRtrMplsS2lSubLspNtDstAddr$ for P2MP instance $insName$ LSP $lspName$ resignaled as a result of $vRtrMplsS2lSubLspLastMBBType$ MBB |
Cause | An S2L Path was resignaled. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | vRtrMplsS2lSubLspUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | S2L path $s2lName$ to $vRtrMplsS2lSubLspNtDstAddr$ for P2MP instance $insName$ LSP $lspName$ is operationally enabled ('no shutdown') |
Cause | A S2L Path transitioned to the 'inService' state from any other state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | vRtrMplsStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Instance is in administrative state: $vRtrMplsGeneralAdminState$, operational state: $vRtrMplsGeneralOperState$ |
Cause | The MPLS module changed state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS |
Event ID | 2028 |
Event name | vRtrMplsXCBundleChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB.tmnxMplsNotifications.22 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $vRtrMplsXCNotifyRednNumOfBitsSet$ RSVP sessions $vRtrMplsXCNotifyRednBundlingType$ starting from session number $vRtrMplsXCNotifyRednStartIndex$ to $vRtrMplsXCNotifyRednEndIndex$ |
Cause | vRtrMplsXCBundleChange is generated when one or more RSVP sessions changed state and retained the changed state for an entire quiet interval of 2 minutes or the maximum interval of 10 minutes if the state of RSVP sessions kept on changing during this period of multiple quiet intervals. |
Effect | RSVP sessions represented by bits in vRtrMplsXCNotifRednIndicesBitMap changed state on this router instance. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS_TP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | vRtrMplsTpLspActivePathChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-TP-MIB.vRtrMplsTpNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TP Tunnel $TpLspName$ switched from $vRtrMplsTpLspOldPathIndex$ to $vRtrMplsTpLspPathIndex$ path |
Cause | The vRtrMplsTpLspActivePathChange notification is generated when a MPLS-TP LSP Path changes its path from working to protecting or visa versa. The old path is specified by vRtrMplsTpLspOldPathIndex. |
Effect | The TP Path after the switch will be used to transport user traffic. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS_TP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | vRtrMplsTpLspActivePathUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-TP-MIB.vRtrMplsTpNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TP Tunnel $TpLspName$ active on $vRtrMplsTpLspPathIndex$ path |
Cause | The vRtrMplsTpLspActivePathUp notification is generated when a MPLS-TP LSP Path comes up. |
Effect | The TP-Path is the active path in the tunnel that is used to transport user traffic. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS_TP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | vRtrMplsTpLspPtTypeMismatchAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-TP-MIB.vRtrMplsTpNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MPLS-TP Tunnel $vRtrMplsLspIndex$ experiencing protection type mismatch: Rx 0x$vRtrMplsTpLspPtPathMepRxPdu$ Tx 0x$vRtrMplsTpLspPtPathMepTxPdu$ |
Cause | The vRtrMplsTpLspPtTypeMismatchAlarm is generated when an MPLS-TP LSP protection type mismatch is detected on the protection MEP, at the APS layer, by comparing the PT bits of the transmitted and received APS protocol. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS_TP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | vRtrMplsTpLspPtTypeMismatchClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-TP-MIB.vRtrMplsTpNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MPLS-TP Tunnel $vRtrMplsLspIndex$ experiencing protection type mismatch cleared: Rx 0x$vRtrMplsTpLspPtPathMepRxPdu$ Tx 0x$vRtrMplsTpLspPtPathMepTxPdu$ |
Cause | The vRtrMplsTpLspPtTypeMismatchClear is generated when an MPLS-TP LSP protection type mismatch is cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS_TP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | vRtrMplsTpLspRevertMismatchAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-TP-MIB.vRtrMplsTpNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MPLS-TP Tunnel $vRtrMplsLspIndex$ experiencing revertive mode mismatch: Rx 0x$vRtrMplsTpLspPtPathMepRxPdu$ Tx 0x$vRtrMplsTpLspPtPathMepTxPdu$ |
Cause | The vRtrMplsTpLspRevertMismatchAlarm is generated when an MPLS-TP LSP revertive mode mismatch is detected on the protection MEP, at the APS layer, by comparing the R bit of the transmitted and received APS protocol. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MPLS_TP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | vRtrMplsTpLspRevertMismatchClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MPLS-TP-MIB.vRtrMplsTpNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MPLS-TP Tunnel $vRtrMplsLspIndex$ experiencing revertive mode mismatch cleared: Rx 0x$vRtrMplsTpLspPtPathMepRxPdu$ Tx 0x$vRtrMplsTpLspPtPathMepTxPdu$ |
Cause | The vRtrMplsTpLspRevertMismatchClear is generated when an MPLS-TP LSP revertive mode mismatch is cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MSDP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | msdpBackwardTransition |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | MSDP-MIB.msdpTraps.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MSDP FSM for peer $strPeer$ has moved from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state. |
Cause | The MSDP FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MSDP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | msdpEstablished |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | MSDP-MIB.msdpTraps.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MSDP FSM for peer $strPeer$ has entered ESTABLISHED state. |
Cause | The MSDP FSM entered the ESTABLISHED state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MSDP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxMsdpNgActSrcLimExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MSDP-NG-MIB.tmnxMsdpNgNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Global active source limit $tmnxMsdpNgMaxActiveSources$ has been exceeded.Num exceeded $tmnxMsdpNgStatusActSrcLimExceeded$. |
Cause | The tmnxMsdpNgActSrcLimExcd event is generated whenever the global active source limit has been exceeded. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MSDP |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxMsdpNgGroupSrcActMsgsExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MSDP-NG-MIB.tmnxMsdpNgNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Active source limit $tmnxMsdpNgPeerGroupMaxActSources$ reached for group $strGrpPref$. Num exceeded $tmnxMsdpNgPeerGroupActMsgsExMax$ |
Cause | The tmnxMsdpNgGroupSrcActMsgsExcd event is generated when the source active messages received from this group has exceeded the established maximum number. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MSDP |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxMsdpNgPeerActSrcLimExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MSDP-NG-MIB.tmnxMsdpNgNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Active source limit $strLimit$ for peer $strPeer$ has been exceeded.Num exceeded $tmnxMsdpNgPeerStatsActSrcLimExcd$. |
Cause | The tmnxMsdpNgPeerActSrcLimExcd event is generated whenever the active source limit has been exceeded for the peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MSDP |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxMsdpNgRPFFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MSDP-NG-MIB.tmnxMsdpNgNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | RPF failure for SA ($strGrp$, $strSrc$) RP $strRp$ received from peer $strPeer$ |
Cause | The tmnxMsdpNgRPFFailure event is generated whenever a RPF(Reverse Path Forwarding) failure occurs for a source configured by user. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MSDP |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxMsdpNgSourceSrcActMsgsExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MSDP-NG-MIB.tmnxMsdpNgNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Active source limit $tmnxMsdpNgSourceMaxActiveSources$ reached for source $strSrcPref$. Num exceeded $tmnxMsdpNgSourceSrcActMsgsExMax$ |
Cause | The tmnxMsdpNgSourceSrcActMsgsExcd event is generated when the source active messages received from this source has exceeded the established maximum number. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | aluMwLinkEPSActivityChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.18 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Microwave Link EPS Switch |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | aluMwLinkMaintenanceChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.21 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Microwave Link maintenance command applied |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | aluMwLinkPeerChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.22 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Microwave link peer discovered |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | aluMwLinkRPSActivityChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.20 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Microwave Link RPS Switch |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | aluMwLinkTPSActivityChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.19 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Microwave Link TPS Switch |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | aluMwRadioCriticalAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.8 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Microwave Radio critical alarm cleared |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | aluMwRadioCriticalAlarmRaise |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.7 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Microwave Radio critcal alarm failure |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | aluMwRadioDatabaseUpdated |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Microwave Radio on port $subject$ database updated |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | aluMwRadioIndetermAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.16 |
Default severity | indeterminate |
Message format string | Microwave Radio indeterminate alarm cleared |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | aluMwRadioIndetermAlarmRaise |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.15 |
Default severity | indeterminate |
Message format string | Microwave Radio indeterminate alarm raised |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | aluMwRadioLinkDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.2 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Microwave Radio Link on port $subject$ is down |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | aluMwRadioLinkUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.1 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Microwave Radio Link on port $subject$ is up |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | aluMwRadioMajorAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.10 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Microwave Radio major alarm cleared |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | aluMwRadioMajorAlarmRaise |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.9 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Microwave Radio major alarm raise |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | aluMwRadioMinorAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Microwave Radio minor alarm cleared |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | aluMwRadioMinorAlarmRaise |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Microwave Radio minor alarm raise |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | aluMwRadioNotPresent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.4 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Microwave Radio on port $subject$ is not present |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | aluMwRadioPresent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.3 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Microwave Radio on port $subject$ is present |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | aluMwRadioSwPackageMissing |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.5 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | No valid Microwave Software Package found |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | aluMwRadioSwStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.23 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Microwave Radio on port $subject$ software state changed |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | aluMwRadioTxChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.17 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Microwave Radio transmitter is muted |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | aluMwRadioWarningAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Microwave Radio warning alarm cleared |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MWMGR |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | aluMwRadioWarningAlarmRaise |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB.aluMwNotification.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Microwave Radio warning alarm raise |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | tmnxNatDetMapOperStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.33 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The state of deterministic prefix map $tmnxNatDetPlcyAddr$/$tmnxNatDetPlcyAddrPrefixLength$ type $tmnxNatDetPlcySubType$ start $tmnxNatDetMapInStart$ end $tmnxNatDetMapInEnd$ changed to $tmnxNatDetMapOperState$ - $tmnxNatNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxNatDetMapOperStateChanged notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxNatDetMapOperState changes. The cause is explained in the tmnxNatNotifyDescription. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxNatDetPlcyChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.22 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The Deterministic NAT map has changed. |
Cause | Such a change may be caused by a modification of the tmnxNatDetPlcyTable or the tmnxNatDetMapTable. |
Effect | Traffic flows of one or more given subscribers, subject to NAT, may be assigned a different outside IP address and/or outside port. |
Recovery | Managers that rely on the offline representation of the Deterministic NAT map should get an updated copy. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | tmnxNatDetPlcyOperStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.32 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The state of deterministic prefix $tmnxNatDetPlcyAddr$/$tmnxNatDetPlcyAddrPrefixLength$ type $tmnxNatDetPlcySubType$ changed to $tmnxNatDetPlcyOperState$ - $tmnxNatNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxNatDetPlcyOperStateChanged notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxNatDetPlcyOperState changes. The cause is explained in the tmnxNatNotifyDescription. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | tmnxNatFwd2EntryAdded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.31 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | {$tmnxNatNotifyPlSeqNum$} $tmnxNatNotifyTruthValue$ $tmnxNatFwd2OutAddr$ [$tmnxNatFwd2OutPort$] -- subscriber type <type> {<inside router> <inside IP> [AFTR $tmnxNatFwd2LsnAftrAddr$| <subscriber id> } <inside port> <protocol> from $tmnxNatFwd2Origin$ |
Cause | The tmnxNatFwd2EntryAdded notification is sent when a row is added to or removed from the tmnxNatFwd2Table; a row can be added to the table either by operations on the tmnxNatFwdAction object group or by means of the PCP protocol. When the row is added, the value of the object tmnxNatNotifyTruthValue is 'true'; when the row is removed, it is 'false'. |
Effect | The specified NAT subscriber can start receiving inbound traffic flows. |
Recovery | No recovery required; this notification is the result of an operator or protocol action. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tmnxNatFwd2OperStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.34 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The state of forwarding entry subscriber type <type> {<inside router> <inside IP> subscriber $tmnxNatFwd2L2awSubIdent$ } IP protocol $tmnxNatFwd2Protocol$ inside port $tmnxNatFwd2Port$ policy $tmnxNatFwd2NatPolicy$ changed to $tmnxNatFwd2OperState$ |
Cause | The tmnxNatFwd2OperStateChanged notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxNatFwd2OperState changes. This is related to the state of the ISA MDA where the forwarding entry is located, or the availability of resources on that MDA. In the case of Layer-2-Aware NAT subscribers, the tmnxNatFwd2OperState is 'down' while the subscriber is not instantiated. This would typically be a transient situation. |
Effect | The corresponding inward bound packets are dropped while the operational status is 'down'. |
Recovery | If the ISA MDA reboots successfully, or another ISA MDA takes over, no recovery is required. If more resources become available on the ISA MDA, no recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | tmnxNatInAddrPrefixBlksFree |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.30 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | {$tmnxNatNotifyPlSeqNum$} all blocks freed of all subscribers type $tmnxNatNotifySubscriberType$ in inside router instance $tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID$ address type $tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddrType$ prefix $tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr$/$tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddrPrefixLen$ MDA $tmnxNatNotifyMdaCardSlotNum$/$tmnxNatNotifyMdaSlotNum$ at $tmnxNatNotifyDateAndTime$ - $tmnxNatNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxNatInAddrPrefixBlksFree notification is sent when all port blocks allocated to one or more subscribers associated with a particular set of inside addresses are released by this system. The type of subscriber(s) is indicated by tmnxNatNotifySubscriberType. The set of inside IP addresses is associated with the virtual router instance indicated by tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID and is of the type indicated by tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddrType. The set of inside IP addresses consists of the address prefix indicated with tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr and tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddrPrefixLen unless these objects are empty and zero; if tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr is empty and tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddrPrefixLen is zero, the set contains all IP addresses of the indicated type. The values of tmnxNatNotifyMdaChassisIndex, tmnxNatNotifyMdaCardSlotNum and tmnxNatNotifyMdaSlotNum identify the ISA MDA where the blocks were processed. All notifications of this type are sequentially numbered with the tmnxNatNotifyPlSeqNum. This type of notification is typically the consequence of one or more configuration changes; the nature of these changes is indicated in the tmnxNatNotifyDescription. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | tmnxNatIsaGrpIsDegraded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.25 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The NAT group $tmnxNatIsaGrpId$ is $tmnxNatIsaGrpDegraded$. |
Cause | The tmnxNatIsaGrpIsDegraded notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxNatIsaGrpDegraded changes. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | tmnxNatIsaGrpOperStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.24 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The state of NAT group $tmnxNatIsaGrpId$ changed to $tmnxNatIsaGrpOperState$. |
Cause | The tmnxNatIsaGrpOperStateChanged notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxNatIsaGrpOperState changes. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxNatIsaMemberSessionUsageHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The session usage high water status changed to $tmnxNatIsaMemberSessionUsageHi$. |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxNatL2AwSubIcmpPortUsageHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxNatL2AwSubSessionUsageHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The session usage high water status changed to $tmnxNatL2AwSubStatSessionUsageHi$. |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxNatL2AwSubTcpPortUsageHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxNatL2AwSubUdpPortUsageHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | tmnxNatLsnSubBlksFree |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.21 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | {$tmnxNatNotifyPlSeqNum$} LSN subscriber all blocks freed $tmnxNatNotifyLsnSubId$ $tmnxNatNotifySubscriberType$ %$tmnxNatNotifyNumber$ $tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID$ $tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr$ MDA $tmnxNatNotifyMdaCardSlotNum$/$tmnxNatNotifyMdaSlotNum$ at $tmnxNatNotifyDateAndTime$ |
Cause | The tmnxNatLsnSubBlksFree notification is sent when all port blocks allocated to a Large Scale NAT (LSN) subscriber are released. The NAT subscriber is identified with its subscriber ID tmnxNatNotifyLsnSubId. To further facilitate the identification of the NAT subscriber, its type tmnxNatNotifySubscriberType, inside IP address tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr and inside virtual router instance tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID are provided. The values of tmnxNatNotifyMdaChassisIndex, tmnxNatNotifyMdaCardSlotNum and tmnxNatNotifyMdaSlotNum identify the ISA MDA where the blocks were processed. All notifications of this type are sequentially numbered with the tmnxNatNotifyPlSeqNum. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | tmnxNatLsnSubIcmpPortUsgHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.26 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The ICMP port usage high water status changed to $tmnxNatQryLsnSubResIcmpPortUsgHi$ for host $tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr$ in router $tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID$ policy |
Cause | The tmnxNatLsnSubIcmpPortUsgHigh notification is sent when the ICMP port usage of a Large Scale NAT subscriber reaches its high watermark ('true') or when it reaches its low watermark again ('false'). If only a single host can be associated with this subscriber, it is identified with its inside IP address tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr in the inside virtual router instance tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID; otherwise, these objects contain null values. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | tmnxNatLsnSubSessionUsgHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.29 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The session usage high water status changed to $tmnxNatQryLsnSubResSessionUsgHi$ for host $tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr$ in router $tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID$ policy |
Cause | The tmnxNatLsnSubSessionUsgHigh notification is sent when the session usage of a Large Scale NAT subscriber reaches its high watermark ('true') or when it reaches its low watermark again ('false'). If only a single host can be associated with this subscriber, it is identified with its inside IP address tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr in the inside virtual router instance tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID; otherwise, these objects contain null values. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2028 |
Event name | tmnxNatLsnSubTcpPortUsgHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.28 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The TCP port usage high water status changed to $tmnxNatQryLsnSubResTcpPortUsgHi$ for host $tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr$ in router $tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID$ policy |
Cause | The tmnxNatLsnSubTcpPortUsgHigh notification is sent when the TCP port usage of a Large Scale NAT subscriber reaches its high watermark ('true') or when it reaches its low watermark again ('false'). If only a single host can be associated with this subscriber, it is identified with its inside IP address tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr in the inside virtual router instance tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID; otherwise, these objects contain null values. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | tmnxNatLsnSubUdpPortUsgHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.27 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The UDP port usage high water status changed to $tmnxNatQryLsnSubResUdpPortUsgHi$ for host $tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr$ in router $tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID$ policy |
Cause | The tmnxNatLsnSubUdpPortUsgHigh notification is sent when the UDP port usage of a Large Scale NAT subscriber reaches its high watermark ('true') or when it reaches its low watermark again ('false'). If only a single host can be associated with this subscriber, it is identified with its inside IP address tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr in the inside virtual router instance tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID; otherwise, these objects contain null values. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2036 |
Event name | tmnxNatMapRuleChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | map-t map-domain $tmnxNatMapDomName$ mapping-rule $tmnxNatMapRuleName$ rule-prefix=$tmnxNatMapRulePrefix$/$tmnxNatMapRulePrefixLength$ ipv4-prefix=$tmnxNatMapRuleIpv4Prefix$/$tmnxNatMapRuleIpv4PrefixLength$ ea-length=$tmnxNatMapRuleEaLength$ psid-offset=$tmnxNatMapRulePsidOffset$ $tmnxNatNotifyTruthValue$ in router $vRtrID$ at $tmnxNatNotifyDateAndTime$ |
Cause | The tmnxNatMapRuleChange notification is sent with the value 'true' for tmnxNatNotifyTruthValue when a mapping rule becomes operational. The same notification is sent with 'false' when a mapping rule ceases to be operational. The value of the vRtrID object indicates in what virtual router instance the system applied the rule. The value of the tmnxNatNotifyDateAndTime object indicates at what time the system performed the change. |
Effect | The system applies a given mapping rule in the time interval between the time it sends the notification with 'true' and the time it sent the notification with 'false'. |
Recovery | Not required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tmnxNatMdaActive |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.20 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The NAT MDA $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMDASlotNum$ is now $tmnxNatNotifyTruthValue$ in group $tmnxNatIsaGrpId$ . |
Cause | The tmnxNatMdaActive notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxNatIsaMdaStatOperState changes from 'primary' to any other value, or the other way around. The value 'primary' means that the MDA is active in the group. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tmnxNatMdaDetectsLoadSharingErr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.23 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The NAT MDA $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMDASlotNum$ in group $tmnxNatIsaGrpId$ has detected load sharing errors and has dropped $tmnxNatNotifyCounter$ more packets. |
Cause | The ingress IOM hardware does not support a particular NAT function's load-balancing, for example an IOM-2 does not support deterministic NAT. |
Effect | The MDA drops all incorrectly load-balanced traffic. |
Recovery | Upgrade the ingress IOM, or change the configuration. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tmnxNatPcpSrvStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.18 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The state of server $tmnxNatPcpSrvName$ changed to $tmnxNatPcpSrvState$ - $tmnxNatPcpSrvStateDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxNatPcpSrvStateChanged notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxNatPcpSrvState changes. The cause is explained in the tmnxNatPcpSrvStateDescription. |
Effect | While the value of the object tmnxNatPcpSrvState is equal to 'outOfService', the system drops PCP requests addressed to this server. |
Recovery | The recovery action depends on the actual cause as specified in the tmnxNatPcpSrvStateDescription. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tmnxNatPlAddrFree |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.16 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxNatPlAddrFree notification is sent when a range of outside IP addresses becomes free at once. The range starts at address tmnxNatNotifyOutsideAddr and ends with address tmnxNatNotifyOutsideEndAddr. It replaces a number of tmnxNatPlBlockAllocationL2Aw or tmnxNatPlBlockAllocationLsn notifications; the allocated port blocks associated with each IP address in the indicated range are released. The reason why this address range is released, is described in the tmnxNatNotifyDescription. If the value of tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID is not equal to zero, it means that only the port blocks associated with hosts in that particular virtual router instance are released; if the value of tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID is equal to zero, it means that all the port blocks are released. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tmnxNatPlBlockAllocationL2Aw |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.13 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | {$tmnxNatNotifyPlSeqNum$} $tmnxNatNotifyTruthValue$ $tmnxNatNotifyOutsideAddr$ [$tmnxNatNotifyPort$-$tmnxNatNotifyPort2$] -- l2-aware-sub $tmnxNatNotifyL2AwSubIdent$ policy $tmnxNatNotifyName$ $tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr$ at $tmnxNatNotifyDateAndTime$ |
Cause | The tmnxNatPlBlockAllocationL2Aw notification is sent when an outside IP address and a range of ports is allocated to a NAT subscriber associated with a Layer-2-Aware NAT pool, and when this allocation expires. The allocated block is within the scope of the outside virtual router instance tmnxNatNotifyOutsideVRtrID and the outside IP address tmnxNatNotifyOutsideAddr; it starts with port tmnxNatNotifyPort and ends with port tmnxNatNotifyPort2. The NAT subscriber is identified with its subscriber ID tmnxNatNotifyL2AwSubIdent. The NAT policy is identified with its name tmnxNatNotifyName. When the block allocation is made, the value of the object tmnxNatNotifyTruthValue is 'true'; when the block allocation expires, it is 'false'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxNatPlBlockAllocationLsn |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxNatPlBlockAllocationLsn notification is sent when an outside IP address and a range of ports is allocated to a NAT subscriber associated with a Large Scale NAT (LSN) pool, and when this allocation expires. The allocated block is within the scope of the outside virtual router instance tmnxNatNotifyOutsideVRtrID and the outside IP address tmnxNatNotifyOutsideAddr; it starts with port tmnxNatNotifyPort and ends with port tmnxNatNotifyPort2. The NAT subscriber is identified with its subscriber ID tmnxNatNotifyLsnSubId. To further facilitate the identification of the NAT subscriber, its type tmnxNatNotifySubscriberType, inside IP address tmnxNatNotifyInsideAddr and inside virtual router instance tmnxNatNotifyInsideVRtrID are provided. The values of tmnxNatNotifyMdaChassisIndex, tmnxNatNotifyMdaCardSlotNum and tmnxNatNotifyMdaSlotNum identify the ISA MDA where this block is processed. The value of tmnxNatNotifyNumber is the numerical identifier of the NAT policy used for this allocation; it can be used for correlation of notifications, especially with the tmnxNatPlAddrFree summary event, that may indicate this number in the tmnxNatNotifyDescription object. When the block allocation is made, the value of the object tmnxNatNotifyTruthValue is 'true'; when the block allocation expires, it is 'false'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxNatPlL2AwBlockUsageHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The block usage high water status changed to $tmnxNatPlBlockUsageHi$. |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxNatPlLsnMemberBlockUsageHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | tmnxNatPlLsnRedActiveChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.17 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxNatPlLsnRedActiveChanged notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxNatPlLsnRedActive changes. The cause is explained in the tmnxNatNotifyDescription. |
Effect | While the value of the object tmnxNatPlLsnRedActive is equal to 'false', ... - this system is not performing Large Scale NAT in the realm of the virtual router instance associated with this pool; the Large Scale NAT is supposed to be performed by its redundant peer. - the route specified with tmnxNatVrtrInRedSteerRt is not advertised in the realm of any inside virtual router instance associated with this pool; - NAT traffic matching a filter with TFilterAction equal to 'nat' is redirected to the address specified with tmnxNatVrtrInRedPeerAddr or dropped if tmnxNatVrtrInRedPeerAddr is not configured; - the pool ranges associated with this pool are withdrawn from the outside virtual router instance associated with this pool; - the route specified with tmnxNatPlLsnRedExpPrefix is not exported in the realm of the outside virtual router instance associated with this pool. |
Recovery | If this system is supposed to assume the role of a standby in the realm of the virtual router instance associated with this pool, no recovery is needed. Otherwise, the recovery action will depend on the actual cause as specified in the tmnxNatNotifyDescription. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tmnxNatResourceProblemCause |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxNatNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tmnxNatResourceProblemDetected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.14 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The status of the NAT resource problem indication changed to $tmnxNatResourceProblem$. |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NAT |
Event ID | 2035 |
Event name | tmnxNatVrtrOutDnatOnlyRoutesHigh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NAT-MIB.tmnxNatNotifications.35 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The DNAT-only routes high water status changed to $tmnxNatNotifyTruthValue$: $tmnxNatVrtrOutDnatOnlyRoutes$/$tmnxNatVrtrOutDnatOnlyRouteLimit$. |
Cause | The tmnxNatVrtrOutDnatOnlyRoutesHigh notification is sent with the value 'true' for tmnxNatNotifyTruthValue when the actual value of the object tmnxNatVrtrOutDnatOnlyRoutes approaches the configured value of tmnxNatVrtrOutDnatOnlyRouteLimit for a given virtual router instance. The same notification is sent with 'false' for tmnxNatNotifyTruthValue when the value of tmnxNatVrtrOutDnatOnlyRoutes goes below the threshold value again. |
Effect | While the value of tmnxNatVrtrOutDnatOnlyRoutes is between the threshold value and the tmnxNatVrtrOutDnatOnlyRouteLimit limit, there is no effect. When an attempt is made to change the configuration within the virtual router instance such that the actual value of tmnxNatVrtrOutDnatOnlyRoutes would exceed the tmnxNatVrtrOutDnatOnlyRouteLimit limit, the system would refuse that attempt. |
Recovery | Within the associated NAT inside virtual router instance, - reduce the number of prefixes (in the tmnxNatPrefixTable), - reduce the value of tmnxNatVrtrInMaxDetSubscrLimit. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NTP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxNtpAuthMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NTP-MIB.tmnxNtpNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | NTP message is received with an $tmnxNtpAuthKeyFailType$ from $tmnxNtpPeersPeerAddress$ |
Cause | The managed object tmnxNtpAuthCheck has a value of true and an NTP message was received with an incorrect authentication key or type. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NTP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxNtpNoServersAvail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NTP-MIB.tmnxNtpNotifications.2 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | No NTP servers are available. |
Cause | No NTP servers are available. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NTP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxNtpOperChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NTP-MIB.tmnxNtpNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | NTP's operational status is $tmnxNtpOperState$ |
Cause | There has been a change in the operational state of NTP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NTP |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxNtpServerChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NTP-MIB.tmnxNtpNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | NTP server has changed: Old server $strOldServer$, New server $tmnxNtpPeersPeerAddress$ |
Cause | More than one NTP servers are configured in a system and a different NTP server has been selected because the operational status of the earlier NTP server has changed. |
Effect | A new NTP server was selected. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | NTP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxNtpServersAvail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-NTP-MIB.tmnxNtpNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | NTP servers are available. |
Cause | NTP servers are now available. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2300 |
Event name | aluTwampRefInactivityTimeout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-VRTR-MIB.aluTwampNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The aluTwampRefInactivityTimeout notification is generated when a TWAMP test session was disconnected by the TWAMP Reflector because the session was inactive for a period exceeding the reflector's inactivity timeout (aluTwampRefInactTimeout). |
Effect | The TWAMP reflector cannot receive any traffic on the disconnected session. |
Recovery | Check the IP connectivity between this reflector and the TWAMP client. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2053 |
Event name | svcIdInvalid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service id $serviceId$ is invalid: $reasonToReport$ |
Cause | Svc-ping tried to send or process a packet to a non-existent svc-id. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2054 |
Event name | svcIdWrongType |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service id $serviceId$ has a wrong type: $reasonToReport$ |
Cause | Svc-ping tried to send or process a packet to a svc-id with a wrong svc-type. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxAncpLoopbackTestCompleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamPingNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The ANCP loopback test for ANCP string $tmnxOamAncpHistoryAncpString$ has ended. The access Node has sent Result $tmnxOamAncpHistoryAccNodeResult$; code$tmnxOamAncpHistoryAccNodeCode$; and reply string $tmnxOamAncpHistoryAccNodeRspStr$. |
Cause | An ANCP loopback is finished and a notification was explictly requested. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxAncpLoopbackTestCompletedL |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The ANCP loopback test for ANCP string $tmnxOamAncpHistoryAncpString$ has ended. The access Node has sent Result $tmnxOamAncpHistoryAccNodeResult$; code$tmnxOamAncpHistoryAccNodeCode$; and reply string $tmnxOamAncpHistoryAccNodeRspStr$. |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2055 |
Event name | tmnxOamLdpTtraceAutoDiscState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamTraceRouteNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The discovery state of the 'Auto Ldp Tree Trace entity' has changed to $tmnxOamLTtraceAutoDiscoveryState$ |
Cause | The discovery state of the 'Auto Ldp Tree Trace entity' represented by tmnxOamLTtraceAutoDiscoveryState has been changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2057 |
Event name | tmnxOamLdpTtraceFecDisStatus |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamTraceRouteNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The FEC $strTmnxOamLTtraceFecPrefix$/$strTmnxOamLTtraceFecPrefLen$ is discovered with $tmnxOamLTtraceFecDisPaths$ paths. The discovery status BITs are $strTmnxOamLTtraceFecDisStatusBits$. |
Cause | The discovery status BITS or the number of discovered paths of the 'auto discovered FEC' has been changed. Note that the changes were evaluated at the end of a FEC discovery. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2058 |
Event name | tmnxOamLdpTtraceFecPFailUpdate |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamTraceRouteNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Path probe state update for the 'auto discovered' FEC, $strTmnxOamLTtraceFecPrefix$/$strTmnxOamLTtraceFecPrefLen$. $tmnxOamLTtraceFecFailedProbes$ out of $tmnxOamLTtraceFecDisPaths$ paths are in failed probing state. |
Cause | The probe state of the 'auto discovered FEC' has been changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2056 |
Event name | tmnxOamLdpTtraceFecProbeState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamTraceRouteNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The probe state of the 'auto discovered' FEC, $strTmnxOamLTtraceFecPrefix$/$strTmnxOamLTtraceFecPrefLen$, has changed to $tmnxOamLTtraceFecProbeState$.$tmnxOamLTtraceFecFailedProbes$ out of $tmnxOamLTtraceFecDisPaths$ paths are in failed probing state. |
Cause | The probe state of the 'auto discovered FEC' has been changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxOamPingProbeFailedV3 |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamPingNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OAM $tmnxOamPingCtlTestMode$ test \"$tmnxOamPingCtlTestIndex$\" created by \"$tmnxOamPingCtlOwnerIndex$\" run #$tmnxOamPingResultsTestRunIndex$ probe $tmnxOamPingHistoryIndex$ failed |
Cause | A probe failure was detected when the corresponding tmnxOamPingCtlTrapGeneration object is set to probeFailure(0) subject to the value of tmnxOamPingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter. The object tmnxOamPingCtlTrapProbeFailureFilter can be used to specify the number of successive probe failures that are required before this notification can be generated. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxOamPingTestCompletedV3 |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamPingNotifications.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OAM $tmnxOamPingCtlTestMode$ test \"$tmnxOamPingCtlTestIndex$\" created by \"$tmnxOamPingCtlOwnerIndex$\" run #$tmnxOamPingResultsTestRunIndex$ completed |
Cause | A ping test when the corresponding tmnxOamPingCtlTrapGeneration object is set to testCompletion(2). |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxOamPingTestFailedV3 |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamPingNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OAM $tmnxOamPingCtlTestMode$ test \"$tmnxOamPingCtlTestIndex$\" created by \"$tmnxOamPingCtlOwnerIndex$\" run #$tmnxOamPingResultsTestRunIndex$ failed |
Cause | A ping test failed when the corresponding tmnxOamPingCtlTrapGeneration object is set to testFailure(1). In this instance tmnxOamPingCtlTrapTestFailureFilter specifies the number of probes in a test required to have failed in order to consider the test as failed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2301 |
Event name | tmnxOamPmThrClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-PM-MIB.tmnxOamPmNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | OAM-PM TCA cleared for session \"$tmnxOamPmCfgSessName$\", test type $tmnxOamPmStsBaseTestType$, measurement interval duration $tmnxOamPmStsMeasIntvlDuration$, MI start $tmnxOamPmStsBaseStartTime$ UTC, delay bin type $tmnxOamPmNotifThrDelayBinType$. Threshold type $tmnxOamPmNotifThrType$, direction $tmnxOamPmNotifThrDirection$, bin lower bound (us) $tmnxOamPmNotifThrBinLowerBound$, configured threshold $tmnxOamPmNotifThrCfgClear$, operational value $tmnxOamPmNotifThrOperClear$. TCA type $tmnxOamPmNotifThrStateType$, suspect flag $tmnxOamPmStsBaseSuspect$. |
Cause | A tmnxOamPmThrClear trap is sent at the end of an OAM-PM measurement interval when a loss or delay counter meets or falls below its configured Clear threshold. At most one tmnxOamPmThrClear trap is sent per tmnxOamPmThrRaise trap. OAM-PM thresholds are explained in the description clauses of tmnxOamPmCfgThrDelayTable, tmnxOamPmCfgThrLossFwBwAgTable, and tmnxOamPmCfgThrLossFwBwTable. OAM-PM counters are explained in the description clauses of the tmnxOamPmStatsTableObjs tables. |
Effect | For an LMM test, the loss of live traffic has met or fallen below a configured threshold. For other test types, the loss or delay of OAM-PM test probes has met or fallen below a configured threshold, indicating a possible improvement in the loss or delay of live traffic. |
Recovery | No recovery is required for this trap. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2300 |
Event name | tmnxOamPmThrRaise |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-PM-MIB.tmnxOamPmNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | OAM-PM TCA raised for session \"$tmnxOamPmCfgSessName$\", test type $tmnxOamPmStsBaseTestType$, measurement interval duration $tmnxOamPmStsMeasIntvlDuration$, MI start $tmnxOamPmStsBaseStartTime$ UTC, delay bin type $tmnxOamPmNotifThrDelayBinType$. Threshold type $tmnxOamPmNotifThrType$, direction $tmnxOamPmNotifThrDirection$, bin lower bound (us) $tmnxOamPmNotifThrBinLowerBound$, configured threshold $tmnxOamPmNotifThrCfgRaise$, operational value $tmnxOamPmNotifThrOperRaise$. TCA type $tmnxOamPmNotifThrStateType$, suspect flag $tmnxOamPmStsBaseSuspect$. |
Cause | A tmnxOamPmThrRaise trap is sent when an OAM-PM loss or delay counter meets or exceeds its configured Raise threshold. If an Average Frame Loss Ratio (FLR) threshold (i.e. tmnxOamPmCfgThrLossAvgFlrRaise) is met or exceeded, the tmnxOamPmThrRaise trap is sent at the end of the measurement interval. If another type of threshold (e.g. tmnxOamPmCfgThrLossHliRaise) is met or exceeded, the tmnxOamPmThrRaise trap is sent when the problem is detected. The Average FLR threshold is a special case because the measured Average FLR can fluctuate during a measurement interval. At most one tmnxOamPmThrRaise trap is sent per threshold type during one OAM-PM measurement interval. For example, at most one tmnxOamPmThrRaise trap is sent to record an excessive High Loss Indicator (HLI) count in the forward direction seen in a particular 15 minute interval belonging to the SLM test belonging to OAM-PM session 'oamPmSession1'. OAM-PM thresholds are explained in the description clauses of tmnxOamPmCfgThrDelayTable, tmnxOamPmCfgThrLossFwBwAgTable, and tmnxOamPmCfgThrLossFwBwTable. OAM-PM counters are explained in the description clauses of the tmnxOamPmStatsTableObjs tables. |
Effect | For an LMM test, the loss of live traffic has met or exceeded a configured threshold. For the other test types, the loss or delay of OAM-PM test probes has met or exceeded a configured threshold, indicating possible excessive loss or excessive delay of live traffic. |
Recovery | Fix the cause of the excessive loss or excessive delay. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2101 |
Event name | tmnxOamSaaThreshold |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamSaaNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OAM SAA $tmnxOamSaaCtlTestMode$ test \"$tmnxOamSaaCtlTestIndex$\" created by \"$tmnxOamSaaCtlOwnerIndex$\" run #$tmnxOamSaaTTestRunIndex$ crossed $tmnxOamSaaTDirection$ $tmnxOamSaaTType$ threshold $tmnxOamSaaTThreshold$ with value $tmnxOamSaaTValue$ |
Cause | At the completion of an SAA OAM trace route test the threshold has been crossed for a results statistic. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2050 |
Event name | tmnxOamTrPathChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamTraceRouteNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OAM $tmnxOamTrCtlTestMode$ test \"$tmnxOamTrCtlTestIndex$\" created by \"$tmnxOamTrCtlOwnerIndex$\" run #$tmnxOamTrResultsTestRunIndex$ path changed |
Cause | The path to a target has changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2052 |
Event name | tmnxOamTrTestCompleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamTraceRouteNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OAM $tmnxOamTrCtlTestMode$ test \"$tmnxOamTrCtlTestIndex$\" created by \"$tmnxOamTrCtlOwnerIndex$\" run #$tmnxOamTrResultsTestRunIndex$ completed |
Cause | The OAM trace route test has just completed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2051 |
Event name | tmnxOamTrTestFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB.tmnxOamTraceRouteNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OAM $tmnxOamTrCtlTestMode$ test \"$tmnxOamTrCtlTestIndex$\" created by \"$tmnxOamTrCtlOwnerIndex$\" run #$tmnxOamTrResultsTestRunIndex$ failed |
Cause | The OAM trace route test failed to complete successfully. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2200 |
Event name | tmnxTwampSrvInactivityTimeout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-TWAMP-MIB.tmnxTwampNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TWAMP server control connection to client $tmnxTwampSrvConnClientAddr$ disconnected because it was inactive for $tmnxTwampSrvConnIdleTime$ seconds |
Cause | The tmnxTwampSrvInactivityTimeout notification is generated when a TWAMP control connection was disconnected by the TWAMP server because the connection was inactive for a period exceeding the server's inactivity timeout (tmnxTwampSrvInactTimeout). |
Effect | The TWAMP client cannot request test runs on the disconnected connection. |
Recovery | Check the IP connectivity between this node and the TWAMP client. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2201 |
Event name | tmnxTwampSrvMaxConnsExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-TWAMP-MIB.tmnxTwampNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TWAMP server control connection to client $tmnxTwampSrvNotifClientAddr$ could not be established because the system limit ($tmnxTwampSrvConnectionCount$ concurrent connections) has been reached |
Cause | The tmnxTwampSrvMaxConnsExceeded notification is generated when a TWAMP control connection could not be established by the TWAMP server because the system-level maximum number of concurrent TWAMP control connections (tmnxTwampSrvMaxConnections) has been reached. |
Effect | The TWAMP client cannot request test runs on the rejected connection. |
Recovery | Configure the system-level maximum number of concurrent TWAMP control connections to a larger value, or disconnect any TWAMP control connection. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2203 |
Event name | tmnxTwampSrvMaxSessExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-TWAMP-MIB.tmnxTwampNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TWAMP server session to client $tmnxTwampSrvNotifClientAddr$ could not be established because the system limit ($tmnxTwampSrvSessionCount$ concurrent sessions) has been reached |
Cause | The tmnxTwampSrvMaxSessExceeded notification is generated when a TWAMP session could not be established by the TWAMP server because the system-level maximum number of concurrent TWAMP sessions (tmnxTwampSrvMaxSessions) has been reached. |
Effect | The TWAMP client cannot request test runs on the rejected session. |
Recovery | Configure the system-level maximum number of concurrent TWAMP sessions to a larger value, or disconnect any TWAMP session. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2202 |
Event name | tmnxTwampSrvPfxMaxConnsExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-TWAMP-MIB.tmnxTwampNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TWAMP server control connection to client $tmnxTwampSrvNotifClientAddr$ could not be established because the limit for prefix $tmnxTwampSrvPrefixAddr$/$tmnxTwampSrvPrefixLen$ ($tmnxTwampSrvPfxConnCount$ concurrent connections) has been reached |
Cause | The tmnxTwampSrvPfxMaxConnsExceeded notification is generated when a TWAMP control connection could not be established by the TWAMP server because the maximum number of concurrent TWAMP control connections configured against the TWAMP client's prefix (tmnxTwampSrvPrefixMaxConnections) has been reached. |
Effect | The TWAMP client cannot request test runs on the rejected connection. |
Recovery | Configure the prefix's maximum number of concurrent TWAMP control connections to a larger value, or disconnect a TWAMP control connection which uses the prefix. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OAM |
Event ID | 2204 |
Event name | tmnxTwampSrvPfxMaxSessExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-TWAMP-MIB.tmnxTwampNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TWAMP server session to client $tmnxTwampSrvNotifClientAddr$ could not be established because the limit for prefix $tmnxTwampSrvPrefixAddr$/$tmnxTwampSrvPrefixLen$ ($tmnxTwampSrvPfxSessionCount$ concurrent sessions) has been reached |
Cause | The tmnxTwampSrvPfxMaxSessExceeded notification is generated when a TWAMP session could not be established by the TWAMP server because the maximum number of concurrent TWAMP sessions configured against the TWAMP client's prefix (tmnxTwampSrvPrefixMaxSessions) has been reached. |
Effect | The TWAMP client cannot request test runs on the rejected session. |
Recovery | Configure the prefix's maximum number of concurrent TWAMP sessions to a larger value, or disconnect a TWAMP session which uses the prefix. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OPEN_FLOW |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxOFFlowEntryInsertFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OPEN-FLOW-MIB.tmnxOpenFlowNotification.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to add flow-entry for open-flow switch \"$tmnxOFSwitchName$\" flow-table $tmnxOFFlowTableId$. Flow-table Oper Status: $tmnxOFFlowTableOperStatus$. Failure Reason $tmnxOFNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxOFFlowEntryInsertFailed notification is generated when a flow-entry could not be inserted into an open-flow table. |
Effect | The flow-entry won't be available in the flow-table. If inserting of a default flow-entry failed, then the value of tmnxOFFlowTableOperStatus is set to 'outOfService (3)'. |
Recovery | In order to insert the failed flow-entry into flow-table is to change the admin state of an open-flow switch instance to 'outOfService (3)' and then back to 'inService (1)' and try inserting the flow-entry again. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2057 |
Event name | tmnxOspfAdjBfdSessionSetupFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.57 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | BFD session setup failed with reason $tmnxOspfBfdSessSetupFailReason$ for Router $tmnxOspfRouterId$ |
Cause | The tmnxOspfAdjBfdSessionSetupFail notification is sent when BFD session setup fails. |
Effect | The system can not setup the BFD session. |
Recovery | Depending on the tmnxOspfBfdSessSetupFailReason, recovery can be possible. Check the BFD configuration to recover. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tmnxOspfAreaMaxAgeLsa |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Max aged LSA $ospfLsdbLsid$ type $ospfLsdbType$ area $ospfLsdbAreaId$ advertising router $ospfLsdbRtrId$ |
Cause | One of the LSA in the router's link-state database has reached its maximum age. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxOspfAreaOriginateLsa |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Originated LSA $ospfLsdbLsid$ type $ospfLsdbType$ area $ospfLsdbAreaId$ advertising router $ospfLsdbRtrId$ |
Cause | A new LSA has been originated by this router. This event is not generated for simple refreshes of LSAs (which happens every 30 minutes), but instead is generated when an LSA is (re)originated due to a topology change. Additionally, this event does not include LSAs that are being flushed because they have reached their maximum age. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | tmnxOspfAsMaxAgeLsa |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.26 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Max aged LSA $ospfLsdbLsid$ type $ospfLsdbType$ advertising router $ospfLsdbRtrId$ |
Cause | One of the LSAs in the router's link-state database has reached its maximum age limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | tmnxOspfAsOriginateLsa |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.25 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Originated LSA $ospfLsdbLsid$ type $ospfLsdbType$ advertising router $ospfLsdbRtrId$ |
