3.6. Configuring Security with CLI

This section provides information to configure security using the command line interface. Topics in this section include:

3.7. Setting Up Security Attributes

Table 4 depicts the capabilities of authentication, authorization, and accounting configurations. For example, authentication can be enabled locally and on RADIUS and TACACS+ servers. Authorization can be executed locally, on a RADIUS server, or on a TACACS+ server. Accounting can be performed on a RADIUS or TACACS+ server.

Table 4:  Security Configuration Requirements 








Local and RADIUS



Local and TACACS+


3.7.1. Configuring Authentication

Refer to the following sections to configure authentication:

  1. Local authentication
  2. RADIUS authentication (with local authorization)
    By default, authentication is enabled locally. Perform the following tasks to configure security on each participating 7705 SAR router:
  3. RADIUS authentication (with RADIUS authorization)
    To implement RADIUS authentication with authorization, perform the following tasks on each participating 7705 SAR router:
  4. TACACS+ authentication
    To implement TACACS+ authentication, perform the following tasks on each participating 7705 SAR router:

3.7.2. Configuring Authorization

Refer to the following sections to configure authorization:

  1. Local authorization
    For local authorization, configure these tasks on each participating 7705 SAR router:
  2. RADIUS authorization with authentication
    For RADIUS authorization with authentication, configure these tasks on each participating 7705 SAR router:
    1. For RADIUS authorization, VSAs must be configured on the RADIUS server. See Vendor-Specific Attributes (VSAs).
  3. TACACS+ authorization (only)
    For TACACS+ authorization without authentication, configure these tasks on each participating 7705 SAR router:
  4. TACACS+ authorization
    For TACACS+ authorization with authentication, configure these tasks on each participating 7705 SAR router:

3.7.3. Configuring Accounting

Refer to the following sections to configure accounting.

  1. Local accounting is not implemented. For information about configuring accounting policies, refer to Configuring Logging with CLI.

3.8. Security Configurations

This section provides information on configuring security and examples of configuration tasks.

To implement security features, configure the following components:

  1. management access filters
  2. CPM (CSM) filters
  3. profiles
  4. user access parameters
  5. password management parameters
  6. RADIUS and/or TACACS+
    1. enable one to five RADIUS and/or TACACS+ servers
    2. configure RADIUS and/or TACACS+ parameters

The following example displays default values for security parameters.

ALU-1>config>system>security# info detail
        default-action permit
            entry 1
                 action permit
                 src-ip 10.10.10.xx/32
            entry 2
                 action permit
                 src-ip 10.10.0.xx/32
            entry 2 create
                 action drop
  profile "default"
        default-action none
        entry 10
            no description
            match "exec"
            action permit
        entry 70
            no description
            match "show"
            action permit
  profile "administrative"
        default-action permit-all
        entry 10
            no description
            match "configure system security"
            action permit
        authentication-order radius tacplus local
        no aging
        minimum-length 6
        attempts 3 time 5 lockout 10
  user "admin"
        password "$2y$10$TQrZlpBDra86.qoexZUzQeBXDY1FcdDhGWdD9lLxMuFyPVSm0OGy6"
        access console
  no home-directory
  no restricted-to-home
            no login-exec
            no cannot-change-password
            no new-password-at-login
            member "administrative"
        view iso subtree 1
            mask ff type included
access group snmp-ro security-model snmpv1 security-level no-auth-no-
privacy read no-security notify no-security
access group snmp-ro security-model snmpv2c security-level no-auth-no-
privacy read no-security notify no-security
access group snmp-rw security-model snmpv1 security-level no-auth-no-
privacy read no-security write no-security notify no-security
access group snmp-rw security-model snmpv2c security-level no-auth-no-
privacy read no-security write no-security notify no-security
access group snmp-rwa security-model snmpv1 security-level no-auth-no-
privacy read iso write iso notify iso
access group snmp-rwa security-model snmpv2c security-level no auth-no-
privacy read iso write iso notify iso
access group snmp-trap security-model snmpv1 security-level no-auth-no-
privacy notify iso
access group snmp-trap security-model snmpv2c security-level no-auth-no-
privacy notify iso
access group cli-readonly security-model snmpv2c security-level
no-auth-no-privacy read iso notify iso
access group cli-readwrite security-model snmpv2c security-level
no-auth-no-privacy read iso write iso notify iso
       attempts 20 time 5 lockout 10
    no ssh

3.9. Security Configuration Procedures

3.9.1. Configuring IPv4 or IPv6 Management Access Filters

Creating and implementing management access filters is optional. Management access filters control all traffic going in to the CSM, including all routing protocols. They apply to packets from all ports. The filters can be used to restrict management of the 7705 SAR router by other nodes outside either specific (sub)networks or through designated ports. By default, there are no filters associated with security options. The management access filter and entries must be explicitly created on each router.

