Acronym | Expansion |
2G | second-generation wireless telephone technology |
3DES | triple DES (data encryption standard) |
3G | third-generation mobile telephone technology |
6VPE | IPv6 on Virtual Private Edge Router |
7705 SAR | 7705 Service Aggregation Router |
7750 SR | 7750 Service Router |
8 PSK | eight phase shift keying |
16 QAM | 16-state quadrature amplitude modulation |
32 QAM | 32-state quadrature amplitude modulation |
64 QAM | 64-state quadrature amplitude modulation |
128 QAM | 128-state quadrature amplitude modulation |
256 QAM | 256-state quadrature amplitude modulation |
ABR | area border router available bit rate |
AC | alternating current attachment circuit |
ACK | acknowledge |
ACL | access control list |
ACR | adaptive clock recovery |
AD | auto-discovery |
ADM | add/drop multiplexer |
ADP | automatic discovery protocol |
AES | advanced encryption standard |
AFI | authority and format identifier |
AIGP | accumulated IGP |
AIS | alarm indication signal |
ALG | application level gateway |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
Apipe | ATM VLL |
APS | automatic protection switching |
ARP | address resolution protocol |
A/S | active/standby |
AS | autonomous system |
ASAP | any service, any port |
ASBR | autonomous system boundary router |
ASM | any-source multicast autonomous system message |
ASN | autonomous system number |
ATM | asynchronous transfer mode |
ATM PVC | ATM permanent virtual circuit |
AU | administrative unit |
AUG | administrative unit group |
B3ZS | bipolar with three-zero substitution |
Batt A | battery A |
B-bit | beginning bit (first packet of a fragment) |
BBE | background block errors |
Bc | committed burst size |
Be | excess burst size |
BECN | backward explicit congestion notification |
Bellcore | Bell Communications Research |
BFD | bidirectional forwarding detection |
BGP | border gateway protocol |
BGP-LS | border gateway protocol link state |
BGP-LU | border gateway protocol labeled unicast |
BITS | building integrated timing supply |
BMCA | best master clock algorithm |
BMU | broadcast, multicast, and unknown traffic Traffic that is not unicast. Any nature of multipoint traffic:
BNM | bandwidth notification message |
BOF | boot options file |
BoS | bottom of stack |
BPDU | bridge protocol data unit |
BRAS | Broadband Remote Access Server |
BSC | Base Station Controller |
BSM | bootstrap message |
BSR | bootstrap router |
BSTA | Broadband Service Termination Architecture |
BTS | base transceiver station |
CA | certificate authority |
CAS | channel associated signaling |
CBN | common bonding networks |
CBS | committed buffer space |
CC | continuity check control channel |
CCM | continuity check message |
CCTV | closed-circuit television |
CE | circuit emulation customer edge |
CEM | circuit emulation |
CES | circuit emulation services |
CESoPSN | circuit emulation services over packet switched network |
CFM | connectivity fault management |
cHDLC | Cisco high-level data link control protocol |
CIDR | classless inter-domain routing |
CIR | committed information rate |
CLI | command line interface |
CLP | cell loss priority |
CMP | certificate management protocol |
C-multicast | customer multicast |
CoS | class of service |
CPE | customer premises equipment |
Cpipe | circuit emulation (or TDM) VLL |
CPM | Control and Processing Module (CPM is used instead of CSM when referring to CSM filtering to align with CLI syntax used with other SR products). CSM management ports are referred to as CPM management ports in the CLI. |
CPROTO | C prototype |
CPU | central processing unit |
C/R | command/response |
CRC | cyclic redundancy check |
CRC-32 | 32-bit cyclic redundancy check |
CRL | certificate revocation list |
CRON | a time-based scheduling service (from chronos = time) |
CRP | candidate RP |
CSM | Control and Switching Module |
CSNP | complete sequence number PDU |
CSPF | constrained shortest path first |
C-TAG | customer VLAN tag |
CV | connection verification customer VLAN (tag) |
CW | control word |
CWDM | coarse wavelength-division multiplexing |
