6. Service Egress and Ingress QoS Policies

This chapter provides information to configure service egress and ingress QoS policies using the command line interface.

Topics in this chapter include:

6.1. Overview

There is one default policy for service ingress and one default policy for service egress and MC-MLPPP SAP egress. Each policy can have up to eight ingress queues and eight egress queues per service. The default policies can be copied and modified but they cannot be deleted. The default policies are identified as policy ID 1.


Throughout this guide, the terms service ingress/egress and access ingress/egress are interchangeable. This section (Service Egress and Ingress QoS Policies) uses the term service ingress/egress.

The eight ingress queues can be designated as a unicast, broadcast, multicast, or unknown queue for the purposes of FC-to-queue mapping.

The default policies are applied to the appropriate interface, by default. For example, the default service ingress policy is applied to access ingress SAPs. The default service egress policy is applied to access egress SAPs and MC-MLPPP egress SAPs. You must explicitly associate other QoS policies.

For information about the tasks and commands necessary to access the command line interface and to configure and maintain the 7705 SAR, refer to the 7705 SAR Basic System Configuration Guide, “CLI Usage”.

6.2. Basic Configuration

This section contains the following topics related to creating and applying service ingress and service egress QoS policies:

A basic service egress QoS policy must conform to the following:

  1. have a unique service egress QoS policy ID
  2. have a QoS policy scope of template or exclusive
  3. have at least one defined default queue

A basic service ingress QoS policy must conform to the following:

  1. have a unique service ingress QoS policy ID
  2. have a QoS policy scope of template or exclusive
  3. have at least one default unicast forwarding class queue

6.2.1. Creating Service Egress and Ingress QoS Policies

Configuring and applying QoS policies is optional. If no QoS policy is explicitly applied to a SAP or IP interface, a default QoS policy is applied. Perform the following to configure a QoS policy: Creating a Service Egress QoS Policy

After the policy is created, the policy’s behavior can be defined. In addition, the behavior of policy’s FC and queue can be changed from their default settings:

Define the following attributes to create a service egress policy:

  1. a unique policy ID value — the system does not dynamically assign a value. Optionally, a policy name can be configured after the policy has been created.
  2. a default queue for the service egress policy
  3. the scope — the service egress policy must be defined as having either an exclusive scope for one-time use or a template scope that enables its use with multiple SAPs

Use the following CLI syntax to create a service egress QoS policy:

CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
description description-string
policy-name policy-name
queue queue-id [queue-type]
scope {exclusive|template}
*A:ALU-1>configure qos sap-egress 600 create
config>qos>sap-egress$ fc be create
config>qos>sap-egress>fc$ exit
config>qos>sap-egress$ policy-name “sap_egr_87”
config>qos>sap-egress$ queue 2 expedite create
config>qos>sap-egress>queue$ exit
config>qos>sap-egress# scope exclusive
config>qos>sap-egress# exit

The following output displays the service egress policy 600 configuration:

*A:ALU-1 config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-egress 600 create
            scope exclusive
            policy-name “sap_egr_87” 
            queue 1 create
            queue 2 expedite create
            fc be create
*A:ALU-1 Creating a Service Egress QoS Forwarding Class

Define the following attributes to create a service egress forwarding class:

  1. the egress dot1p priority bits value
  2. the DSCP name and DSCP priority bits mapping

Optionally, you can enter a queue-id value to override the default forwarding class-to-queue mapping for the egress policy. The queue must exist before it can be associated with an FC.

Use the following CLI syntax to create a service egress forwarding class:

CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
fc fc-name
dscp dscp-name
dscp in-profile dscp-name out-profile dscp-name
dot1p dot1p-value
dot1p in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value
queue queue-id
*A:ALU-1>config>qos# sap-egress 600 fc be create
config>qos>sap-egress>fc# dscp cp1
config>qos>sap-egress>fc# dot1p in-profile 2 out-profile 3
config>qos>sap-egress>fc# exit
config>qos# exit

The following output displays the forwarding class configuration for service egress policy 600:

*A:ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-egress 600 create
            scope exclusive
            queue 1 create
            queue 2 expedite create
            fc be create
                dot1p in-profile 2 out-profile 3
                dscp cp1
*A: ALU-1 Creating a Service Egress QoS Queue

Define the following attributes to create a service egress queue:

  1. adaptation-rule —the method used by the system to derive the PIR and CIR for the queue
  2. cbs — overrides the reserved buffers default for the queue
  3. high-prio-only — the percentage of buffer space for the queue to be used exclusively by in-profile packets
  4. mbs — the maximum number of buffers allowed for a specific queue
  5. rate — the PIR and CIR values for the queue
  6. slope-policy — the slope policy for the queue

Use the following CLI syntax to configure the service egress QoS queue parameters:

CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
queue queue-id [queue-type]
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kbytes
high-prio-only percent
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
slope-policy name
*A:ALU-1# configure qos sap-egress 500
config>qos>sap-egress# queue 7
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# adaptation-rule pir closest cir closest
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# cbs 10
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# high-prio-only 10
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# mbs 10
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# rate max cir max
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# slope-policy "Slope Policy"
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# exit
config>qos>sap-egress# exit

The following output displays the queue configuration for service egress policy 500:

ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-egress 500 create
            description "Egress Policy 500"
            queue 1 create
            queue 7 best-effort create
                rate max cir max
                cbs 10
                mbs 10
                high-prio-only 10
            fc be create
            fc ef create
                dscp in-profile cp2 out-profile cp3
            exit Creating a Service Ingress QoS Policy

After the policy is created, the policy’s behavior can be defined. In addition, the behavior of policy’s FC and queue can be changed from their default settings:

To create an service ingress policy, define the following:

  1. a policy ID value — the system does not dynamically assign a value. Optionally, a policy name can be configured after the policy has been created.
  2. a description — provides a brief overview of policy features
  3. a default forwarding class for the policy — all packets received on an ingress SAP using this ingress QoS policy will be classified to the default forwarding class
  4. a default priority for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy
  5. the dot1p parameters — this configuration creates a mapping between the dot1p bits of the ingress traffic and the forwarding class
  6. the DSCP parameters — this configuration creates a mapping between the DSCP of the ingress traffic and the forwarding class
  7. the forwarding class parameters — overrides the default forwarding class for the policy by assigning the forwarding class to one or more of the following queue designations: broadcast-queue, multicast-queue, unknown-queue, or (unicast) queue (see Creating a Service Ingress Forwarding Class)

A service ingress policy is created with a template scope. The scope can be modified to exclusive for a special one-time use policy. Otherwise, the template scope enables the policy to be applied to multiple SAPs.

Use the following CLI syntax to create a service ingress QoS policy:

CLI Syntax:
sap-ingress policy-id
description description-string
default-fc fc-name
default-priority {low|high}
dot1p dot1p-priority fc fc-name priority {high|low}
dscp dscp-name fc fc-name priority {high|low}
policy-name policy-name
config>qos# sap-ingress 100 create
config>qos>sap-ingress$ description "Used on VPN SAP"
config>qos>sap-ingress$ default-fc be
config>qos>sap-ingress$ default-priority low
config>qos>sap-ingress$ dot1p 1 fc be priority low
config>qos>sap-ingress$ dscp be fc be priority low
config>qos>sap-ingress$ policy-name “sap_ingr_15”
config>qos>sap-ingress$ exit
config>qos# exit

The following output displays the configuration for service ingress policy 100:

ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-ingress 100 create
            description "Used on VPN SAP"
            queue 1 priority-mode create
            dot1p 1 fc "be" priority low
            dscp be fc "be" priority low
            policy-name “sap_ingr_15” 
---------------------------------------------- Creating a Service Ingress Forwarding Class

Use the following syntax to define a service ingress forwarding class that overrides the default forwarding type that is defined by the default-fc command. The queue must exist before it can be associated with an FC.

CLI Syntax:
config>qos>sap-ingress policy-id
fc fc-name
broadcast-queue queue-id
queue queue-id
multicast-queue queue-id
unknown-queue queue-id
*A:ALU-1# config>qos# sap-ingress 100 fc af create
config>qos>sap-ingress>fc# queue 2
config>qos>sap-ingress>fc# broadcast-queue 3
config>qos>sap-ingress>fc# multicast-queue 3
config>qos>sap-ingress>fc# unknown-queue 3
config>qos>sap-ingress>fc# exit
config>qos# exit

The following output displays the forwarding class override value configuration for service ingress policy 100:

ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-ingress 100 create
            fc "af" create
                queue 2
                broadcast-queue 3
                multicast-queue 3
                unknown-queue 3
            fc "ef" create
                queue 4
                broadcast-queue 5
                multicast-queue 5
                unknown-queue 5
#-------------------------------------------------- Creating a Service Ingress QoS Queue

To create service ingress queue parameters, define the following:

  1. a new queue ID value — the system does not dynamically assign a value
  2. the queue parameters — ingress queues support explicit and auto-expedite hardware queue scheduling as well as a configurable queue mode

Use the following CLI syntax to configure SAP ingress QoS queue parameters:

CLI Syntax:
config>qos# sap-ingress policy-id
queue queue-id [queue-type] [queue-mode]
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kbytes
high-prio-only percent
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
slope-policy name
*A:ALU-1# configure qos sap-ingress 100 queue 2 create
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ adaptation-rule pir closest   cir closest
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ cbs 1500
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ high-prio-only 10
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ mbs 10
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ rate 2500 cir 2500
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ slope-policy   "SlopePolicyIngress"
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ exit