Management access filters apply to the management Ethernet port, which supports both IPv4 and IPv6 filters.

The 7705 SAR exits the filter when the first match is found and executes the actions according to the specified action. For this reason, entries must be sequenced correctly from most to least explicit.

An entry may not have any match criteria defined (in which case, everything matches) but must have at least the keyword action to be considered complete. Entries without the action keyword are considered incomplete and will be rendered inactive.

Use the following CLI commands to configure an IPv4 management access filter.

CLI Syntax:
default-action {permit | deny | deny-host-unreachable}
entry entry-id
action {permit | deny | deny-host-unreachable}
description description-string
dst-port port [mask]
protocol protocol-id
router router-instance
src-ip {ip-prefix[/mask][netmask] | ip-prefix-list ip-prefix-list-name}
src-port {port-id | cpm}
renum old-entry-number new-entry-number
no shutdown

Use the following CLI commands to configure an IPv6 management access filter.

CLI Syntax:
default-action {permit | deny | deny-host-unreachable}
entry entry-id
action {permit | deny | deny-host-unreachable}
description description-string
dst-port port [mask]
flow-label value
next-header next-header
router router-instance
src-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length | ipv6-prefix-list ipv6-prefix-list-name}
src-port {port-id | cpm}
renum old-entry-number new-entry-number
no shutdown

The following example displays an IPv4 management access filter configuration. This example only accepts packets matching the criteria specified in entries 1 and 2. Non-matching packets are denied.

config>system>security# management-access-filter
config>system>security>mgmt-access-filter# ip-filter default-action deny
config>system>security>mgmt-access-filter# ip-filter entry 1
config>system>security>mgmt-access-filter>ip-filter>entry# src-ip
config>system>security>mgmt-access-filter>ip-filter>entry# action permit
config>system>security>mgmt-access-filter>ip-filter>entry# exit
config>system>security>mgmt-access-filter# entry 2
config>system>security>mgmt-access-filter>ip-filter>entry# src-ip
config>system>security>mgmt-access-filter>ip-filter>entry# action permit
config>system>security>mgmt-access-filter>ip-filter>entry# exit

The following example displays the management access filter configuration.

ALU-1>config>system>security# info
                default-action deny
                entry 1
                    action permit
                entry 2
                    action permit

If configuring management access filters via a Telnet session, ensure that data from the host IP address is permitted before setting the default action to deny; otherwise, the session will be dropped. To do this, set the default action to permit, configure an entry with the src-ip address of the host as a permitted match criterion, then set the default action back to deny. Alternatively, use a direct console connection to the node for configuration; in this case, the order of filter configuration does not matter.

3.9.2. Configuring IPv4 or IPv6 CPM (CSM) Filters

CPM filters control all traffic going in to the CSM, including all routing protocols. They apply to packets from all network and access ports, but not to packets from a management Ethernet port. CPM packet filtering is performed by network processor hardware using no resources on the main CPUs.

Use the following CLI commands to configure an IPv4 CPM filter.

CLI Syntax:
default-action {accept | drop}
entry entry-id [create]
action {accept | drop}
description description-string
log log-id
match [protocol protocol-id]
dscp dscp-name
dst-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address ipv4-address-mask | ip-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
dst-port [tcp/udp port-number] [mask]
fragment {true | false}
icmp-code icmp-code
icmp-type icmp-type
ip-option ip-option-value [ip-option-mask]
multiple-option {true | false}
option-present {true | false}
src-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address ipv4-address-mask | ip-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
src-port src-port-number [mask]
tcp-ack {true | false}
tcp-syn {true | false}
   renum old-entry-id new-entry-id

Use the following CLI commands to configure an IPv6 CPM filter.

CLI Syntax:
default-action {accept | drop}
entry entry-id [create]
action {accept | drop}
description description-string
log log-id
match [next-header next-header]
dscp dscp-name
dst-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length | ipv6-prefix-list ipv6-prefix-list-name}
dst-port [tcp/udp port-number] [mask]
icmp-code icmp-code
icmp-type icmp-type
src-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length | ipv6-prefix-list ipv6-prefix-list-name}
src-port src-port-number [mask]
tcp-ack {true | false}
tcp-syn {true | false}
    renum old-entry-id new-entry-id

The following displays an IPv4 CPM filter configuration example:

A:ALU-49>config>sys>sec>cpm>ip-filter# info
                    entry 10 create
                        action drop
                        description "CPM-Filter #101"
                        log 101
                    entry 20 create
                        no action
                        description "CPM-Filter #201"
                        log 101
                    no shutdown

3.9.3. Configuring Password Management Parameters

Configuring password management parameters consists of defining aging, the authentication order and authentication methods, password length and complexity, as well as the number of attempts a user can make to enter a password.

Depending on the authentication requirements, password parameters are configured locally or on the RADIUS or TACACS+ server.