DA/FAN | distribution automation and field area network |
DC | direct current |
DC-C | DC return - common |
DCE | data communications equipment |
DC-I | DC return - isolated |
DCO | digitally controlled oscillator |
DCR | differential clock recovery |
DDoS | distributed DoS |
DE | discard eligibility |
DER | distinguished encoding rules |
DES | data encryption standard |
DF | do not fragment designated forwarder |
DH | Diffie-Hellman |
DHB | decimal, hexadecimal, or binary |
DHCP | dynamic host configuration protocol |
DHCPv6 | dynamic host configuration protocol for IPv6 |
DIS | designated intermediate system |
DLCI | data link connection identifier |
DLCMI | data link connection management interface |
DM | delay measurement |
DNS | domain name server |
DNU | do not use |
DoS | denial of service |
dot1p | IEEE 802.1p bits, in Ethernet or VLAN ingress packet headers, used to map traffic to up to eight forwarding classes |
dot1q | IEEE 802.1q encapsulation for Ethernet interfaces |
DPD | dead peer detection |
DPI | deep packet inspection |
DPLL | digital phase locked loop |
DR | designated router |
DSA | digital signal algorithm |
DSCP | differentiated services code point |
DSL | digital subscriber line |
DSLAM | digital subscriber line access multiplexer |
DTE | data termination equipment |
DU | downstream unsolicited |
DUID | DHCP unique identifier |
DUS | do not use for synchronization |
DV | delay variation |
DVMRP | distance vector multicast routing protocol |
e911 | enhanced 911 service |
EAP | Extensible Authentication Protocol |
EAPOL | EAP over LAN |
E-bit | ending bit (last packet of a fragment) |
E-BSR | elected BSR |
ECMP | equal cost multipath |
EE | end entity |
EFM | Ethernet in the first mile |
EGP | exterior gateway protocol |
EIA/TIA-232 | Electronic Industries Alliance/Telecommunications Industry Association Standard 232 (also known as RS-232) |
EIR | excess information rate |
EJBCA | Enterprise Java Bean Certificate Authority |
E-LAN | Ethernet local area network |
E-Line | Ethernet virtual private line |
EL | entropy label |
eLER | egress label edge router |
ELI | entropy label indicator |
E&M | ear and mouth earth and magneto exchange and multiplexer |
eMBMS | evolved MBMS |
EOP | end of packet |
EPC | evolved packet core |
EPD | early packet discard |
Epipe | Ethernet VLL |
EPL | Ethernet private line |
EPON | Ethernet Passive Optical Network |
EPS | equipment protection switching |
ERO | explicit route object |
ES | Ethernet segment errored seconds |
ESD | electrostatic discharge |
ESI | Ethernet segment identifier |
ESMC | Ethernet synchronization message channel |
ESN | extended sequence number |
ESP | encapsulating security payload |
ESPI | encapsulating security payload identifier |
ETE | end-to-end |
ETH-BN | Ethernet bandwidth notification |
ETH-CFM | Ethernet connectivity fault management (IEEE 802.1ag) |
EVC | Ethernet virtual connection |
EVDO | evolution - data optimized |
EVI | EVPN instance |
EVPL | Ethernet virtual private link |
EVPN | Ethernet virtual private network |
EXP bits | experimental bits (currently known as TC) |
FC | forwarding class |
FCS | frame check sequence |
FD | frequency diversity |
FDB | forwarding database |
FDL | facilities data link |
FEAC | far-end alarm and control |
FEC | forwarding equivalence class |
FECN | forward explicit congestion notification |
FeGW | far-end gateway |
FEP | front-end processor |
FF | fixed filter |
FFD | fast fault detection |
FIB | forwarding information base |
FIFO | first in, first out |
FIPS-140-2 | Federal Information Processing Standard publication 140-2 |
FNG | fault notification generator |
FOM | figure of merit |
Fpipe | frame relay VLL |
FQDN | fully qualified domain name |
FR | frame relay |
FRG bit | fragmentation bit |
FRR | fast reroute |
FTP | file transfer protocol |
FXO | foreign exchange office |
FXS | foreign exchange subscriber |
GFP | generic framing procedure |
GigE | Gigabit Ethernet |
GLONASS | Global Navigation Satellite System (Russia) |