Cause | A new LSA has been originated by this router. This trap is not generated for simple refreshes of LSAs (which happens every 30 minutes), but instead will only be generated when an LSA is (re)originated due to a topology change. Additionally, this trap does not include LSAs that are being flushed because they have reached their maximum age limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2039 |
Event name | tmnxOspfExportLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.39 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | OSPF has reached the export-limit $tmnxOspfExportLimit$, additional routes will not be exported into OSPF |
Cause | OSPF has exported maximum allowed export routes. It will not export any more routes unless the export policy and export limit is changed. |
Effect | OSPF will not export any more routes. |
Recovery | Change OSPF export policy. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2040 |
Event name | tmnxOspfExportLimitWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.40 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | OSPF has reached $tmnxOspfExportLimitLogPercent$ percent of the export limit $tmnxOspfExportLimit$ |
Cause | The number of routes exported by OSPF has reached the warning percent of the configured export limit. OSPF will continue to export routes till the limit is reached. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2038 |
Event name | tmnxOspfFailureDisabled |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.38 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: OSPF disabled. Reason: $tmnxOspfFailureReasonCode$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tmnxOspfLsdbApproachingOverflow |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.15 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Number of external LSAs has exceed 90% of the configured limit ($tmnxOspfExtLsdbLimit$) |
Cause | The number of external LSAs in the router's link-state database has exceeded ninety percent of the configured limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tmnxOspfLsdbOverflow |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Number of external LSAs has exceeded the configured limit ($tmnxOspfExtLsdbLimit$) |
Cause | The number of external LSAs in the router's link-state database has exceeded the configured limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2044 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNgIfAuthFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.44 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Packet failed $tmnxOspfConfigErrorType$ authentication on interface $ospfIfIpAddress$ from $tmnxOspfPacketSrcAddress$ in $tmnxOspfPacketType$ |
Cause | A packet has been received on a non-virtual interface from a router whose authentication key or authentication type conflicts with this router's authentication key or authentication type. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2043 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNgIfConfigError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.43 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Conflicting configuration $tmnxOspfConfigErrorType$ on interface $ospfIfIpAddress$ from $tmnxOspfPacketSrcAddress$ in $tmnxOspfPacketType$ |
Cause | A packet has been received on a non-virtual interface from a router whose configuration parameters conflict with this router's configuration parameters. Note that the event 'optionMismatch' should cause a trap only if it prevents an adjacency from forming. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2045 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNgIfRxBadPacket |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.45 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Bad packet, $tmnxOspfBadPacketErrType$, received on interface $ospfIfIpAddress$ from $tmnxOspfPacketSrcAddress$ in $tmnxOspfPacketType$ |
Cause | An OSPF packet has been received on a non-virtual interface that cannot be parsed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2047 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNgIfStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.47 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Interface $tmnxOspfIfIpName$ state changed to $tmnxOspfNgIfState$ (event $tmnxOspfIfEvent$) |
Cause | There has been a change in the state of a non-virtual OSPF interface. This event is generated when the interface state regresses (e.g., goes from Dr to Down) or progresses to a terminal state (i.e., Point-to-Point, DR Other, Dr, or Backup). |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2046 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNgIfTxRetransmit |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.46 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Retransmit to neighbor $ospfNbrRtrId$ on interface $ospfIfIpAddress$ |
Cause | An OSPF packet has been retransmitted on a non-virtual interface. All packets that may be retransmitted are associated with an LSDB entry. The LS type, LS ID, and Router ID are used to identify the LSDB entry. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2052 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNgLdpSyncExit |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.52 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IGP-LDP synchronization has stopped for interface $vRtrIfIndex$ because $strReason$. |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2051 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNgLdpSyncTimerStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.51 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IGP-LDP synchronization timer has started for interface $vRtrIfIndex$. |
Cause | The OSPF interface LDP synchronization timer state has started. The timer was started from the time the LDP session to the neighbor became up over the interface. This is to allow for the label FEC bindings to be exchanged. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2050 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNgLinkMaxAgeLsa |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.50 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Max aged LSA $ospfLsdbLsid$ type $ospfLsdbType$ ifIndex $ospfLinkIfIdx$ ifInstId $ospfLinkIfInstId$ advertising router $ospfLsdbRtrId$ |
Cause | One of the LSAs in the router's link-state database has reached its maximum age limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2049 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNgLinkOriginateLsa |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.49 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Originated LSA $ospfLsdbLsid$ type $ospfLsdbType$ ifIndex $ospfLinkIfIdx$ ifInstId $ospfLinkIfInstId$ advertising router $ospfLsdbRtrId$ |
Cause | A new LSA has been originated by this router. This event is not generated for simple refreshes of LSAs (which happens every 30 minutes), but instead is only generated when an LSA is (re)originated due to a topology change. Additionally, this event does not include LSAs that are being flushed because they have reached their maximum age limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2048 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNgNbrRestartHlprStsChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.48 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Helper status for neighbor $ospfNbrIpAddr$ router $ospfNbrRtrId$ changed to $tmnxOspfNgNbrRestartHelperStatus$ (Helper Age $tmnxOspfNgNbrRestartHelperAge$ Exit Reason $tmnxOspfNgNbrRestartHelperExitRc$) |
Cause | There has been a change in the graceful restart helper state for the neighbor. This event is generated when the neighbor restart helper status transitions for a neighbor. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2042 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNgNbrStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.42 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Neighbor $ospfNbrRtrId$ on $ospfNbrIpAddr$ router state changed to $tmnxOspfNgNbrState$ (event $ospfNbrEvent$) |
Cause | There has been a change in the state of a non-virtual OSPF neighbor. This event is generated when the neighbor state regresses (e.g., goes from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or Down) or progresses to a terminal state (e.g., 2-Way or Full). When a neighbor transitions from or to Full on non-broadcast multi-access and broadcast networks, the event is generated by the designated router. A designated router transitioning to Down is indicated by the value of ospfNgIfStateChange. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | tmnxOspfNssaTranslatorStatusChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.17 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: NSSA translator state in area $ospfAreaId$ changed to $tmnxOspfAreaNssaTranslatorState$ |
Cause | There has been a change in the router's ability to translate OSPF type-7 LSAs into OSPF type-5 LSAs. This event is generated when the Translator Status transitions from or to any defined status on a per area basis. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tmnxOspfOverloadEntered |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.23 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Overload entered (event $tmnxOspfLastOverloadEnterCode$) $tmnxOspfNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | OSPF entered the overload state. vRtrOspfLastOverloadEnterCode holds the condition which caused OSPF to get into overload. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | tmnxOspfOverloadExited |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.24 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Overload exited (event $tmnxOspfLastOverloadExitCode$) |
Cause | OSPF entered the overload state. vRtrOspfLastOverloadExitCode holds the condition which caused OSPF to get out of overload. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2055 |
Event name | tmnxOspfOverloadWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.55 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Reached 80 percent overload limit (event $tmnxOspfLastOverloadEnterCode$) $tmnxOspfNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | A tmnxOspfOverloadWarning trap is sent out when OSPF reaches 80 percent of overload limit. tmnxOspfLastOverloadEnterCode holds the condition which caused OSPF to approach this limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2056 |
Event name | tmnxOspfRejectedAdjacencySid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.56 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Rejected adjacency SID $tmnxOspfNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxOspfRejectedAdjacencySid notification is sent when we do not establish an adjacency SID or adjacency PGID due to a lack of resources. This should be an edge-triggered notification. We should not send a second notification about adjacency SID allocation failure for the same adjacency. We should not send a second notification about adjacency PGID allocation failure for the same adjacency. |
Effect | No effect. |
Recovery | Whenever an ADJ-SID is released, the released ADJ-SID can be reused by any other adjacency which is waiting to receive an ADJ-SID. Whenever a PGID is released, the released PGID can be reused by any other adjacency which is waiting to receive a PGID. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tmnxOspfRestartStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.18 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Restart status changed to $tmnxOspfRestartStatus$ (Restart Interval $tmnxOspfRestartInterval$ Exit Reason $tmnxOspfRestartExitRc$) |
Cause | There has been a change in the graceful restart state for the router. This event is generated when the router restart status changes. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2041 |
Event name | tmnxOspfRoutesExpLmtDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.41 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of redistributed routes into OSPF has dropped below the export limit $tmnxOspfExportLimit$ |
Cause | Number of exported routes is dropped below the configured export limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tmnxOspfShamIfAuthFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.34 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Packet failed $tmnxOspfConfigErrorType$ authentication from sham-link neighbor $tmnxOspfShamIfRemoteNbrAddress$ in $tmnxOspfPacketType$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | tmnxOspfShamIfConfigError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.33 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Conflicting configuration $tmnxOspfConfigErrorType$ from sham-link neighbor $tmnxOspfShamIfRemoteNbrAddress$ in $tmnxOspfPacketType$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2035 |
Event name | tmnxOspfShamIfRxBadPacket |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.35 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Bad packet, $tmnxOspfBadPacketErrType$, received from sham-link neighbor $tmnxOspfShamIfRemoteNbrAddress$ in $tmnxOspfPacketType$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | tmnxOspfShamIfStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.31 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$:State of sham-link interface $tmnxOspfShamIfIndex$ with neighbor $tmnxOspfShamIfRemoteNbrAddress$ changed to $tmnxOspfShamIfState$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2036 |
Event name | tmnxOspfShamIfTxRetransmit |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.36 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Retransmit to sham-link interface $tmnxOspfShamNbrIfIndex$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2037 |
Event name | tmnxOspfShamNbrRestartHlprStsChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.37 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Helper status for sham-link neighbor $tmnxOspfShamNbrRtrId$ changed to $tmnxOspfShamNbrRestartHelperStatus$ (Helper Age $tmnxOspfShamNbrRestartHelperAge$ Exit Reason $tmnxOspfShamNbrRestartHelperExitRc$) |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | tmnxOspfShamNbrStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.32 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: State of sham-link neighbor $tmnxOspfShamNbrRtrId$ changed to $tmnxOspfShamNbrState$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxOspfSpfRunsRestarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.22 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: SPF runs resumed - memory resources available |
Cause | There are sufficient memory resources on the system to start running the SPF to completion. |
Effect | OSPF will resume running the SPFs as required. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | tmnxOspfSpfRunsStopped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.21 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: SPF runs stopped - insufficient memory resources |
Cause | There are insufficient memory resources on the system to run the SPF to completion. |
Effect | OSPF stops running SPFs until enough memory resources become available. |
Recovery | Free some memory resources. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2058 |
Event name | tmnxOspfSrgbBadLabelRange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.58 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Bad SRGB label range for advertising router:$tmnxOspfNotifSrgbAdvRtrID$, startLabel:$tmnxOspfNotifSrgbRangeStartLbl$, maxIdx:$tmnxOspfNotifSrgbRangeMaxIdx$, area:$tmnxOspfNotifSrgbAreaId$ |
Cause | The tmnxOspfSrgbBadLabelRange notification is sent when OSPF receives a bad SRGB label range from a router (e.g. overlapping with another label range. |
Effect | The configured Segment Routing tunnels will be wrong. |
Recovery | Change the label range to recover. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2053 |
Event name | tmnxOspfSrSidError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.53 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Received SID label already in use for other prefix, reason: $tmnxOspfNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | This notification is generated when OSPF receives an IOM or CPM failure (system exhausted ILM, NHLFE, duplicate SID) while resolving and programming a received prefix SID. |
Effect | The Segment Routing tunnel corresponding to this SID will not be programmed. |
Recovery | In case of system exhaustion, the IGP instance goes into overload. The operator must manually clear the IGP overload condition after freeing resources. IGP will attempt to program at the next SPF all tunnels which previously failed the programming operation. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2054 |
Event name | tmnxOspfSrSidNotInLabelRange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.54 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Receivd SID not in range $tmnxOspfNotifPfxSidRangeStartLbl$(+$tmnxOspfNotifPfxSidRangeMaxIdx$)of NH-router $tmnxOspfNotifPfxNhAdvRtr$ |
Cause | This notification is generated when OSPF receives a SID which is not within the label range of the nhop router. |
Effect | The Segment Routing tunnel corresponding to this SID will not be programmed. |
Recovery | Increase the label range or change the SID index to be within the current label range. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxOspfVirtIfAuthFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Packet failed $tmnxOspfConfigErrorType$ authentication from virtual neighbor $ospfVirtIfNeighbor$ area $ospfVirtIfAreaId$ in $tmnxOspfPacketType$ |
Cause | A packet has been received on a virtual interface from a router whose authentication key or authentication type conflicts with this router's authentication key or authentication type. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxOspfVirtIfConfigError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Conflicting configuration $tmnxOspfConfigErrorType$ from virtual neighbor $ospfVirtIfNeighbor$ area $ospfVirtIfAreaId$ in $tmnxOspfPacketType$ |
Cause | A packet has been received on a virtual interface from a router whose configuration parameters conflict with this router's configuration parameters. Note that the event optionMismatch should generate an event only if it prevents an adjacency from forming. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxOspfVirtIfRxBadPacket |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Bad packet, $tmnxOspfBadPacketErrType$ received from virtual neighbor $ospfVirtIfNeighbor$ area $ospfVirtIfAreaId$ in $tmnxOspfPacketType$ |
Cause | An OSPF packet that cannot be parsed has been received on a virtual interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxOspfVirtIfStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Virtual interface $ospfVirtIfNeighbor$ in transit-area $ospfVirtIfAreaId$ state changed to $tmnxOspfVirtIfState$ (event $ospfVirtIfEvent$) |
Cause | There has been a change in the state of an OSPF virtual interface. This event is generated when the interface state regresses (e.g., goes from Point-to-Point to Down) or progresses to a terminal state (i.e., Point-to-Point). |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxOspfVirtIfTxRetransmit |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Retransmit to virtual interface $ospfVirtIfNeighbor$ in transit-area $ospfVirtIfAreaId$ |
Cause | An OSPF packet has been retransmitted on a virtual interface. All packets that may be retransmitted are associated with an LSDB entry. The LS type, LS ID, and Router ID are used to identify the LSDB entry. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tmnxOspfVirtNbrRestartHlprStsChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.20 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Helper status for Virtual neighbor $ospfVirtNbrRtrId$ in transit-area $ospfVirtNbrArea$ changed to $tmnxOspfVirtNbrRestartHelperStatus$ (Helper Age $tmnxOspfVirtNbrRestartHelperAge$ Exit Reason $tmnxOspfVirtNbrRestartHelperExitRc$) |
Cause | There has been a change in the graceful restart helper state for the virtual neighbor. This event is generated when the virtual neighbor restart helper status transitions for a virtual neighbor. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | OSPF |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxOspfVirtNbrStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OSPF-NG-MIB.tmnxOspfNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LCL_RTR_ID $ospfRouterIdIpAddr$: Virtual neighbor $ospfVirtNbrRtrId$ in transit-area $ospfVirtNbrArea$ state changed to $tmnxOspfVirtNbrState$ (event $ospfVirtNbrEvent$) |
Cause | There has been a change in the state of an OSPF virtual neighbor. This event is generated when the neighbor state regresses (e.g., goes from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or Down) or progresses to a terminal state (e.g., Full). |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PCAP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxPcapBufferFull |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PCAP-MIB.tmnxPcapNofitications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Session $tmnxPcapSessionName$'s allocated buffer is full, with size $tmnxPcapSessionBufferSize$. Total number of packets dropped by this session is $tmnxPcapSessionDroppedPackets$ pacekts. |
Cause | A tmnxPcapBufferFull notification is generated when the PCAP session allocated buffer is full, indicating a higher traffic rate. |
Effect | May result in dropping packets, if not recoverable. |
Recovery | The software will eventually recover when all the buffer contents are uploaded to the capture file. No action required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PCAP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxPcapBufferReadWriteFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PCAP-MIB.tmnxPcapNofitications.3 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Session $tmnxPcapSessionName$ has encountered a buffer read/write failure. Total read failures: $tmnxPcapSessionBufReadFailures$, total write failures: $tmnxPcapSessionBufWriteFailures$. |
Cause | A tmnxPcapBufferReadWriteFailure notification is generated when a read or write operation to the PCAP session buffer fails. |
Effect | Will result in dropping packets. |
Recovery | The software will potentially recover. No action may be required. However, if the problem persists stop the packet capture, delete and re-configure a new PCAP session. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PCAP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxPcapFileError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PCAP-MIB.tmnxPcapNofitications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Session $tmnxPcapSessionName$ has encountered a capture file operation related error. Session is in $tmnxPcapSessionState$ state. |
Cause | A tmnxPcapFileError notification is generated when a PCAP session encounters a capture file operation related error. |
Effect | The packet capture may not be uploaded to the PCAP file anymore, or the capture may be inaccurate. |
Recovery | Check the file-url, and user-permissions specified. Stop the packet capture, remove and re-configure a new file-url, and start the capture again. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PCAP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxPcapSoftwareFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PCAP-MIB.tmnxPcapNofitications.4 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Session $tmnxPcapSessionName$ has encountered a software failure. Session is in $tmnxPcapSessionState$ state. |
Cause | A tmnxPcapSoftwareFailure notification is generated when a software failure occurs, affecting the ability of the PCAP session to perform its task. |
Effect | Will result in dropping packets. |
Recovery | Stop the packet capture, delete and re-configure a new PCAP session. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 3001 |
Event name | aluVRtrPimNgSGLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-VRTR-MIB.aluVRtrNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The aluVRtrPimNgSGLimitExceeded notification is generated when the number of (S,G) groups transitions between exceeding and falling below a system limit defined based on the 7705 platform. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 3000 |
Event name | aluVRtrPimNgUnsupportedStarG |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-VRTR-MIB.aluVRtrNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The aluVRtrPimNgUnsupportedStarG notification is generated when the router receives a register message, a (*,G) assert message, a (*,G) Join Prune message or a (*,G) IGMP local membership message. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgBSRStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | BSR state changed to $vRtrPimNgAFGenBSRState$ |
Cause | There was a change in the BSR state on the router. The managed object vRtrPimNgGenBSRState indicates the current BSR state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgDataMtReused |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The selective provider tunnel with index $vRtrPimNgDataMtIfIndex$ configured for source address $vRtrPimNgDataMtMdSourceAddress$ and group address $vRtrPimNgDataMtMdGroupAddress$ has now $vRtrPimNgDataMtNumVpnSGs$ or more C(S,G)s after being reused by C(S,G) ($DataMtCGrpSrcSourceAddr$,$DataMtCGrpSrcGroupAddr$) |
Cause | A selective provider tunnel was reused, i.e. a C (S,G) was mapped to a selective provider tunnel that is already in use by another C (S,G). |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgGrpInSSMRange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Received $vRtrPimNgNotifyMsgType$ message on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ for group $vRtrPimNgNotifyGroupAddr$ which is in the SSM group range. |
Cause | The router received a register message, a (*,G) assert message, a (*,G) Join Prune message or a IGMP local membership message for the group defined in the SSM address range. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgHelloDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Hello from neighbor $vRtrPimNgIfNeighborAddress$ on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ dropped because the multicast sender attribute on this interface is set to 'always' |
Cause | A hello was dropped because the multicast sender attribute on the interface is set to 'always'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgIfNeighborLoss |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Lost adjacency with neighbor $vRtrPimNgIfNeighborAddress$ on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ |
Cause | The PIM adjacency with a neighbor was lost. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgIfNeighborUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Adjacency with neighbor $vRtrPimNgIfNeighborAddress$ on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ came up |
Cause | A PIM adjacency with a new neighbor was established. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgInvalidIPmsiTunnel |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Received intra-as a/d route with invalid i-pmsi tunnel group address $vRtrPimNgWrongMdtDefGrpAddr$ from $vRtrPimNgNotifySourceIp$, expected $vRtrPimNgAFGenMdtDefGrpAddress$ |
Cause | The vRtrPimNgInvalidIPmsiTunnel event is generated when an invalid default core group address specified by vRtrPimNgWrongMdtDefGrpAddr of the Multicast Distribution Tree(MDT) is received in PIM message from vRtrPimNgNotifySourceIp, instead of the expected addresss specified by vRtrPimNgAFGenMdtDefGrpAddress. It is considered to be a misconfiguration and the message will be dropped. This trap is intended to help network operators recognize the misconfiguration and adjust their configurations accordingly. This event is also generated when the tunnel type specified by vRtrPimNgWrongPmsiType is received in PIM message from vRtrPimNgNotifySourceIp which is different from the configured tunnel type. |
Effect | The PMSI received in the PIM message from vRtrPimNgNotifySourceIp is not processed by PIM. |
Recovery | Operator needs to look and adjust the configuration of vRtrPimNgNotifySourceIp in the VPRN specified by vRtrPimNgWrongVprnId. The objects vRtrPimNgWrongPmsiP2mpId, vRtrPimNgWrongPmsiTunnelId and vRtrPimNgWrongPmsiExtTunlAddr in the event vRtrPimNgInvalidIPmsiTunnel are valid only when vRtrPimNgWrongPmsiType is 'rsvp (2)'. The objects vRtrPimNgWrongMdtDefGrpAddrType and vRtrPimNgWrongMdtDefGrpAddr in the event vRtrPimNgInvalidIPmsiTunnel are valid only when vRtrPimNgWrongPmsiType is either 'pimSsm (0)' or 'pimSm (1)'. The objects vRtrPimNgWrongPmsiLdpLspId, vRtrPimNgWrongPmsiSenderAdrTyp and vRtrPimNgWrongPmsiSenderAddr in the event vRtrPimNgInvalidIPmsiTunnel are valid only when vRtrPimNgWrongPmsiType is 'ldp (3)'. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgInvalidJoinPrune |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Received invalid Join Prune message from $vRtrPimNgNotifySourceIp$ with RP address $vRtrPimNgNotifyWrongRPAddr$ for group $vRtrPimNgNotifyGroupAddr$. Correct RP address for the group is $vRtrPimNgNotifyRPAddr$( if unknown) |
Cause | An invalid Join Prune message was received. A Join Prune message is deemed invalid when there is an RP address disagreement between the router and the PIM Join Prune message. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgInvalidRegister |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Received invalid Register message from $vRtrPimNgNotifySourceIp$ with RP address $vRtrPimNgNotifyWrongRPAddr$ for group $vRtrPimNgNotifyGroupAddr$. Correct RP address for the group is $vRtrPimNgNotifyRPAddr$( if unknown) |
Cause | An invalid PIM Register message was received. A Register message is deemed invalid when there is an RP address disagreement between the router and the PIM Register message. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgMaxGraftRetry |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Exceeded $vRtrPimNgNumGraftRetriesExcd$ retries for source address $vRtrPimNgNotifySourceAddr$, group address $vRtrPimNgNotifyGroupAddr$ and will stop trying. |
Cause | The vRtrPimNgMaxGraftRetry is generated when the number of graft retries has exceeded 10. |
Effect | We will stop retrying sending of graft messages and remain in ack-pending state. |
Recovery | The recovery is caused by a subsequent graft ack or data which will move the state to forwarding. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgMaxGrpsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of groups configured on the interface $ifName$ has exceeded the maximum limit of $vRtrPimNgIfMaxGroups$ |
Cause | An attempt was made to configure a group when the number of groups configured on the interface has exeeeded the maximum limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgMcacPlcyDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Group $vRtrPimNgNotifyGroupAddr$ is dropped because of multicast CAC policy $vRtrPimNgIfMcacPolicyName$ on interface $ifName$ PIM instance $vRtrID$ |
Cause | A PIM group was dropped on a given interface because of applying a multicast CAC policy. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgMDTLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The selective provider tunnel configuration failed for PIM instance $vRtrID$, maximum selective provider tunnel limit of $vRtrPimNgGenMaxMdts$ exceeded |
Cause | The configuration exceeded the maximum number of selective provider tunnels supported on the system. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgReplicationLmtExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Maximum number of replications reached for (S,G), ($vRtrPimNgNotifySourceIp$, $vRtrPimNgNotifyGroupAddr$) on IOM $tmnxCardHwIndex$, failed to program OIF record |
Cause | An IOM failed to program an OIF for an (S,G) record because the replication limit for that (S,G) on that IOM has been reached. The replication limit per (S,G) entry on an IOM is currently 127. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | vRtrPimNgSGLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-NG-MIB.vRtrPimNgNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Maximum number of multicast (S,G) records reached on IOM $tmnxCardHwIndex$, failed to program OIF record |
Cause | A (S,G) record failed to be programmed to an IOM because the supported (S,G) limit was exceeded. This limit is currently at 16000 (S,G) entries. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxPimSnpgIfNeighborLoss |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-SNOOPING-MIB.tmnxPimSnpgNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Lost neighbor $tmnxPimSnpgIfNbrAddress$ on $ifName$ |
Cause | The PIM adjacency with a neighbor was lost. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxPimSnpgIfNeighborUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-SNOOPING-MIB.tmnxPimSnpgNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Snooped new neighbor $tmnxPimSnpgIfNbrAddress$ on $ifName$ |
Cause | The PIM adjacency with a new neighbor was established. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxPimSnpgSGLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-SNOOPING-MIB.tmnxPimSnpgNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Maximum number of multicast (S,G) records reached on IOM $tmnxCardHwIndex$, failed to program OIF record |
Cause | A (S,G) record failed to be programmed to an IOM because the supported (S,G) limit was exceeded. This limit is currently at 16000 (S,G) entries. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PIM_SNOOPING |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxPimSnpgSnoopModeChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PIM-SNOOPING-MIB.tmnxPimSnpgNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | PIM-Snooping Operational Mode changed to $tmnxPimSnpgGenOperState$. Configured mode is $tmnxPimSnpgGenMode$ |
Cause | A snooping mode was changed from proxy to snoop or vice versa. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2060 |
Event name | SFPStatusBlocked |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFF blocked by culprit |
Cause | The tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure notification is generated when the tmnxPortSFPStatus of an SFF results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure obsoleted tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2059 |
Event name | SFPStatusCulprit |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFF is culprit |
Cause | The tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure notification is generated when the tmnxPortSFPStatus of an SFF results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure obsoleted tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | SFPStatusDDMCorrupt |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFP/XFP DDM Checksums do not match |
Cause | The tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure notification is generated when the tmnxPortSFPStatus of an SFF results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure obsoleted tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | SFPStatusFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFF Checksums do not match |
Cause | The tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure notification is generated when the tmnxPortSFPStatus of an SFF results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure obsoleted tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2061 |
Event name | SFPStatusOperational |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFF operational |
Cause | The event is generated when the SFF does not undergo a removal or insertion but it recovers from an error state. This can happen when an SFF device with tmnxPortSFPStatus 'culprit (6)' is removed, and the state of the other affected SFF devices with tmnxPortSFPStatus 'blocked (7)' clear back to tmnxPortSFPStatus 'operational (1)'. |
Effect | The SFF device is operational. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | SFPStatusReadError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFP/XFP Read failure |
Cause | The tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure notification is generated when the tmnxPortSFPStatus of an SFF results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure obsoleted tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | SFPStatusUnsupported |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFP/XFP unsupported type |
Cause | The tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure notification is generated when the tmnxPortSFPStatus of an SFF results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure obsoleted tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems. |
Effect | The SFF device is not operational and the associated port can not be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. |
Recovery | Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2043 |
Event name | tdcmAlarms |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.45 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Optical Tdcm Alarms Set $tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAlarmState$ |
Cause | The tmnxEqPortOpticalTdcmAlarm notification indicates that an Optical Tdcm interface has experienced either a raising or clearing of an alarm as indicated by the value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAlarmState. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2035 |
Event name | tmnxBundleMemberMlfrLoopback |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.39 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mlfr Bundle Member $tmnxPortPortID$ Loopback $tmnxBundleMemberMlfrDownReason$ |
Cause | Generated when a Multilink Frame-Relay Bundle Member enters or leaves the 'loopback (3)' state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.24 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | DS1/E1 '$tmnxDS1Loopback$' Loopback Started |
Cause | The tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStarted notification is generated when a loopback is provisioned on a DS1/E1 port. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStopped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.25 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | DS1/E1 '$tmnxDS1Loopback$' Loopback Stopped |
Cause | The tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStopped notification is generated when a loopback is removed on a DS1/E1 port. The value of tmnxSonetLoopback specifies the type of loopback that was configured and has now been removed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.26 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | DS3/E3 '$tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback$' Loopback Started |
Cause | The tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStarted notification is generated when a loopback is provisioned on a DS3/E3 port. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStopped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.27 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | DS3/E3 '$tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback$' Loopback Stopped |
Cause | The tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStopped notification is generated when a loopback is removed on a DS3/E3 port. The value of tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback specifies the type of loopback that was configured and has now been removed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tmnxDSXClockSyncStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.37 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Clock Sync State ($tmnxDSXClockSyncStateObject$) |
Cause | Generated when the tmnxDS3ChannelClockSyncState changes for a DS3 or DS1 channel with adaptive or differentical clock source. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2056 |
Event name | tmnxEqCohOptPortAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.56 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Coherent Optical Alarms Active: $tmnxCohOptPortAlarmState$ |
Cause | The tmnxEqCohOptAlarmState notification indicates that a coherent optical port has experienced either a raising or a clearing of an alarm as indicated by the value of tmnxCohOptPortAlarmState. Further details can be obtained from the value of tmnxCohOptPortDefectPoints. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2041 |
Event name | tmnxEqDigitalDiagMonitorClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.43 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | XFP/SFP DDM ($tmnxDDMFailedObject$) cleared |
Cause | Generated when an SFP/XFP that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) clears a failed state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | tmnxEqDigitalDiagMonitorFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.35 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFF DDM $tmnxDDMLaneIdOrModule$ ($tmnxDDMFailedObject$) raised |
Cause | Generated when an SFF that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) enters a failed state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortBndlBadEndPtDiscr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.21 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $tmnxPortPortId$ detected inconsistent peer endpoint discriminator for the bundle |
Cause | Generated when the port detected mismatched peer endpoint discriminator for the bundle. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortBndlRedDiffExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.20 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Port $tmnxPortNotifyPortId$ exceeded red differential delay of $tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay$ |
Cause | Generated when the differential delay of a port in the bundle exceeds the configured value in tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortBndlYellowDiffExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.19 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $tmnxPortNotifyPortId$ exceeded yellow differential delay of $tmnxBundleYellowDiffDelay$ |
Cause | Generated when the differential delay of a port in the bundle exceeds the configured value in tmnxBundleYellowDiffDelay. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortDS1Alarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.17 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Alarm $tmnxPortNotifyDS1AlarmReason$ Set |
Cause | Generated when a DS1 interface alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled in tmnxDS1ReportAlarm. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortDS1AlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.18 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Alarm $tmnxPortNotifyDS1AlarmReason$ Cleared |
Cause | Generated when a DS1 interface alarm condition is cleared. It is generated only when the type of alarm being cleared is enabled in tmnxDS1ReportAlarm. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortDS3Alarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Alarm $tmnxPortNotifyDS3AlarmReason$ Set |
Cause | Generated when a DS3 interface alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled in tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortDS3AlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.16 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Alarm $tmnxPortNotifyDS3AlarmReason$ Cleared |
Cause | Generated when a DS3 interface alarm condition is cleared. It is generated only when the type of alarm being cleared is enabled in tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2028 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortDuplexCfgNotCompatible |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.33 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Provisioned duplex $tmnxPortEtherDuplex$ not compatible with MDA type $tmnxMdaNotifyTyp$ |
Cause | Generated when a supported MDA is inserted into a slot of an IOM, the MDA is compatible with the currently provisioned MDA, but the currently configured duplex on an MDA port is not compatible with the inserted MDA. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.14 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Physical port $tmnxPortNotifyError$ |
Cause | Generated when an error listed in tmnxPortNotifyError is detected on the port. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortEtherAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.22 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Alarm $tmnxPortNotifyEtherAlarmReason$ Set |
Cause | tmnxEqPortEtherAlarm is generated when a ethernet port alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled in tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortEtherAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.23 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Alarm $tmnxPortNotifyEtherAlarmReason$ Cleared |
Cause | tmnxEqPortEtherAlarmClear is generated when a ethernet port alarm condition is cleared. It is generated only when the type of alarm being cleared is enabled in tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2052 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.52 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CRC errors in excess of the configured $tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcAlarmValue$ threshold $tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcMultiplier$*10e-$tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcThreshold$ Set |
Cause | tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarm is generated when an Ethernet port CRC alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled on the port. |
Effect | On a signal failure (SF) fault, the port is taken out of service until the CRC alarm condition is cleared. |
Recovery | tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarm is cleared by taking the port out of service (eg. shutdown, card/mda reset, physical link loss), or changing/disabling the associated threshold/multiplier values. Signal Degradation is self clearing and will clear once the error rate drops below 1/10th of the configured rate. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2053 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.53 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CRC errors in excess of the configured $tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcAlarmValue$ threshold $tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcMultiplier$*10e-$tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcThreshold$ Cleared |
Cause | tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarmClear is generated when an Ethernet port CRC alarm condition is cleared or disabled. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2054 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.54 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Excess internal MAC TX errors detected Set |
Cause | tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarm is generated when an Ethernet port experiences excessive internal MAC tx errors. It is generated only when tmnxPortEtherDownOnInternalError is enabled on the port. |
Effect | A port experiencing excessive internal MAC tx errors will take the port out of service while the alarm condition is in affect. |
Recovery | tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarm is cleared by taking the port out of service (eg. shutdown, card/mda reset, physical link loss), or setting tmnxPortEtherDownOnInternalError to the value 'false'. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2055 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.55 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Excess internal MAC TX errors detected Cleared |
Cause | tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarmClr is generated when an Ethernet port no longer experiences excessive internal MAC tx errors. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortEtherLoopCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.31 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Ethernet loop cleared on $tmnxPortNotifyPortId$ |
Cause | The tmnxEqPortEtherLoopCleared notification is generated when down-when-looped detects an Ethernet port has stopped receiving PDUs that it transmitted and tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled is set to 'true'. Setting tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled to 'false' will also cause this notification to be generated if tmnxEqPortEtherLoopDetected had previously been raised. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortEtherLoopDetected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.30 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Ethernet loop detected on $tmnxPortNotifyPortId$ |
Cause | The tmnxEqPortEtherLoopDetected notification is genereated when down-when-looped detects an Ethernet port is receiving PDUs that it transmitted and tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled is set to 'true'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2057 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.57 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Symbol errors in excess of the configured $tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymAlarmValue$ threshold $tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymMultiplier$*10e-$tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymThreshold$ Set |
Cause | tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarm is generated when an Ethernet port Symbol alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled on the port. |
Effect | On a signal failure (SF) fault, the port is taken out of service until the Symbol alarm condition is cleared. |
Recovery | tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarm is cleared by taking the port out of service (eg. shutdown, card/mda reset, physical link loss), or changing/disabling the associated threshold/multiplier values. Signal Degradation is self clearing and will clear once the error rate drops below 1/10th of the configured rate. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2058 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.58 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Symbol errors in excess of the configured $tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymAlarmValue$ threshold $tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymMultiplier$*10e-$tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymThreshold$ Cleared |
Cause | tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarmClear is generated when an Ethernet port Symbol alarm condition is cleared or disabled. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortIngressRateCfgNotCompatible |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.34 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Ingress rate provisioning not supported on MDA type $tmnxMdaNotifyType$ |
Cause | Generated when a supported MDA is inserted into a slot of an IOM, the MDA is compatible with the currently provisioned MDA, but the currently configured ingress rate on an MDA port is not compatible with the inserted MDA. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2042 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortOpticalAmpAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.44 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Optical Amplifier Alarms Set $tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAlarmState$ |
Cause | The tmnxEqPortOpticalAmpAlarm notification indicates that an Optical Amplifier interface has experienced either a raising or clearing of an alarm as indicated by the value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpAlarmState. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortSFPInserted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFF Inserted |
Cause | Generated when a SFP is inserted in the port. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortSFPRemoved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SFF Removed |
Cause | Generated when a SFP is removed from the port. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Alarm $tmnxPortNotifySonetAlarmReason$ Set |
Cause | Generated when a SONET/SDH port alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled in tmnxSonetReportAlarm. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortSonetAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Alarm $tmnxPortNotifySonetAlarmReason$ Cleared |
Cause | Generated when a SONET/SDH port alarm condition is cleared. It is generated only when the type of alarm being cleared is enabled in tmnxSonetReportAlarm. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Alarm $tmnxPortNotifySonetPathAlarmReason$ Set |
Cause | Generated when a SONET/SDH path alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled in tmnxSonetPathReportAlarm. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Alarm $tmnxPortNotifySonetPathAlarmReason$ Cleared |
Cause | Generated when a SONET/SDH path alarm condition is cleared. It is generated only when the type of alarm being cleared is enabled in tmnxSonetPathReportAlarm. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortSpeedCfgNotCompatible |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.32 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Provisioned speed $tmnxPortEtherSpeed$ not compatible with MDA type $tmnxMdaNotifyType$ |
Cause | Generated when a supported MDA is inserted into a slot of an IOM, the MDA is compatible with the currently provisioned MDA, but the currently configured speed on an MDA port is not compatible with the inserted MDA. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2038 |
Event name | tmnxEqPortWaveTrackerAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.40 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | WaveTracker Alarms Set $tmnxPortNotifyWTAlarmReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxEqPortWaveTrackerAlarm notification indicates that a Wave Tracker interface has experienced either a raising or clearing of an alarm as indicated by the value of tmnxPortNotifyWTAlarmReason. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2046 |
Event name | tmnxEqSonetClockSrcNotCompatible |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.46 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Configured SONET/SDH clock source $tmnxSonetClockSource$ not compatible with MDA type $tmnxMdaNotifyType$ |
Cause | Notification tmnxEqSonetClockSrcNotCompatible is generated when a supported MDA is inserted into a slot of an IOM, the MDA is compatible with the currently provisioned MDA, but the currently configured SONET/SDH clock source on an MDA port is not compatible with the inserted MDA. |
Effect | Though services can still be created, the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. |
Recovery | Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out the MDA for one that is compatible. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2048 |
Event name | tmnxEqSonetFramingNotCompatible |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.48 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Configured SONET/SDH framing $tmnxSonetFraming$ not compatible with MDA type $tmnxMdaNotifyType$ |
Cause | Notification tmnxEqSonetFramingNotCompatible is generated when a supported MDA is inserted into a slot of an IOM, the MDA is compatible with the currently provisioned MDA, but the currently configured SONET/SDH framing on an MDA port is not compatible with the inserted MDA. |
Effect | Though services can still be created, the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. |
Recovery | Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out the MDA for one that is compatible. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2047 |
Event name | tmnxEqSonetSfThreshNotCompatible |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.47 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Configured SONET/SDH SF threshold 10e-$tmnxSonetBerSfThreshold$ not compatible with MDA type $tmnxMdaNotifyType$ |
Cause | Notification tmnxEqSonetSfThreshNotCompatible is generated when a supported MDA is inserted into a slot of an IOM, the MDA is compatible with the currently provisioned MDA, but the currently configured SONET/SDH Signal Fail (SF) threshold on an MDA port is not compatible with the inserted MDA. |
Effect | Though services can still be created, the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. |
Recovery | Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out the MDA for one that is compatible. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 3001 |
Event name | tmnxOesPortError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.15 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | OES Port Error: $tmnxOesPortNotifyError$ |
Cause | The tmnxOesPortError notification is generated when an error condition listed in tmnxOesPortNotifyError is detected on the OES port. |
Effect | The OES port is experiencing errors that could be service affecting. |
Recovery | tmnxOesPortError is cleared by taking the port out of service, eg. shutdown, or try a soft reset, hard reset, then replacement of the card if the error condition persists. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 3002 |
Event name | tmnxOesPortErrorClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-OES-HARDWARE-MIB.tmnxOesHwNotifications.16 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | All OES Port Errors Cleared |
Cause | The tmnxOesPortErrorClear notification is generated when all error conditions on the OES port are cleared. |
Effect | The OES port error conditions are cleared. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2037 |
Event name | tmnxOtuIfAlarmNotification |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxOtuNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | OTU Alarms Set $tmnxOtuIfAlarmState$ |
Cause | The tmnxOtuIfAlarmNotification notification indicates that an OTU interface has experienced either a raising or clearing of an alarm in the Forward Error Correction (FEC), Section Monitoring (SM), Path Monitoring (PM) or Payload Monitoring (PSI) fields of the OTU frame. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2036 |
Event name | tmnxPortUnsupportedFunction |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.38 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | A functionality is required from port $tmnxPortNotifyPortId$ that it cannot support - $tmnxPortNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | Generated when a functionality is required from this port that it cannot support. The object tmnxPortNotifyDescription explains what function is affected. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2050 |
Event name | tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshAmber |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.50 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Amber Alarm: CBS over Amber threshold: ObjType=$tmnxObjType$ Owner=$tmnxObjPortId$ Type=$tmnxObjAppType$ Pool=$tmnxObjAppPool$ NamedPoolPolicy=$tmnxObjNamedPoolPolicy$ ResvSize=$tmnxObjAppResvSize$ SumOfQ ResvSize=$tmnxObjAppSumOfQResvSize$ Old ResvCBS=$tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld$ New ResvCBS=$tmnxObjAppResvCbsNew$ Old ResvSize=$tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld$ |
Cause | The notification tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshAmber is generated when a reserved-CBS of an object (MDA or port) has crossed threshold value specified by tmnxObjectAppAmbrAlrmThresh. |
Effect | This is warning event but the traffic is not yet affected. |
Recovery | The value of tmnxObjectAppResvCbs or TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQ1NamedPoolReservedCbs may need to be adjusted. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2049 |
Event name | tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshGreen |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.49 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Green Alarm: CBS within threshold: ObjType=$tmnxObjType$ Owner=$tmnxObjPortId$ Type=$tmnxObjAppType$ Pool=$tmnxObjAppPool$ NamedPoolPolicy=$tmnxObjNamedPoolPolicy$ ResvSize=$tmnxObjAppResvSize$ SumOfQ ResvSize=$tmnxObjAppSumOfQResvSize$ Old ResvCBS=$tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld$ New ResvCBS=$tmnxObjAppResvCbsNew$ Old ResvSize=$tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld$ |
Cause | Notification tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshGreen is generated when a reserved- CBS of an object (MDA or port) returns to within defined thresholds. |
Effect | Reserved CBS of the object has returned to within normal parameters. |
Recovery | None required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2051 |
Event name | tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshRed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.51 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Red Alarm: CBS over Red threshold: ObjType=$tmnxObjType$ Owner=$tmnxObjPortId$ Type=$tmnxObjAppType$ Pool=$tmnxObjAppPool$ NamedPoolPolicy=$tmnxObjNamedPoolPolicy$ ResvSize=$tmnxObjAppResvSize$ SumOfQ ResvSize=$tmnxObjAppSumOfQResvSize$ Old ResvCBS=$tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld$ New ResvCBS=$tmnxObjAppResvCbsNew$ Old ResvSize=$tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld$ |
Cause | The notification tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshAmber is generated when a reserved-CBS of an object (MDA or port) has crossed the threshold value specified by tmnxObjectAppRedAlrmThresh. |
Effect | This is a critical event and the traffic may be affected. |
Recovery | The value of tmnxObjectAppResvCbs or TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQ1NamedPoolReservedCbs may need to be adjusted. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.28 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Sonet/SDH '$tmnxSonetLoopback$' Loopback Started |
Cause | The tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStarted notification is generated when a loopback is provisioned on a Sonet-SDH port. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStopped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.29 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Sonet/SDH '$tmnxSonetLoopback$' Loopback Stopped |
Cause | The tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStopped notification is generated when a loopback test is removed on a Sonet-SDH port. The value of tmnxDS1Loopback specifies the type of loopback that was configured and has now been removed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2039 |
Event name | tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.41 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Could not find a specific port egress queue-group for host with inter-dest-id '$tmnxHostMatchNotifyIntDestId$', org-string '$tmnxHostMatchNotifyOrgString$' and sub-id '$tmnxHostMatchNotifySubIdent$' on port $tmnxPortNotifyPortId$. The default 'policer-output-queues' queue-group will be used. |
Cause | The tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchFailure notification indicates that a host match lookup failed to resolve a specific port egress queue-group. In such case the default policer-output-queue is used. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PORT |
Event ID | 2040 |
Event name | tPortEgrVPortHostMatchFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.tmnxPortNotification.42 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Could not find a specific port egress virtual port for host with inter-dest-id '$tmnxHostMatchNotifyIntDestId$', org-string '$tmnxHostMatchNotifyOrgString$' and sub-id '$tmnxHostMatchNotifySubIdent$' on port $tmnxPortNotifyPortId$ |
Cause | The tPortEgrVPortHostMatchFailure notification indicates that a host match lookup failed to resolve a specific port egress virtual port. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | ipcpPeerOnDifferentSubnet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Port $subject$ remote IP address $remoteIpAddr$ is not on the local subnet $localSubnet$ |
Cause | The peer is not on the local subnet. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | ipcpPeerRejectedOurIp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Port $subject$ local IP address $localIpAddr$ negotiation rejected by remote |
Cause | The peer rejected our IP address configuration request. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | ipcpPeerSuggestedDifferentIp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Port $subject$ local IP address $localIpAddr$ different from IP address $remoteIpAddr$ suggested by remote |
Cause | The peer suggested a different IP via a 'confnak' message. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | ipcpRemoteIpUnknown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Port $subject$ remote IP address is unknown |
Cause | The remote IP address is unknown. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | ipcpSameLocalAndRemoteIp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Port $subject$ remote IP address $remoteIpAddr$ is the same as local |
Cause | The local IP address and remote IP address are the same. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | ipv6cpPeerOnDifferentSubnet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Port $subject$ remote Interface ID $remoteIntId$ is not on the local subnet $localSubnet$ |
Cause | The peer is in a different subnet than us. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | ipv6cpPeerRejectedOurIntId |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Port $subject$ local Interface ID $localIpAddr$ negotiation rejected by remote |
Cause | The peer rejected our IP address configuration request. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | ipv6cpPeerSuggestedDiffIntId |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Port $subject$ local Interface ID $localIpAddr$ different from Interface ID $remoteIntId$ suggested by remote |
Cause | The peer suggested a different Interface ID via a 'confnak' message. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | ipv6cpRemoteIntIdUnknown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Port $subject$ remote Interface ID is unknown |
Cause | The remote Interface ID is unknown. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | ipv6cpSameLocalAndRemoteIntId |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Port $subject$ remote Interface ID $remoteIntId$ is the same as local |
Cause | The local and remote Interface ID's are the same. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxPppCpDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PPP-MIB.tmnxPppNotification.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $subject$ $tmnxPppCpProtocol$ left 'opened' state |
Cause | The finite state machine of a control protocol (LCP, LQR, etc.) left the OPENED state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxPppCpUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PPP-MIB.tmnxPppNotification.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $subject$ $tmnxPppCpProtocol$ reached 'opened' state |
Cause | The finite state machine of a control protocol (LCP, LQR, etc.) reached the OPENED state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxPppKeepaliveFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PPP-MIB.tmnxPppNotification.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $subject$ PPP keepalive failed |
Cause | The keepalive based on echo packets failed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxPppLoopback |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PPP-MIB.tmnxPppNotification.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxPortPortID$ receiving its own magic number - channel appears to be looped back |
Cause | Received the same magic number from the peer as the local magic number. The channel may be looped back. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tmnxPppLoopbackClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PPP-MIB.tmnxPppNotification.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxPortPortID$ channel loopback appears to be removed |
Cause | The loopback condition had been cleared. It means that the value of the local magic number is different than the value of the magic number sent by the peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxPppLqmFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PPP-MIB.tmnxPppNotification.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $subject$ PPP LQM failure: LqmInRate $tmnxPppLqmInRate$ or LqmOutRate $tmnxPppLqmOutRate$ below PppQuality $tmnxPppQuality$ |
Cause | The link has failed to meet the specified quality percentage. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxPppNcpDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PPP-MIB.tmnxPppNotification.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $subject$ $tmnxPppCpProtocol$ left 'opened' state |
Cause | The finite state machine of a network control protocol (IPCP, MPLSCP, BCP, OSICP, etc.) left the OPENED state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxPppNcpUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PPP-MIB.tmnxPppNotification.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $subject$ $tmnxPppCpProtocol$ reached 'opened' state |
Cause | The finite state machine of a network control protocol (IPCP, MPLSCP, BCP, OSICP, etc.) reached the OPENED state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPPOE |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxMlpppBundleIndicatorsChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PPPOE-MIB.tmnxPppoeNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The value of tmnxMlpppBundleIndictors changed to $tmnxMlpppBundleIndictors$ - $tmnxPppoeNotifyDescription$. |
Cause | The value of the object tmnxMlpppBundleIndicatorsChange has changed. A particular change is the change from 'lfi|lfiCfg' to 'lfiCfg': since interleaving is only supported on bundles with a single link, interleaving is disabled when a second link is added to a bundle. |
Effect | When the value of the object tmnxMlpppBundleIndicatorsChange changes from 'lfi|lifCfg' to 'lfiCfg', Link Fragmentation and Interleaving (LFI) is disabled on the bundle. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPPOE |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxPppoeNcpFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PPPOE-MIB.tmnxPppoeNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | PPPoE NCP phase failure on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $tmnxPppoeNcpFailureReason$ |
Cause | The system could not handle a NCP phase for a PPPoE session. The problem is described in the managed object tmnxPppoeNcpFailureReason. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PPPOE |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxPppoeSessionFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PPPOE-MIB.tmnxPppoeNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | PPPoE session failure on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $tmnxPppoeSessionFailureReason$ |
Cause | The system could not create a new PPPoE session in the tmnxPppoeSessionTable. The problem is described in the managed object tmnxPppoeSessionFailureReason. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PTP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxPtpCardNotSupported |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PTP-MIB.tmnxPtp1588Notifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM $tmnxCpmCardSlotNum$ does not support IEEE1588 (PTP) operation for the configured clock-type |
Cause | The tmnxPtpCardNotSupported notification is generated when the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) is enabled on a card that is not capable of clock recovery using PTP. This notification is triggered when the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxCpmCardOscillatorType is not 'ocxo (3)', the tmnxPtpClockClockType is set to 'ordinarySlave (1)' or 'boundary (3)', and tmnxPtpClockAdminState is set to 'inService (2)'. |
Effect | While this event is active, tmnxPtpClockOperState will be 'outOfService (3)' on the card that this notification was generated. |
Recovery | This event is cleared when a replacement CPM card with an Oscillator of type 'ocxo (3)' is inserted. tmnxPtpCardNotSupportedClear is generated when this event is cleared. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PTP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxPtpCardNotSupportedClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PTP-MIB.tmnxPtp1588Notifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CPM $tmnxCpmCardSlotNum$ supports IEEE1588 (PTP) operation for the configured clock-type |
Cause | The tmnxPtpCardNotSupportedClear notification is generated when the tmnxPtpCardNotSupported event is cleared for a particular CPM card. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PTP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxPtpClockRecoveryStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PTP-MIB.tmnxPtp1588Notifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IEEE1588 (PTP) Frequency Recovery state: $tmnxPtpClockRecoveryState$ |
Cause | The tmnxPtpClockRecoveryStateChange is generated when the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) clock recovery state changes on the system. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PTP |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxPtpDynamicChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PTP-MIB.tmnxPtp1588Notifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IEEE1588 (PTP) $tmnxPtpNotifyRowDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxPtpDynamicChange notification is generated when an object dynamically (ie. Not by configuration) changes state. This notification identifies the affected row. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PTP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxPtpMasterClockChangedEvent |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PTP-MIB.tmnxPtp1588Notifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | PTP Parent Clock changed. New Parent $tmnxPtpMasterClockAddress$, Old Parent $tmnxPtpMasterClockLastIpAddress$. |
Cause | The tmnxPtpMasterClockChangedEvent is generated when the Master/Parent Clock for the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) changes on the system. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PTP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxPtpOutOfResources |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PTP-MIB.tmnxPtp1588Notifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IEEE1588 (PTP) Card $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$ out of resources |
Cause | The tmnxPtpOutOfResources notification is generated when the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) process on the card is out of resources. This may occur in either two situations: 1. The number of PTP peers exceeds the system limit. 2. The total unicast packet rate negotiated with all PTP peers has reached the maximum packet rate supported by the system. Exceeding this rate would impact the ability of the master clock to provide an accurate stream of timing packets to each remote slave clock. If either of the two situations above occur, the PTP process will reject any new unicast packet requests from remote slave PTP peers. tmnxPtpCardOutOfResourcesClear is generated when this event is cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PTP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxPtpOutOfResourcesClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PTP-MIB.tmnxPtp1588Notifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IEEE1588 (PTP) Card $tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex$ out of resources cleared |
Cause | The tmnxPtpOutOfResourcesClear notification is generated when both the total number of active PTP peers and the total negotiated unicast packet rate goes below 90% of the system limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | PTP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxPtpPortNoTimestamping |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-PTP-MIB.tmnxPtp1588Notifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Port $tmnxPtpNotifyPortId$ does not support PTP port-based time stamping. Performance may be degraded. |
Cause | The tmnxPtpPortNoTimestamping notification is generated when a PTP port is created and the associated Ethernet port does not support IEEE 1588-2008 port-based timestamping. |
Effect | The PTP port is created but the performance may be degraded due to timestamping at the CPM. For optimal performance, ensure PTP is enabled on ports with IEEE 1588-2008 port-based timestamping capability. |
Recovery | The Ethernet port used for the PTP port should be changed to a port on an MDA that supports IEEE 1588-2008 port-based timestamping. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RADIUS |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxRadAcctOnOngoing |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RADIUS-MIB.tmnxRadProxNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | No reply from RADIUS server $tmnxRadSrvPlcyName$ after $tmnxRadSrvPlcyAcctOnOffRetryCnt$ retries $tmnxRadiusAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The tmnxRadAcctOnOngoing notification is sent each time the acct-on client has sent 10 RADIUS Accounting-On messages without receiving any Ack. |
Effect | RADIUS is unaware that the system is online. |
Recovery | The system will keep on retrying indefinitly. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RADIUS |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxRadRouteDownloadFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RADIUS-MIB.tmnxRadProxNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | RADIUS route download failed : $tmnxRadiusAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The tmnxRadRouteDownloadFailed notification is sent when a RADIUS route-download process failed. |
Effect | The route-download process is delayed. |
Recovery | The route-download process restarts after the time defined in tmnxRadRouteDownlDownloadIntvl. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RADIUS |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxRadSrvPlcySrvOperStateCh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RADIUS-MIB.tmnxRadProxNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The operational state of RADIUS server index (address=$tmnxRadiusNotifyAddr$) in RADIUS server policy name changed to $tmnxRadSrvPlcySrvOperState$ |
Cause | The tmnxRadSrvPlcySrvOperStateCh notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxRadSrvPlcySrvOperState changes. A RADIUS server is reported as 'outOfService' when the system does not receive timely responses from that server, according to the values of the objects tmnxRadSrvPlcyTimeout and tmnxRadSrvPlcyRetry. It is reported as 'overloaded' when the system crosses the pending-requests-limit for that server. |
Effect | While the value of the object tmnxRadSrvPlcySrvOperState is equal to 'outOfService' or 'overloaded', - the corresponding RADIUS server is out of use; - traffic is sent to other RADIUS server(s) associated with the same policy, depending on the value of the object tmnxRadSrvPlcyAlgorithm. - after the time specified in the object tmnxRadSrvPlcyDownTime has elapsed, the state changes to 'unknown'. While the value of the object tmnxRadSrvPlcySrvOperState is equal to 'unknown', the system sends traffic to the RADIUS server; if it replies timely, the operational state will change to 'inService', otherwise to 'outOfService'. |
Recovery | The communication with the RADIUS server should recover after some time. Otherwise, or if it becomes out of use too frequently, the capacity of the RADIUS server(s) may have to be increased, or the values of the objects mentioned above may have to be adapted. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | ripPacketDiscarded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Discarded packet from $ripPacketSrcIp$ because $ripPacketDiscardReason$ |
Cause | The following checks are performed on an incoming RIP packet - valid RIP version - valid source address and port - valid destination address and port - valid AF_INET field - valid command field - valid routes etc. If a packet fails any of these checks it must be discarded, and the event is logged |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | vRtrRipAuthTypeFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-MIB.vRtrRipNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Authentication type failure on packet received on interface $vRtrRipPeerIfIndex$ from peer $vRtrRipPeerAddress$ |
Cause | The authentication key in a received RIPv2 packet conflicted with the authentication key configured for this router. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | vRtrRipAuthTypeMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-MIB.vRtrRipNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Authentication type mismatch on packet received on interface $vRtrRipPeerIfIndex$ from peer $vRtrRipPeerAddress$ |
Cause | The authentication type field in a received RIPv2 packet conflicted with the authentication type configured for this router. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | vRtrRipInstanceExpLmtReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-MIB.vRtrRipNotifications.5 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | RIP instance $vRtrID$ has reached the export-limit $vRtrRipInstanceExportLimit$, additional routes will not be exported into RIP |
Cause | RIP instance has exported maximum allowed export routes. It will not export any more routes unless the export policy and export limit is changed. |
Effect | RIP will not export any more routes. |
Recovery | Change RIP export policy. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | vRtrRipInstanceExpLmtWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-MIB.vRtrRipNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | RIP instance $vRtrID$ has reached $vRtrRipInstanceExpLmtLogPercent$ percent of the export limit $vRtrRipInstanceExportLimit$ |
Cause | The number of routes exported by RIP has reached the warning percent of the configured export limit. RIP will continue to export routes till the limit is reached. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | vRtrRipInstanceRestarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-MIB.vRtrRipNotifications.4 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Instance $vRtrID$ restarted |
Cause | The RIP instance has restarted. When a RIP protocol instance runs out of resources, the instance shuts down and then attempts to restart within 30 seconds. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | vRtrRipInstanceRtsExpLmtDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-MIB.vRtrRipNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of redistributed routes into RIP has dropped below the export limit $vRtrRipInstanceExportLimit$ |
Cause | Number of exported routes is dropped below the configured export limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | vRtrRipInstanceShuttingDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-MIB.vRtrRipNotifications.3 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Instance $vRtrID$ is being operationally 'shutdown' because $ripInstanceShuttingDownReason$ |
Cause | The RIP instance shut down on its own accord when the protocol ran out of resources such as memory. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | The instance will attempt to restart within 30 seconds of shutting down. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP_NG |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxRipNgAuthFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-NG-MIB.tmnxRipNgNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | A tmnxRipNgAuthFailure trap is generated when the authentication key in a received RIPv2 packet conflicts with the authentication key configured for this router. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP_NG |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxRipNgAuthTypeMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-NG-MIB.tmnxRipNgNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | A tmnxRipNgAuthTypeMismatch trap is generated when the authentication type field in a received RIPv2 packet conflicts with the authentication type configured for this router. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP_NG |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxRipNgIfUcastAddrNotUsed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-NG-MIB.tmnxRipNgNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | A tmnxRipNgIfUcastAddrNotUsed notification is generated when a neighbor has one or more unicast-addresses configured but it's send mode is not set to 'unicast'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP_NG |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxRipNgInstExpLmtReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-NG-MIB.tmnxRipNgNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | A tmnxRipNgInstExpLmtReached notification is generated when the configured value of exported routes, tmnxRipNgInstExportLimit is reached. Additional routes would not be exported into RIP/RIP-NG from the route table. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP_NG |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxRipNgInstExpLmtWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-NG-MIB.tmnxRipNgNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | A tmnxRipNgInstExpLmtWarning notification is generated when the number of exported routes is equal to the configured percent, tmnxRipNgInstExpLmtLogPct of the export limit, tmnxRipNgInstExportLimit. Additional routes will continue to be exported into RIP/RIP-NG from the route table till the export limit is reached. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP_NG |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxRipNgInstRestarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-NG-MIB.tmnxRipNgNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | When a RIP/RIP-NG protocol instance runs out of resources, the instance will shut down and then attempt to restart within 30 seconds. A tmnxRipNgInstRestarted trap is generated when the RIP instance has restarted. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP_NG |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxRipNgInstRtsExpLmtDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-NG-MIB.tmnxRipNgNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | A tmnxRipNgInstRtsExpLmtDropped notification is generated when the number of exported routes drops below the export limit, tmnxRipNgInstExportLimit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP_NG |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxRipNgInstShuttingDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-NG-MIB.tmnxRipNgNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | A tmnxRipNgInstShuttingDown trap is generated when the RIP/RIP-NG instance shuts down on its own accord when the protocol runs out of resources such as memory. The instance will attempt to restart within 30 seconds of shutting down. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RIP_NG |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxRipNgPacketDiscarded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RIP-NG-MIB.tmnxRipNgNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | A tmnxRipNgPacketDiscarded trap is generated when a RIP/RIP-NG packet is discarded for this router. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | ROUTE_POLICY |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | trigPolicyPrevEval |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Triggered policy is enabled - protocol re-evaluation must be triggered manually |
Cause | A triggered policy was enabled. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | A protocol re-evaluation must be triggered manually. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RPKI |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxRpkiNotifySession |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RPKI-MIB.tmnxRpkiNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Rpki Session state on $tmnxRpkiPeerAddr$ changed to $tmnxRpkiTrapStatus$ due to $tmnxRpkiErrorType$ |
Cause | A tmnxRpkiNotifySession notification is generated when a rpki session either comes up or goes down. Possible reasons for this to happen is listed below: (a) a session goes down due to hold-timer expiry. (b) a session goes down due to failure of the TCP connection. (c) a session goes down due to session ID mismatch. (d) a session goes down due to sent or received Error Report PDU containing fatal error code (e) a session comes up (established state) |
Effect | This may remove the routes learnt from a particular rpki server if session goes down. Or start learning routes from a rpki session which was newly established. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RPKI |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxRpkiStaleTimerExpiry |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RPKI-MIB.tmnxRpkiNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Stale timer Expired for the Rpki session : $tmnxRpkiPeerAddr$ |
Cause | This notification is generated when a stale timer expires. The stale timer expires due to the following reasons: 1) The peer goes down, and never comes up within the stale timer interval 2) Peer goes down and comes backup and refreshes the databases. The stale timer is expired to remove unrefreshed entries in the database. 3) The peer goes down and comes back again and again goes down before refreshing any entries. Here again the stale timer is expired due to unstable connection. |
Effect | This may remove the routes learnt from a particular rpki server if session goes down. Or start learning routes from a rpki session which was newly established. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RSVP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | vRtrRsvpIfNbrStateDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RSVP-MIB.tmnxRsvpNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Neighbor $vRtrRsvpNbrAddress$ on interface $ifIndex$ changed to inactive state because $vRtrRsvpIfNbrDownReasonCode$ |
Cause | A RSVP interface neighbor changed to the inactive state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RSVP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | vRtrRsvpIfNbrStateUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RSVP-MIB.tmnxRsvpNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Neighbor $vRtrRsvpNbrAddress$ on interface $ifIndex$ changed to active state |
Cause | A RSVP interface neighbor changed to the active state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RSVP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | vRtrRsvpIfStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RSVP-MIB.tmnxRsvpNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Interface $ifIndex$ is in administrative state $rsvpIfEnabled$, operational state $vRtrRsvpIfOperState$ |
Cause | A RSVP interface changed state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RSVP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | vRtrRsvpPEFailOverPriToStdBy |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RSVP-MIB.tmnxRsvpNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Traffic switched for MVPN instance $vRtrID$ from primary PE $vRtrPimNgMvpnUMHPEAddr$ to standby PE $vRtrPimNgMvpnUMHPEStandbyAddr$ due to $vRtrRsvpPEFailOverReasonCode$ |
Cause | The vRtrRsvpPEFailOverPriToStdBy notification is raised when primary Provider Edge (PE) has switched over to standby PE. The IP address of the primary PE can be extracted from the vRtrPimNgMvpnUMHPEAddrType and vRtrPimNgMvpnUMHPEAddr indexes of the varbinds in this notification. |
Effect | The tunnel traffic may be affected. |
Recovery | None required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RSVP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | vRtrRsvpPEFailOverStdByToPri |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RSVP-MIB.tmnxRsvpNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Traffic switched for MVPN instance $vRtrID$ from standby PE $vRtrPimNgMvpnUMHPEStandbyAddr$ to primary PE $vRtrPimNgMvpnUMHPEAddr$ |
Cause | The vRtrRsvpPEFailOverPriToStdBy notification is raised when standby Provider Edge (PE) has switched over to primary PE. The IP address of the primary PE can be extracted from the vRtrPimNgMvpnUMHPEAddrType and vRtrPimNgMvpnUMHPEAddr indexes of the varbinds in this notification. |
Effect | The tunnel traffic may be affected. |
Recovery | None required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | RSVP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | vRtrRsvpStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-RSVP-MIB.tmnxRsvpNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Instance is in administrative state $vRtrRsvpGeneralAdminState$, operational state $vRtrRsvpGeneralOperState$ |
Cause | The RSVP module changed state. |
Effect | Service is affected. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SATELLITE |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxSatelliteOperStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SATELLITE-MIB.tmnxSatelliteNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxSatelliteOperStateChange notification is generated when there is a change in tmnxHwOperState for the satellite. |
Effect | The satellite has changed states. The tmnxSatNotifyFailureReason is only valid when tmnxHwOperState is 'failed (5)', and should otherwise be blank. |
Recovery | Contact Nokia customer support if tmnxSatNotifyFailureReason does not provide enough information to rectify the situation. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SATELLITE |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxSatSyncIfTimHoldover |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SATELLITE-MIB.tmnxSatelliteNotifications.6 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Synchronous timing interface on satellite $tmnxHwIndex$ is in holdover state |
Cause | The tmnxSatSyncIfTimHoldover notification is generated when the synchronous equipment timing subsystem of the satellite transitions into a holdover state. |
Effect | The transmit timing of all synchronous interfaces on the satellite are no longer synchronous with the host. This could result in traffic loss. |
Recovery | Investigate the state of the two input timing references on the satellite and the links between the host and the satellite (i.e. the uplinks) that drive them for failures. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SATELLITE |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxSatSyncIfTimHoldoverClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SATELLITE-MIB.tmnxSatelliteNotifications.7 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | Synchronous timing interface on satellite $tmnxHwIndex$, holdover state cleared |
Cause | The tmnxSatSyncIfTimHoldoverClear notification is generated when the synchronous equipment timing subsystem of the satellite transitions out of the holdover state. |
Effect | This notification is for informational purposes only. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SATELLITE |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef1Alarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SATELLITE-MIB.tmnxSatelliteNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous timing interface on satellite $tmnxHwIndex$, alarm $tmnxSatNotifySyncIfTimRefAlarm$ on reference 1 |
Cause | The tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef1Alarm notification is generated when an alarm condition on the first timing reference is detected. |
Effect | If the other timing reference is free of faults, the satellite no longer has a backup timing reference. If the other timing reference also has a fault, the satellite will likely no longer be synchronous with the host. |
Recovery | Investigate the state of the link between the host and the satellite (i.e. the uplink) that drives the first timing reference on the satellite for faults. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SATELLITE |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef1AlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SATELLITE-MIB.tmnxSatelliteNotifications.9 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | Synchronous timing interface on satellite $tmnxHwIndex$, alarm $tmnxSatNotifySyncIfTimRefAlarm$ on reference 1 cleared |
Cause | The tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef1AlarmClear notification is generated when the alarm condition on the first timing reference is cleared. |
Effect | This notification is for informational purposes only. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SATELLITE |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef1Quality |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SATELLITE-MIB.tmnxSatelliteNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous timing interface on satellite $tmnxSatId$, reference 1 received quality level $tmnxSatSyncIfTimingRef1RxQltyLvl$ |
Cause | The tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef1Quality notification is generated when the received quality level changes on the first timing reference of the satellite. |
Effect | This notification is for informational purposes only. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SATELLITE |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef2Alarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SATELLITE-MIB.tmnxSatelliteNotifications.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous timing interface on satellite $tmnxHwIndex$, alarm $tmnxSatNotifySyncIfTimRefAlarm$ on reference 2 |
Cause | The tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef2Alarm notification is generated when an alarm condition on the second timing reference is detected. |
Effect | If the other timing reference is free of faults, the satellite no longer has a backup timing reference. If the other timing reference also has a fault, the satellite will likely no longer be synchronous with the host. |
Recovery | Investigate the state of the link between the host and the satellite (i.e. the uplink) that drives the second timing reference on the satellite for faults. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SATELLITE |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef2AlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SATELLITE-MIB.tmnxSatelliteNotifications.11 |
Default severity | cleared |
Message format string | Synchronous timing interface on satellite $tmnxHwIndex$, alarm $tmnxSatNotifySyncIfTimRefAlarm$ on reference 2 cleared |
Cause | The tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef1AlarmClear notification is generated when the alarm condition on the second timing reference is cleared. |
Effect | This notification is for informational purposes only. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SATELLITE |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef2Quality |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SATELLITE-MIB.tmnxSatelliteNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous timing interface on satellite $tmnxSatId$, reference 2 received quality level $tmnxSatSyncIfTimingRef2RxQltyLvl$ |
Cause | The tmnxSatSyncIfTimRef2Quality notification is generated when the received quality level changes on the second timing reference of the satellite. |
Effect | This notification is for informational purposes only. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SATELLITE |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxSatSyncIfTimRefSwitch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SATELLITE-MIB.tmnxSatelliteNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous timing interface on satellite $tmnxSatId$, timing reference changed to $tmnxSatSyncIfTimingRef1InUse$ |
Cause | The tmnxSatSyncIfTimRefSwitch notification is generated when there is a change of which timing reference is providing timing for the satellite. |
Effect | This event is for notification only. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SATELLITE |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxSatSyncIfTimSystemQuality |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SATELLITE-MIB.tmnxSatelliteNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Synchronous timing interface on satellite $tmnxSatId$, system quality level changed to $tmnxSatSyncIfTimingSystemQltyLvl$ |
Cause | This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) There has been a switch in the timing reference in use by the network element, either because the previously active timing reference was disqualified, or to ensure that the network element is using the timing reference with the best timing quality. 2) There has been a change in the active timing reference's quality and the change does not result in a timing reference switch. 3) The network element has transitioned into or out of the holdover state. |
Effect | The system quality level is used to determine the SSM code transmitted on synchronous interfaces. This may affect the SSM code transmitted on some or all interfaces, which may affect the distribution of timing throughout the network. |
Recovery | If the customer is expecting the system to be locked to a reference of a particular quality and the system quality has decreased, the customer will need to determine the root cause (for example, loss of communication with a satellite) and resolve the issue. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | cli_user_login |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged in |
Cause | A user successfully authenticated for login. |
Effect | A user access session was started. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | cli_user_login_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ failed authentication |
Cause | A user failed authentication. |
Effect | The user access session does not begin. The user will be given another opportunity to authenticate himself. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | cli_user_login_max_attempts |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.46 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $tmnxSecNotifyUserName$ from $tmnxSecNotifyAddr$ attempted more than $tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount$ times to log in, user locked out for $tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod$ min |
Cause | A tmnxUserCliLoginMaxAttempts notification is generated when a user attempting to open a CLI sesssion failed to authenticate for more than a maximum allowed number of times in a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsTime minutes. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount indicates the maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod indicates the number of minutes the user is locked out if the threshold of unsuccessful login attempts has been exceeded. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyUserName indicates the name of the user attempting to open a CLI session. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddrType indicates the type of the IP address stored in the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr indicates the IP address of the user attempting to open a CLI session. |
Effect | The user is locked out for a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod minutes. A remote access session is terminated. |
Recovery | No recovery action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | cli_user_logout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged out |
Cause | A user logged out. |
Effect | A user access session ended. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | enable_admin |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ successfully entered into admin enable mode |
Cause | A user successfully entered into the admin enable mode. |
Effect | A user access session is started. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2241 |
Event name | enable_admin_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ failed to enter admin enable mode |
Cause | A user failed to enter the admin enable mode. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | ftp_transfer_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $appType$ of $fileName$ initiated by $userName$ from $srcAddr$ to $dstAddr$ failed. |
Cause | A FTP/TFTP transfer failed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | ftp_transfer_successful |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $appType$ of $fileName$ initiated by $userName$ from $srcAddr$ to $dstAddr$ completed successfully. |
Cause | A FTP/TFTP transfer completed successfully. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | ftp_user_login |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged in |
Cause | A user was successfully authenticated for login. |
Effect | A user access session was started |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | ftp_user_login_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ failed authentication |
Cause | A user failed authentication. |
Effect | The user access session was not started. The user will be given another opportunity to authenticate himself. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | ftp_user_login_max_attempts |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.47 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $tmnxSecNotifyUserName$ from $tmnxSecNotifyAddr$ attempted more than $tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount$ times to log in, user locked out for $tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod$ min |
Cause | A tmnxUserFtpLoginMaxAttempts notification is generated when a user attempting to connect via FTP failed to authenticate for more than a maximum allowed number of times in a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsTime minutes. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount indicates the maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod indicates the number of minutes the user is locked out if the threshold of unsuccessful login attempts has been exceeded. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyUserName indicates the name of the user attempting to connect via FTP. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddrType indicates the type of the IP address stored in the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr indicates the IP address of the user attempting to connect via FTP. |
Effect | The user is locked out for a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod minutes. An FTP session is terminated. |
Recovery | No recovery action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | ftp_user_logout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged out |
Cause | A user logged out. |
Effect | The user access session ended. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | host_snmp_attempts |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Host $hostAddress$ is locked out for $lockoutTime$ minutes since it exceeded the configured threshold of unsuccessful SNMP connection attempts. |
Cause | The remont SNMP host exceded the configured attempts. |
Effect | The remote SNMP host is locked out and the router will not respond to further SNMP requests from the host. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | mafEntryMatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Description: $mafEntryDescription$\n.There have been $mafEntryDropped$ matches since the previously logged match.\nInterface: $sourceInterface$, action: $mafEntryAction$\n$mafEntryProtocol$ |
Cause | A match has been found for an entry in the management access filter. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | radiusInetServerOperStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | RADIUS server $radiusServerInetAddress$ operational status changed to $radiusServerOperStatus$. |
Cause | The operational status of a RADIUS server has transitioned either from 'up' to 'down' or from 'down' to 'up'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | radiusOperStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | RADIUS operational status changed to $radiusOperStatus$ |
Cause | The radiusOperStatus has transitioned either from 'up' to 'down' or from 'down' to 'up'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | radiusSystemIpAddrNotSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | System IP address is not configured |
Cause | A user attempted authentication through RADIUS but the system IP address is not configured. |
Effect | Cannot authenticate the user using RADIUS. |
Recovery | Configure the system IP address. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2059 |
Event name | sapDcpDynamicConform |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.446 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ newly conformant at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$sapDcpFpProtocol$(dynamic). Excd count=$sapDcpFpDynExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpDynamicConform notification is generated when the protocol for a particular SAP has been detected as conformant for a period of the configured detection-time after having been previously detected as exceeding and completed any hold-down period. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtStaticPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'enable' or 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected SAP is now in conformance with the parameters configured for the associated distributed CPU protection policy. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2064 |
Event name | sapDcpDynamicEnforceAlloc |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.51 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Dynamic $sapDcpFpProtocol$ policers allocated for sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. |
Cause | The sapDcpDynamicEnforceAlloc notification is generated when a dynamic enforcement policer is allocated on a particular SAP. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtProtocolDynLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected SAP is not in conformance with the configured parameters of the associated distributed CPU protection policy and may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected SAP may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2065 |
Event name | sapDcpDynamicEnforceFreed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.52 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Dynamic $sapDcpFpProtocol$ policers freed for sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Excd count=$sapDcpFpDynExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpDynamicEnforceFreed notification is generated when a dynamic enforcement policer is freed on a particular SAP. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtProtocolDynLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected SAP is now in conformance with the configured parameters of the associated distributed CPU protection policy. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2053 |
Event name | sapDcpDynamicExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.40 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Non conformant sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ detected at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$sapDcpFpProtocol$(dynamic). Excd count=$sapDcpFpDynExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpDynamicExcd notification is generated when the protocol on a particular SAP has been detected as non-conformant to the associated distributed CPU protection policy parameters. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtProtocolDynLogEvent is configured to 'enable' or 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected SAP may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. This notification may indicate a Denial of Service attack or a misconfiguration in the network. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected SAP may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2057 |
Event name | sapDcpDynamicHoldDownEnd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.44 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Hold-down completed for sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$sapDcpFpProtocol$(dynamic). Excd count=$sapDcpFpDynExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpDynamicHoldDownEnd notification is generated when a particular SAP completes hold-down period for an exceeding protocol. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtProtocolDynLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The protocol for an affected SAP will transition to a detection-time countdown after the hold-down period is complete. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2055 |
Event name | sapDcpDynamicHoldDownStart |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.42 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Hold-down started for sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$sapDcpFpProtocol$(dynamic). Excd count=$sapDcpFpDynExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpDynamicHoldDownStart notification is generated when a particular SAP starts hold-down period for an exceeding protocol. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtProtocolDynLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The protocol will treat all packets as non-conformant during the hold-down period. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2060 |
Event name | sapDcpLocMonExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.47 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Local monitor $sapDcpFpLocMonPlcrName$ for sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ detected as non-conformant at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Excd count=$sapDcpFpLocMonExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpLocMonExcd notification is generated when the local-monitoring-policer for a particular SAP has transitioned from a conformant state to a non-conformant state and the system will attempt to allocate dymanic enforcement policers. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtLocMonPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected SAP may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. This notification may indicate a Denial of Service attack or a misconfiguration in the network. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected SAP may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2062 |