Use the following CLI commands to configure password support:

CLI Syntax:
admin-password password [hash | hash2]
aging days
attempts count [time minutes1] [lockout minutes2]
authentication-order [method-1] [method-2] [method-3] [exit-on-reject]
complexity [numeric] [special-character] [mixed-case]
minimum-length value

The following displays an example of the password command usage.

security>password# aging 365
security>password# minimum-length 8
security>password# attempts 5 time 5 lockout 20
security>password# authentication-order radius tacplus

The following example displays the password configuration:

ALU-1>config>system>security# info
    authentication-order radius tacplus local
        aging 365
        minimum-length 8
        attempts 5 time 5 lockout 20

3.9.4. IPSec Certificate Parameters

The following is an example of importing a certificate from a pem format:

*A:ALU-A# admin certificate import type cert input cf3:/pre-import/
R10cert.pem output R1-0cert.der format pem

The following is an example of exporting a certificate to a pem format:

*A:ALU-A#  admin certificate export type cert input R1-0cert.der output cf3:/
R10cert.pem format pem

The following example displays a profile output:

*A:ALU-A>config>system>security>pki# info
            ca-profile "Root" create
                description "Root CA"
                cert-file "R1-0cert.der"
                crl-file "R1-0crl.der"
                no shutdown

The following example displays an ike-policy with cert-auth output:

*A:ALU-A>config>ipsec>ike-policy# info
            auth-method cert-auth
            own-auth-method psk      

The following example displays a static LAN-to-LAN configuration using cert-auth:

         interface "VPRN1" tunnel create
             sap tunnel-1.private:1 create
                  ipsec-tunnel "Sanity-1" create
                      security-policy 1
                      local-gateway-address peer delivery-
                       service 300
                         ike-policy 1
                         pre-shared-key "Sanity-1"
                         transform 1
                           trust-anchor-profile "trustAnchorProfile_1"
                           cert-profile "certProfile_4"
                  no shutdown

3.9.5. Configuring Profiles

Profiles are used to deny or permit access to a hierarchical branch or specific commands. Profiles are referenced in a user configuration. A maximum of 16 user profiles can be defined. A user can participate in up to 16 profiles. Depending on the authorization requirements, passwords are configured locally or on the RADIUS server.

Use the following CLI commands to configure user profiles:

CLI Syntax:
profile user-profile-name
default-action {deny-all | permit-all | none}
renum old-entry-number new-entry-number
entry entry-id
description description-string
match command-string
action {permit | deny}

The following displays an example of the user profile command usage.

config>system>security# profile ghost
config>system>security>profile$ default-action permit-all
config>system>security>profile# entry 1
config>system>security>profile>entry$ action permit
config>system>security>profile>entry# match "configure"
config>system>security>profile>entry# exit
config>system>security>profile# entry 2
config>system>security>profile>entry$ match "show"
config>system>security>profile>entry# exit
config>system>security>profile# entry 3
config>system>security>profile>entry$ match "exit"

The following example displays the user profile output:

ALU-1>config>system>security# info
            profile "ghost"
                default-action permit-all
                entry 1
                    match "configure"
                    action permit
                entry 2
                    match "show"
                entry 3
                    match "exit"

3.9.6. Configuring Users

Access parameters are configured for individual users. For each user, the login name and, optionally, information that identifies the user is defined. Use the following CLI syntax to configure access parameters for users. The snmp authentication des-key keyword is not available if the 7705 SAR node is running in FIPS-140-2 mode).

CLI Syntax:
user-template template-name
user user-name
access [ftp] [snmp] [console]
login-exec url-prefix:source-url
member user-profile-name [user-profile-name...(up to 8 max)]
home-directory url-prefix [directory] [directory/directory ..]
password [password]
authentication {[none] | [[hash] {md5 key-1 | sha key-1} privacy {none | des-key key-2 | aes-128-cfb-key key-2}]}
group group-name

The following displays an example of the command usage.

config>system>security# user 49ers
config>system>security>user$ access ftp snmp console
config>system>security>user$ console
config>system>security>user>console# member default ghost
config>system>security>user>console# new-password-at-login
config>system>security>user>console# exit
config>system>security>user# password testuser1
config>system>security>user# restricted-to-home
config>system>security>user# exit

The following example displays the user configuration:

ALU-1>config>system>security# info
            user "49ers"
                password "$2y$10$siOU8NvWRzFFtJjO5wA1I.7mr.57emDXUC14p6EZtO.pmr0aqLW
                access console ftp snmp
                    member "default"
                    member "ghost"

3.9.7. Copying and Overwriting Users and Profiles

You can copy a profile or user or overwrite an existing profile or user. The overwrite option must be specified; otherwise, an error occurs if the destination profile or user name already exists. Copying a User