GNSS | global navigation satellite system (generic) |
GPON | Gigabit Passive Optical Network |
GPRS | general packet radio service |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GRE | generic routing encapsulation |
GRT | global routing table |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications (2G) |
GTP-U | GPRS tunneling protocol user plane |
GW | gateway |
HA | high availability |
HCM | high capacity multiplexing |
HDB3 | high density bipolar of order 3 |
HDLC | high-level data link control protocol |
HEC | header error control |
HMAC | hash message authentication code |
Hpipe | HDLC VLL |
H-QoS | hierarchical quality of service |
HSB | hot standby |
HSDPA | high-speed downlink packet access |
HSPA | high-speed packet access |
H-VPLS | hierarchical virtual private line service |
IANA | internet assigned numbers authority |
IBN | isolated bonding networks |
ICB | inter-chassis backup |
ICMP | Internet control message protocol |
ICMPv6 | Internet control message protocol for IPv6 |
ICP | IMA control protocol cells |
IDS | intrusion detection system |
IDU | indoor unit |
IED | intelligent end device |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IEEE 1588v2 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers standard 1588-2008 |
IES | Internet Enhanced Service |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IGMP | Internet group management protocol |
IGP | interior gateway protocol |
IID | instance ID |
IKE | Internet key exchange |
iLER | ingress label edge router |
ILM | incoming label map |
IMA | inverse multiplexing over ATM |
IMET-IR | inclusive multicast Ethernet tag—ingress replication |
INVARP | inverse address resolution protocol |
IOM | input/output module |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPCP | Internet Protocol Control Protocol |
IPIP | IP in IP |
Ipipe | IP interworking VLL |
I-PMSI | inclusive PMSI |
IPoATM | IP over ATM |
IPS | intrusion prevention system |
IPSec | Internet Protocol security |
IR | ingress replication |
IRB | integrated routing and bridging |
ISA | integrated services adapter |
ISAKMP | Internet security association and key management protocol |
IS-IS | Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System |
IS-IS-TE | IS-IS-traffic engineering (extensions) |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
IW | interworking |
JP | join prune |
KG | key group |
LB | loopback |
lbf-in | pound force inch |
LBM | loopback message |
LBO | line buildout |
LBR | loopback reply |
LCP | link control protocol |
LDP | label distribution protocol |
LER | label edge router |
LFA | loop-free alternate |
LFIB | label forwarding information base |
LIB | label information base |
LLDP | link layer discovery protocol |
LLDPDU | link layer discovery protocol data unit |
LLF | link loss forwarding |
LLID | loopback location ID |
LM | loss measurement |
LMI | local management interface |
LOS | line-of-sight loss of signal |
LSA | link-state advertisement |
LSDB | link-state database |
LSP | label switched path link-state PDU (for IS-IS) |
LSPA | LSP attributes |
LSR | label switch router link-state request |
LSU | link-state update |
LT | linktrace |
LTE | long term evolution line termination equipment |
LTM | linktrace message |
LTR | link trace reply |
MA | maintenance association |
MAC | media access control |
MA-ID | maintenance association identifier |
MBB | make-before-break |
MBGP | multicast BGP multiprotocol BGP multiprotocol extensions for BGP |
MBMS | multimedia broadcast multicast service |
MBS | maximum buffer space maximum burst size media buffer space |
MBSP | mobile backhaul service provider |
MCAC | multicast connection admission control |
MC-APS | multi-chassis automatic protection switching |
MC-MLPPP | multi-class multilink point-to-point protocol |
MCS | multicast server multi-chassis synchronization |
MCT | MPT craft terminal |
MD | maintenance domain |
MD5 | message digest version 5 (algorithm) |
MDA | media dependent adapter |
MDDB | multidrop data bridge |
MDL | maintenance data link |
MDT | multicast distribution tree |