The following output displays the queue configuration for service ingress policy 100:

ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-ingress 100 create
            description "Used on VPN SAP"
            queue 1 priority-mode create
            queue 2 priority-mode create
                rate 2500 cir 2500
                mbs 10
                cbs 1500
                high-prio-only 10
#-------------------------------------------------- Creating an MC-MLPPP SAP Egress QoS Policy

After the policy is created (syntax below), the policy’s FC and queue behavior can be defined:

Define the following attributes to create an MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy:

  1. a unique policy ID value — the system does not dynamically assign a value. Optionally, a policy name can be configured after the policy has been created.
  2. a default queue for the MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy

Use the following CLI syntax to create an MC-MLPPP SAP egress QoS policy:

CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
description description-string
fc fc-name
policy-name policy-name
queue queue-id
*A:ALU-1>configure qos>mc-mlppp# sap-egress 300 create
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress$ fc be create
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>fc$ exit
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>fc$ exit
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress$ policy-name “sap_egr_mc_2”
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue$ exit
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress# exit

The following output displays the MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy 300 configuration:

*A:ALU-1 config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-egress 300 create
            queue 1 create
            queue 2 create
            fc be create
            policy-name “sap_egr_mc_2” 
        exit Creating an MC-MLPPP SAP Egress QoS Forwarding Class

Define the following attributes to create an MC-MLPPP SAP egress forwarding class:

  1. the DSCP name and DSCP priority bits mapping

Optionally, you can enter a queue-id value to override the default forwarding class-to-queue mapping for the egress policy. The queue must exist before it can be associated with an FC.

Use the following CLI syntax to create an MC-MLPPP SAP egress forwarding class:

CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
fc fc-name
dscp dscp-name
queue queue-id
*A:ALU-1>config>qos>mc-mlppp# sap-egress 300 fc be create
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>fc# dscp af13
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>fc# exit
config>mc-mlppp>qos# exit

The following output displays the forwarding class configuration for MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy 300:

*A:ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-egress 300 create
            queue 1 create
            queue 2 create
            fc be create
                dscp af13
*A: ALU-1 Creating an MC-MLPPP SAP Egress QoS Queue

Define the following attributes to create an MC-MLPPP SAP egress queue:

  1. adaptation-rule — the method used by the system to derive the PIR for the queue
  2. cbs — overrides the reserved buffers default for the queue
  3. high-prio-only — the percentage of buffer space for the queue to be used exclusively by in-profile packets
  4. mbs — the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for a specific queue
  5. rate — the PIR value for the queue
  6. slope-policy — the slope policy for the queue

Use the following CLI syntax to configure the MC-MLPPP SAP egress QoS queue parameters:

CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kbytes
high-prio-only percent
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
rate pir-rate
slope-policy name
*A:ALU-1# configure qos mc-mlppp sap-egress 300
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress# queue 7
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# adaptation-rule pir closest
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# cbs 10
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# high-prio-only 10
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# mbs 10
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# rate max
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# slope-policy "Slope Policy"
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# exit
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress# exit

The following output displays the queue configuration for MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy 300:

ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-egress 300 create
            description "Egress Policy 300"
            queue 1 create
            queue 7 best-effort create
                rate max
                cbs 10
                mbs 10
                high-prio-only 10
            fc be create
            fc ef create
                dscp af13

6.2.2. Applying Service Egress and Ingress Policies

Apply service egress and ingress policies to the following service SAPs:

  1. VLL services
    1. Epipe
    2. Cpipe
    3. Apipe
    4. Apipe SAPs that are members of a VCC SAP aggregation group
    5. Fpipe
    6. Hpipe
    7. Ipipe
  2. VPLS
  3. IES
  4. VPRN

Refer to the 7705 SAR Services Guide, “Service Overview”, for information about configuring service parameters. VLL and VPLS Services

Applying QoS policies is done in the same way for service ingress and service egress VPLS and VLL SAPs. The following example shows how to apply QoS policies to Epipe SAPs. Use the policy ID number or name to identify the policy.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>epipe service-id customer customer-id
sap sap-id
qos policy-id
qos policy-id

The following output displays an Epipe service configuration with service ingress policy 100 and service egress policy 105 applied to the SAP.

ALU-1>config>service# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        epipe 6 customer 6 vpn 6 create
            description "Distributed Epipe service to west coast"
            sap 1/1/10:0 create
                    qos 100
                    qos 105
            spoke-sdp 2:6 create
                    vc-label 6298
                    vc-label 6300
            no shutdown
ALU-1>config>service# IES and VPRN Services

Applying QoS policies is done in the same way for service ingress and service egress IES and VPRN SAPs. The following example shows how to apply QoS policies to IES SAPs. Use the policy ID number or name to identify the policy.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>ies service-id customer customer-id
interface ip-interface-name
sap sap-id
qos policy-id
qos policy-id

The output examples for IES and VPRN services are similar to the example given previously for an Epipe service configuration.