CLI Syntax:
config>system>security# copy {user source-user | profile source-profile} to destination [overwrite]
config>system>security# copy user "testuser" to
MINOR: CLI User "testuserA" already exists - use overwrite flag.
config>system>security# copy user "testuser" to "testuserA" overwrite

The following output displays the copied user configurations:

ALU-12>config>system>security# info
            user "testuser"
                password "$2y$10$siOU8NvWRzFFtJjO5wA1I.7mr.57emDXUC14p6EZtO.pmr0aqL 
                access snmp
                    authentication hash md5 e14672e71d3e96e7a1e19472527ee969 privacy
                    group "testgroup"
            user "testuserA"
                password "$2y$10$siOU8NvWRzFFtJjO5wA1I.7mr.57emDXUC14p6EZtO.pmr0aqLW
                access snmp
                    authentication hash md5 e14672e71d3e96e7a1e19472527ee969 privacy
                    group "testgroup"
ALU-12>config>system>security# info

The cannot-change-password flag is not replicated when a copy user command is performed. A new-password-at-login flag is created instead.

ALU-12>config>system>security>user# info
    password "$2y$10$siOU8NvWRzFFtJjO5wA1I.7mr.57emDXUC14p6EZtO.pmr0aqLWSa"
    access snmp
        authentication hash md5 e14672e71d3e96e7a1e19472527ee969 privacy none
        group "testgroup"
ALU-12>config>system>security>user# exit
ALU-12>config>system>security# user testuserA
ALU-12>config>system>security>user# info
    password "$2y$10$siOU8NvWRzFFtJjO5wA1I.7mr.57emDXUC14p6EZtO.pmr0aqLWSa"
    access snmp
        authentication hash md5 e14672e71d3e96e7a1e19472527ee969 privacy none
        group "testgroup"
ALU-12>config>system>security>user# Copying a Profile

CLI Syntax:
config>system>security# copy {user source-user | profile source-profile} to destination [overwrite]
config>system>security# copy profile default to testuser

The following output displays the copied profiles:

A:ALU-49>config>system>security# info
A:ALU-49>config>system>security# info detail
            profile "default"
                default-action none
                entry 10
                    no description
                    match "exec"
                    action permit
                entry 20
                    no description
                    match "exit"
                    action permit
                entry 30
                    no description
                    match "help"
                    action permit
                entry 40
                    no description
                    match "logout"
                    action permit
                entry 50
                    no description
                    match "password"
                    action permit
                entry 60
                    no description
                    match "show config"
                    action deny
                entry 70
                    no description
                    match "show"
                    action permit
                entry 80
                    no description
                    match "enable-admin"
                    action permit
            profile "testuser"
                default-action none
                entry 10
                    no description
                    match "exec"
                    action permit
                entry 20
                    no description
                    match "exit"
                    action permit
                entry 30
                    no description
                    match "help"
                    action permit
                entry 40
                    no description
                    match "logout"
                    action permit
                entry 50
                    no description
                    match "password"
                    action permit
                entry 60
                    no description
                    match "show config"
                    action deny
                entry 70
                    no description
                    match "show"
                    action permit
                entry 80
                    no description
                    match "enable-admin"
                    action permit
            profile "administrative"
                default-action permit-all exit

3.9.8. Configuring SSH

Use the ssh command to configure the SSH server as SSH1, SSH2 or both. The default is SSH2. This command should only be enabled or disabled when the SSH server is disabled. This setting cannot be changed while the SSH server is running.

CLI Syntax:
no server-shutdown
version ssh-version
config>system>security# ssh
config>system>security>ssh# preserve-key
config>system>security>ssh# version 1-2

The following example displays the SSH server configuration as both SSH1 and SSH2 using a host-key:

A:ALU-1>config>system>security>ssh# info
                version 1-2

3.9.9. Configuring SSH Cipher Lists

Use the ssh command to configure SSH1 or SSH2 cipher lists. Client cipher lists are used if the 7705 SAR is acting as an SSH client, and server cipher lists are used if the 7705 SAR is acting as an SSH server.


If a 7705 SAR node is running in FIPS-140-2 mode:

  1. SSH1 is not supported
  2. for SSH2, the following ciphers are not available: blowfish-cbc, cast128-cbc, arcfour, and rijndael-cbc
CLI Syntax:
client-cipher-list protocol-version version
cipher index name cipher-name
server-cipher-list protocol-version version
cipher index name cipher-name
config>system>security# ssh
config>system>security>ssh# client-cipher-list protocol-version 1
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 10 name 3des
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 20 name blowfish
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 30 name des
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# exit
config>system>security>ssh# client-cipher-list protocol-version 2
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 2 name aes256-ctr
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 4 name aes128-ctr
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 6 name aes256-ctr
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 10 name aes128-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 20 name 3des-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 30 name blowfish-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 40 name cast128-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 50 name arcfour
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 60 name aes192-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 70 name aes256-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# cipher 80 name rijndael-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>client-cipher# exit
config>system>security>ssh# server-cipher-list protocol-version 1
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 10 name 3des
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 20 name blowfish
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# exit
config>system>security>ssh# server-cipher-list protocol-version 2
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 2 name aes256-ctr
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 4 name aes192-ctr
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 6 name aes128-ctr
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 10 name aes128-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 20 name 3des-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 30 name blowfish-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 40 name cast128-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 50 name arcfour
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 60 name aes192-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 70 name aes256-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# cipher 80 name rijndael-cbc
config>system>security>ssh>server-cipher# exit
config>system>security>ssh# exit

The following example displays both SSH1 and SSH2 client and server cipher list configurations:

A:Sar8 Dut-A>config>system>security>ssh# info detail
                client-cipher-list protocol-version 1
                    cipher 10 name 3des
                    cipher 20 name blowfish
                    cipher 30 name des
                client-cipher-list protocol-version 2
                    cipher 2 name aes256-ctr
                    cipher 4 name aes192-ctr
                    cipher 6 name aes128-ctr
                    cipher 10 name aes128-cbc
                    cipher 20 name 3des-cbc
                    cipher 30 name blowfish-cbc
                    cipher 40 name cast128-cbc
                    cipher 50 name arcfour
                    cipher 60 name aes192-cbc
                    cipher 70 name aes256-cbc
                    cipher 80 name rijndael-cbc
                server-cipher-list protocol-version 1
                    cipher 10 name 3des
                    cipher 20 name blowfish
                server-cipher-list protocol-version 2
                    cipher 2 name aes256-ctr
                    cipher 4 name aes192-ctr
                    cipher 6 name aes128-ctr
                    cipher 10 name aes128-cbc
                    cipher 20 name 3des-cbc
                    cipher 30 name blowfish-cbc
                    cipher 40 name cast128-cbc
                    cipher 50 name arcfour
                    cipher 60 name aes192-cbc
                    cipher 70 name aes256-cbc
                    cipher 80 name rijndael-cbc
*A:Sar8 Dut-A>config>system>security>ssh#

3.9.10. Configuring SSH KEX Algorithm Lists

Use the ssh command to configure SSH2 client and server KEX algorithm lists. Client KEX algorithm lists are used if the 7705 SAR is acting as an SSH client, and server KEX algorithm lists are used if the 7705 SAR is acting as an SSH server.


If a 7705 SAR node is running in FIPS-140-2 mode:

  1. SSH1 is not supported
  2. for SSH2, the following KEX algorithm is not available: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
CLI Syntax:
kex index name kex-name
kex index name kex-name
config>system>security# ssh
config>system>security>ssh# client-kex-list
config>system>security>ssh>client-kex# kex 200 name diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
config>system>security>ssh>client-kex# kex 210 name diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
config>system>security>ssh>client-kex# kex 215 name diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
config>system>security>ssh>client-kex# kex 220 name diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
config>system>security>ssh>client-kex# kex 225 name diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
config>system>security>ssh>client-kex# exit
config>system>security>ssh# server-kex-list
config>system>security>ssh>server-kex# kex 200 name diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
config>system>security>ssh>server-kex# kex 210 name diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
config>system>security>ssh>server-kex# exit
config>system>security>ssh# exit

The following example displays SSH2 client and server KEX list configurations:

A:Sar8 Dut-A>config>system>security>ssh# info detail
                    kex 200 name diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
                    kex 210 name diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
                    kex 215 name diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
                    kex 220 name diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
                    kex 225 name diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
                    kex 200 name diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
                    kex 210 name diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
                    kex 215 name diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
                    kex 220 name diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
                    kex 225 name diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
*A:Sar8 Dut-A>config>system>security>ssh#

3.9.11. Configuring SSH MAC Algorithm Lists

Use the ssh command to configure SSH2 client and server MAC algorithm lists. Client MAC algorithm lists are used if the 7705 SAR is acting as an SSH client, and server MAC algorithm lists are used if the 7705 SAR is acting as an SSH server.