Event name | sapDcpLocMonExcdAllDynAlloc |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.49 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | All dynamic policers allocated for local monitor $sapDcpFpLocMonPlcrName$ for sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Excd count=$sapDcpFpLocMonExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpLocMonExcdAllDynAlloc notification is generated when all dynamic enforcement policers associated with a non-conformant local-monitoring-policer have been successfully allocated for a particular SAP. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtLocMonPlcrLogEvent is configure to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected SAP may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected SAP may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2063 |
Event name | sapDcpLocMonExcdAllDynFreed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.50 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | All dynamic policers freed for local monitor $sapDcpFpLocMonPlcrName$ for sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. |
Cause | The sapDcpLocMonExcdAllDynFreed notification is generated for a particular SAP when all the previously allocated dynamic enforcement policers for a particular local-monitoring-policer on the associated distributed CPU protection policy have been freed up and all the protocols are once again being monitored by local-monitor. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtLocMonPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected SAP may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2061 |
Event name | sapDcpLocMonExcdDynResource |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.48 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Local monitor $sapDcpFpLocMonPlcrName$ for sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ detected as non-conformant at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$ and cannot allocate dynamic policers. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Excd count=$sapDcpFpLocMonExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpLocMonExcdDynResource notification is generated when the local-monitoring-policer for a particular SAP has transitioned from a conformant state to a non-conformant state and the system cannot allocate all the dynamic enforcements policers associated with the distributed CPU protection policy . This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtLocMonPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'enable' or 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected SAP may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. This notification may indicate a Denial of Service attack or a misconfiguration in the network. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected SAP or to the dynamic enforcement policer pool(TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.mib::tmnxFPDCpuProtDynEnfrcPlcrPool). |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2058 |
Event name | sapDcpStaticConform |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.45 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ newly conformant at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$sapDcpFpStaticPlcrName$(static). Excd count=$sapDcpFpStaticExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpStaticConform notification is generated when the static-policer for a particular SAP has been detected as conformant for a period of the configured detection-time after having been previously detected as exceeding and completed any hold-down period. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtStaticPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'enable' or 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected SAP is now in conformance with the parameters configured for the associated distributed CPU protection policy. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2052 |
Event name | sapDcpStaticExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.39 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Non conformant sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ detected at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$sapDcpFpStaticPlcrName$(static). Excd count=$sapDcpFpStaticExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpStaticExcd notification is generated when the static-policer on a particular SAP has been detected as non-conformant to the associated distributed CPU protection policy parameters. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtStaticPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'enable' or 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected SAP may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. This notification may indicate a Denial of Service attack or a misconfiguration in the network. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected SAP may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2056 |
Event name | sapDcpStaticHoldDownEnd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.43 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Hold-down completed for sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$sapDcpFpStaticPlcrName$(static). Excd count=$sapDcpFpStaticExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpStaticHoldDownEnd notification is generated when a particular SAP completes hold-down period for an exceeding static-policer. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtStaticPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The static-policer for an affected SAP will transition to a detection-time countdown after the hold-down period is complete. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2054 |
Event name | sapDcpStaticHoldDownStart |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.41 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Hold-down started for sap $sapEncapValue$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $sapDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $sapDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$sapDcpFpStaticPlcrName$(static). Excd count=$sapDcpFpStaticExcdCount$ |
Cause | The sapDcpStaticHoldDownStart notification is generated when a particular SAP starts hold-down period for an exceeding static-policer. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtStaticPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The static-policer will treat all packets as non-conformant during the hold-down period. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | SSH_server_preserve_key_fail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Persistance of SSH server host key failed on $tmnxCpmFlashHwIndex$ with operational status $tmnxCpmFlashOperStatus$. |
Cause | Persistance of the SSH server host keys failed. |
Effect | The SSH server host key will differ after reboot. The remote server host key will not be stored across reboots. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | ssh_user_login |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged in |
Cause | A user was successfully authenticated for login. |
Effect | The user access session was started. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | ssh_user_login_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ failed authentication |
Cause | A user failed authentication. |
Effect | The user access session was not started. The user will be given another opportunity to authenticate himself. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | ssh_user_login_max_attempts |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.48 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $tmnxSecNotifyUserName$ from $tmnxSecNotifyAddr$ attempted more than $tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount$ times to log in, user locked out for $tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod$ min |
Cause | A tmnxUserSshLoginMaxAttempts notification is generated when a user attempting to connect via SSH failed to authenticate for more than a maximum allowed number of times in a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsTime minutes. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsCount indicates the maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed. The value of the object tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod indicates the number of minutes the user is locked out if the threshold of unsuccessful login attempts has been exceeded. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyUserName indicates the name of the user attempting to connect via SSH. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddrType indicates the type of the IP address stored in the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr indicates the IP address of the user attempting to connect via SSH. |
Effect | The user is locked out for a period of tmnxPasswordAttemptsLockoutPeriod minutes. An SSH session is terminated. |
Recovery | No recovery action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | ssh_user_logout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged out |
Cause | A user logged out. |
Effect | The user access session ended. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2086 |
Event name | sysDNSSecFailedAuthentication |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.57 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The sysDNSSecFailedAuthentication notification is generated when a DNS response PDU is received with an unset AD-bit and sysDNSSecAdValidation is set to 'true (1)'. |
Effect | This notification is informational only. The message will vary depending on the state of sysDNSSecRespCtrl. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | tacplusInetSrvrOperStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.35 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TACACS+ server $tacPlusServerInetAddress$ operational status changed to $tacplusServerOperStatus$. |
Cause | The operational status of a TACACS+ server has transitioned either from 'up' to 'down' or from 'down' to 'up'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tacplusOperStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.20 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TACACS+ operational status changed to $tacplusOperStatus$. |
Cause | The TACACS+ operational status has transitioned either from 'up' to 'down' or from 'down' to 'up'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2116 |
Event name | tmnxAppPkiCertVerificationFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.51 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxSecNotifClientAppName$ : Certificate $tmnxSecNotifCert$ verification failed due to $tmnxSecNotifFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxAppPkiCertVerificationFailed notification is generated when an attempt to verify the certificate fails for a non-IPsec application. |
Effect | Fail to establish a secured connection with the remote entity. |
Recovery | Make sure the certificate specified in tmnxSecNotifCert is a valid certificate and an appropriate trust anchor is configured. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2045 |
Event name | tmnxCAProfileStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.18 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CA profile $tmnxPkiCAProfile$ changed state to $tmnxPkiCAProfileOperState$ $tmnxSecNotifFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxCAProfileStateChange notification is generated when Certificate Authority profile changes state to 'down' due to tmnxSecNotifFailureReason. |
Effect | Certificate Authority profile will remain in this state until a corrective action is taken. |
Recovery | Depending on the reason indicated by tmnxSecNotifFailureReason, corrective action should be taken. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2094 |
Event name | tmnxCAProfUpDueToRevokeChkCrlOpt |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.27 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CA profile $tmnxPkiCAProfile$ changed state to $tmnxPkiCAProfileOperState$ regardless of $tmnxSecNotifFailureReason$ due to crl-optional is set |
Cause | The tmnxCAProfUpDueToRevokeChkCrlOpt notification is generated when Certificate Authority profile changes state to 'up' due to tmnxPkiCAProfRevokeChk set to 'crlOptional' even with the errors in tmnxSecNotifFailureReason. |
Effect | Certificate Authority profile will remain up. |
Recovery | Errors described in tmnxSecNotifFailureReason should still be corrected. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2233 |
Event name | tmnxCertExport |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.58 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | admin certificate export type $tmnxSecNotifyImportExportType$ input $tmnxSecNotifyUrl$ output $tmnxSecNotifFile$ format $tmnxSecNotifyImportExportFormat$ : $tmnxSecEventOutcome$ |
Cause | A tmnxCertExport notification is generated when a user exports a cryptographic key, certificate, or CRL with the admin certificate command |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2232 |
Event name | tmnxCertImport |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.57 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | admin certificate import $tmnxSecNotifyImportExportType$ input $tmnxSecNotifyUrl$ output $tmnxSecNotifFile$ format $tmnxSecNotifyImportExportFormat$ : $tmnxSecEventOutcome$ |
Cause | A tmnxCertImport notification is generated when a user imports a cryptographic key, certificate, or CRL with the admin certificate command |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2231 |
Event name | tmnxCertKeyPairGen |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.56 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | A tmnxCertKeyPairGen notification is generated when a user generates a cryptographic key with the admin certificate command |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2112 |
Event name | tmnxCliGroupSessionLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.44 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxSessionLimitExceededType$ of CLI session group '$tmnxSessionLimitExceededName$' has been exceeded |
Cause | The tmnxCliGroupSessionLimitExceeded notification is generated when an attempt to establish a new user access session is not successful because any of SSH / Telnet / Total session limits defined for the CLI session group of which the user is an indirect member (as a member of a user profile that is a member of the CLI session group) has been exceeded. The value of the object tmnxSessionLimitExceededName indicates the name of the CLI session group of which the session limit has been exceeded. The value of the object tmnxSessionLimitExceededType indicates the type of the session limit that has been exceeded. |
Effect | The user access session has not been established. |
Recovery | An administrator may execute one of the following actions in order to allow a successful session establishment: 1) force disconnection of an existing session(s) using 'admin disconnect' CLI command 2) increase the value of the session limit using CLI or SNMP SET operation on the corresponding object in tmnxCliSessionGroupTable 3) revoke the profile membership for the particular user (beware that this action may have impact on user's priviledges) 4) revoke the session group membership for the particular profile |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2207 |
Event name | tmnxConfigCreate |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ managed object created |
Cause | A new row entry was created in one of the MIB tables. This event can be used by the NMS to trigger maintenance polls of the configuration information. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2208 |
Event name | tmnxConfigDelete |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ managed object deleted |
Cause | An existing row entry in one of the MIB tables is deleted. This event can be used by the NMS to trigger maintenance polls of the configuration information. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2206 |
Event name | tmnxConfigModify |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ configuration modified |
Cause | A configuration attribute associated with a row entry in a MIB table was modified. this event can be used by the NMS to trigger maintenance polls of the configuration information. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2037 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtDefPolModified |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Default policy $tmnxCpmProtPolId$ being modified by user. |
Cause | User modifies default access or default network policy. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2041 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtExcdSapEcm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Eth-CFM packet arrival rate exceeded for Eth-CFM opcode $tmnxCpmProtExcdSapEcmOpCode$ domain level $tmnxCpmProtExcdSapEcmLevel$ MAC $tmnxCpmProtExcdSapEcmMac$ SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | The tmnxCpmProtExcdSapEcm notification is generated when an Eth-CFM packet stream (identified by a source MAC address, domain level, and Eth-CFM opcode) arrives at a local SAP at a rate which exceeds the configured Eth-CFM rate limit for the stream. |
Effect | One or more Eth-CFM packets arriving at the SAP was discarded. |
Recovery | Reduce the packet transmission rate at the far end, or increase the locally configured Eth-CFM rate limit for the stream. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2046 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtExcdSapIp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.19 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Per-source packet arrival rate exceeded for IP $tmnxCpmProtExcdSapIpAddr$ SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | The tmnxCpmProtExcdSapIp notification is generated when a source (identified by an IP address) sends a packet stream to a local SAP at a rate which exceeds the SAP's configured per-source-rate. [EFFECT] One or more packets arriving at the SAP was discarded. [RECOVERY] Reduce the packet transmission rate at the far end, OR increase the locally configured per-source-rate for the SAP, OR disable per-IP-source rate limiting on the SAP by setting TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapCpmProtMonitorIP to 'false'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2040 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtExcdSdpBind |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Per-source packet arrival rate exceeded for MAC $tmnxCpmProtExcdSdpBindMac$ SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | The tmnxCpmProtExcdSdpBind notification is generated when a source (identified by a MAC address) sends a packet stream to a local mesh-sdp or spoke-sdp at a rate which exceeds the SDP's configured per-source-rate. |
Effect | One or more packets arriving at the mesh-sdp or spoke-sdp was discarded. |
Recovery | Reduce the packet transmission rate at the far end, or increase the locally configured per-source-rate for the SDP. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2042 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtExcdSdpBindEcm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.15 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Eth-CFM packet arrival rate exceeded for Eth-CFM opcode $tmnxCpmProtExcdSdpBindEcmOpCode$ domain level $tmnxCpmProtExcdSdpBindEcmLevel$ MAC $tmnxCpmProtExcdSdpBindEcmMac$ SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | The tmnxCpmProtExcdSdpBindEcm notification is generated when an Eth-CFM packet stream (identified by a source MAC address, domain level, and Eth-CFM opcode) arrives at a local mesh-sdp or spoke-sdp at a rate which exceeds the configured Eth-CFM rate limit for the stream. |
Effect | One or more Eth-CFM packets arriving at the mesh-sdp or spoke-sdp was discarded. |
Recovery | Reduce the packet transmission rate at the far end, or increase the locally configured Eth-CFM rate limit for the stream. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2087 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtExcdSdpBindIp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.23 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Per-source packet arrival rate exceeded for IP $tmnxCpmProtExcdSdpBindIpAddr$ SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | The tmnxCpmProtExcdSdpBindIp notification is generated when a source (identified by an IP address) sends a packet stream to a local mesh-sdp or spoke-sdp at a rate which exceeds the SDP's configured per-source-rate. |
Effect | One or more packets arriving at the mesh-sdp or spoke-sdp was discarded. |
Recovery | Reduce the packet transmission rate at the far end, or increase the locally configured per-source-rate for the SDP. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtViolIf |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Overall packet arrival rate exceeded for interface $vRtrIfIndex$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | A overall packet arrival rate limit violation was detected for an interface and notifications are enabled. The overall packet arrival rate limit is specified by the managed object tmnxCpmProtPolOverallRateLimit of the interface protection policy specified by the managed object TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfCpmProtPolicyId. Notifications are enabled if the value of the managed object tmnxCpmProtPolAlarm of the interface protection policy specified by the managed object TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfCpmProtPolicyId is equal to 'true'. The notification may indicate either a Denial-Of-Service Attack or an inappropriate configuration of the managed object tmnxCpmProtPolOverallRateLimit. Additional information can be retrieved in the SNMP table tmnxCpmProtViolIfTable. |
Effect | While the overall packet arrival rate limit is being exceeded, some protocol packets are dropped. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2085 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtViolIfOutProf |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.22 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Out-of-Profile control packets rate exceeded for interface $vRtrIfIndex$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | The tmnxCpmProtViolIfOutProf notification is generated when the rate at which incoming control packets are marked as out-of-profile specified by tmnxCpmProtPolOutProfileRate is exceeded. This notification is generated when tmnxCpmProtPolOutProfRateLogEvnt is set to 'true'. |
Effect | One or more control packets being marked as out-of-profile will be discarded. |
Recovery | Reduce the packet transmission rate at the far end, or increase the out-of-profile rate, tmnxCpmProtPolOutProfileRate for this interface. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtViolMac |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Per-source packet arrival rate exceeded for MAC $tmnxCpmProtViolMacAddress$ SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | A per-source rate limit violation was detected for a source, and notifications are enabled. The per-source rate limit is specified by the object tmnxCpmProtPolPerSrcRateLimit of the SAP protection policy specified by the object TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapCpmProtPolicyId. Notifications are enabled if the value of the object tmnxCpmProtPolAlarm of the SAP protection policy specified by the object TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapCpmProtPolicyId is equal to 'true'. The notification may indicate either a Denial-Of-Service Attack or an inappropriate configuration of the tmnxCpmProtPolPerSrcRateLimit Additional information can be retrieved in the table tmnxCpmProtExcdTable. |
Effect | While the per-source rate limit is being exceeded, some protocol packets are dropped. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2028 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtViolPort |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Link-specific packet arrival rate limit exceeded for port $tmnxPortPortID$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | A link-specific packet arrival rate limit violation was detected for a port. The link-specific packet arrival rate limit is specified by the managed object tmnxCpmProtLinkRateLimit. This event may indicate either a Denial-Of-Service Attack or an inappropriate configuration of the managed object tmnxCpmProtLinkRateLimit. Additional information can be retrieved from the SNMP table tmnxCpmProtViolPortTable. |
Effect | While the link-specific packet arrival rate limit is being exceeded, some packets from link-specific protocols are dropped. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtViolPortAgg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Per-port overall packet rate limit exceeded for port $tmnxPortPortID$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | A per-port overall packet rate limit violation was detected for a port. The per-port overall packet rate limit is specified by the managed object tmnxCpmProtPortOverallRateLimit. This event may indicate either a Denial-Of-Service Attack or an inappropriate configuration of the managed object tmnxCpmProtPortOverallRateLimit. Additional information can be retrieved from the SNMP table tmnxCpmProtViolPortTable. |
Effect | While the link-specific packet arrival rate limit is being exceeded, some protocol packets are dropped. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtViolSap |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Overall packet arrival rate exceeded for SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | A overall packet arrival rate limit violation was detected for a SAP and notifications are enabled. The overall packet arrival rate limit is specified by the object tmnxCpmProtPolOverallRateLimit of the SAP protection policy specified by the object TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapCpmProtPolicyId. Notifications are enabled if the value of the object tmnxCpmProtPolAlarm of the SAP protection policy specified by the object TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapCpmProtPolicyId is equal to 'true'. The notification may indicate either a Denial-Of-Service Attack or an inappropriate configuration of the tmnxCpmProtPolOverallRateLimit Additional information can be retrieved in the table tmnxCpmProtViolSapTable. |
Effect | While the overall packet arrival rate limit is being exceeded, some protocol packets are dropped. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2084 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtViolSapOutProf |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.21 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Out-of-Profile control packets rate exceeded for SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | The tmnxCpmProtViolSapOutProf notification is generated when the rate at which incoming control packets are marked as out-of-profile specified by tmnxCpmProtPolOutProfileRate is exceeded. This notification is generated when tmnxCpmProtPolOutProfRateLogEvnt is set to 'true'. |
Effect | One or more control packets being marked as out-of-profile will be discarded. |
Recovery | Reduce the packet transmission rate at the far end, or increase the out-of-profile rate, tmnxCpmProtPolOutProfileRate for this SAP. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2039 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtViolSdpBind |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Overall packet arrival rate exceeded for SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | The tmnxCpmProtViolSdpBind notification is generated when the packet arrival rate at a mesh-sdp or spoke-sdp exceeds the SDP's configured overall-rate. |
Effect | One or more packets arriving at the mesh-sdp or spoke-sdp was discarded. |
Recovery | Reduce the packet transmission rate at the far end, or increase the locally configured overall-rate for the SDP. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2089 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtViolSdpBindOutProf |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.25 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Out-of-Profile control packets rate exceeded for SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | The tmnxCpmProtViolSdpBindOutProf notification is generated when the rate at which incoming control packets are marked as out-of-profile specified by tmnxCpmProtPolOutProfileRate is exceeded. This notification is generated when tmnxCpmProtPolOutProfRateLogEvnt is set to 'true'. |
Effect | One or more control packets being marked as out-of-profile will be discarded. |
Recovery | Reduce the packet transmission rate at the far end, or increase the out-of-profile rate, tmnxCpmProtPolOutProfileRate for this SDP binding. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtViolVdoSvcClient |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Per-source rate limit exceeded for source $tmnxCpmProtViolVdoSvcCltAddr$ in service $svcId$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tmnxCpmProtViolVdoVrtrClient |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Per-source rate limit exceeded for source $tmnxCpmProtViolVdoVrtrCltAddr$. Hex Dump(First 64 bytes): $tmnxCpmProtViolExcdPktHexDump$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2080 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflw |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.72 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Distributed CPU Protection FP log event overflow occured on card $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ at $tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured$ |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflw notification is generated when a flood of distibuted CPU protection events occur on a particular card and some of the events are lost due to event throttling mechanism. |
Effect | Some notifications configured on the card may not be received. |
Recovery | Notifications will resume once the event throttling ends. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2049 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflwClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.77 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxDcpMissingNotificationCount$ Distributed CPU Protection FP log events were dropped in the last event throttling interval on card $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ at $tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured$ |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when the event throttling has ended for distibuted CPU protection FP events on a particular card. |
Effect | Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2081 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflw |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.73 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Distributed CPU Protection SAP log event overflow occured on card $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ at $tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured$ |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflw notification is generated when a flood of distibuted CPU protection SAP events occur on a particular card and some of the events are lost due to event throttling mechanism. |
Effect | Some SAP notifications configured on the card may not be received. |
Recovery | Notifications will resume once the event throttling ends. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2050 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflwClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.78 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxDcpMissingNotificationCount$ Distributed CPU Protection SAP log events were dropped in the last event throttling interval on card $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ at $tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured$ |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when the event throttling has ended for distibuted CPU protection SAP events on a particular card. |
Effect | Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2082 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflw |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.74 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Distributed CPU Protection Network_if log event overflow occured on card $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ at $tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured$ |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflw notification is generated when a flood of distibuted CPU protection network-interface events occur on a particular card and some of the events are lost due to event throttling mechanism. |
Effect | Some network-interface notifications configured on the card may not be received. |
Recovery | Notifications will resume once the event throttling ends. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2051 |
Event name | tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflwClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.79 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxDcpMissingNotificationCount$ Distributed CPU Protection Netwk_if log events were dropped in the last event throttling interval on card $tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum$ at $tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured$ |
Cause | The tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflwClr notification is generated the when event throttling has ended for distibuted CPU protection networrk-interface events on a particular card. |
Effect | Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. |
Recovery | There is no recovery for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2048 |
Event name | tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.76 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Dynamic Enforcement Pool OK again on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured$ |
Cause | The tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmClear notification is generated when the dynamic enforcement policer pool usage on the forwarding plane is no longer exhausted. |
Effect | Dynamic enforcement policers are available in the free pool to be allocated when needed. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2047 |
Event name | tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmRaise |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.tmnxChassisNotification.75 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Dynamic Enforcement Pool nearly (or fully) exhausted on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured$ |
Cause | The tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmRaise notification is generated when the dynamic enforcement policer pool usage on the forwarding plane is nearly exhausted. |
Effect | Dynamic enforcement policers may not get allocated on the forwarding plane. |
Recovery | This notification will be cleared when either the dynamic enforcement policer pool is increased or the usage drops. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2236 |
Event name | tmnxFileCopied |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.61 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | File $tmnxSecNotifyUrl$ copied to $tmnxSecNotifyNewUrl$ : $tmnxSecEventOutcome$ |
Cause | A tmnxFileCopied notification is generated when a user copies a file through the file command |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2234 |
Event name | tmnxFileDeleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.59 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | File $tmnxSecNotifyUrl$ delete : $tmnxSecEventOutcome$ |
Cause | A tmnxFileDeleted notification is generated when a user deletes a file through the file command |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2235 |
Event name | tmnxFileMoved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.60 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | File $tmnxSecNotifyUrl$ move to $tmnxSecNotifyNewUrl$ : $tmnxSecEventOutcome$ |
Cause | A tmnxFileMoved notification is generated when a user moves a file through the file command |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | tmnxKeyChainAuthFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Incoming packet from source address $tmnxKeyChainAuthAddress$ virtual router $vRtrID$ dropped due to key chain authentication failure and possible reason is $tmnxKeyChainAuthFailReason$. |
Cause | The incoming packet was dropped due to key chain authentication failure. Failure could be due to the following reasons or more: - Send packet had no auth keychain but recv side had keychain enabled. - Keychain key id's did not match. - Keychain key digest mismatch. - Received packet with and invalid enhanced authentication option length. - For other causes of failure refer to 'draft-bonica-tcp-auth-05.txt'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2036 |
Event name | tmnxMD5AuthFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Incoming packet from source address $tmnxMD5AuthAddr$ virtual router $vRtrID$ dropped due to MD5 authentication failure and possible reason is $tmnxMD5AuthFailReason$. |
Cause | The incoming packet was dropped due to MD5 authentication failure. Failure is due to digest mismatch. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2238 |
Event name | tmnxPasswordHashingChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.63 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Password hashing changed from $tmnxSecNotifOldPasswordHashing$ to $tmnxSecNotifNewPasswordHashing$ |
Cause | The tmnxPasswordHashingChanged notification is generated upon the change of password hashing algorithm (tmnxPasswordHashing). The value of the object tmnxSecNotifNewPasswordHashing indicates the new password hashing algorithm. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifOldPasswordHashing indicates the new password hashing algorithm. |
Effect | Users will be prompted to change their password upon log in to the system. All newly stored user passwords will be hashed by the algorithm defined by tmnxPasswordHashing. |
Recovery | No recovery action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2083 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCAProfActnStatusChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.20 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxPkiCAProfActnType$ for ca-profile ($tmnxPkiCAProfile$) $tmnxPkiCAProfActnStatus$. ca-response: $tmnxCAProfActnStatusCode$. $tmnxPkiCAProfActnStatusString$ |
Cause | The tmnxPkiCAProfActnStatusChg notification is generated when tmnxPkiCAProfActnStatus changes status. More information is available through tmnxPkiCAProfActnStatusString and tmnxPkiCAProfActnStatusCode. |
Effect | This is due to the action performed using tmnxPkiCAProfActnTable. |
Recovery | Depending on the information available in this trap, another tmnxPkiCAProfActnType request may be issued by correcting the parameters in the tmnxPkiCAProfActnTable. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2108 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdAllUrlsFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.40 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to update the CRL file from $tmnxPkiCAProfUrl$ ($tmnxPkiCAProfUrlId$), the last of all the URLs for CA profile $tmnxPkiCAProfile$, due to $tmnxSecNotifFailureReason$ |
Cause | A tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdAllUrlsFail notification is generated when the CRL update operation failed after attempting all URLs for an existing CA Profile. The CA Profile is configured via tmnxPkiCAProfileTable. URLs for an existing CA Profile are configured via tmnxPkiCAProfUrlTable. |
Effect | When tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdScheduleT is 'nextUpdateBased (1)' and tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdRetryIntv is zero, the system will stop attempting to update the CRL file. The system will attempt to download the same CRL file starting from the first URL in the URL list again after 1) tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdRetryIntv (>0) seconds, when tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdScheduleT is 'nextUpdateBased (1)', or 2) tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdPrdcUpdIntv seconds, when tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdScheduleT is 'periodic (2)'. |
Recovery | Make sure the URLs specified in tmnxPkiCAProfUrlTable are correct. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2105 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdateStart |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.37 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Started updating the CRL file for CA profile $tmnxPkiCAProfileNameForNotify$ |
Cause | A tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdateStart notification is generated when a CRL update operation is started for an existing CA Profile. The CA Profile is configured via tmnxPkiCAProfileTable. |
Effect | The system is downloading the CRL file from a URL, which is configured via tmnxPkiCAProfUrlTable. |
Recovery | No recovery is required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2106 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdateSuccess |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.38 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | A CRL file was successfully updated from $tmnxPkiCAProfUrl$ ($tmnxPkiCAProfUrlId$) for CA profile $tmnxPkiCAProfile$ |
Cause | A tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdateSuccess notification is generated when a new valid CRL file is successfully updated for an existing CA Profile. The CA Profile is configured via tmnxPkiCAProfileTable. |
Effect | tmnxPkiCAProfileCRLFile will be replaced if the downloaded CRL file qualified. The cases that a downloaded CRL does not qualify are explained in the description clause of tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdScheduleT. |
Recovery | No recovery is required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2107 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdateUrlFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.39 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to update the CRL file from $tmnxPkiCAProfUrl$ ($tmnxPkiCAProfUrlId$) due to $tmnxSecNotifFailureReason$ |
Cause | A tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdateUrlFail notification is generated when the CRL update operation has failed after attempting the indicated URL for an existing CA Profile. The CA Profile is configured via tmnxPkiCAProfileTable. URLs for an existing CA Profile are configured via tmnxPkiCAProfUrlTable. A tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdateUrlFail will not be sent when the URL is the last one in the URL list for an existing CA Profile. In such case, a tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdAllUrlsFail notification will be sent. |
Effect | The system will attempt to download the CRL file from the next URL in the URL list. |
Recovery | Make sure the URLs specified in tmnxPkiCAProfUrlTable are correct. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2113 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdLargPreUpdTm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.45 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The CRL pre-update time for CA profile $tmnxPkiCAProfileNameForNotify$ might be too large |
Cause | A tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdLargPreUpdTm notification is generated when the 'nextUpdate' time of a newly downloaded CRL is earlier than the last successful update time or the time of setting tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdAdminState to 'inService (2)' plus the pre-update time. The last successful update time is stored in tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdLstSucsTmSt. The pre-update time is configured via tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdPreUpdTime. |
Effect | The system will update the CRL again in tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdRetryIntv seconds rather than immediately. |
Recovery | Configure tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdPreUpdTime to a value less than (the 'nextUpdate' value of the newly downloaded CRL - the last successful update time). The ideal value would be a value slightly lower than the CRL overlap period to avoid unnecessary download attempts. No recovery is needed for if the notification is generated in case of setting tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdAdminState to 'inService (2)'. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2110 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdNoNxtUpdTime |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.42 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | No further scheduled CRL update for CA profile $tmnxPkiCAProfileNameForNotify$ since either 1) the CRL update retry interval is not configured, or 2) 'nextUpdate' field is missing from the CRL, or 3) the 'nextUpdate' value is beyond the limit of the system |
Cause | A tmnxPkiCAProfCrlUpdNoNxtUpdTime notification is generated when tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdScheduleT is 'nextUpdateBased (1)' and one of the following conditions is true: 1) The 'nextUpdate' field is missing from the CRL file or contains a value that is beyond the limit of the system 2) tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdRetryIntv is zero, and none of the configured URLs work or contain a CRL that qualifies from the first scheduled update. |
Effect | The system will not download a new CRL file. |
Recovery | Change tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdScheduleT to 'periodic (2)' if the system is to check for an updated CRL every tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdPrdcUpdIntv seconds. Otherwise, configure the tmnxPkiCAProfAtCrlUpdAdminState to 'outOfService (3)'. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2093 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCAProfRevokeChkWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxSecNotifTunnelName$ : CRL check skipped for $skippedCert$ issued by ca-profile $tmnxPkiCAProfile$ while verifying EE cert $eeCertSubject$ due to $tmnxSecNotifFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxPkiCAProfRevokeChkWarning notification is generated whenever a CRL verification is skipped during chain/ee certificate verification. This event is throttled. |
Effect | System did not verify revocation status on the subject certificate. |
Recovery | Check the value of tmnxPkiCAProfRevokeChk object for this CA profile if it is not expected. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2096 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCertAfterExpWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.29 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Certificate $tmnxSecNotifFile$ has expired. |
Cause | The tmnxPkiCertAfterExpWarning notification is generated when the certificate indicated in tmnxSecNotifFile has expired. |
Effect | The indicated certificate has expired. |
Recovery | Replace the indicated file with an updated certificate. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2095 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCertBeforeExpWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.28 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Certificate $tmnxSecNotifFile$ will expire in $tmnxPkiExpRemainingHours$ hour(s) and $tmnxPkiExpRemainingMinutes$ minute(s). |
Cause | The tmnxPkiCertBeforeExpWarning notification is generated when the certificate indicated in tmnxSecNotifFile will expire in the time period indicated by tmnxPkiExpRemainingHours and tmnxPkiExpRemainingMinutes. |
Effect | The indicated certificate will expire. |
Recovery | Replace the indicated file with an updated certificate. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2097 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCertExpWarningCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.30 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Expiration warning for certificate $tmnxSecNotifFile$ is no longer applicable because of the following reason: $tmnxPkiExpReason$. |
Cause | The tmnxPkiCertExpWarningCleared notification is generated when the expiration warning for the certificate indicated in tmnxSecNotifFile no longer applies because of the reason indicated in tmnxPkiExpReason. |
Effect | The indicated certificate is no longer going to expire. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2114 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCertNotYetValid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.49 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Certificate $tmnxSecNotifFile$ is not yet valid. |
Cause | The tmnxPkiCertNotYetValid notification is generated when the certificate indicated in tmnxSecNotifFile is not yet valid. |
Effect | The indicated certificate is not usable until the 'notBefore' time is reached. If the certificate is specified in a CA-profile, then the operational state of the CA-profile (i.e., tmnxPkiCAProfileOperState) remains down until the 'notBefore' time is reached. |
Recovery | Replace tmnxSecNotifFile with a certificate file that is still valid, or wait until the 'notBefore' time specified in the certificate is reached for the system to recover itself. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2044 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCertVerificationFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.17 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IPsec Tunnel $tmnxSecNotifTunnelName$ : Certificate $tmnxSecNotifCert$ verification failed due to $tmnxSecNotifFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxPkiCertVerificationFailed notification is generated when an attempt to verify the certificate fails. |
Effect | Authentication of the tunnel configured with the certificate will start to fail. |
Recovery | Make sure the certificate specified in tmnxSecurityNotifCert exists and is a valid certificate. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2099 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCRLAfterExpWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.32 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CRL $tmnxSecNotifFile$ has expired. |
Cause | The tmnxPkiCRLAfterExpWarning notification is generated when the CRL (certificate revocation list) indicated in tmnxSecNotifFile has expired. |
Effect | The indicated CRL (certificate revocation list) has expired. |
Recovery | Replace the indicated file with an updated CRL (certificate revocation list). |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2098 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCRLBeforeExpWarning |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.31 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CRL $tmnxSecNotifFile$ will expire in $tmnxPkiExpRemainingHours$ hour(s) and $tmnxPkiExpRemainingMinutes$ minute(s). |
Cause | The tmnxPkiCRLBeforeExpWarning notification is generated when the CRL (certificate revocation list) indicated in tmnxSecNotifFile will expire in the time period indicated by tmnxPkiExpRemainingHours and tmnxPkiExpRemainingMinutes. |
Effect | The indicated CRL (certificate revocation list) will expire. |
Recovery | Replace the indicated file with an updated CRL (certificate revocation list). |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2100 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCRLExpWarningCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.33 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Expiration warning for CRL $tmnxSecNotifFile$ is no longer applicable because of the following reason: $tmnxPkiExpReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxPkiCRLExpWarningCleared notification is generated when the expiration warning for the CRL (certificate revocation list) indicated in tmnxSecNotifFile no longer applies because of the reason indicated in tmnxPkiExpReason. |
Effect | The indicated CRL (certificate revocation list) is no longer going to expire. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2115 |
Event name | tmnxPkiCRLNotYetValid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.50 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CRL $tmnxSecNotifFile$ is not yet valid. |
Cause | The tmnxPkiCRLNotYetValid notification is generated when the CRL (Certificate Revocation List) indicated in tmnxSecNotifFile is not yet valid. |
Effect | The CRL is not usable until the 'thisUpdate' time is reached. Unless tmnxPkiCAProfRevokeChk is configured to 'crlOptional (2)', the operational state of the CA-profile (i.e., tmnxPkiCAProfileOperState) remains down until the 'thisUpdate' time is reached. |
Recovery | Replace tmnxSecNotifFile with a CRL that is still valid, or wait until the 'thisUpdate' time specified in the CRL is reached for the system to recover itself. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2043 |
Event name | tmnxPkiFileReadFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.16 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | File $tmnxSecNotifFile$ read failed due to $tmnxSecNotifFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxPkiFileReadFailed notification is generated when an attempt to read the file fails. Reason of the failure is indicated by the tmnxSecNotifFailureReason object. |
Effect | Operational status of tunnels configured to use this certificate will be set to 'down'. |
Recovery | Make sure the path specified in tmnxSecNotifFile is correct and the file exists. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2109 |
Event name | tmnxPkiFileWriteFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.41 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | File $tmnxSecNotifFile$ write failed due to $tmnxSecNotifFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxPkiFileWriteFailed notification is generated when an attempt to write the file fails. Reason for the failure is indicated by the tmnxSecNotifFailureReason object. |
Effect | The downloaded file is not saved to disk. |
Recovery | Make sure the path specified in tmnxSecNotifFile is correct, file permission is writeable and there is sufficient disk space. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2088 |
Event name | tmnxSecComputeCertChainFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.24 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Certificate chain of cert file $tmnxSecNotifFile$ is incomplete due to $tmnxSecNotifFailureReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxSecComputeCertChainFailure notification is generated when a compute chain-failure has occured. |
Effect | The chain cannot be built for a configured certificate and the corresponding chain will be empty. |
Recovery | Depending on the reason indicated by tmnxSecNotifFailureReason, corrective action should be taken. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2101 |
Event name | tmnxSecNotifFileReloaded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.34 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxSecNotifFileType$ file \"$tmnxSecNotifFile$\" has been reloaded. |
Cause | The tmnxSecNotifFileReloaded notification is generated when the certificate or key indicated in tmnxSecNotifFile is reloaded. tmnxSecNotifFileType indicates whether a certificate or key has been reloaded. |
Effect | The indicated certificate or key has been reloaded. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2090 |
Event name | tmnxSecNotifKeyChainExpired |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.26 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Keychain $tmnxKeyChainName$: last entry has expired; called by $tmnxSecNotifOrigProtocol$ |
Cause | The tmnxSecNotifKeyChainExpired notification is generated when a protocol instance tries to use a keychain, for which the last key entry has expired. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2035 |
Event name | tmnxSecPwdHistoryFileLoadFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.35 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to load the password history |
Cause | The tmnxSecPwdHistoryFileLoadFailed notification is generated when the password history is enabled (tmnxPasswordHistory is not 0) for the first time and the system was unable to load and process the password history. Failure could be due to the following reasons or more: - This is the first time the password history is enabled on this system. - A previous attempt to store the password history failed. - Somebody removed or modified the password history file. |
Effect | The system might not be able to compare the new user password with the user's password history from before the last reboot. If tmnxSecPwdHistLoadFailReason is set to 'notFound(1)', a new, empty history file will be created. |