ME | maintenance entity |
MED | multi-exit discriminator |
MEF | Metro Ethernet Forum |
MEG | maintenance entity group |
MEG-ID | maintenance entity group identifier |
MEN | Metro Ethernet network |
MEP | maintenance association end point |
MFC | multi-field classification |
MHD | multi-homed device |
MHF | MIP half function |
MHN | multi-homed network |
MIB | management information base |
MI-IS-IS | multi-instance IS-IS |
MIR | minimum information rate |
MLD | multicast listener discovery |
mLDP | multicast LDP |
MLPPP | multilink point-to-point protocol |
mLSP | multicast LSP |
MoFRR | multicast-only fast reroute |
MP | merge point multilink protocol multipoint |
MP-BGP | multiprotocol border gateway protocol |
MPLS | multiprotocol label switching |
MPLSCP | multiprotocol label switching control protocol |
MPP | MPT protection protocol |
MPR | see Wavence |
MPR-e | Microwave Packet Radio (standalone mode) |
MPT-HC V2/9558HC | Microwave Packet Transport, High Capacity version 2 |
MPT-HLC | Microwave Packet Transport, High-Capacity Long-Haul Cubic (ANSI) |
MPT-HQAM | Microwave Packet Transport, High Capacity (MPT-HC-QAM) or Extended Power (MPT-XP-QAM) with 512/1024 QAM |
MPT-MC | Microwave Packet Transport, Medium Capacity |
MPT-XP | Microwave Packet Transport, High Capacity (very high power version of MPT-HC V2/9558HC) |
MRAI | minimum route advertisement interval |
MRRU | maximum received reconstructed unit |
MRU | maximum receive unit |
MSDP | Multicast Source Discovery Protocol |
MSDU | MAC Service Data Unit |
MSO | multi-system operator |
MS-PW | multi-segment pseudowire |
MSS | maximum segment size Microwave Service Switch |
MTIE | maximum time interval error |
MTSO | mobile trunk switching office |
MTU | maximum transmission unit multi-tenant unit |
M-VPLS | management virtual private line service |
MVPN | multicast VPN |
MVR | multicast VPLS registration |
MW | microwave |
MWA | microwave awareness |
N·m | newton meter |
NAT | network address translation |
NAT-T | network address translation traversal |
NBMA | non-broadcast multiple access (network) |
ND | neighbor discovery |
NE | network element |
NET | network entity title |
NFM-P | Network Functions Manager - Packet (formerly 5620 SAM) |
NGE | network group encryption |
NG-MVPN | next generation MVPN |
NH | next hop |
NHLFE | next hop label forwarding entry |
NHOP | next-hop |
NLOS | non-line-of-sight |
NLPID | network level protocol identifier |
NLRI | network layer reachability information |
NNHOP | next next-hop |
NNI | network-to-network interface |
Node B | similar to BTS but used in 3G networks — term is used in UMTS (3G systems) while BTS is used in GSM (2G systems) |
NOC | network operations center |
NPAT | network port address translation |
NRC-F | Network Resource Controller - Flow |
NRC-P | Network Resource Controller - Packet |
NRC-T | Network Resource Controller - Transport |
NRC-X | Network Resource Controller - Cross Domain |
NSAP | network service access point |
NSD | Network Services Director |
NSP | native service processing Network Services Platform |
NSSA | not-so-stubby area |
NTP | network time protocol |
NTR | network timing reference |
OADM | optical add/drop multiplexer |
OAM | operations, administration, and maintenance |
OAMPDU | OAM protocol data units |
OC3 | optical carrier level 3 |
OCSP | online certificate status protocol |
ODU | outdoor unit |
OIF | outgoing interface |
OLT | optical line termination |
OMC | optical management console |
ONT | optical network terminal |
OOB | out-of-band |
OPX | off premises extension |
ORF | outbound route filtering |
OS | operating system |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection (reference model) |
OSINLCP | OSI Network Layer Control Protocol |
OSPF | open shortest path first |
OSPF-TE | OSPF-traffic engineering (extensions) |
OSS | operations support system |
OSSP | organization specific slow protocol |
OTP | one time password |
OWAMP | one-way active measurement protocol |
P2MP | point to multipoint |
PADI | PPPoE active discovery initiation |