If a 7705 SAR node is running in FIPS-140-2 mode:

  1. SSH1 is not supported
  2. for SSH2, the following MAC algorithms are not available: hmac-sha1-96, hmac-md5, hmac-ripemd160, hmac-ripemd160-openssh-com, and hmac-mda5-96
CLI Syntax:
mac index name mac-name
mac index name mac-name
config>system>security# ssh
config>system>security>ssh# client-mac-list
config>system>security>ssh>client-mac# mac 200 name hmac-sha2-512
config>system>security>ssh>client-mac# mac 210 name hmac-sha2-256
config>system>security>ssh>client-mac# mac 215 name hmac-sha1
config>system>security>ssh>client-mac# mac 220 name hmac-sha1-96
config>system>security>ssh>client-mac# mac 225 name hmac-md5
config>system>security>ssh>client-mac# mac 230 name hmac-ripemd160
config>system>security>ssh>client-mac# mac 235 name hmac-ripemd160-openssh-com
config>system>security>ssh>client-mac# mac 240 name hmac-md5-96
config>system>security>ssh>client-mac# exit
config>system>security>ssh# server-mac-list
config>system>security>ssh>server-mac# mac 200 name hmac-sha2-512
config>system>security>ssh>server-mac# mac 210 name hmac-sha2-256
config>system>security>ssh>server-mac# exit
config>system>security>ssh# exit

The following example displays client and server MAC list configurations:

A:Sar8 Dut-A>config>system>security>ssh# info detail
                    mac 200 name hmac-sha2-512
                    mac 210 name hmac-sha2-256
                    mac 215 name hmac-sha1
                    mac 220 name hmac-sha1-96
                    mac 225 name hmac-md5
                    mac 230 name hmac-ripemd160
                    mac 235 name hmac-ripemd160-openssh-com
                    mac 240 name hmac-md5-96
                    mac 200 name hmac-sha2-512
                    mac 210 name hmac-sha2-256
                    mac 215 name hmac-sha1
                    mac 220 name hmac-sha1-96
                    mac 225 name hmac-md5
                    mac 230 name hmac-ripemd160
                    mac 235 name hmac-ripemd160-openssh-com
                    mac 240 name hmac-md5-96
*A:Sar8 Dut-A>config>system>security>ssh#

3.9.12. Configuring Login Controls

Use the login-control context to configure parameters for console, FTP, SSH, and Telnet sessions.

CLI Syntax:
inbound-max-sessions value
[no] disable-graceful-shutdown
inbound-max-sessions value
outbound-max-sessions value
ttl-security min-ttl-value
[no] enable-graceful-shutdown
inbound-max-sessions value
outbound-max-sessions value
ttl-security min-ttl-value
idle-timeout {minutes | disable}
pre-login-message login-text-string [name]
motd {url url-prefix:source-url | text motd-text-string}

The following example displays the login control configuration:

config>system>login-control# ftp inbound-max-sessions 5
config>system>login-control# ssh inbound-max-sessions 12
config>system>login-control# ssh outbound-max-sessions 8
config>system>login-control# ssh ttl-security 100
config>system>login-control# telnet enable-graceful-shutdown
config>system>login-control# telnet inbound-max-sessions 7
config>system>login-control# telnet outbound-max-sessions 2
config>system>login-control# idle-timeout 1440
config>system>login-control# pre-login-message "Property of Service Routing Inc. Unauthorized access prohibited."
config>system>login-control# motd text "Notice to all users: Software upgrade scheduled 3/2 1:00 AM"

The following example displays the login control configuration:

ALU-1>config>system# info
               inbound-max-sessions 5
               no disable-graceful-shutdown
               inbound-max-sessions 12
               outbound-max-sessions 8
               ttl-security  100
               inbound-max-sessions 7
               outbound-max-sessions 2
           idle-timeout 1440
message "Property of Service Routing Inc. Unauthorized access prohibited."
           motd text "Notice to all users: Software upgrade scheduled 3/2 1:00 AM"
     no exponential-backoff

3.9.13. RADIUS Configurations Configuring RADIUS Authentication

RADIUS is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled. The mandatory commands to enable RADIUS on the local router are radius and server server-index address ip-address secret key. The server command adds a RADIUS server and configures the RADIUS server’s IP address, index, and key values. The index determines the sequence in which the servers are queried for authentication requests.

Also, the system IP address must be configured in order for the RADIUS client to work. See “Configuring a System Interface” in the 7705 SAR Router Configuration Guide.

The other commands are optional.

On the local router, use the following CLI commands to configure RADIUS authentication:

CLI Syntax:
port port
retry count
server server-index address ip-address secret key [hash1 | hash2]
timeout seconds
no shutdown

The following example displays the CLI syntax usage:

security# radius
security# no shutdown
security>radius# server 1 address A:A:A:A:A:A:A:1 secret test11
security>radius# server 2 address secret test2
security>radius# server 3 address secret test3
security>radius# server 4 address secret test4
security>radius# retry 5
security>radius# timeout 5
config>system>security>radius# exit

The following example displays the RADIUS authentication configuration:

ALU-1>config>system>security# info
                retry 5
                timeout 5
                server 1 address A:A:A:A:A:A:A:1 secret "test1"
                server 2 address secret "test2"
                server 3 address secret "test3"
                server 4 address secret "test4"
ALU-1>config>system>security# Configuring RADIUS Authorization

In order for RADIUS authorization to function, RADIUS authentication must be enabled first. See Configuring RADIUS Authentication.