Recovery | Investigation might be warranted. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2104 |
Event name | tmnxSecPwdHistoryFileWriteFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to write the password history to disk |
Cause | The tmnxSecPwdHistoryFileWriteFailed notification is generated when the system is unable to store the password history when an user's password is changed. |
Effect | After a reboot, the system might not be able to compare the new user password with the user's password history. |
Recovery | Ensure the compact flash is present, and all file permissions are correct. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2240 |
Event name | tmnxSSHSessionFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.65 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SSH session failed from client $tmnxSecNotifyAddr$, reason '$tmnxSecSSHSessionFailedReason$' |
Cause | The tmnxSSHSessionFailed notification is generated upon the failure of an SSH session establishment. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddrType indicates the type of the IP address stored in the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAddr indicates the source IP address of the user attempting to establish the SSH session. The value of the object tmnxSecSSHSessionFailedReason indicates the reason of the establishment failure. |
Effect | SSH session is not established and connection is closed. |
Recovery | No recovery action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2209 |
Event name | tmnxStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ changed administrative state: $tmnxNotifyRowAdminState$, operational state: $tmnxNotifyRowOperState$ |
Cause | There was a change in either the adminstrative or operational state of a MIB table entry. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2092 |
Event name | tmnxSysLicenseExpiresSoon |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.60 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The license installed on $tmnxHwIndex$ expires $tmnxSysLicenseTimeLeft$. |
Cause | The tmnxSysLicenseExpiresSoon notification is generated when the license is due to expire soon. |
Effect | The system will reboot at the end of the time remaining, as specified by tmnxSysLicenseTimeLeft. |
Recovery | Configure a valid license file location and file name. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2091 |
Event name | tmnxSysLicenseInvalid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.59 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Error - $tmnxSysLicenseErrorReason$ record. $tmnxHwIndex$ will $tmnxSysLicenseErrorAction$ $tmnxSysLicenseTimeLeft$. |
Cause | The tmnxSysLicenseInvalid notification is generated when the license becomes invalid for the reason specified in tmnxSysLicenseErrorReason. |
Effect | The CPM or system will reboot at the end of the time remaining, as specified by tmnxSysLicenseTimeLeft and tmnxSysLicenseErrorAction. |
Recovery | Configure a valid license file location and file name, given the value of tmnxSysLicenseErrorReason. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2102 |
Event name | tmnxSysLicenseValid |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.67 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxHwIndex$ is running with a valid license. |
Cause | The tmnxSysLicenseValid notification is generated once after the system boots up and the license is determined by the system to be valid. |
Effect | The system is running with the license specified in tmnxSysLicenseName. |
Recovery | No recovery. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2239 |
Event name | tmnxUserPasswordChangedByAdmin |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.64 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User '$tmnxSecNotifyAdminUserName$' changed the password for user '$tmnxSecNotifyLocalUserName$' |
Cause | The tmnxUserPasswordChangedByAdmin notification is generated upon the change of a password of a local user by a user with administrative rights. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyLocalUserName indicates the user name for which the password has been changed. The value of the object tmnxSecNotifyAdminUserName indicates the user name of the user who has changed the password. |
Effect | Local user will be able to authenticate to the system with the new password only. |
Recovery | No recovery action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2111 |
Event name | tmnxUsrProfSessionLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.tmnxSecurityNotifications.43 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxSessionLimitExceededType$ of user profile '$tmnxSessionLimitExceededName$' has been exceeded |
Cause | The tmnxUsrProfSessionLimitExceeded notification is generated when an attempt to establish a new user access session is not successful because any of SSH / Telnet / Total session limits defined for the profile of which the user is a member has been exceeded. The value of the object tmnxSessionLimitExceededName indicates the name of the user profile of which the session limit has been exceeded. The value of the object tmnxSessionLimitExceededType indicates the type of the session limit that has been exceeded. |
Effect | The user access session has not been established. |
Recovery | An administrator may execute one of the following actions in order to allow a successful session establishment: 1) force disconnection of an existing session(s) using 'admin disconnect' CLI command 2) increase the value of the session limit using CLI or SNMP SET operation on the corresponding object in tmnxUserProfileTable 3) revoke the profile membership for the particular user (beware that this action may have impact on user's priviledges) |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | user_disconnect |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | User $userName$ from $srcAddr$ logged out by $disconnectedBy$ |
Cause | A user was logged out by the administrator. |
Effect | The user's console/telnet/ftp session terminated. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2073 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpDynamicConform |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.54 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ newly conformant at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$vRtrIfDcpFpProtocol$(dynamic). Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpDynExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpDynamicConform notification is generated when the protocol for a particular network-interface has been detected as conformant for a period of the configured detection-time after having been previously detected as exceeding and completed any hold-down period. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtStaticPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'enable' or 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected network-interface is now in conformance with the parameters configured for the associated distributed CPU protection policy. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2078 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpDynamicEnforceAlloc |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.59 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Dynamic $vRtrIfDcpFpProtocol$ policers allocated for network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpDynamicEnforceAlloc notification is generated when a dynamic enforcement policer is allocated on a particular network-interface. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtProtocolDynLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected network-interface is not in conformance with the configured parameters of the associated distributed CPU protection policy and may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected network-interface may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2079 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpDynamicEnforceFreed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.60 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Dynamic $vRtrIfDcpFpProtocol$ policers freed for network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpDynExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpDynamicEnforceFreed notification is generated when a dynamic enforcement policer is freed on a particular network-interface. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtProtocolDynLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected network-interface is now in conformance with the configured parameters of the associated distributed CPU protection policy. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2067 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpDynamicExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.48 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Non conformant network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ detected at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$vRtrIfDcpFpProtocol$(dynamic). Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpDynExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpDynamicExcd notification is generated when the protocol on a particular network-interface has been detected as non-conformant to the associated distributed CPU protection policy parameters. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtProtocolDynLogEvent is configured to 'enable' or 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected network-interface may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. This notification may indicate a Denial of Service attack or a misconfiguration in the network. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected network-interface may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2071 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpDynamicHoldDownEnd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.52 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Hold-down completed for network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$vRtrIfDcpFpProtocol$(dynamic). Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpDynExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpDynamicHoldDownEnd notification is generated when a particular network-interface completes hold-down period for an exceeding protocol. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtProtocolDynLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The protocol for an affected network-interface will transition to a detection-time countdown after the hold-down period is complete. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2069 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpDynamicHoldDownStart |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.50 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Hold-down started for network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$vRtrIfDcpFpProtocol$(dynamic). Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpDynExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpDynamicHoldDownStart notification is generated when a particular network-interface starts hold-down period for an exceeding protocol. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtProtocolDynLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The protocol will treat all packets as non-conformant during the hold-down period. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2074 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpLocMonExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.55 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Local monitor $vRtrIfDcpFpLocMonPlcrName$ for network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ detected as non-conformant at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpLocMonExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpLocMonExcd notification is generated when the local-monitoring-policer for a particular network-interface has transitioned from a conformant state to a non-conformant state and the system will attempt to allocate dymanic enforcement policers. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtLocMonPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected network-interface may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. This notification may indicate a Denial of Service attack or a misconfiguration in the network. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected network-interface may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2076 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpLocMonExcdAllDynAlloc |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.57 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | All dynamic policers allocated for local monitor $vRtrIfDcpFpLocMonPlcrName$ for network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpLocMonExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpLocMonExcdAllDynAlloc notification is generated when all dynamic enforcement policers associated with a non-conformant local-monitoring-policer have been successfully allocated for a particular network-interface. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtLocMonPlcrLogEvent is configure to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected network-interface may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected network-interface may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2077 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpLocMonExcdAllDynFreed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.58 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | All dynamic policers freed for local monitor $vRtrIfDcpFpLocMonPlcrName$ for network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpLocMonExcdAllDynFreed notification is generated for a particular network-interface when all the previously allocated dynamic enforcement policers for a particular local-monitoring-policer on the associated distributed CPU protection policy have been freed up and all the protocols are once again being monitored by local-monitor. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtLocMonPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected network-interface may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2075 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpLocMonExcdDynResource |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.56 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Local monitor $vRtrIfDcpFpLocMonPlcrName$ for network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ detected as non-conformant at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$ and cannot allocate dynamic policers. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpLocMonExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpLocMonExcdDynResource notification is generated when the local-monitoring-policer for a particular network-interface has transitioned from a conformant state to a non-conformant state and the system cannot allocate all the dynamic enforcements policers associated with the distributed CPU protection policy . This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtLocMonPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'enable' or 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected network-interface may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. This notification may indicate a Denial of Service attack or a misconfiguration in the network. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected network-interface or to the dynamic enforcement policer pool (TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB.mib::tmnxFPDCpuProtDynEnfrcPlcrPool). |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2072 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpStaticConform |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.53 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ newly conformant at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$vRtrIfDcpFpStaticPlcrName$(static). Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpStaticExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpStaticConform notification is generated when the static-policer for a particular network-interface has been detected as conformant for a period of the configured detection-time after having been previously detected as exceeding and completed any hold-down period. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtStaticPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'enable' or 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected network-interface is now in conformance with the parameters configured for the associated distributed CPU protection policy. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2066 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpStaticExcd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.47 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Non conformant network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ detected at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$vRtrIfDcpFpStaticPlcrName$(static). Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpStaticExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpStaticExcd notification is generated when the static-policer on a particular network-interface has been detected as non-conformant to the associated distributed CPU protection policy parameters. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtStaticPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'enable' or 'verbose'. |
Effect | The affected network-interface may be using more resources than expected and cause the system to under-perform. This notification may indicate a Denial of Service attack or a misconfiguration in the network. |
Recovery | Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected network-interface may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2070 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpStaticHoldDownEnd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.51 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Hold-down completed for network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$vRtrIfDcpFpStaticPlcrName$(static). Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpStaticExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpStaticHoldDownEnd notification is generated when a particular network-interface completes hold-down period for an exceeding static-policer. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtStaticPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The static-policer for an affected network-interface will transition to a detection-time countdown after the hold-down period is complete. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SECURITY |
Event ID | 2068 |
Event name | vRtrIfDcpStaticHoldDownStart |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.49 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Hold-down started for network_if $vRtrIfIndex$ on fp $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxFPNum$ at $vRtrIfDcpTimeEventOccured$. Policy $vRtrIfDCpuProtPolicy$. Policer=$vRtrIfDcpFpStaticPlcrName$(static). Excd count=$vRtrIfDcpFpStaticExcdCount$ |
Cause | The vRtrIfDcpStaticHoldDownStart notification is generated when a particular network-interface starts hold-down period for an exceeding static-policer. This notification is generated when TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB.mib::tmnxDCpuProtStaticPlcrLogEvent is configured to 'verbose'. |
Effect | The static-policer will treat all packets as non-conformant during the hold-down period. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SFLOW |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxSflowCpEntrySampling |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SFLOW-MIB.tmnxSflowNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | sFlow counter poller sampling - $tmnxSflowNotifyFlowFailReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxSflowCpEntrySampling event is generated when the sampling of an sFlow counter poller is interrupted or started. |
Effect | Counter sampling may not be available. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SFLOW |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxSflowPacketTxFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SFLOW-MIB.tmnxSflowNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | sFlow failed to send packet to receiver - $tmnxSflowNotifyFlowFailReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxSflowPacketTxFailure event is generated when an sFlow packet fails to transmit from an active sFlow receiver. |
Effect | Flow data may be lost. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SNMP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | authenticationFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | SNMPv2-MIB.snmpTraps.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Request PDU failed authentication - community = $subject$, from IP/UDP $sourceUDP$ |
Cause | An authenticationFailure trap signifies that the SNMP entity has received a protocol message that is not properly authenticated. While all implementations of SNMP entities MAY be capable of generating this trap, the snmpEnableAuthenTraps object indicates whether this trap will be generated. |
Effect | The offending PDU is ignored. The requester will time out waiting for a response. |
Recovery | If the PDU was from a legitimate requester, then 1) configure the requester to use correct authentication, privacy, MP method, etc. 2) configure the agent to have corresponding access If the PDU was not from a legitimate requester, then use the printed IP address to find the source of the PDU and deal with it appropriately. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SNMP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | coldStart |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | SNMPv2-MIB.snmpTraps.1 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | SNMP agent cold start |
Cause | The SNMP agent was started. The coldStart trap signifies that the SNMP entity, supporting a notification originator application, is reinitializing itself and that its configuration may have been altered. |
Effect | The system will respond to SNMP requests. The system will send SNMP notifications. Applications will notice counter discontinuities. System configuration may have been altered. |
Recovery | To recover from counter discontinuities, re-poll relevent counters to establish a new baseline. Re-poll relevent objects to discover present configuration. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SNMP |
Event ID | 2102 |
Event name | fallingAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | RMON-MIB.rmonEventsV2.2 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | RMON alarm: $alarmDescription$ |
Cause | An RMON alarm entry crossed its falling threshold and generated an event that is configured for sending SNMP traps. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SNMP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | linkDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | SNMPv2-MIB.snmpTraps.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Interface $subject$ is not operational |
Cause | A linkDown trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for one of its communication links is about to enter the down state from some other state (but not from the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus. |
Effect | The indicated interface is taken down. |
Recovery | If the ifAdminStatus is 'down' then the interface state is deliberate and there is no recovery. If the ifAdminStatus is 'up' then try to determine that cause of the interface going down: cable cut, distal end went down, etc. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SNMP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | linkUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | SNMPv2-MIB.snmpTraps.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Interface $subject$ is operational |
Cause | A linkUp trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for one of its communication links left the down state and transitioned into some other state (but not into the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus. |
Effect | The indicated interface is brought up. |
Recovery | There is no recovery. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SNMP |
Event ID | 2101 |
Event name | risingAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | RMON-MIB.rmonEventsV2.1 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | RMON alarm: $alarmDescription$ |
Cause | An RMON alarm entry crossed its rising threshold and generated an event that is configured for sending SNMP traps. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SNMP |
Event ID | 2201 |
Event name | snmpdError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.21 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | SNMP Error: $tmnxSnmpdErrorMsg$ |
Cause | The Snmp daemon detected an error. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SNMP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | warmStart |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | SNMPv2-MIB.snmpTraps.2 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | SNMP agent warm start |
Cause | The SNMP agent was re-started. A warmStart trap signifies that the SNMP entity, supporting a notification originator application, is reinitializing itself such that its configuration is unaltered. |
Effect | The system will respond to SNMP requests. The system will send SNMP notifications. Applications will notice counter discontinuities. System configuration has not been altered. |
Recovery | To recover from counter discontinuities, re-poll relevent counters to establish a new baseline. There is no need to re-poll relevent objects to discover present configuration. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | higherPriorityBridge |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Bridge $tmnxCustomerBridgeId$ with root bridge $tmnxCustomerRootBridgeId$ has higher priority, for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) on SAP $sapEncapValue$ |
Cause | A customer's device has been configured with a bridge priority equal to zero. |
Effect | The SAP that the customer's device is connected through will be blocked. |
Recovery | Remove the customer's device or reconfigure the customer's bridge priority with a value greater than zero. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | newRootBridge |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | New root elected for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to bridge parameter change |
Cause | The previous root bridge has been aged out and a new root bridge has been elected. |
Effect | The new root bridge creates a new spanning tree topology which may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. |
Recovery | Check new topology against provisioned topology and determine the severity of connectivity loss. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | newRootSap |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | New root elected for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to SAP $sapEncapValue$ |
Cause | The previous root bridge has been aged out and a new root bridge has been elected. |
Effect | The new root bridge creates a new spanning tree topology which may denote a loss of customer access or redundancy. |
Recovery | Check new topology against provisioned topology and determine the severity of connectivity loss. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | newRootVcpState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | New root elected for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to VCP state change |
Cause | The previous root bridge has been aged out and a new root bridge has been elected. |
Effect | The new root bridge creates a new spanning tree topology which may denote a loss of customer access or redundancy. |
Recovery | Check new topology against provisioned topology and determine the severity of connectivity loss |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2056 |
Event name | pipActiveProtocolChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.42 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) PIP active protocol changed. |
Cause | The spanning tree protocol on this PIP changed from RSTP to STP or vise versa. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | receivedTCN |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TCN received for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) on SAP $sapEncapValue$ |
Cause | A SAP has received a TCN from another bridge. |
Effect | This bridge will either have its Config bpdu with topology change flag set if it is a root bridge, or it will pass TCN to its root bridge. Eventually the address aging timer for the forwarding database will be made shorter for a short period of time. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2050 |
Event name | sapActiveProtocolChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.30 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) SAP $sapPortId$:$sapEncapValue$ active protocol changed to $sapTlsStpOperProtocol$. |
Cause | The spanning tree protocol on this SAP changed from RSTP to STP or vise versa. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | sapEncapDot1d |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) SAP $sapEncapValue$ encapsulation changed to 802.1d, bridged with $tmnxOtherBridgeId$ |
Cause | The SAP STP received a BPDU that was 802.1d encapsulated. |
Effect | The SAP STP's BPDUs will be 802.1d encapsulated. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | sapEncapPVST |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) SAP $sapEncapValue$ encapsulation changed to PVST, bridged with $tmnxOtherBridgeId$ |
Cause | The SAP STP received a BPDU that was PVST encapsulated. |
Effect | The SAP STP's BPDUs will be PVST encapsulated. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | tmnxNewCistRegionalRootBridge |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.33 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | New $svcStpRegionalName$root $svcTlsStpCistRegionalRoot$ elected in service $svcId$ |
Cause | A STP selected a new regional root for the CIST. |
Effect | The query will be ignored. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxNewMstiRegionalRootBridge |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.34 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | New MSTI regional root $tlsMstiRegionalRoot$ elected in service $svcId$. Msti-InstanceId: $svcMstiInstanceId$ |
Cause | A STP selected a new regional root for the MSTI. |
Effect | The query will be ignored. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2055 |
Event name | tmnxPipStpExcepCondStateChng |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.41 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The stp exception condition state for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) on PIP has chnaged to $tlsPipStpException$ |
Cause | The STP exception state has changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | tmnxSapStpExcepCondStateChng |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.37 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The stp exception condition state for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) on SAP $sapEncapValue$ has chnaged to $sapTlsStpException$ |
Cause | A STP exception state has changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | tmnxSdpBndStpExcepCondStateChng |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.38 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The Stp Exception condition has changed to $sdpBindTlsStpException$ in service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ |
Cause | The STP exception condition has changed on an SDP Binding." |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | tmnxStpMeshNotInMstRegion |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.36 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | A MSTP BPDU from outside the MST region is received on mesh SDP $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$. The mesh will not become operational! |
Cause | A MSTP BPDU from outside the MST region is received on the mesh SDP. |
Effect | The query will be ignored. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tmnxStpRootGuardViolation |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.35 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | A root-guard violation is detected for service $svcId$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ |
Cause | A STP detects a root-guard violation. |
Effect | The query will be ignored. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tmnxSvcNewRootSdpBind |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.15 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | New root bridge $svcTlsStpDesignatedRoot$ elected for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ |
Cause | The previous root bridge has been aged out and a new root bridge has been elected. |
Effect | The new root bridge creates a new spanning tree topology which may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. |
Recovery | Check new topology against provisioned topology and determine the severity of connectivity loss. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2051 |
Event name | tmnxSvcSdpActiveProtocolChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.31 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ active changed to $sdpBindTlsStpOperProtocol$. |
Cause | The spanning tree protocol on an SDP changed from RSTP to STP or vise versa. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tmnxSvcSdpBindEncapDot1d |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.20 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ encapsulation changed to 802.1d, bridged with $tmnxOtherBridgeId$ |
Cause | The SDP Binding STP received a BPDU that was 802.1d encapsulated. |
Effect | The SDP Binding STP's BPDUs will be 802.1d encapsulated. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | tmnxSvcSdpBindEncapPVST |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.19 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ encapsulation changed to PVST, bridged with $tmnxOtherBridgeId$ |
Cause | The SDP Binding STP received a BPDU that was PVST encapsulated. |
Effect | The SDP Binding STP's BPDUs will be PVST encapsulated. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tmnxSvcSdpBindRcvdHigherBriPrio |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.18 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Bridge $tmnxCustomerBridgeId$ with root bridge $tmnxCustomerRootBridgeId$ has higher priority, for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ |
Cause | A customer's device has been configured with a bridge priority equal to zero. |
Effect | The SDP Binding that the customer's device is connected through will be blocked. |
Recovery | Remove the customer's device or reconfigure the customer's bridge priority with a value greater than zero. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | tmnxSvcSdpBindRcvdTCN |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.17 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TCN received for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ |
Cause | A SDP Binding has received TCN from another bridge. |
Effect | This bridge will either have its Config bpdu with topology change flag set if it is a root bridge, or it will pass TCN to its root bridge. Eventually the address aging timer for the forwarding database will be made shorter for a short period of time. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tmnxSvcTopoChgSdpBindMajorState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Topology change for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ state change from $tmnxOldSdpBindTlsStpPortState$ to $sdpBindTlsStpPortState$ |
Cause | A SDP Binding has transitioned its state from learning to forwarding or from forwarding to blocking or broken. |
Effect | The spanning tree topology has been modified which may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. |
Recovery | Check new topology against provisioned topology and determine the severity of connectivity loss. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tmnxSvcTopoChgSdpBindState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Topology change for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ state change from $tmnxOldSdpBindTlsStpPortState$ to $sdpBindTlsStpPortState$ |
Cause | A SDP Binding has transitioned state to blocking or broken from a state other than forwarding. This event complements what is not covered by topologyChangeSapMajorState. |
Effect | The spanning tree topology has been modified which may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. |
Recovery | Check new topology against provisioned topology and determine the severity of connectivity loss. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2053 |
Event name | topologyChangePipMajorState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.39 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Topology change for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to PIP major state change |
Cause | PIP has transitioned its state from learning to forwarding or from forwarding to blocking or broken. |
Effect | The spanning tree topology has been modified which may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. |
Recovery | Check new topology against provisioned topology and determine the severity of connectivity loss |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2054 |
Event name | topologyChangePipState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.40 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Topology change for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to PIP state change |
Cause | PIP has transitioned state to blocking or broken from a state other than forwarding. This event complements what is not covered by topologyChangePipMajorState. |
Effect | The spanning tree topology has been modified which may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. |
Recovery | Check new topology against provisioned topology and determine severity of connectivity loss. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | topologyChangeSapMajorState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Topology change for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to SAP $sapEncapValue$ major state change |
Cause | A SAP has transitioned its state from learning to forwarding or from forwarding to blocking or broken. |
Effect | The spanning tree topology has been modified which may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. |
Recovery | Check new topology against provisioned topology and determine the severity of connectivity loss. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | topologyChangeSapState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Topology change for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to SAP $sapEncapValue$ state change |
Cause | A SAP has transitioned state to blocking or broken from a state other than forwarding. This event complements what is not covered by topologyChangeSapMajorState. |
Effect | The spanning tree topology has been modified which may denote a loss of customer access or redundancy. |
Recovery | Check new topology against provisioned topology and determine the severity of connectivity loss. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | topologyChangeVcpState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Topology change for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to VCP state change to $tmnxVcpState$ |
Cause | A VCP has transitioned its state from disabled to forwarding or from forwarding to disabled. |
Effect | The spanning tree topology has been modified which may denote a loss of customer access or redundancy. |
Recovery | Check new topology against provisioned topology and determine the severity of connectivity loss. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | unacknowledgedTCN |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TCN sent for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) to SDP $sdpId$ is unacknowledged |
Cause | A TCN sent towards the root bridge on the root port (SAP) has not been acknowledged within allowed time. |
Effect | A portion of the spanning tree topology may not have been notified that a topology change has taken place. FDB tables on some devices may take significantly longer to represent the new distribution of layer-2 addresses. |
Recovery | Diagnose this device and devices towards the root bridge for STP issues. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | STP |
Event ID | 2052 |
Event name | vcpActiveProtocolChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.tstpTraps.32 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ (customer $custId$)VCP Active protocol changed to $svcTlsStpVcpOperProtocol$. |
Cause | The spanning tree protocol on a VCP changed from RSTP to STP or vise versa. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | aluSapCemActiveMultipathStateChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-SERVICE-MIB.aluServNotifyObjs.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | Generated if aluSapCemActiveMultipathStateChgCnt increased since the last poll. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2320 |
Event name | dynamicSdpBindConfigChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.25 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The configuration for dynamic $dynamicSdpOrigin$ SDP Bind $svcL2RteSdpBindId$ $sdpMSPwPeId$ was $dynamicSdpStatus$. |
Cause | The dynamicSdpBindConfigChanged notification is generated when a dynamic SDP Bind is 'created', 'modified', or 'deleted'. New state of the SDP Bind is indicated by the value of dynamicSdpStatus. The affected SDP is indicated by the value of 'sdpId' or by Spoke-SDP FEC identifier 'sdpMSPwPeId'. |
Effect | This is an informational notification. Depending on the type of change, new layer-2 route may have been created, modified or deleted. |
Recovery | No recovery action is required." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2322 |
Event name | dynamicSdpBindCreationFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.27 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The system failed to create a dynamic $dynamicSdpOrigin$ SDP Bind on SDP $sdpId$ for the following reason: $dynamicSdpBindCreationError$. |
Cause | The system failed to create a dynamic SDP Bind. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2319 |
Event name | dynamicSdpConfigChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.24 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The configuration for dynamic $dynamicSdpOrigin$ SDP $sdpId$ was $dynamicSdpStatus$. |
Cause | A dynamic SDP was 'created', 'modified', or 'deleted'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2321 |
Event name | dynamicSdpCreationFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.26 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The system failed to create a dynamic $dynamicSdpOrigin$ SDP for the following reason: $dynamicSdpCreationError$. |
Cause | The system failed to create a dynamic SDP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2206 |
Event name | hostConnectivityLost |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | host connectivity lost on $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ for inetAddr = $hostConnectivityCiAddr$, chAddr=$hostConnectivityChAddr$, verify-addr=$sapNotifyIpAddr$. |
Cause | The system lost the conectivity with a host. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2207 |
Event name | hostConnectivityRestored |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | host connectivity restored on $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$, for inetAddr = $hostConnectivityCiAddr$, chAddr=$hostConnectivityChAddr$, verify-addr=$sapNotifyIpAddr$. |
Cause | Connectivity to a host has been restored. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2108 |
Event name | iesIfStatusChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Status of interface $iesIfName$ in service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) changed to admin=$iesIfAdminStatus$ oper=$iesIfOperStatus$ |
Cause | There was a change in the administrative or operating status of an IES interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2214 |
Event name | msapCreationFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.26 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The system could not create a Managed SAP:$sapNotifyEncapValue$ MAC:$sapTlsNotifyMacAddr$, Capturing SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$. Description: $svcManagedSapCreationError$ |
Cause | The system failed to create a managed SAP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2213 |
Event name | msapStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.25 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Managed SAP, $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$, has been $msapStatus$ |
Cause | A managed SAP was 'created', 'modified', or 'deleted'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2540 |
Event name | sapAtmPppNcpFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.32 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ATM PPP $sapPppNcpFailureProtocol$ phase failure for user $sapNotifyName$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $sapNotifyReason$ |
Cause | The sapAtmPppNcpFailure notification indicates that there is a NCP phase setup problem. The problem is described in the object sapNotifyReason. The PPP user name is specified in the sapNotifyName. |
Effect | The user that attempted to set up the PPP session cannot establish the desired connection. |
Recovery | Depending on the reason indicated by sapNotifyReason, corrective action may be necessary. However, it is possible that the failure is caused by the user's equipment configuration or by erroneous input by the user. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2539 |
Event name | sapAtmPppSessionFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.31 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ATM PPP session failure for user $sapNotifyName$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $sapNotifyReason$ |
Cause | The sapAtmPppSessionFailure notification indicates that the system could not create a new PPPoA session. The problem is described in the object sapNotifyReason. The PPP user name is specified in the sapNotifyName. |
Effect | The user that attempted to set up the PPP session cannot establish the desired connection. |
Recovery | Depending on the reason indicated by sapNotifyReason, corrective action may be necessary. However, it is possible that the failure is caused by the user's equipment configuration or by erroneous input by the user. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2211 |
Event name | sapCemPacketDefectAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.23 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ (customer $custId$): Alarm '$sapCemReportAlarmStatus$' Set. |
Cause | The CEM SAP experienced a persistent defect over a 3 second window. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2212 |
Event name | sapCemPacketDefectAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.24 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ (customer $custId$): Alarm '$sapCemReportAlarmStatus$' Cleared. |
Cause | The CEM SAP no longer experiences 30 percent or more packet errors in a 10 second window. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2230 |
Event name | sapEthLoopbackStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.54 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Started loopback on SAP $sapEncapValue$ $sapEthLoopbackMode$ in service $svcId$. |
Cause | The sapEthLoopbackStarted notification is generated when the SAP is placed into loopback. |
Effect | This notification is informational only. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2231 |
Event name | sapEthLoopbackStopped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.55 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Stopped loopback on SAP $sapEncapValue$ $sapEthLoopbackMode$ in service $svcId$. |
Cause | The sapEthLoopbackStopped notification is generated when the SAP is removed from loopback. |
Effect | This notification is informational only. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2526 |
Event name | sapHostBGPPeeringSetupFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.27 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The system could not set up a BGP Neighbor for host $sapBGPPeeringHostIpAddr$ on SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$. BGP peering attributes discarded: $sapBGPPeeringAttrDiscarded$. Description: $sapBGPPeeringNotifDescription$ |
Cause | The system was unable to create a BGP neighbor and set up BGP peering for a given host. Possible causes are: - no ESM (Enhanced Subscriber Management) configured on the SAP - a wrong anti-spoof type is configured on the SAP (should be nh-mac) - the group interface is not operational - the host is not forwarding - the host is in dual homed setup - the system limit of BGP neighbors is reached - one or more BGP peering attributes attributes are invalid - BGP is not configured in the service - not enough memory. |
Effect | No BGP neighbor was created for this host. BPP peering attributes might have been deleted; whether or not they were, is indicated by the value of sapBGPPeeringAttrDiscarded. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2065 |
Event name | sapHostRipListenerSetupFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.57 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The system could not set up a RIP lsistener for host $sapRipListenerHostIpAddr$ on SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$.Description: $sapRipListenerNotifDescription$ |
Cause | To be documented |
Effect | To be documented |
Recovery | No recovery is required on this system. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2245 |
Event name | sapIfIgnorePortStateStart |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.61 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Ignoring SAP port state in service: $svcId$ for IP interface $sapNotifyIfName$. |
Cause | The sapIfIgnorePortStateStart notification is generated when system starts to ignore non-operational state of the port associated with the IP interface. |
Effect | This notification is informational only. |
Recovery | Set sapL3LoopbackRowStatus to 'destroy' to stop this. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2246 |
Event name | sapIfIgnorePortStateStop |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.62 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Stopped ignoring SAP port state in service: $svcId$ for IP interface $sapNotifyIfName$. |
Cause | The sapIfIgnorePortStateStop notification is generated when system stops to ignore non-operational state of the port associated with the IP interface. |
Effect | This notification is informational only. |
Recovery | None required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2543 |
Event name | sapIpipeCeIpAddrChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.33 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CE IP address $sapIpipeCeIpAddress$ is discovered on Ipipe SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$. |
Cause | The sapIpipeCeIpAddrChange notification indicates that an IP address has been discovered for the local end host of a specified IPIPE SAP. The IP address type is specified by sapIpipeCeIpAddrType. The IP address is specified by sapIpipeCeIpAddress. |
Effect | The IP address specified by sapIpipeCeIpAddress and of type sapIpipeCeIpAddrType has been discovered for the local end host. |
Recovery | No action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2210 |
Event name | sapPortStateChangeProcessed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.21 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Processing of an access port state change event is finished and the status of all affected SAPs on port $sapNotifyPortId$ has been updated. |
Cause | The processing of all SAPs affected by a port state change event, linkUp or linkDown, has finished. |
Effect | When a port changes state as a result of a linkUp or linkDown event, all SAPs associated with that port also change state. The sapStatusChanged events are suppressed and when the processing of state changes for all SAPs associated with the port is finished, a single sapPortStateChangeProcessed event is generated. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2208 |
Event name | sapReceivedProtSrcMac |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Protected MAC $protectedMacForNotify$ received on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$. |
Cause | A protected source MAC was received on a TLS SAP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2203 |
Event name | sapStatusChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Status of SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) changed to admin=$sapAdminStatus$ oper=$sapOperStatus$ flags=$sapOperFlags$ |
Cause | There was a change in the administrative or operating status of an SAP. Notice that this event is not generated when the SAP operating status change was caused by an operating status change on the associated access port." |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2532 |
Event name | sapTlsDataSapInstStatusChgd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.28 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Data SAP instantiation status for service $svcId$ SAP $sapEncapValue$ changed to $sapTlsDataSapInstStatus$ with last-error: $sapTlsDataSapInstLastErr$ |
Cause | Data SAP instantiation status changed |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2205 |
Event name | sapTlsMacAddrLimitAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Number of MAC addr learned by SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ dropped below the LowWaterMark. |
Cause | The number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB for this SAP dropped below the low watermark. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2204 |
Event name | sapTlsMacAddrLimitAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Number of MAC addr learned by SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ reached the HighWaterMark. |
Cause | The number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB for this SAP exceeded the the high watermark." |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2209 |
Event name | sapTlsMacMoveExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.17 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mac move rate for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$), MAC $sapTlsNotifyMacAddr$ exceeded $svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate$ and will retry in $sapTlsMacMoveNextUpTime$ seconds (retries left=$sapTlsMacMoveRateExcdLeft$ admin=$sapAdminStatus$ oper=$sapOperStatus$) - detected on SAP $sapEncapValue$ |
Cause | The TLS svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate has been exceeded for the SAP. |
Effect | The interface will be brought down and then brought back up automatically in sapTlsMacMoveNextUpTime seconds if retries are left as indicated by sapTlsMacMoveRateExcdLeft. |
Recovery | If there are retries left, as indicated by sapTlsMacMoveRateExcdLeft, the interface will be brought back up automatically in sapTlsMacMoveNextUpTime seconds. If no retries are left, the interface must be manually brought back up by an adminstrator. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2229 |
Event name | sapTlsMacMoveExceedNonBlock |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.53 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mac move rate for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$), MAC $sapTlsNotifyMacAddr$ exceeded $svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate$ - detected on SAP $sapEncapValue$ |
Cause | The sapTlsMacMoveExceedNonBlock notification is generated when the SAP exceeds the TLS svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate when sapTlsLimitMacMove is set to 'nonBlocking'.In case of Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB), if the MAC address that exceeds the rate is ISID-VPLS(iVpls) FDB and sap binding that detects the move is in Backbone-VPLS(bVpls), the notification will be generated with svcId, custId of I-VPLS and B-VPLS sapId. |
Effect | This notification is informational only. |
Recovery | User can adjust the value of svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate to reduce the frequency of this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2232 |