PADR | PPPoE active discovery request |
PAE | port authentication entities |
PSB | path state block |
PBO | packet byte offset |
PBR | policy-based routing |
PBX | private branch exchange |
PCAP | packet capture |
PCC | Path Computation Element Client |
PCE | Path Computation Element |
PCEP | Path Computation Element Protocol |
PCM | pulse code modulation |
PCP | priority code point |
PCR | proprietary clock recovery |
PDU | power distribution unit protocol data units |
PDV | packet delay variation |
PDVT | packet delay variation tolerance |
PE | provider edge router |
PEAPv0 | protected extensible authentication protocol version 0 |
PEM | privacy enhanced mail |
PFoE | power feed over Ethernet |
PFS | perfect forward secrecy |
PHB | per-hop behavior |
PHP | penultimate hop popping |
PHY | physical layer |
PIC | prefix independent convergence |
PID | protocol ID |
PIM SSM | protocol independent multicast—source-specific multicast |
PIR | peak information rate |
PKCS | public key cryptography standards |
PKI | public key infrastructure |
PLAR | private line automatic ringdown |
PLCP | Physical Layer Convergence Protocol |
PLR | point of local repair |
PLSP | path LSP |
PMSI | P-multicast service interface |
P-multicast | provider multicast |
PoE | power over Ethernet |
PoE+ | power over Ethernet plus |
POH | path overhead |
POI | purge originator identification |
PoP | point of presence |
POS | packet over SONET |
PPP | point-to-point protocol |
PPPoE | point-to-point protocol over Ethernet |
PPS | pulses per second |
PRC | primary reference clock |
PRS | primary reference source |
PRTC | primary reference time clock |
PSE | power sourcing equipment |
PSK | pre-shared key |
PSN | packet switched network |
PSNP | partial sequence number PDU |
PTA | PMSI tunnel attribute |
PTM | packet transfer mode |
PTP | performance transparency protocol precision time protocol |
PuTTY | an open-source terminal emulator, serial console, and network file transfer application |
PVC | permanent virtual circuit |
PVCC | permanent virtual channel connection |
PW | pseudowire |
PWE | pseudowire emulation |
PWE3 | pseudowire emulation edge-to-edge |
Q.922 | ITU-T Q-series Specification 922 |
QL | quality level |
QoS | quality of service |
QPSK | quadrature phase shift keying |
RADIUS | Remote Authentication Dial In User Service |
RAN | Radio Access Network |
RBS | robbed bit signaling |
RD | route distinguisher |
RDI | remote defect indication |
RED | random early discard |
RESV | reservation |
RIB | routing information base |
RIP | routing information protocol |
RJ-45 | registered jack 45 |
RMON | remote network monitoring |
RNC | Radio Network Controller |
RP | rendezvous point |
RPF RTM | reverse path forwarding RTM |
RPS | radio protection switching |
RPT | rendezvous-point tree |
RR | route reflector |
RRO | record route object |
RS-232 | Recommended Standard 232 (also known as EIA/TIA-232) |
RSA | Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (authors of the RSA encryption algorithm) |
RSHG | residential split horizon group |
RSTP | rapid spanning tree protocol |
RSVP-TE | resource reservation protocol - traffic engineering |
RT | receive/transmit |
RTC | route target constraint |
RTM | routing table manager |
RTN | battery return |
RTP | real-time protocol |
R&TTE | Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment |
RTU | remote terminal unit |
RU | rack unit |
r-VPLS | routed virtual private LAN service |
SA | security association source-active |
SAA | service assurance agent |
SAFI | subsequent address family identifier |
SAP | service access point |
SAToP | structure-agnostic TDM over packet |
SCADA | surveillance, control and data acquisition |
SC-APS | single-chassis automatic protection switching |
SCP | secure copy |
SCTP | Stream Control Transmission Protocol |
SD | signal degrade space diversity |
SDH | synchronous digital hierarchy |
SDI | serial data interface |
SDN | software defined network |
SDP | service destination point |
SE | shared explicit |
SeGW | secure gateway |