In addition to the local configuration requirements, VSAs must be configured on the RADIUS server. See Vendor-Specific Attributes (VSAs).

On the local router, use the following CLI commands to configure RADIUS authorization:

CLI Syntax:

The following example displays the CLI syntax usage:

config>system>security# radius
config>system>security>radius# authorization

The following example displays the RADIUS authorization configuration:

ALU-1>config>system>security# info
                retry 5
                timeout 5
                server 1 address secret "test1"
                server 2 address secret "test2"
                server 3 address secret "test3"
                server 4 address secret "test4"
---------------------------------------------- Configuring RADIUS Accounting

On the local router, use the following CLI commands to configure RADIUS accounting:

CLI Syntax:

The following example displays the CLI syntax usage:

config>system>security# radius
config>system>security>radius# accounting

The following example displays the RADIUS accounting configuration:

ALU-1>config>system>security# info
               retry 5
               timeout 5
               server 1 address secret "test1"
               server 2 address secret "test2"
               server 3 address secret "test3"
               server 4 address secret "test4"
ALU-1>config>system>security# Configuring 802.1x RADIUS Policies

Use the following CLI commands to configure generic authentication parameters for clients using 802.1x EAPOL. Additional parameters are configured on Ethernet ports. Refer to the 7705 SAR Interface Configuration Guide, “Configuration Command Reference”, for more information on configuring 802.1x parameters on Ethernet ports.

To configure generic parameters for 802.1x authentication, enter the following CLI syntax:

CLI Syntax:
radius-plcy name [create]
retry count
server server-index address ip-address secret key [hash | hash2] [auth-port auth-port] [acct-port acct-port] [type server-type]
no shutdown
source-address ip-address
timeout seconds
no shutdown

The following example displays the CLI syntax usage:

config>system>security# dot1x
config>system>security>dot1x# radius-plcy dot1x_plcy
config>system>security>dot1x>radius-plcy# server 1 address secret abc auth-port 65000
config>system>security>dot1x>radius-plcy# server 2 address secret xyz auth-port 862
config>system>security>dot1x>radius-plcy# source-address

The following example displays an 802.1x configuration:

*A:7705_custDoc>config>system>security>dot1x# info
       radius-plcy "dot1x_plcy" create
           server 1 address auth-port 65000 acct-
port 1813 secret "WDoQz6DJf4.0M5dlpwjHbk" hash2 type authorization
           server 2 address auth-port 862 acct-port 1813 secret
 "WDoQz6DJf4.j1WcCeHZwz." hash2 type authorization

3.9.14. TACACS+ Configurations Enabling TACACS+ Authentication

To use TACACS+ authentication on the router, configure one or more TACACS+ servers on the network.

Use the following CLI commands to configure TACACS+ authentication:

CLI Syntax:
server server-index address ip-address secret key [hash1 | hash2]
timeout seconds
no shutdown

The following example is configured in the config>system context:

security# tacplus
security>tacplus# server 1 address A:A:A:A:A:A:A:1 secret test1
security>tacplus# server 2 address secret test2
security>tacplus# server 3 address secret test3
security>tacplus# server 4 address secret test4
security>tacplus# server 5 address secret test5
config>system>security>tacplus# timeout 5
config>system>security>tacplus# no shutdown

The following example displays the TACACS+ authentication configuration:

ALU-1>config>system>security>tacplus# info
                timeout 5
                server 1 address A:A:A:A:A:A:A:1 secret "h6.TeL7YPohbmhlvz0gob."   
                server 2 address secret "h6.TeL7YPog7WbLsR3QRd." hash2
                server 3 address secret "h6.TeL7YPojGJqbYt85LVk" hash2
                server 4 address secret "h6.TeL7YPoiCfWKUFHARvk" hash2
                server 5 address secret "h6.TeL7YPojuCyTFvTNGBU" hash2 Configuring TACACS+ Authorization

In order for TACACS+ authorization to function, TACACS+ authentication must be enabled first. See Enabling TACACS+ Authentication.

On the local router, use the following CLI commands to configure TACACS+ authorization:

CLI Syntax:
no shutdown

The following example displays the CLI syntax usage:

config>system>security# tacplus
config>system>security>tacplus# authorization
config>system>security>tacplus# no shutdown

The following example displays the TACACS+ authorization configuration:

ALU-1>config>system>security>tacplus# info
                timeout 5
                server 1 address secret "h6.TeL7YPohbmhlvz0gob." hash2
                server 2 address secret "h6.TeL7YPog7WbLsR3QRd." hash2
                server 3 address secret "h6.TeL7YPojGJqbYt85LVk" hash2
                server 4 address secret "h6.TeL7YPoiCfWKUFHARvk" hash2
                server 5 address secret "h6.TeL7YPojuCyTFvTNGBU" hash2
ALU-1>config>system>security>tacplus# Configuring TACACS+ Accounting