Event name | sapTunnelEncapIpMtuTooSmall |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.56 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Addition of tunnel encapsulation at IP tunnel $sapTunnelNotifyName$ on SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$ with configured MTU of $sapTunnelNotifyConfigIpMtu$, having encapsulated MTU of $sapTunnelNotifyConfigEncapIpMtu$ has an overhead of $sapTunnelNotifyEncapOverhead$. |
Cause | The sapTunnelEncapIpMtuTooSmall notification is generated when the addition of tunnel encapsulation to a packet at or near the IP Tunnel's configured IP MTU may cause it to exceed the tunnel's configured encapsulated IP MTU. |
Effect | The pre-encapsulated packet may be fragmented, and will require reassembly by the tunnel remote endpoint, causing a performance impact. |
Recovery | Configured IP MTU and/or encapsulated IP MTU may need to be changed depending on the size of the encapsulation overhead as indicated in 'sapTunnelNotifyEncapOverhead', and the transmission capabilities of the tunnel's transport network. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2535 |
Event name | sapTunnelStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.30 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Operational State of Tunnel $sapTunnelNotifyName$ has changed to $sapTunnelNotifyState$ due to $sapTunnelNotifyReason$ |
Cause | The trap sapTunnelStateChange is sent when IPsec/GRE tunnel indicated by sapTunnelNotifyName changes state to 'down' due to sapTunnelNotifyReason. |
Effect | IPsec/GRE tunnel associated with the SAP will remain in this state until a corrective action is taken. |
Recovery | Depending on the reason indicated by sapTunnelNotifyReason, corrective action should be taken. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2317 |
Event name | sdpBandwidthOverbooked |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.22 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The booked bandwidth $sdpBookedBandwidth$ of SDP $sdpId$ has exceeded the max bookable bandwidth $sdpMaxBookableBandwidth$. |
Cause | The booked bandwidth that has been allocated to the SDP bindings exceeded the maximum bookable bandwidth. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2328 |
Event name | sdpBindEthLoopbackStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.33 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Started loopback on SDP binding $sdpBindId$ $sdpBindEthLoopbackMode$ in service $svcId$. |
Cause | The sdpBindEthLoopbackStarted notification is generated when the SDP binding is placed into loopback. |
Effect | This notification is informational only. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2329 |
Event name | sdpBindEthLoopbackStopped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.34 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Stopped loopback on SDP binding $sdpBindId$ $sdpBindEthLoopbackMode$ in service $svcId$. |
Cause | The sdpBindEthLoopbackStopped notification is generated when the SDP binding is removed from loopback. |
Effect | This notification is informational only. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2318 |
Event name | sdpBindInsufficientBandwidth |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.23 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The available bandwidth $sdpAvailableBandwidth$ of SDP cannot satisfy the bandwidth $sdpBindAdminBandwidth$ required by the SDP Bind $sdpBindId$. |
Cause | The available bandwidth of the SDP is insufficient to satisfy the bandwidth requirement required by a SDP binding. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2324 |
Event name | sdpBindIpipeCeIpAddressChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.29 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | CE IP address $sdpBindIpipeCeIpAddress$ is discovered on Ipipe SDP bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$. |
Cause | The sdpBindIpipeCeIpAddressChange notification indicates an IP address has been discovered for the far end CE device on a specified IPIPE SDP. The type of IP address is specified by sdpBindIpipeCeIpAddrType. The IP address is specified by sdpBindIpipeCeIpAddress. |
Effect | The IP address specified by sdpBindIpipeCeIpAddress and of type sdpBindIpipeCeIpAddrType has been discovered on the remote CE device. |
Recovery | No action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2326 |
Event name | sdpBindPwLocalStatusBitsChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.31 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Status of SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) local PW status bits changed to $sdpBindPwLocalStatusBitsString$ |
Cause | The sdpBindPwLocalStatusBitsChanged notification is generated when there is a change in the local PW status bits. |
Effect | Based on the change in the sdpBindPwLocalStatusBits traffic on the SDP-BIND may be impacted. |
Recovery | Based on the change in the sdpBindPwLocalStatusBits appropriate configuration changes may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2315 |
Event name | sdpBindPwPeerFaultAddrChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.16 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Status of SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) peer PW status IP address changed to $sdpBindPwFaultInetAddress$ |
Cause | There was a change in the IP address included in the PW status message sent by the peer. This event is only generated if the IP address is the only information in the status message that changed. If the status bits changed as well, then the sdpBindPwPeerStatusBitsChanged event will be generated instead. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2313 |
Event name | sdpBindPwPeerStatusBitsChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.14 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Status of SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) peer PW status bits changed to $sdpBindPwPeerStatusBitsString$ |
Cause | There was a change in the PW status bits received from the peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2325 |
Event name | sdpBindReceivedProtSrcMac |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.30 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Protected MAC $protectedMacForNotify$ received on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$. |
Cause | The sdpBindReceivedProtSrcMac notification is generated when a protected source MAC is received on a TLS SDP-BIND with sdpBindTlsRestProtSrcMac 'true', or if the TLS SDP-BIND belongs to an SHG with tlsShgRestProtSrcMac set to 'true'. |
Effect | If the sdpBindTlsRestProtSrcMacAction is set to 'discardFrame', the frame will be discarded. |
Recovery | No action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2316 |
Event name | sdpBindSdpStateChangeProcessed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.20 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Processing of a SDP state change event is finished and the status of all affected SDP Bindings on SDP $sdpNotifySdpId$ has been updated. |
Cause | The processing of all SDP Bindings affected by a SDP state change event has finished. |
Effect | When a SDP changes state, all SDP Bindings associated with that SDP also change state. The sdpBindStatusChanged events are suppressed and when the processing of state changes for all SAPs associated with the port is finished, a single sdpBindSdpStateChangeProcessed event is generated. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2306 |
Event name | sdpBindStatusChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Status of SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) changed to admin=$sdpBindAdminStatus$ oper=$sdpBindOperStatus$ flags=$sdpBindOperFlags$ |
Cause | There was a change in the administrative or operating status of an SDP Binding. This event is not generated whenever the SDP Binding operating status change is caused by an operating status change on the associated SDP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2314 |
Event name | sdpBindTlsMacMoveExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mac move rate for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$), MAC $sdpBindNotifyMacAddr$ exceeded $svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate$ and will retry in $sdpBindTlsMacMoveNextUpTime$ seconds (retries left=$sdpBindTlsMacMoveRateExcdLeft$ admin=$sdpBindAdminStatus$ oper=$sdpBindOperStatus$) - detected on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ |
Cause | This notification is generated when the TLS svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate has been exceeded for the SDP Bind. |
Effect | The interface will be brought down and then brought back up automatically in sdpBindTlsMacMoveNextUpTime seconds if retries are remaining as indicated by sdpBindTlsMacMoveRateExcdLeft. |
Recovery | If there are retries remaining, as indicated by sdpBindTlsMacMoveRateExcdLeft, the interface will be brought back up automatically in sdpBindTlsMacMoveNextUpTime seconds. If no retries are remaining, the interface must be manually brought back up by an adminstrator. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2327 |
Event name | sdpBindTlsMacMoveExceedNonBlock |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.32 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mac move rate for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$), MAC $sdpBindNotifyMacAddr$ exceeded $svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate$ - detected on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ |
Cause | The sdpBindTlsMacMoveExceedNonBlock notification is generated when the SDP exceeds the TLS svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate even when sdpBindTlsLimitMacMove is set to 'nonBlocking'.In case of Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB), if the MAC address that exceeds the rate is in ISID-VPLS(iVpls) FDB and sdp binding that detects the move is in Backbone-VPLS(bVpls), the notification will be generated with svcId, custId of I-VPLS and B-VPLS sdpBindId. |
Effect | This notification is informational only. |
Recovery | User can adjust the value of svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate to reduce the frequency of this notification." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2345 |
Event name | sdpControlPwActiveStateChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Control PW Active status is $sdpControlPWIsActive$ on SDP:$sdpId$ |
Cause | The sdpControlPwActiveStateChg notification is generated when when the SDP control PW Active value changes on that SDP. |
Effect | Control pseudo-wire state change could affect related SDP bindings. |
Recovery | A change in the configuration may be required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2323 |
Event name | sdpEgrIfsNetDomInconsCntChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.28 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The system at present has $sdpEgIfNetDomainInconsCount$ SDPs that can use network interfaces which are not associated with the respective SDP's network domain. |
Cause | The system at present has zero or more SDPs that can use network interfaces which are not associated with the respective SDP's network domain. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2310 |
Event name | sdpKeepAliveLateReply |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SDP $sdpId$ probe $probeSeqNumber$ response comes after timeout |
Cause | A SDP keep alive session received a late reply. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2309 |
Event name | sdpKeepAliveProbeFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SDP $sdpId$: failed with error: $Error$ |
Cause | A sdp keep alive probe has not responded correctly. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2307 |
Event name | sdpKeepAliveStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SDP $sdpId$ keepalive has started |
Cause | A sdp keep alive was started. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2308 |
Event name | sdpKeepAliveStopped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SDP $sdpId$ keepalive has stopped |
Cause | A sdp keep alive was stopped. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2330 |
Event name | sdpPbbActvPwWithNonActvCtrlPwChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.35 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | First/last PW is active/standby/down ($sdpPbbActvPwWithNonActvCtrlPw$) on the BEB where control PW is standby/down on SDP:$sdpId$ |
Cause | The sdpPbbActvPwWithNonActvCtrlPwChg notification is generated when last pseudo-wire (PW) goes standby or down and when first PW becomes active on the Backbone Edge Bridge (BEB) where control PW is standby or down on that SDP. |
Effect | There is a change which caused last active PW to become standby or down and when first PW becomes active. |
Recovery | sdpPbbActvPwWithNonActvCtrlPwChg event with sdpPbbActvPwWithNonActvCtrlPw set to 'false' indicate clearing of sdpPbbActvPwWithNonActvCtrlPwChg with sdpPbbActvPwWithNonActvCtrlPw set to 'true'." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2303 |
Event name | sdpStatusChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Status of SDP $sdpId$ changed to admin=$sdpAdminStatus$ oper=$sdpOperStatus$ |
Cause | There was a change in the administrative or operating status of an SDP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2312 |
Event name | sdpTlsMacAddrLimitAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Number of MAC addr learned by this spoke sdp bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ dropped below the LowWaterMark. |
Cause | The number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB for a spoke sdp-bind dropped below the low watermark. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2311 |
Event name | sdpTlsMacAddrLimitAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.sdpTraps.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Number of MAC addr learned by spoke sdp bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ reached the HighWaterMark. |
Cause | The number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB for a spoke sdp-bind exceeded the high watermark. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2091 |
Event name | svcArpHostOverride |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.77 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Existing ARP host (ipAddr = $svcArpHostIpAddr$, macAddr = $svcNotifyMacAddress$) in service $svcId$ overridden to (ipAddr = $svcArpHostIpAddr$, macAddr = $svcArpHostMacAddr$) |
Cause | The system overrides the MAC address of an ARP host, because an ARP host with the same IP address as a known ARP host has appeared with a different MAC address. |
Effect | The MAC address of the known ARP host has changed. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2520 |
Event name | svcArpHostPopulateErr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.27 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | ARP host table population error on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $svcArpHostPopulateError$ |
Cause | ARP Host populate is enabled and upon the reception of an ARP message, an ARP host could not be instantiated. The failure reason is specified in the svcArpHostPopulateError. |
Effect | The ARP host was not instantiated. The source of the ARP message was not allowed access to the network service. |
Recovery | The recovery action depends on the failure reason. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2332 |
Event name | svcBgpEvpnDupMacAddrsCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.43 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | VPLS Service $svcId no longer has MAC(s) detected as duplicates by EVPN mac-duplication detection. |
Cause | The svcBgpEvpnDupMacAddrsCleared notification is generated when no more MAC addresses are detected as duplicate in a VPLS EVPN context. |
Effect | No MAC addresses are detected as duplicate. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2331 |
Event name | svcBgpEvpnDupMacAddrsDetected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.42 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | VPLS Service $svcId has MAC(s) detected as duplicates by EVPN mac-duplication detection. |
Cause | The svcBgpEvpnDupMacAddrsDetected notification is generated when at least one MAC address is detected as duplicate in a VPLS EVPN context. |
Effect | At least one MAC address is detected as duplicate. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2342 |
Event name | svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.53 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of VXLAN bindings in the system is below 90% of the system VXLAN bindings limit. |
Cause | The svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmCleared notification is generated when the number of VXLAN binds drops below 90% of the system VXLAN bind limit. |
Effect | 90% of the system VXLAN bind limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2341 |
Event name | svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.52 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of VXLAN bindings in the system exceeds 95% of the system VXLAN bindings limit. |
Cause | The svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmRaised notification is generated when the number of VXLAN binds exceeds 95% of the system VXLAN bind limit. |
Effect | 95% of the system VXLAN bind limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2508 |
Event name | svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.19 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Number of MAC addr learned by endpoint \"$endPointName$\" in service $svcId$ reached the LowWaterMark. |
Cause | The number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB for an endpoint dropped below the low watermark. This event also takes into consideration the static MAC addresses configured on the endpoint and learned MAC addresses in all spokes associated with the endpoint." |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2507 |
Event name | svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.18 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Number of MAC addr learned by endpoint \"$endPointName$\" in service $svcId$ reached the HighWaterMark. |
Cause | The number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB for a endpoint exceeded the high watermark. This event also takes into consideration the static MAC addresses configured on the endpoint and learned MAC addresses in all spokes associated with the endpoint. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2128 |
Event name | svcEpipePbbOperStatusChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.28 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Operational Status of PBB Tunnel with E-pipe service $svcId$ changed to $svcEpipePbbOperState$. |
Cause | There was a change in the operating status of the PBB tunnel associated with an E-pipe service. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2522 |
Event name | svcEPMCEPConfigMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.29 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Multi-chassis endpoint $svcEndPointMCEPId$ associated with endpoint \"$svcEndPointName$\" in service $svcId$ detected a mismatch in the config of multi-chassis endpoint peer. |
Cause | A service multi-chassis endpoint detected a mismatch in the configuration of the multi-chassis endpoint peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2523 |
Event name | svcEPMCEPConfigMismatchResolved |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.30 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Multi-chassis endpoint $svcEndPointMCEPId$ associated with endpoint \"$svcEndPointName$\" in service $svcId$ resolved a mismatch in the config of multi-chassis endpoint peer. |
Cause | A multi-chassis endpoint resolved the mismatch in the configuration of a multi-chassis endpoint peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2524 |
Event name | svcEPMCEPPassiveModeActive |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.31 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Multi-chassis endpoint $svcEndPointMCEPId$ associated with endpoint \"$svcEndPointName$\" in service $svcId$ in passive-mode became active |
Cause | A multi-chassis endpoint on a multi-chassis peer in passive-mode (of multi-chassis peer) became passive-mode active by detecting more than one active spoke-sdp in the multi-chassis endpoint with 'pwFwdingStandby' bit cleared per sdpBindPwPeerStatusBits object. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2525 |
Event name | svcEPMCEPPassiveModePassive |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.32 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Multi-chassis endpoint $svcEndPointMCEPId$ associated with endpoint \"$svcEndPointName$\" in service $svcId$ in passive-mode became passive |
Cause | A multi-chassis endpoint on a multi-chassis peer in passive-mode (of multi-chassis peer) became passive-mode active by detecting at most one active spoke-sdp in the multi-chassis endpoint with 'pwFwdingStandby' bit set per sdpBindPwPeerStatusBits object. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2093 |
Event name | svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.79 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) in the system is below 90% of the system limit |
Cause | The svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. |
Effect | The system EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) limit drops below 90%. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2092 |
Event name | svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.78 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit |
Cause | The svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. |
Effect | 95% of the system EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2094 |
Event name | svcEvpnMHEsEviDFStateChgd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.80 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Ethernet Segment:$tmnxSvcSysEthSegName$, EVI:$svcEvpnMHEthSegEvi$, Designated Forwarding state changed to:$svcEvpnMHEthSegEviIsDF$ |
Cause | The svcEvpnMHEsEviDFStateChgd notification is generated when there is a change in the ethernet segment EVI designated forwarder state. |
Effect | The forwarding state of the ethernet segment evi is changed. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2095 |
Event name | svcEvpnMHEsIsidDFStateChgd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.81 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Ethernet Segment:$tmnxSvcSysEthSegName$, ISID:$svcEvpnMHEthSegIsid$, Designated Forwarding state changed to:$svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidIsDF$ |
Cause | The svcEvpnMHEsIsidDFStateChgd notification is generated when there is a change in the ethernet segment ISID designated forwarder state. |
Effect | The forwarding state of the ethernet segment isid is changed. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2068 |
Event name | svcEvpnMplsMacMoveExceedNonBlock |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.60 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mac move rate for service $svcId$ (customer $custId$), MAC $sapTlsNotifyMacAddr$ exceeded $svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate$ - detected on $tlsFdbBackboneDstMac$ |
Cause | The svcEvpnMplsMacMoveExceedNonBlock notification is generated when the EVPN MPLS destination exceeds the TLS svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate when sapTlsLimitMacMove is set to 'nonBlocking'. |
Effect | This notification is informational only. |
Recovery | User can adjust the value of svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate to reduce the frequency of this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2357 |
Event name | svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSvcHiUsgClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.67 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ has EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast binds below 90% of the per-service limit |
Cause | The svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSvcHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast binds in a VPLS service drops below 90% of the per-service limit. |
Effect | The VPLS service has reached 90% of the EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast bind multicast limit. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2356 |
Event name | svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSvcHiUsgSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.66 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ has EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast binds in excess of 95% of the per-service limit |
Cause | The svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSvcHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast binds in a VPLS service exceeds 95% of the per-service limit. |
Effect | The VPLS service has reached 95% of the EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast bind multicast limit. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2355 |
Event name | svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSysHiUsgClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.65 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress binds in the system is below 90% of the system limit |
Cause | The svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress binds in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. |
Effect | 90% of the system EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress bind limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2354 |
Event name | svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSysHiUsgSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.64 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress binds in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit |
Cause | The svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast binds in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. |
Effect | 95% of the system EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast bind limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2353 |
Event name | svcEvpnMplsTEPHiUsageCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.63 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoints in the system is below 90% of the system limit |
Cause | The svcEvpnMplsTEPHiUsageCleared notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoints in the system drops below 90% of system limit. |
Effect | 90% of the system EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2352 |
Event name | svcEvpnMplsTEPHiUsageRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.62 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoints in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. |
Cause | The svcEvpnMplsTEPHiUsageRaised notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoints in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. |
Effect | 95% of the system EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2096 |
Event name | svcEvpnRcvdProtSrcMac |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.82 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Protected Mac $protectedMacForNotify$ received over EVPN in service $svcId$. |
Cause | The svcEvpnRcvdProtSrcMac notification is generated when a protected source MAC is received. |
Effect | The frame is discarded. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2515 |
Event name | svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.21 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | System limit of PBB Backbone MAC Address indices $svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries$ is reached |
Cause | The system limit of Backbone MAC address indices was reached. |
Effect | Further events are not generated as long as the value of svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries object remains under 10 percent of the limit. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2516 |
Event name | svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.22 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Number of PBB Backbone MAC Address indices $svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries$ is now at 95 percent of system limit |
Cause | The number of PBB backbone MAC address indices has fallen to 95 percent of the system limit after hitting the system limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2537 |
Event name | svcMacFdbTblFullAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | System limit of FDB MAC Address table $svcMacFdbRecords$ is reached |
Cause | The svcMacFdbTblFullAlarm notification is raised when system limit of FDB records is reached. Further traps are not generated as long as the value of svcMacFdbRecords object remains under 5 percent of the limit. The system limit of Backbone MAC address indices was reached. |
Effect | System will not be able to add new MAC addresses to the FDB table. |
Recovery | Optimize the MAC FDB addresses assigned to different services. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2538 |
Event name | svcMacFdbTblFullAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.37 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Number of FDB MAC Address table $svcMacFdbRecords$ is now at 95 percent of system limit |
Cause | The svcMacFdbTblFullAlarmCleared notification is raised when number of FDB records used reaches under 95 percent of the system limit after svcMacFdbTblFullAlarm notification had been raised. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | None. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2544 |
Event name | svcMSPwRetryExpiredNotif |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.40 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Retry timer $svcMSPwPeRetryExpired$ for spoke-sdp-fec: $svcMSPwPeId$ in service: $svcId$ |
Cause | The svcMSPwRetryExpiredNotif notification is raised when retry-timer expires for this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge (svcMSPwPeId) in the service. |
Effect | There will be no more retries to establish connection from this svcMSPwPeId. |
Recovery | svcMSPwPeId may need to be shutdown and may need to restart the retries." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2541 |
Event name | svcMSPwRtMisconfig |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.38 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Misconfigured multi-segment pseudo-wire SAII=$svcMSPwPeSaiiGlobalId$:$svcMSPwPeSaiiPrefix$:$svcMSPwPeSaiiAcId$ TAII=$svcMSPwPeTaiiGlobalId$:$svcMSPwPeTaiiPrefix$:$svcMSPwPeTaiiAcId$ |
Cause | The svcMSPwRtMisconfig notification is raised when there is mis-configuration discovered between two signalling multi-segment pseudo-wires. The following mis-configuration would cause this notification: - Both multi-segment pseudo-wires are configured to be master |
Effect | Communication between the multi-segment pseudo-wires will fail. |
Recovery | Mis-configuration between the two multi-segment pseudo-wire needs to be corrected. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2542 |
Event name | svcOperGrpOperStatusChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.39 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Oper-group $svcOperGrpName$ changed status to $svcOperGrpOperStatus$ |
Cause | The svcOperGrpOperStatusChanged notification is generated when there is a change in the value of svcOperGrpOperStatus. |
Effect | Status of the one or more of the members of the operational group has changed. |
Recovery | Operational status of the members of the operational-group will need to be investigated. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2517 |
Event name | svcPersistencyProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.24 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Persistency problem in service $svcId$: $tmnxFailureDescription$ |
Cause | A persistency problems occurred. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2528 |
Event name | svcRestoreHostProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.33 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem occured while processing host persistency record (Addr = $svcHostAddr$) - $tmnxFailureDescription$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2366 |
Event name | svcSiteMinDnTimerStateChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.76 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Service:$svcId$ site:$svcNotifSiteName$ min-down-timer state changed to:$svcNotifSiteMinDnTimerState$ with timer:$svcNotifSiteMinDnTimer$ secs and timer-remaining:$svcNotifSiteMinDnTimerRemain$ secs |
Cause | The svcSiteMinDnTimerStateChg notification is generated when site specific minimum-down-timer starts/canceled/extended/expires. |
Effect | svcSiteMinDnTimerState indicate the new state of the site minimum-down-timer. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2103 |
Event name | svcStatusChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Status of service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) changed to administrative state: $svcAdminStatus$, operational state: $svcOperStatus$ |
Cause | There was a change in the administrative or operating status of a service. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2334 |
Event name | svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNICleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.45 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | VTEP $svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress$, Egress VNI $svcVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI$ no longer used in more than one service. |
Cause | The svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNICleared notification is generated when a previously duplicate VTEP-Egress VNI is no longer used in more than one service in the system. |
Effect | The VTEP-Egress VNI is no longer duplicate. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2333 |
Event name | svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNIDetected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.44 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Attempt to use VTEP $svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress$, Egress VNI $svcVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI$ in more than one service. |
Cause | The svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNIDetected notification is generated when a duplicate VTEP-Egress VNI is detected in the system. |
Effect | A VTEP-Egress VNI is detected as duplicate. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2351 |
Event name | svcTlsEvpnTunnNHopHiUsgAlarmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.61 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Dropped below 90% of EVPN tunnel interface IP next-hop limit for service $svcId$ |
Cause | The svcTlsEvpnTunnNHopHiUsgAlarmClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN tunnels next-hop in the service drops to 90% of the limit. |
Effect | Dropped below 90% of EVPN tunnel interface IP next-hop limit for service. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2350 |
Event name | svcTlsEvpnTunnNHopHiUsgAlarmSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.60 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Reached 95% of EVPN tunnel interface IP next-hop limit for service $svcId$ |
Cause | The svcTlsEvpnTunnNHopHiUsgAlarmSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN tunnels next-hops in the service exceeds 95% of the limit. |
Effect | Reached 95% of the EVPN tunnel interface IP next-hop limit for service. |
Recovery | Verify the BGP-EVPN configuration to see if configuration changes are needed to reduce this." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2105 |
Event name | svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | FDB table utilization of service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) crossed its low watermark |
Cause | The utilization of the FDB table has gone below its low watermark value. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2104 |
Event name | svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | FDB table utilization of service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) crossed its high watermark |
Cause | The utilization of the FDB table is above its high watermark." |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2533 |
Event name | svcTlsGroupOperStatusChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.35 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ VPLS group $svcTlsGroupId$ changed status to $svcTlsGroupOperStatus$ with last-error: $svcTlsGroupLastError$ |
Cause | Service VPLS Group status changed |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | svcTlsMacPinningViolation |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Relearn attempt on $macPinningViolatingRowDescr$ in service $svcId$ for mac address $macPinningMacAddress$ pinned on $macPinningPinnedRowDescr$ |
Cause | An attempt was made to assign a MAC address to another interface while this MAC address is pinned (i.e. assigned fixed to an interface). |
Effect | The query will be ignored |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2402 |
Event name | svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MFIB table utilization of service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) crossed its low watermark |
Cause | The utilization of the MFIB table has dropped below the low watermark. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2401 |
Event name | svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MFIB table utilization of service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) crossed its high watermark |
Cause | The utilization of the MFIB table rose above the high watermark. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2120 |
Event name | svcTlsMrpAttrRegistrationFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.20 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | An MRP attribute with type=$svcTlsMrpAttrType$ value=$svcTlsMrpAttrValue failed to register in service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) due to: $svcTlsMrpAttrRegFailedReason$ |
Cause | An MRP attributed failed to register in a service. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2126 |
Event name | svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.26 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MRP attribute table utilization of service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) crossed its low watermark |
Cause | The utilization of the MRP attribute table fell below the low watermark. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2125 |
Event name | svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.25 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MRP attribute table utilization of service $svcId$ (customer $custId$) crossed its high watermark |
Cause | The utilization of the MRP attribute table rose above the high watermark. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2347 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyArpDupClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.57 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | A duplicate proxy ARP entry $svcTlsProxyArpIpAddr$ is cleared in service $svcId$ |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyArpDupDetect notification is generated when a duplicate ARP entry is cleared. |
Effect | The proxy ARP entry is deleted or is overwritten by static entry. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2346 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyArpDupDetect |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.56 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | A duplicate proxy ARP entry was detected with new MAC $svcNotifTlsProxyMacAddr$ for entry IP $svcTlsProxyArpIpAddr$ MAC $svcTlsProxyArpMacAddr$ in service $svcId$ |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyArpDupDetect notification is generated when duplicate detection criteria is met when a new mac address overwrites the existing mac address for the proxy arp entry. |
Effect | A traffic disruption may occur if both IP addresses are active. |
Recovery | Identify the systems using the old MAC address and correct the configuration." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2361 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyArpSvcHiUsgClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.71 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ has proxy ARP entries below 90% of the per-service limit |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyArpSvcHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of proxy ARP entries in a VPLS service drops below 90% of the per-service limit. |
Effect | The VPLS service has reached 90% of the proxy ARP entries limit. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2360 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyArpSvcHiUsgSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.70 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ has proxy ARP entries in excess of 95% of the per-service limit |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyArpSvcHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of proxy ARP entries in a VPLS service exceeds 95% of the per-service limit. |
Effect | The VPLS service has reached 95% of the proxy ARP entries limit. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2359 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyArpSysHiUsgClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.69 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The proxy ARP entries is below 90% of the system limit |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyArpSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of proxy ARP entries in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. |
Effect | 90% of the system proxy ARP entries limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2358 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyArpSysHiUsgSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.68 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The proxy ARP entries in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyArpSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of proxy ARP entries in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. |
Effect | 95% of the system proxy ARP entries limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2349 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyNdDupClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.59 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | A duplicate proxy ND entry $svcTlsProxyNdIpAddr$ is cleared in service $svcId$ |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyNdDupDetect notification is generated when a duplicate ND entry is cleared. |
Effect | The proxy ARP entry is deleted or is overwritten by static entry. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2348 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyNdDupDetect |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.58 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | A duplicate proxy ND entry was detected with new MAC $svcNotifTlsProxyMacAddr$ for entry IP $svcTlsProxyArpIpAddr$ MAC $svcTlsProxyArpMacAddr$ in service $svcId$ |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyNdDupDetect notification is generated when duplicate detection criteria is met when a new mac address overwrites the existing mac address for the proxy arp entry. |
Effect | A traffic disruption may occur if both IP addresses are active. |
Recovery | Identify the systems using the old MAC address and correct the configuration." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2365 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyNdSvcHiUsgClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.75 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ has proxy ND entries below 90% of the per-service limit |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyNdSvcHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of proxy ND entries in a VPLS service drops below 90% of the per-service limit. |
Effect | The VPLS service has reached 90% of the proxy ND entries limit. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2364 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyNdSvcHiUsgSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.74 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ has proxy ND entries in excess of 95% of the per-service limit |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyNdSvcHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of proxy ND entries in a VPLS service exceeds 95% of the per-service limit. |
Effect | The VPLS service has reached 95% of the proxy ND entries limit. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2363 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyNdSysHiUsgClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.73 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The proxy ND entries is below 90% of the system limit |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyNdSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of proxy ND entries in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. |
Effect | 90% of the system proxy ND entries limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2362 |
Event name | svcTlsProxyNdSysHiUsgSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.72 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The proxy ND entries in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit |
Cause | The svcTlsProxyNdSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of proxy ND entries in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. |
Effect | 95% of the system proxy ND entries limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2531 |
Event name | svcTlsSiteDesigFwdrChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.34 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Service-id $svcId$ site $svcTlsSiteIdName$ is $svcTlsSiteIdDesignatedFwdr$ the designated-forwarder |
Cause | Designated-Forwarder status of the BGP multi-homing site associated with this service has changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2340 |
Event name | svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.51 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ has VTEP-Egress VNIs below 90% of the per-service VTEP-Egress VNI multicast limit. |
Cause | The svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmClr notification is generated when the number of VTEP-Egress VNIs in a VPLS service drops below 90% of the per-service VTEP-Egress VNI multicast limit. |
Effect | The VPLS service has reached 90% of the VTEP-Egress VNI multicast limit. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2339 |
Event name | svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.50 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Service $svcId$ has VTEP-Egress VNIs in excess of 95% of the per-service VTEP-Egress VNI multicast limit. |
Cause | The svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmSet notification is generated when the number of VTEP-Egress VNIs in a VPLS service exceeds 95% of the per-service VTEP-Egress VNI multicast limit. |
Effect | The VPLS service has reached 95% of the VTEP-Egress VNI multicast limit. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2338 |
Event name | svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.49 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of VTEP-Egress VNIs in the system is below 90% of the system VTEP-Egress VNI limit. |
Cause | The svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmClr notification is generated when the number of VTEP-Egress VNIs in the system drops below 90% of the system VTEP-Egress VNI limit. |
Effect | 90% of the system VTEP-Egress VNI limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2337 |
Event name | svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.48 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of VTEP-Egress VNIs in the system exceeds 95% of the system VTEP-Egress VNI limit. |
Cause | The svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmSet notification is generated when the number of VTEP-Egress VNIs in the system exceeds 95% of the system VTEP-Egress VNI limit. |
Effect | 95% of the system VTEP-Egress VNI limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2336 |
Event name | svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.47 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of VTEPs in the system is below 90% of the system VTEP limit. |
Cause | The svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmCleared notification is generated when the number of VTEPs in the system drops below 90% of system VTEP limit. |
Effect | 90% of the system VTEP limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2335 |
Event name | svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.46 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of VTEPs in the system exceeds 95% of the system VTEP limit. |
Cause | The svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmRaised notification is generated when the number of VTEPs in the system exceeds 95% of the system VTEP limit. |
Effect | 95% of the system VTEP limit is reached. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2097 |
Event name | svcTlsVxlanReplicatorChgd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.84 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Assisted replicator in service $svcId$ changed to VTEP $svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress$, Egress VNI $svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI$. |
Cause | The svcTlsVxlanReplicatorChgd notification is generated when there is a change in the replicator. |
Effect | The replicator associated with a VPLS service is changed. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2545 |
Event name | svcVllSiteDesigFwdrChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.41 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Service-id $svcId$ site $svcVllSiteIdName$ is $svcVllSiteIdDesignatedFwdr$ the designated-forwarder |
Cause | Designated-Forwarder status of the BGP multi-homing site associated with this service has changed. |
Effect | The new designated forwarder will be used to forward traffic. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2110 |
Event name | tmnxEndPointTxActiveChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.svcTraps.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The active object on endpoint \"$endPointName$\" in service $endpointSvcId$ changed to $svcEndPointTxActiveString$ |
Cause | The transmit active object on an endpoint changed. |
Effect | Traffic will now be forwarded on the new object unless the managed object svcEndPointTxActiveType is 'none'. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2547 |
Event name | tmnxIpTunnelOperRemIpChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.38 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Operational remote ipaddress for IP tunnel $tmnxIpTunnelName$ has changed to $tmnxIpTunnelOperRemIpAddr$ |
Cause | The tmnxIpTunnelOperRemIpChg notification is generated when there is a change in operational remote address 'tmnxIpTunnelOperRemIpAddr' of the tunnel. |
Effect | Operational state of the tunnel is not affected. |
Recovery | Operator needs to look at the configuration of tmnxIpTunnelRemIpAddr and tmnxIpTunnelBackupRemIpAddr. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2244 |
Event name | tmnxIpTunnelOperStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.sapTraps.59 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Operational state change for IP Tunnel $tmnxIpTunnelName$ on service $svcId$ and SAP $sapEncapValue$, admin state: $tmnxIpTunnelAdminState$, oper state: $tmnxIpTunnelOperState$, oper flags: $tmnxIpTunnelOperFlags$ |
Cause | The tmnxIpTunnelOperStateChange notification is generated when there is a change in tmnxIpTunnelOperState for an IP tunnel. |
Effect | When the tunnel is operationally down, traffic arriving at the tunnel endpoints will not be encapsulated and transported. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2044 |
Event name | tmnxSapStpExcepCondStateChng |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.tstpTraps.37 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxSapStpExcepCondStateChng notification is generated when the value of the object sapTlsStpException has changed, i.e. when the exception condition changes on the indicated SAP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2043 |
Event name | tmnxStpRootGuardViolation |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.tstpTraps.35 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxStpRootGuardViolation notification is generated when a SAP which has root-guard configured is trying to become root (has a better STP priority vector). The SAP will become alternate and traffic will be blocked. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2503 |
Event name | tmnxSubAcctPlcyFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Radius accounting policy $tmnxSubAcctPlcyName$ failure - $tmnxSubAcctPlcyFailureReason$. |
Cause | A RADIUS accounting request was not sent out successfully to any of the RADIUS servers in the indicated accounting policy. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2506 |
Event name | tmnxSubAcctPlcyRadSerOperStatChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Subscriber Accounting RADIUS server $tmnxSubAcctPlcyRadServAddr$ operational status changed to $tmnxSubAcctPlcyRadServOperState$. |
Cause | The operational status of a Radius server, configured for use with DHCP radius based subscriber accounting, has transitioned either from 'inService' to 'outOfService' or from 'outOfService' to 'inService'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2505 |
Event name | tmnxSubAuthPlcyRadSerOperStatChg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Subscriber Authentication RADIUS server $tmnxSubAuthPlcyRadServAddress$ operational status changed to $tmnxSubAuthPlcyRadServOperState$. |
Cause | The operational status of a Radius server, configured for use with DHCP radius authentication, has transitioned either from inService' to 'outOfService' or from 'outOfService' to 'inService'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2564 |
Event name | tmnxSubBrgCreated |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.38 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The Bridged Residential Gateway with identifier $tmnxSubBrgId$ has been created in the system. |
Cause | The system issues the tmnxSubBrgCreated notification when it creates a conceptual row in the tmnxSubBrgTable. |
Effect | The system is aware of a Bridged Residential Gateway and has context for it. |
Recovery | Not required. This notification is informational. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2566 |
Event name | tmnxSubBrgCvInitFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.40 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Could not initiate connectivity verification of BRG $tmnxSubBrgId$ using IP address $tmnxSubNotifIpAddr$ |
Cause | The system issues the tmnxSubBrgCvInitFailed notification when it does not have enough resources to start connectivity verification for a Bridged Residential Gateway (BRG) identified by tmnxSubBrgId, using the IP address tmnxSubNotifIpAddr in the virtual router instance with identifier vRtrID. Some hardware configurations may have insufficient resources to start and maintain connectivity verification for a huge number of Bridged Residential Gateways. |
Effect | The system can only relay on the BRG host activity to determine if the BRG is connected. |
Recovery | Not required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2565 |
Event name | tmnxSubBrgDeleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.39 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The Bridged Residential Gateway with identifier $tmnxSubBrgId$ has been removed from the system. |
Cause | The system issues the tmnxSubBrgDeleted notification when it destroys a conceptual row in the tmnxSubBrgTable. It may be the expected consequence of BRG inactivity, or may be caused by some kind of connectivity failure; this system cannot distinguish between these two causes. |
Effect | The system has become unaware of a Bridged Residential Gateway. |
Recovery | Recovery may or may not be required, depending of the cause. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2569 |
Event name | tmnxSubBrgRadiusAuthError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.43 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Could not authenticate the Bridged Residential Gateway $tmnxSubBrgId$ - $tmnxSubRadiusSubAuthReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxSubBrgRadiusAuthError notification indicates that the system encountered a problem while trying to authenticate a Bridged Residential Gateway (BRG) with an Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) management system using a protocol such as Radius or Diameter. |