SES | severely errored seconds |
SETS | synchronous equipment timing source |
SF | signal fail |
SFP | small form-factor pluggable (transceiver) |
SFTP | SSH file transfer protocol |
(S,G) | (source, group) |
SGT | self-generated traffic |
SHA-1 | secure hash algorithm |
SHG | split horizon group |
SIR | sustained information rate |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SLARP | serial line address resolution protocol |
SLID | subscriber location identifier of a GPON module |
SLM | synthetic loss measurement |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
SNPA | subnetwork point of attachment |
SNR | signal to noise ratio |
SNTP | simple network time protocol |
SONET | synchronous optical networking |
S-PE | switching provider edge router |
SPF | shortest path first |
SPI | security parameter index |
S-PMSI | selective PMSI |
SPT | shortest path tree |
SR | service router (7750 SR) segment routing |
SRLG | shared risk link group |
SRP | stateful request parameter |
SRRP | subscriber routed redundancy protocol |
SR-ISIS | segment routing IS-IS |
SR-OSPF | segment routing OSPF |
SR-TE | segment routing traffic engineering |
SSH | secure shell |
SSM | source-specific multicast synchronization status messaging |
SSU | system synchronization unit |
S-TAG | service VLAN tag |
STM | synchronous transport module |
STM1 | synchronous transport module, level 1 |
STP | spanning tree protocol |
STS | synchronous transport signal |
SVC | switched virtual circuit |
SVEC | synchronization vector |
SYN | synchronize |
TACACS+ | Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus |
TC | traffic class (formerly known as EXP bits) |
TCP | transmission control protocol |
TDA | transmit diversity antenna |
TDEV | time deviation |
TDM | time division multiplexing |
TE | traffic engineering |
TEDB | traffic engineering database |
TEID | tunnel endpoint identifier |
TEP | tunnel endpoint |
TFTP | trivial file transfer protocol |
T-LDP | targeted LDP |
TLS | transport layer security |
TLV | type length value |
TM | traffic management |
ToD | time of day |
ToS | type of service |
T-PE | terminating provider edge router |
TPID | tag protocol identifier |
TPIF | IEEE C37.94 teleprotection interface |
TPMR | two-port MAC relay |
TPS | transmission protection switching |
TSoP | Transparent SDH/SONET over Packet |
TTL | time to live |
TTLS | tunneled transport layer security |
TTM | tunnel table manager |
TU | tributary unit |
TUG | tributary unit group |
TWAMP | two-way active measurement protocol |
U-APS | unidirectional automatic protection switching |
UAS | unavailable seconds |
UBR | unspecified bit rate |
UDP | user datagram protocol |
UFD | unidirectional forwarding detection |
UMH | upstream multicast hop |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (3G) |
UNI | user-to-network interface |
uRPF | unicast reverse path forwarding |
V.11 | ITU-T V-series Recommendation 11 |
V.24 | ITU-T V-series Recommendation 24 |
V.35 | ITU-T V-series Recommendation 35 |
VC | virtual circuit |
VCB | voice conference bridge |
VCC | virtual channel connection |
VCCV | virtual circuit connectivity verification |
VCI | virtual circuit identifier |
VLAN | virtual LAN |
VLL | virtual leased line |
VM | virtual machine |
VoIP | voice over IP |
Vp | peak voltage |
VP | virtual path |
VPC | virtual path connection |
VPI | virtual path identifier |
VPLS | virtual private LAN service |
VPN | virtual private network |
VPRN | virtual private routed network |
VRF | virtual routing and forwarding table |
VRRP | virtual router redundancy protocol |
VSE | vendor-specific extension |
VSI | virtual switch instance |
VSO | vendor-specific option |
VT | virtual trunk virtual tributary |
VTG | virtual tributary group |
Wavence | formerly 9500 MPR (Microwave Packet Radio) |
WCDMA | wideband code division multiple access (transmission protocol used in UMTS networks) |
WRED | weighted random early discard |
WTR | wait to restore |
X.21 | ITU-T X-series Recommendation 21 |
XOR | exclusive-OR |
XRO | exclude route object |