On the local router, use the following CLI commands to configure TACACS+ accounting:

CLI Syntax:

The following example displays the CLI syntax usage:

config>system>security# tacplus
config>system>security>tacplus# accounting

The following example displays the TACACS+ accounting configuration:

ALU-1>config>system>security>tacplus# info
                timeout 5
                server 1 address secret "h6.TeL7YPohbmhlvz0gob." hash2
                server 2 address secret "h6.TeL7YPog7WbLsR3QRd." hash2
                server 3 address secret "h6.TeL7YPojGJqbYt85LVk" hash2
                server 4 address secret "h6.TeL7YPoiCfWKUFHARvk" hash2
                server 5 address secret "h6.TeL7YPojuCyTFvTNGBU" hash2

3.9.15. Configuring Keychains

The keychain mechanism allows for the creation of keys used to authenticate protocol communications. Each keychain entry defines the authentication attributes to be used in authenticating protocol messages from remote peers or neighbors; the keychain must include at least one key entry to be valid.

Each key within a keychain must include the following attributes for the authentication of protocol messages:

  1. key identifier
  2. authentication algorithm
  3. authentication key
  4. direction
  5. begin time

Optionally, each key can include an end time and tolerance.

Use the following CLI commands to configure a keychain:

CLI Syntax:
keychain name
description description-string
entry entry-id [key authentication-key | hash-key | hash2-key [hash | hash2] algorithm algorithm]
begin-time [date] [hours-minutes] [UTC]
tolerance {seconds | forever}
entry entry-id [key authentication-key | hash-key | hash2-key [hash | hash2] algorithm algorithm]
begin-time [date] [hours-minutes] [UTC]
tolerance {seconds | forever}
entry entry-id [key authentication-key | hash-key | hash2-key [hash | hash2] algorithm algorithm]
begin-time [date] [hours-minutes] [UTC]

The following example displays a keychain configuration:

A:ALU-1>config>system>security># info detail
            keychain "ospf-md5"
                description "MD5 keychain for OSPF interfaces"
                    send 254
                    receive 254
                        entry 0 key "VyScMGuUfEQw9vxb9YWEG8oEeyRxTrGC.aFwWKzlO1E
" hash2 algorithm message-digest
                            no shutdown
                            begin-time 2016/06/01 00:00:00 UTC
                            no option
                        entry 1 key "VyScMGuUfEQw9vxb9YWEG6rfIEGa/.sGbxt3BaeWYO.
" hash2 algorithm message-digest
                            no shutdown
                            begin-time 2016/06/09 00:00:00 UTC
                            no option
                            tolerance 600
                no shutdown
            keychain "rsvp-md5"
                description "MD5 keychain for RSVP interfaces"
                    send 254
                    receive 254
                            entry 0 key "f4L8216viTz8OMIKEcNfF/0BxU12MaZskrUHlTN
YMwY" hash2 algorithm message-digest
                                no shutdown
                                begin-time 2016/06/01 00:00:00 UTC
                            entry 1 key "f4L8216viTz8OMIKEcNfF0VmwDJEUYqX1ob50zL
E0HY" hash2 algorithm message-digest
                                no shutdown
                                begin-time 2016/06/09 00:00:00 UTC
                            entry 0 key "dE.xAjca3DLqssbdJ8zc8vblBwYsvFXL57dvJEu
RQHE" hash2 algorithm message-digest
                                no shutdown
                                begin-time 2016/06/01 00:00:00 UTC
                                tolerance 600
                            entry 1 key "dE.xAjca3DLqssbdJ8zc4ty4BxUSFV5xl9ejgfr
YHGG" hash2 algorithm message-digest
                                no shutdown
                                begin-time 2016/06/09 00:00:00 UTC
                                tolerance 600

In the above example, two separate keychains are created, “ospf-md5” and “rsvp-md5”, each with two possible keys.

For ospf-md5:

  1. entry 0 is valid starting at midnight (UTC) on 2016/06/01
  2. entry 1 will become valid at midnight (UTC) on 2016/06/09 and will replace entry 0
  3. there is an overlap (tolerance) period of 600 seconds in which packets with either key (entry 0 or entry 1) will be accepted

For rsvp-md5:

  1. for transmitted packets:
    1. send key entry 0 is valid starting at midnight (UTC) on 2016/06/01
    2. send key entry 1 will become valid at midnight (UTC) on 2016/06/09 and will replace entry 0
  2. for received packets:
    1. receive key entry 0 is valid starting at midnight (UTC) on 2016/06/01
    2. receive key entry 1 will become valid at midnight (UTC) on 2016/06/09 and will replace entry 0
    3. there is an overlap (tolerance) period of 600 seconds in which receive packets with either key (entry 0 or entry 1) will be accepted