Effect | No hosts associated with the BRG are reachable via this system. |
Recovery | Depends on the details of the failure. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2568 |
Event name | tmnxSubBrgRadiusCoaError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.42 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Could not apply a Radius update for the Bridged Residential Gateway $tmnxSubBrgId$ - $tmnxSubRadiusCoAReason$ |
Cause | The tmnxSubBrgRadiusCoaError notification indicates that the system was unable to process a Radius Change of Authorization (CoA) request for a Bridged Residential Gateway (BRG). |
Effect | All hosts associated with the BRG use outdated parameters. |
Recovery | Depends on the details of the failure. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2567 |
Event name | tmnxSubBrgRadiusUpdateIpoeSeFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.41 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Could not apply a Radius update for the Bridged Residential Gateway $tmnxSubBrgId$ to the IPoE session with MAC $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The system issues the tmnxSubBrgRadiusUpdateIpoeSeFail notification when it encounters a failure while processing a Radius update for a Bridged Residential Gateway (BRG), and a failure occors for one of the associated IPoE sessions. The BRG is identified by tmnxSubBrgId, the IPoE session by svcId, sapPortId, sapEncapValue and tmnxSubNotifMacAddr. More details about the failure are in tmnxSubAdditionalInfo. |
Effect | A particular IPoE session has outdated parameters. |
Recovery | Depends on the details of the failure. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2570 |
Event name | tmnxSubBrgSessionLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.44 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Bridged Residential Gateway $tmnxSubBrgId$ exceeded its limit of 128 IPoE sessions |
Cause | The system issues the tmnxSubBrgSessionLimitReached notification when this system fails to create an IPoE session associated with the Bridged Residential Gateway identified by tmnxSubBrgId because its IPoE session limit is exceeded. The IPoE session limit is 128 sessions per BRG. |
Effect | The system can not set up the IPoE session. |
Recovery | Not required. This notification is informational. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2536 |
Event name | tmnxSubHostInconsistentAtmTdOvr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.20 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Inconsistent ATM traffic descriptor given by AAA server for a host of subscriber $tmnxSubHostInfoV2SubIdent$ - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | "The AAA server specifies different ATM profile descriptors for subscriber hosts on the same ATM Virtual Circuit." |
Effect | "The ATM traffic descriptor of the first host on the ATM Virtual Circuit is used for all subsequent hosts." |
Recovery | "The AAA server configuration should be made consistent." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2562 |
Event name | tmnxSubHostInfoConflict |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.36 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | There was a conflict in the parameter set of host MAC $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$ of subscriber $tmnxSubIdent$ - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The system may issue the tmnxSubHostInfoConflict notification when it detects a conflict while processing the parameters to be applied to a new subscriber host. |
Effect | The host is set up, but with unexpected values for some parameters. |
Recovery | None. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2548 |
Event name | tmnxSubHostLcktLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.22 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Maximum number of $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ locked out hosts is reached on this system. |
Cause | "The tmnxSubHostLcktLimitReached notification indicates that the system wide maximum number of lockout hosts is reached." |
Effect | "Todo." |
Recovery | "Todo." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2549 |
Event name | tmnxSubHostLcktSapLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.23 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Maximum number of $tmnxSubLcktPlcyMaxLcktHosts$ locked out hosts is reached on host $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$. |
Cause | "The tmnxSubHostLcktSapLimitReached notification indicates that the maximum number of lockout hosts on a given SAP is reached." |
Effect | "Todo." |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2555 |
Event name | tmnxSubIpoeInvalidCidRidChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.29 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IPoE session CID/RID change failure for host with MAC address $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The IPoE session CID or RID change is invalid. |
Effect | The system can not setup the IPoE session. |
Recovery | No recovery is required on this system. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2554 |
Event name | tmnxSubIpoeInvalidSessionKey |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.28 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IPoE session key failure for host with MAC address $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The IPoE session key is invalid. |
Effect | The system can not setup the IPoE session. |
Recovery | No recovery is required on this system. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2559 |
Event name | tmnxSubIpoeMigrHostDeleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.33 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IPoE session migration deleted host $tmnxSubNotifIpAddr$/$tmnxSubNotifPrefixLength$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The system is performing an IPoE session migration. |
Effect | The host will be migrated. |
Recovery | No recovery is required on this system. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2557 |
Event name | tmnxSubIpoePersistenceRecovery |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.32 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IPoE session persistence recovery failure for host with MAC address $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The system is still recovering from persistence. |
Effect | The system can not setup the IPoE session. |
Recovery | No recovery is required on this system. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2556 |
Event name | tmnxSubIpoeSessionLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.31 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | IPoE session limit failure for host with MAC address $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The IPoE session limit is reached. |
Effect | The system can not setup the IPoE session. |
Recovery | No recovery is required on this system. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2504 |
Event name | tmnxSubMcsRelatedProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem encountered in Subscriber Management, while performing Multi Chassis Syncing: $tmnxSubMcsRelatedProblemDescr$ |
Cause | A subscriber management specific problem occured during Multi Chassis Syncing, e.g. of DHCP lease states. The problem is described in the object tmnxSubMcsRelatedProblemDescr. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2560 |
Event name | tmnxSubMngdHostCreationFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.34 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Could not create host IP $tmnxSubNotifIpAddr$ MAC $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | A failure occurs while trying to create a managed host. The object tmnxSubAdditionalInfo provides more information about the failure. |
Effect | The context for the managed host is not created. The system cannot provide network connectivity to the host. |
Recovery | The recovery action depends on the root cause of the failure. The root cause may be a misconfiguration in the client device, the access network, in this system, or in the AAA server configuration. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2561 |
Event name | tmnxSubMngdHostOverride |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.35 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Existing managed host IP $tmnxSubMngdHostIpAddr$ MAC $tmnxSubMngdHostMacAddr$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ overridden - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The tmnxSubMngdHostOverride notification is sent when a new managed host replaces an existing host with the same IP address. |
Effect | The existing host is removed from the system. |
Recovery | None. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2563 |
Event name | tmnxSubPlBndFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.37 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Could not create an IP address binding in home-aware pool $tmnxSubNotifName$ for the host with MAC $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$ on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | The system issues the tmnxSubPlBndFailed notification upon a failed attempt to create a subscriber home-aware pool MAC / IP address binding. |
Effect | The host with the MAC address indicated by tmnxSubNotifMacAddr could not get an IP address from the home-aware pool indicated by tmnxSubNotifName, and cannot get IP connectivity through this system. |
Recovery | The content of tmnxSubAdditionalInfo may contain more details about the failure reason and hence suggest a possible recovery action. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2511 |
Event name | tmnxSubRadSapCoAError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem encountered in Subscriber Management, while processing a CoA request on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ from a Radius server: $tmnxSubRadiusCoAReason$ |
Cause | The system was unable to process a Change of Authorization (CoA) equest from a Radius server. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2509 |
Event name | tmnxSubRadSapDisconnectError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem encountered in Subscriber Management, while processing a Disconnect request on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ from a Radius server: $tmnxSubRadiusDisconnectReason$ |
Cause | The system was unable to process a Disconnect request from a Radius server. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2513 |
Event name | tmnxSubRadSapSubAuthError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.12 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem encountered in Subscriber Management, subscriber authentication error on SAP $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$: $tmnxSubRadiusSubAuthReason$ |
Cause | The system encountered a problem while trying to authenticate a subscriber. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2512 |
Event name | tmnxSubRadSdpBndCoAError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem encountered in Subscriber Management, while processing a CoA request on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ from a Radius server: $tmnxSubRadiusCoAReason$ |
Cause | The system was unable to process a Change of Authorization (CoA) request from a Radius server on a SDP Binding. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2510 |
Event name | tmnxSubRadSdpBndDisconnectError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem encountered in Subscriber Management, while processing a Disconnect request on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$ from a Radius server: $tmnxSubRadiusDisconnectReason$ |
Cause | The system was unable to process a Disconnect request from a Radius server. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2514 |
Event name | tmnxSubRadSdpBndSubAuthError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.13 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Problem encountered in Subscriber Management, subscriber authentication error on SDP Bind $sdpBindId$ in service $svcId$: $tmnxSubRadiusSubAuthReason$ |
Cause | The system encountered a problem while trying to authenticate a subscriber on an SDP Binding. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2500 |
Event name | tmnxSubscriberCreated |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Subscriber $tmnxSubIdent$ has been created in the system |
Cause | A new subscriber was added to the tmnxSubscriberInfoTable. |
Effect | The subscriber is henceforward known in the system. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2501 |
Event name | tmnxSubscriberDeleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Subscriber $tmnxSubIdent$ has been removed from the system |
Cause | A subscriber was removed from the tmnxSubscriberInfoTable |
Effect | The subscriber is henceforward no longer known in the system. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2502 |
Event name | tmnxSubscriberRenamed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Subscriber $tmnxOldSubIdent$ has been renamed to $tmnxNewSubIdent$. |
Cause | An existing subscriber was renamed. |
Effect | The subscriber is henceforward known under a different name. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxSubSlaacOverride |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.25 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The tmnxSubSlaacOverride notification is sent when an IPv6 client requests a DHCPv6 non-temporary address (IA_NA) which overrides an existing SLAAC prefix for this client. |
Effect | The SLAAC host is removed from the system. |
Recovery | None |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2546 |
Event name | tmnxSubSlaacSetupFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.21 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Failed to update SLAAC host on $sapEncapValue$ in service $svcId$ - $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | "Failed to update or create a SLAAC host in tmnxSubSlaacTable." |
Effect | "Entries in tmnxSubSlaacTable are not updated." |
Recovery | "Subscriber Management Configuration should be changed to recover from the failure described in tmnxSubAdditionalInfo." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2551 |
Event name | tmnxSubSysChassMemoryUsageHi |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.26 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The subscriber management's memory usage high status in chassis $tmnxChassisIndex$ changed to $tmnxSubSysChassMemoryUsageHigh$. |
Cause | The tmnxSubSysChassMemoryUsageHi notification is sent when the memory usage by subscriber management on this system reaches its high watermark ('true') or a chassis or when it reaches its low watermark again ('false'). |
Effect | There is no immediate effect, but when the usage actually hits the limit, new hosts will not be created. |
Recovery | Either change the network configuration to offload subscribers to other systems, or upgrade to a set of newer CPM (system management processor) with more memory. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2530 |
Event name | tmnxSubUserCategoryError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.16 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | An error was encountered in credit control for host $tmnxSubNotifIpAddr$ with MAC address $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$ on SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$. Subscriber: $tmnxSubIdent$. SLA Profile: $tmnxSubNotifSLAProfName$. Category Map name: $tmnxSubNotifApCMapName$. Category name: $tmnxSubNotifApCategoryName$. More info: $tmnxSubAdditionalInfo$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2527 |
Event name | tmnxSubUserCategoryOutOfCredit |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.14 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The credit has expired for host $tmnxSubNotifIpAddr$ with MAC address $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$ on SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$. Subscriber: $tmnxSubIdent$. SLA Profile: $tmnxSubNotifSLAProfName$. Category Map name: $tmnxSubNotifApCMapName$. Category name: $tmnxSubNotifApCategoryName$. |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2529 |
Event name | tmnxSubUserCategoryRefreshCredit |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The credit refresh has been initiated for host $tmnxSubNotifIpAddr$ with MAC address $tmnxSubNotifMacAddr$ on SAP:$sapEncapValue$, service:$svcId$. Subscriber: $tmnxSubIdent$. SLA Profile: $tmnxSubNotifSLAProfName$. Category Map name: $tmnxSubNotifApCMapName$. Category name: $tmnxSubNotifApCategoryName$. |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SVCMGR |
Event ID | 2552 |
Event name | tmnxSubVSubnetHostsDeleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB.tmnxSubscriberNotifications.27 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | All hosts deleted of subscriber $tmnxSubInfoSubIdent$ in service $svcId$ because of a new gateway IP/subnet assignment $tmnxSubVSubnetDefRtrAddr$/$tmnxSubVSubnetPrefixLength$ |
Cause | The tmnxSubVSubnetHostsDeleted notification is sent when this system deletes all host contexts of a subscriber associated with a virtual subnet because a new default router and/or subnet were assigned. This is the consequence of a change in the configuration in the server that assigns the subnets. |
Effect | The hosts have to transmit DHCP requests if they need a connection. |
Recovery | None. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2041 |
Event name | persistenceRestoreProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.41 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Problem occured while processing persistence record for $tmnxPersistencyClient$ - $tmnxPersistencyNotifyMsg$ |
Cause | The persistenceRestoreProblem notification is generated when an an error is detected while processing a persistence record. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | persistencyClosedAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.31 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Persistency-file on Card $tmnxPersistenceAffectedCpm$ for $tmnxPersistencyClient$ on device $tmnxPersistencyFileLocator$ is re-opened.$tmnxPersistencyNotifyMsg$ |
Cause | The output device used to store the persistence data is available for use again. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | persistencyClosedAlarmRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.30 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Persistency-file on Card $tmnxPersistenceAffectedCpm$ for $tmnxPersistencyClient$ on device $tmnxPersistencyFileLocator$ is closed. Persistency across system reboot is no longer guaranteed. $tmnxPersistencyNotifyMsg$ |
Cause | The system was unable to store persistency data (e.g. because the storage device is inaccessible, or full)." |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2037 |
Event name | persistencyEventReport |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.37 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | persistency event: $tmnxPersistencyNotifyMsg$ |
Cause | The system reported a subscriber management persistence event (e.g. the start and completion of a recovery action after system startup). |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2051 |
Event name | persistencyFileSysThresCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.51 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Filesystem on Card $tmnxPersistenceAffectedCpm$ for $tmnxPersistencyClient$ on device $tmnxPersistencyFileLocator$ has dropped below threshold level of 90 percent. $tmnxPersistencyNotifyMsg$ |
Cause | The persistencyFileSysThresCleared notification is generated when the filesystem drops below 90 percent occupation. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2050 |
Event name | persistencyFileSysThresRaised |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.50 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Filesystem on Card $tmnxPersistenceAffectedCpm$ for $tmnxPersistencyClient$ on device $tmnxPersistencyFileLocator$ has reached threshold level of 90 percent. $tmnxPersistencyNotifyMsg$ |
Cause | The persistencyFileSysThresRaised notification is generated when the filesystem reaches 90 percent occupation. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | sbiBootConfig |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.4 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Bootup configuration complete. Configuration status: $sbiConfigStatus$. \nSNMP Persistent Indexes status: $sbiPersistStatus$. \nSystem configured with persistent indexes: $sbiPersistIndex$. |
Cause | The configuration phase following a system reboot has completed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2038 |
Event name | sbiBootConfigFailFileError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.38 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Unable to access the boot-bad-exec file $sbiBootConfigFailScript$ |
Cause | The bootup failed script file is not accessible. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2039 |
Event name | sbiBootConfigOKFileError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.39 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Unable to access the boot-good-exec file $sbiBootConfigOKScript$ |
Cause | The bootup configuration OK script file was not accessible. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | sbiBootSnmpd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.5 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | SNMP daemon initialization complete. \nSystem configured with persistent SNMP indexes: $sbiPersistIndex$. \nSNMP daemon admimistrative status: $sbiSnmpdAdminStatus$. \nSNMP daemon operational status: $sbiSnmpdOperStatus$. |
Cause | The SNMP daemon initialization completed following a system reboot. Some system configuration and initialization errors might have resulted in the SNMP daemon being suspended. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2101 |
Event name | schedActionFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB.schedTraps.1 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Schedule \"$schedName$\" created by \"$schedOwner$\" failed with error: $schedFailureText$ |
Cause | The invocation of a scheduled script-policy failed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2102 |
Event name | smScriptAbort |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB.smTraps.1 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The $tmnxSmRunExtAuthType$ operation failed or was aborted with error: $smRunError$. Run #$smRunIndex$ of script-policy \"$smLaunchName$\" created by owner \"$smLaunchOwner$\" was executed with the user account \"$tmnxSmRunExtUserName$\". |
Cause | A running script terminated with an smRunExitCode not equal to `noError'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2104 |
Event name | smScriptException |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB.smTraps.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The $tmnxSmRunExtAuthType$ operation completed with an exception: $smRunError$. Run #$smRunIndex$ of script-policy \"$smLaunchName$\" created by owner \"$smLaunchOwner$\" was executed with the user account \"$tmnxSmRunExtUserName$\" |
Cause | A script run completed with an error. This event can be used by scripts to notify other management applications about script errors. This event is not automatically generated by the Script MIB implementation. It is the responsibility of the executing script or the runtime system to emit this notification where it is appropriate to do so. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2103 |
Event name | smScriptResult |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB.smTraps.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The $tmnxSmRunExtAuthType$ operation completed with the result: $smRunResult$. Run #$smRunIndex$ of script-policy \"$smLaunchName$\" created by owner \"$smLaunchOwner$\" was executed with the user account \"$tmnxSmRunExtUserName$\". |
Cause | A script run completed. This event can be used by scripts to notify other management applications about results \ produced by the script. This event is not automatically generated by the Script MIB implementation. It is the responsibility of the executing script to emit this notification where it is appropriate to do so. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | sntpTimeDiffExceedsThreshold |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.18 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Time differential between the SNTP server $sntp_ip_address$ and the system exceeds 10 seconds |
Cause | The time differential between the system and the SNTP server was more than 10 seconds. In this case the system clock was not automatically adjusted. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | socket_bind_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Could not bind to a socket |
Cause | A socket bind failed. There may be no sockets left in the system. |
Effect | Cannot start new telnet/ftp sessions. |
Recovery | Shutdown tasks that are consuming sockets. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | socket_conn_accept_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Could not accept a new connection |
Cause | A socket connection attempt failed. There may be no sockets left in the system. |
Effect | Cannot start new telnet/ftp sessions. |
Recovery | Shutdown tasks that are consuming sockets. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | ssiSaveConfigFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.3 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Configuration file write failed: $fileName$ $reason$ |
Cause | The saving of configuration was stopped due to errors. |
Effect | The configuration file could not be saved. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | ssiSaveConfigSucceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.2 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Configuration file saved to: $fileName$ |
Cause | The saving of configuration finished without errors. |
Effect | Configuration file was saved. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | ssiSyncBootEnvFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.17 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Synchronization of boot environment files failed - $tmnxSyncFailureReason$ |
Cause | The synchronization of boot environment files was stopped due to errors. |
Effect | Boot environment files were not synchronized. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | ssiSyncBootEnvOK |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Boot environment files have been successfully synchronized |
Cause | The synchronization of boot environment files finished without errors. |
Effect | Boot environment files were synchronized. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2049 |
Event name | ssiSyncCertFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.49 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Synchronization of certificate file(s) failed - $tmnxSyncFailureReason$ |
Cause | The ssiSyncCertFailed event is generated when the synchronization of certificate files between the primary and secondary CPMs is stopped due to errors. The tmnxSyncFailureReason will state the reason for the failure. |
Effect | Cert files are not synchronized. |
Recovery | The user should try to determine the cause of the failure and can attempt synchronizing the files again. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2048 |
Event name | ssiSyncCertOK |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.48 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Cert file(s) have been successfully synchronized |
Cause | The ssiSyncCertOK event is generated when the synchronization of certificate files between the primary and secondary CPMs finishes without errors. |
Effect | Cert files are synchronized. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | ssiSyncConfigFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.15 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Synchronization of configuration files failed - $tmnxSyncFailureReason$ |
Cause | The synchronization of configuration files was stopped due to errors. |
Effect | Configuration files were not synchronized. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | ssiSyncConfigOK |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.14 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Configuration files have been successfully synchronized |
Cause | The synchronization of configuration files finished without errors. |
Effect | Configuration files are synchronized. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2047 |
Event name | ssiSyncRollbackFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.47 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Synchronization of rollback file(s) failed - $tmnxSyncFailureReason$ |
Cause | The ssiSyncRollbackFailed event is generated when the synchronization of rollback files between the primary and secondary CPMs is stopped due to errors. The tmnxSyncFailureReason will state the reason for the failure. |
Effect | Rollback files are not synchronized. |
Recovery | The user should try to determine the cause of the failure and can attempt synchronizing the files again. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2046 |
Event name | ssiSyncRollbackOK |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.46 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Rollback file(s) have been successfully synchronized |
Cause | The ssiSyncRollbackOK event is generated when the synchronization of rollback files between the primary and secondary CPMs finishes without errors. |
Effect | Rollback files are synchronized. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | stiDateAndTimeChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Date and time on the system is $stiDateAndTime$ |
Cause | The stiDateAndTimeChanged notification is generated when the time on the system is explicity set. |
Effect | The time on the system has been modified. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2081 |
Event name | stiDateAndTimeChanging |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.86 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Date and time on the system is changing from $stiDateAndTime$ |
Cause | The stiDateAndTimeChanging notification is generated when the time on the node is explicitly set. It is raised before the time is changed so that the time of the change can be related to the original timescale. It shall be followed by the stiDateAndTimeChanged notification. |
Effect | The time on the system is being changed. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2058 |
Event name | tmnxConfigConflict |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.58 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ configuration conflict |
Cause | A configuration attribute associated with a row entry in a MIB table is in conflict with another attribute. This event can be used by the NMS to trigger maintenance polls of the configuration information. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxConfigCreate |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ managed object created |
Cause | A new row entry was created in one of the MIB tables. This event can be used by the NMS to trigger maintenance polls of the configuration information. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxConfigDelete |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ managed object deleted |
Cause | A existing row entry in one of the MIB tables was deleted. This event can be used by the NMS to trigger maintenance polls of the configuration information. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxConfigModify |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ configuration modified |
Cause | A configuration attribute associated with a row entry in a MIB table was modified. This event can be used by the NMS to trigger maintenance polls of the configuration information. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2070 |
Event name | tmnxEhsDroppedByMinDelay |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.71 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The $tmnxSmRunExtAuthType$ operation failed with a min delay violation error: Mindelay = $tmnxEhsHEntryMinDelay$ is greater than Mindelay Interval: $tmnxEhsHEntryMinDelayInterval$. The script policy \"$tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyName$\" created by the owner \"$tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyOwner$\" was executed with cli-user account \"$tmnxSmRunExtUserName$\". |
Cause | The tmnxEhsDroppedByMinDelay is generated when two consecutive executions of script policy specified by this Ehs event handler entry occurs with in the time period specified by tmnxEhsHEntryMinDelay. |
Effect | The value of tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrMinDelay gets incremented. Execution of the script policy stops. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2069 |
Event name | tmnxEhsHandlerInvoked |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.70 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Ehs handler :\"$tmnxEhsHandlerName$\" with the description : \"$tmnxEhsHandlerDescription$\" was invoked by the cli-user account \"$tmnxSmRunExtUserName$\". |
Cause | The tmnxEhsHandlerInvoked notification is generated when the log event for a particular application-id and event-id/event name invokes EHS and creates a run Entry. |
Effect | EHS might create a run entry to execute scripts. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tmnxFtpClientFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.34 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Ftp client operation for destination $tmnxFtpFailureDestAddress$ failed with error message $tmnxFtpFailureMsg$ |
Cause | A file transfer operation initiated by the FTP client failed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxModuleMallocFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.12 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Memory allocation request for $tmnxModuleMallocSize$ bytes from module $tmnxMemoryModule$ failed |
Cause | A request to allocate memory from a particular module failed because the memory module was short on memory and could not support the size that was requested. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2028 |
Event name | tmnxRedCpmActive |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.28 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | New active CPM card $cpmSlotName$ is ready to accept CLI configuration commands and SNMP SET requests. |
Cause | Following a redundancy switchover the new active CPM has completed its audit and is ready to accept management commands via CLI or SNMP SET requests. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | tmnxRedSingleCpm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.29 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | The active CPM card $cpmSlotName$ is operating in singleton mode. There is no standby CPM card. |
Cause | In a system with a chassis with two CPM slots the active CPM could not detect a standby CPM in the chassis. When the operating state of TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxCpmCardRedundant for the active CPM card transitions to a value of 'singleton (1)', this event is generated. When the active CPM later detects a standby CPM in the chassis, the ssiRedStandbySyncing event will be generated followed by a ssiRedStandbyReady event to indicate clearing of the CPM singleton state. The value of tmnxCpmCardRedundant will then transition to 'redundantActive (2)'." |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | tmnxRedStandbyReady |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.25 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Redundancy synchronization with standby CPM card $cpmSlotName$ has completed. Standby CPM is ready. |
Cause | The synchronization of redundancy information onto the standby CPM has completed. |
Effect | The standby CPM is now ready to take over control of the system if the active CPM fails or a manual switchover command is issued. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | tmnxRedStandbySyncing |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.24 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Redundancy synchronization with standby CPM card $cpmSlotName$ is in progress. |
Cause | Synchronization of redundancy information onto the standby CPM was started. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the standby CPM. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | tmnxRedStandbySyncLost |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.26 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Redundancy synchronization with standby CPM card $cpmSlotName$ has been lost. |
Cause | The active CPM lost communitcation with the standby CPM. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | tmnxRedSwitchover |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.27 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Redundancy switchover from CPM card $cpmSlotName$ because $ssiRedFailoverReason$. |
Cause | The standby CPM detected that the active CPM has failed. |
Effect | The standby CPM prepared to take over as the new active CPM. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2068 |
Event name | tmnxSmLaunchStartFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.69 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Launch of $tmnxSmRunExtAuthType$ operation failed with a error: $smLaunchError$. The script policy \"$tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyName$\" created by the owner \"$tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyOwner$\" was executed with cli-user account \"$tmnxSmRunExtUserName$\" |
Cause | The tmnxSmLaunchStartFailed notification is generated when the launch start fails because : 1. The values of smLaunchScriptOwner and smLaunchScriptName don't have a existing entry in the smScriptTable. 2. The value of smScriptOperStatus is not 'enabled'. 3. The smScriptSource value is NULL. 4. The value of smLaunchOperStatus object in smLaunchTable is not 'enabled'. 5. The check to see if the run Index is already in use fails. 6. The number of currently executing scripts invoked from this smLaunchTable entry is greater than smLaunchMaxRunning. |
Effect | The result is indicated by incrementing the value of tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrLaunch. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tmnxSnmpdStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.23 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The SNMP agent has changed state. Administrative state is $sbiSnmpdAdminStatus$ and operational state is $sbiSnmpdOperStatus$. |
Cause | There was a change in either the adminstrative or operational state of the SNMP agent. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | tmnxSntpOperChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.32 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | SNTP's operational status is $sntpOperStatus$ |
Cause | There was a change in the operational state of SNTP. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxSssiMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.22 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Synchronization between CPMs is disabled therefore persistent SNMP index files may not be in sync |
Cause | In a system with redundant CPM cards, upon completion of the bootup configuration synchronization was 'disabled' but the boot options file (bof) specifies the system is to be booted with persistent SNMP indexes. |
Effect | Boot environment files are not synchronized. Following a system failover, SNMP indexes may not have the same values. |
Recovery | Enable synchronization. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.11 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Status of $tmnxNotifyObjectName$ changed administrative state: $tmnxNotifyRowAdminState$, operational state: $tmnxNotifyRowOperState$ |
Cause | A change occurred in either the adminstrative or operational state of a MIB table entry. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2071 |
Event name | tmnxSysAppStats24HrsAvailable |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.72 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | New rows are available in the tmnxSysAppStats24HrsTable containing values collected at $tmnxSysNotifAppStatsTime$ for application $tmnxSysNotifAppStatsApplication$ type $tmnxSysNotifAppStatsType$ |
Cause | The system generates the tmnxSysAppStats24HrsAvailable notification when new rows are available in the tmnxSysAppStats24HrsTable. The value of tmnxSysNotifAppStatsTime indicates the time the system collected the values in the new rows. A non-zero value of tmnxSysNotifAppStatsApplication indicates the application; a zero value of tmnxSysNotifAppStatsApplication indicates that new values are available for all active applications. A non-zero value of tmnxSysNotifAppStatsType indicates the type of statistics; a zero value of tmnxSysNotifAppStatsType indicates that new values are available for all active types. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2072 |
Event name | tmnxSysAppStatsWeekAvailable |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.73 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | New rows are available in the tmnxSysAppStatsWeekTable containing values collected at $tmnxSysNotifAppStatsTime$ |
Cause | The system generates the tmnxSysAppStatsWeekAvailable notification when new rows are available in the tmnxSysAppStatsWeekTable. The value of tmnxSysNotifAppStatsTime indicates the time the system collected the values in the new rows. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2067 |
Event name | tmnxSysBaseMacAddressNotSet |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.68 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | System base MAC address is not set. Using generated value of $tmnxChassisBaseMacAddress$ which may not be unique. |
Cause | The tmnxSysBaseMacAddressNotSet notification is generated once after the system boots up and the value of sbiSystemBaseMacAddress is all zeroes. |
Effect | The system software is using the base MAC address specified in tmnxChassisBaseMacAddress which may not be unique. |
Recovery | Configure sbiSystemBaseMacAddress to a value other than all zeroes. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2053 |
Event name | tmnxSysExecFinished |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.53 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxSysExecFinished notification is generated upon the completion of the execution of a CLI command file or execution of 'vsd' configuration messages is completed. The value of tmnxSysExecScript indicates the command file when the value of tmnxLogExecRollbackOpType is 'exec' or an empty string when the value of tmnxLogExecRollbackOpType is 'vsd'. The value of tmnxLogExecRollbackOpIndex indicates the row entry in TIMETRA-LOG-MIB::tmnxLogExecRollbackOpTable for this CLI 'exec' or 'vsd' operation. |
Effect | The effect is that the entry for the specified tmnxLogExecRollbackOpIndex won't be updated, and no further notifications will be added to the specified index in the logger. |
Recovery | When the value of tmnxSysExecResult is 'none' or 'success', no recovery is required. When the value is 'fail', the system may be left in an inconsistent state and the user should try to determine the reason for the failure. The user can attempt a recovery by manually entering CLI commands to reverse the failed configuration. The user can attempt a recovery by performing a rollback revert to a known good checkpoint. The user can attempt a recovery by rebooting the system with the bof pointing to a saved configuration file." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2052 |
Event name | tmnxSysExecStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.52 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Possible messages:
Cause | The tmnxSysExecStarted notification is generated when the user initiates a CLI 'exec' operation to process a file of SROS CLI commands or processing of 'vsd' configuration messages have been initiated. The value of tmnxSysExecScript indicates the command file when the value of tmnxLogExecRollbackOpType is 'exec' or an empty string when the value of tmnxLogExecRollbackOpType is 'vsd'. The value of tmnxLogExecRollbackOpIndex indicates the row entry in TIMETRA-LOG-MIB::tmnxLogExecRollbackOpTable for this CLI 'exec' or 'vsd' operation. |
Effect | All change notifications generated after the generation of this notification and before the tmnxSysExecFinished will be logged in the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB::tmnxLogExecRollbackEventEntry. Once the tmnxSysExecFinished notification is triggered, a Network Management System (NMS) is able to walk the aforementioned log table to retrieve the list of all objects that have been modified during this transaction. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2056 |
Event name | tmnxSysNvsysFileError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.56 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failure to $tmnxSysFileErrorType$ file $fileName$ |
Cause | The tmnxSysNvsysFileError notification is generated when there is a failure in accessing the nvsys file as specified by tmnxSysFileErrorType. |
Effect | The specified nvsys file operation is unsuccessful. |
Recovery | The user should investigate why the failure occurred. A failure can indicate a problem with the compact flash. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2055 |
Event name | tmnxSysRollbackDeleteStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.55 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Rollback delete of file $fileName$ started |
Cause | The tmnxSysRollbackDeleteStarted notification is generated when the user initiates a rollback delete as specified by by tmnxSysRollbackIndex and tmnxSysRollbackFileType. |
Effect | The specified configuration file is deleted. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2045 |
Event name | tmnxSysRollbackFileDeleteStatus |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.45 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Rollback deletion of file $fileName$ $result$ |
Cause | The tmnxSysRollbackFileDeleteStatus notification is generated upon the completion of a rollback file delete as specified by tmnxSysRollbackIndex and tmnxSysRollbackFileType. |
Effect | The result is indicated by the value of tmnxSysRollbackFileDeleteResult. |
Recovery | When the value of tmnxSysRollbackFileDeleteResult is none, inProgress or success no recovery is required. When the value is failed, the user should try to determine the reason for the failure. The user can attempt a recovery by deleting the file again. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2054 |
Event name | tmnxSysRollbackSaveStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.54 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Rollback save of file $fileName$ started |
Cause | The tmnxSysRollbackSaveStarted notification is generated when the user initiates a rollback save as specified by tmnxSysRollbackFileType. |
Effect | The specified configuration file is saved. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2044 |
Event name | tmnxSysRollbackSaveStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.44 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Rollback save of file $fileName$ $result$ |
Cause | The tmnxSysRollbackSaveStatusChange notification is generated upon the completion of a rollback save as specified by tmnxSysRollbackFileType. |
Effect | The result is indicated by value of tmnxSysRollbackSaveResult. |
Recovery | When the value of tmnxSysRollbackSaveResult is none, inProgress or success no recovery is required. When the value is is failed, the user should try to determine the reason for the failure. The user can attempt a recovery by attempting the rollback save again. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2042 |
Event name | tmnxSysRollbackStarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.42 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Rollback revert of file $fileName$ started |
Cause | The tmnxSysRollbackStarted notification is generated when the user initiates a revert of the rollback checkpoint file specified by tmnxSysRollbackIndex and tmnxSysRollbackFileType. |
Effect | The specified file is executed and system configuration may change. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2043 |
Event name | tmnxSysRollbackStatusChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.43 |
Default severity | critical |
Message format string | Rollback revert of file $fileName$ $result$ |
Cause | The tmnxSysRollbackStatusChange notification is generated upon the completion of a rollback revert as specified by tmnxSysRollbackIndex and tmnxSysRollbackFileType. |
Effect | The result is indicated by the value of tmnxSysRollbackResult. |
Recovery | When the value of tmnxSysRollbackResult is none, inProgress or success no recovery is required. When the value is failed, the user should try to determine the reason for the failure. The user can attempt a recovery by reverting back to a known good checkpoint. The user may reboot the system with the bof pointing to a saved configuration file. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2063 |
Event name | tmnxSysVsdServerAvailable |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.63 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | VSD server $tmnxSysNotifVsdServerName$ is available |
Cause | The tmnxSysVsdServerAvailable notification is generated when system discover a new VSD server. |
Effect | System will use this information to establish communication with new VSD server as needed. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2064 |
Event name | tmnxSysVsdServerUnavailable |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.64 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | VSD server $tmnxSysNotifVsdServerName$ is unavailable |
Cause | The tmnxSysVsdServerAvailable notification is generated when system loses connection to VSD. |
Effect | System will use this information and stop communication with this VSD server as needed. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2065 |
Event name | tmnxSysXmppServerFunctional |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.65 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | XMPP server $tmnxSysNotifXmppServerName$ is functional |
Cause | The tmnxSysXmppServerFunctional notification is generated when system discover a new XMPP server. |
Effect | System will use this information to establish communication with new XMPP server as needed. |
Recovery | None needed. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2066 |
Event name | tmnxSysXmppServerNotFunctional |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.66 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | XMPP server $tmnxSysNotifXmppServerName$ is not functional |
Cause | The tmnxSysXmppServerNotFunctional notification is generated when system can not communicate with XMPP server. |
Effect | Communication with XMPP server will stop. |
Recovery | Check to see why XMPP server has stopped communicatinng. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxTrapDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysNotifications.13 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Dropped notification $tmnxDroppedTrapName$ for $tmnxDroppedTrapEntryName$ because of $tmnxTrapDroppedReasonCode$ - $tmnxTrapDroppedCount$ traps dropped |
Cause | A tmnxTrapDropped notification is generated when a trap is dropped for the reason specified by the reason code. The tmnxTrapDroppedEntryID identifies the table entry associated with the dropped trap. A nonzero value of the object tmnxTrapDroppedCount indicates the number of traps dropped for the current flow of traps, identified by the values of tmnxDroppedTrapID, tmnxTrapDroppedReasonCode and tmnxTrapDroppedEntryID. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | cli_config_io |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$: $prompt$ $message$ |
Cause | A CLI command was entered in a configuration node |
Effect | The configuration was changed by the CLI command. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | cli_unauth_config_io |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$. $message$: $prompt$ $command$ |
Cause | User has entered configuration command for which he is not authorized. |
Effect | The CLI command was not processed. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | cli_unauth_user_io |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$. $message$: $prompt$ $command$ |
Cause | User has entered command for which he is not authorized. |
Effect | The CLI command was not processed. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | cli_user_io |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$: $prompt$ $message$ |
Cause | A CLI command was entered. |
Effect | The CLI command was processed. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | cli_user_login |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$ logged in |
Cause | A user successfully authenticated for login. |
Effect | A user access session was started. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | cli_user_login_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$ failed authentication |
Cause | A user failed authentication. |
Effect | The user access session was not started. The user is given another opportunity to authenticate himself. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | cli_user_login_max_attempts |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$ attempted more than $maxAttempts$ times to log in, user is locked out |
Cause | A user failed to authenticate in more than the permitted number of retries. |
Effect | If telnet the session terminates; console no effect |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | cli_user_logout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$ logged out |
Cause | A user logged out. |
Effect | The user access session ended. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | ftp_user_login |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | FTP user from $srcAddr$ logged in |
Cause | A user successfully authenticated for login. |
Effect | A user access session was started. |
Recovery | No recovery is required |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | ftp_user_login_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | FTP user from $srcAddr$ failed authentication |
Cause | A user failed authentication. |
Effect | The user access session was not started. The user is given another opportunity to authenticate himself. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | ftp_user_login_max_attempts |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | User from $srcAddr$ attempted more than $maxAttempts$ times to log in, user is locked out |
Cause | A user failed to authenticate in more than the permitted number of retries. |
Effect | The ftp session was terminated. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | ftp_user_logout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | FTP user from $srcAddr$ logged out |
Cause | A user logged out. |
Effect | The user access session ended. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | mct_user_login |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MCT User from $srcAddr$ logged in |
Cause | A user successfully authenticated for login. |
Effect | A user access session was started. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | mct_user_login_failed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MCT User from $srcAddr$ failed authentication |
Cause | A user failed authentication. |
Effect | The user access session was not started. The user is given another opportunity to authenticate himself. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | mct_user_login_max_attempts |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MCT User from $srcAddr$ attempted more than $maxAttempts$ times to log in |
Cause | A user failed to authenticate in more than the permitted number of retries. |
Effect | If telnet the session terminates; console no effect |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | mct_user_logout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MCT User from $srcAddr$ logged out |
Cause | A user logged out. |
Effect | The user access session ended. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | USER |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | snmp_user_set |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | SNMP user from $srcAddr$> $vbList$ |
Cause | An SNMP SET reqest was received. |
Effect | Configuration was changed by an SNMP SET operation. |