6.2.3. Default Service Egress and Ingress Policy Values

The default service egress and ingress policies are identified as policy-id 1 and have the default policy name “default”. The default policies cannot be edited or deleted. The following sections display default policy parameters: Service Egress Policy Defaults

The following output shows the service egress policy defaults.

ALU-1>config>qos>info detail
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-egress 1 create
            policy-name "default"
            description "Default SAP egress QoS policy."
            scope template
            queue 1 auto-expedite create
                adaptation-rule pir closest cir closest
                rate max cir 0
                cbs default
                mbs default
                high-prio-only default
                slope-policy "default"

Table 44 lists the service egress policy defaults.

Table 44:  Service Egress Policy Defaults  






Default SAP egress QoS policy




id = 1, type = auto-expedite


pir = closest, cir = closest


pir = max, cir = 0


default (8 kbytes for 512 byte buffer size, 18 kbytes for 2304 byte buffer size)


default (180 kbytes)


default (10%)


default Service Ingress Policy Defaults

The following output shows the service ingress policy defaults.

ALU-1>config>qos>info detail
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-ingress 1 create
            policy-name "default"
            description "Default SAP ingress QoS policy."
            scope template
            queue 1 priority-mode auto-expedite create
                adaptation-rule pir closest cir closest
                rate max cir 0
                mbs default
                cbs default
                high-prio-only default
                slope-policy "default"
            default-fc "be"
            default-priority low

Table 45 lists the service ingress policy defaults.

Table 45:  Service Ingress Policy Defaults  






Default SAP ingress QoS policy




id = 1, mode = priority-mode, type = auto-expedite


pir = closest, cir = closest


pir = max, cir = 0


default (8 kbytes for 512 byte buffer size, 18 kbytes for 2304 byte buffer size)


default (180 kbytes)


default (10%)







6.3. Service Management Tasks

This section describes the following service management tasks:

6.3.1. Deleting QoS Policies

Every service SAP is associated, by default, with the appropriate service egress or ingress policy (policy-id 1). You can replace the default policy with a customer-configured policy, but you cannot entirely remove the policy from the SAP configuration. When you remove a non-default service egress or ingress policy, the association reverts to the default policy-id 1.

A QoS policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all SAPs where it is applied. Removing a QoS Policy from a Service SAP

Use the following syntax to remove a QoS policy from an Epipe service SAP. The syntax for Apipe, Cpipe, Fpipe, Hpipe, and Ipipe service SAPs is similar.

CLI Syntax:
config>service> {epipe} service-id customer customer-id
sap sap-id
no qos policy-id
no qos policy-id
config>service>epipe#  sap 1/1/10:0
config>service>epipe>sap# ingress
config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# no qos
config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# exit
config>service>epipe>sap# egress
config>service>epipe>sap>egress# no qos
config>service>epipe>sap>egress# exit

The following Epipe service output shows that the SAP service egress and ingress reverted to policy-id “1” when the non-default policies were removed from the configuration.

ALU-1>config>service>epipe# info detail
            description "Distributed Epipe service to west coast"
            service-mtu 1514
            sap 1/1/10:0 create
                no description
                no multi-service-site
                    qos 1
                    qos 1
                no collect-stats
                no accounting-policy
                no shutdown
            spoke-sdp 2:6 vc-type ether create
                no shutdown
            no shutdown
ALU-1>config>service>epipe# Removing a Policy from the QoS Configuration

Use the following syntax to remove a QoS policy:

CLI Syntax:
config>qos# no sap-ingress policy-id

6.3.2. Copying and Overwriting QoS Policies

You can copy an existing service egress or ingress policy, rename it with a new policy ID value, or overwrite an existing policy ID. The overwrite option must be specified or an error occurs if the destination policy ID exists.

Use the following syntax to overwrite an existing QoS policy ID:

CLI Syntax:
config>qos> copy sap-ingress source-policy-id dest-policy-id overwrite
config>qos# copy sap-ingress 100 200
config>qos# copy sap-ingress 200 101
MINOR: CLI Destination "101" exists use {overwrite}
config>qos# copy sap-ingress 200 101 overwrite

The following output displays the copied policies:

ALU-1>config>qos# info
        sap-ingress 100 create
            description "Used on VPN sap"
            queue 1 create
            rate 11000
            sap-ingress 101 create
            description "Used on VPN sap"
            queue 1 create
            rate 11000
            sap-ingress 200 create
            description "Used on VPN sap"
            queue 1 create
            rate 11000

6.3.3. Editing QoS Policies

You can change existing QoS policies and entries in the CLI. The changes are applied immediately to all services where this policy is applied. To prevent configuration errors, copy the policy to a work area, make the edits, and then write over the original policy.