Recovery | No recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VIDEO |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxVdoAdSpliceAbort |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VIDEO-MIB.tmnxVdoNotifications.6 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | An ad splice operation has been aborted - Service Id - $tmnxVdoNotifysvcId$, Video interface - $tmnxVdoNotifyIfName$, Group address - $tmnxVdoNotifyGroupAddress$, Source address - $tmnxVdoNotifySourceAddress$, Session Id - $tmnxVdoNotifyAdSpliceSessionId$, Abort time - $tmnxVdoNotifyAdSpliceAbortTime$, Duration - $tmnxVdoNotifyAdSpliceDuration$, Packets - $tmnxVdoLogAdSplicePackets$, Octets - $tmnxVdoLogAdSpliceOctets$, Bit rate - $tmnxVdoLogAdSpliceBitRate$ Kbps |
Cause | This event will be generated when an ad splice is aborted. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VIDEO |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxVdoClientSessionsLmtCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VIDEO-MIB.tmnxVdoNotifications.8 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Number of RTCP sessions back to the limit for client $tmnxVdoNotifyClientAddress$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VIDEO |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxVdoClientSessionsLmtExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VIDEO-MIB.tmnxVdoNotifications.7 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Threshold for number of RTCP sessions exceeded for client $tmnxVdoNotifyClientAddress$ |
Cause | N/A |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VIDEO |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxVdoDuplicateSsrcId |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VIDEO-MIB.tmnxVdoNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Duplicate SSRC Id $tmnxVdoGrpSrcSSRCId$ detected: Service Id - $svcId$, Video interface - $tmnxVdoIfName$, Group address - $tmnxVdoGrpSrcGroupAddress$, Source address - $tmnxVdoGrpSrcSourceAddress$ |
Cause | This event will be generated for a video channel when we notice that it has an SSRC that conflicts with another SG's SSRC. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | The only way to clear this is by clearing one of the channels having the duplicate SSRC. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VIDEO |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxVdoGrpSrcAnlyzrErrState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VIDEO-MIB.tmnxVdoNotifications.9 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Last 10 seconds analyzer state for - Service Id - $tmnxVdoNotifysvcId$, Video interface - $tmnxVdoNotifyIfName$, Group address - $tmnxVdoNotifyGroupAddress$, Source address - $tmnxVdoNotifySourceAddress$ is $tmnxVdoNotifyAnalyzerState$ |
Cause | The tmnxVdoGrpSrcAnlyzrErrState notification is raised whenever a video channel analyzer's error state changes to one of these values - TNC (Tech Non-Conformance), QOS (Quality of Service), POA (Program off Air). |
Effect | This trap is informational. No effects are caused by this trap. |
Recovery | No recovery mechanism is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VIDEO |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxVdoGrpSrcAnlyzrStClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VIDEO-MIB.tmnxVdoNotifications.10 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Analyzer state is cleared for - Service Id - $tmnxVdoNotifysvcId$, Video interface - $tmnxVdoNotifyIfName$, Group address - $tmnxVdoNotifyGroupAddress$, Source address - $tmnxVdoNotifySourceAddress$ |
Cause | The tmnxVdoGrpSrcAnlyzrStClear notification is raised whenever a video channel analyzer's error state has recovered from past errors and is good for the last 10 seconds. |
Effect | This trap is informational. No effects are caused by this trap. |
Recovery | No recovery mechanism is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VIDEO |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxVdoMdaSessionsLimitCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VIDEO-MIB.tmnxVdoNotifications.4 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Number of RTCP sessions back to the limit - $tmnxVdoGrpMdaActiveRtcpSessions$ sessions active on MDA $tmnxChassisIndex$/$tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMDASlotNum$, video group - $tmnxVdoGrpId$ |
Cause | This event will be generated for a video MDA when the number of active RTCP sessions are back to with in the limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VIDEO |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxVdoMdaSessionsLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VIDEO-MIB.tmnxVdoNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Threshold for number of RTCP sessions exceeded - $tmnxVdoGrpMdaActiveRtcpSessions$ sessions active on MDA $tmnxChassisIndex$/$tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMDASlotNum$, video group - $tmnxVdoGrpId$ |
Cause | This event will be generated for a video MDA when we exceed supported max sessions. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VIDEO |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxVdoMdaSGLimitCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VIDEO-MIB.tmnxVdoNotifications.5 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Number of channels back to the limit - $tmnxVdoGrpMdaChannels$ channels active on MDA $tmnxChassisIndex$/$tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMDASlotNum$, video group - $tmnxVdoGrpId$ |
Cause | This event will be generated for a video MDA when the number of channels are back to with in the limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VIDEO |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxVdoMdaSGLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VIDEO-MIB.tmnxVdoNotifications.3 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | Threshold for number of channels exceeded - $tmnxVdoGrpMdaChannels$ channels active on MDA $tmnxChassisIndex$/$tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxMDASlotNum$, video group - $tmnxVdoGrpId$ |
Cause | This event will be generated for a video MDA when we exceed supported max channels. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxVrrpBecameBackup |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | VRRP virtual router instance $vrrpOperVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$ changed state to backup - current master is $vrrpOperMasterIpAddr$ |
Cause | The sending agent has transitioned to 'Backup' state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxVrrpBfdIntfSessStateChgd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | BFD session on service $tmnxVrrpNotifBfdIntfSvcId$ interface $tmnxVrrpNotifBfdIntfIfName$ to peer $tmnxVrrpNotifBfdIntfDestIp$ changed state to $tmnxVrrpNotifBfdIntfSessState$. |
Cause | The operational state of a BFD session of the VRRP instance changed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxVrrpIPListMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IP Address list in VRRP advertisement from $tmnxVrrpRouterMasterPrimaryAddr$ did not match address list configured for VRRP instance $vrrpOperVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$ |
Cause | The IP address list in the advertisement messages received from the current master did not match the configured IP address list. This is an edge triggered event. A second event will not be generated for a packet from the same master until this event has been cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxVrrpIPListMismatchClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Previously generated address list mismatch trap cleared for VRRP instance $vrrpOperVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$ for advertisements from $tmnxVrrpRouterMasterPrimaryAddr$ |
Cause | A previously ocurring tmnxVrrpIPListMismatch event has been cleared because the IP address list in the advertisement messages received from the current master now matches the configured IP address list. This is an edge triggered event. A second event will not be generated for a packet from the same master until this event has been set again. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxVrrpMultipleOwners |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxVrrpRouterMasterPrimaryAddr$ is advertising itself as an owner for VRRP instance $vrrpOperVrId$ which conflicts with owner instance on interface $ifIndex$ |
Cause | A VRRP virtual router instance that has been configured as an owner noticed that that another VRRP instance is also advertising itself as an owner. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tmnxVrrpOperDownInvalidMac |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.15 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | tmnxVrrpOperDownInvalidMac notification from VR $vrrpOperVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$. VR is not allowed to be operational. |
Cause | The tmnxVrrpOperDownInvalidMac is generated when the operational virtual MAC of an IPv4 VRRP instance conflicts with the MAC of the parent interface, or with the operational virtual MAC addresses of other VRRP instances under the same interface. |
Effect | The VRRP virtual router instance is not allowed to become operationally 'up'. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2021 |
Event name | tmnxVrrpOperDownInvalidMacClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.16 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | tmnxVrrpOperDownInvalidMac notification from VR $vrrpOperVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$ has been cleared. |
Cause | The tmnxVrrpOperDownInvalidMacClear is generated when a previously occurring tmnxVrrpOperDownInvalidMac notification has been cleared. Operational virtual MAC of an IPv4 VRRP instance does not have any conflict with the MAC of the parent interface or with the operational virtual MAC addresses of other VRRP instances under the same interface. |
Effect | The VRRP virtual router instance is allowed to become operationally 'up'. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tVrrpBecameBackup |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | VRRP virtual router instance $vrrpOperationsVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$ changed state to backup - current master is $vrrpOperationsMasterIpAddr$ |
Cause | The sending agent has transitioned to 'Backup' state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tVrrpIPListMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.8 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | IPv6 Address list in VRRP advertisement from $tVrrpRtrMasterPrimaryAddr$ did not match address list configured for VRRP instance $vrrpOperationsVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$ |
Cause | The IPv6 address list in the advertisement messages received from the current master did not match the configured IPv6 address list. This is an edge triggered event. A second event will not be generated for a packet from the same master until this event has been cleared. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tVrrpIPListMismatchClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Previously generated address list mismatch trap cleared for VRRP instance $vrrpOperationsVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$ for advertisements from $tVrrpRtrMasterPrimaryAddr$ |
Cause | A previously ocurring tVrrpIPListMismatch event has been cleared because the IPv6 address list in the advertisement messages received from the current master now matches the configured IPv6 address list. This is an edge triggered event. A second event will not be generated for a packet from the same master until this event has been set again. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tVrrpMultipleOwners |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tVrrpRtrMasterPrimaryAddr$ is advertising itself as an owner for VRRP instance $vrrpOperationsVrId$ which conflicts with owner instance on interface $ifIndex$ |
Cause | A VRRP virtual router instance that has been configured as an owner noticed that another VRRP instance is also advertising itself as an owner. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tVrrpOperDownInvalidMac |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.13 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | tVrrpOperDownInvalidMac notification from IPv6 VR $vrrpOperationsVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$. VR is not allowed to be operational. |
Cause | The tVrrpOperDownInvalidMac is generated when the operational virtual MAC of an IPv6 VRRP instance conflicts with the MAC of the parent interface, or with the operational virtual MAC addresses of other VRRP instances under the same interface. |
Effect | The VRRP virtual router instance is not allowed to become operationally 'up'. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | tVrrpOperDownInvalidMacClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.14 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | tVrrpOperDownInvalidMac notification from IPv6 VR $vrrpOperationsVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$ has been cleared. |
Cause | The tVrrpOperDownInvalidMacClear is generated when a previously occurring tVrrpOperDownInvalidMac notification has been cleared. Operational virtual MAC of an IPv6 VRRP instance does not have any conflict with the MAC of the parent interface or with the operational virtual MAC addresses of other VRRP instances under the same interface. |
Effect | The VRRP virtual router instance is allowed to become operationally 'up'. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tVrrpPacketDiscarded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Discarded VRRP packet from $vrrpPacketSrc$ because $vrrpPacketDiscardReason$ |
Cause | A VRRP packet we discarded. The following checks are performed on an incoming VRRP packet - verify that the IP TTL is 255. - verify the VRRP version - verify that the received packet length is greater than or equal to the VRRP header - verify the VRRP checksum - perform authentication specified by Auth Type If any one of the above checks fails, the receiver must discard the packet and log the event. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tVrrpRouterAdvNotActivated |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Interface $ifIndex$ of VR $vrrpOperationsVrId$ is not set to send out Router Advertisement messages using virtual MAC. VR is not allowed to be operational |
Cause | The parent interface of the IPv6 VR was not set to send out Router Advertisement and thus the VR was not allowed to become operationally 'up'. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | tVrrpRouterAdvNotActivatedClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | tVrrpRouterAdvNotActivated trap from VR $vrrpOperationsVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$ has been cleared |
Cause | A previously occurring tVrrpRouterAdvNotActivated event has been cleared. The tVrrpRouterAdvNotActivatedClear event is generated when either the parent interface of the IPv6 VR is set to send out Router Advertisement, or the VR is no longer attempting to become active (e.g. the VR is administratively shutdown). |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tVrrpTrapNewMaster |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRRP-MIB.tmnxVrrpNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | VRRP virtual router instance $vrrpOperationsVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$ (primary address $vrrpOperationsMasterIpAddr$) changed state to master due to $vrrpNewMasterReason$ |
Cause | The sending agent has transitioned to 'Master' state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | vrrpPacketDiscarded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | N/A |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Discarded VRRP packet from $vrrpPacketSrc$ because $vrrpPacketDiscardReason$ |
Cause | A VRRP packet was discarded. The following checks are performed on an incoming VRRP packet - verify that the IP TTL is 255. - verify the VRRP version - verify that the received packet length is greater than or equal to the VRRP header - verify the VRRP checksum - perform authentication specified by Auth Type If any one of the above checks fails, the receiver must discard the packet and log the event. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | vrrpTrapAuthFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | VRRP-MIB.vrrpNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Authentication failed for VRRP packet received from $vrrpTrapPacketSrc$ because $vrrpTrapAuthErrorType$ |
Cause | A packet was received from a router whose authentication key or authentication type conflicted with this router's authentication key or authentication type. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | vrrpTrapNewMaster |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | VRRP-MIB.vrrpNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | VRRP virtual router instance $vrrpOperVrId$ on interface $ifIndex$ (primary address $vrrpOperMasterIpAddr$) changed state to master |
Cause | Tthe sending agent has transitioned to 'Master' state. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRRP |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | vrrpTrapProtoError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | VRRP-MIB.vrrpNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | VRRP encountered the protocol error due to $vrrpTrapProtoErrReason$ |
Cause | The sending agent encountered a protocol error. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 3001 |
Event name | aluVRtrFibV6TableThresholdExceed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | ALU-VRTR-MIB.aluVRtrNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | TODO |
Cause | The aluVRtrFibV6TableThresholdExceed notification is generated when the number of supported V6 routers in FIB on an IOM card transitions between exceeding a high-level water mark and falling below a low-level threshold. Both the high-level water mark and the low-level threshold are defined based on the 7705 platform. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2077 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrArpLmt |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.77 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Interface $vRtrIfName$: Number of ARP entries learned has exceeded the configured maximum ($vRtrIfArpLimit$) |
Cause | A tmnxVRtrArpLmt notification is generated when the number of IPv4 ARP entries learned on an IP interface has exceeded the configured maximum. |
Effect | The number of entries have exceeded the configured limit as specified by vRtrIfArpLimit. No new entries are learned until an entry expires. |
Recovery | Increase the arp-limit. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2078 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrArpThresholdExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.78 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Interface $vRtrIfName$: Number of ARP entries learned has exceeded the $vRtrIfArpThreshold$ percentage of the configured maximum ($vRtrIfArpLimit$) |
Cause | A tmnxVRtrArpThresholdExceeded notification is generated when the number of IPv4 ARP entries learned on an IP interface has exceeded vRtrIfArpThreshold percent of the configured maximum as specified by vRtrIfArpLimit. |
Effect | No direct effect but if the interface continues to learn more entries then the number of entries may exceed the configured limit as specified by vRtrIfArpLimit. In that case, no new entries are learned until an entry expires and traffic to these destinations will be dropped. |
Recovery | Increase the arp-limit. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2065 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrBfdExtNoCpmNpResources |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.65 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The BFD session with local discriminator $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLclDisc$ on node $subject$ could not be established because cpm-np session termination resources are not available |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrBfdExtNoCpmNpResources notification is generated when a BFD session could not be established because the session requires a cpmNp session termination resource (see vRtrIfBfdExtType), and no cpmNp session termination resources are available. |
Effect | There is no effect of this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrBfdMaxSessionOnSlot |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.18 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | The number of BFD sessions on $vRtrSlotOrCpmFlag$ $vRtrBfdSlotNumber$ has exceeded $vRtrNumberOfBfdSessionsOnSlot$, constrained by $vRtrBfdMaxSessionReason$ |
Cause | The number of BFD sessions on an IOM or CPM card has exceeded the maximum number allowed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrBfdPortTypeNotSupported |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.19 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | BFD is not supported on $tmnxPortType$ ports. No sessions will come up on port $tmnxPortNotifyPortId$. |
Cause | BFD is not supported on the port specified. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2063 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrBfdSessExtDeleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.63 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | BFD Session on node $subject$ has been deleted. |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrBfdSessExtDeleted notification is generated when a BFD session is deleted. |
Effect | There is no effect of this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2061 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrBfdSessExtDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.61 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | BFD: Local Discriminator $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLclDisc$ BFD session on node $subject$ is down due to $vRtrIfBfdSessExtOperFlags$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrBfdSessExtDown notification is generated when a BFD session goes down. |
Effect | There is no effect of this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2064 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrBfdSessExtProtChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.64 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The protocol($vRtrIfBfdSessChangedProtocol$) using BFD session on node $subject$ has been $vRtrIfBfdSessProtoChngdState$. |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrBfdSessExtProtChange notification is generated when there is a change in the list of protocols using the BFD session. |
Effect | There is no effect of this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2062 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrBfdSessExtUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.62 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | BFD: Local Discriminator $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLclDisc$ BFD session on node $subject$ is up |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrBfdSessExtUp notification is generated when a BFD session goes up. |
Effect | There is no effect of this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2066 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrDnsFault |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.66 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Fault with DNS server $vRtrNotifInetAddr$ $vRtrNotifTruthValue$ - $vRtrFailureDescription$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrDnsFault notification is generated when this system detects a fault with a DNS server, or when it detects that the fault has disappeared. The virtual router instance and DNS server address are indicated with vRtrID, vRtrNotifInetAddrType, and vRtrNotifInetAddr. More details of the fault may be indicated with vRtrFailureDescription. |
Effect | If another DNS server is available in the same virtual router instance, that DNS server may be used instead. Otherwise, any application in this virtual router instance that relies on DNS may be affected. |
Recovery | A modification of the conceptual row in the vRtrDnsTable with the same value for vRtrID, may repair the problem. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrFibOccupancyThreshold |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.36 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | High FIB utilization detected. |
Cause | The FIB on an IOM card transitioned between experiencing persistent normal and high utilization. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2026 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrGrtExportLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.39 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | GRT has reached the export-limit $vRtrGrtMaxExportRoutes$, additional routes will not be exported into GRT |
Cause | GRT has exported maximum allowed export routes. It will not export any more routes unless the export policy and export limit is changed. |
Effect | GRT will not export any more routes. |
Recovery | Change GRT export policy. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrGrtRoutesExpLimitDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.40 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of exported routes into GRT has dropped below the export limit $vRtrGrtMaxExportRoutes$ |
Cause | Number of exported routes into GRT has dropped below the configured export limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2032 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrGrtV6ExportLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.44 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | GRT has reached the IPv6 export-limit $vRtrGrtMaxIpv6ExportRoutes$, additional routes will not be exported into GRT |
Cause | GRT has exported maximum allowed IPv6 export routes. It will not export any more routes unless the export policy and export limit is changed. |
Effect | GRT will not export any more routes. |
Recovery | Change GRT export policy. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrGrtV6RoutesExpLimDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.45 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The number of IPv6 exported routes into GRT has dropped below the export limit $vRtrGrtMaxIpv6ExportRoutes$ |
Cause | Number of IPv6 exported routes into GRT has dropped below the configured export limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrHighRouteCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has cleared the high-level threshold: $vRtrHighRouteThreshold$ - the routing table contains $vRtrStatCurrNumRoutes$ routes |
Cause | The number of routes has dropped below the high-level threshold. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrHighRouteTCA |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has exceeded the high-level threshold: $vRtrHighRouteThreshold$ - the routing table contains $vRtrStatCurrNumRoutes$ routes |
Cause | The high-level threshold for number of routes has been crossed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2081 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrIfIgnorePortState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.81 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Ignoring SAP port state in service: $vRtrServiceId$ for IP interface: $vRtrIfName$ is $vRtrNotifIgnorePortState$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrIfIgnorePortState notification is generated when ignoring non-operational state of the port associated with the IP interface is changing state. |
Effect | This notification is informational only. |
Recovery | Set TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapL3LoopbackRowStatus to 'destroy' to stop this." |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrIfLdpSyncTimerStart |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.41 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LDP Sync Timer starts for interface $vRtrIfName$ with timer value $vRtrIfLdpSyncTimer$ |
Cause | LDP Sync timer started for the interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2030 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrIfLdpSyncTimerStop |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.42 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | LDP Sync Timer stops for interface $vRtrIfName$ with timer value $vRtrIfLdpSyncTimer$ |
Cause | LDP Sync timer stops for the interface. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrInetAddressAttachFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.37 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Could not attach address $vRtrNotifInetAddr$ to interface $vRtrIfIndex$ : $vRtrFailureDescription$ |
Cause | An IP address could not be attached to an interface. A possible cause is that the maximum number of IP addresses in the system is exceeded. |
Effect | The IP address cannot be used. |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrIPv6HighRouteCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.31 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has cleared the high-level threshold: $vRtrIPv6HighRouteThreshold$ - the routing table contains $vRtrV6StatCurrNumRoutes$ IPv6 routes |
Cause | The number of IPv6 routes has dropped below the high-level threshold. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrIPv6HighRouteTCA |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.30 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has exceeded the high-level threshold: $vRtrIPv6HighRouteThreshold$ - the routing table contains $vRtrV6StatCurrNumRoutes$ IPv6 routes |
Cause | The high-level threshold for number of IPv6 routes has been crossed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrIPv6MidRouteTCA |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.29 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has exceeded the mid-level threshold: $vRtrIPv6MidRouteThreshold$ - the routing table contains $vRtrV6StatCurrNumRoutes$ IPv6 routes |
Cause | The mid-level threshold for the number of IPv6 routes has been crossed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2079 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrIpv6NbrLmt |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.79 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Interface $vRtrIfName$: Number of neighbor entries learned has exceeded the configured maximum ($vRtrIfIpv6NbrLimit$) |
Cause | A tmnxVRtrIpv6NbrLmt notification is generated when the maximum amount of IPv6 neighbor entries learned on an IP interface has exceeded the configured maximum. |
Effect | The number of entries have exceeded the configured limit as specified by vRtrIfIpv6NbrLimit. No new entries are learned until an entry expires. |
Recovery | Increase the neighbor limit. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2080 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrIpv6NbrThresholdExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.80 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Interface $vRtrIfName$: Number of neighbor entries learned has exceeded the $vRtrIfIpv6NbrThreshold$ percentage of the configured maximum ($vRtrIfIpv6NbrLimit$) |
Cause | A tmnxVRtrIpv6NbrThresholdExceeded notification is generated when the number of IPv6 neighbor entries learned on an IP interface has exceeded vRtrIfIpv6NbrThreshold percent of the configured maximum as specified by vRtrIfIpv6NbrLimit. |
Effect | No direct effect but if the interface continues to learn more entries then the number of entries may exceed the configured limit as specified by vRtrIfIpv6NbrLimit. In that case, no new entries are learned until an entry expires and traffic to these destinations will be dropped. |
Recovery | Increase the neighbor limit. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2068 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrMacAcctLimitCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.68 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Mac Accounting Indices are available for RtrId $vRtrID$ Interface $vRtrIfName$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrMacAcctLimitCleared notification is generated when one or more MAC entries are deleted following the generation of a tmnxVRtrMacAcctLimitReached notification. |
Effect | Allocation of further MAC entries will be successful up to the number of entries cleared. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2067 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrMacAcctLimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.67 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | MAC Accounting Limit of 511 has been reached for RtrId $vRtrID$ Interface $vRtrIfName$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrMacAcctLimitReached notification is generated when the system detects that the MAC accounting table is full. |
Effect | The MAC accounting table is full and further allocations of accounting indices will fail. |
Recovery | The failure can be cleared when the used MAC entries are deleted by disabling MAC accounting on a particular interface or through manual intervention with a user command such as clear router interface mac. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrManagedRouteAddFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.35 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Could not install managed route $vRtrManagedRouteInetAddr$/$vRtrManagedRoutePrefixLen$ in router $subject$ : $vRtrFailureDescription$ |
Cause | A managed route could not be installed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrMaxArpEntriesCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.9 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has cleared the maximum ARP entries threshold: $vRtrMaxARPEntries$ - its ARP table contains $vRtrStatActiveARPEntries$ active entries and $vRtrStatTotalARPEntries$ total entries |
Cause | The number of ARP entries has dropped below the maximum ARP entries threshold for the system. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrMaxArpEntriesTCA |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.8 |
Default severity | major |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has caused the maximum ARP entries threshold for the system to be crossed: $vRtrMaxARPEntries$ - its ARP table contains $vRtrStatActiveARPEntries$ active entries and $vRtrStatTotalARPEntries$ total entries |
Cause | The maximum ARP entries threshold for all Routers has been crossed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrMaxRoutes |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has exceeded the max $vRtrMaxRoutesType$ routes threshold: $vRtrMaxNumRoutes$ - the VRF contains $vRtrStatCurrNumRoutes$ routes |
Cause | The maximum routes threshold contained in a VPRN has been crossed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrMcastMaxRoutesCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.7 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has cleared the high-level threshold for multicast routes: $vRtrMaxMcastNumRoutes$ - the multicast routing table contains $vRtrMulticastRoutes$ routes |
Cause | The number of multicast routes has dropped below the maximum multicast routes threshold. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrMcastMaxRoutesTCA |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has exceeded the max multicast routes threshold: $vRtrMaxMcastNumRoutes$ - the multicast routing table contains $vRtrMulticastRoutes$ routes |
Cause | The max routes threshold for number of multicast routes has been crossed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrMcastMidRouteTCA |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has exceeded the mid-level threshold for multicast routes: $vRtrMcastMidRouteThreshold$ - the multicast routing table contains $vRtrMulticastRoutes$ routes |
Cause | The mid-level threshold for number of multicast routes has been crossed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrMidRouteTCA |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Router $subject$ has exceeded the mid-level threshold: $vRtrMidRouteThreshold$ - the routing table contains $vRtrStatCurrNumRoutes$ routes |
Cause | The mid-level threshold for number of routes has been crossed. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2073 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrNgBfdNoCpmNpResources |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.73 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLinkType$ BFD session with local discriminator $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLclDisc$ on $subject$ could not be established because cpm-np session termination resources are not available |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrNgBfdNoCpmNpResources notification is generated when a BFD session could not be established because the session requires a cpmNp session termination resource (see vRtrIfBfdExtType), and no cpmNp session termination resources are available. |
Effect | There is no effect of this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2071 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrNgBfdSessDeleted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.71 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLinkType$ BFD session with Local Discriminator $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLclDisc$ on $subject$ has been deleted |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrNgBfdSessDeleted notification is generated when a BFD session is deleted. |
Effect | There is no effect of this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2069 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrNgBfdSessDown |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.69 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLinkType$ BFD session with Local Discriminator $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLclDisc$ on $subject$ is down due to $vRtrIfBfdSessExtOperFlags$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrNgBfdSessDown notification is generated when a BFD session goes down. |
Effect | The effect of this session going down is that it either takes down any protocol that is riding over top of it or it notifies them that the session has gone down. |
Recovery | The session will automatically attempt to re-establish on it's own. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2072 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrNgBfdSessProtChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.72 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The protocol ($vRtrIfBfdSessChangedProtocol$) using $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLinkType$ BFD session on $subject$ has been $vRtrIfBfdSessProtoChngdState$. |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrNgBfdSessProtChange notification is generated when there is a change in the list of protocols using the BFD session. |
Effect | There is no effect of this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2070 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrNgBfdSessUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.70 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLinkType$ BFD session with Local Discriminator $vRtrIfBfdSessExtLclDisc$ on $subject$ is up |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrNgBfdSessUp notification is generated when a BFD session goes up. |
Effect | There is no effect of this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2075 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrNHRvplsARPExhaust |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.75 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The Next Hop RVPLS ARP entries reached 100 percent of its limit $tmnxVRtrMaxNHRvplsARPEntries$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrNHRvplsARPExhaust notification is generated when Nexthop RVPLS ARP entries reaches 100% of its limit as indicated by the value of tmnxVRtrMaxNHRvplsARPEntries. |
Effect | ARP table reaches high usage limit and further addition of Nexthop RVPLS ARP will fail. |
Recovery | Reduce the number of ARPs. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2074 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrNHRvplsARPHighUsage |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.74 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The Next Hop RVPLS ARP entries reached 95 percent of its limit $tmnxVRtrMaxNHRvplsARPEntries$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrNHRvplsARPHighUsage notification is generated when Nexthop RVPLS ARP entries reaches 95% of its limit as indicated by the value of tmnxVRtrMaxNHRvplsARPEntries. |
Effect | ARP table reaches high usage limit and further addition of Nexthop RVPLS ARP may fail. |
Recovery | Reduce the number of ARPs. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2076 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrNHRvplsARPHighUsageClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.76 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The Next Hop RVPLS ARP entries falls below 90 percent of its limit $tmnxVRtrMaxNHRvplsARPEntries$ |
Cause | The tmnxVRtrNHRvplsARPHighUsageClr notification is generated when Nexthop RVPLS ARP entries falls below 90% of its limit following the generation of tmnxVRtrNHRvplsARPHighUsage notification as indicated by the value of tmnxVRtrMaxNHRvplsARPEntries. |
Effect | Addition of further Nexthop RVPLS ARP entries will be successful. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrSingleSfmOverloadStateCh |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.38 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The IGP single-SFM overload state changed to : $vRtrSingleSfmOverloadState$ |
Cause | One of the SFM's failed or ISSU is in progress, while single-sfm-overload is enabled on the virtual router instance. |
Effect | The system multicast capacity is reduced. The IGP of this virtual router instance enter the overload state, setting the overload bit in IS-IS or setting the metric to maximum in OSPF. PIM will re-route the multicast traffic around this virtual router instance. |
Recovery | In case of SFM failure: replace the failed SFM. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrStaticRouteCPEStatus |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.32 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | On virtual router $vRtrID$, the static route CPE check for $vRtrInetStatRteCpeNotifyAddr$ has transitioned to $vRtrInetStaticRouteCpeStatus$. |
Cause | A CPE associated with a static route, as specified by the vRtrInetStaticRouteCpeAddr object, became reachable or unreachable. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | VRTR |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tmnxVRtrStaticRouteStatusChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.tmnxVRtrNotifications.46 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The current status of the static route of type $vRtrInetStaticRouteStaticType$ is $vRtrInetStaticRouteStatus$.\n The static route next hop and next hop interface is $vRtrInetStaticRouteNextHop$ and $vRtrInetStaticRouteNextHopIf$ respectively. |
Cause | The status of a static route has changed from active to inactive or from inactive to active. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwDsmGtpTunnelSetupFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.16 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The setup of a GTP tunnel for a DSM subscriber failed on MDA $tmnxCardSlotNum$/$tmnxWlanGwNotifyMdaSlotNum$ in WLAN Gateway group $tmnxWlanGwGrpId$ - $tmnxWlanGwNotifyDescription$. |
Cause | A problem occurred while trying to setup a GTP tunnel for a DSM subscriber. This can be caused by: - incomplete system configuration, or - inconsistent RADIUS configuration, or - because the GTP peer is not reachable. |
Effect | The DSM subscriber cannot establish a connection with his home mobile network. |
Recovery | Depending on the cause, correct the system configuration, the RADIUS configuration or the network connectivity. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2004 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwGrpOperStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.4 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The state of WLAN Gateway group $tmnxWlanGwGrpId$ changed to $tmnxWlanGwGrpOperState$. |
Cause | The tmnxWlanGwGrpOperStateChanged notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxWlanGwGrpOperState changes. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2020 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwGtpMessageDropped |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.24 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | GTP $tmnxWlanGwNotifyGtpMsgDirection$ message (type $tmnxWlanGwNotifyGtpMsgType$ version $tmnxWlanGwMgwControl$ IMSI $tmnxWlanGwNotifyImsi$ TEID $tmnxWlanGwNotifyTeid$) dropped from/to Mobile Gateway $tmnxWlanGwMgwRemoteAddr$ port $tmnxWlanGwMgwRemotePort$ in router $vRtrID$ - $tmnxWlanGwNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | The cause is indicated in the tmnxWlanGwNotifyDescription. |
Effect | The effect depends on the dropped message and the state of the system. |
Recovery | The recovery, if any, depends on the reason the message was dropped. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2005 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwIomActive |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.5 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The WLAN Gateway IOM $tmnxCardSlotNum$ of group $tmnxWlanGwGrpId$ is now $tmnxWlanGwTrue$. |
Cause | The tmnxWlanGwIomActive notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxWlanGwIomOperState changes from 'primary' to any other value, or the other way around. The value 'primary' means that the IOM is active in the group. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2006 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwMgwConnected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.10 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The connection with Mobile Gateway is established. |
Cause | A connection is established between this system's WLAN Gateway function and a Mobile Gateway, or such a connection disappears. The interruption of a connection with a Mobile Gateway can be the expected result of a management action on the Mobile Gateway, or it can be caused by a network failure. |
Effect | While there is a connection with a particular Mobile Gateway, User Equipment (UE) belonging to the associated PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) and serviced by this WLAN Gateway can be connected to their Home PLMN. |
Recovery | If a connection with a Mobile Gateway is interrupted as the expected result of a management action, no recovery is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwMgwRestarted |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.11 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The Mobile Gateway has restarted. The restart count is $tmnxWlanGwMgwRestartCount$. |
Cause | A Mobile Gateway known to this system has restarted, has transmitted its restart counter to this system and it was found to be higher than its previously known value. |
Effect | This system clears all sessions associated with the restarted Mobile Gateway (because that Mobile Gateway has lost its session data anyway). |
Recovery | No recovery is required on this system. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwMgwStateChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.13 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The state of the Mobile Gateway has changed to $tmnxWlanGwMgwState$. |
Cause | The state of a connection with a Mobile Gateway has changed. |
Effect | The effect depends on the new state. |
Recovery | No recovery is required on this system. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwNumMgwHi |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.12 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The number of Mobile Gateways connected to this system ($tmnxWlanGwNumGw$) is high ($tmnxWlanGwNotifyTrue$). |
Cause | The number of Mobile Gateways connected to this system is approaching the maximum supported value. |
Effect | If the increasing trend continues, this system will not be able to connect some User Equipment (UE) with their Home PLMN. |
Recovery | The network configuration may have to be modified such that this system will be associated with less Mobile Gateways. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwQosRadiusGtpMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.14 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | There is a mismatch between the 3GPP release $tmnxWlanGwNotify3gppRelease$ in the RADIUS Negotiated QoS profile, and the interface type $tmnxWlanGwMgwInterfaceType$ of the Mobile Gateway. |
Cause | Inconsistency between the release indicator in the RADIUS attribute and the GTP interface type. |
Effect | The QoS values in the tmnxWlanGwPgwTable or the tmnxWlanGwGgsnTable of the conceptual row corresponding to the row in the tmnxWlanGwMgwAddrTable that matches the WLAN are used instead. |
Recovery | The RADIUS Server configuration should be corrected. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwResrcProblemCause |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.2 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | $tmnxWlanGwNotifyDescription$. |
Cause | The tmnxWlanGwResrcProblemCause notification is sent to describe the cause of a WLAN Gateway resource problem. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwResrcProblemDetected |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.1 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The status of the WLAN GW resource problem indication changed to $tmnxWlanGwResrcProblem$. |
Cause | The tmnxWlanGwResrcProblemDetected notification is sent when the value of the object tmnxWlanGwResrcProblem changes. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwSubIfPmAddNewPlFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.19 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to add a new pool given by the DHCPv6 server. (service $svcId$, interface $tmnxWlanGwNotifySubIfIndex$, address-family $tmnxWlanGwNotifyAddrFamily$) |
Cause | Failed to add a new pool given by the server. |
Effect | The ISA-BB may run out of free DHCPv6 addresses or SLAAC prefixes. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed. Retry periodically. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwSubIfPmCrIntObjFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.20 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to create an internal object for a pool. (service $svcId$, interface $tmnxWlanGwSubIfIpsSubIfIndex$, address $tmnxWlanGwSubIfIpsSubnetAddr$, prefix-length $tmnxWlanGwSubIfIpsSubnetPrefLen$, address-family $tmnxWlanGwNotifyAddrFamily$, description $tmnxWlanGwNotifyDescription$) |
Cause | Failed to create an internal object for a pool. |
Effect | Forwarding will not work for UEs having an address/prefix from this pool. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed. Retry periodically. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2019 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwSubIfPmLsQryRtryFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.23 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The lease query retry failed. |
Cause | Lease query retry failed. |
Effect | The old prefix couldn't be fetched from the DHCP server. |
Recovery | No recovery possible. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwSubIfPmNewPlReqFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.18 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | Failed to send a request for a new pool. (service $svcId$, interface $tmnxWlanGwNotifySubIfIndex$, address-family $tmnxWlanGwNotifyAddrFamily$) |
Cause | Failed to send a request for a new pool. |
Effect | The ISA-BB may run out of free DHCPv6 addresses or SLAAC prefixes. |
Recovery | No recovery is needed. Retry periodically. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2017 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwSubIfPmPoolTimeout |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.21 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The pool timed out unexpectedly. (address-family $tmnxWlanGwNotifyAddrFamily$, description $tmnxWlanGwNotifyDescription$) |
Cause | Pool timed out unexpectedly. |
Effect | The pool is removed from the ISA-BB together with all associated UEs. |
Recovery | No recovery possible. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2018 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwSubIfPmPoolUsageLow |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.22 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The usage of a pool dropped below 1%. (address-family $tmnxWlanGwNotifyAddrFamily$) |
Cause | Pool usage dropped below 1%. |
Effect | The pool has become stale. |
Recovery | Manually clear the pool. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwSubIfPmStartD6cFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.17 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The DHCPv6 client of the Pool Manager failed to start. (service $svcId$, interface $tmnxWlanGwNotifySubIfIndex$, address-family $tmnxWlanGwNotifyAddrFamily$) |
Cause | Failed to start a DHCPv6 client. |
Effect | No pools can be requested for this ISA-BB. |
Recovery | Perform a shutdown/no shutdown of the DHCPv6 client. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwSubIfRedActiveChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.15 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The WLAN Gateway function on interface $$ is now $tmnxWlanGwSubIfRedActive$ - $tmnxWlanGwNotifyDescription$ |
Cause | To be documented |
Effect | To be documented |
Recovery | No recovery is required on this system. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WLAN_GW |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxWlanGwTuQosProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB.tmnxWlanGwNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | The value of tmnxWlanGwIsaMemberTuQosProblem has changed to $tmnxWlanGwIsaMemberTuQosProblem$. |
Cause | While creating a WLAN Gateway tunnel QoS infrastructure instance, there was a resource issue. |
Effect | There are UE with a QoS infrastructure that does not match the configuration, for example: no shaper was instantiated. |
Recovery | This may be a temporary phenomenon. If it persists, the QoS configuration or the scaling may have to be modified to ensure enough resources are available for the UE QoS. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WPP |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxWppHostAuthenticationFailed |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WEB-PORTAL-PROTOCOL-MIB.tmnxWppNotifications.2 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | WPP host (router $vRtrID$, portal $tmnxWppPortalName$, address $tmnxWppHostAddr$) could not be authenticated - $tmnxWppNotifyDescription$. |
Cause | The tmnxWppHostAuthenticationFailed notification is sent when a WPP host could not be authenticated. Mored detailed information is supplied in the object tmnxWppNotifyDescription. |
Effect | The corresponding row in the tmnxWppHostTable disappears if the value of the object tmnxWppIfRestoreDisconnected is equal to 'false'; otherwise, the value of the object tmnxWppHostStatus is set to 'idle'. |
Recovery | The recovery action will depend on the exact failure cause, as given by the value of tmnxWppNotifyDescription. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WPP |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxWppPortalStatChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WEB-PORTAL-PROTOCOL-MIB.tmnxWppNotifications.1 |
Default severity | warning |
Message format string | The state of portal $tmnxWppPortalName$ in router $vRtrID$ has changed to (controlled router = $tmnxWppPortalStateControlledRtr$, number of interfaces = $tmnxWppPortalStateNumInterfaces$). |
Cause | The tmnxWppPortalStatChanged notification is sent when the value of one of the objects in the tmnxWppPortalStatTable changes. |
Effect | No effect on the service. |
Recovery | No recovery required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | WPP |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxWppPortalUnreachable |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-WEB-PORTAL-PROTOCOL-MIB.tmnxWppNotifications.3 |
Default severity | minor |
Message format string | WPP portal (router $vRtrID$, portal $tmnxWppPortalName$) is unreachable - $tmnxWppNotifyDescription$. |
Cause | The tmnxWppPortalUnreachable notification is generated when WPP protocol messages must be sent out after a node is restarted, but when no route is available yet towards it. This notification is sent every minute as long as the portal is not reachable yet. |
Effect | The WPP portal is unreachable and finally the messages will be dropped. |
Recovery | Initially no recovery is required as it is expected that the WPP portal can be unreachable for some time after a node restart. When however the problem remains the operator should check the routing table. |